BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionJohn DeweyKamenevLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMussoliniPopular FrontsProfinternRadekSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorking ClassZinoviev

SOCIALIST APPE FEBRUARY 24, 1940 APPEAL ON THE WAR IN FINLAND LABOR WITH WHITE SKIN CANNOT MARWTH BLACK An Exchange The Negro Question Why We Should Defend the Soviet Union With Lovestone On Finland Spanish ism HANDS OFF THE SOVIET UNION!
By ALBERT GOLDMAN touary Marxists, however, must, Union must be defended not only tion of the Soviet Union.
Revolutionary workers in an By JOHNSONS IIT carefully analyze all the factors against the imperialists but also. During the Civil War in Spain Imperialist country at war conOn the ground that their confessions were exIt would indeed be fortunate it, involved and decide what they are against the Stalinist bureaucracy. the Fourth International followed sider that the main enemy is at The Russian workers have two a tactic with reference to the home and carry on the struggle By FELIX MORROW torted by torture, the Supreme Court upheld once having arrived at the con fending and wow they should the petition of four young Negroes against senclusion that to defend the Soviet sciend it.
enemies, the imperialists with. Loyalist forces that the Russian against the ruling class regardIn the January 27 issue of the Socialist Appeal tence of death by the Supreme Court of Florida.
Union is the duty of every work. WHY WE IRRECONCILEABLY out, the bureaucracy within. Both workers should follow with refer less of the effect on the front we commented editorially on a speech by a Czar, In May 1933 an elderly white man was mur er, we could simply proceed to STRUGGLE AGAINST STALIN endanger the existence of the ence to Stalinism. The advanced Not so in the case of the Soviet ist officer advocating aid to Finland. He had said, dered in Pompano, Florida. Immediately the mursay to the Russian, the Finnish Our struggle against Stalin hos state which the Russian workers Spanish workers had the double Union, a workers state, based on der was discovered, between 25 and 40 Negroes and the workers of all other been motivated fundamentally on created by superhuman sacrifice. task of fighting against Franco nationalized property. There they in calling upon Czarist Russlans to fight against the Soviet Union: were arrested, among them the petitioners. From countries: do your utmost to see the ground that his ideas and The çucation arises: does the de and, at the same time, trying to must at all May 14 to May 20, the 25 to 40 Negro suspects to it that the Red Army is vic icies weaken the Soviet Union rense of the Soviet Union require mobilize the workers for the OV tory of the ima prevent a vic For twenty two years we have been waiting for this moment. Now there is a place where we were subjected to questioning and cross ques torious and to make Finland part and consequently the world rev. that during a war against impri erthrow of the Loyalist governtioning, resulting in the confessions of the four of the territory of the Soviet Union. The proposition can like alism the struggle against the ment. We stated that unless the REVOLUTIONARY POLICY workers suceeded in FOR THE FINNISH WORKERS can go back from.
accused. The evidence compels Justice Black to ion.
wise be put the other way around. bureaucracy should cease? And And our comment was: state that the prisoners at no time during the As simple as all that would be stain ideas and policies weak in the answer is a decisive No! kicking out the Stalinist backed week were permitted to see or confer with coun There in two sentences is the whole story of sel or a single friend or relative. When carried were still at the helm in the so quently the Soviet Union. The chance te overthrow the stafin attorious. We proved correct, but have always insisted that in any all the tear jerking money raising committees to singly from his cell and subjected to questioning viet Union. The problem, at pres two are inextricably bound to regime they should do so even at the time of struggle against war against the Soviet Union the aid poor little Finland against Russian imper.
