BolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandGPUGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionItalyKidnappingLeninMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSVictor SergeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

JANUARY 13, 1940 SOCIALIST APPEAL Lovestone Shows Norman Thomas How to Do It Thomasel process to your or sell operation Hoover Whoops It Up For Holy War In Finn Drive Some Pertinent History Past and Present LABOR WITH WHITIC SKIN The CANNOT EMANCIPATE ITSELF WHERE LABOR WITH KARL II SKIN IS BRANDED MARX Negro Question By JOHNSON By CHRIS ANDREWS the exploitation of the city; the were in open military opposition. It is upon this bloody pile of pled by the murder and imprisI The Stalinists are now whipping up a furious others became the helpless vic to the Kerensky regime. Essen slaughtered workers and peas onment of its leaders. The bourThe German General Luden time of the landed gentry, and tially the Bolsheviks had here al ants that the new Finnish Re geoisie has therefore found it campaign on Gone with the Wind. Their metaBy FELIX MORROW dort advised his officers: Finland lived in squalor and misery. ready established a dictatorship public rests. It happened only possible to permit parliamentary ods are an exact replica of the methods of the When, three months ago, the Norman Thomas Moscow bureaucracy. When Stalin decides to is the lock to Russia. Give me without liberties, without unions, of the Soviets in Finland. writes 22 years ago, and there live to activity but not to the revoluday in Finland thousands of rev. tionists. The Bolsheviks of the Socialists and the Lovestone group voted with shoot some thousands of Old Bolsheviks, or to the keys to Finland, and will without regulations of labor, for Trotsky.
the American Labor Party leaders for pro Ally open the door to Russia. a Finnish peasant, bound to his On January 27, 1918 the class olutionary men and women of Social Democratic Party left it denounce Germany (or to praise Germany. or For five weeks Stalin has been landlord, a sixteen hour day was struggle in Finland entered its the proletariat who took part in to become Communists and resolution on foreign policy, we predicted: they to invade Finland, there suddenly appear in the are taking the road to democratic patriotism.
Moscow press, letters, resolutions, exhortations, waging war against the Finnish the rule not the exception.
highest point with the outbreak the struggle, were imprisoned were outlawed. The Social Demstate, seeking to conquer by arms From a social basis of such of the proletarian insurrection and suffered in the camps, lost ocrats remain legal; for that Verification of our prediction has come quickly praising the particular move, extolling it as the highest wisdom, and pointing out that this is what he could not obtain by ne misery a new political force, the letter bourgeois historian, brothers, sisters, fathers and party is directed by the house enough; General Thomas and Colonel Lovestone are now enrolled in the American Expeditionary exactly what the Soviet workers have been wait gotiation military bases in Fin Social Democratic Party, finally Hampdon Jackson, describe it: mothers in the White Terror broken reformists.
Force for Finland.
ing for. Similarly with the Communist Party in Under Finnish democracy trol of the main sea entrances to idly, It became also the party of May 1918 stands out as a Civil orators of the bourgeoise would there has been a continued and The social and ideological roots leading to this every country In its issue of January 5th, the Daily Worker European Russia and to Lenin the rural poor. On the outbreak War of Finns against Finns, the have us believe that the Finns brutal repression of the elemen course did not of course, begin three months ago.
grad second largest Soviet city. ut the Russian Revolution old Finland of yeomen farm are a united people.
tary rights of the workers. The The interested reader may find a critical history prints nearly two columns of letters, of which the Stalin invasion is a defensive 1905, the Swedo Finnish ruling owners and pastors, led by the FINNISH DEMOCRACY Socialist Workers Party was orfollowing quotation characterizes the tone: of the development (degeneration) of these measure in a military sense his class revealed their impotence Swedish speaking educated class IN ACTION ganized by 1920 and at once as groups by reading the polemics in the Trotskyist Well, simply can hold it back any longer.
