AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDeath SentenceDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyJohn DeweyMarxismMussoliniNazismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

DECEMBER 17, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL BLIND ALLEYS FOR THE JEWISH PEOPLE 300, 000 Refugees Seek Entry Here; Storm Consulates Land the clear How Shall We Fight Anti Semitism. By Felix Morrow Refugee Campaign Tasks for All Why Does Stalin Keep Circulate for signatures the petitions, calling on ConJews Out of Soviet Union?
gress to open the doors of America to the refugees. Any number of petitions can be obtained upon request from the American Fund for Political Prisoners and Refugees, 100 Fifth Stalin On Anti Semitism. Jewish refugees. Assuming that Avenue, New York City.
Such is the title over the edito iind refuge for 500, 000 Jews Provide aid for the refugees by selling American Fund torial column in the Dally Work would be impossible for the soII feared, too, a collision with the mandate power, Great Britain, stamps. Every dollar counts! Arrange affairs, house parties, er of December 12. At last Stalin viet Union in spite of its enoretc. for the benefit of the refugees.
THE END OF THE ASSIMILATIONIST ROAD which of course would have understood that Arab Jewish labor speaks out but It turns out that, mous territory and resources, Introduce into your trade union, fraternal organization, The meaning of assimilation, of identification with the unions would be a revolutionary force endangering imperialist instead of a statement by Stalin what is there to prevent its lendclub, etc. the model resolution (published in the December 3rd bourgeois state, is clear. If bourgeois German Jewry were not hegemony in the Near East. They took the road of opportunism on the present onslaught againsters from offering asylum to part APPEAL) calling on Congress to open the doors. Send news bestially persecuted by Hitler, it would have to join him, however class collaboration with their own capitalists and with Britain. off on us a statement by Stalin thousand or even afty thousand?
of any action to the SOCIALIST APPEAL.
reluctantly and squeamishly, in his bestial persecution of the While the Irish nationalists denounce collaboration with made on January 12, 1931 What is there to prevent the So Arrange meetings on the subject of how to help the German labor movement. Until yesterday anti Semitism was not refugees and fight anti Semitism, Expose Stalinist sabotage of Britain as treason to Irish freedom, Ben Gurion, head of the It would be screamingly tudi viet leaders from stating that they will assume responsibility the refugee campaign.
part of the fascist apparatus of Italy; and until yesterday Jewish crous, if it were not so unutter Histadurth, denounces opposition to collaboration with Britain as ably tragic, that the leader of the commensurate with their ability diplomats, generals, financiers and industrialists, were members of treason to Zionism. The result? Britain has been enabled to pit Soviet Union has to be quoted on to offer asylum?
the Fascist party of Italy; a Jewish general led one of Mussolini Jew and Arab against each other. The British have been helped this burning question by refer What would stir the imaginaarmies against Loyalist Spain! In British South Africa, Jews are in this by Zionists of every hue, including the Socialists. It is ence to a statement nearly eight tion of the Jewish people, of the years old. Why does Stalin not workers throughout the world, part of the white community which exploits the black natives and enough to recall the shameful slogan, Conquer Jewish Work, in innumerable humiliating ways maintains a system of racial provide his world wide press with and liberal opinion, more than a e. get the jobs for the Jews, which has thrown the Arab workers a statement made directly with simple honest statement that the superiority. As a matter of fact, one need go no further than the and peasants into the arms of their bourgeois feudal leaders who, reference to the present situa Soviet Union is ready to assume American South to see the same phenomenon of Jews Jim crowing for their own reasons, are irreconcilably opposed to Jewish expan tion? Why not a word about to its share of the burden?
sion in Palestine. The Jewish Fascists, Jabotinsky Revisionists, day persecution of Jewry in The Jews Too Quite apart from anti Semitism, therefore, the Jew must take are at least realistic when they draw the conclusion that the way Germany, and particularly why no word offering asylum to the to blame, Gannes continues, but Not only are the British tories his place: cither with the persecutors or join with the persecuted to establish a Jewish state is to demonstrate their usefulness and refugees?
