CommunismDemocracyFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeSyndicalismURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

We propose that the regular 1940 session of the Congress of the United States shall enact emergency legislation to put into immediate effect the following: Appropriation of 10, 000, 000, 000 to provide, at once, jobs on housing and other public works projects for unemployed workers. Amendment of the Wages and Hours Act to provide throughout private industry and public works a maximum work week of 30 hours and a minimum weekly pay of 30 dollars. 30 dollar weekly old age and disability pensions. Appropriation of 3, 000, 000, 000 to guarantee either maintenance at school or jobs for all youth.
Socialist Appeal Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Vol. IV, No. NEW YORK, Y, FEBRUARY 24, 1940 FIVE (5) CENTS Milk and Honey?
Who Has All the SHIPS TO SAIL WAR ZONES UNDER FAKE FOREIGN REGISTRIES Powers Gird For Spring Crisis Business Still Going FDR CONNIVES IN LOOPHOLING NEUTRALITY ACT SWP CANDIDATE OF FRAMEUP ON BALLOT FOR ships will continue to use the Judge Issues Jim Crow Ruling AN EDITORIAL The 1938 income tax figures, just released by the government, constitute a grim commentary on the nature of American democracy.
Fifty five individuals had an income for the year of over a million dollars cach. The year income admitted to by those 55 people amounted to 107, 724, 000!
Chrysler Workers!
Another 115 individuals reported incomes of a bit less Just Figure Out What Down the Toboggan than a million dollars eachThese Figures Mean Where are those jobs that Still another 207 individuals reported incomes of between Altmark Affair Remember how Chrysler Extension Of Roosevelt promised in his bud 300, 000 and 500, 000.
mouthpieces cried, during the 54 Ushers In New Paris Trotskyists War Fronts get speech, as justification for slashing WPA So that 377 individuals had a year income amounting day strike, about how the corpoPhase Reported Seized Nears For the sixth consecutive week, the New York Times to something like THREE HUNDRED MILLION DOL ration just couldn afford to pay what the union was demanding?
By GEORGE STERN By French Police business index went down last LARS!
Well! Chrysler corporation has Sixteen Trotskylsts have ing Norway and Sweden to become belligerents. Germany sends Sunday. The drop for the week At the other end of the scale in this country are 76, 000. Just issued, as required by law, The Altmark incident was been arrested in the Paris disUnited States Lines forces to fight the Allies, probwas from 101. to 98.
000 people who, by officially admitted government figures, inde figures for its earnings for the first real harbinger of trict for anti militarist and ably on Swedish soil, in an effort New York banks, despairing Sells to Belgian are living below or barely on the level of subsistence. These In spite of the 54 day strike, Spring, the first critical Springcording to a wireless dispatch to protect its crucial Swedish of any more profitable invest Dummy Buyer ments, sunk another 18, 000, sources of iron ore and other consist of eight million families without any means of ex which took place in the crucial of the Second World War. in the New York Times, Feb.
Acting in concert with 000 into law yield government It came as a sharp warning 19.
istence. and eleven million families fighting poverty. liv last quarter of the year. Chrysler bonds.
Germany, the Soviet Union comSome of them, the dispatch With the connivance of feding on less than 1, 000 annual family income. 36, 879, 829 nearly twice as to all the neutrals. It means, pletes its conquest of Finland and Bethlehem Steel, showing eral authorities, the United states, were employed in the What democratic about such a set up? The haughtiest many millions as the company said the Paris newspaper In postal service, and all had sends the Red Army into Sweden.
that Steel has no immediate States Lines has finally put ov2. In Western Europe: Geruse for money for expansion princes, dukes and lords of the European kingdoms were made figure out how many un transigeant on Feb. 19, that formerly belonged to the ofti many begins offensive on the never so far above their serfs as America moneyed citi employed auto workers could neutrality as it has hitherto were arrested at their clan or operations, announced it er a scheme to continue to run Western front, across Holland would pay off an 18, 000, 000 its ships into the war zones, in zens are above the vast majority of the American people have been given full time jobs for been practised cannot last any destine headquarters.
and Belgium and or Switzerland.
violation of the explicit proviThis dispatch in the capital The war in the air begins.
All signs point to still fursions of the Neutrality Act.
More than half the nation is condemned to a starvation those milions of dollars, es: longer. In ist press is the only informaSoutheastern Europe: ther declines in the coming existence while a handful of bloated parasites wallow in tablishing the 30 hour week at Norway, caught fast beweeks.
40 hours pay!
tion we have on the arrests.