position will be much stronger if when they were unable to take es, against the proletariat of the Your excellent and Marxist handling of that press against them at each stage of the last ten he can close the lock to Russia. advantage of the events to strike towns helped by the landless geotste has remained in absolute union movement. It affiliated itSince 1918 the Finnish bour sumed control over the trade years. Even well disposed readers of our press smelly film Gone with the Wind was a sparThe brutality and stupidity of out toward independence from peasants. It was fought with the felt at times (I suspect) as they read these polkling. The whole Stalinist community, we are made to understand, is simply boiling with emics, that there was in them a good deal of Stalin attack, the clumsiness of Tsarist Russia. The city and agri: terrible brutality which is pecu control of the Finnish state, set self to the Comintern and was his campaign, have given the cultural workers demonstrated liar to class conflicts.
rage at the slanders against the Negro people hair splitting. The dismembered hair turns out, antee their property rights leading members being condemnworld bourgeoisie a long awaited the true weight of the proletar.
however, to be No Man Land, with the contendembodied in the Alm.
opportunity to attack the Soviet iat in the modern state through The detailed story of this pro against the Finnish masses. The ed to long prison terms. Nevering groups in opposing trenches. They wear the Recalling Another Film!
Union upon moral grounds. Day their party they declared an all letarian tragedy has been faith state checks, restricts, and final theless, in 1921 (campaigning unin and day out, their conscious inclusive general strike. The Tsar fully told in Victor Serge ac ly dissolves at the dictates of der another name) the party re uniform of capitalist intervention, we the uniform of the Red Army. Not a small difference. Gone with the Wind, however, is not the first agents and their unconscious capitulated and all the reforms count, reprinted in the Socialist the bourgeoisie the political and ceived 128, 000 votes, 14. of the film that deals with Negro conditions in the Old lickspittles, from Herbert Hoover asked were granted.
Appeal of Dec. 9, and Dec. 16. economic organizations of the total.
1939. The bourgeoisie had pre workers, their unions and their In response to peasant agitaSouth, and a little knowledge will be sufficient on the right to Norman Thomas THE BOLSHEVIKS Their Crushing Answer to Us on the left, have denounced OF FINLAND pared their White Guards under parties. The President has extration, the bourgeoisie presented a to show that, behind all this noisy parade, the Lovestone have a crushing reply to us: Stalinists, there as elsewhere, are deceiving the Communist imperialism. and you are in the Red Army of Stalin. We have Negro people, and serving exclusively the inter praised Finnish heroism, Finnish The Social Democrats advanc butcher who commands the Fin. stricted only in regard to the For the land the landowners gave already answered that charge, not once, but thouclass nish army today. They received Budget, a matter of personal up, they received government sands of times in the last ten years. Our fundaests of their paymasters in the Kremlin. patriotism, Finnish democracy ed rapidly and by 1916 struggle in Finland had reached arms and supplies from England, concern to Finnish capitalists.
bonds bearing Interest, which mental starting point on the Russian question Some ten years ago, when the Moscow bureau ad nauseum.
It is necessary to consider such a high level, the rural and financial support from the United The Army remains under the the peasants had to pay back to has been a base distinction between Soviet cracy had not yet entirely broken with the revowhat is Finland? Is it a democ city proletariat had become so States, and the Germans sent a control of its reactionary officer the government. large section Union and the Stalinist bureaucracy. The econlutionary doctrines of Lenin and Trotsky, it inomic conquests of the October revolution are the vited some Negroes to Moscow to make a film racy? Do class lines exist in Fin politically mature, that in spite whole army corps to intervene clique. Side by side with it, the of the rural poor, cottagers. Soviet Union. The parasitic growth upon it of a which would deplet lynching and the other fea land? Are the reverses of the of the obstacles of the bourgeois against the workers. The Russian bourgeoisie maintain a private who only received two hectares degenerate bureaucracy is a fact which we tures of Negro life in America. The company was Red Army due to the methods of parliamentary system, the Social Bolsheviks were beaten back, the stormtroop force of 100, 000 (6 acres) maximum Wandet pres The bourgeoisie Trotskyists analyzed and fought during many years when Thomas Lovestone called us, as a ism, however, realizes that, although it can de the infuriated defense put up by of 200, the only Socialist Party averwhelmed after heroic resist outgrowth of the White Guard of stated that the cottager could 1918. At every step in their pay extra interest as they worked consequence, anti Soviet. To save the Soviet ceive the people at home, it would be difficult Union, the bureaucracy must be overthrown for it to pose abroad as the friend of democracy, the Finns a united people behind parliamentary majority.
