CommunismEnglandFranceIV InternationalImperialismMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismSyndicalismViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

Socialist Appeal In order to meet the continuing employment and relief crisis, and to provide jobs and a decent living for the people of the United States, we propose that the regular 1940 session of the Congress of the United States shall enact emergency legislation to put into immediate effect the following: Appropriation of 10, 000, 000, 000 to provide, at once, jobs on housing and other public works projects for all employable workers. Amendment of the Wages and Hours Act to provide throughout private industry and public works a maximum work week of 30 hours and a minimum weekly pay of 30 dollars. 30 dollar weekly old age and disability pensions. Appropriation of 3, 000, 000, 000 to guarantee either maintenance at school or jobs for all youth.
Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International 161 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1940 VOL. IV, NO. FIVE (5) CENTS WHERE ARE THOSE JOBS, MR. ROOSEVELT? London Notes Echoes of 1914 16 FDR Alibi Tobin Unity Appeal For Cuts Gets Big Response Blows Up FUNDS WAR MACHINE for these agencies (WA UNITED MINERS CONVENE AT KEY MOMENT many.
New NMU Pact WRROR ON WEST Up to Members COAST EXPOSED IN TESTIMONY Behind the Lines Disputes Last Time Brought War Threats But Thousands of Letters Reported Pouring Did Not Prevent Entry; This Time the As if at a cue from RooseInto AFL and CIO Offices Demanding Silent Partnership Is Already a Fact velt budget message to Con Resumption of Peace Parleys gress, January 4, production indices have been sliding The dispute that has arisen between the British and downward and unemployment The unity call of Daniel Tobin, President of the Teamgovernments over seizure and search of American mails increasing, in the ensuing sters Union, continued to hold the center of the stage in bound dor Europe once more brings echoing from the past weeks.
numerous gatherings and discussions of the trade union movethe disputes with England in 1915 and 1916 which did In his budget message, ment, not prevent this country in the end from being swept into Roosevelt justified his slashes William Green, President of the AFL, attempted to shift the war on England side.
of relief appropriations on an responsibility for the split in labor ranks to the CIO, immeEdwin James, who helps frame the powerful pro Ally asserted expectation of expan diately after the appearance of Tobin unity editorial. He policy of the New York sion of employment. He said. stated at that time: The committee has been unable to meet Times, of which he is manU. Army Purchase In submitting estimates obecause the CIO refused to aging editor, warned the meet with it, etc.
British in his paper last Sun Anticipates 40, 000 Since the issuance of the day that the present issue Casualties At Once taken into consideration the Tobin call, however, it is reover the mails risks resemThe War Department Medical current improvement in busiported that thousands of letbling the argument of World Division has just placed an order ness conditions. While the ters from rank and file unWar days over the British for 797, 600 of bathrobes with estimates are appreciably less ionists have been pouring inthan those for the current year, contraband bar against Ger Rosenbloom, Inc. of Baltimore, a non union shop, to be delivered 703 LEEU am hopeful that they will prove to Washington, to both the by March 1, 1910. The scab shop adequate.
AFL and CIO offices, de Increasing Prosperity The exchange of diplomat underbid unionized firms. Assummanding the immediate reic protests at that time, he re robe to its name, it is evidently The day before, in his annual Lewis Expected To sumption of peace negotiamessage to Congress, he had became acrimonious for a while anticipating the hospitalization of tions, looking toward the stated even more baldly the State CIO Stand but when the United States en some 40, 000 men at a clip. The hope that we can continue in formation of a united labor tered the war in April of 1917, robes are not intended for veterthese days of increasing economOn Anti War Fight organization the issue was no longer posed. ans hospitals, for such purchases ic prosperity to reduce the FedGreen Changes Tune are made by the Veterans AdminAnd he concludes by septly listration Heraleficit.