German Soviet pressure increases It has sold eight vessels riches undreamed of by the feudal aristocracy.
tween the two conflicting pow Communication with our on Rumania to assure the flow of to a recently formed BelRumanian oil and grain into GerYOU you who belong to the 76 millions who have ers, stands as a fateful symbol French comrades is slow and giant corporation, for which pitulate to avoid becoming a batthe United States Lines will atic persecution they are subyour lives, or the lives of your husbands, sons or brothers, to ope that are still trying to keepjected to by democratic tlefield. If it does not part of the act as American agent. The defend this kind of democracy?
their balance on the narrowing government of France.
Allied Near Eastern forces will be sent to its aid and an Allied The main enemy is at home! The enemy is the boss class zone still left for neutrals to fleet will steam through the Darthe who condemn us, so long as we let them, to this kind of tread.
sail the usual runs and, in short, le purpose of increasing the ef danelles to attack the Soviet continue business on the old basis, existence.
many, the Norwegians blinked facilitating direct intervention in the war on the side of the Allies but heading an independent er existed.
Judge Turns Books of Altmark, when it passed Ber tention of the British garderies is Hungary the Near and Maale their eyes to the fact that the whether this is actually the in bloc including Yugoslavia and Tried Twice Before Rutchick Files When The shipowners didn waste Local 544 Over to gen. was actually an, ausil telt: Lor it is now universally. East: Anied attack on the Soviet Employers Agents No Labor Candidate much ingenuity in working out this means to circumvent the iary warship and had some agreed that the Spring will wit Union begins through the Caus Is Nominated Neutrality Act. It the same MINNEAPOLIS, Feb.
300 British prisoners aboard. ness some new major turn in the casus and possibly from Iran and 15 scheme that the United States Now that its fight against the The British then deliberately war, the extension of the war Afganistan. Main objective: CauST. PAUL, Minn Henry Rut to put over.
Lines tried twice before but failed restaurant owner doesn have to serve Negroes if they are federal government WPA trials ordered its warship to violate offensive on one sector or another Far East: The keeps its chick will be the Socialist Worksitting with white friends that the Hitlerite ruling handed down sover, Minneapolis labor is turn. Norway neutral waters and in a first real test of the strength embargo club poised over Japan ers Party candidate for mayor sage of the Neutrality Act, unThe first time, just after paslast week by Judge Marks of Municipal Court, Manhattan. ing attention to what may be to rescue the prisoners of the opposing forces. head, increasing its pressure to in the forthcoming city elections. der which the Roosevelt adminisTwo Negroes, Conrad Lynn and Elsie Jackson, went to the come an even more serious asMarianna Restaurant on West 113th Street, Manhattan, last Novem sault against this embattled Out of the diplomatic and press Along with the swallows, what force Japanese entry into (or cobarrage laid down around the in else is this Spring likely to bring? Operation with the Allied bloc his candidacy after the Labor ing American ships out of war ber, to eat with two white friends. The proprietor wouldn serve trade union movement.
In court, the proprietor testified that he would have served the roll, General Drivers Union, Lothe British were testing their form, come somewhat as follows: expense if Japan will engage the dorsed for mayor Jeader of one the law Congress would never By order of District Judge Carcident emerged the belief that The possible answers, in tabular offering a compromise at China Progressive Association had en zones without this provision in Negroes if they had sat apart by cal 544 has had to bring its books way for eventual occupation of. In Northern Europe: France Soviet Union on the Far Eastern of the capitalist parties.
have adopted it, as everyone ad The labor movement in St. mitted at the time the line got themselves, but would not serve ruled, he is within the law.
and records into the courtroom Norway coast, with or without and Britain intervenc in force in front (Continued on Page 1)
Paul responded enthusiastically the consent of the Maritime Comthem with their friends in a American Labor Aid Acts where attorneys and accountants Norwegian consent, for the doub the Soviet Finnish war, compellto the call of the Labor Progres mission to transfer the ships to mixed party.
If Judge Marks ruling is per for five finks are leisurely examsive Association to back a labor Panamanian registry through a Under the State Civil Rights mitted to stand, it virtually an. ining them in hopes of cooking political campaign. the dummy corporation down there.
