CapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismJohn DeweyNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL DECEMBER 24, 1938 ISA an intinerant Unions Demand Control of Minn. Farmer Labor Party JAN. NEW INTERNATIONAL CONTENTS Cordell Hull is having a hard time putting over SOCLALIST APPEAL the grand scheme Continental defense and The Roosevelt Technique Vol. 11 No.
No Bottles, No Machines Saturday, December 16, 1988 continental solidarity, so Published every week by the The Navy Department has published NAZISM SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS the pointed announcement that this year the DOWN WITH And No Sales HITLER at 116 University Place. New York, NY.
fleet will maneuver in the Atlantic covering an Telephone: National Office: Algonquin 8547 area extending from Cuban to Brazilian waters.
FOR MENACE But Forty Millions in Profits!
PERSECUTING Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for six This will be the second greatest fleet ever as THE JEWS CIVILIZATION The monopoly committee Inst Hartford. Empire merely wita months. Foreign 00 per year. Bundle order sembled at one time under the American flap. centa per copy. Single copies cents.
week suspended its hearing for back and licenses manufacturers The armada will include some 140 battleship, the holiday season after conclud. to make the machines for the All checks and money orders should be made out to the Socialist Appeal.
cruisers, aircraft carriers, destroyers, submarines ing five most fascinating days of job process, and then other Entered as second class matter September 1, and 600 airplanes including all fighting out testimony on the glass container manufacturers to use the ma 1937, at the post office at New York, New York, industry. It is this industry which chines to make containers. But under the Act of March 3, 1879.
ing and observation types. The personnel will produces yearly the many billions could not another process come total 3, 000 officers and 50, 000 enlisted men.
of bottles and jars into which go along and beat it out? Let us not MAX SHACHTMAN Here you have the Good Neighbor policy milk, vegetables, preserves, medi. be halve. The only other process Editor in terms never uttered in the purring, caressing cines, beer, liquor, soft drinks and used today the wuction process HAROLD ROBERTS GEORGE CLARKE other articles of universal and is owned by the Owens Illinois Asociate Editors speeches of Hull or Roosevelt daily consumption, and thus di Cinss company: and Owens IIIS. STANLEY, Business Manager Latin American peoples: Bow before the rectly affects the pocketbooks of nois and Hartford Empire haven economic, political and military tyranny of the every inhabitant not only of this firm cross licensing agreement.
American Empire, OR ELSE country but of the many other Hartford Empire does not permit.
nations where the millions of dol by its contracts, any licenses lars worth of glass contain from employing any new ers are exported.
chines, and by its control of the Christmas on WPA. and Off The major witness was Mr. entire patent field it either chokes If Saint Nick happens to slide down the Gorman and Hillman Smith, president of the Hart off any newly discovered process ford Empire Company. Very few (such as the recent air feeder chimney of a WPA worker home, he will not HITLER IS persons of the general public will method) or takes it over for itselr.
a sight likely to inspire the Christ Francis Gonnan secession from the LO this ever have heard the nam DANGER TO In such ways. through Hartmas cheer didn create a ripple among the textile work extraordinary company. And yet, ford Empire the entire industry, The children stockings hung on the fire THE WORLD crsat least not so you could notice it. And in the years 1923 1937, Hartford with the exception of an insignitplace or what goes for one will be thin and PARTICULARLY Empire took in a total of 10, 479. cant and powerless per cent, is threadbare. The family of the WPA worker, his that the way it should be.
SOUTH AMERICA with the exceptions of 1931 32, its and price of glass containers is 062. 00, a not Inconsiderable sum. controlled completely: the output wife and three children will be huddled toThe textile workers need not be especially income has been steadily and rap decided upon strictly in accordgether in dingy, unheated rooms probably in grieved over the departure of this fortune hunter idly rising. In 1937 its profit repre ance with the profits of the holdsome fire trap, discase infested tenerent. Their and erstwhile Stalinist bandmaster. After selling sented 66. per cent on the net ing companies that have been set larder will not be bursting with turkey and the textile workers to the tender mercies of capital investment, a rate at up at the apex of the intricate care which hardly anyone would corporate network. These holding vegetables and pumpkin pie as the WPA em ployee can ill afford such sumptuous food. It Roosevelt arbitration board, he became sneeze.
front INCREASED man for all sorts of dubious Stalinist enter No Bottles, No Machines companies, incidentally, can be will be good fortune indeed if one or more of traced through the Corning Glass ARMS prises an the family is not laid up with some malady ag.
