BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyMarxMarxismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL DECEMBER 17, 1938 Communists Become Open Backers of Arms Program comes affair.
cessity of Nazi persecution has already been taken up by Refuge and Social Democracy Carlo FACTS!
REMEMBER THESE out of violent anti Hitlerite speeches most of Collective Security for the Capitalists SOCIALIST APPEAL which is jingo pro war agitation?
The workers in these and other unions should Vol. 11 No. 54 Saturday, December 16, 1988 demand an accounting from their leaders. The Published every week by the labor movement least of all can tolerate the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
sympathy racket. It must act and act at once Coming out brazenly for Roose sues readjust themselves to the at 116 University Place. New York, Telephone: National Office: Algonquin 8517 for admitting the refugees into the United velt Big Navy Army building larger line up. Daily Worker, States. United and concerted action of the labor program in preparation for im December 10, 1938. Subscriptions: Si per year: cents.
year: 00 for six movement can force Congress to open the perialist war, Earl Browder, In plain English: Rulers of Bundle order months. Foreign cents per copy. Single doors at its coming sessions.
Fuehrer of the Communist Party, America, find a place in your imlast week established a new land perialist plans for a line up inAll checks and money orders should be made mark in Stalinist degeneration. volving Stalin, and in return we Entered a second class matter September 1, On the Make It is important to recognize the shall do our best to subordinate exact nature of the advance the every need of the workers to 1937, at the post office at New York, New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Stalinists have now made over your military needs.
Anthony Eden is no fair haired boy. He an their previous subord:nation to Browder Joins General Staff MAX SHACHTMAN ambitious politician on the make.
the war makers.
The new line drops all pretense Editor He has come to this country to build himThe latest Stalinist hne was is of not supporting the Army and HAROLD ROBERTS GEORGE CLARKE self up as the potential British spokesman for sued in the form of a report Navy general staff armament Asociate Editors by Browder to a plenary session proposals. Actually, the Stalinists an Anglo American combination when war STANLEY, Business Manager of the National Committee were for the Big Navy BI, when which, needless to say, adopted it it was introduced at the last sesHe no Galahad of democracy, as the Daily unanimously. In the days when sion of Congress; the Stalinist Make the List Grow Worker and a lot of other old ladies and the Communist Party enjoyed in lobbyists were extremely active ternal democracy, the policy of in pushing the bill; but publicly After years of nauseating chatter about the liberals like to believe. He had his hand deep the party was fixed, after a re the Stalinists merely attacked in the gore of the Non Intervention committee great mission of the people in the fight for port and discussion, by resolu the opponents of the bill as isola decency and liberty, events surrounding and only those with short memories have for tions, the majority resolution be tionists. This was typical of the the persecution of Jews in Germany drive home gotten his smelly role in the business of ending coming the program of the party. previous technique. Now there is the point that the working class is the only class the sanctions against Italy over the Ethiopian Now, of course, there are never no longer any masking of the in modern society capable of leading any pro any minority resolutions, and the full Wne. Browder says: program appears in the form of a Prior to the Munich pact, we gressive movement.
Eden represents the safety valve of the oppo pronouncement by the Euehrer, declared that a correct peace While frock coated millionaires, big shotsition to Chamberlain appeasement policy in the endorsing olution of the policy. could quickly halt National Committee merely con and remove the menace of tasrabbis and priests are making the welkin ring Britain. When Chamberlain steps out he will step in he hopes and carry on, by gad, not sisting of heiling the pronounce with cheap protest against Hitler and just as elst aggression without the nement.
of a a big armaments procheap sympathy for the Jews, the only real pro for democracy but to preserve the waning glory Repeats France gram for our country.
gram of assistance for the refugees comes from of the Empire.
Masked and shamefaced jingo This argumen armament that was valld before Munich the labor movement. The campaign for open ism, half explicit avowals of loy.
alty to the capitalist state, loses its force afterward. FRANCE BRITAIN only American arms can predirect support of militarism, are serve the Americas from connow being replaced by open jingoa considerable number of unions.
