AnarchismBourgeoisieCommunismDemocracyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

STORY ON PAGE TWO Branches: Mobilize for the Twice Weekly Campaign!
Socialist Appeal AII War Funds To the Unemployed!
Open the Doors To Europe Refugees!
Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party. Section of the Fourth International VOL. II No. 55 Saturday, December 24, 1938 375 per copy BREAD! NOT BATTLESHIPS. Program for the Unemployed Labor Can orce Congressional Action To Admit Refugees Here Unions Organize Jobless For Showdown with New Deal Charter Workers: Cleveland UAW Is Major Task Before SCORE BOARD.
100 55 11 10 10 38 397. 50 30 With national elections out of the way for another two years.
the New Deal has begun its head on drive against the unem ployed.
During the months following the November Election, 125, 000 were cut from the WPA rolls in the face of the fact 41 that in this same period employment in industry decreased sub.
stantially. Far more drastic cuts, publicly announced, were tem porarily withdrawn only because of the resistance or threat of resistance from the unemployed workers.
More stringent means tests are serving as a device to throw workers off the rolls into the cold and hunger of the Winter season Plans are already completed for Congress to strip all. That We Must Starve?
Is It To Buy Thesetypes of relief appropriations to the wone.
The unemployed of this country now confront the most terible prospect of their history: not merely insecurity, but literal starvation, cold, disease, death.
Only bold, sharp, uncompromising struggle can change this prospect.
The unemployed must understand first of all that they enter this period of struggle with no general organization of their own which can serve as an effective instrument in their fight. The Workers Alliance of America, which pretends to speak for the unemployed, is wholly useless.
Decision on Asylum To begin with, the has a negligible membership in Setting Up Union Really Rests With comparison with the more than 13, 000, 000 unemployed. It is WPA Auxiliary only a hollow shell, utilized by the Stalinists as their puppet Unions spokesman.
The total this week is 618. 96 for the twice weekly Appeal. ACTION IMPERATIVE of its policy, a policy diametrically opposed to the interests of But the Workers Alliance has degenerated above all because Industry Pick Up Does Not Relieve Unem TO FIGHT WPA CUTS ployment; Labor Action Alone Toledo Branch still heads the list, with Detait a close second.
the unemployed. As controlled by its Stalinist directors, the Will Open Factories CLEVELAND, Paralleling This week mail was heavy with letters of enthusiasm, plans and WII Congress, convening in is not a union of and for the unemployed but a political the developments in Toledo, De some cash, but not enough to send the barometer shooting up. January, take any steps to ald adjunct of the Roosevelt regime.
By ART PREIS troit and other industrial centers, How about those points with zeros next to them? What are you the victims of Nazl persecution?
the members on union in industry whose policy was to praise and support The failure of the capitalist system to supply even the most eledoing to wipe them out? Let us hear from you.
The answer to this question lies, not in the halls of Congress, the program of the boss would be known by every worker as no mentary needs of the workers is no more glaringly illustrated than cod portion of the 73, 000 Roaders, sympathizers and friends of the Socialist Appeal but in the hands of the labor genuine trade union but a company union.
in the persistent phenomenon of mass unemployment in the richest ridden city, have established the movement. If the labor move.
sent in a total of 10 during the past week. We hope for a more The boss for the unemployed is the Federal Government country on earth. Workers Industrial active participation in our drive from this group.
meat permits it, Congress will An unemployed organization, therefore, which spends its time It becomes increasingly clear, particularly in the mass production Union piously express its horror against supporting and praising the Federal Government and leaders industries, that the organized labor movement and the employed abonenge nctions at the reacHampered for months by Quota Paid Percent pogroms and utilize indignation against Hitler to justify the is not a genuine union of the unemployed, but a company wiow. workers in general, face in chronic mass unemployment the most Fionary Stalinists, who infest the Toledo, Ohio.
20. 00 20. 00 100 gantle armament program schedThis is the status of the devastating menace to their interests Cleveland Industrial Council and Marston Mills, Mass. 00 00 uled for adoption hy united To meet the problems aheadtherefore, the unemployed Despite all the tremendouse many of the Auto Workers locals, Detroit 95. 00 15. 00 60 front of Roosevelt in the te Oakland, Calif.
a hard hitting group of progres must break with the remnants of the and build new, gains of the past few years par nine years the workers have con15. 00 50 Seuns Fresno, Calif.
the lusion fighting organizations which can really serve them and not the ticularly in the field of industrial Siantly renewed their hopes on 00 that bad times sive and militant auto unionists 50 If, however, the or more 50 Newark, hosses and the bosses government.
unionism, constantly recurring were merely temporary and that have finally established an indus100, 00 41. 25 mant speaks cut fap palaid to economic declines heaping up new union for the workwas desirable as Durham, NH. 00 00 Wherever possible these new organizations must be made an and more extensive strata of un 46 tide the joblessers around a real program for Punta Gorda, Fla.