When the Soviet Union is involved the fascists it would have been primary task of the workers outeach found himself a single prisoner, surrounded ent, alas, is not so simple. The gether in a fourth floor jail room by four to ten men, the ialism, from Hoover down to the wretched Lovemere fact that we have to discurs We fought against his destruc in a war. The Soviet Union will criminal for us to urge the work side of the Soviet Union is the County Sheriff, his deputies, a convict guard, and the question of whether or not to tion of the dentocratic rights of thereby be strengthened tremen ers not to fight the fascists be proletarian defend the Soviet Union is indic the Soviet workers, his policy of Lonely cause it was also necessary the method of detention, the best stoneites and Thomasicer other white officers and citizens of the communIn previous issues we had devoted a good many overthrow the Loyalist govern Union. And the Finnish workers ity. As an ex Ku Klux Klanner and a Southerner, ative of the tremendous change ferced collectivization, his foreign THE MAIN ENEMY IS ment. At that particular time the have that task now as they had thousands of words to painstaking analysis of Black understood well the significance of the that has taken place since the policy based on alliances with WORLD IMPERIALISM!
fourth floor. Negro knows that at any time in main task was to destroy fasc before the invasion by the Red the pro Finland line of Norman Thomas Socialist days of Lenin and Trotsky capitalist powers; we fought ag But it must be clearly under Arms Party and of the Lovestoneltes. Both these groups these proceedings he is liable to be thrown out The degeneration of the work ainst his theory of socialism stood at all times that the strughave carefully refrained from answering our case against the bureaucracy Revolutionary workers in a unof the window, after which his questioners would ers state under the Stalinist re in one country and against his gle To that extent the task of the against them.
unitedly swear that he had jumped.
gime makes the task of defend theory of destroying farcism by should be subordinated to the ion controlled reactionaries Finnish workers does not differ At long last, however, the Lovestone Workers The necessary confessions were obtained. Jus ing the Soviet Union far more fighting for bourgeois dernoera struggle against the imperialist understand very well that during in any way from the task contice Black quotes, They bring one of them at a complicated. At the same time cy: we fought against all of these enemy. The main enemy is im a strike the reactionary leader fronting the Polish workers in Age of February 17 replies. Its reply consists of a purported analysis of the editorial quoted above.
time backwards and forwards until they con that we are engaged in defending because they weakened the Soviet perialism and during a war be ship does not and cannot conduct 1920 when the Red Army under most effective fessed. They were tried and sentenced on no it against the capitalist army, In Union. These Stalinist policies tween the Soviet Union and im the It charges us with the construction of an amalstruggle Lenin and Trotsky invaded Pogam of labor and radical groups with the Russian other evidence than these confessions.
order to defend it more effective disoriented and confused the perialism it is absolutely impera against the bosses and they land. But only to that extent. In Here is a tale, one of ten thousand, of the or ly in the struggle against imperi workers within and without the tive for the workers to prevent would not hesitate to oust the 1920 the Polish workers did not monarchists, similar to the cheap and vicious alism it is necessary to struggle Soviet Union, thus weakening the a victory of imperialism. It would reactionary leadership even dur have to fear Soviet regime; ganized terror against Negroes, by citizens, Ku type of argumentation used for the last fourteen Klux Klannere, lynch mobs, judges, sherifts, poagainst the Stalinist bureaucracy. workers state.
be a tremendous victory for the ing a strike. But they also under. It was their regime as well as years by Stalin against the Trotskyites.
licemen, state governors, and Federal authorities, They who look for a simple so If there was anything further workers if they should succeed stand that during a strike the that of the Russian workers; they Is it? All that the editorial and all our articles by which the millions of Negroes are kept in lution can find it either in de needed to convince us that Stalin overthrowing the Stalinist bu main enemy is the boss and they could fight not only for the reveconomic and political subjection for the greater fending bourgeois Finland or in inism must be overthrown in or reaucracy but it would constitute concentrate their efforts to win olution in Poland but also for the on Finland, say is: those who support Finland against the Soviet Union are supporting an glory of capitalist profits and the maintenance of being indifferent to the victory of der to increase the strength of a disastrous defeat if the imperi the strike against the boss. In joining of Poland to the Soviet American democracy. Every year there are post of imperialism against a workers state. De either side. The Stalinists also the Soviet Union so that it could alists should destroy the bureau other words, they subordinate the Union. They did not have to make feat of the Red Army on the Finnish front would hundreds of similar cases, most of which do not have a simple solution: defend be more adequately defended, cracy, because the destruction of struggle against the reactionary a distinction between the Soviet be followed by an imperialist invasion to destroy reach the Supreme Court at all the Soviet Union by defending ev. Stalin adventure in Finland the bureaucracy by the imperial leadership to the struggle against Union and the Lenin Trotsky rethe workers state and restore capitalism. it. The boss.
