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SOCIALIST APPEAI DECEMBER 31, 1938, Politics and the Unions Concerning the Sailors Union of the Pacific QUESTION BOX An checks and monesocialist Appeal.
the Counsel of Treachery SOCIALIST APPEAL Company Union Vol. II No. 66 Saturday, December 31, 1998 David Lasser, President of the Workers Alli Published every week by the ance, is concerned because we see a tendency SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN. on the part of some congressional leaders to at 116 University Place. New York, pose funds for rearmament as against funds (Conducted by the National Educational Department)
Telephone: Nationat Office: Algonquin 8647 for work and social security. We firmly believe QUESTION: Why do you attack the pacifists, who, like your Subscriptions: 00 per year 00 order One of the surest marks of the Communist and Socialist Party dropping a ballot in a box once thar bosbare necessary.
selves are in favor of fighting against imperialist wari for 1x months. Forelgn 00 per year.
reactionary nature of the labor leaders in France. there is a Jone year.
Newark cents per copy. Single coples cents. The head of a company union, slightly on school taught by the late Samuel haux (the French Bin Green. As We understand their reaction Answer: It is not a question of sincere intentions Min favor.
orders should be made the outs with his boss, would probably have compers was its slogan of No for the anti political anarcho against politics as practiced by of fighting war; it is a question of knowing how to fight war said on the demand for a wage cut: There is politics in the unions! The his syndicalists in Spain. If they the Stalinists, to whom the term Entered as second class matter September 1, effectively. In our opinion, at the best, pacifism is completely inertory of the American trade union played a more revolutionary role simply means any and every fou!
1937, at the post office at New York, New York, a tendency on the part of some employers to movement, down to the present than their fellow People Front trick, cheap maneuver, piece of fectual in fighting war; it merety sidetracks the anti war energy under the Act of March 3, 1879.
pose big profits as against high wages. firmly of the masses into futile channels, and thereby leaves them believe that both are necessary.
day, has shown that the slogan cabinet ministers of the and chicanery and bluff that will en was deceitful as well as reaction It was not discernible to able them to install bureaucratic unprepared and unarmed before the jingo drive and hysteria of MAX SEACUTMAN a war crisis.
Editor Any worker could tell the fink leader that ary. In reality, it always meant: the naked eye. What is wrong control over all labor organizaNo working class politics in the with all these gentlemen? The tions.
This applies not only to the absolute pacifists, who are on HAROLD ROBERTS GEORGE CLARKE you can keep high dividends and big profits unions, no independent political fact that some engage in political But politics in the unions principle opposed to all resort to forceful means. This policy has Asociate Editors and not take a wage cut. The worker action by the workers. It always action while others say they should mean to the militant, been an abject failure in Gandhi struggie against British fired off his job might tell the snivelling fink STANLEY, Business Manager meant: capitalist politics played don t? They all engage in polit class conscious worker in particImperialism, where it has meant complete capitulation When who runs the Worker Alliance that you can by the conservative leaders in the cal action. Their betrayal lies in ular nothing more or less than Franco revolted in Spain, the fascist arms could not have been name of the unions but without the fact that they practice capi independent working class politirun a battleship armament program and keep fought by folded arms. Even in the day to day class struggle, Healthy Yonng Baby the control of the members.
the workers in jobs and relief.
talist and not independent work cal action which is organized, small scale resort to force is not excluded by militant unionists; To this day, even William Green ing class politics.
much less in the more intense class struggle of a war crisis, when When the bells ring in the New Year, the The Worker Alliance is a company union.
practiced and controlled by the and the A, of leadership are the boss class itself is ready to meet every movement of the If the amendment means workers themselves.
Socialist Workers Party will be one year old. Faced with the dire straights of the hundreds of workers with violence.
up to their chins in politics. you cannot owe allegiance to two When the or its members New Year Day 1938 saw the launching of the thousands fired off their only means capitalist politiege. which takes organizations in the same field, properly participate in a demonPacifism in general regards the fight against war as being in a water tight compartment the form of lobbying in Congress it is correct. In that case, the stration demanding of the govitself, without relation to the class revolutionary party of the American working of subsistence in order to provide funds for struggle of workers against the bosses going on in society, and class. New Year Day 1939 records a year of the huge army navy program, what does this and the State capitols and of re. inspired author of the ernment of California that Tom Mooney be released that is powarding friends and punishing resolution would have to call for without realization of the basic roots of war. We know, however, slow but solid achievement and the beginning of organization do?
