BolshevismCommunismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismInvasionItalySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Socialist Appeal We propose that the regular 1940 session of the Congress of the United States shall enact emergency legislation to put into immediate effect the following: Appropriation of 10, 000, 000, 000 to provide, at once, jobs on housing and other public works projects for unemployed workers. Amendment of the Wages and Hours Act to provide throughout private industry and public works a maximum work week of 30 hours and a minimum weekly pay of 30 dollars. 30 dollar weekly old age and disability pensions. Appropriation of 3, 000, 000, 000 to guarantee either maintenance at school or jobs for all youth.
Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International NEW YORK, NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 17, 1940 FIVE (5) CENTS Vol. IV, No. WHY IS SUMNER WELLES GOING TO EUROPE Big Business Backs. Lewis Newark Manager Plan LEADER AGAIN LASHES OUT AT Blasts Roosevelt Envoy to Probe for Anti Soviet Front Lewis Is Right But What Is He Going to Do About It?
WORKERS JAILED AT JAMAICA RELIEF BUREAU didn tell us what to do about it, or what he agricultural workers and working farmers. ANTI LYNCHING BILL HEARINGS ADJOURNED WOMEN WPA STRIKERS ARE SENTENCED Backs Campaign of Sending Welles Abroad To Make Organized Labor In Opposing Soundings Among Belligerents Proposed City Changes For New War Alignments AN EDITORIAL On Tuesday, February 20, a referendum is being held in the city of Newark, to determine whether the City Commission form John Lewis roasted Roosevelt to a stopped. What every militant in the labor What will be the real mission of Sumner Welles in Europe. of government shall be changed to a Council Manager form.
President Roosevelt has announced that he is sending his The AFL, the CIO, the unemployed organizations and the SocialChallenges Him on turn last Saturday. It was a good job of de movement wants to hear Lewis and the CIO bunking the New Deal. Lewis turned the leadership say is: Under Secretary of Stato to Europe to report on present conist Workers Party have called on the workers of the city to go to Jobs and Chance spotlight on America Problem No. the polls that day to vote No on the referendum.
ditions in Europe. Eight years of the New Deal have demBig Business For It For Youth unemployment onstrated that the working class of this Pressed to give more details, the President said that only Big Business in Newark, headHalfway through his speech, Lewis asked country has nothing to gain and everything he and his Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, would be privy to ed by the Chamber of Commerce Welles findings. It is apparently none of the people business.
and the Broad Street Association, WASHINGTON, Feb. 11 the right question the burning question. to lose by supporting capitalist parties: It But within a few hours matters became a little clearer.
is behind the move to change the John Lewis was an easy win Well, why not do something about it? time to build our own Labor Party. The inform of city government.
The most striking fact of the ner over Roosevelt in that de But Lewis didn answer that question. He dustrial and white collar workers, and the Big Business spokesmen say bate here yesterday. It was a Welles mission which was imthey can reduce the high tax rate pity that the two of them were mediately commented on in Euof which is bringing ruin to not battling it out on one plat is going to do about it.
together with their wives and sons and rope, especially in London. was the small home owner and shop form!
He did say: Isn it now apparent that daughters, constitute the overwhelming mathe fact that he will go to Rome, keeper, by installing a City Council of and an efficient City The president had bumptiously the politicians answers are not going to get jority of this country. They should run it.
Paris, Berlin, and London. not Manager who would reduce waste ciently informed to adopt a real get you a job?
told the youth they weren suffi you a job unless you force the politicians to That what the working people of this to Moscow.
and save money. They propose to Refused To Leave olution against war loans to Fincountry are waiting to hear!
Then when Roosevelt on Sunreplace the present City Comland. He had termed twaddle Until Children But how to force them that the ques Labor Party that will fight for a job mission of (1 died recently) by day addressed the delegates of the proposition that such loans tion.
an election, to be held four weeks and a decent living for every worker. open the American Youth Congress on Were Given Food would lead to America involveafter February 20, of a City ment in the war.
At the United Mine Workers convention, the idle factories. operate them under Council that would be controlled Anti Labor Loophole the White House lawn, he openly Lewis told him off: Lewis graphically described how, in the deal workers control. a Twenty Billion dollar attacked the Soviet Union, deby business men. They claim al It might interest the President with Roosevelt, the labor movement got the federal public works and housing program Slipped Into House clared that 98 percent of the graft and corruption in the ger and the cold blooded refusai to know that the recent conyendirty end of the stick. He made clear that he a 30 weekly minimum wage a 30 hour Version of Bill American people were supportCity Hall.
of the New York City Home Re temple then, mited 2400 Werltes ruled out the Republican party. That fine. weekly maximum all war funds to the uning Finland.
