AntifascismBourgeoisieBujarinCivil WarDemocracyEngelsHitlerInvasionLeninMarxMarxismSocialismStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismViolence

SOCIALIST APPEAL JANUARY 27, 1940 CLERKS PICKET Ready for Ten Million LAGUARDIA Of Us. Draft Notices!
SCAB MARKET Wander of ILGWU Pleads WORKERS FORUM He is Guilty as Charged the United States.
LON Seal autocratic TERROR ON WEST UNITED MINERS New NMU Pact Up for Vote COAST EXPOSED CONVENE AT IN TESTIMONY KEY MOMENT MILITANT LOCAL When the United States de Between three and four million of whole national organization and clares war, some 10, 000, 000 men these men will be placed in Class QUITS WAA the devil, himself, were he a Editor: between the ages of 21 and 31 and will thus be liable for immember, and we felt justified in will be registered for the first mediate induction into military At a meeting on Jan. the so doing. Placing full and combe incomplete without its tearful draft in accordance with the Se service. The following form (S.
Admits He Flouted Decision of 1, 000 Union reference to Russia ruthless Quakertown, Pa, Local No. plete confidence in our delegate Local 338 Charges lective Service Act which Con Form 150) is already prepared to Members in Bayonne Negotiations attack upon Finland and the 1901 of the Workers Alliance, the integrity, our desire was that the Hit New Essex Street gress would pass immediately. bring them the news. cold and deliberate mass slaugh membership decided to sever all would join with others in renderter, including the bombing of connections with the Workers Aling the service and accomplishEstablishment Form 15 on Induction into Military service of the (Stamp of liance, and form an independent ing the purpose for which the of mailing)
open cities.
ORDER OF INDUCTION By FRANK MILITARY appointed out of town department organization to be called the Pro Congress was called. We had no SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES In the January issue of the leadership exercises When Hoover, Roosevelt, the jeet Workers Association of desire or intention to provide a (Prepare in Dupliente)
Socialist Appeal, we called atten powers. Steel Corporation or the Bucks County, Six union pickets, distributing THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. rubber stamp, or a pawn to be Chase National Bank get all tion to the signing of a new Doesn your own explanation, worked up about poor little Fin ber, a number of members had prescribed formula, At the last meeting in Decem pushed around, according to a To. First name. Middle name. agreement between Local 160, at: Mr. Wander, reveal that you do land, it is easily understandable. been assigned to get the senti and accepted member, independa free market, Asking customers not to (Last name. Order Number). Serial No. tached to the out of town departo not believe that the workers have Finland is a semi colony of the ment of the non union project ent in thought and action and exAndraniry stores, were arrested posed of your neighbors for the purpose of determining the capacity Garment Workers Union, and the their own union affairs and de have a stake in a Finnish victory. back were unanimous in favor in accomplishing the purpose in by the special market police on in which you can best serve the United States in the present emer Maiden Form Brassiere Company cide their own policies, but must What are you all excited about, of an independent union, several view.
gency, you are hereby notified that you have now been selected for of Bayonne, New Jersey.
you will, therefore, report to the Local Board named above at pointed out, the absence of all and can veto the decisions of the who is in seventh heaven when union 100. and numerous All received a request that we take The negotiations revealed, we who possess dictatorial powers as indecent as that of a butler, jects would join an independent Loyalty Oath Issue MR. MAYOR! WE WANT JOBS! MR. MARKET COM.(Place of reporting). Hour of democratic procedure in the out rank and file membership?
MISSIONER! WE WANT reporting). on the. day of. 19. for of town department and the reJOBS!
military service.
From and after the day and hour just named you will be in the general manager, Harry Wander opposed the election of a new the dumps when the master se new organization and expressed The last grievance we had was actionary policies pursued by its Your explanation of why you soar upward and who is down in expressed their desire to join the a loyalty oath to the US government.
Bearing these and other signs, pickets last week began to military service of the United States.
