CapitalismCivil WarCommunismIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarMarxismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL DECEMBER 24, 1938 Unions Organize Jobless for Showdown With New Deal Our Press, Organizer and (CLEVELAND UAW THERE ARE NO JOBS. APPEAL ARMY Educator; Twice Weekly!
LAUNCHES WPA UNION SET UP Factory Wheels Turn But Unemployed Do Not Return to their Former Jobs is Branch Competition Keen For Twice Weekly Prizes LOCAL 544 TO FIGHT WPA CUTS READERS. Frisco local is making a deter have been reading the Social mined effort to pull itself out ist Appeal constantly and comof a long literature slump. UnBy MARTIN ABERN pletely. must say appreciate der the direction of Glen Trim The Twice a week APPEAL will soon be here a fact, and (Continued from Page 1)
its outspoken straightforward ble and a new literature agent not just hope and ambition. The requirements of the day By DAVID COWLES presentation. In times such as the branch is concentrating on make this a certainty. Tromendous events are unrolling before tremendously potential size and all our eyes. The revolutionary press is essential to reflect Claiming that economic recov, still further. Along the Appalachthese pussyfooting is inexcusable newsstand sales. Enclosed are power This is the true picture of prithese stirring and decisive developments, affecting all lives: minors dis and find the Appeal a very plan for an intensive organery is making private industry ian Plateau live vate industry. On one side is an sample copies of our Assignbut more important, to help to direct them in the interests of ization drive will be underway more capable of solving the unplaced by machinery, textile work ever growing horde of workers stimulating organ of information ment Blank and of our tip in.
working class and exploited peoples everywhere.
shortly, in which every agericy of employment problem, Roosevelters laid off by the mills, and oth looking for jobs. On the other and opinion. Albany, New The assignment blank encourYork ages serious attention to meetA truism, but fundamental: the revolutionary press is the propaganda will be used, the pub and Hopkins have already begun ers who have returned from the side is a declining capitalism, ing coverage. We now regularly major educator organizer of labor and revolutionary lic press, hand bills, radio, sound layoffs on in a move that cities to cke out a poverty strick which is continuously diminishmovement. Trade union and political organization of the cars, etc may turn into an attack upon the en existence on a poverty stricken ing in its ability to supply jobs.
cover: MiscelBRANCHES GET DOWN TO working masses needs enormously to be speeded up. The revolaneous Employees Unions, and Every preparation being whole practise of work relief.
BUSINESS: soll. And in the middle west farm That is the crux of unemploylutionary Party, the Socialist Workers Party, needs to be pushed for a show down fight That the claim of recovery 1s regions are hundreds of thousands ment.
Painters Union.
From Cleveland, Ohio: Our geared to meet the needs of the hour on the labor and political with the administration only a smokescreen for making of farmers grubbing out subsis In 1933, the number of unembranch is starting an extensive Subscriptions are still going fronts, in the United States and Internationally.
against the mass lay offs which the unemployed bear the brunt of tence on submarginal soil. ployed were conservatively estiplan to gain a large sale of The APPEAL is a decisive instrument in this work. The have started and will undoubtedly the huge armaments program be Can Industry Provide Jobs! mated at 15, 000, 000. In 1937, the APPEALS before factories and strong and everything points to members and sympathizers of the Socialist Workers Party are record month in this field. New be in full swing by January. comes clear the moment we All of them want a decent job peak of prosperity following that in proletarian neighborhoods York City still leads the way with rallying and will rally still more strongly to our press and its Indicating the awareness of the face the unemployment problem with decent pay. But can indus crisis, the number of jobless were In order to advertise the APneeds. THE TWICE WEEK APPEAL IS NOW NECESworkers to the imperialist war squarely.
Minneapolis second try give it? What are the facts?
conservatively estimated at 000. PEAL we intend to give comNEW YORK CITY. 14.
SITY BECAUSE IT MUST, IT WILL BE HAIL THE policies of the Roosevelt regime, If private industry is to solve The facts are plain and unmis 000.
plimentary copies at each place California TWICE WEEK APPEAL! On the road to a DAILY among the slogans employed by takeably clear. Industry by itself, the problem of unemployment, Production today is nowhere for one week, enclosing anthe Cleveland organization is it would have to give a job to APPEAL: and run under the profit system near that of 1937. Those who had Minneapolis nouncements to the effect that Ohio Bread not Bullets.
the APPEAL will be on sale at every person who is able and cannot give jobs to the jobress. It been thrown into unemployment Cleveland The organization is putting in willing to work. Can it? cannot give enough jobs to the by the recent recession have not the same place each week folNew York State sistent pressure upon the national Population Grows, Jobs Decline working population of 1929, much yet gotten back their jobs in prilowing. This plan to sell the Detroit officers of the LO, for the grant Every year, depression or no de less jobs to the millions of new vate industry. The fact becomes APPEAL will be centered Chicago ing of an industrial union charter pression, the population of the workers who have come into the clear that private industry cannot around automobile body and Pennsylvania and are supporting the establish: United States increases. In 1980 it market or to the many millions even guarantee to its old workers parts factories.
ment of similar bodies throughout was 122, 775, 000. In each year after Florida a chance to work. It certainly in the farm areas.
