BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

DECEMBER 3, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Workers Power or Fascism Is 2, 000, 000 STRIKE TO STOP FASCISM The Clenched Fist In France the Issue In France Roosevelt Speeds Drive To Mobilize Hemisphere Wall Street Dictator Rules Peru, Seat of Conference who adhe. com Issue of Power Faced In France Since 1934 Riots and Great Strike of 1936 did fact that precisely in those face pitched battles with the unarmed the streets in millions in a tre la new way out in socialized inizing themselves for the di mines Day, that dreaded zero hour when secret mobilization orders (Continued from page 1)
Strikes Begin herald the beginning of war, is that this was NOT a political From the depths of the French the chief concern of Washington strike, but a mere protest against working class, dispersed and be With these blant words Hanson the abrogation of the 40 hour trayed a thousand times by the week, that perfect order, calm, People Front since the great By DONALD BERGNER ly obliged with messages to Hitler affairs, summed up in last SunBaldwin, noted expert on military and discipline and NOT the open strike of June, 1936, come new President Roosevelt Pan and Benes, struggle for power, was the alo rumblings of protest. On the surAmerican Conference will open Since the people of Peru feel day New York Times the pregan of the day.
face this was expressed in the next week in Lima, Peru. Accord the effects of Wall Street dominaent aim and activities of the Blum Gesture feeble opposition to the decree ing to the President smiling tion a little more strongly than Roosevelt administration.
statements the conference has as those of the they have reEchoed in the press in a hunBlum and his fellow Socialists, laws by the Socialist and Com.
munist bureaucracies but a few its purpose the defense of democ acted with a little more vigor. As dred different ways, this lesson is clinging desperately to the disracy by the united Americas. a result the Wall Street govern being driven homo Roosevelt is appearing skirt hem of parlia days later, as in 1936, the workers To the people of Peru, the seatment in Lima cannot afford the preparing the country for war.
mentary legality, feebly called for began to take the issue into their of this great democratic gather democratic luxuries of the Wall Every aspect of governmental aca rump session of parliament own hands.
Workers in the Renault and to repudiate Daladier lilegall Bloch automobile and aviation ing, this is one of the bitterest Street government Washington. tivity is being subordinated to jokes in years. For Peru ranks The American Popular this central task.
ty. But this futile with Brazil and Cuba as one of Revolutionary Association. Pearoused no echo. The issue of plants in the suburbs of Paris the three most bloody, dictator ruvian nationalist mass moveAims At Lima power lay no longer in the empty occupied their shopa. Coal miners ridden, un democratic nations on ment and the LT. League of The national unity delegation halls of a disregarded Parliament at Anzin and metal and armaDenain and Vato tho Lima Pan American conthis side of the ocean. Long be Revolutionary Workers. evoluference, including All Landon but out in the streets, in the fac lenciennes in the North followed for Adolf Hitler began his bloody tionary socialists and even the John Lewis daughter, has left tories, mines, and shops.
suit. In a few days the number pogroms, beating and killing Stalinists, despite all their shoutThe prime issue was the power of strikers rocketed to 100, 000.
thousands of defenseless Jews ing of loyalty to Imperiallom, imperialism hopes to give confor the conference where Yankee itself the glaring choice between At the General Confederation and non Jews, the Peruvian mans are all illegal.
the onward march toward Fas of Labor congress at Nantes the es knew the weight of imperial Nationalista Ilegal crete form to the new Roosevelt cist dictatorship or the establish previous week the opposition of ism murderous fist.
doctrine inter continental dement of the workers power. But the workers had been shunted off In 1930, three years before Hit 1930 on the eve of elections by the the whole western hemisphere unThe was dissolved in fense the mobilization of Blum Co. bleated about ille into verbal expressions of protest ler burned the Reichstag, thou then President Lagula. The disso der the aegis of United States gality and Jouhaux and friends and plans for demonstrations on sands of Peruvians were slaughlution was attended by severe Anance capital in a coordinated tried to make the whole problem Saturday, Nov. 28. But the presone of the working hours. sure from below became so strong the famous Trujillo revolt against cruelty which finally provoked the military, naval, and economic Confused and disheartened, the that Leon Jouhaux and his felthe provocative dictatorial actions years after, the Apristas, and unsuccessful Trujillo uprising. For unit.
workers called off their sponta low bureaucrats were forced to make a new deal with the and the creation in July, 1985, of volt, and the many others that of the government. But this ro their leader Haya de la Torre, Meanwhile Roosevelt is wasting neous sit down strikes. The pro. contemplate a further step ana (Continued from page 1)
Fuehrer, had begun to turn to the People Front, the unity of preceded and followed it, were no time in pushing ahead with made the rounds of banishment, his plans along. many alded vocative measures of Daladter they finally announced on Nov. 25 tory of Hitler, and by the rise ward France. The Franco Soviet the working class parties with not directed solely against the hounding, and prison. Many thou front found them as Daladier conddently expected completely dis Nov. 30, actually allowing a space dictator Lima.
