BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismMarxMoscow TrialsNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

DECEMBER 31, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Brazil Communists How Shall We Fight Anti Semitism By Felix Morrow Repudiate Moscow SOCIALISM: ONLY HOPE FOR JEWS Muniz, Carlini Awaiting Trial on Phony Charge or se development of capitalisme never proceeded to the point ism lution.
tal IV Sao Paulo Regional Committee Issues Call hatred of Jews to smear radicalism. German Jewry, predominant the purge than ever were killed in Germany. Despite widespread That the Jews, if they are to survive, can do so only by ly middle class, fawned upon the Kaiser and the Weimar Repub comment in the labor press on this extraordinary cynical remark, For United Front Congress to Form linking their fate to that of the labor movement, is the ines lic Junkers and capitalists; far from saving the Jews, all this the Communist parties nowhere have repudiated Duranty stateNew Party capable logical conclusion to which all our analysis points. On facilitated Hitler picture of the Jews as oppressors. Neither tim ment! How else explain, too, that Stalin has said no word on numerous occasions, this conclusion has driven itself home to the idity nor silence have saved the Jew from anti Semitism, for, as the Nazi pogroms, and the doors of the Soviet Union remain minds and hearts of many a leader of the Jewish community, in the difficulties of the working (Special to Socialist Appeal)
closed to the refugees.
we have already demonstrated, anti Semitism is an indispensable SAO PAULO, Brazil. The Sao class, compromise the gains of discussions have had with them. The debacle of assimilationism, instrument to the decaying social system of capitalism.
The spirit of the Russian Revolution is as alien to Stalin as Paulo Regional Committee of the the Russian revolution, and re the blind alley into which Zionism has led, the sharp fact that Communist Party it is to Hitler. That must be understood, must be explained tirehas openly tard indefinitely the world social only where the labor movement still stands strong can Jews lift COUGHLIN, STALIN AND THE JEWS lessly to the people. When Coughlin accuses the Jews of instibroken with the Communist In ist revolution; their heads all this leads them to agree that Jewry must cast in can see the logic of all you say, said a leader of a Jew gating the Russian Revolution, the answer to him is that he and ternational and issued call to to enter into an understandits lot with the working class and with labor allies, the colonial ish community to whom developed this thought. But after all, all working class organizations, ing with the other sections of the Stalin are of one mind and that mind is the deadly enemy of all including the Leninist Workers Brazilian Communist Party and peoples oppressed by the great powers.
you must admit that when Coughlin attacks us for instigating that Marx, Lenin and Trotsky stand for.
Party (section of the Fourth In other working class political But that same Jewish leader, hearing one bark out of a the Russian Revolution, we can very well say, yes we did, or ternational) for national con groups moving in the same direc Coughlin, drops all this and reverts to the near sighted cowardice that we approve of the Soviet regime. Coughlin audience takes REFORMISTS OPENED DOOR TO FASCISM grees to form a new revolution. tion, to convoke a national con in which he has been nurtured. Whipped into line by Coughlin, him to mean that we are responsible for the decimation of the Why did not the revolution spread from Russia into Westary working class party in Brazil. ference destined to lay a new the Jewish leader proceeds to work with might and main against Russian farmers, the dictatorial regime in the factories, the terThis action climaxed the crisis foundation for the revolutionary ern Europe in those surging years of 1918 1923? This key quesin the Brazilian Communist Party vanguard of the Brazilian work any link between Jewry and the labor movement.
rible blood purges, the Moscow trials, and so forth. We can tion, too, the Jew must learn to answer. He must acquaint himself which has been alternately sim ing class.
very well Identify ourselves with that.
with the stark tragedy of the German, Austrian and Hungarian mering and boiling over during THE MECHANICS OF ANTI SEMITISM The answer to this argument is not an casy nor a simple revolutions, all but successfully achieved, but then thrown into the past six months.
