CapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers FederationWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

FEBRUARY 17, 1940 SOCIALIST APPEAL Page ON THE WAR IN FINLAND LABOR WITH WHITE SKIN CANNOT EMANCIPATE ITSELF Negro Question Why We Should Defend the Soviet Union Youth Congress. Masquerade fense is against Big Business Backs LEADER Newark Manager Plan AGAIN LASHES OUT AT By JOHNSON By ALBERT GOLDMAN the war between the Soviet quences to which it finally cably tied up with the imperialist Soviet Union and any part of the II Union and Finland in the light leads. This is what the thesis world. Finland is a buffer state. imperialist world, imperialism as The United Mine Workers condemned the Since its birth our party has of the general principles men of the Fourth International an outpost of imperialism, and a whole feels threatened.
Scottsboro frame up as an attack against the stood for the unconditional de tioned above and in the first ar states and the statement can not its struggle against the Soviet The League of Nations, dead the Soviet Union against ticle of this series, It Was Packed With federa: Canei Wynching legislation to pave the way the capitalist world. And for arrive at the correcto conclusion on the violation neutrality and struggle the the imperialist world stances, suddenly revived and exfor extending the benefits of democracy to Negro of the Socialist Workers Party, scious worker should follow. In particular country but the under To convince oneself of that day. The Spanish fascist press, Dubious Organizations workers.
the Trotskyists considered that other words, it is necessary to bying economic and social factors simple fact, it is only necessary than army to fight the Sovithe Pope, called for a The United Mine Workers have had if not a To Make Up An Imposidea as abrolutely essential to ask if the slogan of unconditional and the probable consequences of to consider the reaction of the perfect we live in a capitalist world a long and their program defense of the Soviet Union the war should determine our at capitalist world to the invasion et Union. The humanitarian, ing Body of Delegates honorable history in its dealings with Negroes.
Our policy of unconditional de against the capitalist or imper titude to it of Finland. It is certain that even Herbert Hoover, took the lead in Both white and black workers need to study its fense is based on the fact that ialist world is applicable to the This does not mean that we in Germany the sympathy the defending the democracy of history closely. Just after the failure of the 1919 nationalized property constitutes war in Finland.
condone the invasion of Finland ruling class is entirely with Fin: Mannerheim. Roosevelt, who was By ERNEST ERBER strike the miners in the northern fields of West the foundation of the Soviet WHO WAS AGGRESSOR Here are a few of the pertinent facts and highVirginia, making a drive for unionization, recog state and for us nationalized DOESN DECIDE QUESTION crime later. But in determining for the present because Hitler responsible for the embargo lights of the February 12 National Citizenship nized that their only hope was the success of their In the first instance it is essen our attitude while the struggle needs Stalin support. In the and death struggle against Franbrothers in the southern part of the state, who Institute of the American Youth Congress: property is a tremendous step forward in the development of tial to exclude the factor of who actually going on that factor whole capitalist world, outside of co, is assuming the leadership in were then under heavy attack by the coal owners.
mankind. Marxists considered the first attacked whom. The fact is not the determining factor. Germany, all the democrats. the movement to help the Finnish REPRESENTATION: Some 600 deleThey formed an armed group of 8000 men, of development of the productive that in 1914. Germany began the FINLAND AN OUTPOST including the Pope, Franco and capitalist army defeat the Soviet gates registered who, the AYC leaders claimed, whom 200 were Negroes, and marched upon the forces as the basic criterion of actual hostilities by launching an OF IMPERIALISM Mussolini, have not hesitated to Union.
represented four million young people. About southern counties. The federal government interprogress. That the destruction of attack on Belgium was a matter Once more we remind the read show on whose side their syma thousand or 80 were delegates from various fered and stopped the march. But the unity in bona fide national and local organizations in capitalism in its period of decay of indifference to Lenin in arriver that Finland was born as a pathies lie and this fact alone IMPERIALISTS SEEK THE action, as a class of these black and white workand the substitution of national ing at his conclusion that the war result of a victory of the coun should almost be sufficient by it DEFEAT OF THE USSR which members of the Young Communist League omparable to the tremendous class soliized Industry permits the produc as an imperialist var and that er revolutid ed by Mannerhe! selt to ndica to 188 conare active. Among these organizations were Staldarity displayed by the black and white workers tive forces to develop at a re it was necessary for the workers and supported first by the Ger scious worker that he should be Conditions are such as to make iniat dominated AFL and CIO locals, Industrial in the Chicago race riots of 1919. There were markable rate has been proved in both imperialist camps to fol man and then by the Allied im on the opposite side.
