BourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLiberalismMarxMarxismMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers Party

By FELIX MORROW INQUIRY SHOWS SYSTEM HALTED and GERMAN REFUGEE national minorities, the Jews have no national soil under their the best organized expression of this movement: We are Ger. Continued from page It may be that the only thing left for us to do is to die feet anywhere. The Irish are a majority in Ireland, the Croats mans in everything, in hopes, beliefs, language and outlook; With this established, the Wall with as much dignity and nobility as we can muster. Sometimes in Croatia, etc. but the Jews nowhere. In Palestine the 400, 000 Also Solidarizes we are merely of the Judaic religion as some Germans are Cath Street community promised full think we shall end up like those Jewish communities in Poland Jews are a beleaguered garrison, surrounded by some 50 million olics, others Lutheran, etc. Such was the outlook, throughout ald, and sent their specialist, Dr.
With French in the Sixteenth Century, for whom there was no other way out, Arab speaking Moslems of the Near East. What follows? No most of the Nineteenth century, of Western European Jewry Street, to function as a research Workrs except to meet death steadfastly, with the words of Kiddush large section of Jewry has the conviction, intellectual or emo and with it of great influxes into America from Eastern Europe. economist for the committee.
Hashem on their lips.
tional, that Jewry can prevail against its enemies. terrible To the assimilationist leaders of the generation of 1848, the In his preliminary statement, The speaker was a Jewish business man in a mid Western (Special to Socialist Appeal)
fact. process opened up for Jewish integration into modern capitalist Chairman Mahoney again inalated that the committee would folHOUSTON, Texas, Dec. commercial city. We had been discussing the virulent antistate society seemed a process which would continue ever upward.
Contrast the history of Jewish resistance to anti Semitism low no personal, partisan or facHouston labor today again proved Semitism that has been growing beneath the surface in cities with the history of the resistance of almost any other national like Seattle, Des Moines, Portland, Minneapolis the typical But even in those halycon years they could not exorcise from tional program. in other words, that it is not only in the forefront that its object was only to try to of all Southern labor but that it American city outside the mass production centers. We agreed minority against its oppressors, and the difference stands out in their pleasant homes the spectre of Jewish persecution, which help business to find way to ranks among the first of Amer.
on the extent of this anti Semitic growth. But why it was growing, bold relief. Think of the almost numberless revolts of the raged unabated in Eastern Europe, where capitalist development incrense profits, and not in the ican trade unions in progressive Irish against Britain, a history studded with the martyrs. the took place in Russia and the Balkans, in most of the Austro least to investigate the fundaaction. In splendid demonstrawhy it was closer to the surface than ever before, what to do Irish terrorists who gave vent, in this desperate and futile way, Hungarian empire not in the democratic forms of earlier mental diseases of the profit wysabout it on these fundamental questions my host and were tion of international solidarity to the Irish aspirations for freedom. Think, too, of the veneration countries, but tied up with the most reactionary elements of the tem itself. Nevertheless, in spite poles apart.
the Harris County Council of this purpose, Senator Mahonunanimously adopted resolutions As my host leaned back in his easy chair, in his more in which the Irish held the martyrs. Woe to the Philistine who past. Jewish persecution in Eastern Europe was revealing, already at its meeting here today calling ey cannot prevent the facts from than comfortable private home, his posture of gentle resignation expressed disapproval of their deeds.
in the Nineteenth century, that the mere development of capital speaking for themselves.
upon the President and consed recalled to me an incident some years ago in a Pennsylvania But among the Jews, far more persecuted than most other ism was not going to guarantee a continuous liberation of governEconomy in Decay to open the doors of the mental treatment of Jewry. And in the rest of the capitalist world, minorities, such martyrs have been almost non existent. Who The three first days were given States to all refugees, and declar town. The Coal Iron cossacks were smashing a coal strike.
over to the testimony of three ing support of the fight of the had come to a liberal businessman for help in organizing aid too, assimilationism soon demonstrated its extreme limits. The can recall the predecessor of Hershel Grynszpan? And how witnesses: Dr. Isador Lubin, FedFrench workers and pledging evfor the miners. In our conversation my host identified himself Jews speak out to defend his deed? It remained for the liberals very birthplace of assimilationism, Germany, became toward the eral Commissioner of Labor Stacry assistance possible.
and the labor movement to organize his defense. The argument close of the Nineteenth Century, the birthplace of modern antis with the oppressed strikers; but the proposals brought from the tistics; Leon Henderson, executive The resolutions were presented strike committee, he rejected: visionary, impractical, etc. etc.