So prevalent is this attitude among Jews that to refute it re. one. There is no doubt whatever that Stalin foul regime has reverse by those who stood at the head of the majority of the The Sao Paulo regional comquires a concrete exposition of the mechanics of anti Semitism served to discredit the Russian Revolution in the eyes of millions workers: the reformist Socialists, the Social Democrats of the mitteo represents possibly the al work.
largest and cer the best Second International. The Kautskys and Hilferdings stood at of American workers and farmers who greeted it with hope and body of working class militants in In a typical American city of half a million, the Jews number longing: Stalin crimes facilitate the fascist propaganda of the head of those revolutions only to behead them. In the name the party 20, 000. The proportion of wage workers among them is a minori Coughlin. But complication cannot be solved by joining of democracy, they gave the power back into the hands of the In a resolution announcing its Coughlin in attacks upon the Russian Revolution. One must learn Junkers and capitalists. So, too, Leon Blum and the other French action, the committee charged where the Jews were to understand the full meaning of the Russian Revolution, and Socialist leaders, in 1936 1938, smothered the revolutionary will the Comintern with capitulating middlemen occupations they had been limited to under feudal then one must learn to tell the people what has happened to the of the struggling workers. In each case, the question was posed to the capitalists the impe Counsel Asks for ism. The smali minority of Jewish workers are concentrated pri Russian Revolution.
rialists in the semi colonial couninexorably: either socialism or fascism. Refusing to take the road tries of Latin America and on Mental Test of marily in the needle trades. larger group are store keepers and of socialism, the reformist Socialists thereby opened the road for THE SPIRIT OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION world scale. It denounced it in Witness peddlers. The workers and petty bourgeosie live in one part of fascism. Some of these gentlemen, who in the stark days of the particular for abandoning the town, in houses and at living standards generally below that of In the revolution of November, 1917, the working class, led fight against the Moscow trials were living cheeck by jowi with struggle against Yankee imperial the well unionized Gentile workers, but the latter have practically by a revolutionary party and backed by the vast masses of the BARCELONA. The trial of the Stalinists in the People Fronts and would utter no word of Comrades Carlini and Muniz no contact with these poor Jews. The average Gentile worker in peasantry, took the power and established the first Workers Gov criticism of these allies, today dare to justify their original hos.
Policies of Condemned the city sees Jews only as employers, owners of department stores, ernment in history. That meant complete liberation from Czarist It declared that the Comintern leading members of the Spanish tility to the Russian Revolution of 1917 by pointing to Stalin Bolshevik Leninist organization saloons and gambling joints, loan sharks, etc. Did you ever see and capitalist oppression. Every national minority, including the policy of class collaboration discrimes. But it was they who strangled the develpoment of the (Fourth International) was schedorganized the world revolutionary uled here for some time in Dea Jew do a real day work? There isn a single Jew in my Jews, were provided with free scope to develop, both within their Russian Revolution, they who left it an isolated garrison and, movement and sowed the most union. These are typical remarks by Gentile workers, heard not cember own national grouping and in the general society. The scourge finally, gave way to a fascist encirclement of the Soviet Union to harmful illusions within the ranks After many postponements the once but regularly. Here is propitious soil for anti Semitism. But of anti Semitism was eradicated, for the peasant no longer could which Stalin is now yielding. Reformist socialism and its democof the working class.
date had been set for Nov. but it takes systematic, deliberate fanning to create flames. be befuddled by the oppressing landlord into believing that not racy is no alternative to Stalin. The destroyers of the Western The Sao Paulo committee les was put off once more at the reThose interested in creating the flames appear: the conscious the landlord but the Jew was his oppressor. Such anti Semitism European revolutions are no less despicable than the destroyers olution said that the Munich conquest of counsel for the defense ference had resulted in the perit. who demanded medical examinareactionaries and Fascists, interested in anti Semitism as a weapon as remained as a dark heritage of the past was ruthlessly punished of the Russian Revolution!
ous isolation of the Soviet Union tion of Luis Zanon, the witness against the labor movement. They tell the masses: your real op if it assumed overt forms. The Jew could confidently lift his and that this in turn was due to whose testimony represents the pressors are the Jews. They fan hatred of the Jews, and then pro head, a man among men. That was the spirit of the Russian RevoCHOOSE YOUR FATE: the political disarmament of the only basis of the murder charge ceed to turn this hatred upon the militant labor movement by SOCIALISM OR FASCISM world working class by the ruin made against our comrades lumping together labor and the Jews as Jewish Bolshevism. of But that spirit could not live if the Soviet Union remained Time presses upon all of us the real, inescapable alternaous policies of the Comintern.