In the January 15 issue of Jus: shop committee is positively hu curities sharply decline.
their disgust at the bureaucratic (Member of Local Board. marent renconto New York City (The term on tarpeelle comprebende beton armoyang Measonablehne unaww, Haur wounder attempts tions are in progresu is almost bed: manufacturers and their lackeys tice. official publication of the morous. You state that changing committees while negotiaStalin invasion of Finland has way in which business of the Al when we received a letter that a special assessment was laid on sed by all of the open shop liance and some of its locals in conducted.
each member by a referendum of Mayor LaGuardia latest pride. see instructions on reverse side)
the huge new Essex Street Re Form 150 the membership and we had no He states: Grievances Against WAA Sen 10. onder andere on into Military Service of the United States.
sides such an action offends America ten million unemploy. One grievance the Quakertown tail Market, which stretches for knowledge of such a referendum. Their (Socialist Appeal) accu members of the original commited, the starvation and suffering Local had was when it received Among other things was a prothree blocles from Broome to (Reverse side)
sation is that we refused to suprtee. Isn that a real gem. Here Stanton Streets on the Lower IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO ALL MEN SELECTED FOR port the action of the shop when is a group of workers, staging aking Cleveland and hundreds a letter from the Pa, state omce posal to form a county organizaEast Side. The plekets are mem MILITARY SERVICE AND ORDERED TO REPORT TO in the midst of negotiating a revolt against your autocratic lions of dollars that are being death watch against the Pier month to pay for a grievance agof other American cities, the bil of the Workers Alliance about tion and raise the dues to 60c per bers of Local 888 of the Retail. Dalry Grocery and Fruit Clerks Union (CIO. which has 5, 000 Local Board, and on the order and notice of induction into military committee substituted.
was The day and hour specified on the Classification Record of this abruptly withdrawn and another icies as displayed in the negotia spent on armaments in prepara son forced labor hun, urging Lo ed, and undermining our local by continue to march until LaGuar for military service is the time that marks the change in your guilty as charged. My action was ly too subservient to you. You starvation in Finland. But they strength. The WAA national pamembers in the city. They will service contained in this notice for you to report to this Local Board To this accusation plead Committee, because it the apparente crats have one track minds. They the death watch going, and also joining stalinist Love members to dia reverses the present scab la status from civil to military that of a responsible unionist, proceed to veto their action and cannot recognize it in the United per, Work, stated that there were ization will be formed that will Want New National Organization bor policy of the market.
Failure to report promptly at the hour and on the day named etc We hope a new national organtoss their democratic votes into States.
Cheap Goods Cheap Labor is a grave military offense for which you may be court martialed. DICTATOR IDEA the waste paper basket, because The Essex Street Market was wilful failure to report with an intent to evade military service OF UNIONISM it is going to hurt somebody allegedly built to house the push constitutes desertion, which, in time of war, is a capital offense.
You and your friends are the town Local decided to send money not have the mechanical control cart men of the Orchard Street Doesn it strike you as strange feelings. How about the feelings younger brothers of these phony pichetareer pieces. When these that the officers of the Workers Upon reporting to your Local Board, you will not need and you Mr. Wander, that you, one man of the one thousand workers democrats. You are ready to fight they found 30 pickets, who dwindistrict. But the city authorities should not bring with you, anything except hand baggage. You will should possess the power to over. whose democratic rights you have for democracy in Poor Little died down to a half dozen by Sathave allowed many regular gro. not be permitted to take trunks or boxes with you on the train. turn the decision of a thousand violated. An organization that will urge cery and dairy store owners to You should take only the following articles: pair of strong com union members? You state you Finland. But you do not have a urday morning. Then believe the the thousands of independent and open up complete stores there. fortable shoes; not to exceed four extra suits of underclothing: not did not think their decision was a Your reply, in my opinion very great interest in democracy legislators felt safe to pass the militant workers to take the natpolicy instituted at the new mar bath towels: a comb, a brush, a toothbrush, soap, tooth powder, recognize their regularly clected crying need for reforms in the you do not have a very high reBecause of the open shop labor to exceed six extra pairs of black or tan SoCKS; four face and two wise one, therefore you would not serves only to underscore the in the ILGWU. Like all worship Bill which they did Saturday ural path of militant action inpers of bourgeois democracy. night, stead of accepting for themselves ket, wages are far below the unrazor, and shaving soap. It will add to your comfort to bring one negotiating committee and you out of town department of the card for it in your own labor or we received the report of the del fight. second grievance was when starvation and misery without a ion scale. Rents are also low woolen blanket, preferably of dark or neutral color. This blanket decided to discontinue the ILGWU by the introduction of negois ing to City Market Commission should be tightly rolled, the ends of the roll should be securely tiations with the company. Does democratie procedure in the neganization. Before you get work egate to the Right to work con Hungry workers demand that er Morgan, are from per cent bound together and the loop of the blanket roll thus formed slung t that bear out every one of our gotiation of union contracts and ed up about Poor Little Finland gress, after which a committee their immediate needs be satisfrom your left shoulder to your right hip.