And Cleveland is following up Montana the nation that it increased about one mil Even during the period of pros cannot give jobs to the youth and its plan with action, too. They the new workers New Jersey Competition for the Fourth International Banner, to be given as lion. As a result today there are perity following 1920, industry dehave ordered 300 extru copies a prize to the three branches making the best showing in this drive, Capitalism Impotent St. Paul of this week issue as a start.
about 131. 000. 000 persons in the clined as a field of employment is stiffening country and offered less jobs. In that year, This impotence has been ad Ruth Querio advise on selling Total 30. per cent of all jobs were sup mitted by more than one capi fuctory cute is having re.
We now have four Twice a week Appeal Agents determined to Just as the population increases plied by industry. Ten years later, talist economist. Among them sults win the prize. They are Jules Geller of St. Paul, Fred Valle of De.
has heen Frederick, an The Bronx branch of New York year after year, so does the num the percentage had fallen to 28. 9, City again turned in whole troit, Glen Trimble of San Francisco and Abe Miller of New York This competition has evoked a good deal of subjectivity in the Naber of persons looking for work, due to displacement of workers outstanding Wall Street finan.
Chicago, Illinois: Here too there batch of subscriptions. Special to Socialist Appeal) In 1930, there was 48, 800, 000. Each by mechanization, by speed up cal writer who writes The problem of unemployment) is seems to have been healthy Bundle order increases last tional Campaign Committee for the twice a week fund.
The WPA year since, there has been over a systems and by operating plants revival in Appeal activity led by week came from: beyond industry: it is and will Rose Karsner seems to be rooting for St. Paul while Mary and relier workers organization half million job seekers added. at full capacity in order to lay up Kart Shier. More paper than remain social, governmental (1) San Francisco, which is ever before are being sold and once again taking a total of 100 Green, assisted by George Clarke of the editorial staff, is all for of this city, Federal Workers See Children who have graduated goods for orders and then to shut have not up the plants completely. New inproblem.
Detroit. Stanley is putting his bet on far away San Francisco and tion of Local 544, backed by the graduated but who have been custries have not sprung up to On one side private industry is stributed. Serious attention is per week.
giver to the problem of a large (2) Enst Chicago, Indiana, has jack Wasserman is partial to New York. We say, may they all win. met een the meanized haber notre compelled to leave school in order give jobs to the displaced work. not giving jobs to all the unemhere, a deterdebt accumulated by the Chicago raised its order to 12 per week. 3) Karolyne Kerry of Oak raising the local quotas and some cash but not enough to send attempts to cut the wpa quota men and married women who of the Duponts and the Sloans, is well and his man Hopkins are loc fond plans are under way for cutting down government work its liquidation in the near future. Land, Calif. now takes 35 papers, the barometer shooting up as we would like to see it. Let step Despite newspaper propaganda have had to look for part time or it likely that they will.
relief. On both sides, they are exKarl, incidentally, has thought an increase of 10 per week.
on it!
about increased employment, make up for the low wages of Less Jobs Since 1929 erting pressure against the lives up a brilliant plan for getting From Our Branches heavy Christmas buying, etc. tho those who are working in the This story of falling jobs in pri and living standards of the unem renewed subscriptions at the New REMINDERS FOR MAS John Kinsley of Perkasie, Pa. wish to advise that comrade it has been for many months. formake the present number of in the years following 1920. ch was theme answer of the unemployed expired subs in one hand, a pen has the regular monthly is also present rellet load is heavier than family all these have combined vate industry was especiully true ployed, degrading and starving Year live affair being run by AND NEW YEARS.
his local. With a complete list of Ench literature ugent now Howard Stump has been elected twice weck Appeal agent. Quotas Telegrams from Washington, seen persons who are either working ployed 3, 200, 000 in 1929 and dis should be militant fight against ci! and sub blanks in his other ment in his hands. Action is the have been assigned to our members and plans by Federal Workers Section offare being made to collect them, hold small afclals, have ordered that the Min. Or looking for work equal to nensed with over 20 per cent of lay offs and for a vast increase in Karl will button hole all ex sub thing needed on this!
fairs, etc. feel certain we shall go over the top nesota quota of 69, 000 WPA Jobs about 53, 000, 000.
the jobs by 1936: in construction, jobs to give jobs to all scribers who turn up and if we Subs are easy to get. Re3000 be cut to 64, 000 during December, Among this number are millions which employed 1, 600, 000 in 1929 jobless at trade union wages. The know Karl, champion individual member, 104 issues for 00!
with our quota in a short time.