Their Real Plan lief authorities to give them any in a deliberative convention in But then he ended by projecting another deal employed a people referendum on any Add to this the fact that Welles But it is clear that the real aim relief whatsoever, seventeen men Columbus, representing a memof Big Business is not to help the women, and children sat down in bership of 600. 000 members and with the Democratic party. Neither Lewis and all wars these are the kind of demands three of them from Texas and all Taylor, named as Roosevelt perAfter hearing eight witnesses, is sailing together with Myron a clique which will make certain Wyck Avenue, Jamaica, Thurs dependent families of those 600. for thinking that another deal with the Demnor anybody else has given a single reason that a Labor Party should fight for today.
that the tax burden hits Big Bus day, Webine and relperd to makes 000 men, adopted the same kind ocratic party won turn out lậke the last one. asked that question. Let him answer it as aajournea Sine die. Texas Senator whole effort in the war is aimed Why not do something about it? Lewis mittee of the Senate hearing test sonat emissary to the Vatican, They want a government that Weinberg, ordered the demon And wonder if the president Lewis has gone half way and then the workers want him to answer it!
tions and the real estate specu no, mother of six children shout could call the resolution adopted opponent of the bill, presented no at bringing about an anti Soviet witnesses, though he had widely coalition, and one begins to get lators, Public Service and Prued out detantly, You feed my by the UMWA twaddle.
dential Insurance and the like. Those resolutions (against publicized his intention to have more than a glimmer of what is children then ll go home, not beAction Needed to Win 30 Hr.
to loans Finland) are symbolic a large number testify in opposi in the wind.
They want a City Manager fore. The Bureau authorities tion to the bill. Some of the matwho will cut relief, who will re called the police. Then Miss Wein of what is in the hearts, not only Welles the evil genius behind erial he himself read into the Week at General Motors fuse to appropriate any city mon berg and her assistant: Miss of the young men and women of cord was supplied him, Connelly the bloody regime of Machado in ey for WPA projects, who will Breslau, laughed and joked with America, but of practically evsaid, by Mrs. Jessie Daniel Ames, Cuba and the State Department president of the Southern Wom chief manipulator in relations wages, who will cut appropria whether the unemployed workers constant and the conscious and en Association for the Preven with the totalitarian dictatorships Company Is Trying To Wear Men Down tion of Lynching.
tions for the library and the hos would get frightened of the police subconscious fears that, in some pitals, who will cut wages of the and go home. Not one person way, the politicians and states: of Latin America is going to school teachers and the lower moved. All the demonstrators men of this country and the war.
With War of Nerves and Words Anti Labor Loophole Europe to sound out the possibilraid city em. oyces. In other were then arrested and hauled ring world will in some fashion (Continued on Page 2)
drag our country into their war, The more progressive support ity of shifting the focus of the (Continued on Page 3)
and it a protest.
Suspended Sentences ers of the bill are making an war from internecine conflict FLINT, Mich. The General Motors program of action an effort to keep in the bill the pro It is a protest, and after all, For 13 in Mpls; nounced by the tops of the United Automobile Workers (Cho. Viso that lynching shall not be among the imperialists into a war who has a bigger, greater right which gingerly places on the shelf all the real demands of the work deemed to include violence occur of the powers against the Soviet to protest against war or any Gets 45 Days Jail ers, reveals the usual trade union bureaucrat error of placing ing during the course of picket Union. The infliction of a decisive part of war, or the diplomatic faith not in the militant action of the ranks, but in some kind of ing or boycotting or any incident military defeat upon Hitlerite intrigues of war, or the subtle legal machinations, in this case the National Labor Relations Board. in connection with any labor dis Germany is a necessary part of By GEORGE STERN polities preceding war, than the MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 10 It is of course absolutely necessary for the UAW CIO to wage pute. As passed in the House an energetic campaign to win the coming NLRB elections in Gen of Representatives, the bill had this project.
