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Labors Program: Job for Every Worker!
Socialist Appeal LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Vol. IV, No. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1940 FIVE (5) CENTS In order to meet the continuing employment and relief crisis, and to provide jobs and a decent living for the people of the United States, we propose that the regular 1940 session of the Congress of the United States shall enact emergency legislation to put into immediate effect the following: Appropriation of 10, 000, 000, 000 to provide, at once, jobs on housing and other public works projects for all employable workers. Amendment of the Wages and Hours Act to provide throughout private industry and public works a maximum work week of 30 hours and a minimum weekly pay of 30 dollars. GUNS, NOT JOBS MESSAGE ola bo dollar vocekly old age and disability American Ships Permitted to Sail War Zones pensions. Appropriation of 3, 000, 000, 000 to guarantee either maintenance at school or jobs for all youth.
The Roosevelt, Budget FDR SCUTTLES CASH CARRY. SHIPS SOLD Arms Increases, Cuts In Relief, Is Program The Real Issue Facing Congress TREASURY (ECONOMY 0 0 0000!
2012 tim need them.
Behind the Lines NO ONE SUFFERED IN CLEVELAND BUT SOCIAL WORKERS TELL TRUTH In the face of an army of ten to twelve million unemployed men and women for whom there no place in private inThreadbare Trick dustry, and who with their dependents number at least thirty Used to Sail Ships million nearly a fourth of the nation President Roosevelt delivered an annual message to the opening session of ConIn War Zone gress Wednesday which could be summarized as: Guns instead of jobs.
As the Congressmen made their way to Washington for Wednesday opening session, the newspapers they glanced The cash and carry clause An important increase of funds for armaments and, to through were full of the usual reams of first week January of the Neutrality Law, forbidmake up for that, all other important items show a reduction. that was the sum total of his speech.
ballyhoo about what a wonderfully prosperous year it was ding American ships from entering the war zone or carrying To justify this callous disregard for the needs of the unemgoing to be.
war materials, was thrown on ployed, Roosevelt had to gloss over their plight. He perfunctTake just one example of their bare faced manipulation the junk heap this week when forily conceded that we have facts and figures. Almost at random, take one from Ma the Roosevelt Administration ame Perkins, Secretary of Labor, who listed recent mani save its official approval to a ANTI LYNCHING not yet found a way to employ brazen scheme for getting around festations which should permit labor, industry and agricul the law.
ture all to enter the New Year with confidence. Digging The United States Maritime length on commpplication of the United BILL COMES UP claimed resulted from the elaround for encouraging factors she dwelt ficiency of our industrial pro non farm residential building construction which amount an ed to 1, 700, 000, 000 in 1939, an increase of 400, 000, 000 of its big ships to a dummy NorFOR DEBATE cesses instead of from the fact that the workers cannot over 1938. Further gains were indicated for the New Year weglan corporation. previous buy back for their inadequate with a possible increase of as much as 25 per cent, she added. attempt by the same line, early What are the facts? They are not ballyhooed, but they same ships to foreign registry Congress Scheduled to wages the goods they have produced.
are easily available for example in the authoritative survey through a dumy corporation in Consider Bill Jan. Then he proceeded in a few of building prospects in the January Architectural Forum. In Panama, was approved by the phrases to paint an utterly the first place, the category non farm residential building dent Roosevelt because of the By virtue of a petition signed false picture of the economic construction covers less than one third of the construction public outery against this obvious by 218 Representatives to force situation.
it out of committee at the last industry (the Forum estimates an 11 increase in this cate violation of the Neutrality Law.
The new company set up to session of Congress, the GavaFancy and Foot gory as against the lady 25 guess. In the second place, operate the ships under Norwegan Fish Anti Lynching Bill will The number of the unemploy.
the biggest item in the construction industry for many years gian registry, according to the come up for debate in the House left out the fact that even aeed has decreased, he said but has been GOVERNMENT FINANCED construction of shipowners application, is owned of Representatives on January cording to his own Secretary of 8th. The bill assesses a penalty Labor figures, the decrease has highways, public buildings, sewers, water systems, conserva 40 per cent by the United States against the county in which the tion projects, etc. AND THIS ITEM IN 1940 WILL Line and 60 per cent by NorweARMAMENTS lynching occurs of not less than been little more than a million in UNEMPLOYED DROP DOWN to 2, 632, 000, 000. In a word, the most erate, as they did previous to 2000 nor more than 10, 000 and a half have been fred from a year. During that time a million (Continued on Page 25, 000 in the original bill) to WPA, leaving some two million optimistic forecast possible, says the Forum, is a increase be paid to the family of the vleWPA jobs to be doled out among in the construction industry for the entire year. That means twelve million who practically no increase in employment in this crisis ridden inThe penalty can be applied. Yet Roosevelt blandly described however, only against a com this condition in these terms: dustry.