Law. penalties are. provided nuls the provisions of the Civil up a case against this militant pointed out. The Socialist Work The Maritime Commission against restaurant owners who Rights Law ostensibly protecting trade union.
ers Party hailed the renewed in could have closed its eyes to the refuse to serve Negroes. Negroes from discrimination. For Under an ancient statute perterest of the St. Paul trade un plain violation of the law inJudge Marks ruled, however, it authorizes restaurant propri. mitting members of an unincorion movement on the political volved, only with direct and prior that a restaurant owner may etors to establish a Jim Crow porated association to examine field, as indicating that unionista approval of Roosevelt. But the rightfully refuse to serve Negroes section in their establishments. the records of the organization are becoming conscious of the ensuing outery caused Roosevelt whenever they are in the com At the request of the complain prior to trial, a group of agents severe political blows being re to veto the commission O. pany of white friends! As long as ants, therefore, the American La of the employers have been givAmerican Labor Aid Providing Defense celved daily by organized labor. until the outery would have died the owner is willing to serve the bor Ald is undertaking to appeal en access to the union records For 13 Arrested Workers; Trial It is unfortunate that by their down.
Negroes at their own segregated Judge Marks decision to the The court decision came aftchoice of candidates, the Labor corner of his place, Judge Marks higher courts.
er three weeks of testimony by Norwegians Balked Postponed; Allowances Are Assured Edited Books Set union men, who testified that the Progressives have not broken with the boss political machines! few weeks ago the United plaintiffs were members or or Aside for Negro The thirteen workingmen and in this critical ganizers of an independent unriod before the States Lines tried again. It got lon set up to fight the drivers School Children women who were arrested in the arouse sympathy for their case war. Disregarding the warning up a Norwegian dummy corporaJamaica Relief Bureau on Van Several thousand leaflets were of our party, presented in a lent. tion, got the consent of the Mariunion.
The suit has dragged through JACKSON, Miss. The raceWyek Avenue a week ago Thurs distributed in South Jamaica and let to the January 20 convention, time Commission, announced the By GEORGE STERN the courts for two years, the haters of Mississippi are not go day for a sit down strike came the Relief Bureau, calling all the Association has endorsed for sale, and prepared to sail, the Calculating on the transforma Paintiffs uma though ostensibly ing to allow Hitler to receive all trates Courk, men Secoracis mass meeting at the Jamaica La mayor a member and leader of ships. But then the Norwegian mitted that they are up against tion of American pressure into without funds being represented of the laurels for inventing de prepared to denounce the Keller bor Center, 151 06 Beaver Road godine of the word capitalist parties, se refiere banh kede at the proven an actual embargo, the Japanese by high priced anti labor attorvices for racial segregation it Bureau authorities for their in next Tuesday night to protest This year, two years ago. war to British and French ports, the ships, carrying contraband of To be sure, in accordance with have to cast around for possible neys. Who put up the money for they have any say about it.
Negroes all over the state and buman treatment of emergency the arrests and the inhuman Re the Socialist Workers Party will relief cases.
Hef Bureau attitude. At this oppose McDonough candidacy would run into German submartime politics, this admission ing upon a capitulation to the The five plaintiffs joined the nation are protesting the jim Among the defendants, all of meeting Arthur Burch, represen for mayor with a candidate of its ines comes in the form of a summons or an open challenge for Independent Truck Owners Secrow textbook law just passed them members of the Unem tative of the American Labor own. We call upon al workers to And now the United States to Chiang Kal shek to surrender. supremacy in the Pacific.
just by the ployed and Relief Workers Aid, and Otto Popovich, militant vote for On Feb. 15, the Japanese High One such outlet would be a long enough to establish their The civics textbooks for the League, 151 06 Beaver Road, leader of the Queens County unvote for Henry Rutchick, anti Lines has found the Belgian govwar candidate for mayor.
ernment, which is speedily preCommand in China announced new Japanese deal with Great membership. Then they filed their Negro pupils will not contain in were Natale Bruno and his wife, employed in many demonstrasuit, on Feb. 16, 1938.
the formation on voting, Instructions parents of St. Paul election laws dictate paring for participation that it had won sufficient areas Britain. Just as in South Amera family of chil. tions, will speak. non partisan candidates with war on the side of the Allies, a in China for establishment of the ica the British are actually enMilitant Unionism a Crime on how to vote, matters of gov dren, DiBernardo, head of a desAmong the crimes they ernment and clvic responsibility. titute family of 14 children, GutAction Gets Results new order in East Asia. Further gaged in tooth and nail rivalry Jout party designation on the bal willing front in this deliberate vicharged the union leadership with In passing the law, the legisla seppe Pace, 63 year old unemresistance, the proclamation went with the for the markets As soon as the Reliet Bureau lot, but the sw. is making oiation of the Neutrality Act.
