DemocracyEnglandGermanyHitlerIV InternationalKronstadtNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeSubversiveWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Now the Time For Labor Party. Socialist Appeal We propose that the regular 1940 session of the Congress of the United States shall enact emergency legislation to put into immediate effect the following: Appropriation of 10, 000, 000, 000 to provide, at once, jobs on housing and other public works projects for all employable workers. Amendment of the Wages and Hours Act to provide throughout private industry and public works a maximum work week of 30 hours and minimum weekly pay of 30 dollars. 30 dollar weekly old age and disability pensions. Appropriation of 3, 000, 000, 000 to guarantee either maintenance at school or jobs for all youth.
Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International NEW YORK, Y, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1940 ISO 167 VOL. IV, NO. FIVE (5) CENTS LEWIS FDR SPLIT REFLECTS MASS FEELING Lay Offs Stopped In Flint Minneapolis Teamsters Latest Anti Lynch Discontented Workers Are Looking Victims of Court Drive Bill Passage Toward Independent Labor Action BUT OF COURSE! At Stake No More Deals With Boss Politicians! WPA UNION WORKERS OPEN NEW DRIVE section.
the Behind the Lines New Ruling Opens Edgar Hoover was telling Union Books to a mystery story writer recently about the widespread efforts of UMW Convention Otherwise Break Agents of Finks the Federal Bureau of InvestiMilitant Action Mass Pressure gation to combat subversive Denounces FDR for Will Help Only Checks Attack activites. After a long exposi Needed Back Slashing Relief Boss Politicians MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 30 tion of the bureau efficiency On WPA Workers Of Measure While the federal district attorin spotting Nazi agents, the ney and judges pause for breath writer said: Speeches from platform and AN EDITORIAL And now, Mr. Hoover, tell floor at the United Mine WorkBy FRANK in their campaign against the laFLINT, Michigan, Jan. 24 MI bor movement here with 33 me something about your work On February 6th the Anti ers convention have served to John Lewis has painted a vivid picture of the way in John Lewis dramatically on British and French agents.
itant action stopped in its tracks convictions and the rest of the Lynching Bill goes again to the focus national attention on the which Roosevelt has spat upon the working class. To get the broke with Roosevelt and his an attempt to begin mass layoffs 162 indicted WPA workers stili Oh, said Hoover, we ve by the WPA Administration to be tried for last summer got nobody working on them.
Again and again this bil, or Congress are trying to relegate workers support and their votes, Roosevelt promised much, administration at the Cross The State Department won when, after an all day demonstra WPA strike the state courts one with substantially the same to the background the umeme and gave as little in return as he could get away with. And he Roads of Destiny Golden Jution at the district WPA office. are taking up the battle against let us.
the UAW CIO WPA and Unem labor.
only to be blocked in the Senate or resolution of the convention got away with not giving practically everything that he prom Mine Workers of America, ployed union succeeded in getting District Judge Carroll last birine Southern filibuster. Each problemation No. economic sed.
120 workers put back to work meeting this week at ColumA fine example of what deter week ruled that the books and John Lewis told the story by the large majority of our Senmined action can do, the demon Local 544 are to be open to the er records of General Drivers Union ators that the bill shall not be how a committee of miners spent Then how can Lewis seriously propose to the workers bus, Ohio. In scathing terms stration began carly in the mornpassed. The Southern contingent regarandeer klinkt belyst with Sofa that they should repeat the same merry go round with another and its recent attacks on the laing, after an entire project with inspection of five finks, their atthe exception of a handful of men ruling came after three weeks of torneys and accountants. This their confreres not to sacrifice that their tears of the conse. Democrat? By what logic can Lewis argue that, if the labor bor movement.
had been laid off. Although 1088 the virtue Southern woman quences of unemployment were movement repeats an accord between the Democratic party had already been sent out by the testimony by a score of union Reading a prepared stateWPA office, the sight of a couple men, who testified that the five (Representative Cox of Georgia bead was Lewis pithy charac and organized labor, the same thing won happen again? ment at Wednesday session of hundred union men, and the plaintiff were organizers or in the recent debate. And others terization of the Indy.
of the convention, Lewis statroaring strains of Solidarity members of a boss initiated speak grandly of the necessity of Did it happen because Roosevelt was a bad man? Did ed. As the current year opens Ten Billions sich echoed to theodies Associated Independent Unions United States and refuse to apply after describing new processes in sufficiently to cause them to tear the bona fide unions for over two years. The plaintifts up all 403 and put all the men presented themselves as ex mem.
At Spirited Mass the cloturo rule to put a time lim steel which are throwing 90, 000 got nothing out of its accord with the Democratic party fault to the American people.
back on the job without excep bers of Local 544 who had been Meeting in Mpls.
it to debate Democracy in men out of work, said he pre under Roosevelt because, as August Bebel said more than fifty After seven years of power, tion.
discriminated against.
