BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismDemocracyFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionItalyLiberalismMarxMarxismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSWorld War

JANUARY 6, 1940 SOCIALIST APPEAL Roosevelt Tells Congress Negro Question He Wants Guns, Not Jobs In This Corner Special Book Bargains?
en constant control through STOCK MARKET HIT Behind the Lines Modern Book Shop TOLEDO SCHOOLS REOPEN AFTER LABOR WITH WHITE SKIN SIX WEEKS; TEACHERS STILL UNPAID CANNOTATOR WIATA BLACK SKINIS BRANDID. KARL TOLEDO, Ohio, Jan. services would provide less than MARX Schools opened today for the 45. 20 per cent of the deficit.
000 school children, after a six The 1500 teachers have not week shutdown due to lack of been paid since mid October. For by MAX SHACHTMAN.
funds. but nobody knows how eight years now they have been By JOHNSON (Continued from Page 1)
long the schools will remain open paid from afty to 88 per cent of In fact, despite some pious inworld, and by so doing help struggle of labor for its rights he or when the teachers will be paid. their salaries. Yet the favorite The sharecropper was one of the particular characterized, in thinly veiled By closing the schools for six solution of the Toledo Real EsFinland. And a terjections about his peaceful our own nation as well. war or a peace to conquer terms, as a doctrine which sets weeks the Board of Education cut tate Board is to solve the darlings of Roosevelt fireside chats. He was really the forgotten man. He was at the bottom soetion of his speech was aimed the world markets and fields of trying to set our own people to the current deficit to 800, 000, schoolBoersis by slashing the Word About Poland of the one third of a nation. How has he fared Wall fighting among themselves. but nobody knows where that teachers salaries. Fortunately, under the benevolent (in words) rule of the de in the war, not because of im Street that is Roosevelt aim, better life, all militant attempts sum is coming from. Neither the teachers are beginning to funct New Deal? Let us hear again from the mediate danger to America, but scarcely hidden by the rhetoric of to defend the rights of labor and state or city authorities are mak lght back. strike of the teach on pseudo Messianic theory his speech.
man on the spot: led as treason because it disrupts ing a move to find the funds. Pro ers looms as a real possibility in The ruling class nowadays differs in many No humanitarian motives are national unity. Roosevelt is am afraid it is getting monotonous to write that it is the business of Ameriways from the ruling classes centuries ago. In of the nauseating poverty of the cotton share can imperialism to put the world moving him. That fact can be saying the ground for systematic posed abolition of frills kinthe event their salaries are cut dergartens, trade schools, health any further.
testified to by the millions who in order.
those days, wars of rapine and booty could be the unemployed, are to be label croppers, tenants and day laborers. So much has been written about it that it seems that everycarried out, with all their attendant misery for For it becomes clearer and went hungry these seven years, class against class and weakenone should know all the details. Yet it has to be the people, without the creation of great warclearer that the future world the WPA workers whom he ing us in the face of danger, by fired, the WPA strikers whom Hencemorth all demands for a Are You Looking For myths. Armies were more or less mercenary seen and lived to really understand to what deg. will be a shabby and dangerand the arming of the people for war was not radation human beings have fallen under the sys ous place to live in even for he dismissed and jailed, the suppression of labor rights!
tem of landlordism and capitalist exploitation.
Americans to live in if it is millions of European refugees required on anything like the scale demanded Every workingclass group who clamored vainly at his found one family of nine with one fork for the ruled by force in the hands of a by war today.
should read and study Roosewhole leave the scene at mealtime to Modern war requires at least the tacit support few. We must look ahead and doors, the thirteen million Ne velt annual message to ConWE HAVE THEM!
your imaw. For a solid week did not once see the kind of lives our child groes who live in his Democra gress, in order to realize the of millions. The powers that be would never get a chance to sit down comfortably simply For 10c dare to equip the masses with modern arms ren would have to lead If tie South under fascist condi necessity for mobilizing the lations.
