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Appeal Fund Celebrates New Year By Topping 1, 000 Socialist Appeal Happy New Year for the Working Class!
APPEAL Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Saturday, December 31, 1938 375 VOL. JI No. 56 per copy FDR: WARPLANES INSTEAD OF WPA Make Congress Heed Labor PLANES FOR ARMY WHILE RELIEF IS CUT Twice. Weekly Drive Total 1, 001. 70; Branches Promise Action on Balance SCORE BOARD 140 120 100 100 100 76 68 54 53 50 By ROSE KARSNER Appeal Campaign Director Total to date 1, 001. 70!
The Twice week Appeal On the Road to a Dally, like all good slogang, is realizable. In point of fact it is more than that. It is already assured. Each day mail strengthens our conviction that our membership, friends and sympasthizers are in dead earnest about this accomplishment. And 12 we read the signs correctly, we will not rest satisfied with the twice week but push forward to the daily.
We know the strength of our own organization. But that is hot enough. Let us prove in action the superiority of our ideas!
From Our Branches East Bay, Calif. This section of our party has grown sufficientty in membership to divide itselt into two separate branches. Elsa Meyers is in charge of the East Oakland campaign, and Karolyn Kerry of the West Oakland branch. Instead of the 15 quota Lor the entire East Bay Section originally assigned, each branch has undertaken 20, and Elsa Meyers writes: We are carrying on separate campaigns for the twice a week Appeal and have en tered into a bit of Socialist competition between the two branches. The pledges in our branch already run up to 20. We will Taise all of that and perhaps more. All power to you, Elsa, and your branch. But we are sure Karolyn Kerry will not let you beat her.
Fred Valle of the Detroit branch comes back at us with: You rest assured that our branch will end this campaign ringing the bell.
Glen Tylmble of San Francisco Assures us: Enclosed find money order for the Twice weekly Campaign. may collect some more tonight, but want to be sure to make the Monday deadline with this batch. The pledges now total enough to guarantee our quota. Continued on page 2)
Next week the first session of the new Congress opens will not fight your war! We have our own war to fight, and it It meets at a time as black as any in the history of this is a war against you and the masters whom you serve. We demand country. Ten raging years of economic crisis find the policies from you that those billions which you are so happy to vote Ten Million Need of United States capitalism and its government absolutely helpless for guns and battleships and airplanes be turned over to ws, in the solving of any major social problem.
at once, to buy us and our children food and coal and clothing.
Money That Goes After ten long years, twelve to fifteen million unemployed The leaders of Congress, echoing the National Association for War Aims still walk the streets, and at least as many more piece together of Manufacturers, find no need for new social measures. Senator incomes through part time employment. One third of the nation, Carter Glass finds simply shocking the idea of another billion forty three million people, live in wretched, squalid quarters, for Roosevelt New Year greetbelow the minimum level of health and decency. Millions of Let the workers tell them something different. Let Congress ings to three million WPA work.
share croppers sweat fourteen hours a day, only to sink each know that the workers demand a job at a living wage for every ers, terrified at the prospect of year further into debt.
one, and that they will not stop until this demand is achieved. losing their wretched means of The supreme internal problem immediately facing the country Senator Glass wants to stop The workers must subsistence, came in the form of can be summed up in a single phrase: To provide joies at a living tell him and his colleagues: We demand immediate expansion an announcement that he will wage to everyone.
of to take care of every otherwise unemployed worker ask Congress to appropriate funds What may we expect from the new Congress as its answer at trade union wages.
for 10, 000 new war planes.
to this problem? Since the November Election, the leaders of The Department of Commerce says there are not enough Newspaper correspondents call Congress, Democratic and Republican alike, and the President, jobs to go around? The workers must reply. Make more jobs his new defense program have given the answer that satisfies them.
by the immediate institution of a maximum 30 hour week double barreled. presumably They have said that the new Congress has before it only one throughout industry with no reduction in weekly pay.
because it is a hunger edict for Quota Pald Percent item of new business: super armaments; and that apart from The Department of Labor shows that the annual wage of the unemployed and a war edict, Kansas 10. 00 14. 00 armaments all it need do is modify, clarify and amend a few of the majority of workers is less than the subsistence minimum. e, more profits and dividends Durham, the existing statutes.
Very well: 30 minimum weekly wage under all circumstances for the 60 families, for the coun 00 00 Toledo, Ohio 20. 00 20. 00 These political harlots of the ruling class, drawing down throughout industry, public works and relief work.
try at large.
Denver, Colo.
their 10, 000 a year and expenses in return for their services to 10. 00 10. 00 But the bosses complain that such measures would bankrupt Grim Fate for 3, 000, 000 Marston Mills their masters, reply to the destitute tens of millions seeking jobs them and force them to shut the doors of their plants? All the Only a few days earlier, Aubrey 00 00 and bread and homes: Let them eat guns and bullets. Detroit, Mich.
Williams announced that unless 25. 00 better. If the bosses can run industry, let someone else take 19. 00 Powerless to stem the internal crisis, the ruling class now Congress makes a new billion dolEast Oakland 20. 00 over who can. Open up the factories with the aid ol gorers13. 50 Chicago.
proposes as solution the subjugation of the peoples of Latin lar appropriation by Feb: three ment funds and operate them inder workers control.
