BolshevismBourgeoisieDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceIV InternationalImperialismInvasionItalyLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorkers Party

SOCIALIST APPEAL JANUARY 6, 1940 In the Labor Unions FDR SCUTTLES CASH CARRY. SHIPS SOLD The Call and Some of Its Friends on Finland ANTI LYNCHING WORKERS FORUM BILL COMES UP FOR DEBATE Editor: be damn toplites: MPLS. BRANCH LETTER For those of us in this middleIN THE DAILY PRESS western city who rely chiefly on (The following letter appeared the Appeal for our information, in the Minneapolis Tribune, Dec. would like to say that the Party (Continued from Page 1)
position does not seem equivocal By FELIX MORROW (Continued from Page 1)
passage of the Neutrality Law, nor is it hard to understand or between New York, London and Norman Thomas Call appears to be losing came from a central source. Upon inquiry, that economic incentives for resorting brought forth many protestations More and more frequently the Soviet invasion of Finland has to explain to workers.
Liverpool some of its original enthusiasm for the cause of source of misinformation was established Our people are almost entirely to lynch terror are being recog of horror from all sections of workers, trade unionista. They No Bones About It Finland. The last two issues have been couched mimeographed weekly, entitled Uncensored, nized. In May of this year Joe world opinion. People who now detest Stalinism but they glory By WIDICK In its latest application, the in a distinctly lower key than the clarion call arlo, Mary Fox, and edited by Sidney Hertzberg. irons, shot and hacked to pieces maintained smug silence when workers did what they themlaunched by the well known Thomasite impres. Rodgers was tortured with hot cry out against this invasion in the fact that the Russian for world aid to Finland with which the Call United States Line put the matUnion Buster Arnold editor, Gerry Allard, greeted the events. In ter bluntly enough. The pressa member of the Socialist party. Miss Bromley because he objected to having his United States warships aided that struggle every human being who cherishes One of the most important de dential proclamations issued unfreedom will support the heroic Finns. Call. references to the Dec. and issues of the lumbermill boss deduct 50 from Machado in slaughtering thou. Selves are seeking to do. lick Appeal came from a very tricky paragraph in his wages as rent for a company sands of Cuban workers and the bosses.
velopments in the trade union der the Neutrality Act, it stated, Uncensored, which characterizeed the Trotskyist shack in which he had never lived. when democratic Great Britain field in recent months has been had made it impossible to employ Dec. The eight column banner across the They know from personal exfront page. Finland Fight: World Cause position as the first gesture of Trotsky to Nor is the practice confined to stifled with bombs the protest in perience how unions fall somethe beginning of a nationwide the ships on their former runs (Dec. 16) has not been repeated. It may be that Stalin: campaign against the teamsters under the American flag, and the South. In Cranbury, in her slave colony, India. Even times into the hands of scounMessrs. Thomas, Allard and Symes have been union by Thurman Arnold, there did not appear to be any a little flabbergasted the enthusiastic reHaving launched this bit of fakery, the so August of this year eight white Mussolini, France and the Mikado drels who suppress the demoUnited States Attorney General other route in which they could cialist party now prints it, in the form of a men kasaulted a few Negro po whose hands still drip with blood cratic rights of the members, under the charge that the truck be profitably operated. Therefore, Herbert Hoover, the Swedish nobility, and other sponse from the Allied Supreme War Council, column by Miss Bromley, as independent veri tato pickers imported from the of the Abyssinian, Spanish and kick honest militants out of the fication of the fakery!
drivers are violating the Sher the sale of the ships!
democrats to the Call exhortations for aid South to work at substandard Chinese workers and peasants, union and out of work. They man anti trust law through cer These ships and other Amerito Finland.
wages. After the trial which took express hypocritical horror.
turkey what understand cold kinds of contracts signed can ships which are certain to It Depends Where You Stand place only because of outside The Jan. Call reports that many letters have The fact is that moral has happened in Russia, through with employers.
follow into foreign registry are been received criticising or commending its stand.