The veering vane of speculation The open announcement in young men who, in the event of r, would become cannon fod. The fourteen women strik eral Motors. But how can they be won?
over the war next phase has Paris that Allied forces in the end Union and non union men, acutely aware of their insecurity, of loophole to turn the law against this portion deleted, creating a Hull Chimes In turned to the Near East where Levant now total some 300, 000, Lewis was even more bitingly ers convicted in the third Impending lay offs, and of the the working class.
Simultaneously with the Welles hostilities has become visible.
large scale Allied preparation for not counting the army of Tur effective in commenting on the WPA trial were sentenced imperative need of making strong error, and plays the part of the With the bill pending in the mission, Secretary Hull revealed key, which is pledged to fight on plight of the 4, 000, 000 young this morning in Judge Math demands upon the corporation, kind and righteous employer.
of world power politics, spells out reaches that part of the world. for whom Roosevelt had no anew Joyce courtroon. Thir are not going to be satisfied with But meanwhile these constant acted with unusual speed Wed. is already engaged in many sided The Near East, in the language the Allied side as soon as war people without job opportunity.
Senate, Maryland state police that the Washington government Turkey act in seizing Ger swer.
oil the oil of Iraq and Iran and teen of the women received a merely verbal program. prom. flare ups are wearing down the nesday, to rescue two Negro wo negotiations with the neutrals for shipyards at the You listened to the presi suspended sentences and waised by the leadership after the moon. They cannot keep this up men from a mob of 1, 000 white the announced purpose of making the oil of the Soviet Caucasus. man owned Black Sea end of the Bosporus dent today, when you came placed on probation for peri Militants who realize the im must be organized into a corpora county jail at Snow Hill and a sound international economic forever. Their militant action men, who had broken into the preliminary inquiries relating to War waged in the Near East and in expelling some 80 odd away you didn know where to would be war waged by the Allies against the Soviet Union, German technicians working in get a job if you needed one; he ods of one year to eighteen perative necessity of the Clotion wide offensive to achieve the seized the women. The women system war waged for the oil that Turkish arsenals, munitions Sidn tell you that if you wait months. The fourteenth, Min winning NLPB elections will demands which all agree are es were being held as material wit duction of armaments, after the plants, and with the Turkish ed a year there would be a job nie Kohu, drew 45 days week at 40 hours pas system ures to prepare for a fight for the governor, the county sheriff press for action on the 30 hour sential.
spurts from the ground benesses in the slaying of a farmer war.
and the tween the Black and Caspian army and navy.
for you, he didn say that if Serious organizational mess by unknown men. Statements of the city workhouse.
guaranteed shop steward America Future Role Seas.
you waited five years there Thewe, and a large number Behind these empty phrases and related demands Now and a 30 hour week at 40 hours pay, and state police concerning the stretches a grandiose picture of would be a job for you. BeJust as the war in the West of previous indications accumThe suspended sentences not in the vague future. vigor for a systematic shop steward rescue were obviously made represents a continuation of the ulating steadily in the months cause, apparently, he didn came as no surprise, after the bus campaign TODAXwould system, for hard and fast se an eye to the effect on Congres perialism expects to play the role the future role that American imknow, and if he doesn know, conflict between Anglo French since the war began, show he finds himself in the same fix government retreat of last guarantee an election victory and niority system, etc. would easily sional opinion.
imperialism and German im clearly that whatever the turn takes in the West, the Allies that you were on the Finnish week, when it quashed the re solid front against the huge and rapidly rally the General MoGeneral Motors VA War in the Near East be e a continuation of the are preparing once more to exmaining indictments against Guerilla Warfare all the NLAB electromtee first of Although both the Democratic a war exhausted world. These ne unsuccessful Anglo French war tend their search for plunder of intervention against the Bol into Soviet Russia. They would turned to the economie plight of the 125 WPA strikers who While this game of delay and certain victory for the UAW CIO, the bih half hearted support the first phases of Washington evasion goes on in the CIO lead(this is election year and Negroes assertion of its dominant place Company Has the Money seek the double goal of cutting the young generation of today: had not yet been on trial.
sheviks 20 years ago.