In checking mob savagery with spent ten billion dollars if need years ago, there is a law that in every coalition between a cap for the major questions or cum Makes the Difference!
even a grossly inadequate law, be to put the idle to work rather italist party and the labor movement, the workers get the employment, low national inWPA cuts have been very slow dead give away was the MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 22 but in allowing the representa than to spend one dollar for in coming to Flint, and are gen plaintiffs charge that the union come, mounting internal debt, erally lower in Michigan than officials had forced the city to The Federal Workers Section of tives of Southern Bourbons to American made bullets to be dirty end of the stick. Roosevelt was no better or worse than increasing direct and consumer elsewhere, since WPA adminis disburse more funds than neces Local 544 held a spirited mass shout lies until their lungs give used to kill someone.
any other presidential candidate of any capitalist party; it taxation and restricted foreign However, the only proposal for trators know very well what dy sary for relief, through the act. meeting last Friday, marking out.
new organizaLet us anticipate some of these action on unemployment so far was part of his job for those he represents the big bosses sume national unhappiness that namite lies ready to blow up in ivities of the Federal Workers the beginning of the ranks of the workers of this section of the union.
The International Brotherhood and in spite of the campaign by plausible is that the South is has been a demand that Rooses to take the workers into camp. He did it with the help of it faced seven years ago. am convinced that, with the federal and city governments itself doing away with lynching velt initiate a conference of bus John Lewis. Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
conditions now controafaction to smash this militant unemploy and, if left alone, will entirely iness, labor and the government Lewis doesn try to analyze why what happened did hap now permeating the minds of the nation and the ed organization. The attendance eliminate it in a few years more on the question. What this at the meeting was significant Those who say this point, for ex round the table talk could do pen. As an accessory to the deed of tying organized labor to people, his (Roosevelt s) candiand heartening, in view of the ample, to the list of lynchings, is not very clear.
government drive through its which shows a steady decline in the convention is continuing Roosevelt, he isn in the best position in the world to explain date would result in ignominious WPA prosecutions, to terrorize recent years to a new low of the half century old fight of the what happened.
Lewis accused Roosevelt of By GEORGE STERN all relief workers.
breaking faith with organized Carlos Hudson, acting editor of men tortured by a mob and then safety devices in the mines and The rest of us, however, have no reason to hide from our labor and complained that in Winston Churchill, England s, perately striving to remain has No. warlord, made a speech at neutral. Belgium, Holland, the Northwest Organizer, was ant as our Southerner would have tect the site and limb of those selves what happened. Labor got taken for a ride by Roose not been given representation in Manchester last Saturday in Switzerland, Scandinavia, and these mening speaker budama, yzana us believe, but, yes, it is an im engaged in the most hazardous velt. The next Democrat (or Republican. if he wanted the the cabinet, nor in the adminiswhich he unexpectedly introduced on the other side of the map, the notion that the Allies might the Balkans.
Congresor the app 10. 000. 000, 00 when fifty or a hundred lynch have been killed in the last half labor vote bad enough, would give Lewis all the guarantees or overnmentes terminate their waiting game, So far the Allies have been public works fund and a 3, 000. ines, were recorded annually. Or century of coal mining because of good faith and fulfillment of party promises that Lewis In the Congress, Lewis take the initiative into their own content to wait and leave up to 000, 000 fund for the unemployed pointed out, the unrestrained hands and leave to Hitler the Job Hitler the heavy risks involved youth.
When Lynching Dropped spend money on safety devices is asking for and then take the workers for the same kind baiting and defaming of labor of worrying where the next blow in starting an offensive at any The sharp drop in the list of and ause the federal govern of a ride that we got from Roosevelt.
by the Democrati jority has will fall.
one of these points. Then they Others who spoke were Max the NAACP, or of the Tuskegea ment was totally indifferent to become a pastime, never subject to continue merely awaiting tiers as saviors and not as the recent third WPA trial. 1922. In that year for the finest We do not wish indefinitely could march across these fron Geldman and Oscar Shoenfela, Institute, or of any other list of the welfare and the lives of the both convicted on conspiracy in lynchings has been since the year coal miners, The American labor movement has come of age! There to rebuke by the titular or actual leaders of the party.
the blows. Churchill sald. aggressors.
Negro Tells of Tragedy isn one argument for remaining a poor relation in a boss We hope the day will come Shoenfeld spoke on the situation time an anti lynching bill was Where Is Bread when we shall hand that job For in their reaction to among the youth, pointing out introduced into Congress. The so Negro delegate from Bartley Wilfred Dickinson, a young party, Speaking the following day to over to Hitler, and when he will Churchill open bid of a few that the so called war boom called Dyer Bill passed the House West Virginia, brought the con newspapermen at the Neil House The workers, together with the white collar workers, the Lewis remarked: see by the weeks ago to all neutrals to bo wondering where he is going to be struck next. come in on the Anledside Hold into industry and that Roose and was blocked by a Senate 11 description of the mine disaster agricultural laborers and working farmers, and their families, papers that William Green hauled This was supplemented for special consumption in this country she wentendu dalytis that they made NYA and CCC leaves the youth three to the right to indulgente come to our resulting me the heat constitute the ovewhelming majority of the country. They a truck. While the people are cry by Augur, journalistic mouth not intend to rise to the bait in a worse position than at any mob sadistry to check these de of 92 miners. He told the harrow ARE this country. If the CIO, representing the most impor ing for bread, Mr. Green hauls piece of the British Foreign Of but will fight anybody who time in the last decade.
a cake over the President. If tries to cross their borders.
fenders of civilization to some ex ing experience of the wives tant section of the industrial working class, would step out the President eats the cake that fice, in a special dispatch to the Karl Kuehn, recording secre tent.