Although the local WPA authori of persons in agricultural areas and gave out almost half that answer of the workers should be sub getter of America. he ll get John Niemeyer of Rochester: Our local is ties assert that lay offs to cut who are virtually praying for number of jobs in 1936; in trade, a fight for the thirty hour week them too!
2700 ORDER NOW! REVOLUmaking plans for raising money for the 3, 000 the quota have not yet started, work at living wage. In the which gave out 6, 850, 000 jobs in without any cut in wages. The TIONARY CALENDAR FOR fund. We will not have it before January, but the fact is that hundreds of Min South, three and a half to seven 1929 and 10 per cent leas in 1936 answer of both workers and un San Francisco, Calif. The 1939: you can count on at least 25 that much is 2400 neapolis workers have received million workers must migrate and in agriculture, which gave employed should be a united guaranteed.
ficiently handling jobs for three where they now live in conditions persons but which was and is so mediate demands, but also for the Herbert Martin, East Chicago, Ind. This 12. 100 years have been dismissed on the that date back to the Civil War un profitable that 50 per cent of overthrow of the whole rotten is only the beginning of our efforts. You can pretext of inefficiency.
and where the chaos in the world the farmers cannot support either system that cannot even give a be assured much more money is going to be Fifteen hundred members of the cotton market drives them down workers or the owners.
job and a decent living.
1800 received from our branch. We are out to surFederal Workers Section, at a membership meeting December Continued from Page 1) min, cooled their heels in the pass our quota! The national slogan should be: endorsed a program proposed by 1500 Beat the 3, 000 quota.
who worked two days a week anti rooms of the WPA headquarthe Executive Board. monster work four now, and production ters in Washington, the legislaAllentown, Pa. Johny Brucker, in charge mass meeting at the Auditorlum is more than doubled. The to tor offices, or the back gates of of the local drive seems too modest to boost held jointly with the trade un tally unemployed must look to the White House, rushing eagerly his own plans, but members of the branch write lons; demands upon the national relief or government relief jobs into print to expand each perWPA to institute the thirty hour that with Johnny in charge, we can expect the NEW YORK, Barely manding the children. But the as a permanent source of mere functory official hand shake or 900 week at union wagea; an imme. three months old, the Unemployed children held fast. Barricades subsistence.
best possible results, because he is a most dy.
smile into another major victory diate local housing construction and Project Workers Union, dem were built and they remained in Production Un More WPA!
namic and conscientious worker for the party.
for the unemployed. Such conprogram to build homes for onstrated its determination to the bureau for several days. F11600 Glen Trimble, San Francisco: took over DETROIT, Mich. threatened striking illustration of this cessions are cheap, and the poliWPA and relief workers, and es carry on militant fight for nally the children were turned general strike on all pro by the District WPA Director. The specter of 10 to 14 millions fact was given several weeks ago. ticians bestowed them lavishly.
the responsibility of the quota for our branch on tablishment of local housing au higher relief standards for the the twice a week Appeal drive and will work in over to the City Shelter wherejects in Wayne County by the William Schmuhi, in Toledo, of permanently diesemployed areas thorities, and a five to ten year unemployed by conducting a six the cost of feeding a child is six Division of the United Au.
300 pubtle works and housing con day sit in strike in two of the times the amount allowed by the tomobile Workers forced the State representatives of the io. of thousands of unton men are co operation with Eloise Booth. enclose first struction program, are among the main bureaus of the Relief Ad relief administration.
installment. More will follow pronto. What inpoints in the program.
ministration here A, administration to adjust WPA Joint Action Committee. He jobless. The trade union leaders On the outside leaflets were many of the grievances and stated that if production in To cannot and dare not permit these formation have from the other California In Jamaica, more than distributed to all workers who abuses on the projects. The major todo industry were to rise to the workers to continue dither divor locals indicate that they will all make their Announcements 150 workers under the leadership came to the bureau with grie. issue, however, of re employing peak of the 1937 boom, mini ganized or divorced from the or of Otto Popovitch took over the vances. These workers were told Worcester, Mass. We accept our quota and will send in offices of the without a the reasons for the strike and off the projects while receiving would still be required now over a policy means only a gigantic hitch early on the morning of asked to join the picket line. This unemployment compensation, is the 2, 000 actually provided previ breeding ground for the doctrinos part of it next week. It is a little high for us, but we will manage it.
