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SOCIALIST, APPEAL FEBRUARY 17, 1940 New Chapter Begins in American Labor History: What Is at Stake In the Fight on Labor Unity?
Women WPA Strikers Sentenced in Mpls.
ÅPPEAL ARMY He mema Council AFL Council Pettifogs While Major Issues for Workers are Ignored Week at General Motors is a logical compromise candidate machines.
By FRANK remembers the for the leadership of such a marvelous organizational union Red Sundays are a sure fire Our salesmen will be in II.
united labor organization and un growth of the last war period of proposition for increasing sales front of your shop every TuesJohn Lewis took a fall out of Roosevelt in their ex questionably so considers himself. a decade ago, when the AFL, of the Socialist Appeal. This isn day and Friday. Read the soagitation. its the gospel truth. cialist Appeal five cents change on the question of labor unity. In Washington on Sat Tobin remains an ardent New its membership. He is convinced Boston proved it to the hilt. Since copy.
urday, Lewis read with malicious pleasure the reply he had president of an important labor that the cIo with its centralized they started on Red Sundays, Why should there be any drop sent last October to the president peace proposal; that took union, and that is why his unity authority, its industrial union they ve increased their bundle or in circulation when there are der by 100 copies per issue.
care of Roosevelt assertion that Lewis had not deigned to aims are so different from those structure and its modern and agthousands and thousands of of Roosevelt. That is why Tobin gressive methods of organization (Continued from Page 1) dent Roosevelt to pardon all the why can every branch follow shops and factories throughout reply. What is more, Lewis was able to repeat his proposal of is putting the squeeze on the will achieve huge gains The judge summoned each de convicted strikers. It is believed the example of Boston. Not a the country which have never last year: labor unity by the simple method of each CIO unit AFi Executive Council to give bership in the coming period and fendant before him.
that the Central Labor Union reason except that there is too seen a Socialist Appeal! Why?
being chartered by the AFL, with all questions of detailing and make peace with the thus establish unquestioned hege Labor Proud of Defendants WPA Defense Committee is also much of that social democratic CIO.
mony over the trade union move His observations were an un pressing along this line. disease. it can be done itis. We ve received the following settled within the joint organization ie, an organization in ment. Firmly convinced that the conscious tribute to the militancy Some labor leaders estimated That what we think when a letter from a ship delegate, which the CTO forces would have a decisive voice.
THE KIND OF UNITY future is with the CIO, he is de and heroism of these women that President Roosevelt would branch asks us to cut its bundle from a ship in the gulf: Progressives in the labor movement, whether in the AFL GREEN WANTS termined not to subordinate the This one, he said, still believed seize the opportunity with both order because the weather is too Enclosed find o. of 00 or CIO, must clearly underGreen, who has the responsibil CIO unions and their freedom of the arguments of the strike lead hands, in the hope such a gesture cold. What an alibi! Would you stand why the only worth craft unions drop their stir neck. ity of the AFL national office and action Executive mountain, oecome ers were sound and convincing would enable him to represent say that to a group of striking the socialist Appears in subwhile kind of unity for the lo ed attitude and give in to some who has no base in any Inter what may. He wants unity and a chat one believed herself to be himself as the genial friend of workers as your alibi for nol seribe to good number of persecuted. He couldn see how the unemployed. New Dealers in showing up on the picket line working class papers and at of of. national union, fears even more bor movement is that in which the Teamsters Union and Tob. than the other old line craft un united labor oranization with the a third could be so ladylike and the union movement are banking Not if you had an ounce of rebel our last shulp meeting your par eventual upper hand and the determining yet so militant on the picket line, on the President coming through blood in your veins!
per was added to our list upon the industrial unions will re in have travelled a long way since ion officials, When it came the turn of the with a pardon, believing that to a recommendation from main the leading tendency in the 1934 San Francisco coven. the AFL unless the labor split is the industrial anonse Finnish woman Sigrid Asunma such an executive act will arm peal be any different than your at San Francisco who stated it the labor movement.