because the few chairs the croppers posses are large part of the rest of the without that support. But how acquire it? The bor. movement. in. defense varied selection of Fact books and Penguins masses are suspicious enough And world were compelled to worarry out his war against the oppression which it 18 and restgenerally of the cane seat variety with the seat missing less enough. They cannot very easily be gotten ship a god imposed by a mil conquest undisturbed, Roosevelt are cloaked by this psuedo For 29c to serve as cannon fodder if they are told that To understand the bitter wrath under the itary ruler. we must look demanded national unity. Thel Mes sianie polley Novels by STRIBLING, FRANCIS BRETT YOUNG, the war is being fought for colonial empire or surface of their feelings you must realize that ahead and see the effect on our VIRGINIA WOLFE, JOSEPHINE JOHNSON new sources of raw material or fields of Infuture generations if world grievances are piling up because of little ecoJOHN LEWIS by Carnes, 50 vestment of surplus capital. They have to be nomic advantages which croppers used to enjoy trade is controlled by any na ANNALIST SAYS RUSSIA AND GERMANY AT BREST LITOVSK by given a more idealistic aim: democracy, justice, are one by one being eliminated. It used to be, tion or group of nations which Magnes freedom, defense of popular rights, struggle for instance, that wood for cooking and heating FAR EASTERN FRONT by Edgar Snow, 75 against despotism, and the like. Once the masses was free. But the rapid clearing of the land has military force.
BEHIND THE SPANISH BARRICADES by John Langhave been sufficiently confused and poisoned finally resulted in the cropper having to buy It was in this grandiose pose BY SOVIET WAR with lies, their masters feel less uneasy about coal. Hunting and fishing used to be counted on of solver of the wrold problems don Davies The Annalist, economic journal that Roosevelt called for increas published by the New York (Continued from Page 1)
to supplement their scanty fare. But fish and providing them with arms which, as history CREATE THE WEALTH by William Beard has showed so often, have the ingenious faculty game laws and license requirements have es in taxation to provide the un Times, authoritative spokesman The Finns, by Inflicting defeats, and mairy other titles of shooting no matter what direction they are stopped a practically free source of food. The precedented sums he was seeking for the capitalist class, makes prove that the Russian military For 49c pointed in.
landlord seems unconcerned about these things.
for the army and navy.
several editorial comments about machine is not as formidable and Even Hitler, who rules at home all the weapons He stops his croppers from having pigs and Novels by ALBERT HALPER, RALPH BATES, DOS Increases in taxation to buy Russia invasion of Finland, in Russia is not as invulnerable as guns to put the world in order lits December issue.
advertised. Thus the ground is chickens for tear that croppers will steal his corn of totalitarian terror, finds himself obliged to PASSOS, ELLIOT PAUL, GENE FOWLER drug his slaves with the propaganda that they. this was the demand of the preremoved from under the feet of for feed. The cropper would be quite willing to THE COMING WORLD WAR by Wintringham are fighting, in the war, for the establishment grow his own corn but that is not permitted sident who, in these seven years The International Nickel Com the intriguers. It Russia is reSOCIAL CONTRACT by Rousseau of socialism. Stalin, arch suppressor of revobecause it would take time away from the cotof economic crisis, has not once pany has been developing newly vealed as weaker than imagined, BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL by Nietsche lution, finds it wise to tell the masses that they ton crop. The same thing goes for vegetable asked for increased taxes to pro discovered nickel deposits in Fin there is no need to be anxious ESSAYS by Montaigne garden. And so an accumulation of grievances vide jobs and relief for America land. It has spent an estimated about the bolshevist menace to are fighting for the liberation of the peoples.
READING FROM LEFT TO RIGHT by Forsythe In the democracies, war is being fought, of builds up and makes the cropper for the jobless and hungry millions! In total of 7, 300, 000 since 1988. Europe.
course, ORIGIN OF THE SPECIES by Darwin the preservation of democracy and message of unionism as a partial answer to his that one fact is revealed the utter Inasmuch as 90 per cent of the What this means concretely.
AFTERTHOUGHTS ON THE by Andre Gide the independence of the small nations.
hypocrisy of his pseudo Messianie uced in Canada, the strategie Augur indicates, is that exten: economic problems.