Justice Black Prepares For War But in 1940, when it is Stalin They Argue Like Social Democrats Today, however, there is a war in Europe. In Red Army that is invading Finwhich the American capitalists are planning to land and not the army of Lenin The Workers Age is not yet quite as brazen as intervene. British and German imperialism are at and Trotsky, the advanced work the New Leader. But, at the risk of being accused each other throats for the redivision of the ers of Finland find their task far world, and American capitalism seeks to become of another amalgam, we must say that its case more complicated and difficult for supporting Finland against the Soviet Union the dominant world power. The American people NEGRO LEADER SPEAKS OUT AGAINST THE SOCIAL PATRIOTS than that of the Polish workers must be mobilized for war, and such is the bank is based on the same fundamental assumptions as in 1920. They are confronted by that of the New Leader. The latter declares it a ruptcy of the capitalist system, that in its mad By GEORGE PADMORE the possibility of being swallowed war between democracy and dictatorship, points pursuit of imperialist aims, has to fall back on the tattered, torn, and blood stained slogan of the (We reprint this article in policy is being reaped by Stalin Russian working class in blood in perialist conflict between the Al up by the stalinist regime and a8 proof to the house broken social democratic defense of democracy.
abridged form from the Febru today, precisely when the Soviet the attempt to regain what they iles and Germany, it would be can hardly look forward with en deputies, and minimizes the role of Mannerheim.
The Supreme Court therefore takes this case ary, 1910, Issue of Left. a Union stands most need of the lost in 1917.
that possibility. It is And what does the Workers Ago do? We quote: well to remind those workers who thusiasm as a platform from which to pontificate on the British discussion organ. sympathy and active support of FATE OF WORLD WORKERS have allowed themselves to be only a lesser evil in comparison Both the Daily Worker and Socialist Appeal evils of totalitarianism and the benefits of dem George Padmore, formerly the international working class INVOLVED IN THE USSR drawn into the anti Soviet camp with the evil of permitting. raise the menace of the White Guardist Manocracy. is exemplified in the Supreme Court of Chairman of the Negro Trade and the colonial peoples. Having Does anyone seriously believe out of disgust of the Communist imperialists, through the Finnish nerheim to gigantic and grotesque proportions, the United States. Justice Black has the impuUnion Committee of the Red been let down, the Popular Front that if the Seak of Mussolint their confidence, that they are de and thus prepare for the destruc with the same intent in view, to prove that Findence to make more than one reference to the International of Labor Unions ers that heterogeneous amalga adiershee Chamberlains and Dal Party unprincipled abuse of army, to defeat the Red Army land is a White Guard outpost for the destruction Fourteenth Amendment, which was thrown into (Profintern) and for many mation of middle class political and the Pope and their satellite, luding themselves if they think tion of the Soviet Union.
of the USSR. All those who dare to raise their the waste paper basket by many Southern states years prominently identified Philistines are today the most Mannerheim, had their own way that imperialist intervention in The revolutionary workers in voices for the defense of Finnish independence the day after it was passed and has remained with the Communist Interna vituperative and slanderous in they would be satisfied merely Russia will bring down the stal. Finland should be agitating for can then dubbed as agents of Baron Mannerthere since. He speaks of liberty loving people. tional, is now active in the Inpictures the Supreme Court as defender of the ternational African Service gression against poor little Fin sia and the liquidation of Stalin. would enable the bureaucrats to a Soviet Finland independent of the fact that out of 200 members of the Finnish rights of the poor, the ignorant, the numerically ism. This Unholy Alliance of ca present the issue to the Russian the Stalinist regime. In a strus parliament, the largest group, 85, are socialista, Bureau. land.