inadvisable, at the present moGirls Clubs and Business and Professional. Wo.
lynchings and race riots in 1919. But in that perby the great industrial growth low the policy of revolutionary perialists. It is this state which When Hitler invaded Austria, ment, an open declaration of war men Clubs of the Young Women Christian lod of labor upheaval the militant workers of that has taken place in the Sovi defeatism. The fact that Ger. is at war with the Soviet Union. Czecho Slovakia, Poland, the oth against the Soviet Union by Association. Then there were delegates from the both races were getting closer together, foreet Union, and this in spite of the many attacked Poland could not Simpletons of the Socialist Par er imperialists grumbled a little France and England. Bolder im Stalinist peripheral organizations: American Stushadowing the mass moovement into the CIO, the dent Union, youth sections of the Workers AllStalinist leadership. The uncon. possibly lead any revolutionary ty and lackeys of the capitalists because a rival of theirs had the perialist volces in those countries greatest step forward the Negroes have made in aitional defense of the Soviet Marxist to urge the workers to in the Social Democratie Feder nerve to do things in such a high are demanding just that; but ance, the International Workers Order, the Inthis country since the abolition of slavery threeUnion means the unconditional defend the reactionary Polish ation will point to the fact that handed fashion. When Ethiopia more cautious counsel may conternational Labor Defense, the Finnish Workers quarters of a century ago defense of nationalized property state. For Marxists the charac representatives of labor and the was invaded by Mussolini there tinue to prevail. Nevertheless, the Federation, Armenian Workers Federation, etc.
against the capitalist world. ter of a war a determined not farmers are in the Finnish gov was also a tempest in a tea pot. passing of every day, it is becomThen came delegates from hundreds of organizaNegroes Early Played a Role tions with dubious names like the Modern Youth DISTINCTION BETWEEN by the initial episode taken by ernment. But Marxists under. But when Stalin invaded Finland ing more clearly recognized that itself but by the main moving stand that the real rulers of the the reaction was altogether dif the Finnish Soviet struggle is one Group, the Williamsburg Youth Center, the The UMW, from its beginning in 1890, encourSTALIN AND Streamlined Dance Group, etc. In a word, the Through all the years that we forces of the war, by its whole country are the capitalists and ferent. For the simple reason of the fronts of the war, in fact aged Negroes to join. In northern West Virginia, have been insisting on the neces development and by the conse landlords, and these are inextri that in a struggle between the today the only active front. Dalvast majority of the delegates were members Ohio, and western Pennsylvania, Negro miners sity of defending the Soviet adier and Chamberlain have or sympathizers of the Young Communist League.
held offices such as president and secretary, Union unconditionally stated openly that much more PROCEDURE: The entire two day Instialthough greatly outnumbered by whites. Often help has been sent to Finland tute was controlled by the top leadership of the the solitary Negro member of a local was presl imperialism we have been the most consistent and implacable than the average citizen is aware AYC with a firm hand. Neither speakers nor resodent or secretary, this because he could speak and of and that still more aid will be lutions were permitted from the floor. Discuswrite English at a time when many of the foreign opponents of the Stalinist reforthcoming gime, from the revolutionary born could not.
sion was organized by having delegates submit point of view. Every important And is there any revolutionary a slip of paper with their name and organization In 1900, in the Flat Top Coal Fields, there were policy pursued by Stalin we atworker naive enough to believe to the platform. Trotskyite delegate had as about 18, 000 miners, 9000 white and 9000 black, all tacked; but we never swerved that Chamberlain and Daladier much chance of getting by the committee on the members of the union. In 1920 there were 25, 000 from our policy of unconditional are interested in saving democ platform as a snowball in hell. Ushers and police Negro members of the UMW, though by 1927 the defense of the Soviet Union.