accusations that the local unions the granting of full autonomy to again, remember the words of a was appointed to send a letter to fied in the inevitable struggle for to 17 per cent lower in the marYou should wear rough strong clothing and a flannel shirt, pref attached to your department en all local unions.
very wise man: Charity begins Pres. Lasser in which the com. existence, they are driven by ket than they are in neighborjoy no autonomy and that the mittee stated: Your article, suppose, would at home.
hood stores. The reduction comes erably an olive drab shirt of the kind issued to soldiers. It was the most unprofitable their stomachs to follow a millmosty out of the hide of the and wasteful expenditure of time tant class struggle policy. An orclerks employed in the market.
and money in which this Local ganization devoted to democratic The LaGuardia Administration had ever been engaged.
principles and program, where has been giving the union the It is with the keenest regret on the the right of initiative and action run around in the friend that Quakertown Local labors un encouraged. Where confidence is of the individual is of labor tradition Two weeks der the necessity of recording its before the market opened, Local disappointment in the meager repression of thought and action maintained by permitting free ex338 officials wrote LaGuardia a (Continued from Page 1) motions. boatswain, for in does not have to join the union sults attained by the Right to and where judgment is depended letter asking whether scab shops PANY STOOGE. Without the stance, had to register and ship at any time, the union cannot Work Congress and condemns upon to indicate the right and would be permitted in the new market. No answer. Another letlimit what is meant by sade he terminated his employment, a and he can remain on the sole for eds in vogue during the session proper course to pursue ter, again no answer. Finally, HOWARD STUMP Lasser Reply factory; we can only reach one new boatswain was sent from the any length of time!
Quakertown, Pa.
the day before the grand open(Continued from Page 1)
Smashes At Union ing, the Mayor Secretary, In reply Mr. Lasser says that Lewis Expected to has the right to REJECT any boatswain was chosen from the Thus Section six of the new your officers have no business to Palmieri, saw Union President terests against the reformers seaman he doesn like. The rank and file crew with union contract, like a sledge hammer in write the kind of letter you have. DANCE AND ENTERTAINMeyer Winokur and Business was given its most brutal expresState CIO Stand on blacklist will automatically be consent. According to the new the hands of the shipowners, de In reply the Quakertown Local Agent Julius Sum.
sion when Baker, a cotton MENT. Music by Savoy Bearagain introduced, this time with contract, the company can at will livers blow after blow at the fun wrote that You assume a far The Run Around Anti War Fight grower, told La Follette that the the sanction of the union leaders. All the supervisory ratings from damental pillars of the union greater power than the office cats. Saturday, Feb. 1940. Don picket the market to cotton growers were the people Harlem Branch, 186 Palmieri. in his county. Meanwhile the caAny militant seaman who so its stooges.
structure JOB CONTROL, UN hold confers. We would indict the morrow, begged much as opens his mouth, will Clause (d)
Lenox Ave. Sub. 49c.
delivers another ION HIRING HALL and the Don embarass the Mayor. He pitalist press here has carefully (Continued from Page 1) find himself blacklisted and re damaging blow at the hiring hall, ROTARY SHIPPING SYSTEM. mm the best friend labor ever had in sabotaged the hearings, In spite of these many achievejected as UNSATISFACTORY. and job control: New York. When the union of ments and gains, the miners to The same clause also delivers a Unlicensed personnel avail. plete with many other unionThe proposed contract is recial semeed unmoved by this Vigilante Violence Described this day remain poorly paid; they deadly blow at the rotary ship able may be transferred to an smashing clauses. For example, plea, Palmieri hinted that the Can you HOLD YOUR OWN The violence used by the col live in sub human conditions are ping system. Rotary shipping is other vessel on the basis of in Section 2, titled Stoppages of Mayor had ways of getting ev. ton growers to break the Madera constantly in danger of life and the sole guarantee of equal ship seniority within the company. Work, any sort of immediate acin discussions on: demonstration. But why should told in detail before the Commit the ravages of unemployment The rotary method absolutely re continuous service with a com strikes, sit downs, quickies or any he want to get even if he such tee State officials who were there and insecurity. The Miners Union quires that the seamen register pany in a particular rating.
a good friend of ours? asked testifled how five hundred or still faces a long upward climb at the UNION hall when they other stoppages of work. A, reThus if a ship is laid up for fusal to sign articles for any reaSum innocently. No answer.
