CommunismDemocracyImperialismInvasionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

A. JINGOES CHALLENGED ON FINLAND WORKERS FORUM Tobin Unity Call Gets Wide Support SOCIETY NOTES CIO Locals Press War Budget Fight WASHINGTON IS JIM CROW TOWN, GOV INCLUDED APPEAL ARMY Chicago SOCIALIST APPEAL JANUARY 20, 1940 Little Brenda Is Growing Up Needs Little More Young ladies growing into maturity are very expensive don A TEMPORARY JOB THEN out regretting it. We can go out all parents know it? Clothes, ed BACK TO THE HEAP with the fellows and buy our ucation, etc. it all mounts up. Editor: share of the beer. We even can The Best People They Think He (Continued from Page 1)
set the other fellows to a round Working class parents know it which he accused of being more all right; not only the other the unemployed manage to get ain such a bad world.
Around the holidays a few of of beers. We really think this Crazy But Endicott Johnson Corporation, in interested in promoting a revolu things, but even food becomes a temporary jobs. Clerks in departState Executive Hears Are Here, As volving workers employed at the tion and destroying American problem.
Anti War Speech He Jobless Garbage Proves Then our warden comes, in the ment stores, postal employees, in Against Both Stalin MIAMI The cold wave that last NEW YORK Emil Zuretti, 30 The AFL Boot and Shoe Work working conditions.
dicott and Owego City plants, workers better wages and better So some of us (not all) can the luxury trades, etc. For a few form of dismissal notice. It sympathize with Brenda Frazier weeks they are lifted off the heap with your services, due to busiweek gripped most of the coun years old, an unemployed iron ers Union received 1, 612 votes; ists And Jingoes try brought this resort into its worker, could find nothing more the CIO United Shoe Workers of Suicidal Step mother. Brenda is almost 19 of the unemployed.
ness conditions. Thanking you full hothouse bloom. The gay sensible to do with his life than America received 1, 079 votes and AFL suddenly petitioned the La ready mentioned and the cost of in Barbusse book, The Things the boss. We are shoved right In this heated atmosphere, the and what with everything we al It reminds me of a story read for your efforts, it is signed by American Labor Party adopted a the most prosperous seasons er atop the 500 foot gas tank at any representation by a union. viously suicidal step Not more money. So her mother has sought of the methods of torture used back in our cell Watson Avenue and 177th Street.
We won get out of our prison jingo resolution calling for Amer since the Depression began the Jan. meeting, but one anti war are full up two to four weeks in springs, danced crazily on one satisfaction existing among the plants were organized into both the money spent from the inheri: workers after the first World We ll have to fight to make the ican support to Finland, at its Train and plane reservations Here, last Saturday, he did hand. This crushing union defeat was than 10 of the workers in the the court permission to increase by the capitalists against the by feeling sorry for ourselves.
voice was raised amid the wrang able to get reservations, are even after an hour, exhausted, he was very low wages they receive and able under the indecent barrage to the hungry, to the cold, to of imprisoned workers to come will we be out of our prison advance. Impatient people, un foot and refused to come down. Endicott Johnson Workers, the unions; the reaction of the work tence on Brenda to 52, 000 a War. One May Day, the warden whole year a holiday season.
opens the cell and allows a group that will be socialism. Only then The press reported merely the resorting to the busses. The best removed by police.
the cruel speed up and rotten of the two unions. The corporathe 76 million Americans who out in the prison yard, gives them jingo resolution and the equally hotels are charging 15, 20 a The police took him to the Psy working conditions prevailing in tion which, with great cleverness live on less a good many of a big feast and allows them to do University City, Mo.
reactionary stand taken by the day and up. Real estate lots leaned back before, now began them on much less than 1, 000 as they please. It belng May Day, member of the State Committee 15, 000, are now selling from cause they decided he must be How explain this defeat? Last to bear down. The company fore a year per family, there will be the workers make speeches about Editor: Stalinists, but we learn that one which went begging in 1931 at chopathic Ward at Bellevue be the plants.
crazy not to care whether he summer, the CIO inaugurated an men proceeded to organize mass something maddening in the cost the meaning of that day of strug: Sarah Rice of Manhattan, made 35, 000 to 50, 000 gle. So they enjoy a spell have called to my attention the Editors of UNCENSORED an anti war speech and then pre The city officials have announc lived or died.
