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POOR LITTLE FINLAND Illinois Socialists Condemn Jingo Attacks on USSR states: es: Do Glands Change in the South? FDR Alibi For Cuts Blows Up JANUARY 27, 1940 SOCIALIST APPEAL Some Pertinent History Past and Present LAROR WITH WHITE SKIN The CANNOT EMANCIPATE ITSELF WHERE LABOR WITH BLACK SKIN IS BRANDED MARX Negro Question By JOHNSON By CHRIS ANDREWS lit, badly ventilated, draughty or ment of the peasantry to the city, ity of wage workers, engaged in makes repression by the bosses III damp, and often infested with the city worker now represents the hardest kind of work from much simpler. The militant workThe Anti Lynch BI will now go before the. there are in Finland on vermin some 16 of the population, whom the benefits of an elghter is easily isolated in the small Senate. The must tirelessly work, by it an average twenty years of fam. Upon this level of rural pov. THE TRADE UNIONS hour day is specifically excluded. population. There are no unions self and with all other organizations, in order ine per hundred. who tells us erty, it is only natural that di AND THE CITY WORKERS But what about the 379, 861 in timber or the other large in By FELIX MORROW to bring all possible pressure upon the Senate to this? The Finnish Government sease should flourish. Tubercu The Finnish trade unions were workers in Industry, Transport, dustries of Finland there is no letter in the January 20 issue of Norman pass it. The working class movement must make itself calmly reports the fact is losis is the great scourge of the controlled by the Bolsheviks in commerce? says the indignant collective bargaining or job so Thomas Call is worth reprinting in full: its Finland Year Book (1938. rural population (and of the city 1918 and took an active part in petty bourgeois defender of Fin curity this cause its own. It is the working class that To the Editor: will check and finally put an end to lynching. Naturally the rich landowner es worker a recent peasant. It the civil war. As a result of the land. They enjoy the eight hour Besides Permanent Excep Only an idiot can fail to see that if the capitalist The Jewish section of the Socialist party, Chlcapes the suffering: it is upon strikes with especial havoc defeat, they were outlawed, their day. It the law.
tions, the International Labor cago, affiliated with the Jewish labor committee, class wanted to put an end to it, it would have those 950, 000 human beings who among farm hands and timber officials and militants murdered Underneath the law, the Office lists the following Tempowhose function is to lead the fight against Faseupon workers. Great Britain, taken adequate steps long ago.
ism and anti Semitism, expresses its dissatista The Southern landowners and their satellites farms ranging from an acre italist country with a permanent years was a slow struggle back the relation of class forces. In pairs to machinery of plant. tion with the plans for a meeting to protest at try to make out that lynching is the only sate. ir size to a maximum of 25 unemployed and slum class, had for the union men. As they grad 1916 a powerful and rising trade technical reasons. force mathe same time Nazism and Stalinism. Such a guard for the purity of their women from Ne. acres; upon the 112, 000 members a deathrate of per 10. 000 ually became more militant and union movement in Finland jeure. if, owing to the technic gro assault. Lie No. Of four thousand cases of of tenant families, and upon the from tuberculosis in 1935; Fin outspoken, the bourgeoisie un wrested the Eight Hour Day Law al condition of the work, it is immeeting is arranged in conjunction with the lynching during the last fifty years, in only one 616, 000 farm laborers and their land deathrate was 18. leashed both government and from the bourgeoisle. possible to enforce the Act in Czech, Polish and Finnish national councils.
fifth were the Negroes even charged with any families, that the tragedy of aequalled only by two of the most Fascist attacks upon the labor revolutionary Marxist re practice. interruption of the The Jewish section has more than once desort of assault on white women. And how flimsy bad crop year falls with the ut poverty stricken and backward movement lasting from 1980 to members that to carry a law work may damage property, clared its opposition to Stalinism and the dictatmost of their charges were, the Scottsboro case most cruelty, countries of Europe Rumania, 1932 (described in last week is against the bourgeoisie into prac manufactured products, or raw orship practiced by the Soviet Union. We believe, sue of the Appeal. report of the dietary stan 18. and Poland, 18.
tical application requires a tire materials. and in special cir.
however, that to protest against the brutal bar.
proves barism of Nazism, especially the savage persecuBut these very advocates of lynching, for that dards of the Finnish peasantry The cause of these desperate The Year Book less fight by the workers.