that it is better for the Jews to remain in the background in the Semitism. The process of liberalization did not continue forward secretary of the committee; and by steel worker delegates and Dr. Thorp. The mass of statistics What then? asked. Cheerfully philosophical, he replied: indefinitely. For, scarcely grown to manhood, capitalism began supported by representatives from defense is an argument which would never occur to the Irish, and charts presented by each of the oil workers, longshoremen, Maybe the only thing left for us is to go down underneath the Croatian, Macedonian societies which, whenever the need arises, to decay, and with it decayed the democracy which capitalism the three united in painting a sinclothing workers, semen reaction. The spirit of intolerance may prove too much for us.
had created in its youth.
spring to the defense of their Grynszpans. That argument is gle picture that of an economy marine engineers.
THE DECAY OF ASSIMILATIONISM simply another expression of the defeatism which pervades which, after advancing fitfully The posture of neither businessman could really be taken The resolutions follow and jerkily up to the year 1929 Jewry.
With the first signs of decay within capitalism, the assimseriously. Their expression of defeatism was merely their genteel has since that date collapsed into Resolution on Nazl Persecutions How to overcome the sense of isolation which underlies this way of refusing to go on the firing line. The fact was that, a state of decay from which there of Minorities ilationist movement began to lose its progressive character. It defeatism? This, in essence, has been the problem of Jewry in is no chance of arousing it.
Whereas, the persecutions and whatever happened to the strike, the Pennsylvania liberal would finally ossified into the repulsive Philistinism of the contempor No observer can overlook it, the barbarous oppression of the the modern world.
go on living, not quite as before he was known as a friend ary Reform Temple. No discriminating and thoughtful jew, racial and political minorities in sald witness Henderson, nor of the miners, and smashing of the strike would cause timid Two main solutions have been proposed by Jewish leader growing up after the generation of 48 had opened the doors to believe other than that as Germany and other European countries has aroused the symassociates to loosen their ties with him, might lose him some ship during the last century. The first solution pursued was the general community and modern culture, could look upon the things now stand our growth assimilationism and, when that showed its limits, there arose pathy of almost the entire nation, business. but still live comfortably. My Jewish host was exfurther fruits of assimilationism as a way of life.
has stopped.
Dr. Lubin discussed the proband pressing in very clegant language the simple fact that his life the proposed solution of Zionism.
What were the latter fruits of assimilationism, once it had lem of national Income, a term Whereas, liberal and progres was far removed from the workers and lower middle class who broken down the doors of the ghetto? An assertive and noisy which changes its meaning with sive organizations in the THE ROAD OF ASSIMILATIONISM made up the majority of the Jewish community and that his patriotism, a Philistine conformism to the ruling ideas and customs each speaker, but which apparenthave volced these sentiments, esIn the fully developed form in which it flourished in the separation from them unconsciously led him to hope that some. that is to say, to the ideas and customs laid down by the ly refers most of the time to the pecially the Congress for Industrial Organization at the Pitts how, some way, he would share only partially any fate that Nineteenth century, the doctrine of assimilationism is no longer ruling class in Western Europe and America and the utterly output of goods and services. He total price value of the national burgh convention against Naxiam might befall them.
fashionable. Hitler has put a rude end to it! Nevertheless, it still meager and pseudo Protestant religion, if one could call it a showed that, taking 1929 as a and political persecution, and Fortunately, the Pennsylvania miners did not share my exists, and its present half hidden forms are actually far more religion, of Reform Judaism.
norm (during which year there Whereas, the workers of Houshost philosophical pessimism, and fought their way through to repulsive than its earlier explicit form.
To say, we are Germans (or Americans, etc. in every ton heartily endorse these expreswas still a completely inadequate standard of living for a good half The fact is that assimilationism, in the first half of the victory, thereby preserving one of the fortresses from which the sions and actions but feel it necesthing in 1848, in the lusty manhood of capitalism, meant to be of the population. there had been sary to do much more than this labor movement was to advance with such giant strides in 1933.