Woak, the friendless and the powerless, and con The Russo Finnish conflict SPECIAL DUTY OF pitalism and Jesuitism would masses as one of self defensegle between the army of a Soviet and that 143 rep cry of a White Guard Mancompletely destroy the Russian against a united world capitalist Finland and the army of Stalin ties. Otherwise, trasts the American way with the rack, the workers or peasants par thumbscrew, the wheel, solitary confinement, ternational working class move in this befogged situation it is working class movement. trade attempts torpetere Teatroom and we would do our utmost to help nerheim regime, would fall to the ground, and and the exalted power of some governments to without a Mannerheim bugaboo, the amalgam punish manufactured crime dictatorially. He to re evaluate their position clearly ahead. special duty, disaster of all, they would com opposition, along with the rest of would be worthless.
concludes on a high note: Under our constitu towards the Soviet Union. therefore, falls upon Revolution pletely liquidate the collective the peoples of the Soviet Union, THE RED ARMY VICTORY tional system, courts stand against any winds Today the potential danger og ary Socialists to clarify the prob ownership of the means of pro would be compelled to rally to the IS LESSER EVIL!
In passing, the Workers Age makes a little that blow as havens of refuge.
amalgam between the Socialist Appeal and the the Soviet Union is greater than the masses be able to see the sit, cal manipulatora te thenst have already stated, so long as vanced workers of Finland should tion of the Finnish parliament: we have not called October Revolution. For, as we But while the politically ad Daily Worker. We have pointed out the composlThe Negro People know Better! at any other time since 1928. uation in its true class perspec Wall Street, and the Bank of Some of the Scottsboro boys are still in jail. Stalin fundanteutal error of st lis is the logical outcome of tive.
France, who can visualise civili the ownership of land and the constantly keep the goal of an the bourgeois republic a White Guard regime. But Every year Negroes are lynched, not only those While rejecting the claim of zation only in terms all that is unimportant. What is most significant that are listed in the press tempting to build Socialism in the Stalinists that the irrevo dolars, and francs the swag con Soviet economy represents a his fore the eyes of the Finnish work in the Workers Age article is that this paper, of a the quiet, well organized doing away with Negroes who in one way a single country, at the expense cable victory of Socialism has fiscated from them by the Octo torical advance upon capitalist ers, they dare not be indifferent group which once called itself followers of Lenin, of the Revolution abroad. We re been achieved in the Soviet Un ber Revolution imperialism.
or another threaten white supremacy. In state to the actual struggle that is go. has degenerated to the point where (1) it does after state Negroes cannot vote. They are degret the Sovies attack upon in ion we nevertheless maintain Nor will these Saviours of ing on between the Red Army not recognize that Mannerheim, commander inAn interventionist war would and the Finnish capitalist army land and we must hold Staliu re that Russia is fundamentally a Christianity and Civilization fortify Stalin case for attacking representing chief of the armed forces of the Finnish bourprived of their social and political rights by brute sponsible for this major blow to workers State. Space prevents a stop here. In every country, yea, Finland and would raise him in world imperialism. Understandthe interests of geoisie, represents the class in power. 2) it can force. The decisions of all courts in their favor the prestige of international so full examination of this subject, even in democratic Britain the eyes of the Russian masses to ing what is at stake, the classadduce as a decisive counter weight to Mannerare ignored or flouted. They are constantly insult heim the fact that impotent and cowardly repreed, beaten up, terrorized. Their groans and pro sary for the Bruish working ciass indisputable fact that private into an undreamed of condition of would be his justification. Fur unhesitatingly choose tests, sometimes subdued, now flaring up as the sentatives of reformist parties sit in the bourto be on guard against being ownership in the means of pro slavery. In short, such a wave of thermore, such an imperialist ad evil of a victory of the Red Arthe lesser geois parliament. 3) it can deny that any bourpersecution becomes intolerable, are the permangeois country on the frontiers of the Soviet Unent accompaniment of American life. And yet this ex member of the Klan, with his eyes on his a war against tne Russiaa work banks, factories, etc. has been sweep over Europe as to make wenture would split the Labor my and continue the struggle for movement in every country.
ion must serve as a base for imperialist interveners and peasants under the hypo abolished. This fact alone puts Hitler Germany pale into insigan independent Soviet Finland tion. By the by, as it were, the Workers Age script and his mind on imperialist war, reads his plece about American courts being a haven of critical guise of defending peor the Soviet Union in a fundamen nificance.
But even before actual military against the Stalinist bureaucracy. throws overboard the Marxist theory of the state.
little Finland.
tally different category from cap Let us make no mistake about intervention takes place, Stalin Those who have been thrown refuge against winds that blow.