Zanon has officially withdrawn It condemned the policy of and repeatedly contradicted his Bolshevism itself, the backward worker or farmer knows little, indefinitely an isolated garrison surrounded by hostile capitalist tives: either down in the dark with fascism or up into the kingsupport to the democratic bour own statements but he still reand generally has no active hostility to it; the mechanism of fas states. The whole weight of capitalism pressed in upon Russia.
dom of freedom with the socialist revolution. Shackled slaves or geoisie on a national and interna mains the chief witness for the cism serves to transfer his dislike of the Jews to the Bolshevism Either the revolution must be extended into Western Europe, or valiant fighters for humanity. Choose your fate! For the Jews, tional scale in place of a prole prosecution!
which is described to him as Jewish.
the surrounding capitalist states would press in and strangle the moreover, the question is posed even more sharply: either pbys.
tarian class policy. Far from reZanon claimed to be a witness revolution.
HOW NOT TO FIGHT ANTI SEMITISM moving the fascist danger of an alleged murder of one Capt.
ical extermination or a new social order. The number of countries this has succeeded in giving Fas Narvitch which he first said had When the post war revolutionary upsurge of 1918 1923 which have declared totalitarian war upon the Jews increases in.
The only way to fight this anti Semitic mechanism is to expose cism greater international Influ been committed by our comrades. it as being aimed against the labor movement. But the snug, com failed to break through the capitalist cordon around Russia and cessantly: Germany, Italy, Czecho Siovakia, Roumania, Poland.
ence and new national bases.
This he later retracted and the placent Jewish leader, completely blind to this mechanism, conthe revolution fell back, mood of treat compromise with Next on the order of the day is France; we have already indiThe resolution declared that the official caso fell to pieces. Muniz capitalism arose within Russia. This mood was enormously en.
cated why a middle road for France is no longer possible; it is present Stalinist leadership was and Carlini were nevertheless cludes that the people have a lively hatred of Bolshevism and that hanced by the fact that Russia was pitifully lackward in its technow a case of either a victorious revolution or a fascist dictatorundermining the conquests of the this hatred is being directed from Bolshevism to the Jews. Therenology, far below the level of the surrounding states.
ship. And if the French workers do not mobilize in time, if the October revolution and heading kept in prison and must still face fore he calls upon the Jews to separate themselves as far as postrial on these repudiated charges.
revolutionists in France are not aided in every possible way by for abrogation the foreign trade Both Muniz and Carlini have monopoly which protects Soviet been subjected to typical sible form the labor movement, in order that the Jews not share STALIN, ENEMY OF SOCIALISM partisans in the rest of the world to make the necessary forced trade from foreign finance capi. third degree methods during their the stigma of Bolshevism; he denounces the young Jewish radical This mood of retreat and compromise found its expression march to victory, French fascism, triumphant, will immeasurably imprisonment. In police headas responsible for anti Semitism. Actually, only the presence of in Stalin and his clique. Step by step, in their course of making Organic Break increase the fascist process in England and America. Even if one quarters Munix was stood up face these Jewish radicals in the labor movement, where the Gentile peace with the surrounding capitalist world, the Stalinist clique would, it is impossible to heighten the picture. The facts are too It concluded by announcing to a wall and several shots were workers can see them, serves to show the Gentile worker that the degenerated until their political methods have become indistinguthe Sao Paulo party determina fired on either side of him. Both gripping in themselves. He who will not hearken to them has Jew is not universally the oppressor that he is pictured to be by ishable from those of Hitler. Nor, it is clear, will Stalin hesitate already condemned himself to the fascist terror.
