BolshevismCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR With Lenin! Against Capitalist War Socialist Appeal FDR MISERY BUDGET SWELLS ARMY OF STARVING MILLIONS Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International 167 Vol. IV, No. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1940 FIVE (5) CENTS TOBIN UNITY FDR Washington DEMAND GETS Is Jim Crow Town WIDE SUPPORT Report Provides Stark Facts Fourth International Flies Lenin Banner Behind the Lines Daladier Names Fascist Prince To Head Legion The ardently pro French New Leader of the Social Democratic Federation is authority in its Jan. 13 issue for the fact that Negro Paper Advises Roosevelt His Fight. the Daladier government has made the unfortunate choice Defeat of CIO, AFL For Democracy Can Begin Close to Home; of backing efforts by former Millions Already Living Below Most Meager At Endicott Johnson Racism Reigns in Government Itself Vice Chancellor Prince von Starhemberg to form an Austrian le Subsistence Level In Most of Shows Need for Unity By MARTIN HARVEY gion. The prince headed the Fascist Heimwehr which shot Leading Cities in Nation WASHINGTON, As the local Negro newspaper. down the Vienna workers.
The call issued last week by the Washington Tribune, puts it, President Roosevelt might Unfortunate. Only for those Roosevelt war budget will fire 650, 000 workers off the Tomorrow is the sixteenth anniversary of the death of the poweriul Teamsters union, very well try to lift the oppression bearing down on the Negro who are trying to cover up the Lenin to al local unions, both AFL population in this city and the rest of the country, before predatory war of Compuerta ist WPA rolls.
starting any crusades to save democracy for England and both sides of the Maginot Line. The grand total of the men and women who have felt the We are followers of Lenin. We honor his memory, but and Clothirie dupside de France those other great oppressors of the Negro people leaders worden been given benevolent axe of the President since November 1938 comes his work, by propagating his program for the world revolu sumption of peace negotiations Illinois brings strikingly to the fore the issue of Negro dis ist Austrian War Minister, now What will happen to these two million workers and their tion.
forgets its history. Socialists of It is not his death mask which we wish to recall, but the bor movement, has created un crimination in the nation capital. This picture of the eman in Paris. The New Leader for families The war boom is a fraud. This is admitted by every comliving leader of the revolutionary dass which will rescue usual interest among trade un will be barred to Negroes dur bears the responsibility for the dirtier Work than war time mitt petent authority in Washington. The factories are humming tary commissions. for shooting but there are no jobs!
humanity from the inferno of war and hunger into which ionists everywhere.
The public school system of down revolutionists and striking the capitalist rulers of the world have plunged us.
Local 3, of the Internation ing its run at the Keith The Jim Crow system here There are no jobs. But there is starvation. This is no figRemember Lenin as he stood before the Congress of the al Brotherhood of Electrical atre, downtown RKO show Washington is Jim Crow. The workers, murdering Karl Liebplace.
Negro schools are much more knechts and Rosa Luxembourgs, ment of wild imagination; it is not radical propaganda.
Soviets on the day after the victorious insurrection. There Workers, well known in the Only the subject of the under endered understaffed and in short, for times of revolution. Ask the hungry men who pick garbage cans in New Orleans under equipped than the white At other times they merely server who wait in the cold on Cleveland breadlines if you are while the world war raged, he stood holding in his hand the New York labor movement novie, however, makes the schoolsuppe med at as per prostitutes and recruiting looking for the facts.
sheets of a message of peace to the peoples of the world for its spirited campaign for situation unusual. Jim Crow Jim Crow Government sergeants.
He read that message of peace. It was addressed to the the thirty hour week, passed rules in the capital movies, The cafeterias in the governIf you are still unconvinced warring peoples and their governments. proposing an im resolution last week demand restaurants, schools, etc. as ment office buildings are also Jim read the reports of the social it, was considerably lower than mediate armistice in order to enter upon negotiations for a ing the establishment of peace effectively as anywhere in the car. Pagriculture, Whoopieren LOCALS SUPPORT the conservative standard budget just, democratic peace. Just conditions exclude annexations between the AFL and the CIO deep South up for the New Deal at a are hidden away in places like Commission. Of late citizens of Roosevelt Is Responsible meeting of Negro educators in it said. And by annexations it made clear that it meant not and requested their international the catacombs of the Russell our city on relief have been reCIO ATTACKS The city of Washington is ad the South recently, called for raonly annexations in Europe but also the forceful retention practical proposals for presenta ministered by the national govcial equality. Mr. Wallace would, Sage Foundation and in pro CRA minimum. or 14 per cent ceiving only 65 per cent of the against their will of peoples in Asia, Africa and South Amer tion to the AFL Executive Coun ernment controlled at present no doubt, deny vigorously any ica. Peace negotiations were to be conducted without any On the other hand, George by the New Deal. It is this charge of vote getting demogogy. ON WAR BUDGET zines that few people see and pendent tamlly needs a famliy therefore, which (Continued on Page 2)
secrecy; on its part the Soviet government announced the Lynch, President of the aristo government, the big dailies never write or four receives 36. 50 a month.