DETROIT, Mich December 12th while 80 members they did and the Jamaica work still unsettled.
Karl Shier, Chicago: Enclosed find 30. hope that another CLASS in the History of the In of Local in Manhattan did the ers thus showed their solidarity ously during the production peak. of the Father Coughlins, the Ger temittance this week end will bring us up to 35. From all indicaThe strike vote was taken at a ternational Labor Movement same at the West 17th Street buIncluded in the hundreds of ald Smiths, and all their fagwith the newly formed organiza meeting of 300 project stewards thousands, rising production will cistilk, who spread the gospel tions we will reach our goal (100 percent Karl. by January 1st. We reau, Women and children joined tion begins Dec. 23, p. at So with their husbands in the strike every day in Jamaica. All carare not planning any city wide affair, but the branches are. The These leaflets appeared on December 1, after the fail to call back to private em that the unions only want the cialist Appeal Headquarters, South Side Branch, for instance is having a gala concert on January 3513 Woodward, Room Bert and others assisted in organizing ried the same story We just grievances which included young. militant union members, unions by their excessive deAdministration had failed to ad ployment is a high percentage of money of the workers, that the demand Cochran, instructor.
the picket lines outside the 7th, with our comrade Irving Kaplan as the featured pianist. The the immediate consideration of unjustified pay cuts and discrim particularly in the clo. who mands are creating unemployreaus.
Mayor and the relief officials ination against union men. The possess insufficient seniority North Side and the West Side branches are also planning affairs for SOCIAL on Saturday evening. Cash for Clothing on the problem of winter clothment, etc.
the twice a week fund.
Shouting their demands, Cash ing for children.
next day 2, 000 workers They had a taste of wages in The only answer organized lathe conFred Valle, Detroit: hope to be sending another remittance tainment ever given in Detroit for clothing! and Rescind the sideration of a general increase which houses the Administration, 37. They do not relish, a per is a national program of organi picketed the building. unionized plants back in 36 and bor can give to such demagogy.
labor circles. Featuring short coal allowance cut. the plekets in relief payments. Similar pub and followed it by a sit down. The manent livelihood, WPA with its zation of the unemployed and very soon. Wrap up that Fourth International Banner and send it to the above address without further preliminaries.
play on class war prisoners, cheered the workers inside and Holty, unfortunately, was not or action was ended when Max Bar. 10 10 per week wages.
burlesque, song and dance num drew the attention of many work: ganized at the Manhattan bureau. ton, director for Detroit Murphy, Los Angeles: We are doing all right in raising bers, etc. At Socialist Appealers and But despite the almost 100 per More is needed than wordy Hunger Strike money for the twice weeker. Though am not on the committee Club, 3513 Woodward, Room neighborhoods. Children demandand Wayne County, assured Hom cent political suport given by or resolutions or the intercesions of function with it at times and know that money will be coming to winter clothing paraded in The herole efforts of the un er Martin, president of the ganized labor in the past to the individual labor leaders. Just as NEW YORK front of Mayor LaGuardia home employed to get a hearing for that negotiations demanded by New Deal, that agency is proceed the auto workers themselves, in you soon.
Abe Miller, New York: Two organizations it would seem are MEDICAL FRACTION discussion and before the City Hall. The their demands before commis project workers would begin Im ing with its now time hallowed open battle with the industrialworking here to win the banner. Not only are the members of on the cents a day Hospitali police handled them roughly and sioner Hodson or Mayor LaGuar mediately.
practice of withdrawing unem ists, won concessions, 50 the zation Plan on Monday, Dec, 26 even arrested some but were not dia were extended when after Wins Concessions loyed benets, rather than expand WPA workers and jobless are Local New York plugging to reach their quotą but members of the p. At Washington Sq. able to prevent the picketing. The three days they declared a huning them and raising the stand themselves the key to the soluCommunist Party are doing their bit. This week we received a dond Cocktails and sandwiches with children refused to go home or ger strike in the 17th Street BuAfter a sixteen hour session, the ards tion of their problems.
to school unless the Relief off reau. For three days they reunion committee succeeded in Up to the present, the organ The pressure from the ranks of tion of is from a group of members.
