AntifascismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeWorkers PartyWorking Class

Drive Is Is Launched For Twice Weekly Appeal Socialist Appeal AII War Funds To the Unemployed!
Open the Doors To Europe Refugees!
Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. II No. 52 Saturday, December 3, 1938 375 54 per copy FASCISM MENACES FRANCE Demand That Congress Strike of Two Million Shows Open the the Doors Doors to Refugees Workers Ready to Fight; Leaders Fear Fear Showdown Speed Appeal Campaign ON. PARTY CALLS WHO OPPOSES THE OPEN DOOR?
Cannon Urges Party TO PETITION DRIVE WORKERS POWER IS ONLY ROAD Issues Drawn In France lenge.
those of us already here, and increase unemployment (2) Would Since Fascist Riot In 34 Success of Drive Will Assure Appearance Refusal to Meet Challenge of Power Enables Daladier FOR SIGNATURES To Score Bloodless Victory for Cause of Twice Weekly by February To Be Distributed of Advancing Fascist Reaction. Or Sooner To All Union By JAMES CANNON other organization of comparable Locals National Secretary, size would dream of undertaking In order to provide a scapegoat to turn aside wrath from On February 1, 1989 and not such a task, But Trotskyltes by nation wide campaign, petl their own heads, and in an effort to patch up a few holes later. possibly sooner the 80 habit proceed from the necessities cialist Appeal will begin publica of a situation and then look for tioning Congress to repeal li in their tottering economy, the Nazi monsters have launched their Handicapped by a half hearted and treacherous leadership, 2, 000, 000 French Laws restricting freedom of Imtion as a Twice Weekly on the the possibilities to meet them.
migration, was Inaugurated last drive for the economic, social and physical annihilation of a workers last Wednesday demonstrated their readiness to fight the advancing menace of rond to the Dally.
Everything that needs to be week by the American Fund for cultural and religious minority of 700, 000 persons. make this assertion with con done by the National Committee Political Prisoners and Refugees.
The immediate problem is to save these people, the helpless fidence because two thirds or to prepare the prompt issuance of The petition, pointing out that victims of the Nazi persecution.
Under the direct threat of powerful repressive forces mobilized by Bonaparte three fourths of the measures the Twice Weekly Appeal has al today only a chosen few are pernecessary for this important step ready been done. Mechanical and mitted to enter the United States, The one honest, direct and workable answer that Americans Daladier, the general strike, tardily called and ham strung by the leaders who tried forward have already been taken. technical arrangements have been calls for Congressional abroga can give is to open the doors of the United States and admit the to keep it from developing into a struggle for power, was limited in its effectiveness.
The practical feasibility of the made. An adequate editorial staff ton of all laws abridging the refugees into this country. Indignation and lamentation will not step has been fully established second to none in literary and right of immigration, including aid the refugees. Passing the buck to some other nation of all Daladier deliberately set out to crush the resistance of the workers to his proafter the most thorough going political competence has been as numerical quotas, racial, politiand realistic consideration of the sembled. The last word is now up cal and financial restrictions, in other nations will not save them. The thing, and the one thing, gram of misery and starvation. Because the trade union bureaucrats, the Socialist and question from all sides. We have to the branches of the party. order to permit the victims of that we can do is to demand that they be let in here.
Stalinist leaders refused to meet the issue of political power, Daladier was permitted the facilities and the people to their task is to provide the 3, 000 Nazi persecution to enter this produce and distribute a twice a. rund required to launch the twice country.
BIG SHOTS SILENT ON OPEN DOOR to score a bloodless victory for the advancing cause of Fascist reaction.
week paper, and on the basis of weekly and guaranteo its regular Petitions Available It is notoriously obvious that, so far, very few of the big Daladier openly challenged the workers precisely on the issue of political power.
our present organization leaving appearance over the first period Already distributed in the thou shots, including the big shot leaders of the Jewish organizations. The workers were prevented from taking up that challenge. Daladier made it openly aside the optimistic calculations There can be no doubt that the sands to workers and fraternal on growth and expansion which party branches will do their duty, organizations throughout the have come out with public support for the demand to open the are universal in our ranks we in responses to a preliminary country, copies of the petition are doors of the United States to the refugees. Speeches are cheap, a question of the social regime e. the capitalist order. The workers were restricthave the resources to maintain it. questionaire they have already available to any organization or but the cost of action is higher.
ed to making it an issue of the 40 hour week.
