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6 SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 26, 1938 Spiked Slanders LET ME IN. Story of 076 Two Times Every Week!
The People Want No War fensive.
Daladier Regime Is Leading France Swiftly To Fascism Daily!
BOOK REVIEW SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. II No. 51 Saturday, November 26, 1988 Pres. Cardenas last week dealt a body blow to the Stalinist campaign to force Trotsky exPublished every week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS pulsion from Mexico.
In a few blunt words he brushed aside the at 116 University Place. New York, NY.
Telephone: National Office: Algonquin 8547 slanders of Lombardo Toledano and all the By Max Shachtman other Stalinist stooges and indirectly at the same THE STORY OF THE CIO. By Benjamin Stolberg. 282 pages.
Subscriptions: 00 per year; for six months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order time made an answer to the stupid accusations Viking Press, New York. 82. 00. cents per copy. Single copies cents. of some American capitalist papers concerning Whoever missed the series of articles on the written All checks and money orders should be made Trotsky.
by the author for the Scripps Howard newspapers last spring, out to the Socialist Appeal.
now has the opportunity to read them between book covers. But Entered as second class matter September The Stalinists have tried to smear Trotsky by even more; for the material has not only been revised and 1997, at the post office at New York, New York, linking him, in their familiar style, with reacstrengthened and brought up to date, but a good deal has been under the Act of March 3, 1979 tionaries in Mexico. The Daily News and other added to amplify and round out the story of what Stolberg MAX SHACHTMAN correctly calls our most important social movement since the capitalist papers in country have, on the Civil War, making it a work which can be enthusiastically recEditor other hand, tried to see Trotsky hand in the ommended not only to the student of the labor movement, but to HAROLD ROBERTS GEORGE CLARKE policy of oil and land expropriation pursued by everyone who is actively engaged in it.
Asociate Editors the Cardenas government.
THE BOOK BURNERS FAIL STANLEY, Business Manager Cardenas declared all these charges to be unWhen the articles first appeared, they were answered by a true. He said that Trotsky has honorably kept barrage of denunciation by every Stalinist who had even the his pledge not to intervene in the internal afremotest connection with the trade union movement. The official party machine was set in motion, and letters to the editor and fairs of the country. And Cardenas should resolutions and speeches attacking Mr. Stool berg as a RedThe revolutionary party moves forward in know better than anyone else.
baiter and professional enemy of the were turned out with the United States!
The Stalinists support Cardenas. Cardenas the same spontaneousness that characterizes the resolutions With reaction and fascism on every hand, supports Trotsky right to asylun. To put it calling for Death to the Trotskyist Bukharinist wreckers which with the old parties of labor collapsing before are adopted with such easy unanimity in the Soviet factorles.
mildly, this is somewhat embarrassing for the our eyes, the National Committee of the SocialKremlin stooges.
This virulent campaign was supplemented by a perfectly ignoble pressure which the same forces sought to exert upon the publisher ist Workers Party steps on accelerator: a But we know that the Stalinists will not stop of the present book in order prevent its appearance to drive is launched for a twice weekly Socialis here. If their incredibly base campaign of slanFortunately, the totalitarian drive to suppress the book did Appeal.
der does not work because Cardenas happens not deter either the author or the publisher. Fortunately for this The decrepit Socialist Party issues a miserable to be an honest democrat, we can be sure they dry academic document destined for dusty oblivion on a college bookshelf, but an exciting, vivid, well told narrative of the tiny tabloid, anxiously awaiting only the final will attempt to resort again to the only real struggle to build and to preserve the most important and most rites. The pretentious Lovestonites are visibly weapon they have the knife or the bullet of promising labor movement in America today. Fortunately, also, stagnating. The Communist Party shudders in the assassin.
for the reputation of the author and the indubitably progressive its patriotic orgy. Only the fourth International But that will not avail them either. We and significance of his work, because to read only few pages is enough to dispose of the vicious canard disseminated by reacshows real revolutionary Vitality courage, au our comrades all over the world stand vigilant tionaries Stalinist and bourgeois, in tacit accord that the book dacity and self confidence.
guard over the safety of the foremost living ex is an attack on the and industrial unionism. It is anything The strength of Trotskyism has always re ponent of authentic revolutionary Marxism.
but that posed in its program. We have held firmly to More than ever now, safeguard Trotsky right DEFENSE OF THE IO.
this program throughout the years. Now our of asylum! Safeguard Trotsky life!