However, it should be added that from a cer pressure, they were given sus grounds in this situation are a analogy to a union corrupted by John Haefele, attorney for likely to be torpedoed by German It publishes commendatory letter from the tain vantage point the fundamental difference pended sentences.
truck drivers local 407, IBT, sub boats as they carry war masubterfuge. For which among the gangsteriem, well known millionaire socialist, Alfred Baker between the Trotskyist position and that of the Experience has amply demon governments of the world can However if the contaminated mitted to Arnold an outline ofterials to England. That means Lewis, which concludes: The fact that Italy has, Stalinists tends to be blurred. If someone stands strated that state or local agen throw the first stone? It is, union pulled an unjustified the procedure in Cleveland, which a series of incidents. such as for her own national interests, supplied some Hfar enough over on the right, two points which cies cannot be relled on to com therefore, necessary to analyze strike, if you please, against requires drivers for long dis happened in 1915 and 1916 under mited support for Finland ought not to deter are actually distant from each other but are hat lynching. The governor of calmly and logically what kind some poor, innocent company, tance hauling companies which adentical conditions, and which Socialists from uging full economic aid to Fin both to the left of that observer, may seem every Southern state during the of a war is being fought. they would stiu defend the Union have contracts with the union to enabled Wilson to drag the counland as the victim of totalitarian aggression.
closer together than they are in reality. last session of Congress affirmed Finland is a capitalist nation against the league of bosses.
turn over their loads at various try into war. Everybody underA critical letter from the Debs circle the An instance of this perspective is Mr. Ferdi his support of the status quo. The whose rulers are fighting against and would continue to denounce terminals in the city for delivery stands this. That why the one Young Socialists of Los Angeles declares: We nand Lundberg, the author, who is one of the bill is particularly effective in ap Russia to retain their right to the gangsters. They would tell within the city limits by local popular item in the Neutrality are not only shocked but deflant as to the right sponsors of Uncensored. sent him a copy of plying pressure at the most vul exploit their workers and pea the workers to respect the picket drivers.
Act was the cash and carry of the editor to write such an article advocating a letter wrote to Uncensored, protesting its nerable spot in the political make sants. That Finland is fighting line, to stick together and get Arnold, in a letter to the In clause which barred American that the Socialist party furnish the Finns with false statement of the Trotskyist position. He up of the South the county for her national independence is rid of the thugs.
dianapolis Central Labor Union, shipping from the war zones.
arms and munitions. We feel that such an idea replied that for the life of me can see wherein Much more than in the North, a myth designed to attract the The Key Question wrote that perhaps this kind of Silent Since November is directly opposed to the Socialist stand on your position has been distorted. and after one the responsibility for law enforce sympathy of the world, paralelcontract was a probable violation The important question is On Nov. 12, in ordering the war. letter from Paul Jones says: But reads his letter, it becomes clear why he cannot ment rests with the county sherife. ling the myth of poor little whether the Union is a Union of the Sherman Act by a union Maritime Commission to hold up do hate to see the Call taking a position right make any distinction between the stalinist posi The power of the governor is lim Belgium in the last war. The or a company Union. If It is as unreasonable restraints de approval of the change to Pana up close to the band in the march toward war.
tion and that of the Trotskyists. For it is persigned to compel the hiring of ma registry, Roosevelt stated he That is no place for a Socialist paper. for fectly true that the Trotskyists are defenders ited under the law in these mat Finnish workers cannot gain by company union, it should be de useless and unnecessary labor. was holding up final approval Pete sake put on the brakes before you go of the Soviet Union, who will not defend a ters, a fact he is always happy to win, it simply means continued If it is not a workers state. An example is the require until further investigation. Not any further.
bourgeois Finland, although they would defend point out.
control by the bankers and landment that on each truck enter another word has been heard Amazingly enough, these letters are printed an independent Soviet Finland against Stalin.
Fight For BMI lords and their overlords, the im The analogy must not go too ing a city there be a member of about the matter, however, un without a word of editorial comment. The Call Whereas Mr. Lundberg thinks the. Finns would the local teamsters union in ad til the announcement of the Com will maintain a dignified silence for a while, it perialists of Britain and France. far. My personal confidence in the if they started revolution. Mr.
Both the Democratic and the Stalin policy in the conflict validity of the Marxist method of dition to the driver who is al mission approval of transfer to appears.
Lundberg Republican high command admit with Finland must be condemned analysis of society of Marxism ready on the truck. Arnold Norwegian registry. This bears The important thing is not that Finland that the Negro vote in the North because his methods to gain mill as a guide to understanding what wrote.
out the prediction made by the An Indignant Lady Columnist is bourgeois. One might say that is of no im ern states can be decisive in the tary advantages repel the sym goes on, bids me to look at the While indicating that he is not Socialist Appeal in an editorial But not quite. While no party spokesman portance at all except hopelessly doc 1940 election. At the same time pathy and support of the option, its ownership of means of seeking to obtain a ruling on the Nov. 17: speaks on the questions at issue, the columns trinalre sectarian revolutionists who are the Southern die hards will in. pressed peoples of the world. The production, the relations in policy legality of the procedure follow In the face of the wide of the Call are turned over to an attack on wandering deeper and deeper into a blind damage thus done to Socialist ed by the Cleveland teamsters spread protests against the Trotsky, entitled On Socialist Ideals, reprinted alley. The important thing is that a small, voke all their old tricks to de ideas far outweighs any immedi of a translent regime.