FORWARD FROM LIBERALISM by Stephen Spender Right now, the war mongers are having a wonder how those people survive the winter.
importance of this Finnish de sive aid will be given to the Finns Order For What?
Pneumonia is bound to get them. Tuberculosis poison picnic with Finland. People are literally The order he wants to impose posit Russia and its friend and the Swedes persuaded to For 69c has gotten two of them in the Lost Colony starving to death amid unprecedented wealth camp in the last six weeks. The tuberculosis was on the world has nothing to do Germany is self evident. In view come in to make sure the RusDARKNESS AND DAWN by Alexei Tolstoi in Cleveland and not only in Cleveland. That not contracted in Lost Colony camp. It was with peace and freedom and se of Russia puppet, socialistic sians remain deeply engaged in JOURNEYS BETWEEN WARS by Dos Passos a bit of a scandal, you see, and it has to be curity.
For it that were his sim, state projected for Finland, what the north. This will have the doucontracted in their work as sharecroppers, tivTO HAVE AND HAVE NOT by Hemingway covered up, especially in face of the fact that the he could have done something will happen to these Canadian ble effect of cutting off the alrulers of the United States, who haven any in gin houses unfit for habitation and eating during these past seven years to and British owned deposits is ways problematical Russian aid INDUSTRIAL HISTORY OF UNITED STATES by Bowden food unfit for consumption.
money to spare for the prevention of starvation, have hundreds upon hundreds of millions of dolprovide jobs and food for Ameri equally self evident.
ca refugees at home. He wants. The stock market is de ers free to crush their enemies, to Germany and leave the pow WORKERS FRONT by Fenner Brockway lars for the building up of the biggest war RENAISSANCE IN ITALY by John Symonds an order in which American finitely behind industrial produc No Bosses After Awhile machine this country has ever known. Placed financiers and industrialists can tion. The advance of com one after another.
starkly side by side, that wouldn look so good.
Although their state has been getting worse hue and cry over Finland helps to cover kets and dietate to all the terms Finland and the abolition of priMANY OTHER EXCELLENT TITLES with the general decline of the capitalist system, up both.
it is nothing new. What is new is a united at on which they can do business vate property in those areas, tween Germany and the Soviet Starving or well fed what does it matter?
tempt among the croppers to fight for something with America. That is what he actual or eventual, is certainly which is now conspicuous by its cry the champagne and caviar stuffed bankers approaching human living standards. The crop meant when he said: not a development likely to enabsence, may have implications and industrial magnates. The important thing pers are organizing. Into two unions, the STFU We do not have to go to courage enhancement of stock that are not at all pleasant to is to prepare to defend ourselves, our women and the UCAPAWA (the Southern Tenant Farm war with other nations, but and children and our modest little homes in values. An eventual collapse of visualize. The ones of Rusers Union and the United Cannery, Agricultural, what a revealing word, that Germany may likewise see com to have been minimized by most sia invasion of Finland appears 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK, Newport and on Park Avenue. Look at poor Packing and Allied Workers of America. they bnt: at least we can strive munism spring up in Europe commentators, but it has certain(bet. Sth and 9th St. little Finland! How democratic! How brave!
are organizing. Black and white, they are organ with other nations to encour Telephone: GR 0917 izing age the kind of peace that will leading Industial country. In that ly been recognized by the stock.
lighten the trougles of the event, the actual cooperation beAnd in spite of all repressions, they are organA Few Words On Poland izing. When they meet at a cropper cabin, These remarks about the war mongers and there are defense guards posted up and down the poor little Finland reinind us about the chauviroad. But the morale is good, whether at a local Mr. Lloyd George stated couraged at their own successes. We Won Fight the Bolsheviks!