What great public service, then, works to the Houghton Associprises traveller organizing every APPROPRIATIONS was rendered by Hartford Empire ates to General Electric and gravated by the lack of funds for medicine or for this princely return? It must, thence to the offices of Morgan thing but textile workers. His disruptive affilia one might think, have turned out Co.
hospitalization a lot of jar and bottles to make tion fortunately without any following to With their wretched 60. 50 a month, when Seldom has there been made the of marks a fitting and natural climax so much money. No, dear reader: public a clearer or more outragethey work a full month, how else could the not a single jar or bottle. Perhaps, Christmas of millions of Americans on WPA be to his disruptive activities as agent. The then, it makes the machinery ous example of how under capitalism essential social services than dismal and wretched, brightened only by end of the trail was as rotten as the beginning.
nased to manufacture jars or botCarlo the irrepressible human desire to be happy 703 TOTE And now let us hope good riddance to Mr.
tles? Not at all: not a machine are farmed out as the private dohas it ever produced. But it must main and to the immense personBut bad as it is, the Northern WPA worker al profit of the lords and stewards Gorman be at least the selling organize of the Sixty Families; property is fortunate as compared with his southern But Gorman secession has served at least tion that distributes bottles or brother whose monthly allawance is less than one good purpose. It has brought out into the machines for making bottles: rights maintained and enforced by the capitalist government are half the Northern wage.
Wrong again: It sells no bottles employed as the means for gougAnd his Yuletide will be at least twice as open the bureaucratic one man rule of Sidney and no machines.
Hillman over the Textile Workers Organizing Hartford Empire has just one ing the entire public: and, finally, bright if it can be called that as the tens of Committee little item in its cupboard, but the whole structure of capitalist thousands of WPA workers whose Christmas When did the textile and silk and woolen with that item it knows that the economy is utilized not to meet in gift has already been received: the pink disworkers give Hillman the right to sit on the (Special to Socialist Appeal) Stalinists Oppose Unions the boat, cheapest and most effi electing their own chairman as cupboard will never be bare missal slip from Washington.
leadership of the textile union like a pot bellied MINNEAPOLIS. The Henne The main question at the Hen against the unions candidate by Hartford Empire owns the basic Dispossessed and disinherited, unemployed Ceasar? The answer is: never! The United Texpin County Farmer Labor conven nepin County convention was a vote of 225 to 115. Or the 85 patents on the chief process (the clent manner the needs of the and partly employed American labor is having tion was the opening round in whether the unions would con votes in the state convention for so called gob process) for mak people but to pile up millions for its 1938 Christmas spirit distilled out of the the legalized racketeers of the tile Workers Executive Board just abdicated its the fight between the labor move trol selection of the county dele. Hennepin County, 43 go to the ing glass containers. That is all; ruling class.
power to the without benefit of conment and the politicians for con gation of 85 at the state conven ward clubs and rural township and that is enough grinding essence of capitalist poverty and break vention. That was in 1936. And there has been trol of the Minnesota Farmer tion. The Stalinist controlled clubs, while only 42 ko to the down. Bitter will be the Christmas cheer soaked Labor Party county executive committee seat unions representing 70, 000 workin the acid of broken New Deal promises and no convention or sign of one since.