What cumstances or for exceptional tion of the Jewish masses, and at the same time Finland is what they are who oppose the anti lynching was prepared for the League of conditions of the Finnish peasan. 1936) justifies the repressions happened after 1916 in Finland. reasons subject to the consent of bill, are the same odious hypocrites who will tell Nations Conference on Rural try today can be traced directly against the organized labor By 1918 the class struggle ma the workers.
you how the Southern slave owners went off to Life, 1939. Among the poorer to the failure of the proletarian movement by saying that. to tured to the point of Civil War. When the boss interprets the detract from the effect of a protest against Nazism.
war and left their wives and children in the families the vast majority the insurrection of 1918. In the test some extent the present weak or The workers lost and their unions exception, who resists his insafekeeping of faithful slaves. So that, accord investigator discovered an ab of power by civil war, the bourganization of labor in Finland is were destroyed. Do the bourgeois terpretation where there is no Furthermore, we believe that such a protest meeting held in common with the bourgeois naing to these theoreticians, the Negro appetite normally low use of sugar, po geoisie triumphed with the ata due also to the fact that the te enforce the laws against them union? Where there is no union tatoes, cereals, and even of but of English munitions and a Ger trade unions have not kept strict selves?
to protect the job, what happens tional councils, will be used primarily to attack ation of the abolition of slavery. This is high ter and milk (Finland has a man Army Corps. The Finnish ly to purely professional ques Twice since then the bourgeois to the militant worker who does the Soviet Union, with the object of severing dip.
science. But slavery has been abolished in other lomatic relations in keeping with the demand of large diary industry. It says: landowners thus escaped the ex tions in their activities but ac ie have arrested the legally elect t give his consent. And more parts of the world. Where in any part of Amer Such low figures bear witness propriations which took place in quired a political character and ed workers representatives in the than 300, 000 out of 379, 000 are the most reactionary forces in America.
ica, North and South and the West Indian is to the poverty of these house other parts of Europe. Victors consequently, had to suffer for Diet and imprisoned them 1923 unorganized. The Jewish section in Chicago declares that lands, has any sort of lynch law been found nec holds. The housewives are gener have no need to give concessions all them and 1930. The slowly reviving e mistakes made by the It is only necessary now to add such action of the Jewish Labor committee is unessary to protect white womanhood. Nowhere.
ally incompetent cooks, for in to the vanquished, cial Democratic and Communist trade union movement was ruth that the Act specifically allows justified and harmful both from the Jewish, and In the West Indies, where slavery has been 19. of the families, cooked THE MYTH OF Parties.
lessly dissolved in 1930. Such is additional overtime work of 200 from the Labor and Socialist standpoint. We hold abolished for one hundred years, there is not, as food was eaten only once a day. LAND REFORMS In 1917 some months before the the relation of class forces in hours a year, plus an additional far as we know, one single case, not one, of In describing the peasantry. The League of Nations Confer outbreak of Civil War the trade Baron Mannerheim Finland 150 hours a year making 350 Soviet Union be made as a working class organ assault upon a white woman by a Negro. Sir the government published Fin ence Report on Rural Life 1939 unions had 160, 000 members. In Finland industries are largely hours a year.
ization, that our protest against Stalinism be conHarry Johnston, the great traveler, has put on land Year Class conscious workers will Book discusses divides the agrarian reforms of the years that followed the White decentralized in a manner to reducted independently of bourgeois and reactionrecord what is common knowledge that the world the primitiveness of their post war Europe into three class Terror they slowly reorganized joice the heart of Henry Ford. know how to judge the capitalist ary elements.
until by 1928 they had once again Finland is studded with com propaganda about the Finnish Therefore, the Jewish section of the Socialist tion in the West Indies walk anywhere at any Rural dwellings consist for the Almost complete liquidation some 90, 000 members. Two years pany towns. All workers under sight Hour Day!
most part of small one or two of large estates.
time among the Negro people with the utmost stand that such an arrangement party, Chicago, Is compelled not to participate in later the government smashed (Continued next week) the planned protest meeting, disclaiming all resafety. And this Englishman states that a white roomed houses, the majority of Fairly extensive reduction unions again under pretext of sponsibility for this action of the Jewish Labor woman can walk in the remote parts of the West them over crowded, cramped, ilt of large estates. treasonable activities, Indies with far more safety than she can on some committee.