tion: he and Carlini, however have the fascist. to make the class struggle and openly assumed responsibility as at employing anti Semitism. Walter Duranty, Stalin unofficial If timidity and cowardice could save the jew, he would have But many Jews will, that know, for many are already working class internationalism leaders of the Fourth Internaspokeman, has indicated that in his now famous dispatch of No joining the struggle. For what else, in the whole wide world, is the fundamental principles of our tionalist movement in Spain.
been free of anti Semitism by this time. Russian Jewish capitalists vember 11, 1938, to the North American Newspaper Alliance, policies against fascism, Imperialthere left to fight for, except the socialist revolution? All other Time is short for action in be gave endless proofs to Czarism that they repudiated radicalism predicting a rapprochement between Stalin and Hitler: after all, roads have failed. Fascism or Socialism: thus stands the order of ism, imperialist war, defense of the SR or the half of these brave militants! and submitted to the regime; but Czarism nevertheless employed Duranty pointed out, Stalin has shot more Jews in two years of the day, Wire your protests to the govern to counterpose the policy of ment here and to the labor orthe workers united front to the ganizations demanding their imcriminal policy of collaboration mediate release and, barring that, with the capitalist class. public trial and the admission Calls Conference of working class representatives to break all organic connec from abroad, especially AN EDITORIAL tion with and political subordina France.
Following the debacle in the for the catastrophic defeat at the proves that the nominal attack tion to the bureaucrats in Mos Send your wires to President November clections, at which it polls.
on the Stalinists is wholly reaccow and their agents abroad, Companys, to the president was swamped by the Republican Part of the scheme decided tionary in character, and that the An analysis of Soviet press cov the French and English press on whose errors and crimes with the Espionage Court, and to Party, the Farmer Labor Party of upon came to light at a recent real implicit direction of the reserage of the Naxi pogroms re the actual events.
every passing day only aggravate Spanish consulates in your cities. Continued from Page 1) Minnesota has now plunged into meeting of the State Central olution means an attack on the veals that the persecution of the November 14: Brief dispatches capitalists.
a bitter fight upon the outcome Committee of the Associa militant workers of Minnesota Jews received scanty attention from London and New York.
Meanwhile, the tremendous of which may well depend the tion. After a vehement session, and on their program, an attack violenge, did not get to the front November 15: Reports from throughout the worst period of Back page.
scope of the refugee problem Party entire future.
sharp resolution was passed on any attempt to turn the grows ever greater. In the last page until Roosevelt and Cham London and Paris. Back page. Communism and back from its current headThe miserable showing of the communists. calling for their long rightward shift, toward the week or two, the Nazi terror has in November can be traced berlain commented on the perse November 16: London dispatchbeen supplemented by the awful entirely to the cowardice and immediate expulsion from the perspective of genuine struggle the tomb concerning the opening cutions, and remains as silent as es. Back page.
advance of anti Semitism in other timidity of the official leadership, Association and threatening all for the interests of the workers of Soviet doors to the refugees. news finally deemed to merit Only on November 17th was the countries Abandoning any attempt to rally local clubs of the Association and poor farmers of Minnesota.
The Tass (Soviet press service) front page notice, and then apPoland three million Jews the workers and poor farmers of with revocation of their charters This is why the present moves dispatches to the Soviet press parently only because Tass reThe professional pay triots, like every other big power also face all the implications of the the state through a militant pro if they refused to carry through of the bureaucrats must be met were not only extremely brief but ported New York comment on with the Stalinists in the fore engages in spy activities!
by the sternest resistance, and a front, have been conducting a couple of weeks ago two al party, the Camp of action taken by the gonal Bram and campaign, they con the expulsions. Uni centrated on trying to appear This, so far, is the sum and counter attack launched. One in all cascs except two were date Roosevelt speech against the lined not from Berlin but from pogroms.
