AntifascismBolshevismCapitalismDemocracyEnglandFascismIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninismMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

NOVEMBER 26, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Resolutions Adopted by National Committee Plenum Plenary Session of Adopts Program of Action Sidelights on Convention Trade Union Resolution Points Plenum Endorses World Organization to Be Re Shaped Road to Unity, Progressive Work Congress Decisions On Fighting Campaign Lines The Plenary Session of the the Fourth International and to work. party functionaries wage fund, pro(Resolution of the Plenum of the Political Committee preserve the unions which are National Committee of the So the Executive Committee and (Resolution of the Plenum of the vided by special contributions from better paid cialist Workers Party, having Secretariat elected at the ConNasional Comwillee)
Rapped on Election destruction, and a united front heard the report of its delegu party members and sympathizers must be estabNational Committee)
ference, and declares formally lished to hthem on this basis is correct.
professional party workers a tion to the World Conference of that the Socialist Workers Party (Resolution of the Plenum)
the period between the present plenum of The reliable of support in marked trend towards But in the political field, we have the Fourth International, de is the United States section of the National Committee and the National Conparty must come to its next convention with unity has been an outstanding With the exception of the no interest in preserving capital clares its endorsement and ap the Fourth International (World vention in the Spring we must bring about a an increase in the number of full time party feature of the developments in the Newark local, the party falled ism and its state. Quite the con proval of the theses and resolu Party of the Socialist Revolu decisive improvement in our methods of work. workers in general, and at least one full time American labor movement in the to conduct any serious election trary, we seek to destroy it tions adopted by the Conference. tion. Determined efforts must be made to replace party organizer in each district, recent period. It was expressed activity in the various state through revolutionary action.
The National Committee de scattered desultory activity in organization The party work in the trade unions, which clearly in the events of the of campaigns recently concluded.
The National Committee conclares, finally, in favor of the Our action, for example, in supas well as in propaganda agitation characterL. convention where the progres No candidates appeared has recorded a modest improvement since the siders the decision adopted by continuation of the maximum porting the Martin administraistie of Social Democratie organizations and sive revolt of a large section on the ballot save for Newark the Conference to found and or party convention, must be organized more sysamount of support, financial, propaganda circles by systematie planned work tion, as against the Stalinists, in tematically. The work on a national scale must the membership, especially the where the party made a splenganize the Fourth International the auto workers union was based political and moral, and the and activity organized on the Bolshevik cam be directed and coordinated by a full time labor Teamsters Union, against the re did showing in any of the (World Party of the Socialist on these considerations. It was closest collaboration in the regu paign principle. The membership must be ac secretary. part of the APPEAL staff should Rctionary policies of the diehard state, congressional or local conRevolution) as an indispensable correct to seek to preserve that lar work of, the Executive Comtivized on the basis of universal and individual specialize in trade union matters. In general clique in the executive council was tests.
step of the highest political and union from the Stalinist disruptmittee Secretariat of the responsibility for an organized series of separate Write in campaigns have in revealed. The action of internathe convention orientation toward concentration historie significance for the revers. In our failure to give suffiFourth International and in actions flowing from our own general political on trade union work must be re enforced by the tional unions of the of state all cases proved ineffective and olutionary and labor movements ciently clear criticism of certain structs the Political Committee positions and Leninist organization concepts. It CI. councils, and Local unions, of the world.
necessary organizational and literary measures.
aroused little or no interest to take all the necessary steps calling for unity with the of reactionary maneuvers of the is the responsibility of the party leadership to among the workers. In several THE PARTY PRESS The National Committee furMartin forces, we did not, howto realize this support and colplan and direct these actions and to concentrate Was another manifestation of states, it was possible to place ther reaffirms its adherence to ever, draw a sharp enough line laboration all party energy on them for a given period of Since the convention big strides have been this trend. Roosevelt administra at least one party candidate on time in each case. Special weeks or longer made toward the financial stabilization of the tion pressure for unity, as part of between our program and the limthe ballot. But these opportuniperiods must be dedicated to specific tasks and party press, the prerequisite for its further exhis strategy of achieving national ited program of Martin and his ties were uniformly missed.
the striking power of the entire membership pansion. The crux of this problem is the prompt unity in war time has increased allies. Our role in the auto strugResponsibility for this failure brought to bear upon them.
payment of bundle order accounts by the tremendously following the Sepgle was tactically sound but inrests with the Political CommitTASKS FOR NEXT PERIOD branches. Carelessness and negligence in this complete as a result.