5, 00 00 Tratare four for the Quakertown, Pa.
integral part of the trade union movement, as has occurred in employed have cut wide swathes worken over until his nexe job, stopping the tax offs, ex 15. 00 50 third installment of a new Minneapolis through the initiative of the Teamsters, in Detroit in the union ranks and hold the this illusion is fast disappearing fram, for supplementary roller, New York City.
1, 050, 00 35 series of articles: Ilow Shall through the and is now proposed in Cleveland by the terror of insecurity over every Boston, Mass.
200. 00 62. 75 31 We Fight Anti Sernitlam, hy AW employed worker. The knowledge worker said, When get back San Francisco and for higher wages.
50. 00 15. 00 Felix Morrow.
Lynn, Mass. resolution calling for mass 50. 00 14. 00 into private industry. to28 But organizations without an adequate program will be that there are thousands of job.
Fargo, action, such as project strikes, 25. 09 50 day, the workers in mass prouseless. program to get anywhere now must break with all portunity to earn a livlihood waitthe victims, then Congress can Yellow Springs picket lines on the head3. 00 duction Industries are saying in 00 bo made to open the doors to the timidity and polite requests for a dollar or two more a week. It ing just outside the plant gates.
Chicago quarters, mass meetings and dem 250. 00 50. 00 increasing numbers, When we refugees.
must pose a set of demands which can rally the masses of the cannot help but breed an extreme St. Paul onstrations, has been introduced 100. 00 15. 00 get back on WPA.
Many unions and other labor South Bend 10. 00 50 unemployed and answer their most burning needs. very min. caution in the average worker. It pick up in production no by the Organization Committee, 15 and fraternal organizations have Kansas imum for the immediate present must include: is a desire to hold on to his misero longer means a proportionate rise and indicates the genuinely pro10. 00 00 adopted resolutions for rescindSt. Louis, Mo.
75. 00 able portion without complaint in employment. Rationalization grossive direction of the leaders. 00 1. Recognition that the boss of the unemployed is the gov. rather than risk the loss of all in of industry has proceeded at a ing all quota and financial re.
Minneapolis 300. 00 Organization Under Way 15. 00 strictions on immigration and ernment and that the unemployed can win their demands only by a fight for more decent wages and pace sufficient in the past three The organization is going ahend Cleveland 200. 0 have forwarded these demands to wresting them out of the government Los Angeles working conditions.
200. 00 years to permit a 25 to 35 per stabilize itself in a permanent their local congressmen and sen Primary dependence for results on mass action, on sit. Mass Unemployment Permanent contexpansion Akron, Ohio 75, 00 of production fashion, and will hold elections of ators list of these actions was Philadelphia 50. 00 ins, strikes, demonstrations, instead of on parliamentary maneuvers published in last week Appeal In the past year and a half of from the low norms of Inst officers this week. Pana are unYoungstown, Ohio 50. 00 Allentown, Pa.
but more widespread action is which when divorced from mass action yield nothing but soft Roosevelt depression, one decisive March, without any material in derway to establish the necessary 9900 Those apparatus for an organization of soap needed if Congress is to be imfact stands out mans unemploy. crease in employment Austin, Minn.
28. 00 (Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
pelled to act.
Rochester, Immediate expansion of the WPA to take care of every ment is permanent. If in the past 25. 00 New Haven.
The Propaganda Committee of otherwise unemployed worker at trade union wages.
20. 00 Washington, Continued on Page 3)
20. 00 The immediate enactment of a 20, 000, 000, 000 Public BY LEON TROTSKY San Diego, Cal.
15. 00 Works Program, featuring especially low rental housing Baltimore, Md.
10. 00 East Chicago, Ind.
10. 00 Gardner, Mass.
in industry proper: joining with the trade unions to demand the 10. 00 Indianapolis, Ind.
immediate institution of a maximum 30 hour week throughout 10. 00 (Fourth International Press Release)
venturers of all kinds, Since the parties of the Joplin, Mo.
10. 00 industry at no reduction in weekly pay. Both the of Popular Front could not reach beyond the proHansas City, Mo.
10. 00 and the are on record for the 30 hour week. The United Each day, whether we wish it or not, we gram of the Radicals, this signified in reality Lexington, Ky.
convince ourselves anew that the earth con10. 00 Louteville, ky Automobile Workers Union is making a fine beginning at putting tinues to revolve upon its axis. Likewise, the the submission of the workers and the peasants 10. 00 Olivia, Minn.
to the imperialist program of the most corrupt the demand into action through its call for a 32 hour week in 10. 00 laws of the class struggle act independently of Quashes Proposals Plentywood, Mont.
wing of the bourgeoisie.
10. 00 the fact that we recognize them or not. They auto; but the plan is in danger of slipping back to a In order to justify the politics of the Popular Rending. Pa 10. 00 Aimed At mere spread the work scheme unless the fight for reduced hours continue to operate despite the polities of the Sacramento, Cal.