munity whose peace officer can Their (the unemployed) immediEven such brazen manipulation of facts and figures doesbe proved to have been negligent ate needs for food and clothing, t enable Madame Perkins to make a plausible claim that By GEORGE STERN in protecting the victim. large as far as the Federal government percentage of lynchings are per is concerned, have been largely unemployment is being solved. So, believe it or not, the lady The Finnish events prove again It is, however, not only in the ends up in her annual report just issued by putting the that Stalin is incapable of de broadest political sense that stalbe waiting for them in private neutrality of the authorities. In kept alive by giving them useful petrated under the benevolent met, while their morale has been CLEVELAND They said the industry proved non existent.
burden of proof on unen to prove that they aren fending the Soviet Union. If Stal in affords aid and comfort to the 1937, for example, all of the eight since 1935, when Roosevelt gonig to get jobs! No evidence is available upon which any in is not overthrown by the Rus enemies of the October Revolu governor, the mayor, the Demoof the 219 cases, 128 of them recorded victims were taken abolished Federal grants to the crats and Republicans that noconclusion can be based that millions of people are going to be sian workers, aided by the work tion. In his invasion of Finland body was starving here during complained of inadequate food from the custody of peace off states for direct relief, the only ers of the entire world, he will he has also exposed before the the weeks, beginning November while on relief. Most parents re cers.
form of assistance which the permanently unemployed in the United States, says the lady, drag down with him into oblivi: world the state to which he has 15, when the usual rellet crisis ported no milk for their children. Lynch Albi Disproved eight or more million familles on While there many be between four and five million people idle on what remains of the conquests reduced his much vaunted army. became a total crisis with 16, 000 One person reported his ThanksHe hus provided the military getting no relief at all, and the giving dinner consisted solely of more than 5, 000 lynchings in the received from the Federal govSince 1880 there have been or applying for direct relief have on any given day, all these are not unemployed, she says, in of the October Revolution.
The invasion itself is an act staffs of the powers with their rest of the 60, 000 on relief get an onion sandwich. Dlabetics United States. The popular no ernment has been the occasionat the real and long time sense.
As Madame Perkins well knows, even the dubious sta of the Soviet Union and of the the results of the purges which tistics of the bosses National might as well have been polson committed to protect white wo the Federal Surplus Commodities But now, in addition to all that in their condition. Here is a typl men or mainly for that reason is Corporation. And this is all that swept the ranks of the Red Arshow that the unemployed number on any given day, not Stalin, calculating on the eventu 1936 38. And what they have ob testimony of the ultra conserva bread and coffee given to her by dence compiled by the Associe to justify his broad reference to ality of having to fight Germany four or five million, but cight and a half million. More honest or a coalition of Germany and served has already caused some tive American Association of So a married daughter whose hus tion of Southern Women for the the Federal government having million. The bosses own figures, for the last month available, advance bases which would give of the chancelleries and general chapter has just issued a report has been going to a girl friend percent of the lynchings had as unemployed for food and clothfigures estimate that the unemployed non number ten to 12 other powers, sought In Finland rapid changes in the calculations cial Workers, whose Cleveland hand is on WPA, one of the boys Prevention of Lynching. Only 21 largely met the needs of the statis in London, Rome, and Ber on 219 typical cases that came house to eat his meals, another their basis even alleged sexual ing!
him a military advantage over lin.
to the attention of various prl boy eats at friends and at crimes against white women.
November, show an increase of in unemployment during his opponents. Characteristically, An Arbitrary Polley that month, despite the upturn in production.
he set about securing them in a By bogging down in Finland ayate welfare agencies during stores those weeks.
In the five year period 1931 35 As far as the Federal Gov.