tember war crisis. The swing to tee. Parliamentary activity is a Particular attention in the next period should respect, still prevailing in sections of the party, the right in the off year elections Nevertheless, in combatting vital part of our work and our be concentrated on the following specific tasks: are the chief factors undermining the foundahas further served to strengthen program. Serious efforts must Stalinism in blocs with other ten1. The popularization of our program of trantion of the APPEAL and the NEW INTERNAsentiment for the unification of be made to correct the faults dencies, we must resist the swing Party To Be Geared To New Tempo To TIONAL and, at times, threatening their existhe and the of both sitional demands as a whole, and each item evidenced in the recent camof the workers, disillusioned by Apply Transitional Program In separately. Internal educational work along this tence. These intolerable practices must be ended, organizations feel themselves to their experiences of Stalinism, topaign.
line must be coordinated with editorial exposiby drastic measures if necessary.
be in greater jeopardy from reacward syndicalist conceptions and Trade Union Activity against polities and political tion, agitation, leaflet distribution, etc. in one tionary forces consolidated in actionary society, opens the way workers party, operating without subsidy. Continued from page 1) on the Young People Socialist comprehensive plan.
parties in general. These reactioncan publish papers only if they are paid for.
Congress seeking to fost union for fruitful activity of our Party time party workers. The goal was League and its 10th National Consmashing legislation on the divid centering around the slogans of ary tendencies, which only disarm Those who take a light hearted attitude toward set to have at least one full time vention to be held in Chicago this special campaign against perfidious Stalinism, the greatest plague of the labor move this question act as disorganizers of the party ed labor movement (1) Sliding Scale of Hours and the workers in the struggle party organizer in every district weekend. It was remarked by ment, directed especially to the Stalinist youth press. Particularly now, with the party steering The hegemony of the industrial Wages. 2) Open the Idle Factoagainst capitalism, must be fought of the party before the next sw. members of the Committee, that and trade unionists. The role of the Stalinists toward a twice a week publication of the APworkers in the American labor ries. 3) Workers Defense Guards, by the Marxist party. convention in the Spring of this Plenum marked the first time as undisguised agents of imperialism must be PEAL, with its consequent doubled expense of movement as reflected in the in and other demands contained in Greater Concentration 1939.
in years that the leading party exposed and denounced far more vigorously than production, the party must insist on a strict and crease in industrial unions within the transitional program. While the most important The Plenum took note of the committee gave serious considera before by concrete illustrations, especially on responsible payment for bundle orders. The the of L, the growth of pow One of the gravest dangers to and largest field of our trade unfailure of the Party to put up can tion to the Youth question. questions of social patriotism, trade unionism plenum endorses the previous decision of the er of the large truck drivers inter the labor movement has been the ion activity remains at present in didates in the recent elections Erdorses Change and betrayal of the Latin American people Political Committee instructing the business national union with its pro unity deadly alliance of John Lewis the Minncapolis area, there have excluding Newark. and rapped The Plenum heartily endorsed (Cuba. managers of the party publications to cut off sympathies, and the permanence and other bureaucrats with been other labor centers where the Political Committee for neg the proposed change contemplated PROFESSIONAL WORK the bundle orders of branches violating this rule of the has served to aid the the reactionary Stalinist machine modest but definite progress has lecting to provide any directives by the L, leadership in the The party must strive to increase and regardless of which branch may be effected or shift in the direction of unity, be Despite protests of an ever in been recorded. In for effective participation in the character and outlook of the strengthen its professional staff. The intensified what excuses are offered. The party is detercause of the vital needs of thits creasing section of the io. the cro. movement. In steel in state and local contests. youth organization, le, a broad work of a revolutionary political party is incom mined to stabilize the financial structure of its decisive force in the labor move movement, the criminal and irre New Jersey and elsewhere; the Report on mass youth movement rather than patible with amateurism and the sluggish rou press and to permit no disruption of it.
sponsible policies of the Stalinists painters and maritime workers in Significant in the changed ori youth political party. Martin tine that always goes with it. More and more At least two national tours of prominent party Labor Unity were forced down the throats of New York City: the development entation of the party was the Abern was the reporter on the qualified comrades, ready for sacrifice, must be speakers are to be organized before the Spring In light of these developments, important unions with the aid of of a cadre in auto; the activity in opening of the Plenum with a re youth question.