By giving absurdly dispropor ed a horde of paper organiza Cre!
wholesale layoffs, followed by cold and hunger Who empowered Hillman, the great labor tionate weight to the ward clubs, tions. two Finnish Workers One faction of the politicians. and Roosevelt battleships and machine guns stateman. to grant a wage cut to the textile largely composed of office holders Clubs, the Ukrainian Tollers, the after years of living cheek by An examination and criticism gress of the imperialist assailants, barons during the recent recession. which and office seekers, and to various Macedonian Society, the Rosa jow! with the Stalinists, have of the position taken by followed by death and destruction num Other features of the January now comes out for the first time in the dispute paper organizations, the politi Luxembourg Club, branches of sought to get out from under Merry Christmas, indeed!
issue include an article on the life ber of prominent radical Intellect with Gorman? Certainly not the workers who cians clique has always been able the International Workers Order their responsibility for scuttling als on such questions as Boland work of Karl Kautsky, leadwere deprived of all democracy and autonomy to prevent the labor unions from etc. etc. Delegates of the power the Farmer Labor Party by comshevism. Stalinism, Trotskyism, Ing theoretician of the Second Inhaving a real voice in the Farful Milk Drivers and Dairy Emunder the set up!
ing out against Communists and fascism and Marxian philosophy. ternational who died recently in mer Labor Party ployees Union led a protest others who believe in force or is to be the main feature of the Amsterdam; Dwight Macdonalda Come Across, OR ELSE.
The Gorman incident has left only a bad After the politicians clique car against seating the paper organ revolution. They adopted a reso January issue of the New Inter popular department of comment odor. The textile workers are not likely to fol.
ried the party down to a crush zations, but were voted down by lution embodying this position national. The article, defense of and analysis, Reading from Left The Lima Conference isn panning out to be low him into the of But this much is ing defeat by linking its fate to the Stalinist machine.
two weeks ago at a meeting of revolutionary Marxian politics by to Right. discussion of the the New Deal, the labor move The main convention fight took the state central committee. Acthe howling success that Uncle Imperialist Sam certain: they will make little progress until they ment stirred itself to put an end place around the preposterous attually they have played into the James Burnham and Max Shachtplanned. Between the invisible influence of Britain and Germany and the disinclination of fumigate the real stink of bureaucracy and one by Charles Crompton. un article man rule under Hiliman dictatorship, and es issue will be fought out at the from the convention the most advanced trade union movement Agures in American intellectual the LO, by Widick; com some of the Latin American countries to be pro tablish real democracy and make an autonomous 1939 state convention of the party powerful and largest union in of Minnesota is opposed to tected by the benevolent boot of Wall Street, circles as Sidney Hook, Max East ments on the Pan American Coninternational union out of the opening January 27 Minnesota. General Driver Union baiting. The trade unions have man, John Chamberlain, Eugene Terence at Lima; on the new. posiLabor Demands Control Local 544. The pretext was a fought the Communist party be Lyons, Charles Yale Harrison, Edtion taken by the Stalinists on the take you into her confidence. And organ of the Duluth laber move went on for hours. Boven some velt union splitting and union and several others. Special atten of the more important of the neBoth the Duluth Labor World, technicality, and the controversy cause of its pro war, pro Roosemund Wilson, Benjamin Stolberg question of armaments; reviews Mary Frieman, will flutter you ment, and the Northwest Organi friends of the Stalinists, however, wrecking policies. At the county tion is called to this article becent books, etc. etc.
of the Minneapolis voted against them on this propo convention, the unions voted for cause of its scope and the contro in and The circulation of the New InPrincess with such favorites as Have You Teamsters Joint Council and Sition, and Local 544 delegates the recommendation of the resowhich evoked such hurrahs of Maravaia will pantomime, dance Had Your Worthy Cause Today? twenty other unions, have called were seated. But while delegates lutions committee not to act on the radical movement.
versy which it is sure to arouse in ternational has been rising grad ually and because of the policy or praise from the cognoscenti, Pi and sing in her performance of The Arrangement Committee for an immediate change in the from a number of paper locals of the anti communist resolution, oneer Publishers has been urged Makumba, an African Voodoo announces that the ballroom and structure of the The real situation in China the the management to print no more Farmer Labor the Workers Alliance were seat and that position carried to do it again.
rite. She will be assisted by an bar will be open at p. to give Party.
