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Socialist Appeal All War Funds To the Unemployed!
Open the Doors To Europe Refugees!
Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. II No. 54 Saturday, December 17, 1938 375 54 per copy LET US IN OR WE PERISH!
300, 000 Refugees EVENTS ABROAD Demand Entry Here; Storm Consulates MEXICO Str. Boto STI CORPO ODLIV.
BANKERS TURN OMAHA INTO HARLAN COUNTY The Democratic Front In Latin America FRANCE IS MAIN The Main Enemy AXIS OF COMING UNITED STILU In Latin America Uneasy Interlude AN EDITORIAL CUBA Precedes Open Who is the main enemy of the peoples of the Latin American PEDIGER nations?
Struggle The answer to this question is not to be found in the MONOVAS Events in Europe during the Victims of Nazi Persecution Plead in Berlin, flowery rhetoric now issuing from the rostrum at the Lima Connext few months will depend ference, nor in the elegant broadcasts through which the Confer.
QUASIMALA largely upon what happens in Vienna, and Naples for ence was built up, nor in the shameless dispatches and editorials France, SALVAROR SOSTA RICA LUANLD of the Daily Worker.
Even the capitalist press underAsylum in CARNIVA stands now that France is headed VEVO The answer is to be discovered in the hard, cold, sober statPAVANA for a change in regime. It rec Three hundred thousand Germans have registered at American CUIUS istics of investment and trade, and in the harsh facts of the ognizes that Daladier is paving consulates in Germany in Paris, Prague, Naples and other European political histories of the twenty Latin American countries.
the so called democratic institu cities. Three hundered thousand victims of Nazi persecution, pleading And there is not the slightest doubt about the true answer: tions and is speculating only on for asylum in America.
the main enemy of the peoples of the Latin American nations the time and method of the Those who, having managed to get out of Germany, thought change is the United States Government, its Yankee Imperialism.
they had found peace in Czechoslovakia and France, now find most Uneasy Interlude of the remnants of Czechoslovakia completely Nazified, and the It is Yankee Imperialism, guided by the gloved fists of The immediate situation in Daladier government conducting a veritable reign of terror against good neighbors Roosevelt and Hull, that occupies the dominant France is that of an uneasy in foreigners, e. refugees.
position in Latin American trade. United States commerce with WILO terlude. In the Chamber of DepuItaly has ordered all foreign born Jews to emigrate within Latin America is more than twice the amount of its nearest BRALIL slim majority based exclusively three months; more than 3, 000 Jewish refugees, most of them having competitor.
upon the center and right. In a fled from Austria after its annexation by Germany, are besieging the In spite of the difficulties in estimation caused by the fiscal situation of crisis such as contin American consulate in Naples. Of 4, 200 refugees applying there for chaos of the past decade, the figures prove that the United ues to exist in France, this tight visas, only 420 have received them.
parliamentary balance simply re States capital investment in Latin America now totals far above flects the approach of momentous Out of the depth of their despair, the refugees cry to us for help that of any other power.
events outside of parliament.
Help they must have, the help That Daladier, the French Genof the American labor movement In the deep, stifling mines of Peru and Mexico, on the oil Dictatorship eral Staff, and the Fascist gangs and of every honest believer in fields of Venezuela and Colombia, in the jungles of Central are preparing for change Sewi Dewaterp asylum, for the bars put up America, on the sugar plantations of Cuba and Puerto Rico, the Deratiu know quite well. Whether the against immigration by Congress starved and miserable people of Latin America sweat their lifeCHISO ALUTHINA workers will be prepared on their limit the entry of German born blood away for the great Wall Street corporations: for the United part to meet this menace to their refugees to 23, 370 annually. If Fruit Company, Cerro da Pasco, Anaconda Copper. Standard organized existence is the cruthis law remains in force, it will cial question now. The whining take the 300, 000 refugees already Fruit, American Sugar Refining, Standard Oil of New Jersey, OLEVAD of the Socialist, Stalinist, and registered at consulates not to the Texas Company trade union bureaucrats will not Drivers Strike Con mention the rest of the 700, 000 three After suitable bribes to the puppet officials of the local govfor Daladier, or whoever succeeds tinues Despite Boss of thousands of other refugees ernments, governments made and unmade at will by these same him, to put the Fascist program thirteen years to enter America!
corporations and the State Department aided when neces.
Terror over.
That law must be made away sary by the Marines and the Navy the dishonored profits find The formation of workers comwith, if the lives of a whole genmittees of action and the creation OMAHA. The Harlan county their way back into the coffers of America Sixty Families eration are to be saved.