nistic campaign of the war mongers about poor meeting in a cabin or a district meeting. They that there seemed to be three During the morning the French little Poland, only a few months ago. How they begin ordinarily by singing Freedom, their own possible policies: sailors had been fraternizing with wailed and gnashed their teeth at seeing that song, two of the many stanzas of which go as Military intervention. It Russian workers who had come tender little flower of democracy nipped in the follows: Is true that the Bolsheviki out in small boats. The officers bud! Now that the invasion of Poland is over, movement is as dangerous to had tried to keep the workers and and they feel they have squeezed all they can Oh Freedom, Oh Freedom, civilization as German militarsailors apart but, after one sharp out of it for their war mongering purposes, they There ll be freedom after a while, ism, but as to putting it down conflict, the officers were con are allowing slim sliver of the truth about Cause before ll be a slave by the sword, is there any one vinced that the crew meant busi this democracy to plerce through the columns ll be buried in my grave, who proposes it. If he now ness. boatload of sailors re of their press.
So there ll be some freedom after a while.
proposed to send a thousand turning from leave were greeted Boss ll miss me, Bosal ll miss me, British troops to Russia for by the International. They reOne example there aren many, you may be Boss ll miss me after a while, that purpose the armles would sponded and raised a red belt as sure! Is the column of Harry Elmer Barnes in Cause before ll be a slave mutiny. The same applies to the World Telegram of December 22, 1939. symbol of their revolutionary ll be buried in my grave, troops in Siberia; also to comradeship commenting on an article on Poland by Max So there ll be no bosses after a while.
Canadians and French as well a French port since 1916. When tired and hoped for a reat after is trying to put us to sleep! It In the afternoon a number of in this country on the history and conditions Nomad, who is one of the best informed men The mere idea of crushing Bol the armistice came the men their fatigue at Odessa. And now a lot of rot! The admiral the sailors of the France were of that country. Says Barnes who, be it noted, Watch January 10th shevism by military force is were overjoyed. They would go even their holiday was to be tak changed his tune: My children, granted leave to go into Sevasis himself a bourgeois democrat: pure madness.
home Our correspondent attended the meeting of the This quotation from the official 2, the France sailed for the pressed quite openly. In the att the sailors were in no mood for demonstration with sailors of the last! But on December en away. Dissatisfaction was ex. beg of you, restore order. But topol. There they decided on a The war in the name of civilization was leaders of the southeast Missouri locals of the report on the meeting of the Black Sea. When she arrived in ernoon, those who did not want carressing speeches. This is not other boats in the harbor. They undertaken in defense of the Polish government, UCAPAWA. 108 leaders arrived in time for the Council of Ten, held at the Qual Odessa, her sailors had their first to coal the next day were ordered the time to say a mass. Kill the were joined in their march which had an unsavory record, so far as demoevera more didn get there be Orsay on January 16, 1919, tells contact with the Bolsheviks. In to assemble on the forward deck tyrant! Bandit! Assassin. To through the town by Russian carey, social justice and minority rights are con cause of breakdowns in their dilapidated cars. The Us why cerned. The Polish state gave evidence of the Allied intervention cidents took place such as Andre after mass. 400 sailors gathered. Toulon! To Toulon! they cried. workers until the marchers numcamp is rom 60 to 140 miles from the cotton against the newborn Soviet Un Marty, one of the leaders of the Marty describes what happened: What do you want? the Ad bered 3000. The marchers were defects and vices of Germany and Russia withdistrict, as a meeting in the cotton district can ion was a failure. See The Bul mutinies, describes in his book, All of a sudden they began miral asked teebly. And the sall orderly and in a jovial holiday out whatever virtues these larger totalitarian not take place in our free country.
Itt Mission to Russia, by W11 LA Revolte de la Mer Noire. to sing. First the Song of ors forcefully presented their de mood. Outside a pharmacy they states may posses in the way of efficiency. The meeting was for the purpose of instruct Ham Bullitt, for a full account small detachment of Red Odessa. Then shouts arose mands: No coaling on the 20th were stopped by a French officer Democracy and party government were stilled of this meeting. The Allies disthrough the calm spring eveing leaders as to the correct steps to take in the and 21st end of intervention in who wished them to give up their cossacks passed. Very simply. by the Colonels. MS. The able military imminent crisis. Evictees are already being noti regarded this very sensible adning. The forward light is Russia and immediate return red flag. He was pushed aside.