Let Madame Perkins explain this revealing item. The Finnish workers into the arms of politically disoriented army, stal. The report doesn generalize er or inadequate diet was report accused of no crime whatever, Roosevelt large way of refer Sickness as a result of improp nine out of the 84 victims were ernment is concerned is merely rolls, in addition to the wholesale dismissals, by finding private process coses for the Soviet Un conden heuses estrengthen bebing ting the soleigu ser presideerthimolie of cases. Hospitals reported many more serious than disorderly con has followed of returning to aces jobs for WPA workers. All WPA workers in New York in the friendly sympathy of mil which he has been hiding during tails in social worker terminolo of the 219 cases as suffering from duet.
cept any Federal responsibility (Continued on Page 2)
anybody thinks nobody starved in living conditions contributed to for the unemployed, who have have been required to register with the State Employment Worscof workers throughout the the past year.
One immediate effect of this in Cleveland this past month, let it health, and no one could estiranged from ten to eighteen milService in the hope that it can find them private employment.
By this alone he has immeas London seems to be the growth Hon under the New Deal, beyond Yet only five WPA workers were placed in private employ urably weakened the position of of the belief that the British um get a copy of that long doc mate the mental effect of these deprivations.
FBI SNOOPER IS supplyjore two to three million ment by the State agency during November, and three were the Soviet Union and lent pow. need not seek a deal with Gerument.
erful aid to the anti Soviet plot many in order to dispose of RusVainly Seek Jobs Evictions HIRED BY CIO!
This basic problem of Jobs and placed in December ters in Washington, Berlin, Lon sia. Instead the feeling develops The city fathers told the una decent living for the people, Whatever Madame Perkins may mean by unemployment don, the Vatican, and Rome.
In that the Alles can successfully employed to get jobs instead threatened with immediate evic Russell Turner, Sr. an aide of Thirty of the 219 cases were WASHINGTON, Jan. Roosevelt passed over in a few in the real. paragraphs. His real preoccupaAssistant Attorney General tion in his annual message was is lasting a long time for ten to 12 million men and women ry Go Round. Pearson and Al Anglo French supremacy without total of 219 cases, 85 were re ready been evicted. Lack of heat Ien last week gave the following making costly concessions to one ported unemployable because of and overcrowding were found Thurman Arnold in his anti armaments and preparations for able and desperately desirous of finding work.
sumary of views held import in order to beat the other. This physical illness (which itself in time and again. In 33 cases chiltrust Investigation of the intervention in the World War.
Why is Madame Perkins concocting these threadbare ant Washington quarters: is clearly stated by Augur, Brit most cases can be traced backdren were forced to stay out of building trades, was yesterday appointed to the staff of the Certain powerful forces both ish foreign office mouthpiece in to the physical hardships of the school because of lack of clothMore Arms For What?
unemployed. 13 because of men ing. Many families were forced CIO United Construction He asked for army and navy Because she and all other minions of the Roosevelt ad in Germany and England would the New York Times: Workers Organizing Commit increases not as small as unrealministration are under orders from Roosevelt to hide the real not be at all averse to patching The Finns resistance also stal illness any social worker will to move together because of inIstic persons claiming superior up their own row and then en defeating intriguers in Berlin tell you Station as Congress convenes. Roosevelt is out to slash the couraging a politico religious war and their sympathizers in Britain you that in these cases It Islability to pay rent, and overinvariably result of un crowding was intolerable.
This extraordinary appoint private Information would dement lends weight to the mand. gibe at those who in WPA and almost every other item in the Federal budget in against Soviet Russia. This would aln and France who favor a swift employment. Pregnant women were given no charge made by the building sist that America is in no danorder to find more money for armament. To get away with meet with the very decided ap settlement of the war by agree All the others had been valmly special conditions. neither the trades unions, affiliated to the ger of attack. But what danger AFL, that the CIO top leaders there was, against whom this gtthat, he must conceal from the country the facts about unem potent people in the State It would be much better, they seeking employment, many of proper diet, medical care, or pro them for considerable periods. vision for hospitalization. are supporting, at least to the gantic country, protected by two ployment and the continuing economic crisis.
Department also who would wel say, to come to terms and create Several mills in town had closed And so on, and so on the bare extent of making no move oceans, needs further armament, The workingclass must tear away the veils of falsehood come such a move. Whether the a united front against the Mos down amid the ballyhoo of busiagainst, the anti trust moves Roosevelt did not say. He made and concealment being spread by the War Deal and pose be Just Initiated by Roosevelt, wit based on the assureption that the had been employed on wrA and workers report. But no general which are an actuality directed mente, no needed to purelyde fore Congress the real issue: this turn seen army. by Izations.
JOBS, NOT GUNS. but It may. Continued on Page 8) Roosevelt; the jobs supposed toler business, they say.
against the building trades un fensive purposes.
ale (Contioned on Pago 3)