And now Churchill, and his New Cork Times on Jan. 29. Aus echo, Augur, speak in terms of tary of the Fws, indicted but Mr. Green provides him, the Only last week, for example, mothers waiting for their sons. and take the lead, the others would follow.
gur version is that the masses direct menace to the neutrals, not yet tried on a conspiracy two Negroes were convicted in Lewis took the floor under this common people feel entitled at least to have bread. Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)
For an Independent Labor Party!
cut the Empire, are beginning to Augur, indeed, says openly. The Those democrats who are good historians might see an his This country demand for reso the British and French will open First Lady Barges torical allusion and say Let lute action is growing all the ly become the aggressors. This.
them eat cake. Rather than time. Resistance to German at clearly, is not intended only for Through Picket Line spending my time toadying to tacks, however stout, ceases to ears in Berlin, but in Brussels, Against Jim Crow the President with cake, m gosatisfy. The Allies cannot Berne, and the Hague, and in ing to spend my time and efachieve victory if it is irrevocable Scandinavia as well.
forts trying to get bread for the that they remain on the defens Churchill may simply be try The drive to make EVERY SUNDAY RED SUNDAY has to try to change that. When branch bills go out this week, people who are crying for it.
23 Pickets at a Jim Crow ive.
ing to egg Hitler into starting been launched from coast to coast with the sale of TWICE small form with spaces for all essential figures will go with Lewis Reflects Masses theater here last night failed the offensive over which the Since the beginning of the Nazis hesitate like the man who AS MANY APPEALS the goal in every branch. Literature them, as it will with every single issue from now on. remit to persuade Mrs. Franklin On more than one occasion, war every responsible leader on hovered on the hotel ledge sevagents are seeing to it that poster artists prepare room length tance is requested with each report, and we will expect a Roosevelt, four Cabinet mem John Lewis has revealed his the Allied side, including Church streamers carrying the campaign slogans: Every Sunday a WEEKLY report and a WEEKLY remittance from every branch bers and three Supreme Court sensitivity to the feelings and 111, has repeatedly stated that enteen stories above the ground.
Red Sunday We Will Sell Twice as Many Appeals! These in the country. It should be immediately apparent to every party justices from passing the pick needs of American labor. Lewis But Churchill is at the same the Allied victory will consist in streamers, stretched across the front wall of the branch head member that the APPEAL week to week income will jump et line.
knows that the existence of a sitting tight and compelling Ger time holding up a heavily mailquarters, bring the campaign home to party members as nothing SHARPLY with this practice which will give us finger tip con Negro and white pickets permanent economic depression man submission largely through ed fist under the noses of the else can. Has your branch put them up yet? We will send both trol over the weakest part of our sales system.
were protesting against the with ten to twelve million workthe blockade and other forms of neutrals. Britain economic of them to you and bill you, at nominal cost, If your branch Every branch received this week a red signal letter on back barring of Negroes from Wash ers doomed to unemployment economic warfare. This has been warfare is waged not only lacks an artist. Literature agents, here is your chance to put bills. The APPEAL needs money lots of it Immediately. What against Germany but of necesington theaters. The occasion and insecurity, and the Roosevelt only in part the real basis of Althe problem of sales squarely before the branch, all during the is your branch doing about it? The financial jam doesn become was especially appropriate for sity deals heavy blows to the lied strategy.
policy of steering America headit was the premiere of Abe long into the European bloodmeeting, every meeting! Get those streamers up. cleared simply because you ve become aware of it. It will be smaller neutral states.
Actually the twin line of In the first week of the campaign, certain effect has alcleared up only when you Do something about it!
Lincoln in Illinois. Negro ci bath, is storing up tremendous massive fortifications on the He is saying to them in effect. THE MANAGEMENT tizens may not see the picture dissatisfaction, ready been noted. Requests for decreases in bundle orders have bitterness and Western front makes any of that if they do not yield to Britof the Great Emancipator, hatred, that is bound, before long, stopped abruptly. Let every request henceforth be a request note to non party readers of our press: Your subfensive there prohibitively ish pressure and openly join the scription or contribution, sent now, will benefit not only you, for an increase!
read one of the picket signs. to explode in the face of the New costly to elther side. Any of Allies, they may be forced to but the APPEAL as well. You are sympathetic to our cause, think it a shtme that such Dealers.
fensive, if one is to be under whether they like it or not. For The weak link in bundle sales of the APPEALS has been why not ald the members of our party in pulling the APPEAL a fine picture should be picket The Cro is based on the mass takon, must of necessity take the Allies will openly become lack of information about WHAT HAPPENS TO THESE out of its financial difficulties? Every dollar, we assure you, ed, Mrs. Roosevelt told re production industries, steel, coal, place across countries now des the aggressors.
porters. Continued on Page 3)
Sell Twice as Many Appeals!