vice of Lloyd George and began hands. This spontaneous gesthey came over and shook our leadership of the pre 1918 days were excluded fied to vacate their land by January 1st, which, put out and in reply the Inter home of the France leaves for And then from an ambush, mafrom the army and amateurs substituted. Mar with ten days grace, will mean January 10th. to run into the difficulties he ture towards those who had national is sung. The officers, the crew softening of discipline chine gun fire. Six sailors and six shal Smigly Rydz, commander in chief of the Usually the planters do not give this notice until here foretells. The first line of deterrified, assemble on the rear been fighting them only a few better food better mail con civilians were killed. The murder army last autumn, was, like Hitler, painter after Christmas. They are that kind hearted.
fense of the Soviet Union has aldeck and arm themselves. And days before touched us. One of veniences. demobilization, fol ers were officers from the Jeanbefore he was elevated to a high military post.
But this year they just can wait. Their greed ways been the simple fact that now from the Jean Bart comes lowin gout the decrees sent from Bart. This last attempt of the us who knew little Russian Anti Semitism was revived and the Jewish popufor the government payment, in which the crop the masses in other countries started a conversation. One of the same song. Then cries of Paris 1100 men on board, not masters to frighten the mutin lation, much larger than that of Germany, Was per won share if the landowner switches to were unwilling to bear arms the cossacks asked us why we To arms! To the water! 700. better disciplinary regime eers into submission only ce treated brutally. Which didn prevent the against the workers fatherland Guns! and the day labor, is so strong that they won take a enemies. there are endless inspections but mented the comradeship between Jewish bourgeois and socialist press here from chance on a last minute ruling by the AAA This line of defense has now been treated them like since they were fighting towards the rear knocking no clothes. The demands con the French and Russian oppress becoming wild eyed Polish patriots during the which may upset their plans of getting their terribly weakened by Stalin included: The war on Russia ised and determined the sailors to down the sergeant at arms.
against the. vasion of Finland exploiters and mitts on that government check. It is known by The mutiny had begun. Soon a unconstitutional. Clemenceau has continue their struggle.
bosses. We were embarassed Two weeks after Lloyd now that if the landowner gets the entire AAA Worst of all was the increasing economic and understood the shameful delegation was appointed to find violated the constitution.
George remarks at the VerThat check his labor cost for making a cotton crop is out the situation on other boats evening a delegation desperation of the worthy Polish masses. Many role our government was mak THAT RAG MEANS sailles Conference, namely on entirely absorbed by the government, so that from the army came on board peasants could not even afford salt. They learned steam pinnace was commaning us play. Our comrade January 30, 1919, the first muhis cotton crop costs the landowner nothing.
the France and demanded that deered for the occasion. The CIVIL WAR!
to split single match into four usable parta.
promised them we would not tiny broke out in the anti BolsheJean Bart was the first to be visneither effort nor money. The situation is comThe following morning, Easter the French troops in Sevastopol They literally had to replace worn out steel axes vik forces. regiment of French dom. We parted the warmest hinder their struggle for free ited. Here the delegates ran Sunday, the Sailors slept late. be demobilized and sent home by those fashioned out of stone like the men parable to the government meeting a factory payroll and permitting the owner of the factory infantry stationed on the border of the cave period.
through the sleeping quarters of When they did get up there was with the fleet. The next day, Adof friends.
to have the product.
between Rumania and Russia reanimation and little miral Amet Conditions were bad in the and crying Get up! Get up! Rev work.
fused to march against the Reds When their neighbor, Czechoslovakia, was The International was France should sall for home on (Many of these soldiers had tak French Black Sea fleet. Mail olution! To the Bridge! sung and the red flag raised. April 23, to be followed by the butchered in 1938, the Polish leaders stood way eager to snatch their slice of the booty. This Ain Our Government en part in the 1917 mutinies on from home came two months DEBATE BETWEEN thrilling sight to the bolsheviks rest of the feet a week later.