enemies. As a result of the eliminating from the those litical action, and whoever prothat imperialist war is an inevitable continuation of the politics a campaign to put the party on the map of labor few weasel protests, like its mouth was course followed under this slogan, members who are two posed such a demonstration at an of a capitalist government which seeks to prop up its decaying history, present and future.
full of hot water, no real action and a big American labor has functioned card men. But the author means meeting would be bringsystem by exploitation of other countries, where it bumps up The new year confronts the party with far boost for the rearmament program.
with one of its arme paralyzed.
against rival capitalist governments seeking to do the same. The something else, and he is doubly ing polities in the union. fight against war, therefore, must be fight against capitalism more grandiose tasks no less than directing Workers who have learned what to do with The Amendment When the properly sends wrong. Can a man owe allegiance Itsell, and for a new and warless society, Socialism.
the working class on the first steps of the company unions will know how to act towards These thoughts come to mind both to his union and a labor its representatives to Washington War is a symptom of the contradictions of the capitalist high road of the American Revolution. huge the Workers Alliance. Then they will go out as we learn of the constitutional cooperative? union and to oppose anti labor legislation at system, just as fever is a symptom of malaria. One would not workers fraternal order? un Congressional henrings that is task indeed but our party faces it with conamendment which has just been ion and inbor sports association political action.
and build the real alliance of employed and think of treating malarial lever by putting the patient in an icevoted on by members of fidence, full of hope, of youth and of enthu unemployed, tied to the unions with the motto When the properly calls box; the only effective treatment is to strike the roots of the Sailors Union of the Pacife, one of course he can, because there siasm.
of action and life: is no conflict there.
upon the people of California and disease itself. Similarly with the fight against war.
of the most militant and classMarxists decide their attitude toward a given war on the twice a week Appeal a long step on the BREAD AND HOMES! NOT BATTLE conscious labor organizations in On the same grounds, there is Oregon to defeat the anti picketing ordinance that is political basis of the politics which give rise to that war. We are against road to the daily will begin the campaign. And SHIPS AND MACHINE GUNS!
the country. The amendment no conflict between owing alle action.
the war which Roosevelt is preparing to enter because we know after that watch our smoke!
deals with the question of poli siance both to his union and to When the properly tries it will be fought for the interests of American Imperialism. We tics in the Union. Every sentence a working class political party, to organize a fight against the are for colonial and national wars, by China against imperialist in it is a first class mistake and man can owe allegiance both Japan for example, because China cause is that of national it the were to follow to his left arm and his right government fink halls that is political action.
independence from an imperialist yoke; It is not itself an impoMore Pious Tears out in practice, it would rapidly arm, and if he uses the one he is Where It Would Lead rialist nation. We are for revolutionary civil wars, because we Some wiseacre once said: we learn from render itself as sterile as the not weakening the strength of dozen similar examples could are in favor of the politics behind such struggles. That is why The delegation went to Lima just about history that we don learn from history. John which is attacking it now the other. The amendment aube cited, Is thnt the kind of we are not pacifists.
with such bitter. Viciousness and thor simply aims to send labor polities that the recent amendthe time President Roosevelt was sounding off Lewis recent pronouncement in the name of All experience shows that an effective struggle against war with his piteous wails about the plight of the Labor Non partisan League proves again there whose spirit the amendment into battle against the employers ment seeks to prohibit in the can be led only by the revolutionary movement. In 1917 the breathes from stem to stern.
and their government with one widespread and numerically powerful pacifist movement in Amervictims of Fascism in Europe. At Lima delegates was more sense than humor in that ancient Let us quote the last three son arm tied behind it.
The has been on the les collapsed at the first note of the war drums. It had no ideologlof all the American nations capable of absorbtences which give the key to the Political Rights right track, which is the reason cal basis for resisting the war hysteria and war slogans, nor ephor Non partisan League was created in ing all the refugees. succeeded, under the amendment: any organizational basis for resisting the war drive. At the same As for the last sentence, it why it has forged to the fore Whereas: The workers have careful piloting of Cordell Hull in avoiding 1936 to harness the labor vote for the Demois not only bureaucratic and front of the American labor time it was movements like Lenin in Russia and Liebknecht been betrayed in countries all the whole issue.