Nineteenth century, played a progressive role. The era of democ for progress, for democracy, for freedom of culture. To say, during the past nine years a total on behalf of our brutalized and Unfortunately, however, my Jewish host pessimism approxim racy opened up by the French Revolution found the Jews a we are Germans (or Americans, etc. in everything in 1914 drop of 133 billiona in national oppressed brothers and sisters of Sated the general mood of the Jewish masses.
semi caste, pursuing the occupations to which they had been and thereafter meant to be for the imperialist war, to make jingo income, which figure would rise Germany and other foreign lands to 225 billions it calculated on Now therefore be It resolved, by DEFEATISM PARALYZES JEWRY limited by medieval society and looking upon themselves as a istic speeches and oppose radicalism, to join the Elks and Masons the price levels of each year inthe Harris County Industrial Unrace nation destined to remain separated from the general com and the Rotary Club in short, to become loyal vassals of the volved instead of the 1929 price ion Council that we call upon the Yes, a dangerous mood of defeatism is current in American munity life. Capitalism, youthful, progressive, with a world to ruling powers.
President of the United States Jewry. That defeatism must be burned out at its roots, for it is conquer, in its upward course provided hospitable room for all Assimilationism revealed itself as assimilation to the bour. This colossal sum, translated the Congress and on the paralyzing any serious and effective participation of Jewry in the talents to develop; the first, progressive period of the develop geois state. Body and sold, the assimiliationists, with the Jewish into human terms, representa Bureau of Immigration to open fight against anti Semitism. But to replace that defeatism by a ment of the bourgeois state therefore resulted in a process of bankers and industrialists at their head, had delivered themselves the misery, hunger and starvathe doors of this country to these tlon by which the people of the people and thus make known and courageous outlook requires, first, that the roots of that defeatism liberalism toward the Jews. For a time and in those countries in up to capitalist reactoin.
country are paying for the conreaffirm the fact that our tradi be understood.
which capitalism early freed itself of feudal ties and created a This ugly spectacle of assimilationism is not the less retinuance of capitalism.
tions of Liberty, Justice and re Jewish workers, intellectuals, most professionals and busi modern bourgeois state, the Jew was afforded the opportunity pellent because, in the face of the indubitable growth of antiIncomes Under 1250 ligious and political asylum are nessmen cannot afford the luxury of upper class philosophical to become, to a considerable extent, a political equal, to live Semitism, assimilationism is little defended as a rounded doc.
Dr. Lubin showed that per available to these suffering unpessimism. For if we fail to find a way out, on our backs will where he pleased and pursue any occupation he choose. The cent of the families of the counfortunates.
trine. No longer an ideal, assimilationism is all the more a try are receiving total family Copies of this resolution to be fall the whips of the Fascist thugs who, even today, are through assimilationist movement sought to utilize these new opportun practice. It has deep roots in the Jewish bourgeoisie desire (and Incomes, from all sources, of sent at once to Pres. Roosevelt, out America preparing for a totalitarian regime.
ities to the fullest extent.
interest to conform to the rules laid down by the buorgeoisie as less than 1, 250, and that only the Texas Congressmen and Sen Certainly one basic factor creating the sense of impotence To do so required that the Jews divest themselves of any a whole, and the wealthy Jews drag along in their wake a large 13 per cent resolve more than ators, to the Immigration au which pervades American Jewry is the fact that, unlike all other 2, 500. He also related the low thorities and to the national of peculiar status as jews. Reform Judaism, born in Germany, was part of the Jewish population.
Incomes to the inability to buy fices of the as well as to even those foods necessary to the labor and daily press.
Dr. Thorp, though anxious as Resolution of Support to the direct spokesman for Wall Street French Workers to obscure the problem of control WR Whereas, the vallant men and of economy, and to this end women of the French working denying that many monopolles The Socialist Party in New Thomas group.
classes are waging a determined exist in this country in the sense struggle in defense of thelr living York State will take a referen. second element of the deal LADOR NEW YORK, Nov. 30. termined British foreign policy in an entire feld, had, however, to of a single company monopolizing standards and for their civildum vote on December 16 18 on with the was indicated by FASCIS capacity crowd at Irving Plaza the recent period and was the make clear how a small group of rights, and proposal submitted by the State Thomas at the membership meetheard James, noted Brit. fundamental explanation, James giant corporations, Integrated Whereas, the efforts of the 200 Committee which means virtual ing when he stated that there ish author, describe the death Mussolini, Japan and Hitler. The ate nearly every line of producstated, for the capitulations to was no intention of forming a families of that country are fun liquidation of that party as a poCAPITALISM through trade Agreements, dominSocialist caucus inside the damentally the same as the efforts litical organization.
agonies of the British Empire, unity of the reary moveof the 60 American Families to The effect of this proposal, upon entry that is, of the Scores of New York Negroes ment in Great tion. single company controls smash tabor and to bring us all which was reported to a members. exercising control over the with the the entire output of aluminum; turned out to listen to one of the discontented colonials in the emunder the vicious heel of fascist ship meeting on November 15 by political actions of its members.