Acting Secretary of State Sumarmed. They were confronted of five days for the government to on Feb. 6, 1981, they retreated in Soviet Union entered the League same agents, Daladier Co. who and the movement was seriously ner Welles announced on Nov. 28 Puppets for Wall Street weakened.
The various Peruvian Strong with a tremendous display of engage freely in its preparations right from the play acting rev. of Nations. The Kremlin bureau had so ignominiously capitulated Legula successor, Oscar Bena that the number of naval, Ultra Patriots Men of the past decades have all vides, made the democratie ges military, and air attaches in Latin sion and wholesale dismissals and break up the strikes already be shouted for revolution when the the status quo in Europe and its were been little more than puppets for their own leaders grasped from ginning to spread through the bandoned the revolution preciso ordered to act accordingly. In Franco Soviet pact in May, 1938, the Fat Men in Wall Street and emerge into legality. But tho gesture of permitting the to American countries would be doubled.
their hands the political and ma Vital heavy Industries.
ly when the workers began dimly France especially, the bourgeoisle and Stalin declaration that he few days earlier the State terial means of combating this to reach out for it.
had to be reassured. It had to be understood and approved the grinning Roosevelts in Washing elections approached, it became Department announced that a Wastes No Time open advance of Fascist reaction.
Daladier wasted no time in tak United Front Created freed from fear of any workers French program of national de ton. United States control over evident that permit naval. military, and alr mission Response Uneven ing advantage of this opportunity. The will of the workers to revolution, fense, the Communist, or more The result was complete confuthe Fascist slon when the day of the general Giving every indication that he struggle against The French masses, as various properly, the Stalinist party, was matter. Fully 70 per cent of the deserun, would polt tremen would proceed to Colombia to Elected Without Running of that country and enthusiastlo strike demonstration dawned. intended to split up the workers threat was so imperative, that elections showed, were turning swiftly converted into an ultra Peru petroleum industry is con dous vote. It was again dissolved. help reorganize the armed forces compliments were exchanged by Daladier strong arm mensures and knock them off in sections, Benavides was so unpopular the Senate of that country and As during this the traditional party of the the anti milltarist struggle, the through the Standard Oil Comutilities continued to function, moved into action on a virtual week, they sought to canalize the French petty bourgeoisle. The fight against the two year term pany subsidiary. the Interna that he was afraid to run again, President Roosevelt.
achleved their purpose. All public the ex People Front Premier forced to act.
tional Petroleum Company. Peru so he ran one of his stooges All trains ran. Communications war time basis. In a few days he fury of the workers into peace petty bourgeoisio was clearly un of military service, and dergoing a process of polarize everything in its power to hend other leading industry, the pro named Prado as the candidate of Batista Enllsted ment services performed as usual. in powers granted him in the re hour general strike on Feb. 12tion to the left toward the work of the militancy of the workers. controlled by Americans through ning Social Democrat, Dr. of the Cuban workers, returned were scarcely affected. Govern invoked all the special authoritarful channels and called for a 24 duction of copper, is also largely the National Front. Then, runCol. Fulgencio Batista, assassin In the mines and factories there cent war crisis, directed this time 1934, as a demonstration of proers, and to the right, toward the test. The workers, who had been Fascists. By bold revolution: looked to the Bonapartist sow Copper Corp. and the American with full support and to aining tour in the United States While they temporized and the owned Cerro de Pasco Luis Eguiguren entered the race to Havana from wining andwas an uneven response to the against the workers.
Mobile Guards and police broke indifferent to the struggle for ary policy and a program that ernments strike call, ranging from 10 to 90 into the Renault plants and oth partial demands that could no showed the metro hours colles de toedienria the Favoriete se me on the Cerro de Pasco Co. alone has 500, own won a majority of the votes. Roosevelt was unbounded. Thie percent.