more vigilantes, armed with pick Winokur and Sum finally handles, clubs, auto cranks, rubThe hazardous working condi want to ship, and take out a any reason, the company stooges son, or participation by any seaagreed to hold off the pickets on ber hose, bludgeons, and tire tions of the miners were drama shipping card, stamped with the can be retained by the company man in cconomic action of any promise of an interview with the chains, attacked a strikers mass tized a week ago when 91 miners date of issuance. The seaman merely by transferring the stoog kind, is sufficient grounds for be Mayor the next morning. The meeting being held peaceably were killed by an explosion at longest on the beach, that is, with es to another ship. Which again ing discharged (and blacklisted. smoothly, with LaGuardia get While the state Highway Patrol cohantas Coal Corporation at it he is in the hall when the job tion, for it certain men can aminations is patently another The following, among other excellent titles, are to be ting and dishing out plenty of and the Sheriff made no move to Bartley, West Virginia. Immedi comes up. Regardless of who be transferred without going blackball method, for if the comoratorical sott soap about his interfere, the vigilantes beat up ately after the disaster, Ray Ea. the man is, the shipowner must through the Union Hall and ro pany doctor rejects a seaman 45 found on our shelves: great gift to the people of the the unarmed men and women mundson, district President of accept him, or if rejected for any tary shipping. If they can be unfit for duty, another replaceFeuerbach, the Roots of Socialist Philosophy, Engels. 60 Lower East Side.
they found there. The strike was the United Mine Workers of VALID reason, the man next in shifted from ship to ship (from ment must be immediately sent Textbook of Dialectical Materialism, David Guest. 60 But when Winokur and Sum broken.
Creative Intion, by Cedar and Eden Paul.
came down to City Hall after The same Baker told Sen 6, 000 union members unless the mula, does not vary. It does not company, while the rest of the not be held up) and the rejected Capital and Other Writings, including Marx Theory ward, the Mayor was out. ator La Follette, m a Southern practice of dynamiting coal while recognize any exceptions but one: crew must register and wait individual must soek for redress of History, edited by Eastman.
Marx, Engels, Marxism by Lenin.
The next morning the picket from Georgia and when a big miners were working in the pits only when men quit a ship be their turn, the rotary shipping in a maze of red tape and comThinking. Its History and Science, by Fred Casey. 00 line went on and will stay until buck nigger gets up on a plat was immediately discontinued. cause of strike action are they system, guaranteeing EQUAL plicated procedure Vote No. Count Ballots Poverty of Philosophy by Marx the market is unionized. plek, form at a strike meeting and He stated that the strike was go allowed to return to the ship shipping rights, might as well not. 50 Every militant union man in Marxism and Modern Thought by Bukharin, Deborin.
et line patrols each of the niteen walks back and forth and agling to be the union answer to without going thru the rotary exist. 50 Freedom For Finks entrances to the market, and a tates, don like it. He said the this murderous practice by op system the will not only vote The Positive Outcome of Philosophy, Dietzgen. 50 The contract, however, allows Clause (e) specifically gives the against this sellout contract in Fundamental Problems of Marxism by Plekhanov. 50 pickets. There have been no ar meeting halda removed the core balancing human blood for de them company freedom toe is company the right to hire non the referendum, but will also call Materialism and Empirio Criticism by Lenin. 50 rests so far. The complaints of from the boil and the cotton creased costs of production. reare Handbook of Marxism, Emil Burns.
the storekeepers inside the mar. Growers were proud of it.
With the scandal of the Bart re hire them without a by your Just examine this clause: of absence, etc. then to in CONTINUOUS employment will be honestly counted. If the Karl Marx and Friederich Engels, Riazanov. 00 ket, which increase every day, Curran leadership, who negoti Introduction to Dialectical Materialism, Thalheimer 00 In the Stockton Cannery strike ley disaster over their heads, the teave from the union!
are testimony to the effective Whenever an employee fur ated this contract and are com Anti Dühring, Marx.
in San Joaquin County the strike Senate passed the Neely Bill on Clause (b) states: ress of the picketing. 00 nished by the union is deemed mitted to it, are permitted to German Ideology, Marx and Engels. 00 was broken by vigilantes who January 20, and sent the union Unlicensed personnel may An Important Issue unsatisfactory to the Company, take all the ballots to New York Correspondence of Marx and Engels were supplied by the Sheriff with sponsored measure to the House. remain continuously in the em. 25 the Company shall promptly no and count them through a Stakes in the struggle go far 446 pick handles. 2, 200 worth of Philosophy for a Modern Man (Dialectical Material The miners, all over the counployment of the Company, protify the union beyond this one market, huge as assorted ammunition. These fig try, its decision not stooge committee, they will an ism) by Levy. 50 looking with eagerness vided the Company and the to accept and the union agrees nounce that the contract has been it is. The city is now completing ures were obtained by the Com and hope to this important con employee desire such employsimilar markets in the Bronx, in mittee from the county auditor.
promptly to furnish a replace accepted by the referendum.