If the ever did need defense and justification as the faith in the great ideas of Marxism is beginfirst great and successful mass industrial union movement, it has it, brilliantly presented, in this book. The author starts with the ning to pay its dividends. The Fourth Interna historical background of the American labor movement and gives tional prepares to move ahead with a semius again the all too well known picture of the pitiable importance weekly paper the heavy artillery of the new ofof the traditional of policy when confronted with the Buried away in the inside pages of the problem of organizing the millions working in the key, basic, The significance of the semi weekly will be Times is an inconspicuous news item reporting Æsop mass production industries.
clear from the appearance of the very first issue. a tremendous vote in Chicago in favor of a Unlike so many superficial students of the labor movement, Stolberg shows that this impotence more accurately, unwilling.
The squeels of our enemies will testify to the referendum calling on the Illinois congressional ness to organize the unorganized, the infuriating atomizing of power of the paper. The influence of the Party delegation to vote no on all legislation draftlabor strength into obsolete craft unionism, stems from the social carrying its revolutionary message to thousands ing American boys to fight on foreign soil.
composition of the of its domination by the labor arisof awakening workers will be speeded up by the It is not surprising that the Times, consistent tocracy and the petty bourgeois ideology that characterizes it.
It needed the greatest economic crisis in America and its more frequent paper.
drum major for Roosevelt wat drive, printed consequences to release the powerful forces of the most proleOur weekly paper spread the propaganda of the item in an obscure corner and disparagingly tarian sections of the working class in this country and to achieve, revolutionary Marxism to the advanced work attributed the huge favorable poll to the vote.
in the form of the o. what the isolated radical movement in ers getting abilities of its sponsor Big Bill the the United States had urged for decades, namely the industrial Our semi weekly Appeal will sink its roots Builder. The bill received 1, 025, 801 votes for union organization of the basic industries. Its very composition has endowed the with the robust militancy and revoluin the broader masses.
and 572, 646 against. Not even the high powtlonary tactics (sit in strikes) that distinguish from the old The watchword is FORWARD! Forward to ered William Hale Thompson, with all his of even though the leaders of both movements scarcely the twice weekly Appeal on the road to the vote catching proclivities, could have mustered of the Stalinist bureaucracy in These legalities provide Daladier differ in their social outlook.
By TERENCE PHELAN so large a turnout unless there was real popular Russin and the bosses with perfect pre The same factor and this is true regardless of the immediate sentiment for the referendum. Special to Socialist Appeal) Stalinists Kicked Downstairs texts for their increasingly smash prospects of unity between the two groups. makes the io.
Daladier repaid them with the ing counter attack. Lockouts, What the Difference? The plain fact is: the sentiment was genuine potentially the most revolutionary force ever assembled in the PARIS, Nov. French reaction Munich pact and at the congress small and isolated strikes deliberUnited States.
and widespread. The people of Chicago and the pushes steadily on toward Pashe sarcastically asked the Stalin ately provoked by the bosses the The bourgeoisle knows but too well the danger the Wilder McGowan, 24 year old Negro, is people of the entire nation do not want to fight cism through the Bonapartism of ists why, if they preferred war to more surely and finally to smash represents for it. One of Stolberg most thoughtful, sober and Daladier.
lynched by a Mississippi mob on the hoary pre any war for Morgan, Rockefeller and DuPont the diktat of Munich, they could them, become the order of the instructive chapters, The New Vigilantism, gives us an ominous text of having attacked a 74 year old white French capitalism is determined influence to work more than 45 thoroughness the daily police not get the workers under their day. With increasing intensity and whether it be on the soil of Asia, Europe or picture of how far advanced are the preparations of capitalist woman reaction in the fight to annihilate the and, for that matter, even Latin America. That a demagogue like to compete with fascist Germany hours a week for the national de roundups drug into jail anti tas efficiency. e. its ability to Thousands of Jews the Negroes of Gerthe whole labor movement. He is right, we believe, in showing Big Bill Thompson should initiate such a drive its workers a practically un fonse!
cist refugees whose papers are that American Fascism has already passed beyond the mere many are tormented and persecuted by Nazi measure is irrefutable proof that anti war senti limited number of hours a week.