the Jews also must assume part in the struggle for liberation. There is no third category in indispensability to British imperialism and thereby secure a free Stalin remains silent as the of the blame because no leading modern capitalist society, whether fascist or democratic! Such is hand to drive the Arabs out by armed force. Without British tomb. To cover his silence. Jewish organization has requested the structure of rotting capitalist society. Continued from page 1) Jerome and Harry Gannes of the that the growing bayonets, the Jews today would be driven out of Palestine by the for them. Opening the doors of have sought to provide slibis in number of Jewish refugees be America to the refugees remains THE ROAD OF ZIONISM Arabs. Jewish colonization in Palestine continues only thanks to ers Union Local 514 of Minneapothe Daily Worker. Jerome lame permitted to emigrate to the Land lis, the Teachers Union of New the key to saving the refugees, Theodore Herzl, founder of Zionism, typifies the leadership British imperialism explanations have already been of Socialism. We humbly remind York, Local 10 of the Interna As militant labor and other prodenlt with, in the Socialist Appeal Mr. Gannes that if his other reaof that movement: disappointed assimilationists seeking their own THE PRICE JE PAY FOR ZIONISM tional Ladies Garnient Workers, ponents of aiding the refugees of December Gannes apology sons have any validity, the fact (bourgeois) nation at a time when the productive forces of the This is understood, and resented by the other nations op deserves separate comment.
the Harris County (Houston. prepare for the fight to secure Texas, Council, the Head Congressional action, the various that a Jewish organization did world are strangling within the confining national boundaries. pressed by British might. When Mahatma Ghandi, after solidarizGannes Version or did not ask permission is imquarters Branch of the West capitalist groups prepare to keep But we, as revolutionary socialists, precisely because we are ing himself with the Jewish victims of Nazi persecution, goes on In his column in the Daily material. Because even if it dia Coast Marine Firemen, the Le the refugees in Hitler prison internationalists, stand for the unconditional freedom of every speak bitterly of the Jews being imposed on the Arabs, he is Worker of November 18th, Gan ask, it would have to be refused.
high County Unemployed League, house.
undoubtedly expressing the feclings of the Hindu people. Leaders people. If only a small segment of Jewry, if only a million Jews, nes offered a series of explana Simple workers, by the way.
and the Essex County Workers Reactionary Legion Stand desired a Jewish Homeland, they would have the right to establish of the black peoples oppressed by Britain have expressed them tions that are in reality effective would hardly think that Using the Dies Committee as Alliance.
accusations against the Soviet of Socialism should insist upon a sounding board, Stephen it. But under what conditions and by what methods can a Jewish Dewey, La Follette Join selves similarly. When these people, the natural allies of the bureaucracy. According to Gan formal request in order to save In addition to action by unions, Chadwick, National Commander Homeland be established? We declare categorically that it is only Jews and who moreover understand their common cause with nes, the fault for the failure of thousands of lives.
fraternal and other organizations, of the Legion, declared to that possible in a Socialist world.
the Jews speak out against Zionism in Palestine, every Jew the Soviet Union to speak out lies As a final reason, Gannes suga nationwide campaign has been House committee: For the Jews are not only dispersed and have no national should take heed.
primarily with the British Tories. gests that the present refugees launched for securing signatures Much as we, as Americans, Why and how? Because they are middle class Jews who seek to a petition directed to Congress. sympathize with persecuted mlstate; the same is, in essence, true of the Irish, for every Irish And to what end do the Zionists thus endanger the friend were responsible for not inviting asylum preferably in countries Among those who have recently norities in other nations, It is nationalist knows that the government of Eire is a puppet of ship of the colonial peoples of Asia and Africa for the Jews? Is Soviet Union to the Evian where they can continue their acaccepted membership on the Nathe considered thought of the British imperialism. But the inhabitants of Ireland are Irish, while it not clear that no matter how servile the Zionist movement will conference last summer and will customed ways of life. Would tional Campaign Committee of American Legion that proposals the inhabitants of Palestine are predominantly Arabs.