abolition of secret diplomacy and the publication of the secret cratic Pattern Makers League of about Nobody Starves But Letter Writing of Here is the grim picture of that. was the reaction of a Chi Well, they won starve on treaties entered into by the Czarist and Kerensky govern North America, and a member of ments; and everything in those treaties directed towards the of the AFL Executive Council, Lewis to Congressmen starvation in a land of plenty. cago editor who doubted if there accruing of profit and privilege and oppression of other peo accused Tobin of advocating rov.
Won Do the Job Here are some facts from a was actual starvation. There is ples, the government declares unconditionally and immedi olution in line with Communist By GEORGE STERN typical report that of an inves some evidence of undernourishately annulled. Although formally directed also to the gov come their latest and most im The fall of the Abe government greatest and most powerful ri The Cro continued this week tigating committee of the Chica ment. he said, but even of this ernments, these proposals are addressed especially to the portant unwitting assistant.
in Japan reflects symptomatically val, Yankee imperialism.
to speak out against the war bud go Council of Social Agencies, we cannot be quite certain.
published in the January issue of In the effort to be quite cerconscious workers of the three most advanced countries, Two kinds of Unity the acute strain in Japan inter From all evidence, the Japan. get of President Roosevelt.
John Lewis, cio President, Survey Midmonthly, a social tain. the Elizabeth McCormick ese war machine has reached its England, France and Germany, confident that it is they who of the opinion that Tobin boid The cabinet of Admiral Yonai maximum limits in the Chinese sent personal letters took us plight of the 245, 000 people on ation or twenty four public and are nal will help us successfully carry through the business of challenge was issued with the ap which has been substituted for war. It holds thin lines ftung over Congressmen and Senators urg relief in Chicago. The condition private agencies closely in touch peace and therewith the business of liberating the toilers and proval of President Roosevelt, it is nothing but another stop gap half of China, but the territory ing approval and support for of the unemployed throughout with the CRA relief rolls, made CIO legislative program, the exploited masses of the population from all slavery and who is interested in seeing a and will fall her to the many within those lines remains uncon the united labor movement because sided pressures which drove Gen quered and the territory beyond which calls for the employment of the country can be judged from a study. Hospitals, clinics, settleall exploitation.
end to the breeder of war, capitalism. Capitalism was saved. The progressiveze the renewed to surmount.
The wave of revolutions which it inspired nearly put an easily integrate it into the Wan difficulty is that Japanese imper tempt made in the last six projects; a work program to give that relief standards in Chicago Society of Chicago did the bulk Street war machine. ialism has created for itself ob months to extend those lines has all unemployed young people pub averas little above the national of the fact finding. Staff memhowever, are stacles which it lacks the power met ignominious failure. It is this lic employment increase in old average.
bers of these agencies, equipped however, and thereby a second world war made certain, by beginning to u impasse that has colored the neg. age pensions to 60 a month at The Council report says: with simple questionaires, interotiations between the Japanese ar the age of 60, increase in unem The minimum adequate bud viewed responsible members of the socialists of the Second International, who today re interest in labor peace, in order It has won grandiose vie my chiefs and their puppet elect, ployed benefits and expansion of get of the Chicago Relief Admin. 744 CRA families, asking such peat their support of the war, once again acting as recruiting toetryst afore rank and file senti tories in China but it has not won and cannot win the war.
Wang Ching Wel. From the terms the housing program.
