DemocracyEngelsImperialismInvasionMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers Party

SOCIALIST APPEAL FEBRUARY 3, 1940 WORKERS FORUM Con Edison Moves to Split IBEW Locals Transport Union Brief Poses Security Demand INDEPENDENT Crucible Steel MPLS. DRIVERS UNION IS VICTIMS OF Signs Pact COMPANY TOOL COURT RULING and WPA UNION WORKERS OPEN NEW DRIVE Anti Lynching Bill Through Chicago Editor: was uncovered in Flint.
Hasty Demolitions Imperilling Jobs In your four points for Congressional legislation before con child on the way, was found liv. family of six, with another Of 3, 000 Men in New York gress you forget one big item ing in a basement with a dirt. and that is cost of production floor, WITH NO WINDOWS, no Pressure Needed to Force for the farmer.
light, and nothing but swill to Because the farmer having no eat.
buying power would flock into BULLETIN Deputy Sheriff Harold Stalter repeated its demands for com the cities and wreck your No. of Genessee County reported the But What It Says, Union Members Don Several hundred members of plete protection of the more than proposition (Continued from Page 1) the Transport Workers Union three thousand members who tragedy. The Deputy reported: On the other hand when the There is no floor in the place IBEW Militants Will Know. Resent SWOC Dictatorship is Central Labor Union are back afternoon, protesting the demoli jobs, if the present demolition he will take a lot of labor out of family live. No ventilation of any of Teamsters and the Minneapol picketed City Hall last Saturday stand in danger of losing their farmer gets cost of production where Edward Reigle and his Build Union Anew On ing the local union fight against tion program of the La Guardia program goes through.
the cities also buy so much more kind. It is pitch dark at all times, demanded In spite of the repeated prom of labor products.
Progressive Basis The recent accord reached between the Steel Workers Organ permitting enemies of labor to administration the only light they have is an izing Committee and the Crucible Steel Co. as announced in the have access to its records. Un that jobs be provided for the ises of the phony friend of laDecember issue of Steel Labor; which abrogated strike votes der an oid state law, members store transando employees of the bor. Mayor LuGuardia, about Except for this think you globe. The conditions are broken Two class locals, 829 and taken in nine plants of the Company, is no longer a mystery to may, at court discretion, exam. Second and Ninth Avenue elevat providing jobs for all of the men have a splendid program.
ine the records of the association ed lines, before these lines are who are thrown out of employFLOYD LARSON plorable they cannot be told in words. There is apparently noth880 of the International Brother the rank and file of the Crucible workers.
ment, the LaGuardia administra Minneapolis, Minn.
of unincorporated associations razed.
Clinton Golden, director for.
ing in the place to eat but an hood of Electrical Workers in order to prepare a case. This letter addressed to the May. tion rushing to jam through old pot of beans.
and Manhattan electrical divt swoc, informed the member membership thart Goldenst hand amounts to letting the finks go or by Austin Hogan, President of the demolition program in order representng the Bronx the north eastern region of the Knudsen salary is sufficient in sions and the gas division of the ship of lodge 1289 (Harrison, made verbal charges against the on a fishing expedition amid the Local 100 of the TWU demanded to hasten its unification deal Editor: While Old Man Knudsen, 500. Flint unemployed.
itself to more than support all Consolidated Edison Company, new. contract stewards of lodge No. 1289 and which, though in no way remetuese every man now employed on should by all means continue to Motors, went up and down MichThe Transport Workers Union 000 a year President of General announced on Jan. 25 their with January 25, that EXPROPRIATE the 60 Famdrawal from the IBEW and their has been signed to remain in ef had demanded their immediate in the courts, will nevertheless these times fight this rotten demolition igan whipping up a Jingo War Ilies! Provide a decent standard decision to set up a new winde fect for a period of one year. resignation. These charges were be very useful to the bosses Once before, in the summer of Attorneys for Transport scheme through the courts and Spirit under the guise of aid to of living for the workers!
pendent union, the Brotherhood (Provision is made, however, for reported to the membership at ees. Five other class locals vision of wage rates at any time day. Dec. 31. motion placing mission to the finks. But the out to the Transit Commission on action. But legal action alone, misery typical of the dark ages Flint, Mich.
ten days full confidence in the present cry from the labor movement January 8, refuting the argu will not save the jobs of the sume proposition within the com light of this letter was the an they remain in office until the supreme court stayed action.
