CapitalismFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

Paper Will Wield Double Strength, Says Shachtman Twice Weekly Appeal Drive Gets Off to Flying Start Socialist Appeal FRENCH STRIKESGO ON Can AID TO REFUGEES Daladier Menace In France Halt FRENCH WORKERS STRIKE AGAINST MASS REPRISALS class.
Toledo Goes Over the Top In First Weekof Camnaign his, Open the Doors To Europe By MAX SHACHTMAN It is not so much that we WANT a TwiceWeekly SOCIALIST Refugees!
APPEAL Our problem is that we MUST Issile our APPEAL at least Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International twice as frequently as at present.
Every time we have been confronted with an important issue, we have found that weekly publication Is Insufficlent. In the big New York hotel strike a few years ago, in the period of the rise VOL. II No. 53 Saturday, December 10, 1938 375 54 per copy to power of Hitler, and more recently in connection with the Munich events, we found ourselves compelled to make the exceptional sacrifice demanded by the publication of the APPEAL three times a week.
Each time we took this step. It was greeted with the most gratifying enthusiasm, We have no doubt that our plan to issue the APPEAL REGU LARLY two times a week will receive the same enthusiastle response.
Events no longer come slowly! They follow, one on the heels of the other, at terrifle speed. Munich Ozechoslovakia the storm of Jew balting and the refugees problem the French general strike and the coming decisive struggle in that country. These are only a few of the world shaking events that have fixed the atten tion of the masses In recent weeks alone. The weeks and months to come will not produce less of them but, if anything, more.
We simply MUST be in a position to react more often to these events. At least twice as often as we can now with a weekly APPEAL We must be in a position to give the news not to be found Anywhere else in more up to date style.
Committee Issues Daladier Uses Navy We must be in a position to present our views and analyses twice as often as we can now.
Special Appeal The threat of Fascism in France can and must be powers, and less than four months ago agreed to his To Break Havre Reaction everywhere is on a forced march It is up to us to increase our own speed of march.
For Workers crushed by the united action of the French working program for abrogating the 40 hour week!
Walkout No longer only once a week but twice a week must we strike Daladier is the product of the People Front!
our blows. Christmas Fund appeal, to Daladier is now openly preparing to establish a Fascism is the monster produced by the class collabora Broken into scattered detachOn to the triumphant conclusion of our campaign for the aid working class victims of fasTwice Weekly SOCIALIST APPEAL the next big step towards tionist union sponsored by Jouhaux, Thorez, Blum ments by the outright treachery totalitarian regime. He is using the army and navy eism, was issued this week by the our daily paper!
American Fund for Political Pris to break strikes. He is filling jails with strikers and Co. That is the lesson that stares the French working and cowardice of the union bu Redouble your efforts, redouble your sacrifices, so that we oners and Refugees.
strike leaders. Behind mealy mouthed promises of con class in the face today.
reaucrats and the Socialist and can redouble our APPEAL!
Signed by Professor Sidney ciliation and appeasement he is preparing the regime And that lesson learned can and must be made this week fought lockouts, wholeHook as chairman, and James Stalinist leaders, French workers Farrell as treasurer, the appeal of concentration camps and open mass repression. into a new source of hope and the rallying of the masses sale dismissals, repudiation of was sent out by the American Fund Christmas Campaign Com Following the derailment of the general strikearound a new banner of struggle to smash the Fascist contracts, and direct police represthreat while there is still time.
mittee to various working class thanks to the feebleness and treachery of the union sion following the derailed genorganizations and thousands of leaders, of Jouhaux, of the Socialist and Stalinist profound responsibility rests upon the Workers eral strike of last Wednesday Internationalist Party (P. French section of the bureaucrats the French bosses have opened a deliberPremier Edouard DaladierFor those unable to donato We re off to a flying start!
their own money, certificates were ate, vicious drive against the workers through mass Fourth International, and upon the the only yesterday the hero of the The Toledo Branch was first to go over the top, ful enclosed, totalling in face lockouts and dismissals and wholesale tearing up of Workers and Peasants Socialist Party at this critical People Front issued solemn filling its quota for a 100 percent showing in the first value, for sale to others, to nesure hour. It is their task to forge a new fighting united pronouncements about conciliacontracts.
week. Marston Mills, Mass. rang the bell right after anti fascist refugees.
