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Socialist Appeal We propose that the regular 1940 session of the Congress of the United States shall enact emergency legislation to put into immediate effect the following: Appropriation of 10, 000, 000, 000 to provide, at once, jobs on housing and other public works projects for unemployed workers Amendment of the Wages and Hours Act to provide throughout private industry and public works a maximum work week of 30 hours and a minimum weekly pay of 30 dollars. 30 dollar weekly old age and disability pensions. Appropriation of 3, 000, 000, 000 to guarantee either maintenance at school or jobs for all youth.
Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1940 FIVE (5) CENTS Vol. IV, No. MINNEAPOLIS WPA INDICTMENTS QUASHED One of the Minneapolis Strike Meetings FIGHT OPENS NYA Seeks to Drive ON ANTIYouth into Army LYNCH BILL Conspiracy Charge Against 130 Dropped ALS MINERS CONFAB WPA Workers Ask OCCUPIED WITH Large Scale Aid UNEMPLOYMENT Proposed Deal Fails British Spurn Gandhi; Officials Turn Over NYA Lists Five Plead on Minor Charge; 17 of 32 Already Convicted Get Sentences Unions Must Act To To Army; Youth Asking Relief Told To Join The Army From 30 Days to Eight Months Put Heat On In Washington The National Youth Adminis turned over to recruiting officers.
By CARL SHEA tration announced Feb. that it Where young relief applicants MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. The expanding pressure of the The first stage of the fight to had instructed state NYA direct refuse to join some branch of the city, state and national trade union movement upon the Roosepass the Anti Lynching Binors to turn over to the Army Re armed forces, they are being through the Senate began the cruiting Service a list of all male urged to apply for CCC jobs. Revelt administration finally cracked the WPA strike proseculief applications are often turned hearing before a Senate subcom enrollees between 18 and 25.
tions wide open this week, as organized labor magnificent mittee on February Here the The order followed a sugges. down or held up for weeks in the representatives of the Southern tion by the Army Recruiting Ser. hope that applicants will join the defense of the unemployed victims brought the Department plantation owners will make their vice that in the words of the CCC. In the CCC camps, boys are dispatch reporting how weterators are exerting pressure on of Justice to terms.
next attempt to kill the bill.
Senator Tom Conally, who is receiving 14 to 2i a month them to join the Army after comIn return for a face saving plea of nolo contendere (no (if we except Neeley from the from the NYA would find the a pleting their ccc terms. In a defense) on a minor charge by five of the accused jobless border state of West Virginia) my base pay of 21 a month North Carolina camp two months the only Southerner on the sub for a recruit, plus food and cloth ago the boye conducted a demonworkers, the government dropped entirely its conspiracy committee, was the leader of the ing, more attractive. stration against militarization.
seven week filibuster that de Thus it becomes very much to Growing fear of militarization of and other indictments against all 130 remaining defendants.
feated the bill in the Senate two the interests of the Army, and the CCC is cutting down the num 5, 000 workers were present at this one of the mass meetings held by the WPA strikers at the ment of Justice, arrived here last Monday with orders to get J. Rogge, head of the criminal division of the Departyears ago. He told the press some its government, to keep NYA ber of applicants. Senato suppropriation to pay sible in order to make army pay apprehensive parents, farm lead backing of the organized labor movement of the organized labor movement of the city, state and out of this fight with the unions as gracefully as possible. for the expenses of witnesses more attractive. Roosevelt ers are asking for the formation nation, forced the government to call a halt to the WPA strike trials.
against the bill, but nothing more budget cut of NYA funds thus of special conservation projects of the 162 indicted for conspiracy and overt acts for participating in last summer the money to defeat this bill win on needy youth to enlist in the ing told by government spokesnot be withheld by its landlord Army.
WPA strike here, 32 had The Judge opened with a tenmon that such projects will not employer opponents.
Relief Applicants Pressured be started so long as CCC jobs been convicted in three trials. ican citizenship, attacked the efSupporters Mobilizing In the Middle West, young men are available.