was the foremost Progressives have the task of he commented that she was un them with an argument to pro attitude to striking workers. rabble and riff raff that were lowed to absorb the young blood working The split neither originated nor attempting to invade the AFL, of the modern industrial unions explaining to the membership the cooperative. Skillfully bringing in tect Roosevelt against the bitter You answer that question for class paper in the country is it continuing today because of Tobin today heads a powerful Just the same he, like the craft full meaning of the unity cam. the Soviet Finnish war, Judge criticisms of the thousands of un yourself. If the branches that well, we may not agree with him but we are always willing the personal hostility of Green or semi industrial union of 400, 000 union clique, to which he has tle paign. The progressives must Joyce suggested that Mrs. Asun sonists and unemployed and will have cut their bundles think it to hear, read other workers Lewis any other individuals. men; he is, in a way subject to his fortunes, fears the new un fight for a united labor move ma must be glad she is living in aid them in their drive to merge should be different, send us your to the Farmer Labor Party with the reasons and we ll print it in big arguments.
Such an explanation is only for the same influences and pressures bridled masses of proletarian ment, achieved only by the action the United States, 10 bomeland. Democratic Party.
bold letters We re sure that the Appeal will little children. The split origin that operate on the CIO leaders. workers as he fears the plague and the pressure of the rank and guns and bombs in her Men Start Serving Terms ated on the basic question of or. Because of the changed status of itself. The AFL leadership want file itself. They must condemn Your boy. Archie, can march of There are a thousand ways to live up to the recommendation of Fifteen of the men strikers sell the Appeal if it too cold to the San Francisco worker. And trial proletariat of America philosophy and approach is today ance that the new unions will to their internal atairs on the school, he doesn have to march sentenced last Saturday were sell it on street corners. Here we ll be glad to print any criti ganizing the unorganized indus his union, Tobin whole labor unity, but unity with the assur unreservedly any interference in every morning to Dunwoody taken from Minneapolis Thurs are the contents of an attractive cisms or comments our seamen mass production industries much closer to that of Lewis than keep their place, pay their per part of Roosevelt or any other to war.
The better element in the day morning to Sandstone where leaflet issued by the Lower friends may have on the paper.
the question of which unions and leagues of the Executive Coun the leadership of the Executive then, in every case, put pressure, courtroom nodded approvingly, they will serve periods of from East Side Branch to the Lawn Meanwhile, how about our comThe split continues today over to the policies of Tobin col capita taxes and not challenge capitalist politician. They will Mrs. Asunma stared unrespons 90 days to eight months. Ralph dry Workers of the East Side. rades, friends and sympathizers which policies shall possess the cil Tobin envisages today first, upon the old line craft un ively at the judge.
Core and Charles Connors, wao This is a free introductory who are sailing the seas, followhegemony of the labor move united labor organization, strong. HOW LEWIS ESTIMATES ion officials, in order to force The courtroom, as usual, was received lighter sentences, remain the Socialist Appeal, ing the example of the ship delment; the industrial unions uner and more aggressive than the THE COMING PERIOD der Lewis, Murray, etc. or the federation of the past, with the a working class newspaper. egate on the Gulf? Make this th: penal institutions.
through united labor organiza packed with strike suncer, Bere to serve their time in local copy old craft unions under In it you will find the story your motto: An Appeal subscripdomLewis is convinced that the tion, with the hegemony in the As Minnie Kohn was Tuesday in Washington the behind the headlines the news tion on every ship!
ination of the Hutcheson Frey power divided somewhat evenly coming period will be marked by hands of the industrial unions work house, friends showered her Senate appropriations sub comthat the boss press doesn Woll clique. bitter personal an. between the new industrial and a huge expansion of all mass pro and the industrial proletariat with cigarettes and money.
Presidential Pardon Possible mitteee held hearing on condare to give the news that tagonism exists between these semi industrial unions and the duction industries, feeding both the most advanced section of the We don like to print this recThe Workers Defense Leaguete, the two strike breaking WPA Srmation of Glotzbach and stol not fit to print.
ord. But it true. The only way two groups of men, to be sure. old line AFL craft unions. Tobin the American and European war American working class. on February called upon Presi officials promoted by President This week it contains a But this conflict originates from we can change the copy is by Roosevelt following the WPA story on the laundry industry the different type of unions that you changing the facts. Appeal which will be strike of last July. Roosevelt pro Interest to you.
the two sets of leaders control, subs for the last two weeks: moted the pair after they had stories direct from the picket Every week It contains the different interests involved, Los Angeles.
