CommunismCommunist PartyIV InternationalMarxismMoscow TrialsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL DECEMBER 31, 1938 APPEAL ARMY DETROIT DRIVERS Montana Farmers Destitute on Drive Total Is 1, 001. 70; WIN AREA PACT, Branches Promise Action WAGE INCREASES 44 Monthly Ration istration: Ohio.
Progressives Fight Food Union Bosses Soulounias, Fur Militant, James Tour Opens Vindicated In Libel Action at Philadelphia; Will Go to Coast ability ORGANIZES APPEAL SALES 10, 000 PLANES FOR ARMY WHILE RELIEF IS CUT MAKE 1989 YEAR planned in the Appeal. Continued from Page 1)
twice a week Appeal. We out FOR THE APPEAL!
Comrade Karl Shier of Chicago, Marshall, of Los Angeles: We here think it is a good plan. Com The editorial and business staff where is that article on how the The following letter was sout by Clayton Mefrom 50 to 100 miles in every kind of weather have a good committee of six rade La Grange is helping us. of the Appeal wish to extend to Chicago local will handle the Bosses Crack Before Call, secretary of the Federal Labar Union No.
to secure a few dollar worth of commodities working on this campaign. The We will do all we can. all comrades, friends and sympa twice weekly?
Strike Ultimatum 21760, A, of L, of Plentywood, Montana, to per month. If the unfortunate victim is unable total pledges thus far are 125 Coller, Cleveland: We thizers their best wishes for the Aubrey Williams, of the Works Progress Admin to thumb a ride he is often compelled to walk; and we are going to run a big are glad to send you the enclosed New Year. They also want to exAlthough subs dropped some and if the petty bureaucrats don know how to Expires New Year affair for the Appeal. check as the initial payment on tend their thanks all those what during this past week, tov.
distribute such commodities with the least pos John of Rochester, tells us our quota. Every possible effort comrades who have given invalu record month during December ertheless everything indicates au The membership of Local No. 21760 have instructed me to call your attention to the fact sible inconvenience to the recipient, the unlucky that Jim Broun is in charge of is being made to fulfill it and it able help and assistance to them We ll let you know next weel so DETROIT Just before the mid that the amount of 14. 00 now being paid to the farmer is often times forced to remain in town the branch campaign and is do possible do better.
during 1938. During 1939 we connight strike deadline set by workers on WPA projects in Sheridan County and sleep on the floor of some sympathizer ing good job. New Year Drivers Union Local 299, Detroit shack. Such conditions could be multiplied it Worcester, Mass. says: adently expect great strides for soon as we ve checked up on our is entirely inadequate to meet the requirements Eve party is planned for the ben. We will have to meet our quota ward not only by the American records. Here is the list for tho truck bosses capitulated and sign necessary.
week: of even a subsistence level. Because Sheridan eft of this drive.
by weekly payments and will section of the Fourth Internationed both the 11 state standard Mr. Parker, WPA director of the state, County is classified as an agricultural section, Kansas Hildegarde Smith and therefore not get the whole al, but particularly by its leading North Central Area over road NEW YORK CITY apparently the belle prevalle in Washington, visited this section and admitted that conditions George Whiteside have already amount paid up much before the organizer, the Socialist Appeal.
agreement and a local city con that much less is needed to sustain life were indeed dreadful. But why is there not some surpassed the quota. With a lit end of the drive. But we ll make We expect many thousands of Minneapolis tract, bringing closed shop condi than in the industrial centers of the state. This action taken to relieve such dreadful condi tle help from other members they it.