encouraged to devote their full time to party convention Max Schachtman reported for ocal support of unity in the labor tices of Harry Bridges, West places where our work is integrat comrade Widick, supple the International Delegation on movement, and reiterate the fold Coast director, brought a ing the movement with the trade mented by two delegates to the the World Congress of the Fourth lowing considerations from our spontaneous revolt of progressive unions and building the party, Pittsburgh gathering. The report International and a resolution was National Convention Trade Union unionists which was temporarily Resolution: defeated only by drastic interven need for greater concentration of cussion on the trade union ques of the conference. Experience has shown the on the CLO. Introduced the dis adopted approving the decisions Although it is impossible for tion of John Brophy. Stalinist our work in those unions and tion, also led by comrade Widick. The Plenum adjourned on a us at the present time to Influ director. The autonomy of the centers where roots already have the experiences of six months ac note of well founded optimism. Its By auto workers union has been serience decisively the course of Chief topic around the press from the rank and file who saw been established or concrete prostivity in the unions and the burn members are returning home to him help the Stalinists in their events, or to determine the pace ously jeopardized and all progres table was will the Stalinists take sive tendencies within that union tion of pects are opened up. Intensifica ing issue of unity occupied the marshall the party forces in a de rule or ruin tactics.
and method of trade union unPITTSBURGH, PR What over the and why don termined drive to make the soParty work around center of discussion ity, we are nevertheless bound badly crippled by the they pep this convention up so Mr. Tucker Smith, another The new direction of the party cialist Workers Party the recog. Homer Martíf going to do at the to concentrate our propaganda bloc of Lewis and the Stars Famous these areas rather than diffusion have hot story.
bright luminary of the alleged Everywhere within the IO.
of our limited forces over the in its practical activity was striknized revolutionary leadership of convention? This was one of the and agitational activity among most frequently asked questions. Socialist Party was visitor and other unions, the Stalinists system of organizing our trade whole Held must be the guiding ingly indicated in the discussion the American working class.
the workers in favor of the Best answer was that the auto to the convention. He, too, has Only Postal Telegraph mesmost desirable basis for unity, hound and seek to destroy genu union work in the future. Colonworkers president was an unpre felt the axe, according to rewere allowed in the ine progressive and revolutionary ization of comrades into these uictable man. It was generally ports. He was dismissed from that is, democratic organization sevention. Braphy explaining workers who resist their rule or places should be an integral part agreed, however, that if anyone and a wide measure of autonthe educational department of that a contract had been ruin policy with its war mongerwould create a stir at the conven omy for the affiliated unions, esthe auto workers.
signed with that company while pecially such measure AS ing dictated by the needs of the of this program of action, wherevtion, Martin was the man. Per Western Union was fighting the Soviet bureaucracy, which seeks er possible.
would facilitate the organizahaps on the war referendum is.
The cut and dried character of National Labor Secretary tion of the basic industries into to tie the American labor move.
urged him to participate actively the convention so far would have Industrial unions and preserve ment to the Roosevelt war ma There has been an improved (Continued from page 1) in the convention, to show that been changed and a much more The importance of this conven the Integrity of those already in chine in return for a Stalin Roose coordination of national trade Lewis to investigate unions, in the the was united.
John Brophy, director. thorough discussion of the question was Illustrated in one way by existence. Every attempt to velt bloc. Ruthless disregard of union work in the past period de manner he did in auto. These are So Martin spoke on the resolupulled the first boner of the tion of labor unity would have the presence of every well known carve up the industrial unions vital unton democracy, slandering spite the big obstacle presented by dangerous precedents for the lab tion for observing collective bar convention. He announced there resulted from the presence of the labor reporter. Over 50 journalista into craft formations must be and framing of progressives, crea lack of finances for the trade un or movement.
would be a meeting of the pa International gaining agreements. He blamed per industrial wnions Monday Ladies Garment representing the world, labor and stubbornly resisted as thorough tion of a dictatorial bureaucratic ion department which made it im Of course, a broader and more the employers for the sit downs Workers Union. When a conven radical press were covering the ly reactionary.
structure for the these are possible for the labor secretary to flexible interpretation of these vi but was far too sharp in his own night. Whereupon a newspaper tion committee accidently men sessions.
man isked, did he mean the tioned David Dubinsky name in Pro Direction the methods of the Stalinist function for four months during tal clauses depends entirely on criticism of sit downs. Later on, Basing itself on the numer agents within the labor movement. the summer in New York. na how much pressure the rank and Martin talked on the resolution to Stalinist controlled unlons!
connection with report, the delThere is little direct rank ically greater dues paying of Lesser Evil in Unions tional steel fraction, covering New file places on the executive board. organize Ford.