The campaign to lift all reof workers defense guards and of the trucking industry that is Yankee Imperialism, which has only since the War moved the broadest agitation on the di what union men all over the coun. strictions and quota limitations into first place among the brigands, is not of course without 703 03 for German refugees is getting rect issue of struggle for power, try are calling Omaha, Just as the coal operator se under way, initiated by the Amer.
rivals for so juicy a prize. The two important contenders are: British imperialism and German imperialism; the other powers, The Pan American Conference met at Lima last week in the richly decorated Peruvian Chamber ers and peasants government lected the most reactionary spot ican Fund for Political Prisoners including the much talked about Italy and Japan, are altogether of Deputies which had not been used since that day in 1936 when President Benavides dissolved both this is the path urged by the rev. they could find as the weak link and Refugees and cooperating minor factors.
the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, ending parliamentary government in Peru. New York olutionists of the Workers Inter in the national miners organiza working class organizations, Resolutions directed to the Herald Tribune, Dec. 10. And it was President Benavides who welcomed the delegates at their open national. And along this path have selected Omaha in the hope forthcoming session of Congress, In the total of capital investment, Britain is close behind the United States, and dominates several of the nations, especially moral solidarity of the New World. Across most of Latin America the blackened and shaded or alone lies the hope of defeating of cracking the teamsters here demanding removal of immigrathe Fascist offensive.
and then using disorganized Omotion restrictions, have been the important Argentina. In volume of trade Great Britain and tions shown in the map above millions are ground under heel by. brutal dictatorships while in an unused parliament building their rulers meet under the hollow slogan of international democracy. Meanwhile on the international ha as the pretext for not observadopted by a number of trade unions. Among those which have Germany have been running neck and neck during the past few These are the realities behind the phrases at Lima!
scene Hitler is taking full advaning the contract elsewhere.
years, with Germany now slightly ahaed the trade of both tnge of the internal instability of Now in its fourteenth week, the already acted are General Driv.
together totalling less than that of the United States alone.
France whom he now considers Nebraska teamsters strike is not (Continued on Page 3)
neutralized by its weakness and a local issue, but the test of the Control of the Latin American market is absolutely essenby his strength. The drive to the strength of the Teamsters Intertial to United States economy. Deprived of this outlet, the cast continues. The Nazis turned national in enforcing the 11 state capital economy would collapse overnight. capitalist economy in one of their 99 percent votes in contract, establishing a closed Memel now held by Lithuaniashop and uniform wage of 75 can continue in operation only on the backs of the Latin American and the familiar agitation for re cents an hour for all over thepeoples turn to the Reich is now in full road drivers in the North Central To keep control of this market, essential to its existence.
swing there.
Area, which was signed by emimperialism is prepared to employ any means: diplomacy, graft, Fascist state in France will players representatives in ChicaNEW YORK. Two hundred to keep the child in a shelter entirely transform the situation go in October.
working class families, tired of run by the city.
but so will a Soviet France, the Anything Goes in Omaha Drivers Cooperation vention, intensive propaganda, and, finally, war against any and the continual delay and red tape recent reduction of fifty cents first in terms of a new imperial Anything goes in Omaha. The Stops Work; Bosses.
all imperialist rivals.
of the Home Relief Bureaus, on the coal allowance for cach ist slaughter, the second in terms bosses are aided by the anti pickThis is the real background of the Lima Conference have taken possession of two re unemployed family is an indica of renewed hopes for snatchingeting law of Nebraska, but sup Sign Up lief offices and are determined tion of the policy to be pursued the masses of Europe from the plement this with brazen lawlessAll the talk about democracy, the American system, By BILL MORGAN to remain on a sitdown strike un by the LaGuardin administration. maw of thy Faselt barbarians. ness. Checks sent by the Team(Special to Socialist Appeal)
More than 55, 000 working class til the necessary food and cloth. In homes dependent upon coal That the political axis that sters International cannot be TOLEDO, Ohio, Dec. Over Democracy and peace is shown by the record: by the ing children in New York City will their children is pro for heat this will mean further concerns we all the most clearly cashed at local banks. The Omaha 100 delegates representing 36 vided.
misery for the jobless.
and the most urgently ravaging of Puerto Rico, the armed robbery of Panama from local IO. unions at the Toledo celebrate Christmas week by goNational Bank even refused to The children are on strike with Colombia, the troops scouring Mexico for Villa and the ing without their only square their parents, and all attempts cash a cashier check from the Industrial Union Council tonight Kansas City National Bank! unanimously adopted a resolution Navy bombing Vera Cruz, the bloody Cuban governments of Machado and Batista directed by the ambassador, the WPA workers. This branch of by the Children Protective So ciety and two hundred policemen Landlords, furniture and cloth. calling on President Roosevelt the WPA is being discontinued under Captain Lobdell to evict ing proprietors who sell on credit, and the State Department to marines pillaging Nicaragua in their campaign to exterminate More than 1, 500 workers on the them have been repulsed. Barriauto companies, etc. have been United States by lifting all reimmediately offer asylum in the Sandino Federal Arts Project are to be cades built in the Bureaus and called into meetings by the bank. strictions and quota limitations What the native imperialist stewards, jockeying for the fired by January first. Merry defense squads of workers on the ers and industrialists and ordered to the refugee victims of FasXmas! from to demand immediate payment cism.