waar Groen, under this presChiding his British friends, re That Increasing economic The Golden Jubilee Convention sure, has changed his tune and minding them that in contrast prosperity existed only in the of the United Mine Workers of made a new unofficial bid to the to that last time, American opin disputes with the govern fertile brains of Madame Perkins America, which opened on Janu CIO. Speaking at a mass meetson is in the present situation ment in 1914 16 and anybody and other government manipu ary 28 at Columbus, Ohio, is being this week in East St. Louis. 80 per cent on the side of Brit who takes hope for a single in lators of statistics; only they ing watched with great attention celebrating the 41st anniverain and France a factor, he stant from Washington present were predicting increased em by every unionist throughout the sary of the local central trades adds, too valuable to risk mod rritation in the unlikelihood ployment. All other sources, country.
and Labor Union, Green declared ifying by searching the United of our involvement would do well from AFL and CIO to bank rethat the restoration of peace was States mails on the high seas. to review that history himself.
ports were predicting a decline America, with its 600, 000 mem Despite previous fallures, the AThe United Mine Workers of labor most pressing problem.
But the British remember From the pages of a book like Gaping Loopholes for Bosses Seen in New quite well the history of their (Continued on Page In the intervening weeks all bers in the United States and FL stood ready to discuss any Contract Okayed by Union Leaders La Follette Group the signs point to a complete reunion in the country today. Becasonable proposal or comproGets Evidence of utation of the government per. hind it is a rich history, replete mise.
Class Brutality spective. The New York Times with militant class struggles and so strong, that even Matthew The unity wind was blowing two year contract with sev. during the period this agree.
business index is coasting down herole sacrifices. Hundreds of Wou, the reactionary die hard of enteen major East Coast and ment is in effect it will give all ward. Time magazine, whose in miners have lald down their lives the AFL Executive Council and dex of business conditions is de in the mine fields of Pennsyl. Federation Red Baiter No. 1, was Gulf shipping companies has its employment except for the By GEORGE STERN just been signed by the National positions set forth in subsecMaritime Union leadership and tion (f) to members of the UnAfter witness before the La Fol volume but on changes in undert Colorado, so that the unlon could to the unity idea. Speaking at SAN FRANCISCO As witness signed to report not on business vania, West Virginia, Illinois and apparently converted this week On Jan. 26 the Japanese Amer are in more than a usual state is now up for referendum vote byfon, when available in the Deck, letto Civil Liberties Committee lying conditions likely to affect live and grow strong enough to the 25th Annual meeting of Loican trade treaty of 1911, de of preparedness. An Executive the union membership.
Engine, and Stewards Depart bearing records a grim picture the volume of business, nounced by the Roosevelt gov order of a few weeks ago, ernment, expired. Guns did not which went generally unnotie be: ests of the miners. Mother Jones to Engravers Union, Mr. Woll deThe text of the proposed con ments, provided that the pros of employer violence and terror dropped two points last week, be pret ot the miners and other intercal No. of the New York Pho actually start booming on the Pa ed, waived application of the tract appears in the January 12 pective employees are SATIS against California actions of a sharp reduction in is but the representative of these clared that There is nothing issue of the PILOT, organ of the FACTORY to the Company. workers, the fury of the trade centre spending to the low hundreds of nameless American about industrial unionism that is cific nor did American planes wage hour law to work on Midunion.
This section shall not be con ary: Assoclated Farmers and est, weekly to the market that he working class heroes who blazed foreign to the AFL (A year start out from their bases in way Island fortifications by Oceanica to begin the attack on reason of emergency.
the Japanese fieet. Nevertheless The Washington correspondented negotiations was Job control a re employment of employ for the Committee and its inves gliding downward since the first the path for modern unionism.
this date will occupy a significant of the New York Herald Tribune through the unlon firing hall and ees who may be absent on ac tigation, reflect the increasing of the year. All signs point to within the past year, the min streak at the mere mention de increasing unemployment. ers union has signed one of the industrial unionism. and symbolic place in the history wrote last Sunday that Ameri the rotary shipping system. In count of illness, accident, leaves class tension in this state.