new readers and subscribers; we Chicago tions to 7, 000 drivers and helpers. is an erroneous conception, tions? This same question has been put to him hope to double it. Looks like From sympathizers Not enough intend to add hundreds of new St. Paul Ten cents per hour increases for Every informed person is familiar with the and his answer is: All such adjustments must Massachusetts comrade Whiteside is going to of them, but a beginning. newastands to our steadily grow eighty percent of the city drivers, destitution that has prevailed in this section be made in Washington. Now we are appealing. to to Washington and it is to be hoped that we Flint, Michigan and a five cents boost for the rest, during the past seven eight years, and any atJames World Revolution. enclosed is for the twice a week branches making a real success Detroit 70 cents hourly for local runs, a tempt to gloss over such conditions is not taking will not be told that Mr. Parker is the person Minneapolis: Warning! Don Appeal. m glad we re on the out of the soon bertwice weekly California minimum of 75 cents hourly for the welfare of our people to heart. In the season who is controlling the switch.
let the low percentage of this march to a daily.
Appeal. If our present progress New Jersey all time on over road runs, 85 of 1938 an abundant crop was ballyhooed As a necessary step to relieve the situation branch fool you. Minneapolis has Texas of Harrisburg. Pa. and enthusiasm continue throughcents an hour for tandam drivers throughout the nation, but when the hard workour Local Union has gone on record to demand Illinois the habit of working quietly. am enclosing a frogskin for out 1939, then at this time next in the city, are among the big ing farmers attempted to reap the rewards of minimum of 60. 50 for work performed on slowly, but decisively. Comrade the Appeal campaign. m look year we will seriously be consider gains recorded. The rate of WPA projects. This is not an exorbitant the Agricultural Administration and salvage Coover says: We are contem ing around for openings here for ing the problem of a daily Appeal!
cents a mile for long hauls is well something from the ravages of that faithful ally, monthly wage and will be still very far from plating a film showing in addition the Socialist Appeal and the New The manager particularly wants over the 3 cents rate pro the grasshopper, they found that nothing was the goal of a decent living standard. Our County to the New Year Jamboree International.
to send his revolutionary greet Bundle order increases were as vided in the area contract, and commissioners state that there is not enough to returned for their efforts. comparison of meat for the Appeal, with Michael Fred of Dagmar, Mont. ings to those loyal and sacrificing follows: roughly means 80 cents or more and grocery prices with other parts of the state give out supplementary relief and that they Freed in charge the local sends a dollar with a promise of literature agents who work paare helpless to relieve the distress they know per hour. Quakertown, Pa. now taking and country would indeed be revealing.
campaign. more later.
tiently from week to week in their a total of 30 per week.
With Detroit signed up on the exists. With such an admission we are forced to Light and fuel must be included in the list Daniel Brinkman, Denver: local branches. These are the com Carl Hartman of the heels of Kansas City, and con of expenses also; shoes and clothing happen to turn to Washington for the much needed relief. Enclosed find money order which rades responsible for our progress Philadelphia branch added 10 to tracts signed previously in Minbe essential to one health and comfort and a This relief must be hidden somewhere, otherin 1938 these are the comrades his order, making a total of 50 pays up our quota in full. All neapolis and St. Paul, Chicago, paltry 44. 00 per month is not sufficient to pro wise how could our national, state and county we need in Denver is a start and who will make our 1939 twice a per week.
and Des Moines, practically all vide these necessities. Children are to be seen office seekers promise so many good things to truly believe the twice. week week Appeal a real success. On major trucking points connected The Advance Book Shop in away from school because their little feet prous up to and including November 8?
will afford us a favorable opporwith the twice a week Appeal on distant Sydney, Australia, added with Omaha in the North Central trude through tattered shoes without even the Copies of the above were also sent to Senators tunity. We are happy over the the road to the Dally!
Area are under the uniform over pretense of an overshoe to hide this sign of three to its order for a total of Buton Wheeler and James Murray, and event and will do our best to NEW YORK. On Monday the road agreement. That leaves destitution. Farmers are compelled to travel nine copies per issue.
Congressman James Connor.
make it a success.