number had dropped to 5000. When Lewis began racy, Finnish or otherwise? Can took care of anyone attempting to speak from Some people thought we were in. Continued from Page 1) the city bonds and refinanre there be the slightest doubt that the floor.
the drive for the CIO, the traditions and experi consistent; but they failed to un words, they want efficiency them at a lower interest rate, so the imperialist world looks upon ence of the UMW in the Negro field were power derstand that we make a funda expert who will save money by that the bonding houses don get (Continued from Page 1) Finland as its protagonist? PRESIDENT SPEECH: The delegates ful factors in helping to bring the Negroes in. To mental distinction between the Laling it out of tle hides of the so much interest! Declare a morNo matter what the results of paraded down Pennsylvania Avenue in a drizzling day it is estimated that there are 80. 000 Negroes Stalinist bureaucracy and the reople, thus making sure that atorium on debt services this any politicians or any statesmen who undertake to involve this the Finnish Soviet war may be rain on Saturday morning, displaying banners in the UMW. In 1937 George Schuyler of the Soviet Union as a complex of the tax burden of the rich will be year!
with all the slogans which the stalinists are curPittsburgh Courier wrote that in Local 12068 of social institutions based upon lowered. The assessments on proper country in a war in Europe or a whether Stalin succeeds in his rently stressing, The Yanks Ain Coming. For the United Mine Workers there were only four Did It Elsewhere designs (us seems more prob the American Youth Act. Not a Dime for Manthe October Revolution. Just as ty at the present time are aimed war in the Pacific.
or five Negroes out of 68 members and yet all the Lewis speech was, indeed, so able) or gives up his attempt to nerheim, Keep America Out of the imperialist They want to carry out the at the small businessmen and a revolutionary worker makes a officers were colored.
distinction between his trade same kind of policy in Newark homeowners. This enables the definite an accounting of the conquer Finland; whether the AlWar, and so on.
After a year and a half of work in the Ala union and its reactionary leader that Big Business succeeded in real estate sharks to take over Roosevelt regime that the ques. ties will openly declare war on carrying out in almost every oth their property. At the same time tion inevitably posed itself on the Soviet Union or will refrain The parade ended on the White House lawn, bama flelds 23, 000 miners were organized, about ship.
arrangements had been made 14, 000 of them Negroes. Whites and Negroes met Unconditional defense has never city where they installed the the corporations and big busi Lewis lips and was uttered by from doing that: or whether a where peace can be patched up between for an address by the President The. in mixed meetings, Officers and committees were er meant and could not possibly City Manager form. They want to nesses got their assessments re him: Hitler and the Allied imperialists delegates waited for a half hour in rain chosen equally from both races. The white usually have meant that we support the put into effect what they put in duced by 100, 000, 000 in 1937. Well, why not do something and a combined atttack made up that had become a downpour to listen to Roosehad the more important places but this was due to Red Army in every engagement to effect in Trenton, Yonkers, Murphy was willing, for exam. about it on the Soviet Union no matter velt denounce the Soviet Union as a dictatorship the influence of the social system in the South. It into which Stalin sees it to lead Cincinnati, etc.
But He Gave None what may develop in the near fu in no way different than any other and call for would be easy to show that all has not been perthe Bell ture, it is certain that right now American support to Finland. The speech brought fect in the relations between the races in the against workers in the Soviet want to be able to get their there million dollars, the million dolUntion who were striking for bet of the patronage, gravy and job Telephone Co.
We say: Reassess Roosevelt almost evaporated aft tially the beginning of a struggle the crowd began to boo, and the radio operators His effectiveness in answering the struggle in Finland is essen slight response from the delegates. At one point union. But one old Negro miner, a miner for 33 ter conditions of struggling to control in Newark City Hall, the property, raising the big bus. er he had asked that question of the imperialist world against were forced to cut out all microphones except Yeter 2950, has said that the United Mine work overthrow the bureaucracy, we Both the regularnie Hague Byrneo messi assessments Mewering the por to that key question Lewis the Soviet Union organization and the small. had posed himself, he gave a flthose into which the President was speaking dlers of America has done more to remove hatred and prejudice in the labor movement and to Let the revolutionary worker rectly.
to demoralize and defeat the ar. Clean Government Republicans So the Socialist Workers Partytering answer. After his drama ask himself: what would be the (majority in Essex County) have declares that its opposition to the tie description of the plight of reaction of the imperialists to a The thousands of YCLers were a sorry sight aus restore harmony and good will between man and my.