French capitalism no longer not in order. Only last week, un embryo stage; he is keenly right, in his analysis of the class mobs in Berlin ment is firmly imbedded among the millions of It can do so, it claims, only by needs the People Front and with der pretext of sanitary regula dynamics making for the Fascist movement (what gratifying The pretexts are similar, the mobs are alike, America masses.
having an equally free hand in excontrast to the windy superficialities about democracy offered loud guffaws simply has kicked it tions, hospital train of wounded tending production. hours. And downstairs. The Stalinists them international anti fasciat fighters us by Stalinism and the tortures differ only in degree. What the its associated liberals. and he substantiates That Thompson should exploit this deepdifference?
his views with the story of how the Little Steel strike was broken that means it must once and for selves have been among the first was turned back at the French seated feeling for his own crooked political am all smash the last remaining to feel the impact of the new situ Spanish border by the government and his account of the sinister Mohawk Valley Formula for Germany is a (capitalist) dictatorship: Hitler bitions, that he should blunt its force by making strike and union smashing.
workers gains won in the great ation. Two important Stalinist of this great democracy.
admits his vicious intentions. He frankly wants the referendum advisory, is no cause for 1936 strikes and half lost already mass meetings have been Antly Creeping Technique THE VIRUS THAT THREATENS LABOR to drive the Jews out of Germany and to perwonder by the treachery of People prohibited and broken up by poBut an even acuter threat to the and here again the lice.
Noticeable is the creeping techsecute the miserable victims in their fight. Our candle of indignation will burn at both Fascism path to power has nique of Daladier Bonapartism.
author is dead right lies within the organization. It is the The United States is a (capitalist) democ ends at the unconscionable tricks of crooked insidious destructiveness of Stalinist reaction. Stolberg does more The question of fascism in differed in each country. In Italy With each new repression it has France is no longer Whether than merely give an unassailably racy. Roosevelt fills the air with twaddle about Rocumented record, in one union politicians until we learn what they so clearly it was gangsterism, in Germany skilfully taken the workers tem.
but How soon? For how long a the parliamentary rond, in Spain, perature, watched hawk eyed for after the other, of the ruinous effects of Stalinism at work in equality, but his eyes are closed to the barba understand now time still will Daladier Bonarian treatment of the Negroes which goes the the He gives the political explanation of it. It is precisely revolt by the army. Bonapartiam a real mass counter attack. And The masses do not want warno kind of partism be sufficient?
because they are not Reds that the Stalinists sap the vitality is a French Invention and it may then smashed on another represNazis one better.
war regardless of imperialist pretexts.
of the movement. They operate as instruments of the reactionary Daladier Declares War very well hand power over to sion. And again watched.
Roosevelt and his friends, from Al Smith to The masses want to participate in an antiFascism more smoothly than And how do the workers an Soviet bureaucracy which, because of its desire for union with the Herbert Hoover shed bitter tears of compassion Last month at the Marseille Bruening cleared the way for Hit swer? What is their spirit? How American bourgeoisie, wants a doclle labor movement in this war movement. They want a referendum on war. Congress of his Radical Socialistler in Germany.
for the suffering Jews of Germany. Crocodile country, patriotic and class collaborattonist unions.
are they fighting against this They do not trust the politicians.