Zuretti had his own idea about immediate response among the prayers in the churches for the of Brenda upkeep 82 year old of freedom. But after the day is sented a resolution embodying ed that garbage has increased by that One thousand dollars a week over, they are shoved back into fact that in the January 6th isher stand. The chairman did not 35. This is an unfailing sign his behavior. To the police he exthen quickly invaded the field and pany. Rumors were spath bed. If he lucky enough to be on their cell, and the horror of thel sue of the Socialist Appeal it is permit consideration of the reg. that the best people are back in plained: didn want to be began its campaign. Soon, the because of worry over the fate WPA, a man and his wife and imprisonment is impressed more service UNCENSORED. AS a the man was on his stated that originated the news saved. ve got no job.
olution by the body, but referred town.
two unions were. engaged in of his employees, etc.
their kids get 14 a week for than ever upon them.
matter of fact, knew nothing spirited battle, with their fire di it to the executive committee.
them all to live on. family on The result could have been pre relief about eight million of rected against each other, and The Rice resolution condemned Unemployment Prison about the plan to launch UNStalin invasion of Finland but very little against the company. dicted. The workers, completely them live two years in some speak am one of them are first copy in the malls.
Those unemployed of whom CENSORED until received the AFL Red Scare confused and bewildered. fell states three years on Brenda in the same situation as the imdirected its main fire at the American attempts to use the The AFL accused the CIO of easy prey to the company propa allowance for one week. admit to an acquaintance being prisoned workers. For a brief with the editors, but could adbunch of Communists in ganda that the unions were nothpretext of Finland to drag us in terested in starting a revolution ing but a racket and interested The richest country in the spell we are taken out of the mit also to an acquaintance with to war. It set forth a program of demands for jobs and relief in upstate New York. The CIO solely in dues. The company dia world does well for its rich. Isn prison of unemployment and gly the editors of the Appeal and am Socialist Party and Lovestone responded by revealing the sorry not have to invent any stories or that our pride and glory? And en a job. It is like water to a man sure they would not consider this members of the committee voted record and history of the partial arguments against the union. don forget a certain percent. dying of thirst. We have a little sufficient ground for crediting me ly racketeer ridden Boot and They simply repeated what the age of that 52, 000 goes for char freedom. We actually have a bit with the origin of their paper.
for the jingo resolution of the Shoe Workers Union ALP leaders.
AFL said about the CIO union ity. Why, Brenda sometimes gets of change in our pockets. We are Yours truly, The text of the Rice resolution (Continued from Page 1) greasmen or Senators and releas Here were these raw workers, and what the CIO union saia awfully tired, dancing at charity enabled to buy a few clothes, we MARY FOX follows. economy at the expense of the ing occasional statements for the living for years in the confined about the AFL. This is the simple balls can spend an extra nickel with New York City provincial atmosphere of com explanation of the crushing deWHEREAS, today, utilizing Stal workers and Farmers of Amer public press.
in criminal and shameful inva ica. The budget, they stated, Stop Third Term Talk! pany towns, under the constantly feat suffered by the AFL and the sion of Finland, the government. does not serve the interests of The sincerity of the CIO lead. watchful eyes of the paternal CIO in the labor board dection Lesson: For Unity the employers press and the ra the American people.
EU Oliver. Vice President of ership becomes very questionable The lessons of this vote should dionism chiefly billingsgate, di impress themselves on the minds in a systematic campaign to cre Labor Non Partisan League, when on the one hand, the CIO ceiving their first baptism of unate jingoistic war spirit, di declared that the budget was openly accuses the Roosevelt ad rected by two unions against of every union man and woman In this country. Labor Unity must rected particularly against the nothing but the initial move for ministration of introducing mea each other.
Soviet Union, and This wretched performance be achieved. united labor or America participation in the sures of the Wall Street masters, European holocaust.
WHEREAS, organized labor was The Appeal is heading back Foreign deceived in the last War to must keep out of War, he stated in the relief and WPA budgets, wear climaxed by the personal ap ganization must be built which we have not faith in politicians and on the other hand, high CO President. Speaking at a mass rights of the industrial untons to the good start it made several Fresno Make the World Safe for Dem in Congress who prate about officials continue to blather about meeting of the Endicott Johnson and recognition of the industrial months ago towards becoming a Detroit (Continued from Page 1)
lions of lives and brought about the pine control war Wall Street Roosevelt. Laste week vidney very little about the company with a militant aggressive policy set in the Department of Agra workers Keep it up paper intelligible and read by reaction instead of democracy, financial interests.
statement on a third term for the wages of the workers, the of labor action that relies for re culture only one third of the Baltimore literature agent.