of absen ons. The best contracts with the coal opCondemned Philip Bancroft, last year ReStarve Awalt CIO Response of the coming war between Jap can Japanese relations are much publishing the agreement erators, securing a union shop publican candidate for the SenThe federation officials are now In the face of this prospect, in practically every major mine waiting for the CIO reaction to anese and American imperialism. more strained than the American they had already signed, the un tent of this clause is that vaca pact, Washington has cleared possibly reach a grave stage art Shipping through the union hall shall be granted in writing tee, told La Follette to get out of stood at 159, 000, are to be cut noteworthy WAS the contract that John Lewis will state his With the expiration of this publle generally realize and may lon leaders claimed that rotary tions or leaves of absence, ate, has denounced the Commit the WPA rolls, which on Jan. geld of the country. Especially these feelers. It is expected the legal, juridical, and diplo. Jer Jan. 26. The prospect that is guaranteed in the new con when leaving the vessel and the state and to stop giving aid down to 1, 350, 000 for shall not exceed a period of one and comfort to the Communists. fiscal year, and about 250, 000 Bloody Harlan. who until that unity in his President report to coming signed with the coal operators of position on the problem of labor matie decks for the action the United States may become tract.
An examination of the contract round voyage or thirty days, Sheriffs controlled by the Associ PWA jobs are to be liquidated time successfully resisted union the 50th convention of the United many foresee in the more or of the reasons why the navy is reveals, however, number of whichever may be the great ated Farmers have defied the sub in the course of the year. It is time lese near future. It climaxes poenas of the United States Sen plain that these workers more Mine Workers of America, now the long series of sharp notes building warships on an unprece gapirig loopholes in the contract, er.
What the Boss Means (Continued on Page 2)
ate, and have been supported by than a millon of them are bemeeting at Columbus, Ohio.
and protests and demands and gressional approval for improve the key section of the contract, er for that matter, what the bous General Earl Warren. The deter employment dented scale and is seeking Con which can be used to the hilt by Ask any seaman, or any work the California State Attorney ing dropped from government reservations with which the ments the rolls into the government has made Guam naval Section 6, titled Employment. means by SATISFACTORY, and mination of the California cap. streets. Cro research department base.
the record to justify the evenSection (a) states: the answer comes back: COM talists to maintain their class in figures demonstrate that there is multise of armed force to asThis same correspondent ad The Company agreea that (Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
sert its rule in the Pacife ba vances the theory that the reluctance of the Administration sin.
The APPEAL is the only révolutionary Marxist newspaper in This is not a needlessly alarm Finland is part of basic Amerito grant openly military loans to this country. It provides a Marxist analysis and program for the ist view confined to these col can diplomatic strategy which American and international class struggle. It tells the truth where umns. The most serious and aur will be successful if she avoids a all other papers lle. It proclaims the struggle against war while the others wave the banner of jingolem. It speaks in a langtinge big business now face it as a fact. war with the combined RussoJapanese forces. e. gesture workers can understand.
Discerning readers of the New of appeasement aimed to keep York Times, prime organ of Yan Russia out of the arms of the convicted on passport charges and sentenced to four years impris they are birds of a feather because we realize that any such Earl Browder, leader of the American Stalinist Party, has been fend a Social Democrat or an ordinary labor faker fundamentally Yet our circulation las declined. Why? Has there been a slackening of workers interest in the APPEAL? We think not.
onment and a 2, 000 fine. The fact that the charges against Browd assault will prove to be nothing but the prelude to an attack on There has been, however, a slackening of efforts in the sales of been long and carefully prepared Japanese.
for this eventuality. Now other. ation is the other way around.
Actually, however, the situ er arise out of acts that occurred years ago is alone sufficient proof a far wider front against all workers organizations. That is why the APPEAL. The bundle orders most important Item in our financial budget have dropped considerably. This is the nub of even blunter voices, join in. Take The fundamental American that the court action at this time is no mere accident. It is not a we join in protesting the Browder conviction as a fraudulent piece for instance the brief note of in diplomatic strategy at the case of justice belatedly catching up with a wrongdoer. It is a case of political persecution the problem. Solve it and our troubles are more than half over.
formative warning of direct political action by the government through the courts Our proposal is a simple one: double the sales of the APPEAL The Federal government is moving right now against Browder aimed at the leader of an undesirable minority.