La city administration in its appli it is necessary to supplement the are scheduled to vote on this by either party wher high leadership, and demanding that was so strong. that the state ments set forth by the New York three thousand union members. These seven locals comprise the nouncement that the charter of expiration of their term was bor is not taking it this time cation to demolish the second legal fight by mass pressure on New York IBEW Utility Coun lodge 1289 has been suspended passed unanimously by more lying down either and Ninth Avenue clevated lines, the city administration. It is nec essary that the Transport Workcil, which claims to represent until further notice; that all than 500 workers present at the The Transport Workers Unioners Union inaugurate a dramatic the 35, 000 employees of the Con lodge officers, committeemen and meeting.
brief proves that the hasty dem campaign of mass meetings and stewards have likewise been sus The charges, as fully stated in 4!
solidated Edison Company, olition program is motivated demonstrations and call for suppended.
the Golden letter of Jan. 25 are: Claim Jurisdictional Raid solely by the needs of the admin port upon the whole labor moveTerms of Contract Unknown The present leadership had istration to pay out large sums ment in order to stop the LA. FIRST RESPONSE TO The leaders of the secession The rank and file of the Cru thwarted the attempts of the of money to the bankers in con Guardia SUNDAY activities. We ll publish administration cold, formity with the infamous unl smash the LaGuardia anti union movement, Patrick McGrath, RED SUNDAY: all of these reports in the Appeal former business manager of Lo cible lodges have waited two National Office to build lodge No.
fication deal put over last year program which is designed to decal 829 and Joseph Fisher, for years for a new contract. Last 1289. The officers had failed to by the LaGuardia administration. Stroy the Transport Workers Un York local have made a good beSeveral branches of the New Army column.
The following subscriptions mer business manager of 830 July, the leadership in the Jersey file the required financial reports and President It is estimated that eleven mil ion and to weaken the whole New ginning in response to the re have come in during the past creased property assessments on this way will the jobs of three sales of the weekly Socialist Ap substantial increase in new subCouncil, claim that they are with drive for a new contract. As a Treasurer, and had spent funds drawing from the IBEW because the adjoining properties when thousand union members be sav. peal.
scribers and readers over the past the International Office recently result of this action the swoc for unauthorized purposes. (Continued from Page the demolition program is ap ed and the open shop campaign These branches conducted period. We hope branches can awarded jurisdiction over con was forced to institute proceed legal technicality. An immediate reply to the charge, reported on the banquet proved.
struction work of the Waterside ings for bargaining with the of the bankers and their agents house to house and street sales keep up and build on this imGolden letter was distributed on given to the WPA defendants by The Transport Workers Union be successfully repulsed, Generating plant and other dis Company iast Sunday and all report good provement: puted projects to Local 3, the After five months of interrupt Monday, Jan. 29, at the plant the labor movement. Kuehn re.
success. They sold many Appeals, NEW YORK CITY New York. ed negotiations broken off from gates by the former officers, urs ported that over 75 unions were pamphlets and other party litera BOSTON. Pressure Needed to Force ture.
Minneapolis McGrath stated. to be identified Golden announced the signing of to hold firm and stick together many central and joint labor We repeat here the requests Foreign with any organization whose con a new agreement the terms of that we may be in a position in bodies from all over the state we made of all branches last Los Angeles stitution has as its purpose the which are shrouded in deepest the future to present a solid had representatives present.
week: Pennsylvania During the course of the meettaking away of work from mem secrecy, and buried in the files front against the attacks of the Company. Our only considera(1) Organize a special sales campaign.
Akron bers of this company. say, of the Swoc.
tion is the preservation of the ing many workers took the floor Local Leaders Removed leave this constitution and iden(Continued from Page 1)
union. The former officers fur and told how the WPA adminislynching of 1938. Because of this (2) Make every Sunday of the Oakland The January issue of the ther stated that the per capita tration, believing that the WPA Prentiss, Mississippi, of the mur. a grand jury investigation was week a RED SUNDAY, on which Syracuse tify ourselves with the company. Voice of 1289 informed the which under ordinary circum licked, was bearing down on the man. The mob was ready for a show up, and a no true bill was branch goes from house to house Branded Company Move trials meant that the FWs was der of a former marshal, a white started. The witnesses did not every availbale member of your Florida Harry Van Arsdale, Business stances would have been sent to Newark Ann Arbor branded the secersion 8an mate labor union dues books, the National Office was spent in werkers or the projects with lynch spree. They milled about returned by the jury. No action to sell the press and literature of St. Louis out and out company unton move everything but the support and two key departments, and that week, the administration at selves up to a frenzy. Hilton For nesses or Standard. The case (3) Send in the proceeds of Youngstown He stated: Bluntly, this is and the loyalty of the membership it all funds spent had been author tempted to force the men to con tenbury and Jerome Franklin died. But because a grand jury RED SUNDAY Immediately to of TOTAL: workers into the hands of one or was supposed to represent. In the lzed by the membership. Author. tinue working on the outdoor pro would undoubtedly have been had been called, this was not a help pay on your, regular bundle jects.