Dec. 19, at a meeting of the DIRECTIVE ON NEW APPEAL.
the bitter end bosses in Omaha From Small Acorns.
out on a limb. Burns, of San Diego, Calle ganized by the Cafeteria Em night crew of a Harlem shop or TO APPEAR IN JANUARY! Last week we urged comradea Omaha bosses appealed recently We want to see the Appeal come ployees Union, Local 302, a stal valuable article by Abe Miller, calendar.
This week we are publishing a to order their 1939 revolutionary Unfortunately, there to Dan Tobin, President of the out twice weekly: and the en inist Business Agent attempted to Teamsters International, saying closed sum is not the last. There test the resistance of the Progres literature director of New York was no room for the accompany they were confident that if they will be more but we are a small sive Group arbitrarily remov City. Comrade Abe held a meeting ad so that some confusion re could meet with him the Omaha group and mostly unemployed, so ing one of its leading members ing of all of New York literature sulted as to what we were talking situation could be straightened out. Tobin answered that he had leadership of the fur workers re enter the party, but remained NEW YORK. The Stalinist sion in 1985, Soulounias did not ever, give us credit for doing our to confess to alleged slandercussion took place on his propeal, have issued this calendar don expect much. Please, how. from the job because he refused agents at which an intense dis about.
Signal Publishers, not the Apdelegated all power to settle to union, after a 16 month frame up a sympathizer. In 1936, after the best. The drive is important for against the Administration, posed plans.
noted We particularly want to call it can be obtained from the Johnsectes Brien om Chicago and cuntas, well known union mom Fur Workers International Union, lecturer and writer, will begin a success. You may depend on us to fall for this red Baiting frick, attention to a noveand original Appeal by writing us and enclos Joe Setslowakt of Milwaukee, the ber, have been forced publicly to the aided them for capturing con national speaking tour on Fr to contribute to the limit of our whereupon the Agent declared proposal offered by Abe. That is ing cents. This will include leading figures in the state withdraw their charges against trol of Greek Workers Local Today, January 6, in Philadelphia, him off the job until he talka. the idea of organizing routes for mailing costs and it will be him and to reinstate him in the John Boulds, Plentywood, Mont. The workers in the shop all the Appeal. These routes, to be mailed promptly.
Greek Fur Workers Local 70, his was elected delegate to the May, book, Black Jacobins, has been. am enclosing a small money signed a petition demanding that handled by comrades of the dues paid by the local up to Janu 1937 convention the Interna halled by literary critics, has al order to help the plan for the Paul be reinstated to the job and Party, will not only deliver the Cebination ary 1, 1939 tional, and in July, 1937 he was ready been enthusiastically rehave organized to prevent any paper to individual subscribers to Black Cacobins by further moves of this sort by the living the assigned area, but James. 75 In August, 1937, the Stalinists scheduled to run for clection as ceived at several New York meetexpelled Soulounias from the un organizer of the local. He applied inge which were attended by corrupt Stalinist gans who con. will concentrate their major ef. History of Negro Reion on framed up charges of be for re admission into the Commu. many hundreds eager to hear his trol the Local Paul has been put forts to increasing our newsstand olts by R. James 25 ing a racketeer. extortionist nist Party. But because he had unusually well informed lectures.
back on the job and the pro circulation. We urge all agents Both for 00 By ABE MILLER and spy. The Stalinist Creek dared to become active again the schedule of his tour follows: gressives are preparing for the for the Appeal to give this plan (Head of New York Special Jan. Phila, Pa. Jan. 8, New newspaper, Empros conducted in the labor movement without drive which was announced in their careful consideration and Literature Distribution)
the Daily Worker a few months if at all possible to put it into Bonaparte by Eugene Tarle.
a lynch campaign against him, their consent, the Stalinists dark, Jan. 11, New Haven. 1) We are planning three chan and Stalinist strong arm squads cided to make an example of him. Conn. Jan. 12 through The standard Marxist work Boston ago would be begun against the effect, even if only on a modest nels of distribution each week. sought to drive him out of the On the eve of the union elce and Lynn, Mass. Jan 17 (Continued from page 1) Trotskyists in our union.
on Napoleon and his times.
scale. There something in it!