cgates laughed. He is viewed by and nle representation at the Blocs with non stalinist membership in comparison to Ohio, East Chicago and It becomes a question of relation John Lewis looked perplexed many unionists as a man The final touch was a charming convention. Executive boards love feast arranged by the auto und tired during his oration of to fight for his position on unity regional directors, and press re who was afraid or too uncertain of IO. international unions, Stalinist influence in alliance with tive elements genuinely interested Maritime work has been improved Stalinists Get Posts workers executive board which marks. Even his the Nazi persecution of Jews was within the John Lewis, there has arisena in saving the union movement somewhat on a national scale, ExBecause the constitution pro saw Martin presenting Murray, dents of councils consticertain tendency within our own from destruction at Stalinist, change of information, advice and tute the overwhelming majority ranks which can best be described hands are not only permissable policy have been given in the field, vides for the executive board of Hillman and Lewis with watches delivered in a mild tone.
The International Woodwork of the delogates, who number as pro of ism. It has ap but at times necessary. While als to a greater or lesser degree member from each affiliated na auto workers, while the Stalinists The Star Spangled Banner ers paper, passed out to all dele 476 was played for an introduction gates, carried an interesting to the sessions. Nothing like publications influenced by our independently and maintaining trade union work on a national tional and international union and cheered. Actually, neither Martin, organizing committee and Lewis nor Lewis nor the Stalinists be story about the charges placed The key men on every import comrades and in some policy pro our right of criticism, our Party. scale must be based on adequate insisted that the nominees be the lieved the talk of unity and peace trying to whip up patriotism against George Arms, treas ant committee are miners, deposals in certain instances. This in a certain sense, supports the support of this department, Menns president of each of the affiliates and the struggle behind the scenes before a pro war policy Is an urer of Harry Bridges long voted henchmen of the Lewis meattitude is false. In spite of specif. legger evil within the trade must be found to place the party shoremen union. It was chine. The is certainly In Stalinists nounced.
the is more bitter than ever.
ic tactics in separate union situr unions. Stalinists are the main en labor secretary on a full time Afteen board: This remarkable performance claimed he was a red baiter.
his control, organizationally tione, dictated by exceptional cinemy in the present instance be basis.
Joe Curran, of the National was followed by another event After Lewis plea for democra The story revealed that Arms speaking, although the place is cumstances, and though avoiding cause of the deadly role of this 10. Our advances in trade union Maritime Union, was elected de which, to put it mildly, was uncy and the bill of rights a rank was recently re elected to that swarming with Stalinists. Of any organizational fetishism, we cancerous force within the unions. work are reflected in the Party spite opposition from his own usual. On a point of special priv. union told some visitors that his and file member of the miners post despite Bridges opposi course, they do not seem to be have been, and remain, pro 1o. In order to save the unions from press. The increasing news and delegates, because Lewis personese. Joc Curran arose and read union had been trying to get tion.
worrying very much. The Lewis The key to a thorough under destruction, we unite with all seri attention given to labor events in ally interceded.
speech on democracy could have standing of and support for the ous elements to exclude the agents the Socialist Appeal are one maniThe official explanation for the been given word for word by from control of festation of the progress made in Michael Quill, Lewis Merrill, are Stalinist behind the scenes men at lies in recognizing that it is of Stalinism Bridges, Mervin Rathborne by Thomas Ray and Roy Hudson, that for Afteen years within the Many of the District 000. 000 membership figure given Browder. The only difference is cfficers are still appointed by in the Lewis report was that of that Lewis carries more weight.
primarily social movement reunions. It must be emphasized the direction of a trade union ori among the leading Stalinists who the convention.
fecting the needs, desires and that our tactic of a lesser evil entation. Even greater attention are on the board which is com Curran pledged undying loyal Lewis. The rank and he wants course, it means both employed aspirations (even if often in dis within the unions has nothing in of the Party must be devoted to posed of 42 members.
ty. etc, etc, to Lewis and Lewis to elect their own.
and unemployed.
torted form) of the most decisive common with its reactionary this question. Activizing the nonBut Lewis Controls made a public endorsement of sections of the industrial proletar namesake on the parliamentary trade union comrades around this In case any opposition should little taste of what price It was considered very un arise from the floor, the Lewislat. Historically, it remains a pro field. We are interested in pre work; giving the Party a much However, voting on the Board Harry Bridges. Tit for tat. while the workers suffer from the rule the so called socialists are go likely that the Workers All miners machine alone controls gressive break from the conserva serving the untons from destruc stronger proletarian character: is on the basis of per capita payor ruin policies of the Stalinists. ing to pay for supporting the ance woud be given a over 2, 500, 000 votes. Add to that tive and antiquated traditions of tion and that is the basis for the recruiting in the unions through ments of the union which the No Polities at Convention Stalinist Lewis bloc in gaining charter, despite the frantic un the Hillman votes (and he is the AF. of The future of the lesser evit tactic in the unions, the good work of the fractions: board member represents. This Conspicuous by its absence control of the auto workers der cover efforts of the Stalin an integral part of the Lewis American labor movement de Even union conservatives have a these are the problems which the provision gives Lewis absolute ists who want to save themunion was given to none other bureaucracy) of 700, 000, and the pends on the success of this mass common interest in this sim, at Party must solve in the coming control of the Board. He and Phil throughout the convention was Labor Non Partisan than Walter Reuther, interna selves from complete exposure Stalinist votes of 500. 000 (a movement of industrial unionism least to the extent of wishing to period.