ed, the real WPA and unemployed one which the press does not rethan seems to be required each Such a gala dance and floor artist of note, Marko Shtip. Three everyone an opportunity to meet The spectacle which presents port is given in detail in this is month, it has been impossible to The sort of regime that exshow has been arranged for New of the fanciest Harlem steppers, the New Year in the proper spirit isted in the Farmer Labor move Federal Workers Section of Local organization of Minneapolis, the itself is that of the anti Commu sue of the magazine by its col An some of the orders and re orYear Eve at Irving Plaza, 15th Hunt, Gibson and Savage, will (no pun intended. Proletarian ment for the past several years 514, was excluded from the con nist politicians and the Stalin laborator from Shanghai, Li Fu ders that come in belatedly, Street and Irving Place, Y, show how it done in eccentric prices will prevail at the bar, must be wiped out and in its vention.
Ists both fighting against giving jen. Entitled After the Fall of special request is therefore made An outstanding dancer, Kawal rhythm. yea man! Spivy, who where food will also be dispensed. place must be established a dem the unions the leadership of the Henkow, it gives for the first to all ngents to rush in their pre Unions Crowded Out Farmer Labor Party ka, will perform two very popular is well known along the Great time dramatic pleture of the cise orders immediately, unless Tickets are 00 but if you fail ocratic regime based upon the With plenty of phony delegates The real fight will come at realities behind the Chinese struglreads done 30. All native Hawalian dances with a White Way for her inimitable to get them in advance you will union movement, declares the in hand, the Stalinists gained state convention in St. Paul on gle against the Japanese invaders communications should be adspecial drum accompaniment. rendition of intimate songs, will have to pay 50 at the door. Northwest Organizer.
control of the county convention, January 27. the picture of treachery and va dressed to The New International, cillation in the Chinese camp 116 University Place, New York How Shall We Fight Anti Semitism. By Felix Morrow which have facilitated the pro.
Yesterday democrats in Czechoslovakia today bar Jewish membership in the single party in which all the democratic parties have been merged! Who does not know that the upper strata of American and English society are already rife with anti Semitism?
III In combating the Silver Shirts in Minnesota, the Minneapolis tottering system of Czarism systematically attempted to turn the Look at what is happening in France, mother of Continental Breaking with orthodox Judaism and its yearning for Jerutrade union movement is teaching the workers that anti Semites peasant hatred of his oppressors Czar and landlord away from European democracy. The French capitalists and their govern salem, the assimilationists had declared: We live already in our are enemies of organized labor and that the fascist gangs must be ment enviously point to Germany, where workers cannot strike, the oppressors and to a fancied oppressor: the Jews. The more the promised land, here in this (German, English, French, American) fought not merely by words but by the physical power of the Czarist regime decayed, the more systematically and deliberately work sixty hours or more for coolie wages, get no unemployment fatherland which we love as fervently as do our fellow country.
Union Defense Guards. Another inspiring example has been did it turn to using anti Semitism as an instrument to preserve the insurance or sick benefits, etc. The French bosses are saying pubmen of other faiths. This government is our government, we are that of the Youngstown trade unionists who recently drove the rotting regime.
licly we cannot compete with Germany unless our production its loyal citizens. None held to this so fervently as the German Silver Shirts away from meeting halls in the Mahoning Valley. Today anti Semitism is used for exactly the same purpose by costs are the same, e. unless French labor works under the same Jews; and nevertheless their Reform Temples are smoking ruins.
Minneapolis and Youngstown have shown how fascists shall be conditions as in Germany. Of course, the French bosses would decaying capitalism. As anti Semitism was an index to the decay So, too, the populous Jewish cemeteries of Palestine the victims of fought, and we are proud of our association with these pioneers in of the Czarist regime, so today anti Semitism is an index to the like to have what their competitors in Germany have, without civil war, mutely testify to the hopeless Utopianism of the Zionist the American labor movement.
decay of the capitalist states. The outcry against the Kishineff Masusing a Hitler: it would be nicer to have it that way. But the dream.
These immediate tasks deserve the support of every anti sacre of 1907 was raised throughout the world, and not least in French workers have no intention of submitting to slavery. There What now?
fascist, Jew or Gentile. But these immediate steps must be inte Germany: the German equivalents of the Myron Taylors then fore? Therefore the French bosses are getting ready to smash grated into a general program to fight anti Semitism.