First, street sales every day at fur market. But, backed by the tion, he was called in by Ben Rochester, New York; Jan. 19, 400 pages. Regular price, the ghastly business of fulfilling There will be a trial, says the During the first week in Jantispecified congregation points in anti Stalinist progressives in the Gold and Irving Potash, and or Youngstown. Ohio. 00. Our price, 25. AdJan. 20. war orders.
ary we plan to issue Appeal Army ditional 3c per book for the city, secondly, separate union, Soulounias fought the is dered to quit not only the union, Akron, Ohio; Jan. 21 and 22, Cle One billion dollars hardly This is approximately the 27th Bulletin No. This bulletin will postage.
newsstand routes covering see sue out to a finish. After a long but also the trade and the city: veland, Ohio, Jan. 23, Toledo, o scratches the surface of the needs attempt by the Browderite gang contain detailed information and tions of Manhattan, Bronx, Brooktight in the union, the issue was otherwise, he was threatened with Jan. Flint, Mich: Jan. 25 of the unemployed army which to oust all progressive workers directives on the following sub LABOR BOOK SHOP lyn and Queens: finally, canvass climaxed by criminal and civil a frame up, already prepared in and 26, Detroit, Mich: Jan. 27 probably runs up to some 15, 000, from Local 302. The history of jects. It will be distributed to 28 EAST 12TH STREET ing and delivery routes in parts of libel charges; just before these advance, and with threats of through Feb. Chicago, Ill. Feb. 000. Yet it is even doubtful that the mismanagement of the local literature agents throughout the New York City Manhattan and the Bronx. were to go to trial, the Stalinists bodily harm. Still loyal to the through 10, Minneapolis, Minn; this will be granted in its entire by the Stalinists reads like a country. 1) Facts about the new (Open 10 AM to P. from These three distribution chan capitulated and made a settie Communist Party, Soulounias of Feb. 13 and 14, Denver, Col. Feb. ty. Yet with the greatest caim, nightmare open collaboration Appeal. Publication days, prices, Monday to Saturday)
nels will be handled by nine or ment out of court.
fered to have his house and be 17 through 20, San Francisco, Cal. Roosevelt turns around and draws with the notorious Bosses Asso: how to get fast delivery, cte, etc.
more volunteer comrades. They In a statement calling upon all longings searched by two Stalin and Bay Arca: Feb. 22 through up a war budget which is so high ciation, the Affiliated Restauran. 2) New suggestions for Ini will give preference and emphasis general circulation to covering newsstands and street progressives in the industry to star to establish his innocence. March. Los Angeles and San that even newspaper correspond teurs, Inc. and organized cam creasing ents have only part of the ple paigns of terror against the rank newsstand coverage, getting sub Subscribe to sales. Canvassing will consist in by charges filed against him by Readers are advised to watch ture.
and file who fighting for clean scriptions, etc.
visiting our contacts in order to Stalinists, Solounias declared: unionism and democratic control Potash, and his expulsion from for local announcements of time (3) Description of new features Socialist Appeal would have preferred that sell them a copy of the Appeal, a and place Slums and Destroyers of the local By that time, Soulounias was One billion for the army navy The Progressive Group in Local subscription or to leave a sample my case against Ben Gold (presi the union.
copy. At least two days a weeldent of the Fur Workers Inter awakening the Moscow trials New Outlines air program when 5, 500, 000 people 302 will be prepared for the drive SOCIALIST APPEAL and NEW INTERNATIONAL will be devoted to this task. Selec. national. Irving Potash (manalive in sub standard Gwellings, ac and will make it a wide open cording to no less an authority Aght to allow the workers of New Can be obtained at the Following Newsstands tion of these special comrades, ger of the New York Joint Coun had just taken place to the de.
