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Turn War Funds Over to the Unemployed!
Socialist Appeal The Forgotten Man Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Vol. IV, No. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1940 FIVE (5) CENTS WAR DEAL BUDGET SLASHES RELIEF FUNDS Million To Lose Jobs To Feed War Machine DR. VRGES BILLIONS FOR ARMANENTS WMNS Carl RELIEF ROLLS CIO and AFL Officials BY LA GUARDIA sehen bere balans makers get directly most of the Relief Crisis Grows Acute In Detroit days, refused to march the 45, 000, 000 In order to meet the continuing employment and relief crisis, and to provide jobs and a decent living for the people of the United States, we propose that the regular 1940 session of the Congress of the United States shall enact emergency legislation to put into immediate effect the following: Stripped down to its plain meaning for the working class Roosevelt proposed budget provide, at once, jobs on housing and other Appropriation of 10, 000, 000, 000 to for the coming year means: 650, 000 to be fired from WPApublic works projects for all employable 250, 000 to be fired from PWAworkers.
Slashes in NYA and CCC equivalent to a loss of another 100, 000 full time jobsONE MILLION JOBS WIPED OUT BY ROOSEVELT BUDGET. Amendment of the Wages and Hours And all the money for these jobs, plus a lot of other money that should be going for Act to provide throughout private industry more jobs, is INSTEAD turned over to the WAR MACHINE and public works a maximum work week of Battleships and cannon are to be built, if Roosevelt has his way, out of the hides of 30 hours and a minimum weekly pay of 30 the dollars.
The needs of national defense are the excuse for slashing the work relief and public 30 dollar weekly old age and disability Carey of CIO, Padway of AFL, and 22 Others Rumbles of Revolt works employment rolls. But the same needs don cost the coupon clippers anything. MORE MONEY IS PROVIDED pensions.
Sign Message to Roosevelt on WPA Trial In French Army IN THE BUDGET TO PAY INTEREST ON THE Appropriatic of 3, 000, 000, 000 While Little Flower PUBLIC DEBT THAN IS PROVIDED FOR. WPA. guarantee either maintenance at school or Judge Joseph Padway, counsel to the American FederaWaxes Noble Over The first report in the capi There a billion for WPA and a billion plus one hundred miltion of Labor James Carey, secretary of the Congress oi talist press of mutinies in the lion dollars provided for the coupon clippers! The ten million jobs for all youth.
Mayor La Guardia, with his usures, have joined in all appeal to President Roosevelt, asking magazine, Jane the fact, unemployed and their families get less than a tiny handful of piously indignant about the cold him to direct the Department of Justice to cease such practices the heels of men home on this lapse of relief in Cleveland. It as the prosecution and conviction of WPA strikers in Minne war first furlough.
he were really concerned about apolis recently, it was made public Jan. by the Workers De Metropolitan troops from money provided by the budget. The capitalist press, conniving the condition Tunis were said to have been with Roosevelt, reports a figure for national defense of however, his own backyard can ſense League. a state of near mutiny ever 1, 800, 000. That bad enough nearly twice as much as stand plenty of cleaning up. Others included among the signers are Mayor Daniel since their arrival in France, 85, 000 Familles Dropped Hoan of Milwaukee, Roger Baldwin, Director of the Amerheaving bread and canned WPA gets but it tells only part of the story. Roosevelt deLast year 360, 000 of the city ican Civil Liberties Union; Arthur Garfield Hays and John obliging the French to keep the budget, and some of them he buried altogether under other corned beef at their officers, liberately spread various armament items in different parts of Public Welfare Head Predicts Crisis jobless families received either Finerty, Upton Sinclair, Fred Kirchway, editor of The them surrounded by a constant headings, to make it impossible for the workers to know how That Is a Crisis This Month 275, 000 families are getting re Nation, Paul Kellogg, editor try, after marching 120 kilo much he really plans to spend for the war machine. But here DETROIT Now in the first pangs of an approaching lief.
hic. violate the reliei act clause, New York of the Survey Graphic, under which the strikers had metres (72 miles) in three are some of the figures, so far as they can be located: Some 68, 000 relief crisis, Detroit will, within a month, in the words of workers have been dropped Harry Laidler, recently been indicted, had not been in fourth day, threw their arms War Department. non military. Harris, Superintendent of Public Welfare of the City into ditches, sat down in the Maritime Commission (naval auxiliary) 149, 000, 000 of Detroit be faced with a crisis that is a crisis.