Intervening in the trade un3. Relatively slight modificaU. Notes to London Mordecal Shulman, of the downs and the quieter country places of tion of land tenure.
ions through its Social DemocratChairman, Great Britain.
Finland is listed in the third keeps a sharp restraint over the ic servants, the government now group. In fact, the reporter adds, workers. Once again struggling Evoke 1914 16 Echoe Nathan Miller Secretary. In general, the expression Tag: to revive the unions, the workAnd the Negro in the North and West and rarian reform is not applicable Also Condemnation of Thomas East of America? What transformation in his to the land policy of the Finnish crs are further confused by the (Continued from Page 1)
presence of three organizations, glands takes place that allows him to meet any If we look for the differences Government.
the Central Federation, the Inde Walter Millis Road to War he between now and then, we shall that there are people in the Socialist party who This letter is very much in point. It indicates number of women in the parks and lonely places on the outskirts of New York, Chicago, and Los The Kallis law of 1922 provid pendent Labor League, and Na will quickly realize how much of perceive only that this silent are not going along with the reactionary Thomas.
Angeles and not give vent to the uncontrollable ed that estates of 194 acres or tional Trade Union Organization. a sham the present little diplo partnership has been an estab Symes Trager line of uniting with war mongers lusts which are supposed to dominate him in less were completely exempt. The vast majority of workers in matic skirmish is, how little it lished fact from the very beginFrom an estate of 741 acres the private industry are unorganized. really affects the basic trend of ning. And that it is not so silent. logically, not only a condemnation of the Chicago in attacks upon the Soviet Union. The letter is, the South. Continued from Page 1)
most that could be required for The unions represent some 70, 000 the Washington government No, let us once and for all chase from civilized At the outbreak of the last Jewish Labor committee action, but also a consociety this monstrous myth, and wherever we sale to peasants was 22 acres. members of whom 16, 000 are wo toward throwing this country war Wilson bade America to be demnation of the Socialist party support of the a total of ten million unemweight into the bloody holocaust neutral even in thought. But his anti Soviet resolutions, of the jingo leaders of the speak, not only meet the question if it is raised, ployed. Roosevelt relief slashes, From an estate of 988 acres the men.
successor in the White House of American Labor party, its support of bourgeois but bring it out into the open show it up if they are sustained by Con most that could be taken was THAT FAMOUS for the lying fraud that it is. No man knew more gress, condemn these ten million 39 acres and so on. No won. EIGHT HOUR DAY about Africa than Sir Harry Johnston. This was Millis sums up the diplomatic today goes in for no such naive Finland, etc.
The capitalist press of the conflict before 1917 in words blandishments and urges the diplus their families to a hopeless der the League of Nations report The sentiment expressed in this letter must be prospect of neither government declines to call this agrarian whole world has been proudly which can be offered as eloquent rect opposite, in order to speed widespread among the rank and file of the Sohis conclusion on Negroes and white women. There is, am convinced, a deliberate tenden reller nor private jobs.
boasting of the fact that the Fin comment on the present situa in thought to partisanship in ac in the call. It is no longer screaming at the top the transition from partisanship cialist party, for there has been a change of tone cy in the Southern States to exaggerate the deThe only thing open to these And for the land actually made nish bourgeoisie gave their work tion: tion.
sire of the Negro for a sexual union with white workers is local relief. But that available to the peasants, they ers the eight hour day as far Every issue which arose beof its vofce for arms for Finland. It has made no women. few exceptional Negroes in West is collapsing altogether, as one had to pay the landlord the price back as 1916. Further details they tween the United States and Further on the Road attempt to answer our criticism of its jingo edand South Africa, and in America, are attracted crisis after another overwhelms he asked and go into perpetual do not bother to cite.
itorials on behalf of democratic Finland.