Three new cducational outSt. at Uni.
cil. John Valflades (manager of generation of Stalinism. Backed PHU. ADELPHIA. PA lines are available for sale than Senator Wagner. That one York to see just how rotten are MANHATTAN. Fourteenches 1806 North Face who will form a special literature Local 70) and Peter Harrison by a progressive group in the committee, is now under way.
through the National Educabillion dollars if diverted to housCor. Tith and Market su.
the conditions in Stalinist conformed and third 40th St. and Girard Alle (2) Newsstands: We must aim Chead of the Greek Bureau of the union, he fought for trial on the tional Department.
ing at the rate of 2, 500 a home trolled unions.
Ave. at Third Ave. Nw. opp. 8th St. and Arch St.
Jefferson Theatre to sell the bulk of Appears from Communist Party) should have charges by an impartint labor. would provide decent homes for Two are issued by the New Book Store SURTOWN, PA.
the newsstands. At present, 1810 gone to trial and that these committee. Finally, refused at York Educational Committecsome 400, 000 people who exist in 15th St. 12th Si. and University Pl. Front West Bround Sh.
scoundrels, convicted of criminee other redress, he instituted sult are sold each week from the bel should have gone to jail on criminal and civil libel charges slums, condemned tenements and Housing. by Grace Saunders, Gussie Krakowsky Fastsecond pas Ave, Wa Andelaan Ticinont Stopp. Hotel stands without any effort. Our obIcaders. made up into an attractive hovels.
CAMBRID ject in the next months must be as they deserved. Particularly against the Stalinist And that is the answer the mimeographed pamphlet, and a With the deepest shock we Stop er sw. Felix s, Marachuelos Aves at Harvard Glasses and the Roosevelts will be to sell a minimum of 1, 000 per is because, even today, these Stalin. When their attorneys advised the learned last week of the sudden Central Sq. Room 12 sue from these stands. We must ist gangsters continue the same editors of Empros that they brief sketch of Edouard Daladier, French premier, with perhearing from the millions of undeath of our comrade Guissie Glad Delancy St Bookstore Sam Corner. Olympia Square tinent facts on his life.
employed when Congress conplace the Appeal on stands frame up methods against other were certain to go to jail for the ROXBURY MASSuare Score. Sed Codec Krakovsky. Comrade Gussie opposition leaders in the Joint libellous articles they had printed, Ben Book venes The third is a study course throughout the entire city as part Council and throughout the Inter the Stalinists capitulated and setwas not a inember of our party. Ase. Wigero. 145. SIN and Secondricndly Variety, Warren St. Grove Hall)
St. ad St. Nicholas INDIANAE NAPOLIS, INDIANA tled out of court. Empros puboutline on State and Revolu HOMES! NO BATTLE1. ytic but one of its most devoted and Ave. 110th Si. and Columbus Ave.
MINNEAPOLIS IN Dois tion, issued by the 16 SHIPS!
BRONX: Jerome Ave. 170th St. Jor This is to be accomplished by dis these stalinists have been burn lished a retraction and an exLabor Book Store, 919 Marquette consistent sympathizers. Active ome Ave. 167th St. opp. Low The pages, ten cents.
Not more pittance to keep Shinders Sixth Hennepie tributing special newsstand Icating up good union money in change of letters between the atand courageous member of Lo Sorkin 2066 St Baimlaridge Ave Iets Kroman Fourth Nicollet neighborhood contacts The five outlines previously the present miserable fires of cul of the International Ladies con burdenes. Aveath 410 Washington Blvd.
Prospect Accotherm Boulevard through the mails, street corners, fighting my case against them. torneys, making the settlement.
mentioned in these columns are WPA going but 20 billion Garment Workers Union in 174th St Boston Kingsbridge Poster Book Company etc. In addition, comrades will using the case as an excuse to in its issue of December 16.
still available at the special dollar appropriation to build New York, she was held in high crome Ave. East Moshala Subway The Book Noo. Meram price of ten cents for the five. homes for human beings not Sedgwick Aic.
esteem by her fellow workers.