Party, Daladies, with hypocrisy creeping fascisization That is why, as Stolberg demonstrates, the most deliberate tears! The difference between Wilder McGowan Let us harness this sentiment to a revolutionrivalling that of Roosevelt, de Comrades Imprisoned An off hand answer is difficult.
and systematic Red buiters anti progressive elements in the and Solomon Levine lies only in the color of fended the social legislation in But French Bonapartismal. The Communist Party is undergo today are the protagonists or dupes of the Stalinist line.
ary anti war campaign. One million Chicago their skin and the sound of their name.
words and actually declared im ready yields little to Fascism in ing a fierce internal crisis. Not And it might be added, that is at bottom why the C, has had votes will be expanded to thirty or forty mil placable war on the gains won by the mounting brutality of its re only rank and Alors but district so little difficulty with its allies and patrons of the Lewis Hillman The me beast attacks them. Its name is lions throughout the nation. The masses will the workers in June, 1936. pressions. It has already sentenced and regional leaders are tearing bureaucracy, for the political program of the latter differs in few capitalism.
only begin by votes.
practical aspects from that of Mr. Browder. The author failure This was Stalinism reward for to one year in prison our comrade up their party cards in disgust its years of support to French im the Fourth Internationalist Youth straw. Throughout the workingto emphasize this point, resulting from his failure to make a Charpy, editor of Révolution, and rage. Munich was the last social and political group analysis of the IO. bureaucracy, leaves powerful war veterans tussociaperialism, for its frenzied propaga paper, for provoking the military class spreads black brooding a bad gap in the book which deserves comment on another tions, feeling Occasion.
their pensions tion of the slogan, Daladier to to disobedience. It is bringing anger; but also a discouragement, threatened, likewise joined in Power!
Duvernet and Jourdain to trial puzzlement, depression. But if they The author lays no claim to a spurious and hypocritical Daladier, shifting his base to the Daladier made savagely ironic for articles appearing in the trade can find the way, they will fight impartiality in the internal fight during which Stalinism is center and right of parliament, use of the demagogy of the Stalin union paper Revell Syndicaliste: with a fierce courage.
threatening to scuttle the He has a viewpoint; he probegan openly toying with the idea ists of the past few years, with as well as the anarchist comrades Our Tasks claims it and justifies it amply; and knows that it is unamof disbanding parliament altowhich they held the workers sup. biguous enough to prohibit either Stalinist or bourgeois reaction The Fourth International in (Continued from page 1)
port by pretending to be concern Sante) and Leclere; and others. France is faced with an immense gether and ruling by decree until from taking comfort in it ed for their demands, while ac. During the great building trades opportunity and an immense task.
tration camp faces the workers 1940 in other words establishing FORMULA FOR PROGRESS tually enslaving them to the was eloquently forecast in the police military dictatorship to (Continued from page 1)
strike at Lyon, which has just the workers are ready. Sympto First, it must permit radical and revolutionary criticism French war machine which the gone down to bitter defeat, the matic was the war crisis action of Daladier decrees which provided force the workers to comply. these charges fell to pieces in Stalinists regarded as a firm ally. it must not exclude any worker for his political beliefs, for draustic fines and imprisoncourt.
government imprisoned 80 work the Lille District Central Local of no matter what they are. But it must rid itself of Stalinist The counterpart of this in the ment for workers who refuse to field of foreign policy has been Experts examined the famous ers for picketing, 20 of whom it the General Confederation of Lab officials, staff members and organizers. If the worker is accept the extra hours of work document supposedly estab. actionaries whose only aim was three months to a year. For mere workers: not under telegraphed has already sentenced to from or, representing 250, 000 militant made to understand that Stalinism is neither Red nor coma continuing attempt to alien lishing the Fascist connection the repression of the working picketing these crushing sen: warning from the CG. Paris demanded.
munist nor labor, and that the effort to get rid of it is not France with Germany in a new and unanimously declared it to class movement.
The anger of the workers over understanding.