But our National Committee, in registered their enthusiastic sup individual by writing or calling When these people find difficulties in and objections to That is why Daladier was able to break the backbone of the strike in the railarriving at its momentous deci port of the twice a week Appeal. at the national offices of the slon, was motivated above all by For the most part, they have asthe plan of opening the doors of the United States, we say this American Fund, Room 1609, 100 ways and all the utilities and to force a retreat by the 3, 000, 000 organized workers who the fact that a weekly paper no sumed their own quotas and Fifth Avenue, New York City.
proves that their indignation is a fake; and, in the case of the longer adequately serves our po promised to meet them within The petition campaign is en Jewish leaders, we say: this is a contemptible and hypocritical ignored or were unable to obey the strike call. Daladier has thereby brought immeaslitical tasks and aims. We need Sixty days. On that basis we ar dorsed by the Socialist Workers cowardice whereby they hope to curry favor with the rulers of urably closer the victory of Fascism in France and shortened the time in which the and must have right now a monns rive at the confident assertion Party, and its branches every America by not inconveniencing them with a demand that workers, their ranks and organizations still intact, can prepare to meet the threat and to speak twice every week, to hit with which commenced this ar where are mobilizing to secure would force the United States actually to do something instead crush it.
twice as often and twice as hard. ticle: On February 1, 1938 and signatures at unlon halls, workThat is the decisive consideration. not later possibly sooner the door to door of preaching morality to the rest of the world.
ers meetings and The practical feasiblity of the Socialist Appeal will begin pub solicitation.
However, there are two difficulties in the proposal for The 100, 000 workers who occupied factories and mines spontaneously last twice weekly has been established lication as a Twice Weekly on Writers, Professors Sign asylum in the United States which, inflated by the big shots, are week showed that they were for us on this basis. Of course, no the road to the Daily, Among the first signatures se also causing worries and doubts in the minds of the rank and ready to take up Daladier chal.
cured were those of prominent SCORE BOARD file of American workers, Jewish and non Jewish alike. These are: writers and university teachers (1) Would not the admission of the refugees take away jobs from in New York. These include Immediate generalization of Local Quotas Ferdinand Laundberg, author of these strikes, and the creation of The following quotas 3000 America Sixty Famules, not the admission of the refugees have the effect of increasing Committees of action through were set by the National James Farrell, author of the anti Semitism in this country?
out the country, launching of an Committee to be raised People Front Weakens Workers in Anti aggressive struggle to overthrow Studs Lonigan books, James Rorty, Max Eastman, Profes WHAT THE PROBLEMS ARE within sixty days. The locals sors Sidney Hook and James Daladier and establish a WorkFascist Fight and Prepares Road which make the best show2700 Burnham New York UniverWe want to face these difficulties frankly, ers and Farmers Government sity, Bernhard Stern and ErFor Daladier In the first place, we do not pretend that admitting the ref.
ing by January 15th, conthis was and is the program of sidering size of membernest Nagel of Columbia, Scott ugees will permanently solve the entire Jewish question. The Buchanan, McGill, and By HAROLD ROBERTS was the first of a series of Bona action, the only program of acship, will receive a beautiful Jewish question is not going to be solved under capitalist imperiHouston Peterson.