1988, averaged 165, 000 which in elected Labor Party council tended by Congress to be used Civil Aeronautics Authority.
road. They were not punished.
28, 000, 000 Blame for the crisis is being used as a football, being and are now just over 100, 000. man of New York City: Jos against organized labor and declared that it is inimical to our Navy Department (under public works. 50, 000, 000 The same land of slashes eph Schlossberg, general sec democracy that striking workers, War Department (under public works. 228, 000, 000 kicked by the city to the state and the federal government have taken place on the home retary of the Amalgamated engaged in peaceful picketing. National Defense regular. 1, 589, 000, 000 relief rolls. In 1938 an average and then back again. But the unemployed take the rap. PREDICTS Emergency National Defense. 300, 000, 000 of 197, 000 families and single Clothing Workers of Amer are prosecuted under a Federal statute which was never intendRelief budget allowances of the City of Detroit for the These easily identified items come to the staggering total past few years have been so low as to have been characterrolls. According to the latest retary of the Brotherhood of tried en masse, thus being reof TWO BILLIONS, THREE HUNDRED THIRTY ized by the United States Department of Agriculture in its fused a fair trial.
FOUR MILLIONS, are now only 175, 000 cases on Sleeping Car Porters.
health report as a dangerous budget and as a budget which Other signatories to the letter home relief.
The letter assailed the Minstory. for include: The drop in the WPA and re neapolis proceedings as subNorman Thomas Harry Elmer lief rolls has been deliberately versive of the true interests of Barnes, the historian; Alfred lof Investigation, naval and military projects under work re have been and are even more damnable.
engineered and doesn at all justice and opposed to the let Bingham, editor of Common e to previous wars mean that those dropped have ter and spirit of Constitution the southern Tenant Farmers Open Attack On Now further retrenchment steps have been taken in DeCIO News Voices First and war expenditures include a half billion for veterans pen troit wel fare services. Emergency food orders have been dismilies applying for relle don al guarantees for a fair trial. Union Prot. George Counts, Administration sions, most of the interest on the national debt, etc. The real continued. Cases must now be (Continued on Page 2) It said that the conspiracy to president of the American Federfigure, if we could go behind the smokescreen figures of the ation of Teachers (AFL. Mary any aid is given. This invesFox, executive secretary of the League for Industrial Democra budget proposed by President LARS FOR THE WÁR MACHINE.
tigation often requires a pericy: John Granbery, editor of Roosevelt, the CIO sharply criti That FIVE TIMES AS MUCH AS THE UNEM BACKED BY od of two weeks for complethe Georgetown, Texas, Eman cized his proposals to put PLOYED ARE GETTING.
tion during which time the cipator. Rev. John Haynes through deep slashes in relief, By GEORGE STERN the President pretended that America was in Holmes: Philip Randolph, public works and social services applicant continues to starve.
It now appears to be the gen is undeniably becoming part of erat expectation that the spring the same strategic picture. Fin. Sleeping Car Porters (AFL. and sums to arms expenditures. fight abroad.
one of the city hospitals and of this year will witness the un land and the Scandinavian pen Dave Reed, district president of The cheers which rang from Whose interests will the war machine protect? Form Permanent Body the abolition of one of the folding of the first really decisive insula are the left flank of the the Progressive Miners of Amer the tory benches of Congress phase of the second world war. Western front and they may be ica (AFL. city pharmacies has already NOT the interests of the ten million unemployed, whose To Push New York is bid to slash appropriations for fight for existence is right here and now and AGAINST the Unemployed Demands Under Those who with maps in the decisive flank.
been approved.
The letter follows: hand try to gauge the plans Other dispatches, especially Dear Mr. President State Welfare Act, and intentions oz the warring from London, have strongly sugpassed by the last session of powers now draw a wide gested that the Anglo French grave concern the nature of the a bitter echo in millions of Amer The undersigned view wither than war purposes, will have bosses and their government.
