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SOCIALIST APPEAL DECEMBER 3, 1938 SOCLALIST APPEAL Vol. No. 62 Saturday, December 8, 1988 Published every week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS 8547 Telephone: National Office: Algonquin Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for six months. Foreign: 00 per year. Bundle order cents per copy. Single coples cents.
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Entered a second class matter September 1, 1987, at the post office at New York, New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
o CEC Negroes Underline Hypocrisy of Indignation Over Jews Stalin and Nazi Persecutions The foul rottenness of Stalinism has been able on many, even most, occasions to cover it self with a cloak of hypocrisy and pseudo revolutionary piety. Only occasionally does there arise some imperious issue that snatches the cloak aside and shows the world the full and unspeakable decay that lies beneath.
Never since its beginning fifteen years ago has the meaning of Stalinism been more pitilessly and shamefully revealed than today by its attitude in the face of the Nazi persecutions of the German Jews.
The Soviet Union was founded by the revolutionary workers and peasants as the first great act in the emancipation of all mankind. They built it to be the home and fatherland and hope for the future of the wretched and oppressed of the entire world Today Stalin has turned it into a charnelhouse and prison, barred and bolted at every gate and window There are 700, 000, a mere 700, 000 Jews in Nazi Germany. The Soviet borders bound onesixth of the land surface of the earth, the popu lation on the average more thinly scattered than in any other great power, with countless and unmeasured potential resources of every variety.
If what the hired apologists of the Kremlin say about the Soviet Union is true, is even onetenth true, what conceivable barrier stands in the way of offering refuge to the German Jews within the Soviet Union? How can it possibly be explained that not a single one of the Ger man Jews is admitted, not a single word spoken by Stalin?
This Stalin, the Stalin whose gates are double locked against the anguished outcry of the persecuted German Jews this is the true Stalin. This is what he has done to the Soviet Union.
It would be hypocrisy and demagogy to raise, at this stage, the demand that the Soviet Union be opened to the refugees. The Jews need something more than a change of air from Nazi prisons and torture chambers and concentration camps we know what has happened to the best of the refugees formerly admitted. And we know that Stalin can admit no one who might bring tidings from outside, any more than he can permit anyone to escape.
But we demand of all members of the Com.
munist Party and of all those who perch so complacently among the branches of its peripheral organizations: Answer this question!
Tell us, and sell yourselves: Why do not the German Jews find their infinitely needed refuge within the Soviet Union? Damning Confession appointment of this millionaire Backer of Sweet Land of Liberty everything but labor.
Isn it time that the rank and file of the HOW MUCH Asylum in the 703 DEV MONEY IN took matters in their own hands?
THE BANK Daily Worker Writhes Over Ludlow Victory Knotty Problem Mr. Louis Ludlow, father of the Ludlow war referendum, won re election as Congressman Since November 10th the po realize that there are those from Indiana, hands down. His Democratic fel.
groms have been raging in Ger Jewish refugees who, though many. In the ensuing weeks of fleeing from fascist terror, aro, low world wide campaigners went down to defeat in the protest, practically in their class status and outIndiana Congressional contest.
every country not bound up with look, bourgeols or petty bour Germany has felt impelled to geols, and, consequently, may Ludlow campaigned on one issue: the refermake some gesture at finding a not wish or may not be able to endum. He staked his refuge for the victims. Upon adjust themselves to a Socialposition in Congress on analyels, these gestures turn out ist economy and culture. And, the anti war sentiment of the Indiana votersto be worthless, but they do, of course, everybody realizes and that all.
nevertheless, open the way for a that, particularly in the presserious campaign to open the ent period, with the second imThat should give a pretty good indication of doors of these countries to the perialist world war already where the American people stand on war. They refugees. Every government not raging, the greatest vigilance are dead set against it. It also reveals how little allied with Germany has done so must be observed against the. every government but Stalin s! penetration of carefully planted Roosevelt represents the American people in Why does not the Soviet sples and other fascist agents.
his mammoth army navy building program and Union open its doors to the Alibis for Chamberlain, his plans for continental and world conquest.
refugees! Stalin does not an It is difficult to comment calmswer that question. The silence ly on this swinish Hne. To But if Mr. Ludlow echoes the powerful antiof the tomb surrounds the justify Stalin refusal to offer war feeling extant in this country, he also disKremlin.
refuge to the victims of Fasclat closes the cunning ruses that are being used to But as the weeks pass, and persecution, the contemptible trick the American workers and farmers out of more and more sincere workers, Stalinist hirelings trump up REFUGEES their anti war position and make them flag.
hitherto unquestioning followers series of excuses which can be of Stalinism, now raise this ques picked up and used by the Amerwavers and cannon fodder when the bugles tion, Stalin henchmer outside ican and British capitalists to blow of the are hard put to Justify excluding the refugees Says Ludlow: If am re elected will vote answer this embarrassing ques from the rest of the world. Think tion. So, finally, on November of it! Jerome dares to refuse enevery dollar needed for the defense of our coun 28th, the Daily Worker publishes try into the to victims try, but will not vote to put our boys up a lengthy answer by Je of fascism because among them against the bayonets, poison gas and the aerial rome, entitled The and may be planted fascist agenta!
bombs in any foreign war in which we have the issue of Refugees.