first class spy scare campaign for more respectable in the eyes of total of the lessons drawn by step in such resistance, though Geneva, London, Paris or New leged Soviet spies were arrested ty, in signing a motion on Decemthe past few months. German After Roosevelt Pious Words York, following the formula: spies here and Japanese spies in Los Angeles, Cal on the ber 21st urging the government, the Minnesota big shots than the these bankrupt bureaucrats from so far primarily organizational in Roosevelt having spoken, on charge of having stolen American e. itself to speed up mass emi Republican Party itself. Harold the election.
character, has been taken by the The Swiss (or English, or November 18th 10 days after the there; military secrets stolen in On the surface, the resolution Minnesota labor movement: the the last, naval secrets stolen in military secrets. If it were true gration of Jews. The government Stassen, the reactionary RepubliFrench) correspondents in Berlin pogroms began published its en can nominee for Governor, was is of course directed first of all unions are demanding an end to it wouldn surprise us a bit and al party has also introduced in thereby enabled to pose hefore against the Stalinists, who have control of the party organization the West, strategic secrets stolen reported as follows. Tho two first editorial comment, echoing in the Canal Zone. The President would shock 13 less. But the to the parliament, which they the people as a liberal, and to in recent years made great head by the piddling local clubs, and dispatches that were date lined the pious indignation of RooseStalinists find it a little embar control, a series of far reaching from Berlin were very brief, stat vell.
is indignant, and Browder is in rassing and the Daily Worker anti Semitic laws. One forbids carry an aggressive fight to every way in the to such an ex. the giving of due weight in the ing merely that new laws were furiated.
From November 19th until the flings itself into the breach. Incivil servants to buy Jewish corner of the State, while the tent that they are already widely party to the mighty trade unions contemplated against the Jews, 29th the issue got front page noWhat? Is base as to use spies to hunt out a Los Angeles dispatch printed shops. Another establishes in cer workers were left passive and intrenched and actually have of the Gopher state.
and reporting the fixing of a fine tice. Tass dispatch from Geneva out in its issue of December 14, ittain economic and cultural fields been threatening to take over This, however, is not by any against the Jewish community was the story on the 19th, and on Finding Scapegoats the government secrets of our the principle that only a given control. detailed description of the the 21st dispatches on the Amermeans enough. The full reaction fair and unsuspecting land? Yes. says: Federal Bureau of Investiga percentage of Jews may function LP, bureaucrats into a panic. or by Stalinism during the past move must be pitilessly exposed The election results threw the The stink that has been given ary character of the bureaucrats news handled by Pravda, Stalin tean reactions. On the 22nd and sir, and not one but two: Germany and Japan. Both are age tion operatives who arrested own organ, will indicate the gen. the 24th the news came from Lonto suppress the Jewish Socialist Always more devoted to the year, the situation in auto and and made clear for what it is; two men as alleged Soviet eral Soviet press treatment: gressor nations, and fascist to don, on the 25th it consisted of boot. What is the solution? agents said today they were not Bund. Week Without Jews is Minnesota business men than to other unions, put the of and in the coming State Conven: involved in stealing any Amert being arranged by the govern the workers and farmers at their ficials in a position to make thon it is up to the workerdele 10th. From November 11th November 27th ussireported, bigger and better army, navy and can defense secrets. They were ment party.
air force. More billions for de through the 16th, the only items German People Indignant Over had not been loyal enough to sentiment of all types in order entation and perspective such as printed were on the back page.
fense (and less for the unem held on suspicion that they had Jewish Pogroms.
Roumania million Jews were capitalism, and that now they to protect their own positions.
obtained military that embodied in the ployed. Smash the Hun and information served notice last week that the November 11: Pass dispatch Intelligentsia Protests must really prove their devotion But the real import of the res Open latter to Governor Ben from Geneva. Back page.
which scotch the Yellow Perit American intelligence government is prepared to take by dismiss son.