CLEVELAND Moana stands or Rubin Drue Store in local stationery union lawyers. To save the CAPACITY CROWD WEARS floating coffins for dend men.
CANNON IN MINNEAPOLIS These outlines deal with: The union money, therefore, 10 The Trotskyist, as she was Sts. Tompkin Myrtle Ave. Strauss St. 1072 1051h Street stores.
Right of Asylum, on the refu The New York Post whines that known, conducted a tireless at near Parkin Asc. Sutter Ave. near Van Meram Building. Room 214 (8) Subscription Drive: This copted a settlement out of court, MINNEAPOLIS The best for gee problem, an historical Roosevelt gave the unemployed a 3716 Euclid Avent tation for the principles of our LONG ISLAND. St. 45th Ave.
Book Shop, Public Square will be instituted jointly with the Potash, Gold Co. thereby um of the year was held here on sketch; Open the Doors. sum terrible Christmas present by movement, and we were hon Crescent St, Aud Bridge Plan Gre saved themselves from jail sen Sunday, December 18, when James newsstand campaign under the Nick Wick Stand Commerce rer Stand Bridge Plaza, 27th Sc. and mary of the speech in New slashing WPA. And now he ought ored by her support.
Sridge m slogan of Every class struggle tences, but could not save them Cannon, National Sccretary of FRANCISCO York by LR. James on MacDonald SL to make it up by putting them Gussie Krakovsky was born ROCHESTER.
fighter a twice a week subscrib selves from being revealed before the Socialist Workers Party, The Twilight of the British back on New Years. And there 36 years ago the Ukraine, ON Clinton Sutter Filmas workers as self admitted spoke on The Character of the Colmberland Clinton St.
er! As a further incentive for the Empire. and two bulletins on Golden Gate News Agency, 21 4th St.
good reason for their complaints and after passing through po Cor. East Ave Chestnut si Fitzgerald News Agency5723rd St.
obtaining subs we will stress the frame up artists. Every fur work. Coming World War.
the French situation.
Balancing the budget at the groms and the social convul SECON. Man Clinton Sts. Sportland Smoke Shop, 3x9 Massion St cor. Main South Ave.
additional features in the Appeal or can now see that these people Over 250 workers were in the Order through the National expense of the unemployed, de sions of the time, she came to Main Street Last Clinton Ave.
Mason Grocery Mason Pacific Sis. new columns, additional trade are part of the frame up audience, and expressed their in Educational Department of the clared Thatcher, legisla the United States in 1920. Years Souil, southeast corner Ferry Building, Stand at Key System ente union news and feature writers. sang which, in the Moscow trials, terest by the long question period 116 University Place, Main Street East, front of Echwards tive representative of the Farm later she joined the Communist Koblik Stationery, 1007 Fillnsere The bulk of new subs will be ob in Spain and elsewhere, have which followed Department Store New York City, ers Union, would be certain to Party, but after seeing Stalin 2ps Clinton Ave. North at Gruberland Si.
Snake Shop1203 Sutter tained from former subscribers, done to death thousands of revocause revolution. Inevitably ism in action in the Soviet Levine Delicatessen, 257 Clinton Ave.
233 Broadway, Room 3:12 North at Westcott sympathizers and contacts. In lutionists.
we would have to call the army Union, which she visited in 1930, Carli Brothers, 193 Clinton Ave. North 1511 Echo Roa, 312 My fight the light of all proSmith News, 5th Miss each branch responsible combecause there would be revolu she quit it and became one of NEWARK, Modern Book Shop. 509 Stb St.