We must at underestimato italist imperialist nations. This it The destruction of Russia himself may very conceivably, as of their balance by the crime of They Once Called Themselves The press has taken its cue and has repeated in swelling chorus the theme of the distinguished spokesmen of Western imperial of production is the essential pre would give rise to such conditions in precautionary measure against Slalin in invading Finland will Leninists!
soloist. We are not as they. And if we, whose courts are a haven against all the winds that em on both sides of the Atlantic requisite for the transition of so might take der where that it the threat itself, be forced to en exclaim: what, you want the before the ter into more active military col Finnish workers to accept slavery ure declaring that the time has ciety from capitalism to Social working class could recover its laboration with Hitler. Such an under the Stalinist regime? No.
Now listen to this, from people who once called blow, are not as they, the dictatorships, shouldcome to liquidate the socialised ism Socialism to communism force once more.
open military alliance between we do not want that. If all the themselves adherents of Lenin theory of the t we be ready to die for these privileges? The economy of the Soviet Unior, and the fully classless society.
Russia and Germany would com Finnish workers would act as we progressive role of colonial wars against imperialfifteen million cheated Negroes, the millions of Moreover, the restoration of plicate even more an already ex would like them to, they would as a corollary of this, re estab this economic difference and its ist powers: unemployed and ther starving families, will know lish private ownership in the how to treat this impudent plece of war propa means of production.
our support. Our attitude, how. rew lease of life to a dying world leading only to tragie conse Finland and struggle for its in Nor is it ever explained (by the Trotskyists)
ganda, this blatant self justification, this stupid STALIN FOREIGN POLICY why if Mannerheim participation in the Finnish. defense. deprives the Finns of our sympathy, attempt to throw dust into the eyes of the Negro HELPS INTERVENTION economic and social inequalities necessary prerequisite to the re: working class. We are now pay bureaucracy, calling upon the people.
Intervention has always been and the absence of any really organization of society on col ing the price for Stalin disas Russian workers to join them.
the same is not true for China and Chiang KaiJustice Black has lifted the case of these un danger confronting the So genuine proletarian democracy in lectivist lines. It would be ironical trous policy of trying to construct But at present it is a question Chinese Nationalist government, are we therefore shek. Because Chiang Kai shek is head of the fortunate Negroes (for if there was any evidence viet Union and will continue to Russia. With all its limitations, for workers that when the sys socialism in a backward agrarian what the advanced workers to bless the Japanese invader and deny the against them it would have been heard) from its be so long ał ussia is surround however, the Soviet Union is tem which had reduced them to country without the support of should do before they get a maplace as one of a never ending list of tyranny and od by hostile capitalist Peweis. historically an advance upon the abject poverty and unemploy the proletarian revolution in the ority and while the struggle is Chinese masses our sympathy and support?
injustice into a plea for the support of American ment, and dragged them into industrialized West. He has land actually going on. Understanding But this potential danger has other great nations.
and its imperialistic adventures aboard. But the bloody warfare, is in its deathed not only the Soviet people but the historic importance of deThe only logic by which this extraordinary parnow become a reality, thanks to STALIN HAS TRADUCED tyranny and violence of three hundred years are throes, they should be instru the international working class fending what is left of the Octoagraph would make sense would be by the argunot pushed aside so easily. They will be pushed been forced upon him by the iso Heaven knows that Stalin and mental in pumping new life into into a tragie dilemma. Lenin pro ber Revolution, of defending na But we would defend China against Japan if Stalin foreign policy, which has THE IDEALS OF SOCIALISM ment that in all wars we oppose the invader.
aside not by rosy hued lies from a war monger lated position in which the Soviet nis satellites have not only made video capitaliste Recensioner och mphesied correctly when he wrote tionalized property, they will do loud speaker, but by the united voice of millions China were the initiator of hostilities. We, as of workers, black and white, shouting the slogans of socialism. They will be destroyed only when international working class. Hav. cialists we are justified in feeling perialisms with new markets, ad of Stalin that this cook will their utmost to preventy defeat of the Red Army at the hands of followers of Marx and Lenin, don choose sides ing abandoned the policy of that the ethical conceptions and ditional sources of raw material make too hot a stew.