the Western Front, and had been are. At 20 degrees below zero, on the shore, but to the officers Preecht hea. Branche ware back in He Can Talk Now social explosion may take place on Janu sent to the Saloniki Front to the sallors were dressed in rag. ADMIRAL AND SAILORS It is of ary 10th. There is no place for these land cool off. sed linen suits. Worst of all, 700 In the meantime, vice admiral One of them says, You don un mutiny, despite promises to the course a little safer for Mr. Barnes to speak of Poland in this way toward the end of less, homeless people to go except their 93 acre sailors had to do the work of Amet, warned of the mutiny onderstand what that rag means! contrary, were tried and senTHIRTY MUTINLES ONE camp near Poplar Bluff. We are looking for 1100 on the France. When the the France, came to restore or This is civil war. Angry volces tenced to prison terms.
But the December than at the beginning of September.
Then the war mongering wave in this country thousands of families to start marching towards DESCRIBED IN DETAIL Ship reached Sevastopol, the order. His first appeal, There are reply. Too bad! You asked for military authorities did not dare over the question of poor little Poland was at the camp. The Chamber of Commerce of Poplar Among the French soldiers and der was given to lay down a bar. 200 bad Frenchmen in the crew it.
Bluff has already passed a motion sing them its height, and truth was at a premium. The war sailors sent against Bolshe rage against the Red troops. was met with cries of Kill the One officer proposes that If or against the mutineers of the access to their own land, in order to keep them viks in 1919, more than thirty Some of the men locked them tyrant! Ki him! Get rid of him! der is restored a bottle of cham France. or, for that matter, mongers were able to increase considerably the polson content in the mind of the masses.
out of their county.
mutinies broke out, paralyzing selves in the lavatories and re Km him! Then he tried The pagne will be given to each sall against any of the Black Sea the whole interventionist effort. fused to carry out orders. The bolsheviks are abominable ban or at dinner. They know what rebels, They are doing the same now about ManCroppers are not yet strong. They are in two unions instead of one. They are opposed by the They occurred in Odessa, Galatz next morning when vice admiral dits. who kill women and this means. We are not Ash; we nerheim Finland. The revolutionary Marxists, The essence of these mutiles on united strength of reaction. But they are gaining (Rumania. Sevastopol, Kherson Amet, the comander of the fleet, children and old people. soil cannot be caught a hook. The was expressed in the slogans at who were not Hitlerites when they denounced one advantage that must eventually sweep every(Crimea. Beirut (Syria. Itea was leaving the ship he was or countered: You are the real hook had been tried at breakfast. the end of a leaflet circulated the war mongers fraud about poor little thing before it the realization of their own (Greece. Vladivostok, and even booed and hissed.
bandit! Because stood up for It was sugar in the coffee. And by the mutineers throughout Poland and poor little (Imperialist. Czechostrength, knowledge that they must fight, at Toulon on French soll. The Four sallors were arrested, my rights, you let me rot in a again at lunchtime. four slovakia before it, and are not Stalinists when the Black Sea fleet: WE black and white, together. As one cropper put it, story of the mutiny on the battle among them Vuillemin, the lead dark cell. It is you who, without course Easter dinner with wine WON FIGHT THE BOL we denounce the similar fraud about poor little This ain our government. The sherire ain ship France is a typical and dra er of the real mutiny. The next cause, pitilessly condemn sailors rations doubled.
SHEVIKS! WORKERS OUGHT Findand today, are not only the only ones who our sherift, the governor ain our governor, the matic episode. Let us follow it in day coaling of 700 tons of coal to and 10 years of forced la But the sailors were not de NOT TO KILL WORKERS! must tell the truth to the people, but the only president ain our president. Some day we ll detail.
for Easter Sunday and Monday bor! The admiral reply was in luded by the kindness of their OUR ONLY ENEMIES ARE ones who can afford to tell it. And not when it The France had touched at was ordered. Then men were terrupted by cries of He lies! He masters. Rather they were en THE OFFICERS. all over but in good time.
change that MUTINY!
The Black Sea Mutinies by Spartacus sallors rush