in Germany who maintained their struggle and organized resiscratic Party. But despite the intentions of its highly injurious to the union movement. The kind of nonsense over the world by political optance to the war to the last. resolution introduced by the Cuban dele creators, it was a reflection of the stirring for interests, but it is also so much embodied in the amendment, asportunists who are only trying This is why we attack and criticize those who sow pacifist nonsense. Not only has any union suming it is entorced, can only to further their own ends, and gation merely deploring the persecution of independent political action on the part of illusions about war in the minds of the masses. But at the same member be he Republican or lead to one of two things: the the millions of new recruits in the racial and religious minorities in Europe had a Whereas: Labor cannot aftime, wherever pacifists are willing to engage in a concreto action ford to owe allegiance to two Lewis kept the lid tightly clamped on this sen Democrat, Socialist or Single reduction of the from a hard time getting out onto the floor of the Pan.
against the war preparations of the American government, on organizations without weakenTaxer, Stalinist or Revolutionist flourishing and representative specife issue such as the war budget, we will certainly join with American conference. It was finally adopted timent and it stirred vainly in the rotten bartel (Trotskyist. the right to present union to the level of a fruitless ing its own strength in the ecothem in a united front of action on this concrete measure. The grudgingly and the matter rested there. No ac of the Democratic Party, brightly polished on his political views and proposals sect of flen bitten anarchonomic field, therefore be it best cure for paciem is real Involvement in the class struggle tion. No offer of asylum. Not a single offer the outside by a New Deal shine. This com before his own union (naturally, syndicalists; or the transforma Resolved: That any member (Readers of the Socialist Appeal are urged to submit their of concrete help of any kind. Just some more pany union policy in politics brought the results at the proper time and in a prop tion of the into one of who insists on bringing politics in the union be brought up on er way, which the membership as those respectable, non politi questions to this department. pious tears. Just some more Rooseveltian hypo. company unionism has always brought: defeat a whole provides for. but the cal and bureaucratized unions charges as a detriment to the crisy.
and disaster.
fact is that the has been which the of hierarchy union.
most American politicians. is This won help the victims of Fascism esDemocratic Governor Davey of Ohio, elected Three sentences, and all wrong! up to its elbows in political ac And so ideal, forced to admit that we did not tion, and rightly so, without in The unblemished record of by labor votes, smashed s strike in cape their persecutors. It will only leave them Where the Issue Lies get as much as had been expectLittle Steel.
the slightest degree impairing its fierce adherence to proletarian to rot and to suffer under the clubs and whips For every political faket effectiveness or strength in the democracy and aggressive class ed. The Baltimoro News Postin its first reaction to the compro of the Fascist beasts.
Democratic Governor Kraschel, elected by who has betrayed labor, there has economic field.
struggle which the members of Labor votes, called out the National Guard never failed to be a pure and We understand the sound in the have behind them, mise declaration, on Dec. 21, calls We repeat: Open the doors to the victims of simple trade union faker who stinctive reaction of the militant gives one the right to expect that it victory for Argentina. But Fascism! We ll make it possible for them to live and broke Cl. strike in Newton, Iowa.
Democratic Mayor Wilson of Philadelphia, beat him to the punch. For every maritime workers against politi both these dangers will be avertnow the press boys are all working hard to make a victory for here in the same way we must make it possible supported by had his cops swinging Earl Browder, there are a dozen cal action as taught by the so cd by retiring the amendment (Continued from Page 1)
the out of it.
for our 15, 000, 000 jobless to live by turning their clubs over the heads of the garbage colPor every Thorez and as against the original Hull pro Priest Spills the Beans Blum ginning and end of politics is of the all war funds over to the unemployed, inauguposal. At the time the Argentine One of the delegates who lectors in their recent strike.
rating a 20, 000, 000, 000 public works program, proposal was first advanced the is evidently unused to some of fighting for and winning the 30 hour week with And that only the beginning of the record. delegates and the American the diplomatic subtieties is the no reduction in pay, establishing a 30 minBy the time the 1938 elections rolled around, press attacked it as being virtual Reverend Father Hara. In his imum weekly wage, and by opening the factories it was clear as a pikestaff that the New Deal ly meaningless and lacking any first public appearance in Lima, was no solution to the breakdown of American concrete plan for the defense of delivering a sermon on the feast and running them under workers control.
capitalism. Millions continued unemployed and what the boys are pleased to call day of the Immaculate ConcepOpen the doors to the refugees and open the the American democracies.