two and a half years of the IB. ization for funds spent on nego tion surprise, members of the lynch victims but for one fact.
added to Mississippi long list of lynching.
order account.
The Detroit Party branch has the most powerful monopolies in EW existence Bu Has a Chance increased bundle order by the contacted The Governor sent state troops the world the Consolidated Edi Edison Company, no more than now contract were authorized their union officials and very to protect them. Each door of The bill in Congress will never And don forget to send us in substantial amount of 75 copies son Company.
very union man at the Con tended union meetings in an or former SWOC director Allans Shortly after that, the WPA dis the courthouse was heavily stop lynching: only the abolition regular reports on the successes and now takes a total of 100 per a few hundred members have at both by the membership and of the capitalist system can do and experience of your RED issue.
trict director was forced to is guarded, and when the prisoners that. But the mere threat of its solidated Edison Company knows full well that the formation of ganization supposed to represent Haywood.
The former officers concluded sue an order directing that out were taken to the jail they passage has reduced somewhat the new independent union is well over 35, 000 men. Most of the union officers were the same of their statement by asserting We door projects be closed and that marched in the center of cor this pastime of Southern gençlenothing but the revival of the old ficers as of the dissolved com stand for internal democracy, make up lost time when the wea White take this extra precau doubtedly reduce it more. This workers be given opportunity to don of troops. Why did Governor men, and its passage would unANTI WAR MASS MEETING company unlon representation pany union system. The campaign to destroy tion. He tells us, quite frankly time the bill has a better chance CIO Contests Contract rank and file to select its own ther became warmer.
unionism on the properties of officers. We will return to the Because of the debate now going than ever before. This is an elecFighting Spirit High the Consolidated Edison Compa The CIO Amalgamated Utility ranks and continue our fight for Many of those present had on in Congress on the anti lynch tion year, and in half a dozen ny has been deliberately prepared Workers Union immediately con this democratic principle. never been at a FWs mass meet bill.
Northern states the Negro vote Speakers: and carefully organized for the tested the contract and filed Membership Aroused ing before. At the conclusion of Lynching New Style holds the balance of power bepast year by Floyd Carlisle, Vice charges with the National Labor The rank and file of 1289, frus the meeting, the great majority So the sharp drop in the nun tween the two capitalist parties.
President of the company. In Relations Board. For the last trated by the National Office of of those who were non members ber of lynchings in recent years If sufficient pressure is brought this nefarious scheme, Carlisle two and a half years, this case the swOC in their fight for a indicated their willingness to is not a reason for not passing to bear on the Senate, the bill Former Yorkville leader was well aided by the archaic, has been tossed around in vari real contract, are fuming because join the organization. The spirit the bill but a direct result of at will pass.
inefficient and inept union ma ous courts, governmental boards of the unprovoked attack by of the membership was typified tempts to pass it. Moreover, the chinery of the IBEW.
Background of Fight Meanwhile, the IBEW National and militant leadership and the during his speech, who said, It been a real one. The old time Nat Secretary, Socialist Workers Party The year 1937 saw a great re Office has permitted a situation consequent sell out in the fight will take more than 162 indict. lynching was a community affair.