Of 100, 000 prisoners, men and struggle for existence, the Fin in the lumber camps in the win.
The workers and peasants then by a political revolution, arms in hand. But if its treatment of Negroes were exposed in so General Mannerheim? Do they they executed at least 15, 000 in the police power of the Finnish In the agitation against this popular a medium as a film. Washington was have something to defend? Does received an object lesson in class women, taken by the bourgeoisie, nish workers are confronted with ter time and had cash.
overthrown by the workers, and not by capinfamous scheme, the Commuitalist intervention. Against the capitalist at that time engaged in negotiations with Mos. the class struggle exist in Fin rule. The bourgeoisie prevented cold blood, and allowed 15, 000 to ruling class.
the assembling of the Diet.
cow over recognition of the Soviet Government, land?
20, 000 more to die of starvation world, we defend the Soviet Union. This has How does Finnish democracy nists played a leading role. With and Washington made it quite clear, that if the been our position consistently during the last In 1917 the revolutionary and disease in their concentra work? What is its record? The no compunctions about democFINNISŲ HISTORY THE Russians made any such nim it would be regard BACKGROUND OF TODAY years, and Thomas Lovestone never dreamed of movement in Russia and Finland tion camps all this in a country bourgeoisie rules over a prole racy the governing class silenccalling us allies of Stalin. Before they could make ed as a serious obstacle in the way of an under moved along parallel lines, with of only 3, 500, 000 people. This is tariat bled white by the Civiled the protests in 1923 by arrest that charge, they had to go over bodily to the standing The Finns were conquered by the Bolshevik section of the Fin the documented record. War and the White Terror, crip ing 140 members of the Party, including the 21 legally opposite trenches.
The Moscow bureaucracy reacted in character the Swedes and exploited by them nish Social Democratic Party evistic fashion. It capitulated before the capitalists.
for 700 years. The descendants en pressing ahead of their Ruselected members of the Diet.
of the Swedish rulers are still sian comrades. Kerensky threatMore than 400 years of imprison Thomas Was Bit Hasty It sought to deceive and browbeat the workers.
ment were dealt to them. But in Our standpoint is based, we The Negroes who had gone to Moscow were told that it was impossible for the Soviet production stitute only one tenth of the pop military action and denied them 1924, with a new party name, damental distinction between Soviet on a funeconomy and studios to find time and room to make the film. the Communists managed to re the Stalinist bureaucracy. Can Thomas Lovestone When some of the Negroes protested several ity of the ruling bourgeoisie. their right to independence; he ceive 11. of the votes. And in suggest a similar fundamental distinction beattempts were made to frame them as drunkards, Many of them speak only Swed had the highest admiration for spite of persecution, evading the tween Finnish economy and the Finnish bourish and are ignorant of Finnish the Finnish proletariat, and knew ban by setting up a legal front disorderly persons, etc. in order to discredit in geoisie, as a justification for supporting the Fin.
which is the language of the they would not break from a Boladvance any protest that they might make when Anti Labor Forces Turn Out En Masse under another name, in 1929 they nish puppets of Chamberlain Daladierpeasantry and the city proletar shevik Russ were receiving almost 15 of the Thomas seems to have sought such a distinction, they returned home. In all this the Daily Worker, iat.
of this period, Trotsky writes that now cannot contain its rage at Hollywood votes.
Backing Appeal for Poor Little Finland with the result that the Socialist Call printed In 1809 Finland was annexed in his History of the Russian crimes, played its usual obedient and servile role (Continued next week)
some weird falry tales, in editorial form, about to Russia by Twar Alexander I, Revolution. Finland became as tout for the Kremlin crimes.
the economic paradise in which the Finnish workLangston Hughes Role who left the local government in from the first a thorn in the flesh ers and peasants live. There was a rather abrupt the hands of the Swedo Finnish of the February regime. Thanks By HAROLD SWANSON crust. Among them may be found cessation of those editorials, however; maybe Among the Negroes who went to Moscow to bourgeoisie.