towards a white consort, but almost invariably the local relief systems. The re debt to the government. The The International Labor Office Great Britain was settled in ac the present argument with The change of tone is not, however, a change for honest and pure minded reasons, because of of policy. Underneath, the line remains the same some intellectual affinity or sympathy. The mass Social Agencies, published here ment bonds bearing inter ceptions to the Eight Hour Day The completeness of this reverse echoes from the past, they serve of the race, if left free to choose, would prefer last week, which established that est. The peasant paid the govern. In its study of working conditions Anglophile u. so envoy in Lon we are much farther along the reactionary line of backing Finland in the war, a left formulation of it, to hold on to classto mate with women of its own type. When cases conscious workers who are outraged by the brazSouth West, East and Central Africa, of some listed as slightly above the na acres for firewood. The cottag sonal industries and all of agri cause entertained at that time psychological bases for the final have occurred in the history of South Africa. Ing in that city and Chicago is of 49 acres arable land and 49 manent Exceptions we find sea dom but shiefly to the emo road to war today than we were tional sympathy for the Allied in 1915. All the material and en Hoover formulations with which the Call began.
great Negro uprising, and the wives and daugh tional average in relief stand ers, receiving only acres for culture. The majority of the Finns The letter of the Chicago Socialists correctly ters of officials, missionaries and settlers have ards! typifies the situation na a house and garden, had to pay are engaged in agriculture. the not only by the American press plunge have been longer and denounces the Jewish Labor committee for joinbeen temporarily at the mercy of a Negro army, tionally.
or in the power of a Negro chief, how extremely ing with bourgeois groups in attacks on the SoWhat will CIO Do!
to work in the timber camps in servants, 13, 864 overseers, 58. Edward) House, the State Depletely prepared. Nothing proves viet Union. Is there any difference between that rare are the proved cases of any sexual abuse Roosevelt has indicated how cash the winter and would have more 689 share croppers (who pay partment and the President him this more completely than the crime and that committed by Thomas? He writes, arising from this circumstance! How infinitely rarer than the prostitution of Negro women fol he will meet the issue by slashfor example, in the January 20 Call: We should By this sleight of hand the produce but also with their per selves to contemplate a German the Washington government had do ourselves, and even encourage the government lowing on some great conquest of the whites or of their black or yellow allies! know that the fore now up to Congress. But Finnish bourgeoisie placed the sonal labor) and 175, 837 rural day wetery, and the strongest argu to go through diplomatic duels to do all that can be done for the Finns. He for their plea that the measures they germs of serious conflict over isadds, queasily. That is, all that can be done contrary has been freely alleged and falsely Congress, it is clear, will go burden of the agricultural crisis laborers all in all, some 616, 000 menter the British was. with Britain which contained live along with the President unless more squarely upon the peasan Finns, the overwhelming major took were essential to our ex sues of basic importance, today without involving or threatening to involve Amerstated in histories of African events; but when in the next wecks the trade un try and through the government istence. As long as that plea car the silent partners find themica in war. To call upon the facts have been really investigated, it is War Deal government of America to aid Finland is that a prolittle else than astonishing that the Negro has can make congress change its tion of their revenues more eft. Famous Bronx Branch and the corresponding plea from few bags of mall while behind the test against Stalinism conducted independently either had too great a racial sense of decency, ciently mind.
Hires Two more rooms for Germany did not, the United backs of the people of this land or too little liking for the white women (I beof bourgeois and reactionary elements. The letThe eyes of all militants in the Reappearing as the Finnish Famous Bronx Social States was unavoidably a silent the real alliances for bloody wars lieve it to be the former rather than the latter)
ter of the Chicago Socialists should have been dilabor movement are turned to Labor Party, the Bolsheviks con This SAT. JULY 27, 8:30 partner of the Entente.
to outrage the unhappy white women and girls are already sealed.
rected against Thomas and the Call as much as Columbus this week, as the ducted a fight against the infa 1334 WILKINS AVENUE against the Jewish Labor committee.
temporarily in his power.
only 29 minutes from Union Sq.
United Mine Workers convention mous Lex Kallio, The Republic (Freeman St. sta. Thomas says: The aid given should be nonLynching Not a Sex Question convenes. What will John disposed of them by arresting the military. Why? Either the cause of Finland is We ve got dance music. nirty gals, drinks, ping pong tables one deserving working class support, in which very highly developed urban people, www. kesayanwil he propose to legally elected 27 Diet members rouletto, pinochle and bridge cor case it should be supported with arms, or it is ner, sing fest, folk dancing. Camcondemnation of Roosevelt re prison for long terms.
ous personalities, gay repartee. unworthy of support, in which case it should get tellectuals, stage people, one finds a tendency lief slashes? Will the CIO under There has been a steady flight Everything to warm the cockles nothing at all: Thomas is a dishonest formula, towards interracial sexual relationships, but it is of your heart! So come! Money take the responsibility of organ of the peasantry from the land back guarantee of satisfaction!