be to Britain it will not receive in return the right of unrestricted prevent an invitation to future they be ready to accept Socialism the American Fund for Political to make this country an asylum Under what conditions, then, can one envisage a Jewish immigration into Palestine? That is excluded in advance. British conferences dealing with the and participate in its building. for any or all political and rePrisoners and Refugees are John problem of the refugees, thus Naturally, in offering asylum to Dewey, Miss Suzanne LaFollette, ligious refugees throughout the Palestine? Obviously only two. 1) By agreement with the imperialism weighs in the balance: 400, 000 Jews in Palestine, barring the from mak middle class elements the Soviet Sidney Hook, Meyer Schapiro and world are inimical to the wel Arabs, who inhabit not only Palestine but the Near East; or (2) backed by some part of the 16 million Jews of the world against ing its enormous contribution to Union would be justified in pro Vincent Dunne. Already thou fare of the United States. by driving the Arabs out of Palestine with fire and sword. There is 50 million Arab speaking Moslems backed by the whole Moslem consideration of the refugee tecting its economic and political sands of signatures have been re The American Legion, which no third real alternative. An ostensible third alternative, the proquestion.
world! Lest the Arabs seek freedom from Britain, the British system. It could make it condiceived at the offices of the Amer adopted a vicious anti abor proposal that Jews enter Palestine in such numbers that they will ruling class diverts them from that path by preoccupying the And What Then? tion that the refugees come and ican Fund, secured in union halls, gram at its last convention, is constitute the majority in the country, is merely a variation of Exactly how, however, the mere do whatever work is available to schools and universities, door to being a little more blunt than Arabs with the Jewish problem. The Jew thus serves Britain as door canvassing, and at street other capitalist agencies. They cither (1) or (2) for it means Jewish domination of Palestine.
inclusion of the Soviet Union in help build a new society. proscapegoat in the Near East, as he serves Hitler and Mussolini and be million corner and mass meetings from will all, however, fight against The actual course followed by the Zionists has been a futile the Polish and Rumanian gangster rulers as scapegoat in Europe. solve the problem is not made people can have no fear of a few const const.
any Congressional action to adattempt to avoid these plain alternatives. The leaders of the But in return for the collaboration of the most powerful Arab by the apologlat for the So hundred thousand middle class Finances for immediate succor mit the refugees. Only the labor Histadruth (Federation of Trade Unions) understood quite well of working class refugees are beviet bureaucrats. Can it be that elements.
movement, it aroused in time by landlords and capitalists, Britain keeps a sharp rein on the influx Stalin has a plan which he is Hinted Truth ing raised by sale of 10, 25 and the militant vanguard, will back in the early post war years that to reach an agreement with the of Jews into Palestine and never, under British imperialism, will ready to spring at a conference? In presenting his final reason 50 cent stamps issued by the the flight to admit the refugees. Arabs meant to unite the Arab peasants and workers with the the Jews be freed from that rein. In return for this mess of Why wait for an Invitation to a Cannes, without knowing it, sugAmerican Fund in a Christmas Action is needed!
Jewish agricultural and industrial workers against their oppressors pottage, shall world Jewry lose the friendship and potential alli conference? The world press will gests, picture of the true situaCampaign In every union hall, in every the Jewish and Arab bourgeoisie and landlords and the British ance with the peoples of Asia and Africa, the colonial peoples certainly print any plan offered tion. No Jewish organization asks Mass Meetings Scheduled other organization friendly to overlords, the mandate power. But the Jewish Agency and the everywhere, the oppressed of the earth? No, it is too high a by Stalin through Litvinov. And for asylum in the Soviet Union Plans for mass meetings on the labor and the democratie right if that plan includes an offer of because in actuality it would of asylum! torrent of tele Jewish National Fund were dominated by the Jewish capitalists, refugee issue from coast to coast price to pay when the only result is perpetual civil war in Pales. the Soviet Union to assume re mean taking thousands of people are getting under way. First re grams and resolutions from or especially the American Jewish capitalists incidentally, domi tine in which a small segment of Jewry faces the Arab masses. sponsibility for a proportionate out of one hell to dump them into porta included: ganizations taking action must nated by the non Zionist Jewish capitalists and financiers, who In any event, it is abundantly clear, the salvation of most of share of the refugees, why is it another hell. It would mean that Chicago: Two outdoor mass pour in on the Congressmen looked upon Palestine as merely one form of Jewish charity. The the sixteen million Jews of the world cannot be sought in Palesnecessary to have it presented all the independent, thinking elemeetings, attended by several and Senators between now and only at conference?
win ments would be sent to Stalin Histadruth adopted regulations providing for Arab Jevish labor hundred, on the University of the opening of the session.
tine. Not even the Zionists contend that Palestine under the Gannes rise to explain?
jails and concentration camps.
Chicago campus.