ip Murray and Sidney Hillman, lalkon tional executive board member, and bankruptcy in the unemgood deal from paper unions)
in the economic field, and its de alone have a majority of votes League and its role in politics.
ployed feld.
and president of the West Side and you can see how much velopment on the political field as from coal, steel and textile and The recent election defents have Local. He was NOT elected a clothing! Besides, they are the ex. demoralized the leaders and chance any opposition might the leading force in an independelegate by the executive board.
The notable absence of outdent working class political party.
ecutive officers whose actions are they didn want to discuss politics.
And Only one resolution endorsing you can subject to review only twice a imagine how side speakers of the La Guardia, Transitional Program (Continued from page 1)
Murphy, and other friends of lamuch sympathy he will get The Publication of While our propaganda and year by the Board which they the League was introduced. Be bor variety was explained by fore it was introduced, El OIcontrol!
agitation for the creation of a labFASCISM AND it is aroused. This will be democracy and anti fascism in action, iver, executive vice president of John Brophy, director, the desire of the top leador party is a very important task BIG BUSINESS not mere democratic, anti fascist phrase mongering.
ership to have less said about the By Daniel Guerin of the Party primarily in the was dumped from the post of sec. the League spoke on the resolu left high and dry.
Our job is to raise this demand in every organization which trade unions, Participation in another war bankruptcy of their realistic tion, and was followed by Michael accommust retary which he temporarily occu Quill. No discussion was called for democracy was pledged in a policy of working with the demohas been postponed until De panied by the equally important we can reach, to bring it before every individual with whom we pied since the death of Charles cember 15th. Several hundred for, although various delegates resolution adopted by the convencratic and republican progresstruggle for the popularization of can come into contact, to circulate petitions embodying it to Howard. James Carey, of the elecdollars are still required to wanted speak, and the resolution.
our program of transitional de trical and radio workers, was make it the central focus of mass meetings and demonstrations elected since he is considered Lion was endorsed cover the cost of publication. series of reports on organize Mr. John Strachey, The big mands as a vital part of our straEveryone interested in assut everywhere tegy of rallying the workers safer than Brophy by the IO Another example of the caution ing drives in the South, and else Shot from England (a Stalin ing the publication of this imDown with the attempt to pervert anti Nazism into the bandIst explained) was hanging where were approved and the against the blows on the economic leaders. Carey is known as a fel of the CI. leaders was their reportant book without further fusal to allow a Stalinist delegate executive board urged to plan around the convention autoand polit fields of social maiden of imperialist war and the war. mongers!
low traveller of the Stalinist line to introduce a special resolution a large campaign for new memdelay is urged to send a con, graphing copies of his latest crials. The inescapable contradicC. leaders expect to win him calling upon Roosevelt to run for bers tribution for this purpose to Grant asylum to the refugees!
piece of Stalinist propaganda.
tions of the present policies of the over.
Pioneer Publishers Lift the quotas! Abolish the financial restrictions, ibe weans a third term. The leaders Support of Roosevelt war pro Apparently the Stalinists had trade union movement in seeking Love Feast with Martin 100 Fifth Ave. New York City test, and the red tape!
ruled it out of order, not because gram was given in a special reso to go to England to get a litto alleviate the miseries inherent lution. In fact, all political resoluAdvance Orders still accepted In an effoft to impress the pub they necessarily disagree with the erary name to impress their in decaying capitalist society Welcome oni persecuted brothers into the United States!
at 50. Price on Publication lic, Lewis approached Homer Mar idea, but because they are afraid tions gave pledge to American stooges at the conven 00.
within the frame work of that re Open the doors to the German Jews!
tin, auto workers president, and Roosevelt won run and they ll be capitalism.
CIO Convention RubberStamps Lewis Machine sue the member when the onereage or workers and even with concerto connecticut had begun to tunction. The poemforce. com.