The resultant outcry through declared himself completely in acfrontery of the WPA strikers. Recruiting Hints The supporters of the bill are applying for relief are being askout the labor movement was cord with Roosevelt and Murphy list of recruiting hints also preparing to send their wit ed by administrators why they in their statements that tha Deases. The Texas branch of the do not enlist in the Army or Na sent to Army reserve offdeveloping nation wide pro strikers had no right to strike National Association for the Ado wy. Their names, together with cers points to the vancement of Colored People in the names of military eligibles the most koly employed portions. Each trial was ma against the government.
relief, are being enlistment.
Jobless in Flint, Michigan, and Montana particular will send a large con already on Tom Davis, defense counsel, fjör engagement between the pointed out ond cust the trials hors faiat tingent from the native state of Conally (as well as of such other 30 Hour Week Is Adopt Militant Resolutions; Ask War government and the WPA resemblance to political persecuSouthern gentlemen as Garner Defense Committee set up tion and pled for moderate senby Raised For Miners and Dies. and from such advance Funds for Unemployed tences the Central Labor Union.
reports as are available their tesThen the judge went to work, timony will As Jobless Aid be so overwhelming Rogge arrived and opened ne in a burst of Invective against the as to embarrass even him.
FLINT, Mich. Feb. Con PLENTY WOOD, Mont. At This bill, however, will not be portning Roosevelt slash of meeting of Federal Labor Union gotiations with the defense working class militants, whom he The historie 36th constitution. WPA and relief funds, WPA LO No. 21760, AFL, held here Jan. committee for termination of cowardly, etc. He warned them passed merely on the basis of facts. It is mass pressure, and al convention of the United Mine cal No. 12 of the United Auto 28, the following resolution was the prosecutions.
that next time they would receive only mass pressure, that can Workers concluded its sessions on Workers, CIO, voted unanimously unanimously adopted and ordered much heavier sentences.
force the Northern capitalist rep. Viceroy Refuses Even To Promise New Thursday, February 1, by sharp at their last meeting to fight for forwarded to Senators Wheeler FDR Pound of Flesh resentatives to take a stand Leaders Get Worst ly warning the Roosevelt admin an aggressive point program and Murray and Congressmen Status For India After the War; The Roosevelt administration against their Southern classistration that Labor wants no designed to give a real answer to Connor and Torkelson for ac wanted its pound of flesh, of All through the grand jury probrothers.
Gandhi Finds Solution Impossible war. and will hold to strict the problem of unemployment. tion: course, to settle the fight. Simply ceedings and the trials, the gove accountability any statesman who Act Now!
The program reads as follows: Whereas, despite the mislead to quash the remaining 130 in ernment had concentrated its departs from this policy. In order to meet the unem. ing propaganda of business revi dictments would be too bald a main fire on General Drivers UnWrite, and get your union and By SHERMAN STANLEY Lewis stated in his final ad ployment and rellet crisis and val and the so called assimilation confession of defeat for the gov son Local 544 Federal Workers club to send resolutions, to SenAfter a two and a half hour discussion with the British Vicedress to the convention that the provide jobs and a decent living of millions of workers into indusernment punitive campaign. Section, and the leaders of this Frederick Van Nuys, Senate workers of Amerlea are opposed for the millions of unemployed of try.
attice Beleding Vensiung tersebate roy conservative estimate Rogge, therefore, presented a list model militant organization rein support of the bill. Van Nuys statement on Feb. that, peaceful solution to the problem to war and that under no circum. America we demand the follow shows that upwards of ten mil of forty men among the 130 ceived the heaviest sentences to stances will labor support a pol ing: lions of workers and their fam from whom the government was day. Ed Palmquist and Max Geldwith Wagner and Capper, is co of India freedom is apparently Impossible.
icy of killing off young anfien on 10, 000, 000, 000 Public in the United States of America dere nodefense. The defense each got eight months. Leslie The British authorities, rejecting completely even the conultes are at present unemployed demanding pleas of nolo conten man, chairman and organizer author of the bill and is also chairman of the subcommittee servative demand of Gandhi for a promise of Dominion Status Works Program for America and In direct contrast to the posi 10, 000, 000 unemployed citizens.
committee put its foot down, and Wachter, FWS steward, was the hearing testimony on the bill. for India after the war, have slammed the door in the face of the Congress Party once more. tion taken by the current quar. 30 hours a week at 30 pay further aggravated the situation to 6, finally to Attempts of the months sentence. Whereas, President Roosevelt the list was pared to 21, to 11, only other to receive an eightGandhi has admitted that re terly meeting of the AFL Exec.
per week.