Military Inscist dictatorship or partist regimes so called because tion capable of answering the red banner of the Fourth 2400 Congressional action at the alism; on the contrary, it is going to get steadily worse; and it the workers power this is the they present themselves as arble Fascist threat, forthcoming session in January is is about time, after the experiences of the past twenty years, that choice that lies before the French ters between the classes, basing But Daladier could count on International for their headrequired because under the press the Jews themselves woke up to that fact and turned their working class at this critical themselves not on the parlia: the Jouhaux, the Blums, the Tho hour.
ent immigration laws the German, quarters.
mentary machinery but upon Austrian and Czech quotas are energies in the only direction that has any real hope for them; LET GET GOING!
This is the choice that has been military police apparatus of the rez, and the Duclos not to take to the struggle against imperialism and for world socialism.
Alled for several years in advance.
2100 on the order of the day through state. Such were the govern this road. For the past two years (Weekly reports of remitGreater Germany quota of 27, 000 Admitting the refugees is not the permanent answer to the four years of deepening economic ments of Bruening, von Schleich in the People Front they had tances will appear in this to be admitted annually into the Jewish question as a whole. But it is the answer and the only crisis and repeated convulsions en and Yara Papeler which peved succeeded in ham stringing the United States is ridiculously column. answer to the immediate concrete crisis, to the present persecusmall, and must be replaced by workers struggle and preparing a permanent state of acute crisis many, New York City. 1050. 00 tions in Germany. Recognizing that the workers will never achieve unrestricted Immigration if the since 1983. Already rotting in Workers Reaction them for the axe that Daladier Minneapolis, Minn. 500. 00 1800 real security under capitalism is no argument against the struggle Chicago, IL.
250. 00 refugees are to be alded.
decline when the full impact of The Bostond, spectacular rise and now hopes to wield.
MASS. 200, 00 Text of the American Fund pe now to raise wages at least above the starvation point.
the world crisis finally hit it, growth of the armed Fascist Daladier could count on his Ohlo.
tition follows in full: French capitalism has been able gangs, alded and almost openly erst while fellow. heroes of the Secondly, we naturally recognize that the admission of Los Angeles, Cal.
Petition to the Congress of the St. Paul, Minn. 100. 00 all of the refugees who want to enter would not be all easy Akron, Ohio.
United States: the ravages of the crisis than eral Staff of the army, followed People Front. The workers sailing. No great task can be done without effort and trouble. Britain and the United States.
1500 St. Louis, Mo. 20. 00 OPEN ALL DOORS Lynn, Mass.
closely upon the staggering les could not.
National production has de son given to the workers by the Philadelphia, Penn. 50. 00 HOW ABOUT JOBS. TO THE REFUGEES!
clined disastrously. The French defeat of their fellow workers at breaking the spontaneous sitJouhaux and Co. succeeded in San Francisco, Cal. 50. 00 Youngstown, Ohio.
The United States, itself popupeasant has been squeezed until the hands of Hitler in Germany.
Specifically with reference to the objection that admission Allentown, Penn.
lated by immigrants, once gave Austin, Minn.
he has all but suffocated. The Only a few weeks after the Feb. downs and called for a demonwelcome, shelter, and citizenship of the refugees means loss of jobs: 1200 Detroit, Mich.
arms race accelerated with the 6th riots, in Austria, the same strative general strike of 24 to refugees from every land. In approach of a new war has swol bitter lesson was repeated when hours five days away. This was recent years increasing restric This is the reverse of the argument that killing off all the Rochester len the needs of the state to the the cannon of Dollfuss battered the time needed to dissipate the Kansas.
tlons have been imposed upon the unemployed would get rid of unemployment. But the truth is point where they now absorb in the last hastily defended aroused anger of the masses and New Haven, Conn.
right of Immigration. Today only that unemployment is a functional disease of capitalism, caused nearly half the greatly reduced strongholds Toledo, Ohio the Austrian the time needed by Daladier to a chosen few are allowed to enter Washington, DC 900 not by the lack of any need for work to be done but by the re national Income.
Oakland, Cal.
the United States through a narmake his display of force Discarding Luxurles Quakertown, Penn.
quirements of capitalist profit. Getting rid of the unemployed row gateway guarded by numer.