union, Haefele wrote: Maritime Commission action, from the New York Post, and written by the hardworking, self respecting, upright people feat the bill. Only national ate strategic advantage that he have faith not only in the It is the desire of the officers Roosevelt had to order the Post columnist, Dorothy Dunbar Bromley.
has been set upon by a cowed, fear driven wave of militant support can may gain. The Stalin bureaucracy American workers but the Rusand members of local 407 to co Commission to hold up final aprabble.
This lady declares that Not only Stalin but operate fully with the Depart proval until further investigasecure the bill passage through main betrayer of Marxism while sian workers as well. They who Trotsky must be counted among the betrayers. certainly think the Finns are right in ment of both houses and deal a body blow still heading the first workers overthrew Czarism will dump stice in pporting tion. Or, more accurately, unAt first glance it may appear that the lady is defending themselves against the bovine Stato the persecution of America state.
the laws of the United States of til Roosevelt thinks the storm linist hordes, who are the ones that should really polemicising against the Trotskyists, for Stalin and his murderers off their America. It is with this thought has subsided.
she refers the Dec. and Dec. issues of the act upon Lenin dictum and turn their guns most oppressed minority. American workers should re backs and will successfully dein mind that we are requesting During the debate on the NeuAppeal. little light begins to appear, however, against their own officers. The Finns would Despite its many inadequacies, gard Soviet Russia just as they ſend their fundamental victory a fuller interpretation of your trality Act, the chief argument be damn fools If they started a socialist the Socialist Workers Party sup would a legitimate trade union against the world capitalist class Statement in order to clarify of the Roosevelt spokesmen was other dissident, Trotsky, has described the attack revolution and Stalin would be glad. Person ports this bill, and wherever pos task to save and regenerate in spite of Stalin.
justify and determine the future that the cash and carry clause on Finland as yellow.
ally, hope the Finns give the precious Red sible is taking and will take an the union not to play into the acts on the part of the officers would more than make up for Since anybody who actually read the Dec. Army relaying will never forget. And The meas in Russia must be of and members of local Union 407. any dangers involvement and Dec. issues of the Appeal knows that the active part in agitation on ita hands of those who are opposed cleaned up by the workers. God sincerely hope that Soviet Russia is weakcaused by dropping the embargo ened by the Invasion.
Trotskylsts characterized the attack on Finland behalf. It is a pressing obligation not only to the leaders but to Cleveland Contract on arms.
in terms far more harsh, and much more precise, Mr. Lundberg remarks have this value: they on all sections of the labor move the leaders but to the basic ideas help the Russian workers, if the What They Promised Haefele brief describes a conof unionism.
than yellow. it becomes obvious that Miss give, little more incautiously than others, the ment to do the same.
bosses of Europe and America tract between local 407 and the SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY, clean up the situation! Stalin The cash and carry clause Bromley doesn know what she is talking about. real vantage point of all those who denounce Cleveland Group of Certified and was put forward in these gran Similar comments by other newspaper writers the Trotskyist position as a concession to StalinMinneapolis Branch atrocities will appear anemic!
Permit Motor Carriers, an or diose terms by Senator Barkley, and radio commentators made it clear that their ism: the vantage point of democratic imperialist By Oscar Coover, Branch Organizer Speech of Russia invasion of Poland or ganization of 71 operators in the the Democratic leader: misinformation about the Trotskyist position patriotism.
Finland cannot determine the Cleveland area, which includes a Whether it be wheat, or UNIONÍST DEFENDS PARTY question of whether the clause specifying that drivers corn, or tobacco, or shoes, or POLICY ON USSR.
for member companies entering typewriters, or tanks. or is or is not a workers state. So Cleveland must deliver directly anything that can be recalled SPEAKS FRIDAY AT recorded on two discs; made Comarde Editor: far as am concerned, these to a terminal or may deliver or by mind of man, it cannot be for the New York meeting The assertion has been made countries were boss countries.
pick up a load within a one mile shipped to a belligerent nation celebrating the tenth anniverthat the Party policy of uncon The attack may be ill advised, radius of an employer terminal, or through a danger zone anyditional defense of the Soviet Inaugurating the first in a sary of the founding of the but that such truck drivers may where in the world in an AmerUnion is the reason why no porI stand to defend the connot make deliveries or pick ups ican ship. Because want series of weekly forums, Conrad Local 160, aliated wth the mittee apparently were not only Lynn, leading Negro attorney Fourth International in this per explanation of Russia in quests of October even if poor elsewhere in the Cleveland area. no war am supporting and vasion of Poland or Finland has Finland is wrongfully given the out of town department of the militant union fighters, but also for the American Labor Aid, will country.
been made, and that this policy works.