Front they invoked the necessity for an alliance 10. 00 Popular Front. The class struggle makes the 0 is always coupled with the refusal to accept any reduction in Seattle, Wash.
between the proletariat and the petty bourInvestors Popular Front its instrument. After the experi10. 00 weekly pay. The aim of the workers, employed and unemployed ence Worcester, Ma. 88.
Czechoslovakia it is now the turn of geoisie. It is impossible to imagine a more scur10. 00 Evansville, Ind.
alike, must be not to spread poverty among themselves but to rious lie! The Radical party expresses the Scoring its first and probably France: the most hidebound and the most back5. 00 Fitchburg, Mass.
interests of the big bourgeoisie, and not of the make the bosses pay the costs of giving decent jobs to everyone.
only important victory at the ward have a new occasion to teach themselves. 00 petty. By its very essence it represents the Flaxton, 00 Elghth Pan American Conference 30 minimum weekly wage under all circumstances The Popular Front is a coalition of parties.
political machinery of the exploitation of the Hartford, Conn. 00 now being held in Lima, Peru, throughout industry, public works, and relief work.
Every coalition, that is, every durable political petty bourgeoiste by imperialism. The alliance Portland, Ore. 00 the United States delegation alliance, has by necessity as its program of Thermopolis, Wyo. If the bosses whine that giving decent jobs with the Radical party is, consequently, an allidecent 00 smashed the movement at the action the program of the more moderate of ance not with the petty bourgeoisie, but with conference for a strong resolupay will bankrupt them, then: Let the factories be opened up with the coalesced parties. The French Popular Front their exploiters. To realize a genuine alliance tion against intervention into the aid of government funds and operated under workers control.
has signified, since its debut, that the Socialists between the workers and the peasants is not SPEED UP REFUGEE CAMPAIGN. Latin American countries on be8. And to meet a substantial part of the initial costs, let all and Communists placed their political activity hall of foreign investors. The under the control of the Radicals. The French possible except by teaching the petty bourgeoisie the gigantic funds now pouring into the war machine that is being how to emancipate themselves from the Radical Introduce into your trade union, fraternal or other Sub committee in charge of this Radicals represent the left flank of the imperial party, how to car, off once and for all its yoke question voted Saturday to table designed to safeguard the bosses profits on a world scale, at ist bourgeoisie. On the banner of the Radical organization the model resolution (published in the December from their necka Meanwhile the Popular Front APPEAL) calling on the forthcoming session of Congress the question for another fiv the expense of the peoples of the world, be turned over to the party are inscribed patriotism and democacts in directly opposite manner; entering to open the doors of America to the refugees. Send news of years.
racy. Patriotism signifies defense of the colointo this front, Socialists and Communists take all actions taken to the SOCIALIST APPEAL.
Several Latin American coun JOBS FOR ALL UNEMPLOYED AT TRADE nial empire of France: democracy signifies upon themselves the responsibility for the Radirles would like to have gotten a nothing real, but serves solely to enchain the Circulate for signatures the petitions for asylum. PetiUNION WAGES!
cal party and thus help it in this way to exploit ruling through the conference tions may be obtained from the American Fund for Political petty bourgeois classes to the chariot of impedenying diplomatic protection of TWENTY BILLION DOLLAR PUBLIC WORKS PROand to betray the masses.
rialism. It is precisely because the Radicals In 1936. Socialists, Communists, and AnarchoPrisoners and Refugees, 100 Fifth Avenue, New York City. foreign investors and supporting GRAM!
unite plundering imperialism with verbal demo3. Provide ald for working class refugees by selling syndicalists aided the Radical party in slowing the famous Calvo Doctrine. THE THIRTY HOUR WEEK WITH NO REDUCTION cratism that more than any other party they American Fund stamps. Every dollar counts! Arrange af down, and in crumbling the powerful revoluThis doctrine holds that countries IN WEEKLY PAY!
are constrained to lie and to betray the masses.
tionary movement. Big capital has succeeded fairs, house partles, etc. for the benefit of the refugees.
must recognize as valid contracts THIRTY DOLLAR WEEKLY MINIMUM WAGE! One can say without exaggeration that the during the last two years and a half in recoverwhich stipulate that foreign inArrange meetings on the subject of how to help the party of Herriot Daladier is the most corrupt of refugees and fight anti Semitism. Expose Stalinist sabotage OPEN ALL IDLE FACTORIES! OPERATE THEM UN.
ing a little from its fright. The Popular Front, vestors walve all privileges of having fufilled its role as brake, now represents all the French parties, representing a sort of of asylum for the refugees in America and Soviet Russia. diplomatic protection of their inDER WORKERS CONTROL culture for careerists, venal individuals, stock nothing more for the bourgeoisie than a useless (Continued on Page 3)
manipulators of the Bourse, and in general ad(Continued on Page 3)
22 20 15 10 0 0 0 0 0 milin order to increase at once the number of jobs available. The Decisive Hour In France FIGHTS FOR WALL ST. RIGHTS AT LIMA PARLEY 0 0 0 0