For lighter reading, turn to our vention, awaiting the union ment to continue.
ment. If for any reasons, persons Brooklyn and elsewhere in ManStalinists Did This CIRCULATING LIBRARY Legionnaires Vigilantes Union Hands Tied program, designed to bring sehattan. Local 338 is fighting to who are entitled to employment Bona fide union men have a under this agreement are not contract is the Stalinist misleadThe explanation for this rotten The vigilantes were recruited Have you read VERDUN by Jules Romain, CAPIforce the Hiberal LaGuardia Administration to put in a gen through the American Legion curity and well being for them valid reason for asking the fol available to fill vacancies at alership of the The negotiTAL CITY, DAYS OF OUR YEARS?
lowing questions in connection time fixed by the Master, theating committee all stalinists eral union Jabor policy through Posts and were the better type selves and their families, Importance of Convention with this clause. Does it mean Company shall be free to fill such was not primarily interested in out all these markets. This fight of citizens. Forty five strikers LATEST FICTION and NON FICTION is all the more vital because were treated for injuries, twentyThis convention, however, is that the union no longer has the vacancies from any source. It is winning union conditions now, MYSTERIES shops in the city markets can seven for gunshot wounds. Thirdriving out of business many un out none of them by gunshot lion. The leadership of the miners man who is not a member of the selected under this section by the time in the three years during 10c for first days, se for each additional day, undersell shops outside, thus teen vigilantes were also injured more than just a miners conven nght to remove from the job a further agreed that any personnel any more than it was at any NO DEPOSIT union has, with few important union, or who does not conduct Company, shall not be discrimin which the Stalinists have ruled ionized retail food stores or wounds.
the union. The Staliniste, now as exceptions, constituted the lead himself as a union man, or who ated against by the union.
VISIT US FOR DETAILS ON HOW YOU CAN Elaborate Blacklists forcing them to take refuge in refuses to pay dues, or refuses to ership of the entire cIo. The ship thru the union hall, or who sends a man who is arbitrarily terested primarily in using the In plain English, if the union throughout these years, are inSAVE 30 ON PURCHASES!
side the market to escape pay The employers keep elaborate Miners Union has supplied the violates the working rules? The called unsatisfactory by the ship union as a tool for their reaction ing union wages.
files on reds. Just as the Nazis CIO with the greater portion of union no longer has the right to owner, the union cannot take any ary political support of Stalin Buy your books through us. We can secure ANY One thing is sure the conces had a list of thousands of men its funds, its largest group of or interfere with the shipowner immediate action, even if it is a foreign policy.
BOOK in print slon best friend in New York only if revenge after Hitler seized pow. ganizers and has held the decisive continuing to employ any man he clear case of blacklist or discrim Some union men might have the picket lines force it out of er, just as Franco agents before voice also in the policies and pro sees fit, according to the very ination, but must immediately thought that the new stalinist clear wording of this clause.
a him. Until then, every day from and during the Civil War, pre gram of the CIO.
replacement to the ship, line dictated by the Stalin Hitler Company Controls Promotions seven in the morning to seven pared lists of thousands of antiwithin whatever time the Master pact, which forces them to reat night, in rain and snow and Fascists, so, as revealed by the All of American labor is today Clause (c) states: specifies. Thus the shipowners nounce their previous support of freezing cold, the pickets tramp testimony, Associated Farmers turning its eyes towards the con Unlicensed personnel may be are assured that the ship under the government, would lead them up and down in front of the huge has a list of some 20, 000 men and vention sessions in progress at promoted at the option of the no conditions will be held up, that to fight the bosses. The 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK, ER flag decorated buildings.
hear tradiction with previous union union to fight discrimination der the new line, as under the old. bet. 8th and 9th St. JOBS MR. MARKET COM bellet or another, who have in the answer to the unpostponable regulations governing promotion, Otherwise the Company has the the Stalinists are incapable and JO MR. MAYOR! WE WANT formers, reds of one polltical Columbus, Ohio, waiting Telephone: GR 0917 MISSIONER: WE WANT curred the enmity of the employ problems that face the millions in order to avoid the evils of com right to hire any fink, scab or unwilling to defend the economic JOBS!
er class.
of America tollers.
petition among the crew for pro landlubber. The man so hired interests of the workers.
98. 89. 75 send Modern Book Shop este di andare continue with whole