Total and WHEREAS, President RooseAkron Radio Attack this great humanitarian who is pose of the union was, what it in erumental bureaus to solve the is set aside for Negroes. In the velt message to The Akron Industrial Council proposing to dump an additional tended to accomplish. Instead the problems of labor, but solely up main cafeteria, the one with the he present The following is the list of sub RENEWAL session of Congress calls for also expressed its vigorous oppo million workers into the streets. bulk of his time was consumed on the fighting strength of the completest choice of foods, Nescriptions obtained during the SUBSCRIPTIONS drastic cuts in WPA and social sition to the Roosevelt war bud. Hillman was confident, moreover: by a wild attack against the CIO, unions themselves groes are forbidden. Mr. Wal past week. This is considerable This week all branches will reservice appropriations, and in get over their weekly radio broad. that the coming convention of his lace department is not an ex improvement over the previous ceive lists of subscriptions that creased funds for war purposes, cast, The Voice of Labor. Nu union would endorse this stand.
ception. Jim Crow cafeterias are week, but still far below our for are about to expire.
under the guise of national de merous other local unions all ov.
Emil Rieve, President of the well nigh universalextending mer records and our needs: Here is a fine opportunity for er the country have responded Textile Workers of America, has fense, and even to the eating places on Cap PHILADELPHIA all literature agents begin a WHEREAS the government with equal dissatisfaction to the likewise endorsed the President itol Hill Massachusetts subscription drive. Send out preparations for war are a mer. wari bude stand aims of the for a third term in the name of comrades on definite assignments Negroes Kept Down administration.
tal danger to organized labor Roosevitant Action Needed his union.
Los Angeles to visit all former subscribers!
and the unemployed, as revealed The policy of government dis New York City Every ex reader can become a by a study dy of the Day plans The passing of militant resolu Membership Must Act crimination against Negroes, is Baltimore the regular reader of the Appeal for a military dictatorship in tions and the sending of letters It is obligatory that the rank California. again if he is visited.
war time, now to Congressmen is satisfactory as and file rise up and demand of personnel policies of the various THEREFORE BE IT RESOLV a first step in the inauguration of their leadership that they map (Continued from Page 1) There seems no reasonable departments, where theoretically ED that the American Labor a campaign to smash the war out a militant program of labor When did you receive your doubt that, according to the the merit system prevails. Al Party declares its unalterable budget of Roosevelt and to force action, and really involve the mil last relief check?
opposition to any war launched through a real program of social lions of American trade unionists How much do you pay for Chicago Relief Administration stricted to custodial positions in demonstrations and mass meet rent?
by the government; that we de legislation, are really starving. And the taborers, elevator operators, mesmand that all war funds be Unfortunately, to all appearings to struggle for the achievesengers. What do you owe for rent worst of the winter ahead.
transferred immediately to the ances, this first step is being con ment of this program. Only or fuel, electricity, clothing? Another social worker looks at Any white person just enterrelief of the unemployed; that sidered by the national leaders of ganizing and displaying the real How much of these foods did the American relief crisis Doring the Civil Service as a mes The following Score Board shows the status of the various we oppose intervention by the the CIO as the last. They are ob power of American labor will you buy during the past week: othy Kahn, Assistant Executive senger considers his job mainly branches in the Anti War Fund Campaign. These figures include the United States on either side of viously seeking to restrict the put foar into the hearts of the fresh milk, vegetables, lean meat, Secretary of the American Asso as a springboard to higher posi first half of the campaign the present war in Europe; that campaign of organized labor to Congressional and White houso eggs, fruit?
clation of Social Workers, writ tions. clerks, administrators, Due to lack of space in the Socialist Appeal this campaign has we declare our support to the the passing of resolutions, the agents of the Wall Street InvisSimple, Terrible Truth ing from Clevleand for the cur etc. To a Negro it is the upper been conducted by bulletins to the branches instead of in the proposal for a national referen button holding of individual con ible Government.
rent (January 1940) issue of limit. In countless bureaus, Ne Socialist Appeal.
Complete information was se Social Work Today: groes with all the necessary qual Prizes are being awarded in this drive not only to the branches dum binding on Congress for cured from 512 CRA families, any and all wars. The federal government has ifications of education and abil. but also to the individual members in the branches who complete AND FURTHER BE IT RE and here are our answers to the said that it would provide work by and with long years of ser: their quotas on a given date. See your Organizer about this if you SOLVED that the American Lasceptics: bor Party calls upon the regular 61 per cent of these families classification which soon loses its portunity to take even clerk ex the National Office of the spent less than half as much dictionary Meaning and becomes aminations 1940 session of the Congress of We are printing the Score Board this week so as to give every money for food as is needed for synonymous with those employ.
the United States to enact member of the party a chance to know exactly how his branch, and (Continued from Page 1) Tokyo. It has held a stop sig.