Every meeting held on the ref unions; but it remained a platonic gesture, for the Zionist leader British Empire can absorb more than a small part of Jewry. We How simple it would be to show The jailors are not anxious to inNew Haven: mass meeting at ugee issue should send its de ship feared to antagonize those who held the purse strings. They must look elsewhere than in Zionism for the solution.
up the hypocrisy of the capitalist vite and the prospective prisoners Fraternal Hall in New Haven on mands to the congressional repworld by presenting feasible are not anxious to enter the Monday night, under the ausresentatives of that locality.
plan and actually offering to 88 Land of Socialism.
Add to the mounting pile of sume responsibility for carrying Stalin failure to offer asylum pices of the local branch of the petitions which will be preit out!
American Fund, with Dwight to the German refugees is ansented to Congress when it conAliblike MacDonald, editor of Partisan other blow that he has struck at Review, Frank Trainor, venes. Action is what counts Valiantly Gannes proceeds to the Soviet Union and at the idea steel organizer, and Jacob Bel now!
explain why the Soviet Union is of socialism. workers state unable to act alone and why it that is not degenerated, that ford, New Haven attorney, as speakers.
NEW YORK Before a capacity must therefore wait for an invi would have a leadership of revo Nikolal Yezhov, the blood Bloody.
why he must be disposed of. audience in Irving Plaza last Fri tation to a conference. Reason tutionary Marxists anxious to Toledo: Industrial Union stained head of Stalin G.
In Yagoda Footsteps Stalin plans to cure his declin day night, James, noted number one: To have the Soviet serve the interests of socialism Council, composed of 35 unions, has been liquidated by his boss.
call on Roosevelt and the State More exactly, the first big step was his predecessor, Henry Yo at the base of the brain.
He is doomed just as surely no ing health with a bullet British writer, and James Can Union solatedly attempt to grant and humanity, would have seized non, Nat Secretary of the Social asylum to the Jewish victims of this opportunity to proclaim to Department to lift all restrictions and quota limitations to enable Two Years of Glory ist Workers Party, spoke on the Nazi barbarism would be to the world its readiness to offer He has been removed from his goda. Yagoda removal from the refugees to come in. The resolution was introduced by the deleporte at the headed to the Secret rounded, at first, with an air of stalinist press has been miled a brilliant analysis of the political Tewish people are communiats. the political and racial subjects past two years, the. Police and allowed for the time unimportance. Then, all of a sud with dithyrambic praises for Yez conflicts underlying them.
gates from Local 29, United of (Continued from page 1) being to retain the minor position den, it was learned that the man hov. He was the Buckler and the James outlined the ebb and flow horrible accusation the Soviet workers state under the leaderAce and Professional Workers of America, which had previously is threatened to all dissenting of Commissar of Water Trans who had framed up and sent to Shield; onr Shining and Glorious of the struggle between the mili suffer the tortures of hell in Nazlcracy is fearful, among other leaders are willing to let them ship of a corrupt Stalinist bureauadopted it.
elements In Hitler Naziland, In port.
their deaths hundreds of revolu Yezhov: the High Protector tant workers of France and the Boston: membership meeting including former trade unionists, In accordance with the system tionists and other victims of the of the Republic: the Flaming Fascist reaction since the days of Germany, Incidentally, that reathinga, lost the admission of of the io. United Office and political opponents of Hitler, developed in the endless series of Stalinist purge, was himself an Scourge of the Enemies of the the street fighting February. son could also apply to the cap. foreigners would increase the Stalinist purges, the removal is enemy of the people, an em People: the Incorruptible Bolshe 1934. Clearly, unanswerably he eyes of Hitler these also are con Was it not found necessary by talist democracies since in the elements hostile to it.
Professional Workers Union this Catholles and Protestants refusweek unanimously passed a reso Ink to accept the Fascist state re equivalent to pronouncing the bezzler, a swinish liver, and a vik Ferret: the Heroic Marshal showed that at all times the mill trolled by Jews.
death sentence upon Yezhos poisoner.
ution for abrogation of all reof the Heroic Red Army, Tomor tancy of the workers has been since when must leaders of the Hungarian, German, Finnish, Stalin to jail and kill innumerable Whereas, strictions on refugee Immigration, wherever decency, same death sentence which he Out of a clear blue sky the row, the same press win drag ready to break out into open con: working class fall to do that Italian communists who escaped after Stalinist attempt to table democratic practices and humani himself pronounced against thou Daily Worker announces casually him in the mud of nauseating fliet against the bosses. It has which is correct and necessary from their own tyrants only to the motion was defeated.