to the bitterness of the agrarian MINNEAPOLIS At a meet members of the Associated In ment of the Sixty Families, somebody read off to Thomas the League of Nahelp in the making of the film was Langston The Industrial Revolution problem, in Finland a problem ing assembled in the municipal dustries, citadel of the organized which holds in oppression the tions statistics on Finnish land ownership Hughes, the Negro poet. Hughes is one of the brought to the peasantry of Fin of torpars that is, small en auditorium here Dec. 29, Herbert antirlabor forces of this city Cubans, the Puerto Ricans, the most pertinacious fellow travelers of the StalinThis is an old problem for socialist patriots ists. He is, or was, vice president of their stooge land so powerfully described by workers, although comprising on land fund drive. To the blare of sheets, and high salaried sky pi ercises economic domination over how to make a distinction between themselves organization, the American Writers Congress.
and the capitalists when both are united in war He has represented the Stalinist point view at mon land was ruthlessly seized carried the rural population with music, amid yards of colorful Vian American patriotic groups. much consideration has he ever aims. Much ingenuity was exercised on this international congresses in Europe. Some of his by the landlords; they became them.
works are published by Stalinist publishing andless laborers. Some fled to hBy September 1917 the Finns accompanied by in Slot ret mas fought every progressive move manifested for the millions of cal Democrats in distinguishing themselves from houses. When the Moscow bureaucracy tried to waving, the meeting proved to be ment of the working class in this underpaid workers in America, the Kaiser, Poincare, Lloyd George, etc.
impose its lies on the Negroes who had gone to a propaganda device to whip up area. In the famous Teamster or the slow starving sharecropMoscow to make the Negro film, Hughes acceptsentiment for a holy war against strikes of 1934, not one of them pers of the deep South, or the Lovestone Clever Formula Okies the Dust Bowl victimsed the explanation entirely and cooperated the Soviet Union.
lifted a finger of protest when right in his own back yard. Anti Labor Humanitarlans Bloody Mike Johannes, police It must be readily conceded that Lovestone is Rest assured, however, that not the opposition of those who refused to accept this Hoover, as national chairman chief, murdered unarmed strikfar more clever at this game than Thomas. The Socialist Call rushed headlong into a series of transparent lie.
of the fund, played the leading ers. Now they are all yelling for all of the people at the meeting indiscretions which it is now trying to cover up: But the Kremlin policy changes, and with it (Continued from Page 1) with Moscow go too far. Only role in this farce, ably seconded the conviction of the 162 WPA swallowed this pious fraud withwhile the Workers Ago preserved a sly silence changes everything, from the clothes the Stal ways and at many points along some such assurance can lie be by supporting cast of other strikers who have been indicted. Shipstead, made a reference to until a skillful formula could be found. That for Inists wear to their attitude to Negro films. Not Recall Hoover Record Germany aid to capitalist Fin mula has finally been worked out and is presentso long ago Hollywood wanted to produce a film the immediate future. The Bri policy adopted by Roosevelt with bosses. There was Governor StasWhen the veterans came to land against the revolution twen ed in an editorial in the latest Workers Age on the Old South. This film, Way Down South, tish and French respect to the expiration of the sen, of Anti Labor Bill fame. Washington to demand their boty years ago. It wasn much and (January We give its salient portions: portrayed the old Southern slaveowners as fine and gallant gentlemen, and showed the slaves bir alapagainst Germany in or on Jan, 26. Thstead of going right unarmed WPA strikers in the them with tear gas. He con plause greeted the remark, that. we stand with the Finnish masses in as being contented with their slavery. One of the der to relieve that country ahead with discriminatory levies streets last summer, and the rendemned millions of the unem must have given the fat boys a their heroic fight to beat back the invader writers of the script was no other than Langston qualms and make it an open aimed at Japanese trade, the ad egade, Senator Shipstead, who ployed to starve while he poured bit of a twinge! And there are. We say frankly that we do not trust the Hughes. Of this the Stalinists, who must have channel for large scale military ministration has dug up a moth cast the determining vote in the billions of dollars down the rat any number of Finnish immiFinnish government; we do not regard it as known it, had nothing whatever to say.
aid to Finland.
eaten ruling dating back to the Senate which cut the last relief holes of insolvent banks and de grants in these parts who recall Now the line of the Kremlin changes once a reliable, steadfast champion of Finnish inIn Rumania, where only yesdays of President Grant to just appropriation.