The French workers are ready and straining to fight front of the working class in the common struggle tion and at the same time called Text of Appeal them. For these branches the quotas are only the starting out the navy to break a strike of against Fascism.
this boss offensive with an offensive of their own. They All funds are to be sent to the points!
American Fund for Political Pris showed that last Wednesday when 2, 000, 000 of them Daladier must be given blow for blow. The united 5, 000 seamen at Le Havre.
The day after the general strike Total received in the first week of the drive is 306. 70, oners and Refugees, 100 Filth laid down tools despite the threats of the government front of capitalist reaction must and can be met by hundreds of thousands of workers Avenue, New York City.
or 10 percent of our goal.
were locked out by the bosses who the gnarled fist of the united front of the working class.
and the hamstringing restrictions placed upon them by The text of the appeal reads as Judging by the letters we have been receiving, we follows: This means a fighting, revolutionary program: declared that existing collective their own leaders.
contracts had been voided by the will have no difficulty whatsoever going over the top. Thousands upon thousands of CREATION OF WORKERS COMMITTEES Here are the few extracts which space in this column refugees from Fasciamare hun hitting back as best they could against the lockouts They showed it again after the general strike by walkout. The government insisted OF ACTION IN EVERY FACTORY, TOWN, AND only 70, 000 were affected by and hopeless this INDUSTRY, AS THE BASIS FOR COUNCILS OF but the General Confederation of permits. Next week we will have some more.
Christmas and dismissals and arrests. of Yellow Springs writes believe THE WORKERS, PEASANTS, and SOLDIERS THE Labor said that 1, 500, 000 workers Although an ocean lies bewere being victimized in this SOVIETS!
can undertake to deliver my quota within the sixty tween, the American Fund bridges Forced to fight isolated battles, the workers in manner. The workers were told days, though it will not come easily.
the miles between you and them metal plants, in mines, and in the ports, struck boldly IMMEDIATE CREATION OF ARMED they would have to apply for their 3000 The American Fund has rescued of New Hampshire says. Enclosed is once more and are today meeting the vicious advance WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS TO PROTECT jobs all over again under new conditions. Militants were weeded first payment on my quota. will send al THE WORKERS ORGANIZATIONS FROM THE out and the remaining progresof Fascist reaction by attempting to carry on the strug.
12700 Turn to page three for the month until my 10 pledge is paid, plus a min first Installment of a new series gle with their own forces, their own means, their own FASCIST GANGS AND DALADIER POLICE AND sive features of the old contracts imum of a month beginning January.
of articles: How Shall We weapons.
were abolished in the re hiring BLOODHOUNDS 2400 arrangements.
Lexington, Ky. weekly paper cannot keep Fight Anti Semitism, by Felix That struggle CAN be made national in scope. GENERALIZATION OF THE STRIKES New Strikes Start pace with events as they are moving today. The Morrow.
Under the banner of the direct anti Fascist struggle UNDER THE SLOGAN OF OVERTHROWING In the public services thousands twice weekly will give us a chance to strike when 2100 millions can be brought to their feet again if they are numerous exiles and their famiTHE DALADIER GOVERNMENT AND ESTABwho struck in defiance of the gov.
the iron is hot. will have my quota completed by arnment requisition orders were lies from Nazi terror and from given the revolutionary leadership that alone makes LISHING WORKERS AND PEASANTS GOV. discharged and menaced with the middle of January (We are sure you will. 1600 the spectre of starvatiori, secured ERNMENT Local Boston Secretary that struggle possible.
Boston accepts its visas and legal counsel, and helppenal sanctions. It was this action There is still time! There is still hope of stopping lenciennes in the North among quota. We will raise it. Enclosed find the first It is treachery to lie down and play dead, as Joued transport them to places of 1500 payment. Boston takes its promises seriously, and asylum.
haux and the Socialist Blum are now doing. It is worse the Fascist offensive in Europe dead in its tracks! It the metal workers and coal Alds Worker Victims the word of the Boston comrades is as good as than treachery to jump up and down claiming victories is up to the revolutionary militants in the French miners, and seamen at St. Nazaire 1200 While the American Fund aids cash. all anti fascist refugees, it conin the face of setbacks and threatened defeats, as the and Le Havre where the workers working class and to them it is the duty of workers Fred of the Detroit Branch Last night at tied up the super liner Normandie centrates upon relief to the work Stalinists are doing. These gentlemen lived together in in this country and throughout the world to extend and were joined by the crews of the business meeting pledges were taken for the 900 ing class victims of Fascism. the People Front with Daladier for two years. They swift and effective moral and material support. The other vessels in the port.