And for such a war the Allies, off a vital possible channel of He (Roosevelt) said also, by Those who were handed ership, the ranks are engaged in if union leaders fear that the more than a dozen ostalesy, the time they have a more immediate superficially at least, are far bet oil supply to Germany and of implication, that perhaps there a war of attrition, wearing them. 30 hours at 40 hours pay slogan leaders of neither party have purpose: to introduce American Turkey, which swelling their own war chests is too much furor being raised probationary periods of one selves out in a constant and wide le not fensible, that GM cannot given an unequivocal statement pressure upon the neutrals in fought with the Kaiser Germ. and simultaneously dealing a about jobs for young people, be year are Bertha Gates, Pearl spread decentralized battle with atford it, let them look at the en the bill. As a Pittsburgh Cour their policies toward the war at cause ten, twenty and thirty Richards, Marie Morgan, the company.
any last time, is now on the other heavy blow to the Soviet State facts. General Motors profits for ler editorial puts it, the present time, to force them side. The sprawling desert and whose destruction remains one years ago young people also Harriet Munson, Ida Dunlapilitants in various and maintain to the coffers of the DuPonts and In plant after plant union mil. 1939 will be about 200, 000, 000. Mr Garner has been on the into the war alignments with oil rich lands of the old Turkish of the prime aims of world im wanted jobs. Some answer!
departments are hese profits now are poured inwhich Welles will be dealing pripublle payroll all his life and How much does that mean Lois Viens, Sigrid Asunma, Aghting to secure and Empire are now in the hands of perialism.
marily during his European tour.
Britain (Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arab.
to one of you who needs a job?
Isolationists Collapse Myrtle Squarcello, and Mar seniority rights, struggling as, Morgans. If the UAW. CIO would spent in Congress. He MUST The outbreak of war in the la, Palestine) and France (Syria Near East would not preclude, How much does that mean garet Schoenfeld. Dorothy ainst speed up, demanding a cut conduct a militant fight, and de know how to talk, and if so, Little opposition to Roosevelt scheme is to be expected from the strings of the puppets that he went onrobably he europene to get married and live the nor Green, Anne Wisdom and widespread layoffs begin, in ore profits to the men who produce multe lungs about Negroces the Congress, as was to be seen this rule Iran and Afghanistan, al fronts. The Soviet Finnish war how many years of interrup probation, and Nellie Wald. men at work over a longer period 100, 000 unemployed at a guaranmal Ross got of them, could his paid Negro henchmen say week when solationist sentithough in both these countries would assume more clearly its ment collapsed in the Senate and he says. Like Mr. Roose their power is not uncontested.
teed 1500 yearly wage, add altion to your normal plans will essential place in the scheme of the bill to provide an additional velt, he can be depended upon The principal indices of Allied things as the opening phase of you enjoy. How many ron, eighteen, Company Provokes Flare Ups most 500 a year to the income to say nothing definite and speadopted. There was a round of 20, 000, 000 for Finland was war preparations in the eastern an imperialist attack on the Sovi hope that you will have an op fense Attorney Tom Davis eated po provoke these little hours in half at least, as a result As the court opened, De The corporation, always aware Sepetaworkerer novam played by citic to encourage Negroes for applause when Senator King deMediterranean during the past et Union.
fear of scaring off white sup clared he favored tre bill beweek have been The arrival of a large ex What role Germany and land to live the normal life of rose to point out to the judge Hare ups. cases of minor discrim of the additonal employment of port.
cause Communist Russie threatpeditionary force of Australian Italy will play in the new turn a normal citizen.
that most of the defendants inations against well known un u hundred thousand workers. Only a workers party that is ened to deatroy this and all gov.
and New Zealand troops, landing of the war wheels remains to His speech was, in rough form were mothers and grandmoth ion men are quite numerous in It is possible that due to tunes, can afford to take a clear Stalin invasion of Finland has based on class unity across racial ernments.
at Suez, be seen. To help shape this role an accounting of the bankruptcy the Flint plants. Usually the cor inability or unwillingness of the The visit of Gen. Maxime may well be the prime purpose of the New Deal. He warneders, that they had all suffered poration backs down, after a Reuther. Thomas leadership to stand, need not be afraid of given Roosevelt an idealistic Weyrand, French Near Eastern of the informational trip Roosevelt that the American peo greatly, and suggested that fight has been waged, lays the conduct a real offensive in Gen scaring off white support. pretext for moving against the commander, to the British Gen Sumner Welles is making to ple will hold strictly accountable probationary sentences be given. whole matter at the door of some eral Motors, initiative for action That the Socialist Workers Par. Soviet Union, and he is making eral Staff quartered at Cairo. Europe. Continued on Page Continued on Page 2) petty foreman, or administrative (Continued on Page 2) ty the most of it.
Behind the Lines were elections.
of time.