The powerful parties of the Second Interna ism, unequivocal devotion to the quest by the Rome Berlin Tokio alliance. Dec. Local 544 of Minneapolis, the Harris County, tional in the Scandinavian countries play a lead703 13 capitalist state, and direct supA Mess of Pottage Texas, Council, Local 10 Lo ing role in the cabinets of all three countries.
port of armaments.
cals American Federation of Teachers, the In return for Stalinist support What is now unfolding in the for armaments, Browder wants a Premiers, ministers of state and foreign affairs, Headquarters Branch of the Stalinist camp and its sphere of military alliance for Stalin. He etc, etc. these portfolios are held by the So.
Influence is a repetition, word (Marine Firemen. Federal Labor Union in says: cial Democrats. We, of course, have no illuword and step by step, of Montana and an Office Workers Local in Bos The question is not are we sions about the real power: that remains in the fatal course down which the Stalton have passed resolutions favoring the drop hands of the capitalist class, in whose service the for armaments, yes or no; it is inists and the Social Democrats the more complicated question, ping of immigration restrictions to refugees.
Social Democrats function as a liberal front. But dragged the French workers.
Browder Armaments, for what? If it is While this list indicates the real sentiment of is merely the Social Democrats justify their role as one of Who put the strike breaking Daladier government into power?
repeating for the defense of the liberty Thorez, his the American workers towards the refugees, it and independence of our own would be folly to say that it has more than actually securing, through their governmental The Socialist and Communist parties, by unanimous vote in the French Chamber part. He merely changes the functions, real gains for the working class.
and other peoples, yes, emphaof Deputies on April 10, 1938 name of Daladier to Roosevelt skimmed the surface of the American labor tically yes! But the people Taking them at their word, then, why do and Jouhaux to Lewis. Stalinist who voted last summer to grant the strike breaking Daladier government ex votes for the French military must learn to make its Yes a movement.
they not open the doors of these countries to the traordinary financial powers, e. the power to rule by decree without parliament? budget and military loans to power for securing guarantees Where are the names of the and the that the ornaments will be for The Socialist and Communist parties, by unanimous vote in the French Chamber semi fascist Poland, are to be of which have passed such defiant reso not, at the least, try to do this? Their refusal of Deputies on April 13, 1938!
that purpose and for no other, aped by Stalinist votes for Roose(D. Dec. lutions against Hitler and whose leaders, Lewis to do so brands them as not even honest demovelt military budget and milland Green lose no occasion to make high soundWho called upon the French working class to support the People Front tary loans to semi fascist Brazil, Promise and Reality crats, let alone Socialists.
ing speeches of deep concern for refugees?
Equally contemptible is the studied silence government of Daladier on the grounds that it would save democracy?
In other words, Browder proetc. No one can accuse Fuehrer posts an exact repetition of the Where is the name of the United Automobile Browder of originality!
of their blood brothers in this country, whether The Socialist and Communist parties!
French debacle. In return for the Workers, which was in the forefront of the of the stripe of the Social Democratic FederaWho voted the money for the military budget of the Daladier government, for Sacrificing Workers Needs Franco Soviet pact and Daladier unions in the fight against war and whose tion or the Socialist Party of Norman Thomas. the army whose People Front rifles were used to crush the general strike?
As Thorez openly subordinated promises, the Stalinists not only all considerations of social gains voted military budgets but broke leader Homer Martin takes great pride in cham. These gentlemen wax indignant at the Stalinist The Socialist and Communist parties!
for the French working class to up and terrorized workers meetpioning progressive causes?
regime for not opening the doors of the Soviet Facts speak louder than promises. Remember these facts!
the sole real interest of the Stalings called to opposed military Where is the name of the needle trades un Union. But on the equally swinish conduct of inists, the military alliance of the expansion. After the Stalinists French bourgeoisie with Stalin, had served their purpose, they ions, whose leaders never fail to appear on so Browder asks but one boon were thrust aside, the Franco public platforms to shed bitter tears about the are silent of American imperialism: mill. Soviet pact was thrown on the misfortune of the Jews?
The Socialist Call, Norman Thomas organ, tary alliance with Stalin. Browserp heap and Daladier troops.