two a week Appeal. was put in charge of colThese are the most valiant fight nursed him back to political strength and only eight forces are there. With a will to struggle, victory can The trade union bureaucracy, lecting the pledges. We feel certain that we can 600 represented by Leon Jouhaux, est sufferers from it. They are the months ago themselves voted to give him extraordinary be won!
head of the labor confederation make good. George Clarke says this money is poorest, the most needy, without and his executive committee, met as good as in our bank. Detroit never fails.
300 Influential or wealthy connections on Monday and amid much loud George ought to know. abroad. If the family next door were Coller of Cleveland Our branch is planning of recovery began to bent a full starving, evicted and robbed of two projects for the Twice a week Appeal (And retreat. The announces, their possessions, you would not said a communique, that it is good projects they are, too! showing of the hesitate to help them. REMEMready to undertake any discusfilm Tsar to Lenin and a Banquet. This, of BER THESE REFUGEES THIS sions capable of ending current course, is in addition to the pledges from the individual members CHRISTMAS! Contribute to the conflicts. Jouha! nounced he favored revision of the genof the branch. Is that correct, Cleveland. The enclosed certificates total Uses Responsibility Below 1200 a Year; Industry StagAnd Marjorie a very splendid sympathizer of ours writes eral strike tactie. 00. If you cannot afford to give Boss Press Wants Enclosed find This is my contribution toward the 3, 000 fund the full amount, sell them to your Letter To Penalize Blum on the Rump nates; Few Control Wealth Stiff Jail Leon Blum beat even hastler for expansion of the paper. hope the campaign goes over the top friends and send us the proceeds. Militants Terms Opening its public hearings after six months of preparations, retreat from his pitiable attempt ahead of time and that in the near future the Socialist Appeal can be your gift will give life, hope and the Temporary National Economic Committee, known popularly as to convoke what looked like a issued daily. That the spirit! WANTED: more sympathizers like secuted people on earth. DETROIT, Mich. Since the fa. the monopoly committee, made clear in the three days of pro SAN FRANCISCO Jack Cope. deflance of Daladier. rump session of parliament in Marjorie. menea Woyte the main popxecutive logue to the investigation proper what will be the sum and sub socialist Workers Party, and John over when he hastened to an WORKERS DEMAND ASYLUM Workers clving General Motors and the utter inability of the spokesmen for capitalism, whether of the Socialist Party, were ar nounce that he had intended to do nothing but have the deputies NEW YORK The Downtown authority to discipiine workers government or business, to propose any solution whatever. rested here November 30 for plck ask Daladier to convoke Parliaand Lower East Side branches of for violation of contracts, every The committee, consisting of Quota Pald Percent the Socialist Workers Party held plant has had its penalties six members of Congress and six roaring, old fashtoned trust bust protest against Daladier attack ready and anxious to push home Toledo, Ohio 20. 00 20. 00 100 Marston Mills, Mass 00 support of the demand to open what to expect if they offend the ments, and headed by Senator 1419 dispelled by the committee witnessed by a large gathering of ary field, did call Parliament for Punta Gorda, Fla 5, 00 00 40 the doors to refugees from Nazi company. Mahoney of Wyoming, was cre members themselves. They ex workers who responded to the call this Thursday and even the faint Durham, 00 Germany. John Wright spoke. The most infamous of these ated through an appropriation of plained that they wanted to en of both parties to show their solNew York City 1, 050, 00 249. 20 in English and Sylvia Bleaker in penalties were those handed out 500, 000 by the last session of sage in a cooperative undertak idarity with the working class of breeze that was there dropped out of Blum feebly rigged salls.
Yellow Springs, Ohio 00 Yiddish to a gathering of about to members of the Fisher Pontiac Congress.
ing. to indulge in no recrimina France.
Meanwhile the Stalinists beat Lynn, Mass.