three companies, 86 per cent of Norman Thomas, would be the other details of the sale of the outstanding lecturers of their pire would soon crash the entire automobiles; three companies, 90 oppression and a worsened pov.
sending of the membership to the bureaucrats edifice of cruelty and exploitation race, in his first public appear to the ground. James concluded per cent of the Industry: four erty, and ance in the United States.
companies, 78 per cent of copper: Whereas, the concern of the in a body into the American are not known, since no full re Labor Party, while a paper or port on these secret negotiations For almost an hour and a half The largest part of the audi three companies, 60. per cent of workers and the poor farmers of James turned the spotlight on ence remained for almost two steel; two companies, 17 per cent other lands is the concern of the sanization retaining the name of has ever been made to the memworkers of Texas ar injury to the Socialist Party would remain bership the hypocrisy of the British hours after the lecture plying of beef products, etc. All of these on the outside for educational Thomas himself has on more democrats, exposing the Inhu James with literally dozens of companies, though Thorp one is an Injury to all purposes. The actual motion is than one occasion hinted at the man oppression of millions of questions. The high point of the omitted mention of the fact, are Now therefore be it resolved, purposely worded more ambigu possibility that the would brown, black and yellow colonials discussion period was a speech of course themselves controlled in the far flung empire. This op hy leading representative of through the great banking houses, Union Council make known its from the discussion now going on Educational League inside the Socialist Workers Party members and sympathizers picketing in pression, James analyzed, had Indian people in this country protest against the strike break in the ranks of the The Big Employers ALP. There is also a precedent recent united front demonstration at New York Nazi consulate to given rise to seething ferment His speech, discussing conditions One tenth of one per cent of the ing puppet premier and the efParty Disintegrating protest anti Semitie pogroms.
in this regard: when the deepamong the natives under British in India and objectives of the In nation corporations, according forts he and his class are making At the membership meeting dyed right wingers of the old domination, who were awaiting dian nationallat movement, signito Dr. Thorp figures, employ 12. to destroy the labor movement in Thomas based his case, as did Guard split from the Socialist with the congressional labor marty the facts he had gathered only a critical moment to finish Red complete agreement with the per cent of the workers at the France, and the speakers who followed him, Party and formed their People haters resulted in his expulsion in Spain as the party represen with British rule forever. remarks made by James on India other end of the scale, 76 per cent Be it further resolved, that the on the deplorable state of the Party in 1986, they were forced by the City Committee by a vote tative.
This ever present fear has del and the British Erapire.
of employers the little business delegates to this Counci party. Discussing the de to change their organization to of 31 14. Pecullarly enough, al The right wingers yelled for men having from one to nine declare our firm solidarity with bacle in the elections, Thomas Social Democratic Federation most all of the 14 were Clarity. Baron expulsion, therefore, baworkers employ total of only the French workmen in their complained that the vote condition for their entry into ites, while the right wing in gensically because he violated the 11 per cent.
herolo fight and pledge our every has been going over to the the eral supported his expulsion! The cowardly line of the leaders, 49 Dr. Thorp charts also indieffort to assist them in any way and warned that they could not go The Clarity group in the reasons for this line up are Ilu His Clarity defenders opposed cated profoundly important shifts on as they were, with ideas incorrigible centrists and vacilla minating.
his expulsion on the ground that in the relative weight of different POBe It further resolved, that com embalmed, running campaign tors, are, of course, supporting Baron accused the entire party this would be too harsh treatfelds in the total of national inles of this resolution be sent to after campaign and getting no the State Committee motion, leadership of suppressing his ar ment in view of the lentency that come. Agriculture, which in 1919the leaders of the and to where. There has also been a from a different point of view, ticles exposing the criminal ac had been shown to David Lasser FEW SPECIALS 21 accounted for 14. per cent, In leaders of the o. and to the sharp organizational decline in as its leader, Herbert Zem, stated tivities of the Stalinists in Spain, and Joe Lash, two Stalinist 1934 37 was reduced to per labor and daily press.
the recent period. Upstate the at the membership meeting the murder of ists, etc. stooges formerly in the right wing CASE OF LEON TROTSKY cent. The only major rise was in Youth Oppose Deal In one case, he pointed out to of the There were only a CAPITAL AND OTHER ESSAYS. Marx the percentage allotted to govLEHIGH UNEMPLOYED peared, to the point where the But the city convention of the the City Committee, an article few delegates who knew enough ESSAYS ON LIFE. Tolstoi ernment, which was per cent in projected State Convention has Socialist youth, meeting at about for the Socialist Call was already to condemn the rotten principles 1919 21, and by 1935 37 had risen SPEAK OUT been given up by combining it the same time passed a resolu set up in type when the National of both the expellers and the ex INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHO ANALYSIS. Freud to 15. per cent. This revealing ALLENTOWN, Pa. The Le with the City Convention. The tion condemning the new propo Action Committee of the Party pelled.