Philadelphia the different policies pursued, and aided in crushing the strike here.
At that time, Farmer Labor Senlines and the fields of labor not merely an expression of per San Francisco ator Ernest Lundeen, acting at of America Wall Street masstruggles. It exposes the drive Chicago sonal dislike or hostility.
the behest of the Minneapolis ters to take us into the SecBoston THE KIND OF UNITY Kansas.
ROOSEVELT WANTS Central Labor Union, was able to ond World War.
block confirmation of the promoWashington, Read about labor fight for tions in the United States SenNew York City Roosevelt is not interested in a better conditions, political Akron.
united labor movement because long felt that the shorter work of Soviet Nazi imperialism rights and against war every of solicitude for the welfare of week without decreases in pay in line with the ideological prepSt. Louis.
By GEORGE CLARKE Early in January the President Youngstown the American working class. His The Executive Council of the American Federation of La gressive offset to the natural side of the Allies. There was an Senate. The line up on the Glotzprovides a positive and pro arations for intervention on the again sent their names to the week in the Socialist Appeal. Send us news of your shop Toledo interest arises solely out of his and your union your griev Berkeley ances and your victories. We of the labor aplitida sun. It labored and labored and produced. a mouse that introduction of labor saving to extend a loan to Finland to ing. Governor Stassen, Democratmachinery.
tion of his goal: to reach a def even the rodent family would be ashamed to claim its own.
purchase arms and war materi ic Congressman Ryan, Colonel will print it.
inlte understanding with the top With good whiskey and mellow cigars plentiful, the pun st How is this most necessary als in this country. Green and Harrington and Senator Shipstep to be obtained? Action Co. join with both feet in the stead, renegade Farmer Laborite, officialdom on putting the unions jabs of America craft unions leaned back in their plushy strikes, demonstrationa? Take it anti Soviet crusade.
are all siding with Roosevelt ax Action Needed to Win 30 Hr.
into the strait jacket of his war hotel chairs and pondered the state of the nation. They found easy, brother! This is the Exec touch of progressivism was movement and Senator Lundeen ainst the Minneapolis union utive Council of the American added to the deliberations by the Robley Cramer, editor of the for a united labor movement that conditions deplorable. The deFederation of Labor. The AFL strong onslaught on Thurman Minneapolis Labor Review, Cenwill be headed by a servile and pression is still with us after we believe that a democracy will continue to press for the Arnold, who was condemned in tral Labor Union orgun, appeared cowardly leadership willing to ten years lingering on like these basic obligation to 18 five day week and the six hour bitter terms for invading the in before the Senate sub committee day. And that that.
partment inside the labor move a bad dream. Capital lies idle opportunity to work dependence of the trade union Tuesday to deliver the Central (Continued from Page 1) of the Sit Down wave will spread achieve a progressively higher Four days later, apparently movement. Nevertheless, and a new ment. That is why Roosevelt is by the billions in the banks. standard of living. The AFL slowly recovering from the shock statement shied away from plac Labor Union protest against the will come from locals of the through the ranks.
today putting the squeeze on Business stagnates, there is no calls upon both political parties two.
UAW day of growth will dawn for the of this radical declaration, ten ing blame where it properly be Governor tarold Stassen had Strikes of a major character organization of the auto workers.
industrial workers who make up expansion, factories are idie. to incorporate in thelr plat leaders led by Hutcheson and longs Franklin Delano Roose written to Washington charging have been narrowly averted in Militants! Don wait for the the unruly, the untamed, the ag. Ten millions are unemployed. forms this year a constructive Wohl unlimbered 000 solid velt, initiator and instigator of that unsound left wing labur every Flint plant, several times NLRB to hand you a worthless gressive type of unions, whose And with it all, the nation tec program for the elimination of words of Republican indignation the anti. trust prosecutions lexera who were back of the curing the last few months. The piece of paper. Once you win, industries constitute the nerve ters on the brink of war.
widespread unemployment.
WPA strike are behind the pres corporation has been forced to NLRB elections, the CIO will centers of America warmaAnd what is this constructive bears the startling title: Call recognize the CIO Committee have to start at the beginning ent (pposition to Clotzbach.
for United Action.
chine. Roosevelt wants to mobl In other words, which no one program. find out the facts Followed President Orders men as bargaining agents and egain, to force the company to There has been too much tinThat the story of another dize public opinion against the can deny: America remains in and face them courageously.