While in this way the United on, was futile, especially be left open by the involuntary cause of the latest Japanese vic default of the Germans, so in nance of the Federal Workers should not know those things. In Hicks, a 64 year old unemployed workers, the Bureau attitude phlet and leaflets calling for States Lines will be enabled tories in Kwangal. The Japan more ese army, therefore, will not ex willing to permit Yankee im ployed and WPA organization by a vote of 37 to 9, Senator Brune six children ise taken or the court postponement an in tion party program in the electries, the provisions of the wellSection, the Minneapolis unem the Senate, where the bill passedworker. Charges against Mre changed noticeably. The day aft. votes for Rutchick as votes for make blood money out of the pand our operations but will perialism to take advantage of whose leaders bore the brunt of Davis, of Oxford, stated: into custody at the Bureau, were vestigator appeared at the Brutrality Act relating to the seagothe federal prosecution of the Under the constitution the not pressed. Labor independent voice in ing personnel will be strictly engoes no home. He returned the next await your offensive.
the European war.
They did not have long to day with a money allowance of politics is necessary not only for forced. Under the law American without saying that the JapanWPA strikers: extorting more Negro is a citizen and of course walt. The victory in Kwangsiese will do their utmost to ex funds for relief purposes from we know and accept that. But American Labor Aid Helps ploit this Anglo American. the city than were necessary; ilturned into one of those strahe can never expect to be given Aid had come to the unem Het checks. It took mass action points out, but for the major zones. Crews for these ships will tegle withdrawals. Chinese valry. The case with which the legal picketing and maintenance the same educational and so ployed and relief workers from by the workers to cause the Bu problems facing the working be imported from Europe.
pressure forced a wholesale roAsama Maru Incident was set Their fink mentality was revealof closed shop contracts, etc. cial privileges with the white the American Labor Aide with reau to pay any attention what class of the United States war, American When Submarined treat from the area north of tled, the ready compliance of man and he doesn expect headquarters at 125 33rd St. soever to this emergency case. unemployment, and the protecAs long as the ships carry conNanning, the Kwangal capital, the Japanese with British de ed in the very text of the comthem. The best education we New York City. As soon as the The lesson has not been lost upon tion of workers rights.
traband safely between America and at this writing, despite While running its own mayor and the Allied ports, the ships mands, suggests that the at plaint. And to these charges they can give him is to use his hands case came to the attention of the workers of Jamaica.
Japanese denials, the Chinese mosphere is already being pre tacked on a petition to the court because that how he must the American Labor Aid, it im so desperate was the need of alty candidate, the is sup. will paw as Belglan. We can forces appear to be on Nan pared for another typical im for an examination of the union carn his living. It always has mediately sent representative these cases that the Unemployed porting the rest of the Labor be sure, however, that the minning outskirts.
perialist double cross.
Diet politicians have grown in But for that it has to clear While the suit was pending, The bill provides that all books uation. Upon learning the facts forced to take up a collection with the exception of city com German submarine owl for creasingly bold in challenging the its heels from the Chinese bog the plaintiff turned up as organ returned by the Negro and white in the case, the American Labor among its own poverty stricken missioner Axel Peterson, running vengeance will go up from the army on its course on the con. and that it is not finding it izers and members of an inde pupils be stored in separate ware Aid provided free legal assistance members on their behalf last for election, who when offered kept press because an American tinent. The recent power holi so easy to do. Wang Chingpendent union local, affiliated to houses to prevent white children to the workers and a lawyer from Thursday. Some 15 was raised the endorsement ship has been touched.
days wholesale shutting off of wel puppet government in the Associated Independent Un from using the same books used the American Labor Aid came to as a stop gap until the Bureau made clear he was accepting no This cynical subterfuge of sailpower for all but the most es now scheduled for inauguration tons. At a citywide labor rally by Negroes. Dr. Garvin, court on Thursday to defend the took some action. With victory responsiblity to the labor moveing these ships into the war zones sential war Industry plantscapite the plain letter of the The text of the St. Paul elec Neutrality Act is a good index dramatized the sharpness of the there is uttle optimism over ganizer for the Central Labor stated that the books should be the Relief Bureau authorities to the Bruno case, the Unem ment for his conduct in office.
Union, revealed that a Mr. Galla stored soperately so white child managed to have the case post League intends to keep fighting tion program of the re to Roosevelt war plans. Neuest necessities of life beyond the fashioned pes to sustain the way of the National Manufactur ren would not get germs from poned a week. The workers de until justice is done and reliet ceived too late for reprinting, trality is, for him, merely a hypreach of most of the Japanese welght of Japanese control and ers Association had just been in the books used by the Negro cided to accept and Immediately is given to all the needy in this will be published in next week critical formula under which, to population.
make it palatable. Continued on Page. children.
began a public campaign to Ineighborhood.
Appeal prepare for war.
PROTEST JIM Jamaica Jobless Aid CROW BOOKS IN Relief Sitdowners MISSISSIPPI Behind the Lines