Most significant of all was the ers occupled factories and after longer be met, poured out into way out of the economic Impasse prevented workers from or000, 000 invested in Peru copper But the great democrat Bena meant, in plainer words, that Bavides, who will next week wecomo tista had been satisfactorily lined tories where the spontaneous sit workers succeeded in clearing mendous display of their readi production for the shopkeepers, rect armed struggle which the Investments his fellow democrats to Lima, up for the program of Inter conderwater moet urnes partially detective rested. The next day the Renault of power that a general strike 30 prosent artisans role France the The sangs of De La Rocquo were 35, 00 Obvestimentas, in mpore, conly there were a prompte en eller motinental solidarity. We may be on Wednesday. It was claimed company locked out its 30, 000 clearly implies, that the strikers in the metallur workers as a means of weeding This same pressure brought atomized the Fascist threat and French finance cnpital while the doubled during the World War sults. He annulled the election, spring up on the south coast of about the positive result of a won the masses to the banner of People Front was given it while England, America great had his puppet Assembly declare Cuba. In partial return, Batista gical plants in the Paris region out undesirable agitators.
chance to behead and disorient est rival in the field of Latin him reelected (he hadn even was able to announce that the did not exceed 25 percent of the The government threatened an united front between the Socialist the revolution.
Declined, with Thanks the workers struggle.
American investments, was busy been a candidate. dissolved Con reciprocity treaty between the total personnel. In every Hela foreign workers there are many and Communist Parties. This united front, however, remained But the Communist Party, rapamong the In the summer of 1988 the real saving and expanding her control gress and ruled by decree lawa! two countries would be modified comparative handfuls of workers Poles and Berth with expul on paper and offered no pro idly becoming transformed into temper of the workers of the Old World. By 1918, there. But no one was surprised by in favor of certain Cuban prohalf heartedly obeyed the strike miners in the repeatedly when they fore, the was able to invest this, at least no one in Peru, for ducts.
call. in the circumstances there sion from the country if they did gram of action to the workers. the most reactionary brake a shower Throughout 1934 the French Bol the working class, wanted none clashed with the armed forces 85, 000, 000 In the preceding July at a demon in Washington this Thursday were few real attempts made to not abandon the striker.
The mines and rallways were shevik Leninists (Fourth Interna of this. Leon Blum, Paul Faure, the State in explosions at Brest Washington Runs President stration in Arequipa over 100 Wo: 180 high ranking officers of the stop wheels from turning, It is only natural that, control men and children were beaten Army and Navy met to discuss In the ports longshoromen placed under military law and tional) who had entered the So and the other socialist bureau and Toulon. Strikes grew swiftly struck but, as in Marseilles, ships military courts were set up to, cialist Party to help the crystal crats, forced leftward by the into actual challenges of the ling the economie life of the and arrested by Benavides police the Roosevelt Industrial mobiliza.
reportedly left on schedule and deal summarily with recalcitrant lization of its left wing. agitated workers pressure, were delighted state power. These clashes re country the should control To follow up bile. coup. Benavides tion program. For this program a the sermen have always been strikers. Employes of the state unceasingly for the creation of to find that the Communists had vealed the basic conflict that other phases of Peruvian life. For arrested the entire leadership of preliminary survey has already among the most advanced and were threatened with dismissal workers defense militia against no intention of taking the Janu taking shape within the body or example, on February 2, 1938 the with the exception of been completed and 10, 000 plants most radical of all the French and punitive action if they strike. the Fascist bands, for the revo ary program for conquest of French capitalist society and the United States Navy announced those who were out of the coun earmarked for re gearing into the anke the appointment of a number of try, charging them with planning American Imperialist war me lutionary general strike against power very seriously. Much to path the workera had Rumors of Dissolution workers! In 1936 they covered the Bonapartist governments, their relief, the Communist chine.
the harbor of Marseille with hunMeanwhile Daladier made sure and for a Workora and Peasants domurred, saying thereality the Fascist threat was to be American navy otrieers to help revolt, presumably against the dreds of red flags, Aying from the that rumors began to spread that Government, is no beaten down. But the whole President Benavides run his navy. democratio institutions revolutionary situation.