Lewis warned Congress that even when the clients got all of istration for a dependent family, Iquestions as: sergeants for the capitalists. One of these socialists fired tion of negotiations for a united To win those profitless vic they are offering him, it is obvi(Continued on Page 2)
the bullet which hastened Lenin death.
labor movement on a militant tories it has strained its frail ous that the Japanese are losing the American people are looking basis.
for concrete hope of completing their conquest toward Congress Beaten back for the time being, the wave of revolution economic structure far byond Peace Need Shown its capacity to withstand. by arms alone. Their main anxi measures to satisfy their hunger receded. Capitalism, recovering, exerted enormous pressure The necessity for peace in la And in this weakened, bogety is to restore PASS THIS IN YOUR UNION. peace and and bring them a measure of seupon the young workers republic in Russia. Lenin warned, bor ranks and a new militant ged down condition, it faces the through the Wang regime to be curity. He further pointed out gin realizing on their heavy in that failure of the leaders of torover and over again. Anglo French and American imperial offensive on the part of the unë implacable pressures of a world last vestment.
eign nations to give heed to the ism will inevitably strangle the independence and freedom of week NLRB elections at Above all it faces the danger Meanwhile in Japan the masses the actual needs of human beings, problems of unemployment and In order to meet the continuing employRussia unless world wide socialist revolution, unless world. Continued on Page 2) ously insistent pressure of its are paying with their mortgaged gave rise to the very forces wide Bolshevism, conquers.
ment and relief crisis, and to provide jobs lives for the investment the gen which. resulted in the present erals have so recklessly under international wars.
and a decent living for the people of the But after Lenin death usurpers alien to his program Lenin Memorial Mass taken. Soaring prices and deepenLocals Attack Budget United States, we propose that the regular seized control of the Soviet Union. Succumbing to the presing economic stringency have defied the artificial controls set Local CIO unions and central 1940 session of the Congress of the United sure of world capitalismthey turned their the world up by successive Japanese gov. labor bodies responded enthusiasStates shall enact emergency legislation to power, entering the League of Nations which Lenin had the masses indeed of almost all tack on the Roosevelt War Bud put into immediate effect the following: called the Thieves Kitchen. and blessing it as an instrustrata of the population except get and to the demands that jobs Appropriation of 10, 000, 000, 000 to The program announced for gram will be a dramatic present the tight small band of super be provided for the unemployed, ment of peace. Now, near the end of their false road, these this year Lenin, Liebknecht, and alion, There Were Three. per financiers at the top has grown The Newark Industrial Council provide, at once, jobs on housing and other usurpers are currying favor with Hitler.
public works projects for all employable Compare Lenin message of peace with the foul policy meeting, to be held at Irving Group. The drama deals with the have clung so impotently those demn and protest the President workers.
of Stalin! At no point do the two find common ground! Every der joint auspices of the New light of the inspiring examples ists tails have grown bola preparations rather than on our provision which Lenin laid down for peace, Stalin now vio York locals of the Socialist Work set by Lenin, Liebknecht, and enough to offer a half frightened great domestic problems. Amendment of the Wages and Hours lates.
ers Party and the Young Peoples Luxemburg during the last great challenge to their acknowledged Steel Workers Protest Act to provide throughout private industry The Stalinists have made a mummy out of Lenin dead make the occasion even more meSocialist League promises to war.
masters. The protest itself was a At a meeting of the Duquesne The YPSL Chorus will sing the feeble enough demonstration. But Lodge of Pittsburgh, which conand public works a maximum work week of body. They render it empty rituals. But the living spirit of morable than the dramatic and Lenin Memorial Hymn and the unmistakable discontent of sists of the workers of the Lenin finds no place in the camp of Stalin. The very genera impressive meeting of last year. other labor songs, 30 hours and a minimum weekly pay of 30 far more powerful forces that lay Steel Corporation, a sharp con dollars.
tion which made the revolution with Lenin has been wiped retary of the SWP, will speak for be inducted into the youth organ unseat General Abe. number of new members will silent behind it was enough to demnation expressed of the Roosevelt war budget. 30 dollar weekly old age and disability out by Stalin trials and purges.
the Party and Ernest Erber, odi ization at the meeting. The inBut if the nether millstone Two hundred delegates attend pensions.
Not for us the mummy. For us the living spirit, the rev tor of the Challenge of Youth, or duction ceremony will be conduct on which Japan is ground ing a legislative conference of bears the ironic label Made bor Non Partisan League of olutionary program of Lenin, as applicable today as in 1917, gan of the YPSL will speak for ed by Max Shachtman. Appropriation of 3, 000, 000, 000 to the youth organization.
Tickets for the meeting can be ina China, the upper mailestone New Jersey scored the Roosevelt and even more desperately necessary if humanity is to be Drama Main Feature the dilemma War Budget and guarantee either maintenance at school or denounced saved from destruction.
The main feature of the pro SWP and units of the YPSL (Continued on Page Continued on Page 2) jobs for all youth.
the revolution. They cu tried ravor with this work that capitalist Meeting In January 31 then there an instruction release