On the same ground, Roosevelt no direct interest.
Jerome Solution Is War! can close the door against even The defense of our country? Whose coun Upon reading that article, how those refugees who could come in ever, one finds not an answer, under the present quota.
try? The pecan pickers of Texas who make a but an evasion of the question.
As for the oh so radical argufew miserable dollars a week? The strikers The main sections of Jerome ment that the Jews are bourmassacred in Chicago infamous Memorial article are devoted to a whining geois or petty bourgeois, the honest Communist worker should ask Day? The Negroes lynched in the South? Or alibi that the Soviet Union was not invited to the Evian Conter himself: Why cannot one sixth of Morgan moneybags and gold inlaid bathence and is not being invited to the earth, populated by 160 miltubs? Whose country shall we defend, Mr. LudA reported Five Power meeting on Russian Revolution, lion people, 20 years after the low?
the refugee question and the completing bold things the Stalinist plenipo. Socialist society. why cannot the construction of the classless And where do the boundaries of this country tentiaries would say at this conend? In Chile, Brazil, South America as your ference if they were invited.
this gigantie society easily assimmuch amended referendum now states? In the These bold things, in sum, Jews?
ilate a few hundred thousand Philippines which after 20 years, a SocialRoosevelt also insists is would be repetition of the Stalinist line for a democratic war hundred thousand non proletarian ist State cannot assimilato a few a boundary of the against fasciam. In Jerome elements and we are talking The people who elected Ludlow don want out the country fast week effee will have more faith in the sin fore Hitler was born: British action to halt, repel, and end the fascism that would mean that Negro press comment through savagery. Colored America din and the Indian Provinces by words: international concerted about penniless Jews fleeing trom any war, here, Bolivia, China or anywhere else.
And they don trust Roosevelt or Congress with those who, while joining in ex cern about brutality and robbery West Indian laborers whenever and thus prevent further perse half of humanity has nothing to this fateful decision.
crimes, are themselves involved less brutality and robbery right square deal from the Secretary of evacuations. There is no other subterfuge. Accepting it on ita But Jerome alibi is the merest Let have a referendum that expresses this in the crime of oppressing the bere at home.
sentimenta way.
referendum as much against Negroes in America.
Isolationist Reaction France, with a bloody chivalry Roosevelt, Ludlow and their demagogue whoops Many Negro papers carried car Much of the Negro comment reminiscent of the days of the by Jerome himself. By which is the doors to the hundreds of These last words were Italicized face value, the question at remains: Why does not Stalin open as it is against war.
toons in which Uncle Sam looks suffers from an Isolationist atti across the globe in Indignation at tude. Typical of some of the Moroccans by trickery and do Anding immediate refuge does not thousands of refugees from fasthe Nazi criminals while beside Negro commentators is this from ception, and exiled their brilliant interest the Stalinists.
cism who are workers, farmers Uncle Sam u lynching is taking the New York Age: When our leader. Abd El Krim on a barren and skilled technicians?
After column upon column of place.
own house is in order, then and island in the Undera oceans along this stuff, however, Jerome is stil Alliance with Hitler The Spanish Government persecution of the And Black America has had serious repercussions within We as a minority group. de tell someone else to put his own of professed equality within the constrained to indicate some an fraud. He dares not and cannot the anarchist) unions and the clares the Chicago Defender, in order. Until such time the Republlo for all Frenchmen, swers to the question: Why does tell the real truth. For, while the (Anarchist Iberian Federation) which leads the the Jewish race. We know the stay out of other nation of polley which crushes aspirations Gemma refugee? noBewildered on the old line of urging the Protests in the ranks against the and embarrassed minor function democracles to make war on the horrors and heartaches suffered ficers. The reactionary implica In her African colonies.
aries are giving all kinds of anC. participation in a bourgeois coalition under the heel of the oppressor. tions of this attitude flow from a What To Be Done!
swers to insistent questioners, fascist powers, Stalin is already have until now been revealed only by oblique commenting on Hearst an failure to recognize that the salnounced campaign for an Amervation of all oppressed people cannot be improved upon. But And so, amidst the repeated cries will only agree.