Charles Grider received seven sumption of the long drawn out utive Council, the convention negotiations to heless can adopted a resolution urging the WPA job for every able slash of one third be made in the five plead guilty to conspiracy months William Riley and while, the left wing forces within government to withhold the bodied person who is unemployed. public relief funds, amounting to were also unavalling George Toteno, six months; Mil. An adequate program to a cut of one half billion dollars the Nationalist Congress have lending of any money, or the parOn Wednesday, Feb. 1, the five ton McLean, four months; Eddie openly stated that they will split ticipation either directly or indi take care of all unemployed youth while in the same breath he pro pleaded nolo contendere to one Alberts, Frank Stevens, Floud By GEORGE STERN posed an increase of two and one charge each, after which, on mo Hurley, Myron Philips and Richthe Congress from top to bottom rectly in the wars now going on of America.
Leland Stowe of the Chicago This does not modify, of course, if Gandht should sign any agree in Europe and Asia. Adequate relief for all those half billion dollars to feed his pet tion of Rogge, indictments were ard Connell, 90 days; Ralph Gore, war machine, and.
dismissed against the other 125. 60 days; Charles Connors, 30 Lewis and all of his lieutenants unable to work.
Deixe light of me wsmen sent to about the military situation on any sell out of India demand made numerous militant speeches. ALL WAR FUNDS TO THE nothing more than a widespread against aly 130. Whereas, this procedure is conspiracy charges were dropped days; Ben Palmer and Oscar Finland. He even goes so far as the Finnish fronts. It does not for freedom.
throughout the convention. This UNEMPLOYED, to finance the preparation to force an imperialSchoenfeld received suspended to say that the dearth of news lessen the impression of criminal is explained by the fact that all above program.
sentences and were placed on pro England difficulty is India of them are keenly aware of the Hypocritical Statement ist war on the already crushed about little democratic Finland clumsiness, faulty staff work, Fight Local Ruling workers of the nation who have is due largely to the fact that poor communications, and gener opportunity. this was the clam seething discontent that prevalis In a prepared statement rend bation for 18 months, and cari is being conducted by a band of eral staff has given in this mis peasants, students and middle American labor. They know that siderable tuss wover the Pue of money bags of the war mongera terpret the government retreat tence and 24 months probation.
this alleged night for democracy al sneptitude which Stalin gen or of the 100, 000, 000 workers, among the road to the presa de The press is whipping up con nothing to gain by protecting the to the court, Rogge, sought to in Permble receved on suspended sen.
Class Lanes Clear autocratic generals led by Man erable adventure. But it is a class people of India, when the the labor movement has been on relief clients owning cars, and it as witness the last great war, as being merely due to Roosevelt amiable intercession, and nerheim warning not to swallow whole. Continued on Page Continued on Page 2) looks like a maneuver to divert and The judge gave suspended sen Whereas, the President and that such intercession had not the tences to the ex preacher the stu Most of Finland remark sale all the pap that is being fed ably capable army officers have to us, all the vicious propaganda which face the workers. The the Senators and the Congress remotest connection with organ dent and the graduate chemist, the intellectuals among the vicunion is not allowing itself to get men cannot be ignorant of a fact szed labor pressure.
had very little contact with whose real purpose is not to supdemocratie traditions, writes port a non existent democracy sidetracked on this issue by giv. which every undernourished child The Department of Justice, tims, lecturing them that intelliStowe.
in Finland (ruled by the autoing it undue consideration, mere knows, viz, that one third of the he stated, feels that the 32 most gent people of their sort should This is why newsmen have cratic generals. remember) but ly doing what is possible to com American people are ill housed, culpable persons have already not be consorting with the low rarely encountered greater ob to whip up anti Soviet feeling in It can be done!
bat it.
most of them living in vermin been convicted It should be riff raff. am not, of course, restacles to procuring informa this country and to prepare it for Red Sundays will work, if the branches will only give it a fair New Crisis Coming infested, unhealthy ramshackles noted that such dismissal is made cording this fact to the detriment tion and why the war in Fin entry into the war.