volt Haring up among the em to exist where, under its name for a new and better contract. ments or convictions to smash Local newspapers announced it FRIDAY, P. FEBRUARY 16th ployees of the Consolidated, ag functioned a semi company union Their major demande: For this organization. If the govern Ways in advance, to give the per ainst the insecurity and the tyr. at the Consolidated Edison. 624 cent minimum with propor ment wants to stop the unemple from neighboring counties YORKVILLE CASINO anny of the open shop. Tremen Van Arsdale lifted part of the tionate increases in pay, and a ployed from demanding their time to reach the scene. Then be 210 East 86th Street, New York City dous enthusiasm was displayed veil when he stated in his inter Monday to Friday work week right to live, they will have to fore a crowd of hundroits the for union organization and the view: It must be admitted that with time and one half for Sat. indict and jail not a hundred or victim would be tortured to ADMISSION: TWENTY FIVE CENTS IBEW was called in to conduct the International Organization urday and Sunday (as against even a thousand, but all 12, 000. death. This practice has pot passthe drive. The IBEW, however, was unwise in permitting inex. the stagger system. have been 000 of us.
ed out. Only in 1937 at Duck Hill, repelled immediately these work perienced and incompetent lead apparently scuttled by the sw Auspices: Local New York, Socialist Workers Party Mississippi, a new refinement The February issue of the ers by its ultra conservative pol ers, in many cases former officers Oc.
was introduced; blow. torches New International will be off icies and its outmoded union of the Edison Company, to head The provision in the new were applied to the bare bodies the press by the time this papANNOUNCEMENTS graphed Diego Rivera prints structure The IBEW offered the IBEW locals.
contract calls for no new wage of the two Negroes.
Dancing in a private ballroom these men a class local set. These officials have consis increases but leaves the way er reaches you. Financial difBut it has to some extent been ficulties and the fire in our WANTED: Girl share light, airy Bring bits to 1181 49St.
up. class local is com tently sabotaged the efforts of open for an increase presumably supplanted by another sort of 44 room apartment. Rental 16 klyn and the fun is all yours.
posed of non beneft members the CIO and are now attempting when the price of steel is adheadquarters compelled us to lynching, one which seldom is to skip the January number.
with or without furniture. Subwho pay lower dues. Such locals to sabotage the work of the vanced some time in the future.
be found in any of the annual ways convenient. Rhoda Pearson, FOR SALE: Microscope, SpenThe omission of the January enjoy no autonomy and are entit ternational Brotherhood of Elec. While the cost of food, clothlists. group men waylay number is more than compenSarah Hertzberg 151 97th St. cer Binoculars, crystable subled only one vote at national trical Workers.
ing and rent are steadily rising, their intended victim in some de sated for by the excellence of New York City.
stage condenser 950 power, good conventions, regardless of mem The scheduled NLRB election, and the steel bosses are making serted spot, kill him, and fling condition, Reasonable. See the new magazine which will bership. which was supposed to take place millions, the workers wages rethe body into a river or swamp. be thirty two pages.
Stanley in Socialist Appeal office The Consolidated Edison work in the next weeks, brought the main the same. What are the reaFOOD WORKERS Branch dance at 116 University Place Lynching has gone underground. Continued from Page 1)
The issue features a discusers, keenly disappointed by this whole situation to a head. The lo sons for these unjust conditions. Lists Inadequate has been postponed to Satursion on the Russian question proposal, began turning towards cal IBEW officers, McGrath and they are beginning to ask. Why The attempt to fire the 120 men All sorts of evidence can be day, Feb. 10. Place: Upper THE HISTORY OF TROTSKYthe Cio for redress of their many Fisher, in collusion with company has the National Office sold us, was only the first gun in a plan adduced to show that the list of which is once again the hub of all revolutionary politics. The West Side branch headquar ism is incorporated in the file grievances. Suddenly, in March, officials, cleverly engineered the down the river when we have ned general stream of lay offs, three lynchings given by the NAters, 910 Ninth Ave. of the Militant and the New role of the Soviet Union in the 1937, like a bolt from the blue, secession scheme in order to shown them we are ready to with this attempt effectively ACP barely scratches the surBeginning 8:30 Admission Militant which we have. Vol. war, the invasion of Finland, the came the announcement that a throw the elections into further fight? These questions are time frustrated, new efforts will be face. The International Labor twenty five cents.
No. Nov. 1928 to June 1936 closed shop contract was turmoil and legal red tape and ly, and must be answered.
foreign policy of the Stalinist even more difficult, and will be Defense, the Stalinist defense bureaucracy since the Hitlerexcept for about 25 of the later signed by Carlisle with Dan Tra thus further discredit the cause The militant fight against the met with even more determina agency, gives twenty five appa: Stalin Pact, the question of issues. We will sell it for the cy, International President of the of unionism among the workers. stagger system by the men in tion by the union, which now ently well authenticated cases Soviet imperialism all UNSER WORT No. (99) is best offer we receive.