On the 28th came the spood November 12: Tuss dispatch editorial comment, in the form of Drumning Up War Scare agents had garnered concerning to things as they are if they areolution is not ck merely on strong measures to enforce emi ever to be permitted a comebacking it as an the Japanese war machine. gration. Concentration camps are from London. Back page. self congratulation: The USSRIn a word, the spy scare hun (Our emphasis. to be opened for all Jews unable business men get tired of Stussen states that all local Farmer People Front.
dispatch from Berlin, reporting first time, a report of protests November 18: Byek page, first Beacon of Culture. Also, for the been cunningly manipulated to Now, how do you translate to prove their Rumanian citizenAt the same time they had to bor clubs. must forthwith exwhip up a feverish war spirit in Liberates Nazis new luws and the line against the by representatives of Soviet in the country American intelligence agents ship.
try to find scapegoat to blame pel from membership any mem, Jews, but nothing under this telligentsia. The protests includes The Socialist Appeal has stated into simple English? By the Hungary 600, 000 Jews were ber of the Communist Party and The first act of the new Peo heading about the pogroms them glowing descriptions of the happy repeatedly that the whole scare words! Americon spies. And placed last week under terms of a number of decrecs drove Jews also such other persons as advople Front government of Chile, selves. Other dispatches datelinede under Stalin.
is a vicious fraud. Are there Ger how did our own spierexcuse a bill, introduced in Parliament from various professions.
maan and Japanese and English us, ugents. garne the Japa and certain of pup986. further in the face of the magnitude or cate the overthrow of the governingugurated last Saturday, Dec. from Paris and London quoted On the 29th, for the first time 24. was to decree immediate appeared reports of meetings on e and French and Italian and Rus. nese military secrets? Did they reducing the number of Jews who the problem, the lickspittle atti ment by force or revolution.
Reul Attack on Militants amnesty for tho Naxis orrested in after the thwarted September up the question, with resolutions slan. spies in the United States. pluck them from the Japanese may engage in various Melds of tude of the American Yiddish These bureaucrats know the their unsuccessful putsch of Sept. rling.
adopted. But the meetings were Of course, there are. But so are cherry blossom trees in Washing enterprise. Hungary already for press, which has hardly vojced Following the release of Gonzu of Soviet intelligentsia. They there American spies in every ton? Did they buy them in a bids Jews from constituting more the need for opening America Stalinists well, and understand lez von Marees and his followers, took place in Leningrad, Kiev ane other important country of the Japanese candy store in Tokyo? than 20 percent of those engaged doors, is a horrible spectacle. The perfectly that no Stalinist ad, The New York Times comthe new government second act Tbilissi, and adopted identic world. It is the sheerest hypocri or from a geisha girl in Yoko in any calling. The new figure, it revolutionists have given this vocates the overthrow of the gov. ments: The signing of this der was to lengthen the working resolutions.
sy to deny this fact which every hama Or did the Japanese am is understood, will be percent. burning isyue the first impetus, ernment by any means at all, but cree confirms the report thut intelligent person knows or ought bassador dyop them out of his The noose around the neck of and must redouble their efforts it on the contrary are the most Nezi support was given to Senor hours of government employees.
The People Front in Chile Not a word about opening to know.
pocket while sliding down the the 350, 000 Jowy living in Nazi any section of the Jews facing shameless defenders of the govs Aguirre on the understanding het bo woo! endeavor to cleos mekęs stirring beginpips in its doors to the refugees!
And now we live tact. 44 baniptar at an embassy recep dominated Szeskoslovelig tiskt paysia! ensibilation under ferment Thereafter silence United Statestion?
The insertion of the phraping up charges 4541nat those arrested democratio carcer.
ened still further this. when to be saved.
ARMS PROGRAM CLOSING DOOR TO REFUGEES In the Farmer Labor Party Soviet Press Gives Scant Coverage to Nazi Pogroms from of SH SH! UNITED STATES ALSO USES SPIES!