Yes, the description of events They must be given some line. proparing the new line: rapprochement with Hitler, if Hitler and obscure references in the Spanish Anarch crusade that will bring liber throughout the world lies in an what follows, what should the for concerted action war, of ist press.
ty and justice to all races, the international alliance of the op oppressed Negro people do about course against the fascists, Je Stalin silence on the question Now, however, the protests have received a Defender says: But we are won pressed against their oppressora. it? All the oppressed have a sinrome gingerly drops the line, condering whether Mr. Hearst now that the United States govern gle enemy capitalism. Racial sisting of two pointa: of opening the doors of the sofrank formulation, and it is particularly signif with tear stained cheeks. in ment is hypocritical is of course minorities, Negro, Jew, the opviet Union to the refugees. Hitler icant that it comes from Santillan, the cludes black America in his mas true; but from this follows, not pressed races of Asia, the colonial The Line does not approve of anyone openbest known theoretician of the Although nanimous program. We have rea. turning our backs on Europe, but peoples of both hemispheres times offered its territory 19 The Soviet Union has at all ing the doors to the Jews, and continuing the Anarchist refusal to distinguish son to doubt it if we judge from unity of the oppressed every must unite with the working Stalin woos Hitler, past history, and by reading the where against their govern class of every country in an interhaven to refugees from all the between a bourgeois state and a workers state, Members of the Communist biography of Mr. Hearst. ments. This is the necessary, the national alliance against the imfive continents.
Party! You cannot believe our Santillan provides a characterization of Anarchist George Schuyler, writing in logical conclusion to be drawn perialist exploiters of humanity. But the operation of this explanation, cannot accept it?
policy in Spain which is sufficient answer to all the Pittsburgh Courier, sardonic from a survey of the American The cloquence of the Negro policy has to be understood in Then ask your leaders for a more American anarchists attempts to apologize for ally points out that the only time scene and the rest of the worla, press does not make up for their relation both to the Interna plausible explanation than that the Writing in imon, theo tional situation in the present of Jerome and the Dally lynching was when two white events, the revolutionary Social Negro will go down under the period, and to the fundamental retical organ, Santillan says: Worker: men were lynched in San Jose, ist can hardly improve on that heel of his enemies, as will the of completing the con Why does Stalin not open One cannot serve two masters at the same California provided by the Negro nowa Jew. Without allles neither can struction of the classless Socialwide the doors of the time. If we are with the people we cannot be Roosevelt Challenged papers. Our quotations from the survive. Who can those allies be?
Ist society. One must also to the refugees from fascism?
with the State which is its enemy. Today we Again and again his attention Negro press, so far, have dealt Can they be the white bosses of are with the State, which is equivalent to being against the people. For the first time in the has been called to heartless Neg with America. Here is another America who wield the lash over history of Anarchism we are more attracted by rophobic treatment of Negroes comment, from the Norfolk, Vir the Negroes? Obviously not. No seeking relief, to the ruthless disginia, Journal and Gulde, show. amount the interests of the government than by those of good will agencies crimination against black skilled ing the role of the British and trying to tie the Negroes to the of the people. The masses, who have a healthy workers by the and to French governments. better people. better bosses instinct and an intuition for the truth, are the jim. crowism rampant The Other Democracles among the whites, like the beginning to understand. They begin to feel While throughout the entire Crackerdiscouraged and hopeless when they see that officials and distin League, etc. none of these will ized government set up and in no guished citizens of Great Britain, solve the Negro problems.
we, who have always offered our lives to defend their cause, have forgotten them for a paltry case was Roosevelt sufficiently France and the United States beThere is only one other rear shocked to say a mumbling siege Berlin and Rome with alternative, and that is to unite (Continued from page 1)
dish of governmental lentils.
righteous protests against the with the working class and with Denr comrades, all of and factories be used as they should be used to provide a job undoubtedly have The discussion in the Negro persecution of Jews, the odor the oppressed of every land and you heard the oft repeated phrase, one which now and a decent living for everyone.
press is powerful in its exposure from the soiled linen in their you can no longer doubt: When they get to of the hypocrisy of American own backyards smells to hignoppressors. That is the program As to the objection that admitting the refugees will increase the top thty re all allke!
government and big business, but Heaven.