Red baiting but on the contrary an effort to get rid of Redthese decrees, which are designed be a crude forgery.
balters and union wreckers, he will elect no Stalinists to to bring about a return of libThis is the net result of the Negrin and Co. preparing for Was Labrousse himself, Federal of mass arrests by the socialist The charge of desertion coloffice.
eral economy le, to give the two years of People Frontism in lapsed when an eventual deal with the Fas. Secretary of the Building Trades mayor of Lille, would they take it was shown that cists, desired in this trial to show Union. And this government pre down their smashing anti war The formula deserves hearty endorsement because it is to the bosses free rein and make the France. The forces of the work the 29th Division, the best interests of the for today and for the future. It prothat it was engaged in effectively tends to be impartial.
ers have been dispersed and de unit involved, was actually workers pay the whole whack, posters. Such incidents aresignif vides for the protection of every member democratic rights in hounding the working class movewas so strong that the General moralized. The Communist Party praised by the Stalinist General To Resist Is Treason cant. The French section prohibiting expulsion of any worker for his political views.
Confederation of Labor was com has lost heavily in influence be Pozas for its part in the fighting ment. The Loyalist government Daladier frankly threatens the of the Fourth International is Any number of critical observations could be made of Stolpelled to take a strong stand, at cause it was so openly the only around Huesca in June, 1937, at used the to ferret out the munitions workers that any strug. utilizing every opportunity for pro imperialist war party in the time when it was supposed dark alleys as they did Nin to fender them liable not only to be berg book. Most important, perhaps, is the inadequate treatleast verbally against them.
ment of the political policy and activities. Less important At the conference last France during the recent crisis. to have deserted. constantly rising cost of liv are some of the author mis judgments of individuals Mrs. Herweek Jouhaux, the French Bin At the conference last Finally, Jose Rovira, the disrupt and demoralize the working fired, but to undergoing criming, new taxes, ftercer and fiercer rick, Homer Martin, John Lewis, for example. Similarly, our Green, succeeded only with great week the rank and Alle delegates commander whom the Stalinista ing class. At the trial of the inal prosecution. Workers rights boss attacks on the few remaining analysis of the Lovestone group of the fight in the auto workers for a demonstrative general strike Stalinist members of the Execu territory, created a sensation by the Kremlin gangsters and con that one time stalwart of the Peo Bolshevik Leninist Marxism of the etfort in sidetracking demands by secret ballot voted all the charged had gone over to Fascist leaders they no longer are being redefined as treason. 1936 gains, are forcing the work union, of the defeat in Little Steel, would differ, as our readers know, from Stolberg And we would not get along very harmoof protest. This was canalized tive Committee of the Confedera appearing personally in court to niously with him in a discussion on his odd views on Thermidor.
into a resolution of a general tion.
refute the charge.
sequently let them drop.
ple Front, calls for the forma. Fourth International. But time But these defects, which detract from a page here and there, protest and a proposal for pro. Whether the workers will now One Charge Left tion of semi voluntary labor presses desperately; fascism do not invalidate the soundness of the book as a whole. At all test demonstrations on Nov. 26. resume the offensive, knit their The frame up tell to camps and the muzzling of dema creeps on; will the French work events, they are not the targets at which most of the shooting Meanwhile opposition to the ranks together and produce fresh, pieces. The leaders were Subscribe to gogues (e. protesting workers. ers find the only way in time. has been aimed in the public prints. What has been under attack, decree laws piled up on all sides. unsolled leadership ready to take convicted only of the honorable Now come home to roost the break with the reformist and Stalabove from the Stalinists who have more than onough cause Having been left out in the cold bold course of struggle against erime of having solidarized compulsory arbitration and strike inist parties of betrayal, return to for their hysterical fear, is quite invulnerable. Every worker who by their ally Daladier, the Social the threat of open dictatorship is themselves with the Barcelona Socialist Appeal illegality laws which the workers revolutionary mass action? reads the book will not only easily convince himselt of this fact; ist and Communist parties both now the major question for workers in the May struggles let the People Front put over on They must, and the Fourth In he will also find its contents a necessary and valuable tool in his expressed opposition, and the France.
against the Stalinist bourgeois re them in late 36 and early 37. ternational must show them how! work in the American labor movement today.