10. 00 50 America and the Far East to the iron yoke of Yankee Imperialism.
million persons, who with depende Boston The statistics of the Housing Administration demonstrate 200. 00 108. 25 ents make a total of 10, 000, 000, It makes its plans to drive the masses of the country to death on San Francisco 50. 00 that a third of the nation requires new housing? Let us take them would be thrown off WPA and 28. 50 the battlefields of its new war to make the world safe for at their word: Immediate enactment of a 20, 000, 000, 000 Public face slow death by starvation. Oakland.
20. 00 10. 00 monopoly profits.
Works Program, stressing above all low rental housing.
Despite the so called Industrial Fresno 00 50 50 But this can be paid for? Funny that the same question The new Congress is ready, eager, anxious to do its bidding upturn, Williams statement re.
Newark 100. 00 48. 25 48 vealed that WPA payrolls had Like all harlots, the greatest fear of a Congressman is to be New York City 1, 050. 00 490. 20 is never asked in connection with armaments. good beginning 48 reached an all time peak of 3, 262, shoved out of the warm bed in favor of a fresher and more com can be made in paying for it: Turn all the war funds over to the 000 on Nov. 5th. That furthermore, Punta Gorda 00 00 40 placent rival.
Quakertown since Nov, 5th, layoffs on WPA imemployed; take the rest from those who have it The gigantic 15. 00 50 38 It is time that these contemptible hirelings be made to feel monopoly corporations and the cofers of the Sixty Families. totalled to some 45, 000 per week Lynn, Mass.
80. 00 18. 00 36 the sting of another whip, the whip of the aroused fury of the So Congress hasn any new business on its agenda, apart which continued right on through St. Paul 100. 00 30. 00 30 workers.
from armaments? Let begin to teach Congress just how much the week of December 13th, the Worcester 10. 00 00 30 last week of his report, It is time for the workers, employed and unemployed, to new business it has, and how it got to go about doing it.
Fargo, 25. 00 50 22 cease begging, pleading, hoping, and to stand upright and say in And let make clear to Congress that when workers talk. Simply Shocking Chicago, Ill.
250. 00 50. 00 20 In the past week Roosevelt a voice that will thunder through the halls of the Capitol: We they mean what they say.
blows have struck with increasPlentywood, Mont.
10. 00 00 20 ing fury at the unemployed. In San Diego, Calif.
15. 00 00 20 thelr meaning, they were essenYellow Springs 00 00 20 Saber. Rattler tially no different than the Tory Cleveland.
200. 00 35. 00 18 insult hurled at the unemployed 10. 00 South Bend. 50 by Senator Carter Glass of Vir 15 Los Angeles, Cali 200. 00 20. 50 10 ginia: 1, 000, 000, 000 relief ap75. 00 St. Louis 00 propriation is simply shocking. Youngstown 50. 00 00 They began with the promotion Minnerpolis 500. 00 15. 00 WASHINGTON, It is clear, as Congressmen and of Harry Hopkins to the position Akron, Ohio 75, 00 of Secretary of Commerce and Senators arrive for next week opening session of Congress, that Philadelphia 50. 00 his replacement as Director of the Roosevelt Administration is making a determined effort to stave British Succeed in WPA by Col. Harrington.
Allentown, Pa.
25. 00 Austin, Minn.
25. 00 off any discussion of opening America doors to the At Checking Wall St. Hopkins was never a real friend Rochester, 25. 00 the least, the administration would postpone the question until the of the unemployed but his name Program New Haven.
20. 00 was associated with the relatively armament program is adopted and out of the way. The same pres relief appropriations.
20. 00 Washington, DC large scale sure is being applied to proponents of a continuing WPA program Baltimore, Md.
10. 00 Completing its labor on behalf His removal signifies an end to and other measures, and for the same reason: the sum and sub10. 00 Gardner, Mass. what the gloated rich have called of the capitalists of the various stance of the Roosevelt program now is armament.
Indianapolis, Ind.
10. 00 pampering the unemployed. His Joplin, Mo.
American countries and of the replacement by an army man 10. 00 0 This is the explanation for the Kansas City, Mo.
10. 00 0 anti German speech of Senator gressmen and senators, there is unseen. but very much felt. means an end to the silk glove 10. 00 Lexington, Ky Ickes and the sharp rejection of also found marked reluctance, British empire, the Eightth Pan policy towards the unemployed 10. 00 Hitler protest by Acting Secre even among usually decent trade Louisville, Ky.
American Conference held its final and the beginning of the mailed 10. 00 Olivia, Minn. tary of State Sumner Welles. union officials, to going on record session at Lima, Peru, last Tues fist.
10, 00 Bourgeois Jews twitter with for opening the doors to refugees.
day, Dec. 27.