dependence. The present ruling elements in more. Their reviewer, Howard Rushmore, writes terday there was a mood of camatters approximately stational Chairman of the meeting was ministrator during the war, we like in the Finland from whose ify a modus vivendi Finland are bound very closely to the British a review of Gone with the Wind, which, in the pitulation to pressure from the Charles Bolles Rogers, treasurer remember him best for the meat shores they departed not so many Foreign Office, and to the British Foreign opinion of this column, was infinitely less iniqui Kremlin and from Berlin, King until a new pact is arranged with of the Van Dusen Harrington Co. less, wheatless days, and the years ago. They know full well Office Finland is simply a pawn in the game tous actual preparation of a pro slavery Carol now sings a new defiant Japan. And to get that pact the grain firm. Patrons and patron high prices of sugar and butter that the workers have had to of imperialist diplomacy. British diplomacy script. But the Stalinists become consumed with tune. Italy has made it quite Japanese will have to enlist in esses of the cause include about in and out of the presidency he fight every inch of the way sacrificed Czecho Slovakia to Hitler: a few virtuous rage, dismiss him, and are now carrying plain that extension of the war the anti Soviet front.
seventy families of the upper is part and parcel of the govern against the Mannerheims.
weeks ago it offered to make a deal with on their phoney campaign. This deceives nobody into the Balkans will bring her Stalin at the expense of half of Poland. Who who knows them.
Info the war, in effect on the knows what intrigues are now being carried side of the Allies. In Turkey on by the agents of Downing Street at the Rediscovers Negro Question large troop movements are takexpense of the Finns. No group in Finland In 1929 it was the policy of Moscow to carry ing place across the quake devthat is so closely linked up with the British on a vicious campaign against all capitalists, and astated areas toward the CauForeign Office as are the bourgeois ruling every section of the labor movement that was casion frontier. From India Bricircles of that country can be fully trusted not Stalinist. That was their notorious third petain has been bringing up large to defend Finnish independence to the last.
OAKLAND, California Ailene Oakland early in 1935 when she The Stalinists increased their disrupter, etc. and was given no riod. In accordance with this line, they were preforces for action in the Near Saturley, one of the most active first received relief. She soon be threats. In July, 1938. Mrs. Sat opportunity to answer the chargA clever formula. It enables Lovestone to pared to make the film exposing American capEast.
figures in the militant Federal came known as an active militant urley was kidnapped by a man es Following the trial, the Youth speak harshly about the Finnish bourgeoisie On the Far Eastern front. the Unemployed Union here, received in the struggle for better condi she had never seen, and at the Local of the Workers Alliance ing them as house broken. to characterize them italism. As soon, however, as the capitalists gave (whereas Thomas made the mistake of presentany indication that they the Moscow major theater of American interbureaucrats, as usual, capituluted. From 1934, est the combinations are still in anonymous letter threatening tions for the unemployed and is point of a knife taken from the was also expelled, for introducing as puppets of the imperialists (which Thomas on the other hand, they began their new policy a highly fluid state. The Krem her life, postmarked in Oakland a fighter against the Communist corner of 12th and Clay St. to a an anti war program. Hundreds had denied. and to demand that labor aid Dec. 27.
the corner of workers from all of support to the democracies against the fasclin haste in yielding important 1st imperialists. During this period, behind all concessions to the Japanese in The letter, consisting of words controlled that union. In the tail and Linden. outside the house Blastoiser seither regionals in the Finland independently of Hoover. Clever formula but only for those who are seeking their noisy talk, they capitulated on every front their negotiations is proof that and letters cut out of newspapers of 1935 she and fifteen other she broke loose. Her kidnapper walked out of the Alliance.
and pasted together, reads: workers resigned from the PW. beat her with a blackjack but she The such formulas.
to what they called the democratic forces. Washington pressure on Japan Get out of the union before UU because of the betrayals of managed to break away and fled. Union was then organized with Lovestone Sets His Demands Federal Unemployed Roosevelt was their hero, Eleanor Roosevelt their is bearing fruit.
it too late. You had a TASTE the unemployed by the Stalinists. At the hospital where she was the aid and leadership of Mrs.