Such is the democracy that the lowed shortly after the publicapropaganda of the People Front Washington runs Benavides for Calling of this conference folmasthead of immobilized vessels! the dissolution of the Socialist Program Proposed The Socialists, who had always was pointed in the opposite direccign office too. When Roosevelt workers and peasants of North ton ot Secretary of War WoodDaladier Jubilant and Communist parties would be The pressure from below be allied with the Radicals, had tion.
sent his famous last minute ap and South America are asked to ring report which significantly Daladier and his minions were among his next measures. came so strong that in January, been forced from below to break In June, 1936 peals this September, Peru quick support with their lives!
emphasized the need for indus1935, the Socialist Party leader with their own right wing section jubilant. They believe they will. What did the Socialist and StalThe workers were told that the and, even insurance company of militaney was scattered on the specifically military and naval trial mobilization to back up be able to proceed to complete inist lenders do? Parla correspon ahip actually offered to the Com that represented that traditional People FrontAces the red flag was run up. winds of parliamentary illusions. measures.
the subjugation of the workers dents have in Incidental para munist Party a proposal to wage policy of alliance, known the election of the Whiteh out stoneral battle. Most grapha shown them in action. Soint struggle on the basis of cartel. Instead of helping this epoch wohen the main obowan the The revolution was on the order The People Front government significant of all, the morning of Last night rumor that Prom Communist Party was attuned Party bureaucrats worked might Daladier to power The electheir capitalist masters were in oned opponents Emphasis on Industry the general strike, the Paris stock tions of May, 1936, astounded full retreat.
of French im The emphasis upon this aspect exchange showed a forward spurt ler Daladier was preparing to not to the needs and Interests of and main to reconstruct the carperialism in the French colonies of the war preparations is not aceven the bureaucrats. The great and an ancient and business cir Alssolve the Communist Party the French workers but to the tel, adding themselves to it, But the People Front hastened and in every other way carrie to rehabilitate the Radical So leftward surge of the masses was cidental. The imperialis masters in the outcome of the day cialists into a state of Alarm, To whose rejection of the united cialist Party in the eyes of the expressed at the ballot boxes into their rescue. Blum and his out the orders of its bourgeois realize now more clearly than ever before that wars are really an overwhelming victory for the friends hastily drafted sweeping masters.
events. In other words they knew ported the New York Times on front had helped Hitler to power masses.
The workers were told that the fought and won on the home that their faithful lackeys, Jou Nov. 26. Leon Blum went rush in Germany and who subsequent The result was the emasculaLeft parties, with the petty bour social legislation for collective ly was rebuffed in his efforts to tion of the workers united front Radicals picking up the contracts, the day, 40 hour week, People Front had ended the fronts and this means the suchaux, Blum, Thorez Co. woulding from one Radical Socialist which leader to another Edouard Her were threat of Fascism because it cessful regimentation of labor In.
not fall them!
badly frightaccordance with the war needs of workers, Jouhaux, Blum, Duclos, People Front combination. Con rushed through the ruling class of France has Deputies among them demand. Together with the Socialist and Thorez, Co. are shouting about trary to all expectations, the So ened parliament. Most of the passed laws dissolving the Fas the bosses.
It was precisely on this that rlot, president of the Chamber of Hitler been counting.
Having success is that they immediately with. bureaucrats the Stalinists the illegality of the government cialists, not the Radicals, became bills were adopted unanimously, clst gangs. But the Croix de Feu the largest party in the chamber even the extreme Right recognize simply changed its name to the no longer use the People Front, demoralize the workers, they are Premier and protesting that, of Daladler measures. As though ciplines on the workers, Daladier The Communist Party, still reing that only Blum Co. could Prench Social Party and contin for the workers now have to be deliberately provoking the strug course, the Sociallsts had no quar ilegality amounted to a damn is determinedly remaining ob garded by the mass of workers now save the capitalist order.
ued its preparations under the not merely fooled but beaten into issue of power was stinate and driving shead for as the party of the revolution With these bright promises, by protection and patronage of the submission. This is the meaning themselves and unfavorable to tered refusal overywhere. being clearly drawn! Speaking in the social battle.
had its representation jumped from 10 to 72. Leon Blum was cajoling and wheedling, temporiz General Staff, left intact, of first open step toward an outright of the Daladier decrees as the What a shameful picture! The the finance commission of the The masters of France, the big the workers. That their drive dictatorship.
toward Fascism will now con. then the fastest taking the helt Chamber, Jacques Duclos, Stalin bosses of finance capital whom reluctantly compelled to take them and persuading, Blum, Ca course, by the Blum regime.
chin, Thorex Co. succeeded in Blum government lasted a But perhaps these gentry have no one can now doubt and ahead of their frightened union the expulsion of workers by ple Front and for whom he is But meanwhile the workers, terminating the strikes and sav year just long enough in the miscalculated. The strikes of the nga this drive there is still bureaucrats.