IBEW. The contract negotiations Now that the horse has been the Electric Furnace department feels its strength.
for 1939. In a recent issue of these are treated extensively.
available at the following bookwere conducted only from the stolen, Tracy rushes to shut the some weeks ago, was broken Previously a 103 was consid Editor and Publisher Southern Among the articles on this shops and newsstands in New. We have all books and of interest to Socialists. Send top, with no consultation of the gate. From Washington, he an with the aid of Golden York City: ered to be irrevocable and final, newspapermen tell some things question are: for our lists. We pay cash for workers or reference to their de nounces that the IBEW will go Trying to put men back who had they omit from their papers. One Again and Once More Again Modern Book Shop, 27 Univer used and old books and pamsires and needs. The workers the limit to fight the company received 403 was like trying to man has killed no fewer than on the Nature of the sity PI phlets.
found themselves suddenly herd now and build a union on the Now Is Your Chance bring the dead back to life. But twenty de mese according was by Leon Trotsky.
Rand School, East 15th St. Have You Read: Unemployment Resolutions of the Political sheep. They had just won a IBEW Militants Reorganize On Sale for Two Weeks Only42nd St. 6th Ave. Cor.
Changed His Mind! ever in the list of lynchings. Committee of the Socialist the American Workers closed shop contract and a check Militant union men in the IB February to February 15 Negotiators for the union said Again, William Standard, deputy 42nd St. Southern Side, near Workers Party on the Soviet Swabeck 10c; The Meaning of off system, but no increase in EW are now planning to reor.
Library that when they first went into sheriff in New Orleans, says he ANTI DUHRING Union and on Stalin Invasion Marx Hook. Eddy, Russell, wages, no improvement in work ganize the union from the ground 200 East 86th St.
the administrators office they is being haunted by the ghost of of Finland.
Dewey 20c; Hearst by Oliver ing conditions, no redress of their up. They realize that they must by Engels were met with a firm refusal. But Oscar Smith, a Negro he killed Moderne Deutsche BuchhandA speech by James Cannon Carison 50c; Why Jews are grievances.
build their union at the Edison Regularly 00 all obstacles melted away, when in January, 1938. The story is in on the attitude of revolutionlung, 250 East 84th St.
Persecuted Catholic viewThe following day, the compa Company under the banner of for on Get it at once! It contains 67 he heard the shouts and singing the newspaper solely because of ists toward the Soviet Union.
point 10c. LABOR PUBLICAny union declared itself dis the IBEW, because the IBEW is of the union men massed in the this macabre touch; only incithe article of on the War Also included in this issue is TIONS Dept. Box 785 Chisolved. The IBEW then proceed the national organization of the Clearance of pamphlets hall just outside his room. dental is the fact that standard in Finland, a commentary on cago, In.
ed to an important speech by Leon Sat. Feb. Wide Selectionset up seven class lo utility workers. The IBEW men Union leaders made very clear has killed six men in his life. The Trotsky the occasion of the the Riots in Bohemia, and the cals. All worcers were forced to are now demanding full autono Many rare ones 2c and up. in several speeches to the workers murder of Smith, allegedly be. 50th anniversary of the death important article by Trotsky, GO HARLEM!
join the union and pay dues my in the conduct of the local that the reason for lay offs is the cause he was frequently seen in of the Russian scientist, Mendthrough the check off system. union and its affairs, to enable MODERN BOOKSHOP lions for guns at the expense of whom the officer was in love, ism and Science.
the USSR in War.
This Saturday, Feb. 3, P.
spending bil the company of a woman with elyev: Dialectical MaterialDance to the JTVE Music Overnight, the IBXW bloomed them to regain the confidence of of the out into a huge organization on the Edison workers and to re 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE the unemployed, and they sie was almost recorded by the pubSAVOY BEARCATS BAND revolutionary Marxist canthe properties. It had all of the build the union on a new healthy Boro Park Presents: Info Please Gramercy 0917 manded that the unemployed be licity director for the Southern not afford to miss this issue.
Entertainment, Refreshments, etc.
with Gould and Gordon as our Sub. 496 186 Lenox Ave.
outward attributes of a legiti foundation.
provided with JOBS NOT GUNS. Regional Conference as the first Order your copies now! experts. An auction of auto Harlem Branch, Jobs Not Battleships!