Proceeds to the French Fund, elals came across with winter cused to eat and were ready to forcing various concessions from ized labor movement has failed to the WPA workers in particular cont.
carry on the strike when some the administrations which recognize the true character of have forced the Clo, in cities, HOW SHALL, WE FIGHT Anti Semitism? In an attempt to demoralize the of LaGuardia polion tricked covered the following points: present unemployment. The job like Cleveland, Toledo and De Speaker, Felix Morrow. At Manhat: sit in strikers, the LaGuardia ad them into leaving by arresting The five shop stewards firea less worker who looked his trolt to set up unions the Given by OF CHICAGO WH. Stand ministration shut off the heat, everyone and then releasing them for union activity to be rein union for help. received little WPA workers. In this, they have fonet. pices Needle turned off the water, and closed on the sidewalk outside the bus stated; Project supervisorse no more than the encouragement of begun to follow the spendid ex Music by HI STEPPER Swingiest Band in Town the fire exits in order to prevent renu longer to have power to fire stew occasional resolutions and the ample of the Minneapolis Central pod from reaching the strikers.
Saturday Evening, December 31, 1938 Combination In Jamaica the organization ards: two supervisors fired for sporadie aid of hastily formed, Labor Union and the General However, this only served to left the bureau after a promise by union activity to be reinstated and most often, poorly informed. Drivers Union which has folat the The Black Jacobins by draw the workers closer together. relle officials that an audience an investigation of anti unlon grievance committees lowed this practice for four years LABOR LYCEUM OGDEN and KADZIE Through their inexhaustible re and consideration of all de practises on to be instances, especially where the the jobless of their community. James. 75 In addition, the o. in many and won outstanding benefits for Tickets 75 History of Negro Re sourcefulness the workers were mands would be granted.
volts by R. James 25 able to out maneuver the police The Stalinists showed their Stalinists had any foothold or in This move, still in its beginBoth for 00 and the Relief flunkies. Despite contempt for the unemployed and However, the principle griev. Aluence, simply told its members ning is being bitterly fought by LOS ANGELES the fact that iron bars were their cynicism when they con lance in dispute was merely met to join the Workers Alliance. Sad the reactionary elements within Special FIRST ANNUAL Bonaparte by Eugene Tarle.
placed in every window and the tributed cents for food in the by statement that the to relate this organization was the labor movement, particularly The standard Marxist work buildings heavily guarded, food 17th Street bureau. Investigators administration favors modifica not merely numerically weak, but the Stalinists, who fear the was continually received on the who are members of the Workers tion of the stoppage of intake or was so interlinked with the New growth of fighting organizations on Napoleon and his times inside.
Alliance laughed when asked to dered by Washington, according Deal politicians and so anxious directed against the New Deal 400 pages. Regular price, New Interest in Kids NEW YEAR EVE which men returning from Un 00. Our price, 25.
support this action for clothes to gain the favors of the WPA politicians the government Ad In Jamalen, where children and higher relief. This is merely employment Compensation are officials as a respectable orga which they so ardently woo.
FAVORS. REFRESHMENTS FLOOR SHOW ditional 30 per book for were taking part in the sit in, the an indication of the attitude of not reassigned to projects. nization, that it has long since postage Such elements must and will Board of Education, the ChilCostumes Optional the Stalinists who are running To date the issue, on which the degenerated into its own unique Dancing Till Dawn be brushed aside. The ImporLABOR BOOK SHOP dren Protective Society and shoulder to shoulder with the a strike vote was taken, remains form of company. unionism. tant thing right now is a no Advance subscription 50 Auspices: 28 EAST 12TH STREET other children shelter organiza sorted rats who support the ad solved only by a telegram to Har. Throughout the entire period of tion wide demand by overy For Reservations: Tel. MU 7936 New York City tions, all suddenly becoming ministration of Sales tax Lary Hopkins and it is unlikely that the Roosevelt depression, it spent honest, militant unionist: Address: 5364 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD, near La Brea (Open 10 to P. from aware at the same time, of the Guardia in New York and Franken further steps will be taken its time fawning before the gov Charter the WPA workers!
Monday to Saturday) plight of working cines children, lin. Hate War. Roosevelt in unless backed by strong militant ernment officials. Its leaders, like and Bulld the WPA Industrial tried to break the strike by de Washington.
action on the part of the union. David Lasser and Herbert Benja Unlons!
Charter WPA Workers: Major Task Before Stage Six Day Sit in In STRIKE THREAT New York Relief Bureaus WINS GAINS ON DETROIT WPA 1200 quotas.
2nd Annual New Year Eve Dance APPEAL BALL