Ever since 1934 it has been Within the French working Daladier Aggressive San Diego, Cal.
would not eliminate but aggravate the problem of unemployIcal quotas, racial, political, and Baltimore, Ma.
powerful groundswell Daladier, supremely confident made clear that the French rul class a financial qualifications.
Denver, Col.
ment for the remainder, as was proved by Ireland in the last ing class was preparing to free soon made itself felt. The work in the misleadership of the East Chicago, Ind.
Never have there been so many century. Similarly, the admission of the refugees would in itself itself from the restraints of parers pressed forward, anxious for workers, proceeded aggressively MANA.
Indianapolis, Ind.
600 victims of reactionary persecu have no important effect on the general problem of unemploy liamentary institutions and the the struggle and acutely aware and even provocatively to make Joplin, Mo.
tion. Not even under the Ozars Kangas City, Mo.
have the Jews boon so scourged ment. In point of fact, through the introduction of a new body of unions of the workers luxuries that failure to challenge the Fas the issue a test of power.
cist thrent meant the regime of Ho militarized the public serit could no longer afford, Lexington, Ky.
as today under the Nazi terror. consumers its indirect effect might well be an increase general the club and gun, of castor oil vices. He requisitioned all ut111Louisville, Ky.
organized employment.
Beginning in 1933 Olivia, Minn.
Never has the need of these refu10. 00 ties. He called out the army and Plentywood, Mont.
10. 00 300 and armed its bands of Freelstand the concentration camp.
gees been greater. Never have the However, the objection loses all weight when we merely thugs the largest of them was Punta Gorda, Fla.
In the French Socialist Party the Mobile Guards. He issued dobarriers been raised higher reflect that there are now in the United States about 12, 000, 000 Col. de la Rocque Croix de Feu this stirring within the masses power. He placed the country on Reading, Penn.
Sacramento, Cal.
against them.
10. 00 or more unemployed. The problem of unemployment is not and on Feb. 6, 1934 It sent them had the offect of swinging Seattle, Washington It Is Imperative that the govvirtual war footing.
out into the streets for the first hidebound bureaucracy of the ernment of the United States going to be solved one way or another by the addition or subSouth Bend, Ind.
armed demonstration which her party to the Left. Simultaneously He openly proclaimed that the Worcester, Mass. CON open Its doors to these suffering traction of half a million persons three times that many are laid people as an example of genuine alded the end of bourgeois de the French Communist Party was social regime the rule of the off in a single month, when the production curve drops. There fraternity toward them and to Evansville, Ind.
mocracy in France. Shaken with beginning its own swing to the capitalists was at stake, fright, the then premler Daladier Right. From 1929 to 1983 the But the bureaucrats of the Fitchburg, Mass.
are plenty of resources, factories and potential jobs in this country the rest of the world.
Flaxton, the same who now leads the French Communists had been confederation for twice and three times the present number of inhabitants. The Labor, with the Therefore, we, the undersigned, Fresno, Cal.
Horord, Conn.
citizens and residents of the struggle against the workers shouting wildly for conquest of Socialist and Staliniat bureaureal answer to the objection on the grounds of employment is for Marston Mills, Mass. 00 Watch the mercury surrendered the reins of govern the streets, for the workers crats trailing behind them, pite United States, do hereby call upon all of the unemployed, joining with all of the refugees and all Portland, Oregon.
ment and gave way to the extra power. When that period of com ously denied that they had any the Congress of the United States rise from week 10 Thermopolls, Wyoming. 00 parliamentary of the employed workers as well, to demand that the resources government of parative stability was rudely political aims. They dinned it to repeal al laws abridging the Yellow Springs, Ohlo.
Gaston Doumergue.
ended, by the crisis, by the vio) into the heads of the workers Windsor, Conn.
week (Continued on page Continued on Page 4)
The Doumergue government. Continged on page (Continued on Page 200. 00. 200. 00. 75. 00 50. 00 50. 00 Forgo N.
of 10. 00 10. 00 10. 00 10. 00 10. 00 Mess 00 50 OX 00 00 00 00