of the Socialist Revolution. anti Semitism in this country. We are exactly like those who have preceded fails to distinguish between the With ruthlessness undisus in the high government posts. The people employing class, which fosters closed by the news dispatches be YPSL Convention The truth is that fighting for and carrying through the throw this in our face, and they are right. In race hatred, and the white work cause of strict censorship, Great demand to admit the refugees is today the most effective blow order to keep these posts which can only proers and poor farmers who are Britain is massacring Jews and Report Next Week that could be struck against anti Semitism. The theory that antiduce decrees, new taxes, new burdens, we must themselves actually victims of Arabs. a policy of complete Semitism is called into being by the aggressiveness of the Jews this race hatred even when they subjugation, repulsive to civilized necessarily fight against the interests of the Next week Socialist Appeal masses. And if tomorrow, the people, tired of succumb to it, because thereby people, is being applied to natives in pressing their demands and putting themselves forward is will contain a complete and suffering, were to come out into the streets as they are deprived of the needed in South Africa, Rhodesia, Nigedetailed report of the 10th Ne certainly refuted by history as thoroughly as any theory could be they have done so often before, when we were alliance between white and black ria and Kenya Colony. British tional Convention of the Young refuted. The Jews have indeed been as timid, fearful and passive on their side in their midst, we would have to tollers. Controlled by the capi soldiers and trained native troops Peoples Socialist League which as any living organisms could well be. And the tactic of timidity massacre them. If we do not want to find our talist elements in the Negro com and police were shooting down has just completed Its so long did not hinder anti Semitism one tiny fraction in Germany, selves 11 this magnificent predicament we must munity, the Negro press attacks, proscribed natives of British In in Chicago.
Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Rumania, or in any other country use all our resources to oblige the people to not capitalist America, America.
Anti Semitism arises out of the needs of decaying capitalism, support in silent humiliation, hunger, injustices and outrages.
Nevertheless, even in this disnot from the attitude of the Jews. There is no doubt that it is torted form, the voice of the op ONCE AGAIN making headway in this country. There is no doubt that in some How much longer, comrades? Can the sacri pressed Negroes rings out against quarters it becomes more open in the face of the demand to admit fice of our revolutionary personality lead to his pious oppressors. The Pittsanything else than killing in the people all the burgh Courier justly points out: the refugees.
confidence they have placed in us? They would Our Own Pogroms But it will not retire if the Jews try to hide in the sand.
be more than justified. When we re in the gov White America pretends to be by LEON TROTSKY It will, as reaction always does, grow stronger at the weakness ernment we re all allke! That is why we Insist and demand that some decision be taken. Either shocked by the crazy Naal racial of its opponents. Anti Semitism has to be smashed; it will not be Trotsky analysis of the strike situation two years ago we are with the people or we are with the State.
pollution laws, but is not shocked conciliated into disappearing.
by its own racial pollution laws is finding swift confirmation in the stubborn struggle which We have reached the conclusion that if we side with the State and therefore against the people, and its color complex everywhere in almost two thirds of its States, the French workers are waging against the Daladier gov.
And the most crushing kick that can be given to Antiernment.
we commit an irreparable treachery against the Semitism today, as it raises its ugly head on the American horizon, which makes interracial associarevolution. That is self evident. But we are als is to drive firmly ahead with the demand that the refugees be tion unsafe.
traitors to the war because we deprive it of the admitted Only 35 cents Just the other day in Smyrna, active support of the people which, if we know how to use it and all its infinite resources, is Georgia, Negroes were hounded In this way, reaction, which lurks behind anti Semitism, will the only invincible force.
out of town by a bloodthirsty PIONEER PUBLISHERS be prevented from consolidating; and the ranks of the genuinely mob and their miserable school For the future of the revolution and the progressive forces within the country, steeled by a firm and unhouse burned to the ground, and 100 Fifth Avenue New York City ultimate fate of the war, comrades, there is, neither the President nor any of ambiguous battle, will be better prepared for the broader strugperhaps, still time. Always with the people! the big wigs were shocked by this gles that lie ahead program WHO OPPOSES THE OPEN DOOR. Mr. Backer Backers The late Charney Vladeck as minority leader of the New York City Council was at best good reformer, a clean government advocate. Nevertheless through long association with the labor movement, he was probably as representative of the prevailing mood of the American Labor Party as any of its trade union leaders might have been. In a distorted way, he was labor man on the City Council.
When Vladeck died, a controversy arose in top circles of the regarding his successor The rank and file of the party was completely shut out of the deliberations. But Mayor LaGuardia turned on the steam to have a liberal not a labor man appointed in his place. And sad to say, the opinion of this one man who incidentally only yesterday was a member of the Republican Party carried more influence in choosing Vladeck successor than the combined opinions of hundreds of thousands of trade unionists.
Mr. George Backer is the choice of the State Executive Committee to fill the vacancy.
Who is this Backer?
Son in law of the late millionaire Mortimer Schiff President of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency employer of labor)Real estate mogul (landlord)So this man, an exploiter of labor and a landlord and a patron of the over rich ultrarich, is supposed represent labor in the City Council? Something like appointing a wolf to guard the interests of the sheep.
The record of this leadership smells less like perfume every day. First, the dirty deal with the Republicans and Democrats. Now the white WHITHER FRANCE?