Have You Bought Your Tickets for mittee of three will visit these gressives. does not stop here.
tion all over the country, be Keluan. col. Broad William Shoe Shine Shop, 2307 Brooklyn our staunchest sympathizers. To We must save the union, and all contacts.
Candy Store, 2231 Brooklyn Ave.
cause people have to eat.
her family and the multitude of cor. Hawthore Ave Reeves Candy Store, 2141 Brooklyn Ave.
Our sources, such libraries: unions, from the infection of friends, we express our most PATERSON, Guabello Stationery Store Univenal News 242 Broadway unions and schools must be ap Stalinism. Signed) Charles Souldeep felt condolences. Our bun.
NW Streizht St.
Sweet Shri 100 lyn Ave.
proached for subscriptions.
Gala Dance and Floor Show Announcements ner is dipped over her untimely New York City now handles and An active worker in the union Nem Exchange Main St.
Chuchstan Newsstand grave, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31st SL. bel Chapel Center Next cor. Bartge Main St.
distributes close to 2, 000 copies of since 1925, Soulounias was a OAKLAND, CALIF.
the Appeal cach week. We are leader of the Greek section of the at IRVING PLAZA, 15th St. Irving Place DETROIT, Mich Well, 308 7th and Washington 12111. het. way and Washington confident that the New York com Communist party and editor of Bar Opens at P. Floor Show Begins at 10:30 SOCIAL on Saturday evening, Andrew Williatus Market News, 37 Mone rades will actively support the Empros from 1920 to 1932. He Jan. Promising finest enter SIGNAL PUBLISHERS Ceshinsky Bookstop.
Broadway, nar.
19ch plan have sketched above and became organizer of the Fur DANCING TILL DAWN tainment ever given in Detroit Presents DETROIT, MION ALLENTOWN PA. Zettlemeyer, 637 Hamilton su that major steps will be taken to Workers Industrial Union, in labor circles. Featuring short 3513 Woodward Ave. Com Come Early and Get Your Licks in Before the Show Starts Revolutionary Otto Yost, Humilton St.
Cor. 13ch Market is.
wards our goal of making the charge of the Greek Department, play on class war prisoners.
Appeal the leading paper of New from 1932 to 1931. The CommuFeaturing An All Star Cast burlesque, song and dance num Calendar for 1939 York working nisses nist party was then in ito third KAWAIKA. In several Hawaiian Dances bers, etc. At Socialist Appeal Drawings of period adventurism, and SoulouClub, 3513 Woodward, Room PRINCESS MARAIVIA In the African Makumba Libor Socialist History!
CHALLENGE OF YOUTH nias had numerous disagreements APPEARS Oider now from: because he SPIVY Intimate Songs with a kick. Given by OF CHICAGO advocated united NEW YORK The January issue of The fronts with non Stalinist Greek HUNT SAVAGE. GIBSON In some fancy footwork SOCIALIST APPEAL HOW SHALL WE FIGHT AntiMusic by HI STEPPER Swingiest Band in Town Challenge of Youth official or organizations. For this erime. MARY FRIEMAN in songs of social significance Semitism? Speaker, Felix More 116 University Place low. At Manhttan Opera House New York City ap of the Young People Saturday Evening, December 31, 1938 SOC including postage Chlist Laugue is on the press in 1991, unde vorere one the martySWING MUSIC BY OZZIE CASWELL AND HIS ORCHESTRA 34th St. and 8th Ave. Wednes 50 at the door at the Tickets 00 in advance day, Jan. 4, 6:30 Admission LABOR LYCEUM OGDEN and KEDZIE Appearing in two colors, this is posts in any organization, in On Sale at Labor Bookshop 28 East 12th Street 10 cents Auspices sue appeurs to be the best job cluding the nige Soulounies Needle ASK FOR THE APPEAL Tickets 75 obeyed. At the end of his suspenTrades Branch, AT YOUR NEWSST AND yer done by the youth.
Pioneer New Year Eve Party 2nd Annual New Year Eve Dance