tarlan feelings still remain alive sands of Stalin real and alleged that Trotskyist spies attempted invective which is the normal been held in check only through because the enemy will make ac And themselves under tyranny actual and potential adversarles. to poison Yezhov. Who? When? mode of speech of the Stalinist the traitorous policies of the Pop cusations? Or must the Jews be just as bad if not worse than the Plentywood, Montana: Federal in the world, clvilized people cry The Daily Worker of November How? Where? We hear of It for school.
Labor Union No. 21760 directed out aaginst these abominations ular Front, through the class col resolution to Montana congress and call for all possible ald and 10 tries to explain away the news the first time. But do not worry.
saved from becoming Commu one from which they escaped. as merely a trivial commonplace This will not prevent the Daily Beris, is not to be envied, for he clal patriotie line of the French Yezhov laboration methods of the tradesuccessor, Lavrenti union leadership and the open so nists in order to prove that Hitler Not until the Stalinist bureaumen, declaring the steps so far asylum for these hounded and of no particular significance.
is allar?
Worker and all the other stalinist too will inevitably follow the Communist Party taken by political representatives starving refugees of Fusclsm cracy is removed will the Soviet Just a simple Fact Gannes continues. The Soviet Union become a haven of refuge are nothing more than pious pro! Whereas, the United States of rags from writing, a few weeks In declining health because or months from now, that the same road that was trod before testations, and that we demand America has ever been the traHe pointed out that the last self successfully to undertake so persecuted for their racial origin Union is not in a position by it for those who are oppressed and of our representatives in conditional place of haven for the the Trotskyist sples attempted to real criminal was Yezhov him him. Beria qualifications for the position that was once occupled general strike was forced on the sigantic a problem as that of the or their political activities.
gress that they remove all Immt oppressed and tyrannized of the polson him, Yezhov found it nee self, and that he tried to cover gration restrictions and open the earth and numbers among its essary to give up one of his two up his counter revolutionary Trotby the truly incorruptible and leaders by the rank and file just doors of this country to the vic population over a majority of posts, the other being People skyist activities by spreading the noble revolutionist Dzerzhinsky, as had been the magnificent sit.
tims of Hitler atrocities. citizens whose forebears came to Commissar of Water Transportinise report about an attempt to are very simple. Unscrupulous to down strikes of June, 1936 and Cleveland: mass meeting on this country since the Civil War: which he still retains, Simple fact, poison him, whereas the truth of the utmost, cynical product of the Clichy demonstration of 2, 000, State December 9th at the Workmen Center, auspices of Local Clovenation on earth, whose boast is distortion! But look what the who had attempted to polson. servile in his flattery to the Bor Whereas, this is the wealthiest isn it? And hardly subject to the matter was that it was he cynical rogime, unquestioningly workers that same summer.
gla who employs him, he has strongly than before, the action Tand of the Socialist Workers that we are the true preservera presa did to it!
risen to prominence not in the was resisted by the trade union Word has just been receivedment had around the slogan: of democracy and humanitarian previously in simple fact Indeed for StalWhy He Must Go service or the revolution but ra leadership and sabotaged by the from the State Department informed that Blackwell was being Enough Pious Tears! Admit the ideals; Therefore be it resolved, that signation of Yezhov hasn tooled before him, because Stalin is mountain Climbing veritable Communist Party, which was a Washington that Russell Negrete held as a dangerous revolutioninist Russia! The voluntary re Yezhov is doomed, like Yagoda ther by Refugees!
anxious as Daladier not to menof corpaes.
danger the defense Bronx, Parents Associa: the Toledo Industrial Union a single newspaper anywhere in compelled to operate on the traBlackwell, American anti fuscist France by Beria Apprenticeship tion of Public School 25, meeting Council goes on record calling the world not even the Dally ditional pirate axiom: Dead men a slowing down of production in militant, jailed in Loyalist Spain, ary. However, the SpanBeria distinguished himself first the factories.
will be brought to trial soon.