Journal of Commerce recently present time is to hammer in the next period. Let us expand, not contract. How?
and the Stalinists for several reasons. First of all, the Stalinists special sales campaign must be undertaken by the branches save its Wall Street readers in Japan into an anti Soviet line Our readers are doubtless well aware of our opinion of Earl are open agents in this country for the Stalin regime and, as such, its column of Washington com and armed action is now being The threat of both economic to assure the sale of, and payment for, the weekly bundle of Browder and the Stalinists generally. We have more than once agents of the prospective foes of this country in the war. Secondly, ment; characterized everything that Browder stands for as a vile poison it was only a few months ago that Browder Co. were the most APPEALS. The old revolutionary practise of making every used primarily to this end. Onwhich the American working class must throw off if it is to advance ardent supporters of the Roosevelt War Deal administration and Sunday a Red Sunday must be revived: experience shows that Subsurface signs of tension ly Washington fails of this victoriously to the establishment of workers power in this country. the present action against Browder represents an effort by RooseSunday sales are a sure fire expansionist method for clrculating with Japan have been viewed objective will armed action dia workers weekly.
by Washington observers rath rectly ag Japan become a But there, precisely, is our point. It is the working class itself velt and his regime to scratch some of the. tar off their backsides.
EVERY SUNDAY MUST BE RED UNDA haner more seriously than usual.
which must deal matter of Immediate policy.
vith the Browders and all their ilk. The workers Browder unconsciously gave proof of this at a meeting he ad dreds of militants throughout the country going from house to Although the attitude of Ad Consequently the date Jan. 26 themselves must reject the stalinists and render them completely dressed the night he was sentenced when he boasted that Frank house to put the press of the Fourth International solidly on its mirul Yonal, the new Japanese passes for the moment without ineffectual and they must do this to serve the cause of their own Murphy, ex attorney general and now Supreme Court justice, feet. There is a vital period of anti war work ahead of us and premier appears highly con anys espectacular change in the class. This is quite a different matter from permitting the bosses gladly accepted Communist support when he ran unsuccessfully we must be capable of publishing special Issues as frequently as ollabory, fears have not been situation. But the hearings that to crack down at will, even on the Browders. Because let us make for the governorship Michigan. He also claimed credit for his the situation demands.
wholly removed that differ are to open in Washington on no mistake: today it is Browder, tomorrow it will be real working party in electing Herbert Lehman as Democratic governor of New The branches must get behind this campaign and SELL ence regarding trade polloles American Far Eastern policy, class milltanta, real fighting unionists.
York all claims that go back to the recent days when the Browd THEIR PAPERS, PAY THEIR BILLS AND SET AS THEIR will lead to inflammatory incl Senator Key Pittman clamor Our party, aiming to fight and defeat boss rule and to set up in er stalinist Party was whooping it up for Roosevelt war policies. GOAL THE DOUBLING OF BUNDLE ORDERS Our armed forces in the for an embargo, the navy plans, its place a true workers government, has as part of its job the Browder now cries betrayal by the New Deal, but actually, the LAUNCH THE DRIVE FOR TWICE AS MANY APPEALS!
Pacific, which keep in fighting will each do its part in exerting fight against the syphilitic germ of Stalinism. But against any New or War Deal is stm the same. It is Browder who has switched MAKE EVERY SUNDAY RED SUNDAY!
matter of routine the desired pressure on Tokyo. assault of the bosses we defend the Stalinists too, just as we de horses because Stalin switched horses in the European line up. THE APPEAL MANAGEMENT of EVERY SUNDAY RED SUNDAY!
Browder Convicted on Flimsy Charges dents