Reading, Pa And it is not amise to point out Sacramento, Cal 10. 00 0 pleased excitement at the anti They fear the effect of such a The Declaration of Lima, was that Roosevelt has the highest reSeattle, Wash 10. 00 fasclam of the Administration step in increasing unemployment, adopted after much wrangling gard for Carter. Let them eat Evansville, Ind. 00 and forget completely that the and argument, however logical, and compromising. The United cake. Glass. On the same day Fitchburg, MASS, 00 government diplomatic gestures is insufficient to convince them, States delegation had been push Glass was making his pronounce5. 00 provide no aid to the victims and the way must be found to link ing for a much stronger statement in the best Hoover style, Flaxton, 00 refugees. What the gestures do up the struggle against unemHartford, Conn.
ment denouncing the totalitarian Roosevelt was sending him high Portland, Ore. 00 provide, however, is the requisite ployment with the struggle for powers of Europe and Asia and praise for his work on the bankwarlike atmosphere for railroad the refugees.
cstablishing Roosevelt leadership ing system of the ing through the government vast Lundeen Statement of the two continents. The Cannon Fodder for Hunger arms program.
The statement made, here this plan was opposed very vigorously No Help from Labor Leaders week by Senator. Lundeen, MinTo Senator Glass a one billion SUMNER WELLES by the Argentine delegates in dollar rellet appropriation is TASKS IN REFUGEE CAMPAIGN!
Only widespread demands from nesota Farmer Laborite, that he particular. shocking but a one billion dolorganized labor for aid to the would oppose easing of immigraBritain Main Opposition lar army navy budget is no doubt Introduce into your trade union. fraternal or other organrefugees can now bring help to tion restrictions for refugees, on Argentina, chief representative quite in order. And supposedly ization the following resolution: them. The national leadership of the grounds that there is already Progressive Sweep of British Imperialism in the New Roosevelt thinks likewise because, Whereas, the mass persecutions in Europe and the Nazl the American Federation of La too much unemployment in the World (See article on Argentina for one thing. Aubrey Williams terror against Jews demands immediate and concrete action bor, making perfunctory state country, is an alarming sign. Mpls. Drivers Poll on page has no intention of sob as head of the National Youth to aid all victims, ments of sympathy for the refu. Apparently even those congressubmitting quietly to domina Administration will be to train Therefore, we, the. call upon the gees, Armly maintains, however, sional groupings ostensibly friend MINNEAPOLIS The entire tion of the continent. At the same 100, 000 pilots and 125, 000 mechanpresent session of Congress to restore the right of asylum its traditional policy of opposition ly to labor and the oppressed time the British are menaced by ics as a military backlog. The progressive slate was swept inand to permit the entry of the persecuted and oppressed into not to office in the two day elecGerman competition, which while ideal setup is established: an army this country by the immediate lifting of all restrictions and The leadership, much more of aid to the refugees. Only the not so important on this hemi man to make the unemployed tions, December 28 and 24, for quote limitations, verbose than the in anti revolutionists and the progressive sphere as elewhere is not to be take starvation and like it; a opies of this resolution shall be sent to representafascist talk, in actuality follows a trade unionists close to them are the leadership of General forgotten. friond of the people to put the tives and senators from this state.
policy identical to that of Bil at present firmly calling for such Drivers Union, Local 544.
Thus caught between two fires unemployed youth in the army for Green. Neither leadership is like ald. This is not so strange as it Circulate for signatures petitions for asylum. Petitions may be obtained from the American Fund for politienl Prisoners and Carl Skoglund was re elected and also desirous of keeping the training as cannon fodder.
ly to reverse itself unless ascems: the refugee question inPresident: George Frosig was friendly because of events It is shocking to allocate a Refugees, 100 Fifth Avenue, New York City.
groundswell from all parts of the volves sharply raising the ques elected Vice President in place in Asia and Europe, England billion to keep the unemployed Provide ald for working class refugees by selling American country moves them, tion of just what and who is reof Jack Smith who retired on through her Argentine representa from cold and disease but quite Fund stamps. Every dollar counts! Arrange affairs, house parties, account of 111 health; Farrell Although a considerable num sponsible for the economic crisis tives was willing to sign a com in order to appropriate 30, 000, 000 ber of unions and central labor and unemployment, and only the etc. for the benefit of the refugees.
Dobbs was re elected Secretary promise resolution which is in or more for educational or Arrange meetings on the subject of how to help the retugees bodies have taken up the question real left wing in the labor movereality almost word for word the ders for munitions. This thirty Treasurer, as was Grant Dunne and Aght anti Semitism. Expose Stalinist sabotage of asylum for at the instance of local progres ment unambiguously lays the reas Recording Secretary; Kelly counter proposal originally pro milion is merely for the purpose the refugees in America and Soviet Russis.
sives, and resolutions have been sponsibility at the door of the Postal was elected Trustee.
sented by the Argentine delegates of keeping industry in practise at adopted and forwarded to con. Continued on Page Contloged on page Continued on page 2)
Arms Program Displaces Open Door for Refugees Lima Parley Is Cold Comfort to Diplomats om 0 0 0 0 0 3000 2700 2400 Turn 2100 On 1800 1500 the Heat!
Make It Rise!
1200 900 600 300