International It a Ladies Garment responsible union leaders. They speak on the Negro and Disboth local trucking concerns and which involves the greatest the union, in cases where a sacrifice ever made by any naA. Mid Western Moujik.
workers Union, signed anew finally compromised thedrer des crimination at the headquarters Only 50 sets available heads toly to equivocation in regards to these. Omaha, Nebraska.
truck is operated into the Clevetion in the history of mankind 1000 workers of the Maiden Form avoid a suicidal fight on two of the Harlem Educational Cen 00 each per set land area from distant points, to in order to avoid war.
That got votes, and lulled a lot Brassiere Company, one of the fronts; and big hearted Wan ter, 186 Lenox Avenue, New York erate such truck from the ter of people into lusory security. most important out of town shops der then agreed to resume nego City Friday night, Jan. at tiations with the Maiden Form Get Yours To day!
minal to the point of delivery. But if Senator Barkley had been located at Bayonne, Brassiere Company, the brief states.
telling the truth, he would have Ignored Shop Demands Plans are being made to have Send check or money orderadded: Make Definite Gains We believe that it is to the The contract negotiations were But of course the American handled by Harry Wander, Presspeakers from prominent Harlem not cash.
interest that a local man, In spite of the cynical and organizations appear at who generally knows the city ships can change their registry ident of the Out of Town depart chicken hearted attitude of Wanbetter and who has not just left and thus continue to deal with ment, and his assistant, Israel der and the Out of Town Depart. weekly forum of the Center. The a fast moving public highway the belligerents.
These two great labor ment leadership, the militant Forum is an inter racial forum Pioneer Publishers Editor: talk about our stand against the should complete the work of But if he had told the truth, leaders chose to ignore complete spirit of the men conquered in for the discussion of problems of 116 Unlversity Place The Appeal has taken step war. Nearly everyone wants the making delivery it would have been impossible ty the demands as well as the the end and the membership mutual interest to the Negro and New York, backwards in returning to the paper. from the very poorest The number of accidents on for lifting the embargo on arms on whose behalf, presumably they agreement signed with the com one week circulation. For a trigts to the so called middle city streets involving long disAfter the passage of the Neu were negotiating.
revolutionary party to recede in class areas. The talk is prefaced pany. Minimum rates were raised tance motor transports has been trality Act it became known that, stead of going forward at a time by saying that this is an antidrastically reduced since the in the midst of the Congressional in This highly autocratic manner per week: clippers from 10 to They were enabled to carry on for operators from 12. 50 to 16 JUST OPENED!
when historie events are moving war paper and we are giving it system was adopted and con debate, the Maritime Commission because of the absence of all de 15. 50. top ceiling was provid.
80 swiftly is a heavy blow in away as part of a campaign signees have found deliveries had quietly approved changes of mocracy in the out of town sec ed of 18, where previously at deed You are welcome with your friends any day at against war.
It is a vital political necessity After finishing the talk con Of course, our men do not needs frere seventeen tankers tion of the International Union, stood at 17 or 17. 50: a ceiling at this time for the Appeal to tributions are solicited and many begin from their service except The negotiations are conducted of 16 where previously it stood appear at the very least twice a nickels and dimes are collected In a word, in order to get the by the department; the local un at 15 or 15. 50. Stretchers reweek.
to aid in the anti war fight designates otherwise, in which Roosevelt administration had to or democratic rights.
at a terminal, unless the shipper Neutrality Act adopted, the song involved enjoy no autonomy ceived a increase on their min110 LEXINGTON AVENUE Fraternally.
First, our party needs it to imums, etc.
case our driver meets the truck pretend that the cash and carBetween 27th 28th Sts.