on the brink of starvation despite an industrial tion of the Blessed Virgin, the Dressing It Up doors to a fighting program to win life and upturn; the middle class and the farmers went Reverend let loose. Not, to be Today, faced with the necessity sure, against the war makers or minority, the submerged third of a nation bers. The future uncertain and unpromising, the of showing the American public agressors. No; the holy disciple and the world in general that of the Prince of Peace chose as the 15, 000, 000 jobless and their dependents masses were groping for a new way out. Labor they brought home the bacon, his targets pacifism and subver who must struggle or else starve.
could have given them new hope and courage by a momentous declaration on con or dark red.
the document suddenly becomes sive doctrines, be they light pink independence in political action and program. By DONALD BERGNER very different from Ortiz. Oh, no! cause they felt that the Justotinental solidarity for defense Father Hara (and how many But Lewis kept labor strapped to the Democratic Buenos Aires is England finan Alvear is also flesh of the flesh Ortiz government clique was do. Associated Press dispatch, Dec. of the rest of the delegation. Why We Need an Army party and its faltering New Deal.
cial Gibraltar in Latin America. and blood of the Argentine ruling ing a pretty good job and there 27. This although the was thus reveals that he agrees with The Argentine capital, at the class. He is one of her leading was no need to change horses. Result: practically every candidate supported mouth of the Rio de la Plata, is Gilded playboys of yesteryear. Then too there were rumors that organize an American League of places first on its list of wara to. with the cooperation of the Public by Labor Non partisan League, all of them the gateway to British Influence boulevardier, social lion and Alvear, no longer the maker of Nations, Court of Justice, or be prepared for, not wars abroad Relations Officers of the War Department Life Democrats including the Farmer Laborites who in the Latin States. It is also the tourist de luxe, a former presi violent anti yankee speeches, was most importanta military alll against fascist powers, but a civil magazine for Dec. 19 publishes a very elaborate supported the New Deal nationally, went down seat of one of the typical Amer dent, and Cabinet Minister under more friendly to Wall Street than ance.
war at home against mass uppictorial display of the equipment and lack of to miserable defeat. The only victory was in ican democracies, with all the President Irigoyen. Together with he should be. But Alvear was am. Senator Borah, more frank than risings.
equipment of the United States Army. Extensive New York where Banker Lehman just managed trimmings. The Presidents make Irigoyen he won a certain amount bitious to get back into the Presi research, they claim, reveals that the is speeches to convince the folks of fame as an anti imperialist dential chair. He gathered around to nose through, while nearly every American Weak in Arms and Industry Unprepared. Life Labor Party candidate was beaten.
that they re not dictators, and for their attempt to strengthen him the Union Civica Radical, most of the oil fields and banks, active role in the Chaco War, ege their soldiers guns make load native capitalism at the expense which had organized the fascist the quebracho forests (source of ing on both Paraguay and Bolivia is pulling for the vast rearmament program That election was the warning signal. The speeches to the of the presigentine capitalists. themselves period, the Communist Party, and capitalistic farms. The latter are sufficiently to be able to get in unconvinced. of the foreign interests. The Ar Klan Radical during the strike tannic acid. and the tremendous in the hope of weakening Bolivia soon to go before congress and attempting to middle classes switched from the New Deal to The present holder of make America war minded enough to accept the Republican Party. Only the workers held on dential chair is Senor Roberto tied very closely to London City. Stalinist stooge organization often over a million acres large economically while finance, it as a matter of course.
Ortiz, one of the country richest did not object at all, as long as known as the Workers and supply great quantities of weakened by the depression was because there was no other alternative given landowners and feudal lords, to the Irigoyen Radicals confined Socialist Party) made up of ex. wheat, linseed, corn and cattle, in no mood for expansion. After But why do we need an army?
the tune of over four million dol themselves to attacking in left wingers from the moribund mortly for export.
the war Argentine capital was This is the question that sorely tries the Now with the New Deal a squeezed out lars. Senor Ortiz is also the attor terests, especially in oil lands. But old Socialist Party. And there we The United States has 808, 000. able to get a 99 year lease of the jingo editors of Life. And in their usual fashion, lemon bankrupt in everybody eyes but Lewis. ney for the tremendous British when Irigoyen stepped on the toes have the Argentine People 000 invested, compared with only entire Southeast region of Bolivia they answer it quite candidly: and discarded even by its once proud father railroad interests, and the apt dis of the British there was an im Front. pretty mess! But not forty million in 1913, when Britain or course this so called imperciple and stooge of his predecessor mediate reaction and he was toss very successful.