WRITINGS OF THOMAS PAINE Agure is sufficient by itself to lay the city snl by an overwhelming vote. ordered it suppressed. The reason THE WEB OF THOUGHT AND ACTION high County Unemployed League three Jewish branches Levy bare the immense absurdity of all of Pennsylvania last week adopt have dwindled to one: branches. The whole fair is being rushed for this attitude, he suld, was remnants of laissez faire conceped the following resolution: are not meeting, and speakers at through with only the barest ob that the leadership had laid down tions and at the same time to exA PICTURE OF WORLD ECONOMIC CONDITIONS IN the membership meeting com servance of the formalities. The the policy of soft peddling all press the complete inability of the Whereas, the mass persecution plained that members are drop date for voting was set at only criticism of the Spanish govern 116 University PL.
THE SUMMER OF 1929 virile, vigorous. private in Europe and the Nazi terror ping out in large numbers. The one month after the decision to ment and of the Spanish Stalagainst the Jews demand immedi motion was presented to the hold the referendum was taken, Inists.
CALENDAR OF LABOR PROTECTION IN SOVIET RUSSIA industry to carry ate and concrete action to ald all membership meeting in a back Erch of the three witnesses endTHE SAAR STRUGGLE. Florinsky and the membership received the WEEKLY EVENTS Baron said that the state of victims, Monday, Dec, 12th at P.
od up with theory to explain ground of defeatism and despair. formulated motion and accom mind in which he took his story NEGRO LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES. Wesley Therefore, the collapse and provide a remthe Lehigh Terms of the Deal WIDICK. The Trade panying statements only last to the Dies Committee was one THE BIRTH OF THE NATION. Marcu edy. It would really be kinder to County Unemployed Leagues of The formal statement of the Wednesday (December Be of desperation because the Unions and Politics.
CAESAR MANTLE. Mainzer pass over the theories in silence.
Pennsylvania call upon the Presi. State Committee in support of its tween this date and the termina leadership had prevented him Monday, Dec. 12th at 8:15 JACK WEBER The Internal Dr. Lubin felt that the 51 per cent dent and Congress of the United plan speaks throughout in terms tion of the vote are only nine or from making publle through the SPECIAL. THE TRAGEDY OF THE CHINESE REVOLUof the low Income families were Situation in the Soviet Union.
States to restore the right of asy. of the entry of the party into the ten days; there are no discussion TION, by Harold Isaacs 00. with an intro not getting enough money: that lum and to permit the entry of not merely of members. bulletins.
Tuesday, Dec. 18th at PM BOUND VOLUMES OF duction by Leon Trotsky.
his theory was WRIGHT Fundamentals re statement the persecuted and oppressed into And by the conditions of this Another question agitating the SOCIALIST APPEAL 1937 of Marxism.
of the fact. He said that if each this country by the immediate entry, the will be permit recently has been the case BLACK JACOBINS, by James (author of of these familles received even lifting of all restrictions and quoted to run no independent Social of Sam Baron, official party repTuesday, Dec. 18th at 8:45 Now Available WORLD REVOLUTION. 75. 25 more a day, Industry would ta limitations, 1st candidates, even or rather es resentative to Spain last year, JAMES BURNHAM The Price 00.
pecially in cases where the LP who recently testified before the again boom. apparently forget. including mailing coat)
Transition Program of the LABOR BOOK SHOP endorses capitalist politicians. It red baiting Dies Committee on Fourth International and the ting that under the profit system Have a neatly bound volume Subscribe to Slogan for the Labor Party.
that 25 would merely be added is an open secret that this is part Stalinist activities Spain.
of your Appeal!
28 East 12th Street, New York City to the price of goods and services, of the price demanded by the Baron violation of clementary Ready for immediate dellvery.
Admission. twenty five cents leaving things exactly where they Socialist Appeal for its deal with the class principles in collaborating per lecture are.
Socialist Party Prepares To Liquidate Into James Addresses Big Meeting in New York Roald em HITLER ta Refugees CLEARANCE SALE MARXIST SCHOOL RATIONALIZATION OF GERMAN INDUSTRY 1931 we in