The government to force from the factories when it now carrying out his present pro fushed with a sense of victory, ang French capitalism.
opinion of the finance capital past week, breaking once more time to mobilize the undefeated obviously taking provocative steps could have been done by agree gram, want to be done with the swept out of the field of parliamasters of France, to make it Strikebreaker In Chief without so much as a by yourpossible for a new capitalist of leave nod in the direction of the the ment. In other words, Duclos intolerable insistence of the work mentary dalliance into the field the French working preparatory to smashing workers organizations. And Leon was still offering the good servers that they too have rights of open struggle. At the end of During the next two years the fensive to begin for the crisis union bureaucrats, show that the with the issuance on Nov. 12 of Blum rushes around to his former vices of his party as a strike They consider the forces of the May. 1936, sitdown strikes began People Front played out its role was pressing in and the workers Vitality of the French workers the doctoe saw abrogating the bourgeois associates in the Poo breaker and wept only because workers sufficiently dispersed by in the automobilo, steel, and evilo to the end as strikebreaker In had to be made to pay for it has not been supped, that the will five day 40 hour week and in ple Front governments to plead Daladier preferred the Mobile the experience of the People stion plants around Paris.
category with them to lay off, to persuade Guards!
there despite the debilitating efFront to make a trial of strength union bureaucrats ordered the capital. An este brightly painted and Chautempe in his turn by Duclos too, Ilke Blum, made the as a preparation for locking the strikes. They just began. It was reforms turned out to be phoneys. Daladier and it was Daladier, as fect of four years of betrayal by most costly to the tickets, subway fares, coffee, to boys!
Duclos Follows Sult rounds of the Radical Socialist people into the stralt Jacket of spontaneous combustion, Ignited It claimed to democratize the People Front premier who Daladier, Blum, Thorex Co.
bacco, wine, sugar, postal rates, leaders. He had an interview with Fascism. For this Daladier is pay out of the materials of the revo Bank of France and even pro kicked the People Front downAnd where meanwhile were the Herriot, but the President of the ing the way.
The party of the Fourth Intervided the spectacle of Jouhaux, stairs and embarked openly on lutionary situation itself.
foodstuffs Daladier made it clear national in France, the that he was preparing for a show heroes of the Stalinist Party? The Chamber, we are informed, preAgainst this the workers can the trade union leader, as a mem the road to Fascism.
Stalinista, paralyzed by the out served Impartial and judicial ob make only one answer: Not a 24Mass Sitdown (Workers Internationalist Party. ber of the board of directors!
down with the workers, Considering that the workers has identified itself through this In his speech at the Radical come of their People Pront jectiveness.
hour general strike but a national While the unlon bureaucrats, Meanwhile it served the real were sufficiently demoralized to period with the program of strugBlum Blents On Socialist party congress at Mar treachery, demoralized by the general strike under the slogan: headed by Jouhaux, and the So masters of the Bank of France leave the road open for On Nov. 26 Leon Blum contin For a workers and pensanta clalist and Communist Party and the Bank of England by tak offensive, Daladier was commis cism, of the general strike for new gle, of armed resistance to FasWhile hero of the People Front for the Franco Soviet alliance, ero ued his urgent pleading. Even the government.
seille a few weeks ago, the erst substitution of the Munich pact leaders, Blum, Faure, Cachin, Ing the leading role in strangling sioned to launch it. French capl power, of the workers and peasForce the Socialist and Com Thorez, and the others, worked the Spanish revolution Aghting tal, faced by the aggressive ad ants government. That party openly and cynically challenged Walting desperately for some sign New York Times correspondent chomorkers, declaring they would and to of. Meanwhile their efforts aro di fear in the article in Le Populaire take power! Form councils of ac front in order to head off the borders! Blum of the People snatched at the Munich accord ranks of the struggle now unfold have to bow to the needs of narected toward seeking alles any. in which Blum urged Daladier tion in all factorios, commune om one end of the land to the the Non intervention Committee doned tional defense. The decrees revealed what this meant by pro where, anyhow, including the ex friends to persuade him to resign and towns. These are the le, movement, the strikes spread Front Initinted the cruel farce of for the respite it offered, abaning and there join with all other Franco Soviet pact as revolutionary militants in creatviding for prosecution as treason treme Rightist de Kerillie, willing by urging him not to be ob of struggle today that can beat other. It was mass sitdown, and the Stalinists went right useless, and now seeks the way new leadership for the cism. Any other road leads to new lyzed. Over factories, forges, rall testing their solidarity with the strength to meet the tests that is Fascism or a workers Franco against the increase of the work checking the French orientation ring up this selal battle.
toward an understanding with But while the misleaders of the defeats, way stations, department stores, Spanish workers. The workers are yet to come. For this it could There is no third road.
was forces of creasing taxes in every bus. them that the Socinlists are good ing week.