and, for the purpose of clearing the of the three, all of whom are rebMore important is the fact that Whereas, several millions of docket. Shortly before Mr. Jus els to one degree or another, but land from a journalistle standHere the first report of a party local that tried the Red SunAn example, incidentally, of in one month or a little more the young people now out of school tice Murphy retired (as Attorney only to show the sharp class charpoint is the toughest proposlday plan and made good. Writes the Boston literature agent: what the handling of news City of Flint will be faced with are The Boston branch has APPEAL house to house sales twice a tion that they have ever ene left to wander aimlessly General. the President discussed acter of the sentencing.
can do was afforded last week wholesale closing down of WPA about the country without suffi the matter of these cases with countered.
week, on Tuesday or Thursday, and a Red Sunday. This has been projects, throwing several hun cient funds to keep body and him. The President felt the duty Max Geldman, Fws organizer, by the meeting of the Balkan When the judge came to little The real censorship, he Entente. Here was a meeting of very successful as we get into the hands of workers about 40 continues, dred men out of work, and flood soul together and are often forced of the WPA workers had been he literally brimmed with hatred. seems to come APPEALS each day go out. This is only with three or four ing the welfare rolls.
small states divided into groups while you are in contactto depend for their sustenance on made clear; that while they may slandering him with the usual crews of two comrades to a crow, one girl comrade and a male that are already definitely linkWhen this happens, there will the kindly influence which is organize like others on the gov bourgeois lie that here was an careful control of what you ed to this or that great power comrade if possible. We are going to have a complete mobilizabe a simultaneous relief and offered by alley garbage cans, ernment pay roll, they have no agitator who, like all agitators, shall be allowed to learn long tion of the branch and will be able to get rid of more Appeals.
or else are the scenes of conbefore you sit down to write.
THE COMRADES ENJOY THIS VERY MUCH. They meet new WPA crisis. Relief allocations are now right to conduct a strike or en. was not found in the melee but flict among them. Yugoslavia If reports from Finland are already inadequate to meet the Therefore be it resolved that gage in acts of violence. It contacts and discuss the war is in Italy orbit and Turkey question, unemployment, etc.
often confusing and contradict and Greece in that of the Al Through this we will be able to build neighborhood discussion need. Another thousand on the Local 21760 forward the follow. was felt that this lesson had been sent others into the danger zone.
rolls would mean a situatio ory, it is largely because circumgroups and build a neighborhood APPEAL route, well as make sim ing proposals: duly learned and lies, while Rumania remains Judge Corrects Error object stances compel us to report all ticklishly balanced between the new contacts.
ilar to what happened in Cleve All war funds be turned sought had been attained.
The dignity of the court was land.
Good work, Boston! That makes at least two branches, Boston important military engagements Anglo French bloc and the over to the maintenance of the Mask Slips Off somewhat rumed when, after leceither at second hand or after the Relch. The conference took and Detroit, we know definitely are actively putting over the Red The WPA union is making unemployed.
This hypocritical mask of good turing Riley, he sentenced him to event. We are probably the only place and of course decided Sunday plan. How about it Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco careful plans to stage a real fight That the Federal Govern will slipped off Judge Joyce six months on a substantive count alleged war correspondents of nothing, and from every capiand the rest of you throughout the country to prevent such a crisis occurring. ment Immediately launch a ten face today, when he sentenced and placed him on probation for this century who have had to try tal representing violently conOne more word for the hesitant comrades: the Boston letter The unton is growing by leaps billion dollar public works and seventeen men convicted in the two years on the conspiracy to report two months of fierce ficting interests, came expressays, at first comrades were of the opinion that it was foolish to and bounds, and a general real housing program on a trade and fluctuating hostilities without stons of satisfaction over the try it (Red Sundays. But once it got under way, distribution ization of the imminent crisis has union basis; mobilized by organized labor re charge. Defense attorneys called getting within hearing distance went like a house afire.
spread through the ranks of the That Congress appropriate sulted in limiting his sen the judge attention to the fact of gunfire more than two or three outcome. You pays your money Give the plan a chance! Its the only way to stabilize the Appeal workers. militant struggle will three billion dollars for youth tences; but the judge was as vin that Riley had been tried only times at the most.
and you takes your choice. and increase the circulation, undoubtedly result.
dictive as he could be. Continued on Page 2)
Behind the Lines For Red Sundays!