Where is the name of Local 22 of the in its December 10 issue prints a denunciation der is, if anything, more crude heavily armed with the new or the Knitgoods workers local, both led of Stalin failure to act on behalf of the refuthan Thorez was. He says: weapons provided by Stalinist Today, as never before, the by Lovestoneites whose political organization gees reprinted from the Swedish Social DemoBy DONALD BERGNER has never even had a chance. tions put in Pedro Aguirre Cerda, votes, broke the strikes of the fate of the world depends upon has publicly declared for the opening of the kraten! But why don Norman Thomas comworkers. If he deems it neces United States financial the role that will he played by and Britain had almost complete con friend of Washington and Wall sary, Roosevelt will use the Staldoors to the rades in Sweden, Norway, Denmark open their commercial interests have finally trol prior to the war. In 1912, Street these two greatest powers in In the hotly contested election inists in this country in the same Where are the Stalinist led unions, the Fur doors to the refugees on this not a word. cmerged victorious from the long for example, the had only this October, the charge was the world (America and Soviet way and for the same purpose.
riers, the Foodworkers, the National Maritime And these people set themselves up as critics drawn out struggle for the con 12, 000, 000 invested in Chile. In Russia. This, then, is the significance trol of Chile, the world chief 1931 Britain had a half billion made by many, especially the to find a Union, etc. whose leaders make a profession of Bolshevik morality. pro of the latest Stalinist line. An source of that prime necessity of dollars while Wall Street boys Communists, that Aguirre op gram of collaboration which the circumlocutions and masked war, nitrates German traders had reached 714, 000, 000 dollars ponent, Senor Gustavo Ross San can effectively unite these two formulations are dropped. Henceby William Harvey. pseudonym and British capitalists have been worth, of which almost a halfta Maria was because of his op Trotsky Writes On Outlines Available greatest world powers. forth Browder openly wears Una waging a strong fight for control billion were invested in industrial position to the people front of a well known doctor The Issue of a positive peace interests.
and to control of Chilecle Sam uniform not pripolicy for America more and Europe in Dec.
of the Chilean markets.
Five educational outlines on vate s, but the chevrons, boots Albert Goldman discusses the Prior to the World War British What is so valuable in Chile? an agent of the Fascist powers. more becomes dominant and all and Sam Browne belt of reviews of the Menshevik leader current issues, put out by the commercial interests predomi Besides the war necessity. ni Nothing could be further from alignments upon domestic is cruiting officer The December number of The Mortov in reviewing the latter New York party, are available nated, but in 1914 Germany got trates owned by a partnership of the truth. At that time it was New International is out and is brochure on the state and the for sale at the special price of out in front and stayed thero un the Chilean government and the stated in the Socialist Appeal that ten cents for all five. Only a featured by Leon Trotsky article socialist revolution. Dwight Maetil the beginning of this year. American Guggenheim interests Ross is the agent of democratic limited number are available. share of Chilean foreign Chile is the world second largest Britain. This becomes clear when entitled Fresh Lesson.
In donald again writes a column The outlines deal with: The trade was only one hall that of producer of copper. The copper one notices that the radio pro(Conducted by the National Educational Department)
this article Trotsky reviews the called Reading from Left to Right of Asylum, an historn Great Britain in 1913. The industry is also largely under the gram featured on the front page Question: How can the United States afford to open the cal sketch: Open the Doors, situation in Europe after Munich: Right. The section of the Ardoors to the thousands of German Jewish refugees, when on the Hitler pogrom and the the character of the coming chives of the Revolution contains War, but then the struggle for the production of electric power, do, is limited to one station the reactions of the various gov second place shifted back and Seven Cents a Day British Broadcasting Corporathere are already millions of unemployed workers in this world imperialist war; the posis contribution of Karl Marx, country. New York ernments, including the Soviet tion.
forth until last year. Last year The aristocratic land owners, Answer: This is the argument that Hitler uses: There is tion of the democracies and the Worker Inquiry. Book reviews Union; summary of the speech the passed Britain with Wall Street Man dictatorships and the role played and other important articles comin New York by cloud of dust and in February ever imperialist power happens no room for the Jews in Germany! Similarly, this objection allying themselves with which People fronter Aguirre made says: There is no room for the Jews in the United States!
by the working class parties, plete a highly valuable and outJames on The Twilight of the of this year managed to pass British Empire. and two bul.
to be dominant at the moment, it publicly clear immediately after Hitler says the Jews are taking away the jobs of good German The Editor Comments con standing issue of the magazine. letins on the French general poor Germany as well. The compara have continued serenely along his election that he was workers; the democratic capitalists here say that the refugees tive figures for sales to Chile for their money grabbing of second even to Ross in authoriwill take away the jobs of good American workers.