highest bids among the great powers, care about democracy and outside have prevented the cops peace is shown with a grim enough irony by the fact that among In New Jersey, workers are from moving a single worker By JAMES BURNHAM for all goods from strikers. HunThe resolution came before the being fired because they are too from the bureaus.
dreds of strikers have, as a result, Council through the medium of If we were a publishing house, we would discuss the ques the entire twenty nations, there are only two that approximate a old to work and told to apply We are going to remain here tion of a twice weekly paper merely as a business venture.
come to the union pleading for as Local 29, United Office and Pro democratic government and three others with a pitiful minimum for old age pensions. These old until Christmas sistance to prevent the loss of fessional Workers, WPA Division unless the We would argue about whether it would make more or less of democratic rights; the remainder are bloody terrorizing dicta timers point out that the pen proper shoes and coats are pro money, whether there is a sufficient market, whether advertheir few possessions.
where it was passed unanimously torships.
sions about one third the When the International and two weeks previously. Ted Se vided for our children. The tising would increase, and the like.
present WPA wage. Furthermore, sight of naked children would We are not a publishing house, but a political party. This Yankee Imperialism, the main enemy of the Latin American neighboring locals came to the lander, delegate from the be a shocking picture for Sanmeans that we approach every publishing venture, and every aid of the strikers, the banks re local, spoke briefly for the peoples, is the same enemy that faces the workers of the United fore the application is accepted ta Claus, wouldn it? declared other enterprise as well, in terms of political alms and needs.
fused to cash the checks. But with resolution, following which it was States in their struggle for a decent life. The Latin American for a pension and then takes anOtto Popovitch, President of This is a fact of primary importance, one sometimes overthe aid of Local 41 of Kansas City, passed. The Stalinists failed to peoples are the chief allies of the workers of the United States the cash was secured and the open their mouths on this ques other nine or ten weeks before the Jamalea Unemployed looked even by ourselves. We must take care never to regard League.
our publications as simply commercial or literary or cultural strikers aided in time.
in the common struggle. The fate of the workers here is insep any action is taken. In the meantion.
time these workers may be The relief oficials have turned institutions.
Deny Strikers Relief arably bound up with the struggle of the Latin American peoples Whereas, the oppression and evicted or have their credit off the heat in the bureaus Magaret, local welfare head and dispossession of the entire Jewish Our publications are above all political weapons and in for freedom, against the imperialist yoke.
stopped in the grocery stores locked the fire exits and wash the final analysis they are perhaps our strongest and most brother in law of the ringleader of population of Germany, compris We must expose relentlessly, day in and day out, the mon Several such cases already exist rooms, and have refused to allow the truck operators, has refused ing over half a million men, wodecisive weapons. They bind us together as a united army: Even the Governor of New Jer they strike our hardest blows; they are our daily and neverstrous hypocrisy whereby Roosevelt and Hull, with the aid of food to be sent into the strikers.
alt relief to strikers on their fami men and chidren, has shocked tiring organizers.
Hes, disregarding the ruling of the the whole civilized world; sey is upset about it and has a picket line has been thrown their liberal and reformist and Stalinist allies, strive through such written a frantie but futile letter around both bureaus. in Jamaica, That is why the project for a twice weekly APPEAL is for county attorney that the families projects as the Lima Conference to enlist the Latin American Long Island and on West 16th The resolution follows: to the smiling begging for are entitled to relief.
us, modest as the action may seem in the light of the world peoples as pawns of Yankee Imperialism in its world contest with Whereas, this terrible reversion some assistance in order that the Street in New York City.
crisis, an event of the first political magnitude. To carry it out On any pretext the police carry to the Dark Ages and barbarism The parents have decided to its imperialist challengers state may escape the responsibiliout mass arrests; one pretext was successfully means to take a major political step forward, to turn their children over to the ty for these old workers.
enter an altogether new stage in political development.
the shooting of a union (Continued on Page 3)
We must join forces with the Latin American peoples on the children aid societies while they This step we must all understand, in turn, as only the Seabs and strikebreakers go The Buck Is Passed basis of the sole progressive perspective, the sole effective proremain on strike, so that the Turn to page three for the about openly armed.
prologue to the crucial test that we must place resolutely in In New York City that famous children will get food. It costs gram: the struggle against the world imperialist system as a whole, second installment of a new the close future: the advance to fighting daily.
Back to work movements, incit friend of labor. Mayor the city 50 a week to provide Forward, then, to the twice weekly APPEAL, on the road ing farmers against the strike and above all the struggle against United States imperialism, the series of articles: How Shall Guardia. kicks the whole ques. home relief for a child, but it to the daily!
every conceivable device has been We Fight Anti Semitism, by main and direct enemy of the masses of the two Americas. Continued on Page 2) costs the Society 50 per week Continued on Page 2)
Felix Morrow Jobless Occupy Relief Bureaus; Demand Food for Children the creation and destruction of locai governments, armed inter WPA SLASHED FDR XMAS GIFT TOLEDO CIO ASKS OPEN DOOR FOR JEWISH REFUGEES berater Burnham Sees Long Step Forward in Twice Weekly man!