Roosevelt it is more than time to break clean had a billion and a half. The Wall ialism is more of a sub impér The Army does not talk about it, but it in office, the bloody dictatored out by the ruling class and a With no reason to support elth Street money is mainly concenialism reinvestment of capital ponders steadily a White Paper containing defrom it and the Democratic Party. The New Agustin Justo.
new dictator named Uriburu er of these democrats, the Marx trated in the packing industry that was and still is British in tailed plans for suppression of civil disorder Deal is now the open enemy of the masses. It Peace on a Bomber took over.
ist vanguard of the Argentine Swift, Armour and Cudahy and reality. e. revolution) within the throws tens of thousands of workers off the Suppresses Strikes workers, organized in the Bol to a certain extent in banking And it is Britain that standa shevik Leninist League, denounced and the state debt. At one time. national defense does not mean lying WPA rolls and proceeds with unashamed ar of this year was honored by Alvear Radicalism was even both of them as agents of im the tried to capture control behind the big armaments polley.
supinely in wait for an enemy to visit devastarogance to build more warships and armaments the attendance of six army less firm than that of Irigoyed perialism and called for the form of the oil felds but the Radical the policy at Pan American Contiod upon us, picking As own place to hit than any administration since Wilson. Anybody flying fortress bombers, The He deserted his chief and made lation of a strong revolutionary Irigoyen put a stop to that.
ferences, and the internal polley, THE BEST DÉFENSE IS AN ATTACK who supports Roosevelt ind his New Deal how lomber beiden bedring Bentle peace with the pro British forces. workers party as the only way to Argentine Imperialism of the Argentine government. It (Life emphasis) If devastation is to be kept The tremendous amount of stood behind the open dictatorfrom our land, when an enemy moves against from Here Goering: battleships! Not bread! babouter letter from Monte Alver Wow els temporizer Yankee imperialism and there in capital invested in Argentina, plus of Uriburu, ef Justo, and be us we must be ready to meet him, to fight fails to take the road fighting independent labor ideals, have lived peacefully for is crucial moment in Trigoyen Fourth International and Anybody who supports the New Deal today and republics nurtured by similar very courageously at the one real the Argentine section of the sources and advanced Industry, tiz. This is the democracy that if possible on his own ground.
over a century.
politics is helping the drift to reaction and career. Following the post war count upon the warm support of of what is sometimes called Arcan have resulted in the development was halled by Roosevelt and Full Life speaks for the War Department and the this February, that suppresses the fascism on the part of increasing numbers of Ortiz was elected the preceding depression a great series of the British and sections in gentine imperialism. Argentine independent liberal paper La Cal War Department speaks for Wall Street. Why the middle class. Any labor leader who keeps September en alten happens in section on breken fire these its fight to break the strangle. capital has for many years been that werestina e del sectors on do they need an army?
the workers tied to the capitalist parties is a To protect the ill gotten wealth of the 60 traitor to his class. sizeable minority. His opponent, dores, spread right out to Pata economic and political life. tries. For example the Argentine in Buenos Aires on April 17.
Marcelo de Alvear, received a gonia and assumed tremendous ruling families (whose names are variations on Britain Dominant firm of Carlos Casada has over On May 11, President Ortiz reAnd that is precisely what Lewis is doing. clear majority of the popular proportions. The government of the theme of Musica Coster) stolen from the Imperialist interests, especially two million dollars invested in iterated his faith democracy His statement that will continue vote, but by a combination of these friends of labor took im those of Great Britain, dominate Paraguay, controlling approxitoiling millions of this country. and told Congress to get to to work within the framework of the Demo fraud and manipulation of the mediate action. They called out all the industries of Argen mately ten million acres of farm work passing his bills instead of and to steal some more from the downtrodcollege Sonor cratic Party is a counsel of treachery. It proves transformed his own minority in strikers by the hundreds Ortiz the troops and slaughtered the tina. Over two billion dollars of land one ninth of the total land wasting time debating politica den peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America. not that Lewis, does not learn from history, British capital invested in the of Paraguay ond 200 kilometers As the famous Argentine patriot to the majority.
That why they need an atmy!
But the British imperialists country form the lever by which of railroad.
but that he does not want to learn from history!
Sarmiento said in 1852, Argen Not that Dr. Alvear was so didn quite trust him. Mainly be London controls the railroads, Argentina also played a very tine politics is run by cows.
Lima Parley Is Cold Comfort to Diplomats Democracy a Myth In the Argentine Celebrate New Year at Pioneer Party Irving Plaza