NOT the interests of the eight million families now certi The Unemployed and Relief the state legislature, the state swinging are from Scandinavia combination is more and more Federal indictment and prosecu lcans homes in the coming year, fied by local relici authorities as without means of existence Workers League of Queens. has taken over from the city through the Balkans to Tur basing its war plans on simul. Continued on Page 2) the Co News warned editorialls, and when you re certified by those buzzards you re starving militant South Jamaica organiza the care of 4, 500 Aid to De key, Iraq, Iran, and India to taneous struggle against the So NOT the interests of another eleven million families who ployed and Project Workers Un came effective on January 1, indicate the probable scope of viet Union and Germany, discard The budget presented to Coning temporarily the previous stra CZARIST BONDS gress the next day, the editorial manage to live on a family income of less than 1, 000 a year. ion was host, last Saturday aft 1940. When these cases were being months.
explained, proposes drastic cuts The 8, 000, 000 families who are continually facing star crnoon, to twenty five delegates ing taken care of under the city And from India it is necessary Berlin axis by bringing about the RISE IN PARIS for public works and other essen of Queens labor and pro labor a mother and one child received to extend the blood red line of early downfall of Hitler and tial social services to make more vation and the other eleven million families who are fighting organizations, called into confer 44. 23 per month with which to war up into China, to the Philip bringing Germany into the anti rise in the price of Czar money available for armaments. poverty they are described in those terms in a chart in the ence to draw up a program of provide rent, heat, light, gas, pines and Japan, and across the Soviet front.
ist bonds on the Paris Bourse Ralph Hetzel, cho Unemploy: record of the government Monopoly Committee hearings. united action to better the mis, food, clothing etc. Under the Pacific to the United States. From the revelation of Soviet was reported Jan. by the It is within the context of these weakness Finland the Allied Wall Street ticker service of present budget means a cut of amount to 76, 000, 000 men, women and children the vast erable conditions of the tens of state a mother and one childrecalculations that the Soviet Fin strategists have not concluded the Associated Press in the 850, 000 WPA jobs below last majority of this country. They ve got nothing abroad to pro families in that borough of New which to pay for the same servicnish war assumes its more exact that the Russians are a pushover. following terms: year average. In addition, the tect. THEIR enemies are right here at home: the bosses and York City.
es. It must be remembered that proportions. Hanson Baldwin, one But they have modified their ear Some series are quoted at Represented at the conference the city budget had been termed shrewdest of the clan of lier notions about Soviet strength 10 compared with or be about one quarter of a million bosses politicians who won permit the great majority of the were the Ministerial Council of dangerous. The state budget military experts, writing in the and have acquired new confidence fore Christmas and or jobs, is cut out entirely. NYA is population a decent living.
Queens; the Unemployed and Re can only be termed outrageous, New York Times, says: in their ability to cope with the three or four months ago. Ow cut from 100 million dollars to Since the crisis began in 1929, six million young men and hef Workers League; the Amer. criminal, and death dealing. The Finnish Russian war pooled forces of the German Sov ing to the almost negligible women have grown up and entered the market for jobs. the Workmen sick and Death subsist on a budget which even if can no longer be viewed as iet combination and to deal a de price of these bonds whose de show, dissociated from the cisive blow to this twin threat to Unemployment to Increase At the same time the research without finding them. Where are their enemies? Their en Benefit Association; the Veter used for only the shortest period nominal value is 500 gold main conflict. Clearly another Anglo French supremacy on the francs, some operators have departmnet of the CIO found that emies are those who won give them jobs, right here in an Benevolent Association, of time will leave its mark indelmanifestation of the same ill European continent.
been encouraged by the Rus All signs show that the United America.
comprised of WPA veterans of ibly stamped on their minds and Jess that convulses all of Eur This new confidence and the sian failure thus far to over States production index will reIn a shabby attempt to justify wiping out one million jobs, Party, and several other organ have already made known the Queens; the Socialist Workers bodies. Many of these mothers ope, the war on the Northern changed strategy that flows run Finland and are speculat cede sharply in the first three Front is not only politically al from it is indicated in many ing on an overthrow of the months of 1940, bringing increas WPA JOBS Roosevelt says he has taken into considera izations.
lied to the war in the West, but plight into which they have been (Continued on Pago 8) Soviet regime. Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page BITTER ECHO TO FDR BUDGET den under provisions for the Coast Guards. the Federal Bureau than six weeks. The allowances of the State of Michigan Taking alarm at the new was bandes rould probably be close to FIVE BILLION DOL QUEENS JOBLESS completely investigated before Behind the Lines Jan.
the war extension in the com85.