50. 00 00 Committee where 70 workers at Stuyvesant Casino. Bargaining Wall St. Cooperates tions, and to promote through Both arrested men have been furiously and impotently at the Kansas 10. 00 00 resolution demanding that seven members were penalized, Boston Though the impression was for their work a fuller understanding released on bait. The Civil Liber empty air. They alone pronounced 200. 00 14. 50 Roosevelt let down the bars was four of them fired, for an un some time cultivated that the between government and business. ties Union has volunteered to the general strike a magnificent Minneapolis 500. 00 unanimously passed. Continued on Page 3) committee would conduct a rip. Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
250, 00 o success and even declared that it Cleveland had accomplished its purpose 200. 00 200. 00 0 as the Daily Worker astoundingly St. Paul.
100, 00 announced here.
And what, if you please, was Newark District 100. 00 By ALBERT GOLDMAN to apply to all Latin American ticularly those of the middle west, obtain the active co operation of last analysis American capitalism, this purpose achieved by the disAkron, Ohio.
75. 00 0 The task facing the representa countries, labelled it as such and see no great profits to be reaped the Latin American countries. To in order to compete successfully location and misleadership of the St. Louis, Mo.
75. 00 tives of American imperialism at made it populdnt conditions theists for the right to exploit China. ing more than a willingness to be at cheaper prices. All other meth readiness to fight by answering by fighting the Japanese Imperial be a good neighbor implies noth must be able to sell better goods 2, 000, 000 workers who showed Philadelphia the eighth Pan American Confer Under present San Francisco.
50. 00 ence to be held at Lima, Peru, good reighbor policy demands These mid western capitalists ad friendly and to offer ald in case of ods of conquering the Latin the strike call? It exposed the Youngstown, Ohio 50. 00 beginning on Dec. will be to ex amplification. American imperial vocate an exclusive concentration need. It is more of a passive than American market are subsidiary. reactionary character of DaladAllentown, 25. 00 0 tend the good neighbor polley. ism sees grave possibilities of los upon both American continents. an active attitude. What is re at least for the present, when the ser. Nothing more, nothing less.
Austin, Minn.
20. 00 That polley which consists of the Latin American market as Other capi grou are unaired now, as far as American Ider of annexing Latin America Meanwhile Daladier is going on Detroit.
25. 00 substituting silk sloves for the its own special preserve. And fac willing to surrender the Chinese imperialism is concerned, is an and keeping competitors out by being reactionary without much Fargo, 25. 00 naked fist is the method used by ing a real threat of being deprived market without a struggle. All active union of all Latin Amer force has not been given serious regard for his ex allies of the Rochester, NY 25. 00 U. imperialism to ensure its of the Far East as a market and sections of the capitalist class, ican countries, under its tutelage, consideration. American capital. People Front who placed him New Haven 20. 00 supremlcy in the Latin American fleld for Investment by the vic however, agree that the western to defeat all possible competitors. Ism feels confident of its ability Washington, 20. 00 countries, does not actually begin torious march of the Japanese hemisphere belongs to them. To achieve that active union will to compete with any rival capital and paved the way for his drive in the position he now occuples Oakland, Cal.
15. 00 with the present administration, armles, it is determined to keep Faced with the situation where be the goal of Secretary Hull and ist country.
Quakertown, PA 15. 00 against labor. He has been exWhen Calvin Coolidge sert Dwight the western hemisphere for itself. competing imperialist powers, es his fellow delegates.
San Diego, Cal.
15. 00 Morrow, partner of Morgan, Agreed on Hemisphere Control pecially Germany and Japan, are Obstacles To Overcome The advantage which a totall posed as a defender of the cap Baltimore, Ma.
10. 00 as ambassador to Mexico in 1927, Not that it is reconciled to the making serious Inroads in the tarian capitalist regime has over tallst order. So far nothing has Denver, Colo.
10. 00 0 Certain difficulties must be ov democratic capitalist country is been able to expose Jouhaux, he in fact adopted that policy. loss of China. Certain sections of Latin American market, American ercome by imperialism. It Blum, or Thorez as defenders of (Continued on page 8)
President Roosevelt extended it the American capitalist class, par capitalism finds it necessary to has been pointed out that in the (Continued on page 4) the working class.
GENERAL MOTORS Monopoly Inquiry Shows ANTI DALADIER so se pode LAUNCHES NEW Capitalism at Standstill PICKETS JAILED ATTACK ON UAW Income Of Over Half Nation Families ON WEST COAST Also SCORE BOARD 00 100 00 00 40 23 20 14 10 0 Chicago 0 0 Los Angeles Yankee Imperialism Plays for Big Stakes at Lima 0. 0 0 50. 00 0 0