ish anarchist union federation. last week, telegraphed Roosevelt, upon the President of the United Worker, which doesn write ac tell no tales. Yagoda knew too Previous reports from the Amer wrote its American representative calling upon the President and States of America and the State cording to its bellefs but merely much about the hideous frame by cleaning out of the Georgian Solidarity for France Congress of the United States to Communist party all the old Bolican Charge Affaires in Spain they were informed by the Mill. It is the privilege and the duty have indicated that the Minister tary Investigation Service in restore the right of asylum and Department to immediately offer according to the orders of the day ups and purges, about the esheviks that still remained in the to permit the entry of the perse Asylum in the United States by which it receives from the Krem torted fraudulent confessions and he had to be done away with ranks after Stalin came to undis of every clas conscious worker, of state was disposed to favor Spain that Blackwell was for cuted and oppressed into this quota limitations to the refugee of every anti fascist to give all the immediate release of Black merly secretary to Leon Trotsky Even little children are begin Yezhov knows even more than puted power, possible support to the fighting well without trial. According to and American spy. The Stalincountry by the immediate lifting Victims of Fascism and to use all ning to understand grownups Yagoda knew. It was during his In recent times, he has been French workers, Cannon de the State Department, it now apst press has, at various times, of all restrictions and quota lim possible influence upon the Brit have understood it for years incumbency in the that the director of the campaign to clared following James. The bat pears that such action has met accused him of being Franco, tations ish, Russian and French Govern that voluntary resignation is the horrible purges spread to exterminate all these old revolu tle against Fascism is taking with the opposition of the judicial German, and Italian esplonage Hitler Demands Ransom ments to open up their vast terri one of the principal methods by every corner of the Soviet Union. tionists physically, without bene place today in France. In Amer authorities.
This preliminary trickle of actories as haven for these op which Stalin begins to wipe out Almost every important Com fit even of those semi public trials ica, as everywhere else, the fate The State Department comname tivity must grow into a torrent it pressed peoples, and to initiate a his collaborators. Literally scores missar in the government of Rus which were vouchsafed Zinovier of the working class is bound up munication asserts that Minister was mentioned in the recent trini the refugees are to be saved. On public drive to raise funds to all of prominent Soviet officials have sia, the Ukraine, White Russia, and Pyatakov. Budu Mdivani, inseparably with the course of the of Justice Pena informed them of leaders which resultTuesday afternoon, the capitalist the homeless and starving Fascist begun their toborgan slide down Siberia, Georgia, and Transcauca Okudjava and hundreds of others, struggle now being begun in that when the sentence is known, ed in convictions or elevene rand press gave eight column banners victims.
to the murder collars of the sin, etc. etc. was removed, im founders and builders of the France. We must rally to the side consideration will be given to the Afteen years indicates the sertto by resigning an eminent po prisoned or legally assassinated Georgian revolutionary move0 a story. Hitler Modifles Drive of our vallant comrades abroad possibility of releasing Blackwell ousness of his case. The Russell Against Jews. but pon examina BROOKLYN, 29 workers sition and being allowed to keep upon his orders. Literally thou. ment, were murdered by the around the slogan Workers Com in care of the American consular Negrete Blackwell Defense com tion it merely turns out to be a of the Wess Mfg. Corp. dress a secondary post for a little sands of Red Army and Navy firing squad in numbers and mittees of Action in Every Fac representatives. This statement mittee, which has been working further move by Hitler to force factory here, signed a petition while, or else by being demoted officers were wiped out under his with a refined, cruelty such as tory, Town and Industry on to appears to assume a conviction to secure his release, is platining series of actions to guarantee for German Jewry. So long as ment to open the doors of the to imprisonment or execution. whys and wherefores of the reached. Beria is a fitting succesornment. workers victory in The exact charges on which he him a fair trial and mobilize the doors of America remain shut United States to refugee victims It is a dead certainty that the purge. He is too dangerous asor to Yezhov, as the latter was a France is the best safeguard will be brought to trial are not working class support in his be to the refugees, little can be done of Nazi terror.
same fate awaits Yezhov the man to have around, That is fitting successor to Yagoda. against Fasciam in America! yet known. The State Depart. hall.
Yezhov Following Yagoda CANNON, JAMES SPEAK ON FRANCE To Resting Place TOLEDO CIO ASKS OPEN DOOR FOR JEWISH REFUGEES Ilgion; Blackwell Coming To Trial, Dep Is Informed been Party.