Colonel Harrington, in announ. representatives of the men, by sign a new agreement with some teeth in it! Demand action now!
cio industrial unions in order to the death grip of the most in Ascertain just how many men kering with business. Public AFL executive council meeting.
Should the seething discontent Don wait for the stack season!
force them to subordinate them tense social crisis in its history, and women willing and even confidence has been destroyed. The one potentially progressive cing his support of Glotzbach, local militancy.
said the man only carried out selves to the servile, house brok Patch work schemes won work work are unemployed through no he poor banks have been forced act that took place was the fight the instructions of himself and through at some point, in some awaits the action of the auto of the ranks manage to break The whole CIO movement en bureaucrats of the Frey Woll any more. This is a time, obvs fault of their own.
Find out to finance the government. This between Dan Tobin and the arch President Roosevelt in keeping Hutcheson stripe. This is the ously, for bold men with bold the extent of unemployment unrestricted experimentation reactionary Hutcheson. All the of 1937 will be relived! the Spirit our week at 40 hours pay!
meaning and the aim of the programs. The leaders of 4, 000, among our youth and among has provoked strikes and labor newspapers report is that Tobin the WPA projects open with the important GM plant. the days workers, FIGHT NOW for the 30 Roosevelt Peace crusade. 000 workers, who are most seri middle aged workers. In short: strife. Taxes are much, much too challenged Hutcheson right to aid of the police.
Democratic Representative RyTHE MEANING OF ously affected by the crisis, take a census. The government high in fact the suffering Sixty the No. seat on the council, and should call out the might of or should easily comply with this Families are being bled to death. that it nearly came to a fist fight. aut repeated Republican Stassen food or medicine, Too many benm radicals, too Undoubtedly, however, other is tion was being held up in the in TOBIN UNITY DEMAND ganized labor for immediate ag demand as this is census year.
Also arrested was Massimo Di Cut a notch in the Council belt much innovating.
Bernardo, 49 years old, of 117 58 less than a dozen men who are Tobin recent attack againstgressive acti week terests of labor agitators and The victory is already won.
On the question of war, the become public at next 140th Street, Jamaica. He is un Council was united. The us meeting of the executive board of to bring their political will to They should, yes but the old, employed, and has to support responsible for the division of old men of the Executive Council But what then. provide (must) maintain strict neutrality the international Britherhood of himself, wife and fourteen childeight million men and his call have another idea of what should jobs for the unemployed in pr. and keep out of European wars. Teamsters. Tobin is reported bear on the politics and personnel ren. Two of his older children work, thereby providing for the up and demand the complete proverb discretion is the better But how. When in the words of Roosevelt hurried moves to out of the AFL. That step, con bach only stood by President Rofamily income 16 a week becessation of hostilities between part of valor is a hoary princi the Council there are not wards US entry into the war, not sidering the enormous power of ers can strike against the govtween them. The Bureau is atthe two labor organizations, has ple frozen in their bones. To the enough jobs to 89 around a word about turning the US into the teamsters, might under cer ernment.
an entirely different meaning and waiting world they tempting to make this family of uttered sixteen human beings, live, pay purpose than the Roosevelt peace solemn words: Council whispers meekly after about the American zones of decisively in favor of the CIO. It WPA Defense Committee had or to the Jamaica Station House their rent, cat, and buy clothing campaign. Tobin call to arms is Tom Dewey and Senator Vanden continental influence, not a word a pity that Hutcheson and Tobin mailed a copy of Glotzbach where they were booked.
an attack primarily upon the re Unemployment still is the upon the pitiful sum brought in berg, that those in authority take about the huge armaments pro didn actually come to blows, as strike breaking record urging the by the two youngsters.
actionary clique that runs the most acute domestic problem Won Feed Children AFL Executive Council and was of the nation. the American sary to restore business con Day plans to strangle the labor Hutcheson did with Lewis at the ment, had the gall to say: Bruno and his wife, Angelina, leadership in their struggle for Support for these workers and 80 understood and received by the Federation of Labor refuses to fidence. We urge that all gov unions.