cern themselves particularly with strike and the situation in that month: 1, 400, 000 and feudal oppression of the Chilean tarian ideas. Left wing governMoreover, if the Jews have to be sent to Madagascar or the results of the recent elections Copies are still available at the price of 20c per copy. The sub France Germany, 4, 250, 000.
this millionaire in November scription rate is per year Order through the National Guiana because unemployment leaves no room for them elseU. Investments Dominant pensantry. Four fifths of all the ments, says where, is it not logical for the democratic statesmen to comprehensive analysis on Address: The New International Educational Department of In the investment field, that is arable land of Chile is owned by landowner capitalist need two assets: discretion on the part of propose that the home unemployment problem be solved likeonly 3, 000 people. The millions of the importance and meaning of 116 University Place, New York the 116 University in the basic control of Chilean rotos, condemned to an average the rulers and discipline on the wise? After all, it would be better than to let them starve!
Socialized Medicine is contributed City.
Place, New York City.
banking and industry. Germany wage of about seven cents a day part of the masses. He also In the earlier days of this country. the right of asylum fór plus a little bread beans, live made it quite clear that he was refugees was recognized in practice. Then the was com under a system of veritable medi pro NO Mexicanization paratively poor. Today, when it is the wealthiest nation in the expropriation of Wall Street in eval ser dom.
world, it cannot afford to admit, the Jews! Why is it that terests for this country.
It is these big land owners who the wealthier a capitalist country becomes, the less it can The charge has been made by have formed the native backbone everyone but the Stalinists that afford to admit persecuted people?
The case of Herschel Grynszpan has aroused the deepest senti The police know as surely as we do that young Grynszpan The answer to Roosevelt and Chamberlain is the same of every reactionary move in Aguirre was supported by a was in constant relation with the Trotskyist circles, which swarm ments of sympathy and solidarity among the widest variety of Chilean polities. They backed the strange Front, one so popular as the answer to Hitler. In Germany, it is not the Jews who people. Even representatives and spokesmen of the conservative with agents of the Gestapo. Is it so improbable that one or more have taken away the workers jobs it is German capitalism, wing of capitalist democracy came forward spontaneously in behalf Alessandri government during the of these wretches sald: Your family is being persecuted; its middle 1920 after Alessandri original Stalinist answer to this that it included the Fascists. The it is Hitler himself. The same thing is true here: it is the of the young Jewish emigre who sought in feverish desperation to possessions are being stolen. That can be tolerated. Avenge bosses who take away the jobs from the workers!
protest dramatically before the har of world opinion against the yourself, avenge yourself. We firmly believe that there lies the had dropped his earlier liberalcral was that this support was given In this country there is work and wealth enough not only savage torments to which Hitlerism subjected his family and his ism. Then they supported the truth.
by individual Nazis who broke for the millions of unemployed but also for the comparatively people. Public figures so far to the right, politically, as Dorothy The next day. Humanite continued the comments dictated by bloody anti labor dictatorship of with their leadership Ibanez from 1927 to 1931 although The Chilean press carried the small number of refugees who would be admitted. The Socialist Thompson, have expressed themselves categorically against the its pathological hatred for the Trotskylsts, referring to Ibanez, the agent of Yankee im Workers 8 Party has the program which will aid both the victims Nazls demand that Grynszpan be guillotined for shooting Vom Rath. what shady role might have been played by an agent following interesting item on of the Nazi terror and the victims of unemployment. We de of the Gestapo introduced into the Trotskyist circles of Paris perialism, liquidated many Brit We are revolutionary Marxists, and by virtue of our whole tradiOctober 18: Aguirre Visits ish interests and some over armand a 10 billion dollar federal public works program: tlon, our doctrine, our daily behavior, we have nothing in common which Grynszpan frequented.