TWO IMMEDIATE TASKS the labor unions by fascist methods. And that means, as part of That program involves the utter eradication of anti Semit.
enunciated their wordy sympathy for the persecuted: they could afford then to be liberals on this question. But the decline of the arsenal of lascism, anti Semitism.
Immediate measures are not merely vitally necessary, but ism from the earth.
German capitalism, its absolute desperation in attempting to sur.
CAPITALISM LIVES BY RACE HATRED constitute the acid test distinguishing the serious fighters against But you can never eradicate it. It has always existed. It vive, has brought yesterday enlightened German capitalists to To insure their continued power, the capitalists must sys: anti Semitism from the hypocritical word mongers. Enough Pious always will exist. Thus the defeatists.
the point where they welcome and encourage the Nazis in shifting tematically cultivate racial and national hatreds. White supremacy Tears: Admit the Refugees! Around this demand, the Socialist the hatred of the peasants and backward workers from their real is cultivated as a doctrine in British and French Africa and South Workers Party is organizing a campaign to render immediate aid THE ROOTS OF ANTI SEMITISM oppressors, e. these selfsame capitalists, to their fancied oppres ern America as a way of keeping the Negroes in subjection and to the victims of Nazi persecution. In cooperation with the The answer to the defeatists may be put in the form of an sors, the Jews.
separating them from their natural allies, the white workers American Fund for Political Prisoners and Refugees and other analogy. There are germs which exist everywhere, are breathed in Fritz Thyssen, the German steelmaster who persuaded the The Hindu is pitted against the Moslem in India. The big corporan organizations, we enlisting every honest believe in the right by everyone. But they flourish and infect the human organism big capitalists to back Hitler, was in his time least much tions Ford, Little Steel, etc. deliberately foster antagonismo of asylum in a national campaign to demand from the forth only under certain specific conditions. What is important, then, a liberal as Myron Taylor, the American steelmaster. What hap among the various races which labor side by side in the mills.
coming session of Congress the lifting of all quota and financial is not the mere existence of these germs, but the conditions under pened in Germany will happen in England, in France, in America As capitalism declines, this weapon becomes ever more necessary restrictions upon immigration, so that the victims of Nazi persecu which they break out into disease. What is important, what really as, one after another, these capitalist regimes reach the stage of to the perpetuation of capitalism. That is why anti Semitism tion may enter America. The distinguished name of John Dewey makes all the difference, is the condition under which anti Sem decline which Germany reached in 1933. The liberal capitalists, grows: because the capitalists make it grow.
heads the list of those really sincere democrats who have joined itism ceases to be dormant and becomes an organized assault at the end of their rope, will turn to the fascist gangsters for Alone, the Jewish people cannot hope to prevail against with us in this demand. Only the granting of this demand can upon the very existence of the Jewish people.
support. Only the overthrow of these capitalist regimes, only the capitalism need of anti Semitism. The salvation of the Jews make possible the survival of hundreds of thousands of German Czarist Russia exemplifies the condition under which anti smashing of the fascist bands by the working class and its allies depends upon the victory of the labor movement. Where a strong Jews.
Semitism is virulent. Why did the court circles and financiers en and the establishment of Workers Republics in these countries labor movement still exists, there the Jews still have rights, Likewise, in the fight against organized anti Semitism right courage the Black Hundreds, the pogromchiks? Why the Kishineff will save the Jews from the fate of German Jewry. Already Where the labor movement has gone under, there the Jews have here in America, our comrades have taken the initiative: organ massacre of 1907? At the time, not only Jewry but liberal and the paper of Pemier Daladier, Ere Nouvelle, proposes the re gone under. The way to save the labor movement is also the izing Union Defense Guards to smash the fascist gangster bands. labor spokesmen everywhere understood just why: the decaying, striction of the number of Jews in French government services! way to save the Jews.
ARE YOU GOING TO PIONEER PARTY? sinhala so that place cort dhe house.
Jew Baiters Are the Spawn of Capitalism