San Francisco convention over have heard of no entire AFL leadership. Tobin is accept the idea of chronie or ernment actions that tend to But there was condemnation the CIO issue.
demanding, in effect, that the permanent unemployment. discourage business expansion against Glotzbach. think his They applied for relief at the be relief was given by the Unemnomination should be confirmed. ginning of January and have been ployed and Relief workera League cease.
Jamaica The senate sub committee given a run around by the Bur. Arrested at the Bureau in symYes, yes, we heard that before.
waved aside the objections of or eau ever since.
February New INTERNATIONAL The Republican National Com.
ganized labor and confirmed the The Bureau refused to consider pathy with the demonstrators mittee, the National Manufacturtwo appointments. However, Far the case, unless the Brunos sold were David Cowles, Organizer of the League, Harry Harrison, featuring ers Ass n, the American Chamber of Commerce has been dinmer Labor Senator Lundeen has an old 1930 Chevrolet car they chairman of the Grievance ComRUSSIAN QUESTION announced he will take the floor bought several years ago second mittee, Gabriel Strouthos, Alfred ning that tune in our ears for a (for month of February)
in the senate next week to op hand.
Lynn, Gustave Galanos, Chris decade. But what about the unpose the committee report. Mrs. Bruno did as she was ord. Andrews, and Anna Key.
employed, the jobs, the idle fac THE CASE OF LEON TROTSKY, single copy. 25 Good Lesson ered, getting 12 for the car Again and Once More Again on the tories. we urge Congress to Disorderly Conduct Charge create a national advisory LIVING THOUGHTS OF MARX, single copy.
New Deal followers in the la Now the Brunos and their childNature of the council on unemployment which FASCISM and BIG BUSINESS, single copy.
In the Brooklyn Night court, bor movement find themselves in ren are still denied any relief and would have representatives of a horribly embarrassing position faced with an immediate eviction Magistrate Matthew Troy deLEON TROTSKY WORLD REVOLUTION by CLR James, single copy nounced threateningly subversin the case of Glotzbach Stolte. notice.
government, business, labor Others Arrested and consumers. Such a counive elements and organized Now this false policy and estiTHE FOUR IN COMBINATION FOR.
The Invasion of Finland, Editorial 50 cil could bring about unity of mate has led them to the end of Also arrested was Richard mobs but was persuaded to repurpose and unity of action on SPEECH by LEON TROTSKY In English. 00 the road, where they find Glotz Hicks of 106 28 Union Hill Street, lease all defendants in custody of Speech on the Russian Question, a constructive program.
bach and Stolte still supported by a life long resident of Jamaica, their lawyer. They will be tried in recording on two double faced discs.
James Cannon President Roosevelt, Colonel Har Hicks is 63 years old, absolutely Queens Court Thursday morning But suppose the members of also the council couldn agree among rington, Congressman Ryan, and destitute and applied for relief for disorderly conduct.
Dialectical Materialism and Science themselves? Suppose labor is IN COMBINATION The Long Island Daily Press may be a bit amusing, to those refused relief while the Bureau Lied about the defendants in its voted down by business and by Leon Trotsky who always understood Roose attempts to force him to live on account of the story. It attempt government. Suppose labor WITH THE FOUR BOOKS LISTED ABOVE. 50 doesn like the program Supvelt true role in initiating and his relatives.
ed to cover up the brutality of supporting the attacks on the un Also arrested was Guiseppe the treatment given these work Twenty cents per copy: fourteen cents in bundles of pose there is a lot of speeches employed. But more important. Pace, a sick and penniless 64 year ers by reporting that they were five or more.
and no program? Ah, well! the situation provides another old shoemaker. Pace, a skilled seeking a larger relief allowfine effort but perhaps the times PIONEER PUBLISHERS air tight argument for labor to worker, used to make shoes for ance. The bitter truth is that the are not auspicious for unity of NEW INTERNATIONAL action and unity of purpose.
ruthlessly reject both old boss the rich, costing 25 30 a pair.
116 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK, parties and strikce out on the Now he cannot get any work, the Relief Bureau has denied to all 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK, Fatience! There is something road of an independent labor rich, through their agents in the these unfortunates any relief pceltive. Organized labor has party Bureau, deny him even money for whatsoever.
and the WORKERS JAILED AT JAMAICA RELIEF BUREAU Sensational Offer. 85. 75 50