the system which breeds them is destroyed. Our on the legalistic argument of who crossed whose World Revolution and dependence ideals for which we are striving and fresh fields for the investThere is only one way in which the Finnish capitalist army.
aim is the destruction not only of the naked dicfrom frontier line first, but we choose sides by a class tatorships abroad but of the thinly veiled dictional working class against the on the same standard 28 the ion, which covers sixth part of this dilemma. We must, while reTHE criterion: the workers against the bosses, worktatorships at home.
machinations of imperialist poll bourgeoisie the suppressors of the earth surface, would be reers state against capitalist state, oppressed colnilly, to seek new allies among minators of weaker peoples and tusta semi colony of Western entanglements with the imperial 125 83rd St. NYC, Rm. 201 ticians, Stalin was forced, willy the rights of nations, the exter: stored tsents Coromer Taavistes det er lure, dissociate ourselves from an MARXIST SCHOOL onial people panel defend these cast imperialist. Yes, one must Men Wanted in the Army elementary Marxist propositions toIn response to popular deThe one employer that still has plenty of Jobs ialist Powers whose foreign ori we must not allow our subjective Russian masses would be used as Soviet campaign. But most im mand, we are extending the day against the Lovestoneite ex Leninists.
is the Army. Uncensored for Jan. 27 gives lectures In the characteristic style of all the social demofficers: ocratic war mongers these days, the LovestoneKremlin.
countries servile and obedient. In atruggle home and Three more lectures will be Some of the sources for young men are: Appreciation of this fact is a algo. The slimy, treacherous short, Russia would be restored bonds of polidarity and underites conclude with a denunciation of our belief prerequisite to an understanding bourgeoiste always watches eag to her previous ignominious post. Standing with the working class. given Mondays 8:45 bethose unemployed; on relief; ex enlisted men.
ginning Feb. 26. The lectures that the end justifies the means. Yes, we recog.
and young men of military and adventurous disof the zigzag course of Soviet erly to exploit our class indignation of the Gendarme of Eures of all lands, who alone can set will consider Dialectical Ma nize no separation between ends and means.
position. One special recruiting appeal the Ar foreign policy in recent years. tion in its own interests, and to ope.
tle accounts with their own bour terialism and its Critics. The Neither does any naturalistic ethics which has now make to unemployed youth the Soviet got make us the working class and If the international working geoisie. This international strug criticisms of Hook, Eastman, chance to learn a trade.
entangled in its internal econom colonial peoples its instruments class, despite its differences with gle will offer the best example to broken with supernaturaliam. John Dewey the Staliniat bureaucracy, allows the Soviet masses, for it would etc. will be dealt with, as also How the little crocodile ic difficulties, the more lead in this exploitation the work of such modern lo crime to religionists is precisely that he estabImprove his shining tail, ers became involved in power pol Until the day Stalin restores to itself to be so short sighted as to remove the danger of interven giclans as Whitehead and Rus lishes that means have no meaning apart from And pour the waters of the Nile ities and were obliged to exploit the Russian and foreign capital become the shock troops of inter tion. With this fear removed the sell.
ends. But the Lovestoneites will scarcely trouble On every golden scale!
The instructors are ialists to the complete abandon them to set up in Moscow stock et adventure, it will deserve all would shake off their own bur WRIGHT and GEORGE NOV.
to find out what the concept really means. It How cheerfully he seems to grin, ment of the support of the world exchange and all the other para that history has in store for it, caucracy. Thus to day, more than ACK.
sounds like an epithet, thanks to religious propaHow neatly spreads his claws, proletariat and the colonial peo phernalia of finance capital, the RUSSIAN OPPOSITION MUST ever, the emancipation of the Admission; ganda, and so they hurl it at us. Who hurls It!
And welcomes little fishes in Western capitalists will never RALLY TO SOVIET DEFENSE working class remains the task of 500 for the Series The people who defended Stalin frameup trials With gently smiling Jawa!
The bitter consequence of this give up their plans to drown the Returning to the present im the workers alone.
25c for Single Lectures against Zinoviev, Kamenev, Radek and Piatakov!
this from a list of recruiting hints sent to Army cided with the peace aims of the dangers involved not only for the estanterie de este inte van lest rind same time intensify the class ENKRING DIALECTICAL the ples