Take IRT Local to 28th St. keep abreast of news events and on telephonic advice of the ship ry clause would keep American Members Vainly Protest In addition, a piece work sysMUrray Hill 7826 per, the brief continues.
tem was instituted in the shop our attitude towards them. To ships out of the war zone, while The shop membership. com upon the recommendation of offset the terifle pressure of the The following new subscrip We have never required that knowing that a loophole was all posed of the new, young militant President Dubinsky, who for bosses our comrades absolutely tions were received during the an extra driver be hired in addi ready to be used to violate the elements who have entered the some reason was chosen as the Operated by ANMAHIAN AND SINAMIAN need the Appeal as frequently as week: tion to the regular driver on a law, just as soon as it could be needle trades in recent days, impartial arbitrator in the negowe can publish it. We also need NEW YORK CITY 10 truck entering Cleveland on done without too much outcry. finally revolted against this au tiations. Presumably he reprethe twice weekly to show our Minneapolis terminal to terminal basis.
sympathizers and contacts that tocratic procedure; they demand sents neither the ocmpany nor Chicago. Now then, it is our opinion ed to be informed of the progress the union men!
our Party takes a bold, fighting Columbus that the hiring of men under the FLASH! PROFESSOR of negotiations and what the unattitude in answer to the patriOakland con representatives were fighting These negotiations point very otic propaganda of the bosses. Los Angeles virtue of existing agreements TELLS TRUTH ABOUT for. They removed the old shop sharply to the needs of the out Living Thoughts of Marx 00 The problem of raising the Washington, does not come under the catenances rests on the membership.
New Castle committee and elected a new of town needle trades workers: gory of unreasonableness as de BOSSES CRIMES!
shop committee composed of the democracy and the introduction new 200 page condensation of Karl Marx CAPITAL, Michigan Vol. 1, with a brilliant introduction by Leon Trotsky, dealfined by you as a violation of the We are young, aggressive and PHILADELPHIA More im most active and militant union of democratic procedure in the determined. We intend to over Boston anti trust law.
portant crime news may be men, whom they trusted and in negotiations of union contracts ing in a large measure with the American scene. Longthrow the strongest capitalist Immediately on the public an found on the financial pages of whose judgment they had conf under the control of the rank man s, Green Co. publication.
system on face of the earth. Total. 80 nouncement of your views on newspapers than on the front dence.
and fille membership and the We can easily raise the necesthis matter our local union dis pages.
Whereupon Wander refused to granting of full autonomy to all Fascism and Big Business (paper cover) 00 sary funds for the Appeal if we continued the use of a local driv The laws which apply the recognize the new committee and locals in the out of town section.
put our shoulders to the wheel ANNOUNCEMENTS in true Bolshevik fashion.
er to complete local deliverles lower class have been implement stopped all negotiations with the detailed exposition of fascism, its coming to power and the forces that make it possible. 300 pages, by Daniel for those who were not in con ed much more efficiently than company. You play ball my way.
Here in Detroit we have al HARLEM DANCE and EnterGuerin.
tractual relationship with us, those which apply to the uppor said in effect this arrogant buready sent in 34. 90 in payment tainment Saturday Night, Feb.
ANNOUNCEMENT and shall continue this policy class. at 186 Lenox Ave. Music by IN COMBINATION reaucrat, or we won play at all!
on our bill. We want to see evuntil you have more fully in The better business bureaus The new issue of UNSER ery branch follow sult at once.
the Savoy Bearcata. Subscrip This group of new young unformed us, the brief concludes and crime commissions, composWORT is just off the press, Single combination (1 of each. 25 Forward immediately to the tion 49 cents. Sponsored by the with article on the Combination of (3 of each. 50 Twloe a Week Appeal!
Harlem branch of the Edward Murphy, president of ed of business and professional con militants certainly got a baplocal 407, and a vice president of men attack burglary, robbery and were forced into the impossible War in Finland, a commentaryon the events in Bohemia, Combination of (5 of each) 00 the International Brotherhood of cheap swindles, but overlook the position of having to battle their DESK URGENTLY NEEDED by Teamsters union, sad that the crimes of their own members. won supposed union leaders while and the outstanding article Dear Comrade: the City Lit. Dep Will be The Detroit comrades have a procedure used by Trotzky, the Cleveland was able to pay cartage. Any comin the War.
PIONEER PUBLISHERS fine technique in house to house rade who knows of a small similar to that in many other were made here wednesday night they were engaged in a life and cities, thereby giving the Cleve by the retiring president of the death struggle with their emSend your subscription orders canvassing with the Appeal. desk please communicate with NEW YORK, one year 60c) to Dale Edwards, 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE land situation a nationwide im American Sociological Society, ployer.
They give it away and at the Harry Roberts, 116 University portance.
Dr. Edwin Sutherland.
The members of the shop com Box 178 station D, same time they give a short Place, New York, Leon Trotsky FIGHT IN ILGWU OVER BAYONNE NEGRO ATTORNEY PACT SHOWS NEED OF REFORMS HARLEM CENTER APPEAL ARMY Artiku man Anmah Armenian Restaurant SPECIAL OFFER