Forced into Slums an adequate diet at minimum ables that we happen, at the emergency legislation putting other branches he is interested in, stands with regard to this drive.
nal on the war in China and was Made in the and into effect the following: cost.
at the hand that turns the wheel has waved under Japanese woment to find room foron as bad. Negroes must pay higher We will print a final Score Board when the Drive is completed. 82 per cent had to pay more WPA. Other employables vanish rents for poorer living quirters. Appropriation of 10, 000, 000, noses deal at China exHurry your pledges and get your branch in the 100 row.
rent than amount allowed in into the limbo of direct relief. When we realize, in addition, that 000 to provide, at once, jobs is the hand of imperialism.
pense in return for Japanese the CRA budget.
SCORE BOARD on housing and other public This is no exaggerated figure Whose responsibility. collaboration in the anti Soviet Branch Negroes are the lowest paid works projects for all em of speech, for the war in Europe Paid Quota 54 per cent exceeded the bloe that has become Roose People in need. In Cleveland, workers in the community and Fresno 10. 00 12. 50 CRA allowance for fuel.
ployable workers.
has largely closed to Japan all velt dearest dream.
Baltimore in Ohio and points east, west, that they are subject most to un10. 00 43 per cent found it necessary north and south. People with employment, we are no longer 12. 40 Amendment of the Wages other sources of vital supplies Reading 10. 00 110 Since Japan obvious strategy to buy clothing, in addition Boston 400. 00 400. 00 throughout private industry bought in this country 90 per has been to manuever between the CRA clothing allowance and broken spirits who stand in line astonished at the miserable hov: Calais and public works maximum cent of its scrap iron and steel the warring camps in the world to some clothing distributed patiently, who tell social work eis in which so many of the ne ers: ve got oatmeal and but groes are segregated. Only a few Conneaut 00 5, 00 work week of 30 hours and a 91 per cent of its copper, 83 per war in order to ensure to itself from the WPA workshop Durham ter from the surplus. m not blocks from the Capitol, in the 00 77 per cent of the families in5. 00 minimum weekly pay of 30 cent of its ferro alloys, 76 per the maximum gains in Asia at complaining. just wish could southwest section, are some of Evansville 00 100 dollars.
cent of its airplanes and airplane the expense of all of them, the terviewed were in debt.
Hartford And other facts equally per get a little coffee. People who the worst slums in the country 00 00 100 Abe government has been trying 30 dollar weekly old age and parta, 65 per cent of its petrol Indianapolis 00 disability pensions. eum, 65 per cent of its automo to play both sides to the middle, tinent and polgnant. italics stand in line and say, it ain inhabited mainly by Negroes.
the people like Marston Mills It is widely believed that the 00 this. People who go home and chief reason the citizens of Appropriation of 3, 000, 000, biles, 45 per cent of its lead, sim conducting negotiations simul theirs Ed. Omaha 10. 00 10. 00 100 000 to guarantee either main Harly large percentages of other taneously with Moscow and with. Or You Starve wait when they hear they ll get Washington do not have the right Toledo 40. 00 40. 00 100 tenance at school or jobs for indispensable war materials an Washington. That one reason Washington 40. 00 10. 00 100 all youth.
to vote is the fear of granting aggregate of 56 per cent of all it fell in the middle and left to Very simply and reasonably. an order to morrow.
Worcester 20. 00 20. 00 100 the war making goods that Jap its successor the hopeless task of in the body of the study, these So the Crisis Is Over!
the large Negro population the Lynn.
125. 00 123. 00 same right. This seems to be an imports! In return the United trying to keep aboard two trains facts are intrepreted. If you Allentown ANNOUNCEMENT 35. 00 The crisis is officially over in borne out by the fact that, almust pay more rent than your 33. 08 St. Louis 100. 00 89. 45 budgeted relief allowance, and if Cleveland. It has already receded though both major parties and BRING YOUR BEST SET OF States takes the bulk of Japan going in opposite directions With the American pressure St. Paul your relief allowance includes no to the inside pages. But the land most civic and business groups 300. 00 264. 00 NERVES FOR THE GHOST SOTaken together with the u. srowing daily stronger and the other items than rent, food and lords and the utilities must first have gone on record as Detroit 50. 00 42. 00 CIAL OF THE BRONX SECattractive favoring San Francisco 200. 00 152. 00 fuel, how do you pay your rent? be paid under the moral claim the extension of suffrage to TION OF THE We ve Fleet, this provides the man in weakening progressively in the Rochester Obviously, you tighten your belt clause of the city ordinance, Washington (leaving, it would 50. 00 35. 75 got a spooky evening arranged the White House with a big stick land, Japan is being forced to 20. 00 Quakertown and use the food money. If you which has kept families under seem, no one opposed. nothing 14. 00 70 for you that will make this the of no mean proportions to hold a decision.
need soap, or think you need it, roof, kept lights and gas on, kept has ever been done about it. In Gloversville 15. 00 10. 00 Danse Macabre of the epoch over Japanese heads. And on Gardner Fitchburg (provided these private conversations the opin It is not at all surprising that and your budget includes nothing coal moving 15. 00 00 Bronx socials have long been fa both counts he is making it big.