heroine, and their chief care was to penetrate as The two pacts signed last of what happens to REBELS. That winter the PWUU was treated the police were called to Saturley and began to grow. The For note its internal logie. The Finnish bourfar as possible into those elements of capitalist week by Moscow and Tokyo Don count on your Trotsky dissolved into the newly formed investigate. Recognizing her as Workers Alliance, on the other geoisie cannot be trusted. Therefore overthrow democracy which they thought might be use were both diplomatic triumphs Workers Alliance. bookbinder a militant union organizer, they hand, has dwindled to almost ful in furthering the alliance between America for Japan. Moscow agreed to The reference to a Laste by trade, Mrs. Saturley got a job demanded names of union mem nothing in the East Bay where it them? Don defend their Finland, but only a and Russia. They shoved the Negro movement conclude a long term fisheries shows that the sender of the note on the WPA project, and immedi. bers. She refused and the police was once very strong.
socialist Finland. Not a bit of it, says Loveas far as possible into the Negro National Conconvention which she had was involved in the attempted ately joined the new union. She gave up the investigation.
stone: by all means defend bourgeois Finland.
been refusing since 1936 and kidnapping and blackjacking of was the first worker on her proGuarded By Union Members With Hitler Stalin pact this fourth pe accepted the Manchukuo claims Prior to and after this black Union members are on conWhat he doesn trust the bourgeoisie to do is riod came to an end. Stalin now wishes them reducing the final payment due view of the whole past record of the project. In April, 1936, there jacking, Mrs. Saturley was ad stant guard at Mrs. Saturley just that defend bourgeois Finland. He afraid to build as much opposition as possible in the to the Soviet Union on the the case, her associates in the was a WPA strike and Mrs. Sat Vised by friends to abandon house. On the night of Dec. 27. they will surrender to Stalin, as the Czecho slocamp of the democracies in order to assist the Chinese Eastern railway. Finalvictory of the Hitler Stalin camp. Therefore union have persuaded Mrs. Sat urley became known as a real the struggle against the Stalin. while the union member on guard vaks surrendered to Hitler, at British insistence.
ly, Moscow agreed to negotiate urley to notify all labor papers of fighter on the picket line. She ists. Her car was tampered with was away, a man attempted to they rediscover the revolutionary instincts of the border demarcation agreements the situation in order as far as fought the stalinists and they watch on her, her rooms were next day the threatening note ar Suppose the British Foreign Once reassures Negro people; they begin a great drive in Har everywhere along that vast possible to publicize the facts and began a Lovestone that it has no such intention. Suppose lem. And they tear their hair and gnash their 3, 000 mile frontier inarked so thus hamper hose whom they be agains her. On the one hand they searched, etc.
it gives him guarantees, by sending a fleet teeth at the crimes of Gone With the Wind. often by armed clashes during lieve responsible for threatening tried to win her to join the CP, Given Moscow Trial Since the GPU rats dread the through the Dardanelles to strike through OdesTo conclude, the film is dangerous and must the last seven years.
her: the Stalinists.
on the other hand they began a Finally in June, 1939, the light of day, exposing this in the be exposed and boycotted. But infinitely more Nothing loath to snap up such Here is the record: campaign of slander and threats Communist party machine gave labor press may save Mrs. Satursa and another through Siberia. With such redangerous, and therefore to be exposed and boy cheaply won gains, the Japanese Fought Stalinist Betrayals against her.
cotted to an infinitely greater degree, is this het a typical Moscow trial in the ley. The Federal Unemployed Un assurance and it appears to be coming Lovehave at the same time apparently Mrs. Saturley, mother of two Following the strike Mrs. union (the Socialist Appeal re ion intends to issue a leaflet for stone will have no further reservations to make mischievous manipulation of Negro militancy in indicated to Washington that grown children, joined the Public Saturley became the center of aported the story at that time. distribution through the East Bay concerning the wholeheartedness of his alliance the interest of Moscow bureaucrats.
they will not let their flirtation Works and Unemployed Union in fight for democracy in the union. She was charged as a Trotskyist, to safeguard Mrs. Saturley. with the Finnish bourgeoisie.
Behind the Lines Oakland Leader Gets Death Threat friends.