If the Red Army were to be practically no influence in City referendum is meant in no way the unemployed as America defeat of the Red Army by the Roosevelt tongue lashing.
they trudged back, wet, cold and miserable after man than any other agency in the country.
used against the Ukrainian work Hall. which is controlled chiefly a support the present city No. problem he proposed. Finnish capitalist army? Woula At the Columbus convention there were six off ered atempting to establish an by the Mayor Ellenstein (inde Commission with the transparade a family conference, such as not the counter revolutionaries cial bands, one of which was the Logan County independent Soviet Ukraine, we pendent Democrat) Public Works side by side with an unsparing he had already proposed at the the world over, including those cided to address the Congress only on the day be4. THE LEWIS SPEECH: John Lewis deBand, composed of Negro high school boys and would fight against that Red Ar Commissioner Franklin (inde criticism and attack on those now UMW convention, of industrial still living in the Soviet Union, fore he spoke. Speaking to the delegates only girls from Logan County, West Virginia. Lewis, pendent Republican) machines, in the City Hall.
ists, financiers, government and be overjoyed?
pursuing his political maneuvers with Senator some three hours after the President, Lewis When part of that Red Army, together with Finance Director For Labor Ticket labor.
Wheeler, included the band among those who class conscious worker can speech was greeted with thunderous ovations.
went to meet the Senator at the railway station suppress the Spanish revolution. AFL. Unable in the past to tion under both forms and corrup: The answer to this conference be fairly certain that what will The bitter sarcasm he poured upon the Presi.
dent remarks appeared as vindication to the and accompanied him to his hotel. Lewis stated ists, we were in favor of exter shake these machines, they hope ment. There can be high taxes proposal was given by Lewis him bring joy to the imperialists, to that he specially wanted to honor the band, each minating that section of the Red to get them out of the way by and favoritism for the rich under self when he said, in this same the Hoovers, Roosevelts, Cham delegates for the abuse they had suffered in the member of which was a son or a daughter of a Army.
this maneuver.
both forms. There can be anti speech answering Roosevelt: morning berlains and Daladiers, has nothmember of the UMW. Their expenses had been It is only when the Red Army Estimate of Incumbents labor legislation, there can be re Isn it now apparent that ing in it that is good for the lief cuts, there can be library and the politicians answers are not TREATMENT OF AUBREY WILLIAMS: paid by the local unions in Logan County. is fighting a capitalist enemy and The Socialist Workers Party hospital appropriation cuts un going to get you a job unless workers Coming right after Lewis eventful speech, the At the convention an important speech was thus protecting the Soviet Union has made it clear throughout the der both forms and there are you force the politicians to get The only conclusion that the speech of Aubrey Williams, director of the Namade by William Dickerson, of Barkly, West Vir from that enemy that we favor campaign that its opposition to class conscious worker can pos tional Youth Administration, received scant at.
ginta. He asked for support to the passage of a and work for the victory of the the change in What is important is the pro you a job? You know, after all, sibly reach is that, as between way means sup. gram that the officials represent. you young people of this coun the Red Army connected with tention from the press. Williams devoted the first Federal Mine Inspection bill to prevent such disRed Army. Unconditional defense port or defense of the men now vihat is needed is labor candi try, labor, the common people, and, in its own way, defending and surpassed any of the invited speakers in the part of his speech to the economic needs of youth asters as took place in Barkley on January 10, against imperialism means ex in the saddle in City Hall.
when 91 men were lost, 16 of them Negroes, aates carrying out strictly laactly what it says: whenever and The City Commission at pres bor program, fighting against the gree of consideration from the alized property, and the Finnish are only going to get that de the Soviet Union based on nation radicalism of his demands. He referred to the Dickerson was a member of the rescue squad. 500, 000, 000 appropriation requested in the AmerDickerson is a young man of 25, graduate of ican Youth Act as insufficient and called for West Virginia State College. He studied business capitalist enemy we are for the hot gone as far as Big Business chines in the interests of the representatives that you force and representing the imperialist uld to go, only workers.