30. 50 16. 50 city. But ion is often expressed by these mous for their array of ghostlyger. The demand of the Na the new Japanese premier, Yonai, for cleaning purposes, with what purveyors trusted Yellow Springs 00 60 personalities: The Ape, The Sher wy for more than another 2, 000, and his foreign minister, Hachiro do you buy soap? The food mon there is no moral claim. for food Democrats and Republicans that Chicago 50 DAY, JANUARY 20. 1334 WIL 000, 000 to double its present size Arita, are looked upon as men ey, again. If you must have not provided.
novote is better than a Negro Lexington 10. 00 00 iff, et al. Make it a date SATUR 18 a demand aimed straight at of the western orientation bloc shoes and stockings, where do The official arguments and vote.
Oakland 30. 00 15. 00 AVENUE. FREEMAN Japan as a fearful warning. The which favors a deal with the you get them? Of course, from name calling have ceased for the Newark 350. 00 ST. STATION ON EAST BRONX revival of agitation for the fort, involving some division of the the food money. And what do moment. Six thousand addition 141. 00 Los Angeles 200. 00 LINET.
Come all ye Ghouls! Adm. ification of Guam, 5, 000 miles out spoils in China and a joint offen you do when you have done wong a WPA jobs have been rushed Washington Drivers 74. 00 Minneapolis 1100. 00 400. 00 20c with plenty of stuf to wet in the Pacific from the shores hesive against the Soviet Union. best with your 36. 50 a month? to Cleveland, Carloads of surplus Philadelphia 100. 00 36. 51 your appetite.
another. still another is the But counsels are still divided in your son inhe debtore you starve commodities have been crushed Drop Negro Ban Cleveland 200. 00 70. 80 East Chicago FOOD WORKERS BRANCH son for an embargo against Jap main task will be not to bring budget of the CRA (now called al food but 20. 00 00 federal funds WASHINGTON, dance and social. Saturday, an to be applied right after ex the deal to fruition but somehow the skeleton budget in Chicago) Heaven forbid! And Toledo, un hitherto lily white Truck Drive The New York City 2000. 00 673. 00 34 at 8:30 piration of the trade treaty on to put off the day of reckoning is 38 per cent lower than public blessed by notice in high places, ers union local here has finally 15. 00 50 30 Youngstown relief 17 cents per meal Ed. in had a worse and longer crisis. accepted Negroes into its mem50. 00 15. 00 At Upper 30 Texas New York City. 50 branch headquarters, 916 Ninth 20. 00 22 St. Louis has a chronic one. bership.
Pittsburgh These pressures to an imc. hot time for all.
10. 00 00 20 DANCE AND ENTERTAIN. What is starvation? Web. When will they end? Only when portant degree contributed to Admission twenty five cents.
This action will undoubtedly MENT. Music by Savoy Bear sters Dictionary tells us: To the federal government adds this have far reaching consequences Woonsocket 00 00 the switch of cabinets in TokSouth Bend 10. 00 00 JEFF RALL. Please communi. yo. During the last five months, cats. Saturday, Feb. 3, 1940. starve: to perish with hunger. nameless category to its cover for other industries in Washing Akron.
50. 00 00 Hence to cate immediately with Ruth Rooseveltian diplomacy has Harlem Branch, 186 Lenox Ave. Sub. 49c. want. To be in outer from any age of those for whom it pro atically been excluded from the Columbus need.
15. 00 vides social security.
Jeffrey, o Socialist Appeal. been putting the screws on in unions New Haven 40. 00 Millions Starving, Social Workers Say St. Paul.
STANDING, QUOTAS OF BRANCHES IN ANTI WAR FUND CAMPAIGN Behind the Lines 96 124 124 11. 00 00 00 100 100 100 100 00 00 100 100 ៩៧ 99 95 88 84 76 72 Flint.
67 60 51 52 200. 00 100. 00 50 50 40 37 36 35 35 Kansas January 27, beginninvest Side Jan. 26.
10 0