Ibanez (the jailed ex dictator billion dollar federal housing program; a wage scale which with the theory and practice of any kind of individual action, much It goes without saying that the police know NOTHING about dent supporters of Britain. They and co leader of the Nazis.
rises with the cost of living: reduction of working hours at less individual terrorism. At bottom, however justified it may be Grynszpan constant relations with Trotskyist circles. that the backed the new Alessandri gov Thanks him for the with morally. It has always been other substitute for or a brake upon Stalinists know NOTHING about such relations for the good and ernment that took over followthe same weekly wage rate to give the right to a job to every ing the short period of chaos drawal of his candidacy and the the action of the masses which, properly organized, is the ONLY simple and sufficient reason that Herschel Grynszpan never had any worker; open the idle factories and let the workers operate support he offers.
after Ibanex was forced to flee.
them at union wages, under workers control make the rich effective method of struggle against reaction. Yet, although our relations with our movement in France or elsewhere, no more than The Stalinist Brass Check movement has always persistently and patiently combatted individual Trotsky ever had relations with the Gestapo. The whole story is Strikes Overthrow Dictator pay for the ravages of their crisis!
The Stalinists however said To oppose opening the doors to the refugees is to endorse terrorism, it is proud of the fact that at all times and in all lands it simply lo woven out of cloth bearing the familiar trade mark of This second Alessandri govern that it was only Ibanez and not the policy of Hitler!
surely as we do ment put an end to a short period Gonzalez von Marees, the other misguided foe of tyranny and the despot who fell before his bullets that the Stalinists are loathsome liars, whose desperate fear and of comparative freedom brought Nazi co leader. who supported Front when even their Trotskyite and all independent Socialist can or bomb, to take the side of the former.
hatred of our movement drive them to a cynical We cherish the memory of William Tell and not of Gessler the drakes with the freedom and even the life tame of ducks and on by strikes, revolts and threats Aguirre. But the fact that the colleagues did the same? The didates As protest against capi a young lad whose of more throughout the country. half German Gonzalez also suptyrant. Not a shadow of infamy is attached in our minds to the despairing act elicited the spontaneous sympathy of virtually the Students and workers came out ported Aguirre is further proved only trouble with this is one talist politics and those inbor epic in entire into the streets against Ibanez, as by the violent attacks on Gon minor detail: the analogy doesn leaders who were playing them (This is third of a series of derous or to its the whole cloth and Martinez articles on the situation in of hatred for oppression and despotism, to think or write otherwise. presence of abominable elements and their abominations, both alien the revolt. In the latter revolts, do. The Stalinista offer one final knows it. The Chilean Trotsky Latin America. Next week there That is why it is so utterly re revolting to see how the Stalinists to its principles and its ideals. Hence everything sober and clean in a semi socialist government led attempt at a squirm out. ites, the Revolutionary Workers will be an analysis of Argen in France have conducted themselves with reference to the Gryn the labor movement has never neglected the ever necessary task of by Carlos Davila and the popular Their leading Latin American Party, did not support Aguirretina, leading opponent of the szpan case. At a time when even conservative writers put all em weeding out of its garden all poisonous and deformed growths. But labor leader and Socialist Mar pen prostitute, Mr. Ricardo Mar or Ross. They published article delegation at the Panphasis on pointing out that the Hitlerites were only reaping the it is hard to recall, in the long and colorful history of this movement, modrique Grove held power for a tinez, whines at the hue and cry after article in their paper Alian American Conference. fruit of their vicious anti Semitic campaign, and that the real anything at once so base, so unscrupulous, so vile, so offensive to short time. But it didn last against the strange Front. Why Obrera, and leaflet after leafresponsibility for the crime rested on the shoulders of the Fascist every feeling of simple decency and sanitation, as that inexhaustible long. Soon Alessandri and his should it be so surprising, says let attacking both capitalist canbureaucracy, the Stalinist press leaped in to throw the mud of sus source of rottenness we know as Stalinism.
British and land owning friends he, to see the Nazi demagogues didates and calling on the workRead picion on the young Jewish martyr. On November 9, 1938, the Paris Its reaction to the case of Herschel Grynszpan is but one of were back in the saddle, to sit trying to cover up their bank ers to support only the withStalinist daily, Humanite, wrote as follows: countless instances tightly on it until this year elec ruptcy by supporting the People drawn Socialist candidate Grove Socialist Appeal the Scandinavian Social Democrats on this they Establishes Control Over Chile After Long Battle With Great Britain It is necessary QUESTION BOX Stalinists Try To Smear Grynszpan a Struggle against the bloody Czars and Grand Dukes and their mur The labor movement has never been a paradise. To one extent they did two years later against zalez appearing very prominenly work. This is fabricated out of