billions of dollars to finance program readministration but was unable to find any open defense of the Soviet Unionum because they can put it over The Socialist Workers Party ganization, by your work, by for the victory of the Red Army occupations. However, when, at the close of his them to give you, by your or world, he must favor and work house America and put youth to work at useful ing. He went to work in the mines, identified himgardless of the causes or circum too bluntly without losing their calls on the workers of Newark your crystallized articulate Analyzing all the factors inself with the working class and was soon elected stances that led to the war. support among the small business to defeat the City Manager Plan, recording secretary of Local 6420. In this lodge BUREAUCRACY AND voices and by the fact that you volved, the slogan of unconditioning over the NYA lists to the Army Recruiting men and workers.
there are 480 members, of whom 25 only are NATIONALIZED PROPERTY and to prepare to build a party expect to fight for your rights al defense of the Soviet Union is But, by themselves, Office, he was greeted with such a storm of boog Negroes Is the Stalinist bureaucracy inhave gone pretty far. Fran labor ticket in their own interthey of their own and run a straight as Americans.
applicable in the present struggle and hisses that it became impossible to continue terested in defending nationalTwo different and mutually in Finland his speech. He explained that he had nothing Why There Unity in West. Va. ized property? It is a bureau klin man, Malady, the overests.
seer of the poor, has already That is the conclusion that the against militarism as such but that militarism cracy of the degenerated workThe Socialist Workers Party contradictory elements were mixmust be subordinated to democracy. This Now what is the underlying cause of all this? ers state based on nationalized begun widespread slash in has also announced that in the ed in that speech of Lewis, like Socialist Workers Party has ar brought forth renewed booing from the young the relief rolls which may go as Nothing less than the geographical construction property, and the interests of event the City Manager Plan is twee geological layers mixed to rived at, and that is the concluStalinists, who, only a half year ago, printed arof West Virginia. Yes, the geographical construc that bureaucracy are bound up high as 20. The Commission carried, it will immediately place Rether but representing two en sion that every revolutionary tion of West Virginia. Before the Civil War the with the nationalized property, has slashed hospital services in the field an independent work tirely different epochs of history worker who follows the principles ticles in the Young Communist Review on the In the last year, cut appropria ers ticket for City Council. one, Lewis position of these of revolutionary Marxism will advantages of life in the Army.
which it must defend in order to states of Virginia and West Virginia were one.
past years as a left wing of recognize as correct. MRS. ROOSEVELT SPEECH: Visibly ner.
preserve its existence. Green and tions for the library, etc.
Eastern Virginia consisted of the rich flat plains, the Democratie party, the other, But the defense of the Stalinvous and tense, Mrs. Roosevelt answered a series on which flourished the cotton plantation system. Lewis are labor lieutenants of Most important of all, they are Lewis voicing of the anguished ist controlled Soviet Union recapitalism in the ranks of la the ones who are responsible for RUSSIAN BULLETIN OUT In the West, the highlands, the population conof questions at the session on The International bor; but they are compelled to the high tax rate which has en The Bulletin of the Russian Op demands of the masses at this quires different tactics from sisted of small farmers who had no slaves and Scene on Sunday night. Her remarks were the climax to participation in the previous sessions were oppressed by the rich Bourbons of the low defend the trade unions against abled Big Business to get a position is out. The current issue stage of the permanent economic those which revolutionary worklands.
ers followed in the days when the the bosses because their very ex strong following among the contains several articles by Leon crisis.
and an active support to practical arrangements.
istence depends on the existence small men. Last year, the So Protsky including Hitler and It is significant that this speech Soviet Union was led by Lenin Over a hundred delegates were put up at the In 1861 the slave owners naturally went with and strength of the trade unions. cialist Workers Party and other Stalin Twin Stars and Again was at least as sharp as his and Trotsky. In the next article White House, in addition to other hundreds that the South. The farmers of West Virginia saw It is undoubtedly true that labor organizations put forward and Once Again on the Nature of statement at the UMW conven we shall consider and analyze extheir chance, refused to go with them, organized neither the Stalinist bureaucracy the only program reduce the the Soviet State.