announces two significant lectures series beginning designed to placate class conscious workers in his precisely among the large masses of workers or izing a real fight, or will it shirk. the United States was a refuge ranks, while continuing his united front with farmers that such tendencies are absent. When the task? That decision will de for thousands of Finns until emi FOOD WORKERS Branch dance MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1940: Hoover for Finland.
rapes do occur, they are the result of artificially termine the next stages of the gration there was curtailed. To has been postponed to SaturHenry Haskell, in the same issue of the Call, stimulated mass hysteria working on the embitfight for jobs and relief. day there is still a steady move day, Feb. 10. Place: Upper THE TRADE UNIONS FACE THE WAR makes a contribution which would provoke much tered imagination of a few subnormal, individWest Side branch headquarmerriment, if the issue were not so deadly serious.
uals. When they do occur because over and over ters, 910 Ninth Ave.
Mondays, 7:15 8:40 He writes: again, white women in the South, when their illiBeginning 8:30 Admissiga Three lectures on current tasks of progressive trade Socialists should make a sharp distinction becit relations with Negroes are discovered, either HEAR a recorded speech on two discs made twenty five cents.
unionists in America, to be given by Frank, tween workers aid to Finland, and aid by reacthrough fear or external pressure, raise the cry Trade Union Director of the New York Local of tionaries like Hoover and also the Roosevelt adof Rape.
LEON for the New York meeting celebrat UNSER WORT No. (99) is the ministration.
Lynching is not a sexual When the workers all over the available at the following bookworld come to the aid of Finland, that is some have not only TROTSKY ing the tenth aniversary of the shops and newsstands in New to know that themselves. They must propagate II. DIALECTICAL THINKING thing else again, and mut be of great concern York City: SPEAK it with as much assiduousness and energy as the founding of the Fourth International to the leaders in the Kremlin.
Modern Book Shop, 27 UniverMondays, 8:45 10:15 By the same token, every worker in the worla Southerners propagate their lies about the New IN ENGLISH movement in the sity PI.
Three lectures on the philosophical basis of Marxgro desire for white women.
Rand School, East 15th St.
would change the. ism, by Wright, American translator of class character of that war.
42nd St. 6th Ave. Cor.
And that, in fact, is what the democratie, antiIT BEGINNING AGAIN!
Only 50 sets available Trotsky political works.
42nd St. Southern Side, near Imperialist wing of Anglo French jingoism is America did not enter the last World War Library 00 a set ADMISSION FIFTY CENTS PER SERIES, trying to sell the American workers.
under the siren spell of British propaganda, or to 200 East 86th St.
OR TWENTY FIVE CENTS PER LECTURE Let the safeguard our bankers loans to the Allies, or even Moderne Deutsche Buchhandparty, applies to the on account of the Lusitania. The United lung, 250 East 84th St.
AU Lectures Take Place AI: Socialist party line the principles enunciated in States cast in its fortunes with the Allies primarGet it at once! It contains Send check or money orders (not cash) to: 125 WEST 33RD STREET, Room 201, their letter. If they do, we shall gladly join hands ily because of William Shakespeare and John the article of on the War with them in a revolutionary Marxist struggle Bunyan and Magna Carta and General Lafay.
PIONEER PUBLISHERS in Finland, a commentary on Register now in person or by mail at the school office, against Stalinism, the only kind of struggle which ette. From The Living Tradition, just pubthe Riots in Bohemia, and the 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE, 3rd floor, can destroy Stalinism, win independence for a 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK, lished by Simeon Strunsky, chief editorial writer important article by TrotsSoviet Finland, and save the Soviet Union from of the New York Times.
ky, the USSR in War.
capitalist restoration THE MARXIST SCHOOL und political question. Marguestion, but a social ery worker in the Socialiscago Socialists, and ev.
SEE Dramatic Presentation NATIONAL SECRETARY, HEAR JAMES CANNON Lenin Liebknecht Luxemburg ERNEST ERBER THERE WERE THREE at Irving Plaza (Irving Place and 15th Street. WEDNESDAY, EVENING, JANUARY 31st, 1940, EDITOR, CHALLENGE OF YOUTH AT P.