she provided with accommadations at the homes tion, thereby committing Lewis actly in what way revolutionary a separate state, and fought with the North.
of Mrs. Cordell Hull and other wives of governnor the bureaucracies led by tax rate in a way that wouldn The Bulletin is available in still further to a fight against workers in the Soviet Union and White men all, they took sides not according to ment officials, at army barracks and a girls race but account of their economic interests Green or Lewis defend the inter hurt the small man and the New York at the following book Roosevelt. Undoubtedly Lewis in Finland should defend the deests of the workers and their in worker. But Ellenstein Franklin stores and newsstands: Modern still wants to settle the issue generated workers state.
school, and through negotiations with the hotel and the social and political ideas which flowed from them. Since that time the two states have stitutions effectively. Their pol Co. refused to accept it, be Book Store, 27 University Pl. within the confines of the Demo managers association to lower rates.
had a steadily divergent history in regard to ONE WEEK ONLY!
But that is a reason why the real fight against the big bonding Bldg: Blederman Book Store, thusiastic response of the work Mrs. Roosevelt grimly sat on the platform their attitude to Negroes. The hard life, the workers should get rid of them, houses and insurance companies. 2nd Ave. at 12th St. Meisels ers to these statements, it bethrough speeches by Frederick Blackie Myers, equalizing conditions of labor in the mines, have and not an argument for refus They preferred to take the easi. Book Store, Grand St. Rand comes more difficult for Lewis to History of the Communist Party whip in the National Maritime forged a unity, one of the most powerful in the ing to defend the workers state er way, the way that boosted the School Book Store, 15th St. and retreat. Thereby the road opens Russian Revolution never ceasing battle against race prejudice in Union, an Indian nationalist named Luis Perez or the trade unions.
tax rate.
5th Ave. 3rd Ave. and 14th St. toward really independent labor America.
SWP Tax Program principle that our party has NW. 6th Ave. and 42nd St. three volumes in one) of the Brotherhood of Cuban Youth, and other political action When the fight for the CIO came, the UMW by taught and shall continue to The Socialist Workers Party (SE. speakers who followed the political form of the took the lead and as accomplished work of out teach is that the workers must program on this point, which it LEON TROTSKY current Daily Worker attacks upon Roosevelt.
standing importance in the history of labor and never turn over the task of re is putting forward again this NEW YORK PARTY ANNOUNCEMENT for only After the first speaker of what the chairman anof Negro labor in particular. Their support of the moving the Stalinist bureaucracy year, is briefly as follows: MEMBERS, Attention! DOWNTOWN LABOR CENTER nounced would be a panel of five youths on the anti lynching bill is a great geature of solidarity to the capitalist enemy. They Almost 4 of the 10, 000. 29 to the Negro people. But it is more than that. must reserve that privilege and 000 in the city budget goes for There will be an important subject of How the War Affects Me had conpresents NIGHT OF RED (regularly 00)
It shows us that, along with our fight for the duty for themselves because the debt services, the largest single Party membership meeting on STARS. Professional Entercluded with a continuation of the attacks upon bill in Congress we must never lose sight of our destruction of the Stalinist item in the budget. That is, to SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18, at tainment Including dramatic Roosevelt as a war monger, Mrs. Roosevelt, withmain aim, the creation of such conditions as bureaucracy by the capitalist en pay for past bond issues, and to P. sharp, at GERMANIA skit, a group dance recital, out waiting to be introduced, strode to the roswould enable whites and Negroes to work toModern Bookshop HALL, 160 3rd Ave. near 16th emy can lead to nothing but re pay interest on bond issues.
chorus and Red folksong regether in conditions from which will flow social actionary results.
We way: Let the banks and St. New York City. Admis cordings on FEBRUARY 17. 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE trum and prepared to speak. The chairman solved and political equality. Those conditions are what bonding houses go without some sion for Party and YPSL mem Dance Music, Refreshments. New York City the situation by simply announcing, present, we call the socialist society.
It is only necessary to analyze of that money this year! Call in bers by card only.
51 East Street Adm. 250 xxxxXXXXXXXXX Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt.