BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMarxismNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 26, 1938 NEWARK JOBLESS Union Leader Demands Prepares To Bridges Dictatorship TRUCE DECLARED Des Moines Drivers DEMAND ASYLUM Open Door for Refugees Win New Contract Fight From Arctic Drubbed By CIO Leaders IN CHILE WHEN FOR NAZI VICTIMS To South America Rubber And Shoe Worker Delegates To WORKERS ARM CIO Convention Defy Machine; Popular Front And improved working conditions, the perspective of intensified con Back Fight For Democracy Fascists For Imperialism HOGTIES CONNECTICUT CIO GREEN AND WOLL DODGE ISSUE OF UAW AUTONOMY ENDANGERED BY DETROIT MOVE cons few DES MOINES, Iowa An ironThat organized labor must take the lead in securing clad union contract, including Call Upon Roosevelt sanctuary in America for victims of Nazi persecution, substantial wage increases and (Continued from page 1)
and that trade unionists here must prepare to prevent a to Open Doors marked the end of the strike of flict between the two powers leadrepetition of Nazism here, were the outstanding state the fighting Des Moines Drivers ing to the ultimate struggle beof America ments made by Carl Skoglund, President of General they were on strike. That takes Union Local 90. This contract tween them for domination of the (Special to Socialist Appeal)
PITTSBURGH, PaThe grow marks another milestone in the Pacific area.
a lot of guts!
NEWARK, The Joint Drivers Union, Local 544, in an interview with a Socialist clean up drive of the organized It in preparation for this ing opposition to Harry Bridges, Padgett explained the whole By DONALD BERGNER Executive Committee of the Essex Appeal reporter today.
truck drivers and helpers to pull greater struggle that Roosevelt is Stalinist west coast io. direc strategy of Bridges and the west Rumblings of civil war wero County Workers Alliance, repre am fully in accord with your demand that Amer into line hold out operators in the now, spectacularly lacing the en tor, and his rule or ruin policies, heard last week In Chile as the senting the thousands of jobless ica doors be opened to these victims of race hatred, 11 state area who have been at tire Western hemisphere into a that developed at the conopposing parties quarrelled over in this area, have refused to swaldeclared President Skoglund.
tempting to buck the terms of the unified war machine for Wall vention here scored a signal vlclow the misleading propaganda of the tiny majority won by Pedro great area pact. The strike was Street and American capitalism.
tory despite a last minute interthe American bosses that letting As the workers increasingly engage in struggles Aguirre Cerda, joint Presidential won only after an extended strug. La Guardia Holds a Coat cession by John Lewis in becandidate of the popular front down the immigration bars to the against the employing class, there will undoubtedly be a gle against bitter opposition. The immediate focus of these half of Bridges.
and fascists. The actual outbreak victims of Nazi terror will take systematic attempt made to incite racial hatred. AntiThe contract brings wage in plans is the forthcoming Pan. An attempt by the Bridges jobs away from American workwas averted only by the withcreases of five cents hourly to American conference at Lima on forces from the west coast to get drawal of his recount demand by ers.
Semitism and anti Catholicism will be part of the arsenal drivers and 74 cents to dockmen Dec. For this a whole series of an endorsement of his policies at Gustavo Ross, the defeated conIn a resolution, unanimously of American fascism. We see this already in Minneapo and warehousemen, the new hour preliminary maneuvers have been a private meeting of leading inservative candidate.
endorsed by the board last Thurs! is, where the Silver Shirts are organizing, combining anly rates being respectively 57 carried out. Col. Batista, the ternational union presidents who Final election returns were not day night, these representatives cents and 55 cents. The local butcher of the Cuabn workers have local unions on the west officially announced as yet, but of the organized jobless called ti Semitism with anti unionism. Our union is ready to agreement extends for two years and the latest recruit to the coast failed dismally.
unofficial published reports indiupon the Congress and fight this reactionary movement with every means at our and the area pact will expire democratic front was brought The meeting was called by the cate that the large rural vote for Roosevelt to open the doors of command. We have organized a Union Defense Guard October 31, 1939.
here, wined, dined, flattered and president of the Stalinist conCalifornia council.
bootlicked, Ross cut Aguirre majority to America to the refugees from only 800 votes out of nearly 500, Nazism. The resolution demanded for this purpose, which is engaged in rooting out fascist After being proudly photo. Its purpose became apparent Im000. Ross charged coercion at the that all quota restrictions be activities wherever they can be unearthed.
graphed holding an overcoat for mediately when all international polls by bands of popular frontists lifted for all refugees from fasthe Cuban dictator, our little presidents except Homer Martin, and Nacistas (fascista. cist countries flower of a Mayor, LaGuardin, of the auto workers, were invited.
The conservative government ZIONISM PROVES TO BE flew down to Havana there Bridges Defends Wise to Boss Agitation mouthpiece, La Nacion, claimed made stump speech against Bridges opened the meeting This action, introduced by foreign dictators.
with a smooth speech in defense the popular frontists were organBLIND ALLEY FOR THE JEWS George Breitman, a leading memizing an armed revolt should Batista was of course won of his policies and he urged the ber of the Essex County Aguirre be counted out. The popCapture Convention over completely to the Roosevelt international union presidents to ular frontists in turn charged demonstrates that the jobless are program. This means that Cuba force their west coast locals into becoming increasingly wise to the By BEN HERMAN order to build up her colonial In Absence of that the conservatives were armThe Zionists in the United empire. The Jews in Africa will more than ever before will be his councils. He tried to blame a ing to keep out Aguire, the repfact that it is capitalism and the come a major strategic base for few disgruntled leaders for the Major Unions capitalists who are responsible for States have been conducting a bo. for England a group of coloresentative of American imperialthe Navy and air force and attacks on himself, said the ism, and put in Ross, who is more the Cuban workers lashed more rank and Ale is with me.
friendly towards the British.
lions of American workers, and that Roosevelt fight for the open most miserable conditione, tightly than ever before to the Britain policy in Palestine and (Special to Socialist Appeal. No sooner did he finish than not other workers. Barring the door. in Palestine!
The rapid arming of the trade Our worthy President has been elsewhere proves one thing. That American imperialist machine. Dalrymple, president of the refugees from America will not union and Socialist workers unBRIDGEPORT, Conn. In a Woe to those who fight for Cuba United Rubber Workers of Amergive the unemployed jobs.
doubtedly had a great deal to do only too glad to comply. He im there can be no homeland for the with the calling of a truce beOrganizing the workers to fight mediately expressed his most ten. Jews until the whole imperialist convention during which the par freedom! The democrat Batista, ica rose to expose the lies in HARRY BRIDGES tween the representatives of factories, for huge public works, was all in favor of their transpor of today is to organize and fight izational problems contronting the ture, and butcher them as he has const organizer.
for the opening of the shut down der sympathies for the Jews and system is overthrown. The task ty line ran riot while vital organ with the approval of the demo Bridges statements by making a crat Roosevelt will shoot, torstaunch defense for his west coast Stalinists. You control the the rival imperialisms. They both for housing projects, for the re tation to the holy land. Roose for the socialist revolution. What CLO. were buried or ignored, the ever since he came to power.
Dalrymple Attacks councils through issuing must have been afraid of the armuction of the work day and velt, together with most of our we must do now is to struggle ed might of the Chilean masses. ve known my organizer for Stalinists seized the helm of the At Lima the delegation, charters to paper unions under The Nazis work week with no reductions in liberal friends, seeks out all sorts for the OPENING OF THE evidently still in your domination. But you know weekly earnings these are the of places for the Jews to go ex DOOR OF OUR OWN COUN newly formed Connecticut state including Alfred Landon and John years. He been with us from Lewis daughter as symbols of the start and he done a good their unique front with the that paper unions don have any things which will provide jobs for cept one. the United States. TRY TO THE OPPRESSED organization of the Employ Stalinists. The Popular Laberatreal strength or power. So you national unity will have the job, Dalrymple declared for Tho Zionist movement is play: JEWS. By concentrating upon ing a mechanical 2 majority in task of coordinating and organiz George Roberts American jobless and the refuU. want us to go back because you Ing Alliance, composed of the ing directly into the hands of immigration to Palestine, here Steam. roller style, majority ing the puppet good neighbors organizer geos as well.
two fascist groups: the Nacistas these fakers of sentimentality by and now, and by diverting the California, and need our per capita tax and our and the Union Socialista, issued then he told how he knew the strength.
turning the attention of the Jew. Jews from their main task, Zion gained in part by the failure of in accordance with Roosevelt rubber workers on the west ish masses away from their only ism is leauing the Jews up a blind large and outstanding progressive grandiose continental plans. To After this blistering attack, a statement on Nov. 10 that it coast were against Bridges would give unstinted support to Bridges and the Stalinists left salvation. the fight for the alley.
locals of textile, rubber, auto and this end they will consider plans Powers Hapgood, president of and the meeting adjourned in an popular frontists have also tipped ra Pan American League of Aguirre in case of trouble. The open door in the United States steel workers to send delegates, Nations, a peace pact, etc. But the Shoe Workers union, took the uproar. and directing it Palestine the Staliniats turned the conven the forms will be only secondary same stand as Dalrymple, adding Since the constitution for the 15, 000 Nazi votes that their hats to the Nazis. Grateful Learn from Experience!
What hope is there in Palestine tion over to their liberal and The chief aims will be the eco to the setback of Bridges. But does not make affiliation to local swung the election for Aguirre, lawyer fellow travelers who pro nomic and military regimentation the real attack was yet to come rope? Today the doors of Palesceeded to dump the entire war of all the Latin American repub Michael Padgett, shoe workers compulsory, the west coast unions they call the election a triumph mongering program the Com lice under the command of Wash organizer on the wes Falling in line with the wave tine, like the doors of every other and can continue, if they desire, to over right wing Fascism. munist Party on the defenseless. ington and Wall Street. Left Goes Right a well known militant, told the work separately from Bridges of public indignation, William nation, are shut tightly. Great heads of the delegates.
Senor Aguirre explains the Let us not be fooled by all this conference he had to through an independent progres popular front, in an interview Green and Matthew Woll made Britain permits only a handful of No resolutions were permitted hypocritical palaver about defend say.
sive union council.
radio denunciations of Hitler tast immigrants each year. Although Blistering Attack in the Times of Nov. 6, by to come before the rank and ile ing democracy in this hemiAfter this meeting, and similar saying that the rightist parties (Continued from page 1)
Friday evening. After saying cor she parades as the friend of the delegates except those embodying sphere. Roosevelt does not give a Fadgett bagan by describing protests against Bridges policies, moved a little bit to the left while rectly that a strong, free and Jewish people, England actually As was to be expected the Inter. the undiluted reactionary and host about democracy. More than how Bridges had wrecked the John Lewis the last day of independent labor movement is uses them as a pawn in her own national Representative began the convention, made a special moved a great deal to the right the leftists the and the greatest protection any coun imperialist interests. Needing a apologizing for the General Mo pro Imperialist policies of Stalin half the Latin American republice furniture workers union.
ism, support Roosevelt pro are ruled by dictators as ruthless He told Bridges, You want try can have for the protection scapegoat inside Palestine to di tors Corporation, called for caupoint of praising Bridges, and the auto workers union to join war foreign policies, uncritical and as stained with the blood of thus guaranteeing that the IO Aguirre, Incidentally pledged himof its freedom and elvil liberties, vert the Arab movement way tion, inaction, and ended up by support of New Deal agencies the workers as Batista. your council. Yet you had the on the west coast will continue with interests and not to self in advance to cooperate Green ended in a conclusion that from the channels of anti impo an appeal to allow him personally such as the National Youth Ad! The workers of Latin America nerve to tell them to crawl back to suffer from the rule or ruin Mexicanize Chile. He was alan intensification of the con rialist struggle, the British Lion to handle the situation. The dele ministration, Federal Housing Au and of this country have nothing on their bellies to work when policies.
kümer boycott of German goods allows a tiny trickle of Jews into gates, however, have had too thority, the National Labor Rela in common with the war aims of luding to Mexico nationalization would alleviate the plight of the Palestine.
Board, and joining with of foreign imperialist interests.
Jows. Experience has proved that Revolutionary Organ Thus Aguirre gives added cona boycott is only a partial meas and that periodically in order to y, misleadership of the Auto Un American League for Peace and Tha real struggle for democracy Armation to the charge of the been in effect since 1983. Yet Hit Arab chauvinism. Anybody who mously to hold a meeting with slon from the floor on any resolu our own bosses and in Latin Published By Peru Group Partido Obrero Revolucionario Democracy. There was no discus will be waged by us here against Chilean section of the 4th Interler continues to rule supreme and still is so foolish tion.
America by the workers chained persecutions reach new pitches of that Britain is motivated by a authorization for the Fisher locals by Wall Street. That way lies Roja (Red Left. an underground alitions. That issue and those that The appearance of Izquierda and war and popular front co national, that this landowner capfrenzy. Green also said that he consideration for the Interests of to back up their demands in nego Auto Workers Resist italist friend of labor is the peace. That way lies security.
would support any practical minority peoples need only look tiations with General Motors.
paper published in Peru, reveals follow have been widely read and agent of imperialism.
Delegates from Local 505 of the To follow Roosevelt means to for the first time the existence of plan for the release of the per to Czechoslovakia, where she de Weasels Its Stand secuted. Why then not support livered thousands of Jews and taken the correct first steps. It is position in the convention to the To follow Roosevelt means not ist movement in that dictator rid oppressed workers of Peru, the ings, attempting to explain away The rank and file inilitants have Auto Workers offered the only op head not for peace, but for war. an organized revolutionary social sympathetically received by the Stalinist typographical squirmOPENING THE DOORS of the anti fasciste. over to the execu now obvious for all who care to Stalinists. They attempted to in to fight against Fascism but to den country. The paper, several seat of Roosevelt forthcoming the support given to the popular the only practical plan? tioners of Hitler because this was see that the International Execu troduce several significant resolu be subjected to it ourselves right issues of which have already ap imperialist democratic Pan front candidate Aguirre by the Prayers But No Refuge in the interests of British im tive Board is only interested in tions condemning collective secur here.
Green and Woll refuse openly perialism.
fascist candidate, General Carlos peared, is the organ of the Liga American Congress.
showing the manufacturers how ity, for independant working class to advocate opening the doors beBritain Game de Trabajadores Revolucionarios it reasonable and respectable As was to be expected, the Stal Ibanez, reached new, contortions What is the position of Pales has become, while at the same referendum before any war and NOTICE action against war, for a popular cause they have pledged themselves to Roosevelt, who is hor time in the world today it is time, suppressing every genuine for a Labor Party. These were imMany branch secretaries and (League of Revolutionary Work inists are already spreading their in the November issue of the ers. The was organized by usual insidious rumors about Communist, theoretical rifled by the Nazi pogroms and merely a tiny pawn in the hands expression of the membership literature agents have gotten Peruvian workers and students counter revolutionary Trotsky organ.
meditely buried by resolutions into the habit of mixing up lotA few days before the issue apwilling to offer a prayer but not of an imperialist giant. Palestine If the shop stewards commit. committee composed all but one who were repelled by the anti ites, but with little success. The ters, money orders, funds and abaven. Such plodges are a guards Britain route to India. It revolutionary and pro imperialist LTR has already won many peared Harry Gannes in the Dally other materials which they mockery of the sufferings of the protects the Suez canal and the tees of stick together and of Stalinists. Delegates from the nature of Stalinism and the petty members from the Stalinists, and Worker of Oct. 27 claimed that send to the National Office in bourgeois simple nationalism of will undoubtedly win many more. Ibanez is a confused national New York City.
reat content with the extension of pire. Oll pipe lines from Iraq ter gram to protect their own inter, and the Steel Workers Organizing the spontaneously devel. This is especially true since, with reformist, whose only connecvisas for 12, 000 German visitors minate at Haifa, the most impor ests, they will win the support of Committee, who were opposed to The directors of the various oped to the position of the Fourth the Stalinist turn to open support tion with the Nacistas was that in this country.
tant port of the Near East and the membership and will again re the Stalinists, failed to support party Institutions make the ur International of Yankee imperialism, the LT. he had not repudiated their en Matthew Woil is also ready, on a proposed refueling naval base establish the auto workers union Local 505 and fight the Stalinists gent request that this practice The first issue of Izquierda Roja is quite obviously the only organ dorsement. This despite the fact cease immediately. Any mahin part, to relieve the despair of for British warships. In briet. as an actressive fighting body as they should have.
announces the agreement of the ization that fights for the national that the entire Chilean labor Out of an executive board of 15 terial destined for one partieu with revolutionary social and social liberation of the Peru movement, even the Stalinists, lar institution of the Party (for around Germany. Plous indigna tegle importance to imperialist mands of the automobile workers clected by the convention, eight ism, or Trotskyism, and vehe vian masses.
had long been attacking Ibanez of this country.
tion is hardly an answer to a Great Britain.
posts including the presidency example, the NEW INTERNA mently attacks the Stalinists and In the meantime, our revolu. as a power thirsty reactionary.
Social Democrats for their sup tionary Salud! to Izquierda Roja Some Jews believe that Britain plea for life. That cannot be the went to party members, two to TIONAL, or the SOCIALIST But the past has once again complete answer of a strong, free will permit them to establish a CIO Skirts Issue followers of the line, and five to APPEAL, or the National Of Port of imperialist exploitation and the comrades of the caught up with the Stalinists. The and independent labor movement homeland in Palestine. This is a fice) should be addressed DIeditors of the Communist careSerious persons will reject halffatal error. Every new experiOf National Guard non Stalinists. With this organiza tional hand cuff on the state o.
RECTLY to that Institution. In lessly published an article by their addition, DO NOT send in one measures; they demand a HOME ence proves that Britain will NICOS PANAYIOTIDIS apparatus, the members in Chilcan leader, Carlos Contreras for the Jews in AMERICA never tolerate this. In order for PITTSBURGH, Pa. While Connecticut will have to fight the money order or check which is Labarca, which must have been Palestine to become the homeland criticizing Our comrade Nicos Panayiotidis, member of the Central to be divided up among the the strike breaking stranglehold of bureaucracy and written about two months ago for the Jews, the country would role of the National Guard in la anti militancy from within, as Committee of the former Internationalist Communist League, various party units. PLEASE Contreras gives thumb nail This week at died a few weeks ago in the fortress of Acronopolis, where he SEND have to be built up by the most bor struggles, the report of SEPARATE PAYwell as the aggressions of the sketch of Ibanez: modern machinery. The latest chairman John Lewis to the employers from without THE has been imprisoned since the summer of 1937.
MENTS MADE OUT AND ADA working class militant since his early youth, Comrade Show Me Your Friends.
DRESSED TO THE ONE IT and best type of factory would founding convention refused to Panayiotidis received his training as the leader of many strikes Dictator from 1927 to 1981; have to be established. But Eng. draw the proper conclusions from Must Organize Fight IS INTENDED FOR. The land does not, cannot, and will that fact.
among the shoe workers of Piraeus, from whose ranks he anti worker and anti people, he other method leads to intermin.
Under the handicap of the Stalemerged. Arrested and jailed repeatedly, he displayed unshakpersecuted the labor movement 116 University PL, not let this happen. Such a de The use of the National Guard inist control, the locals and memable delay, confusion and added or and the Implacably, served velopment able courage in the face Monday, Nov. 28th at P.
would mean the to break strikes has been subsidunceasing persecution.
bookkeeping. It is Hounded by the police of Metaxas, he continued his work Yankee imperialism, even when WIDICK speaks on Amergrowth of a huge modern work ized by Federal government. The bership, if further organizational annoying. Only an additional illegally and rendered invaluable services to the organization he castigated. Alessandri, ican Trade Unionism.
ing class movement inside Pales. National Guard is organized, growth and gains from the empostage stamp is required to of the Fourth Internationalists. Arrested in 1937, he was sav.
Ross, etc. and liquidated the Monday, Nov. 28th at 8:30 PM tine which would bo a permanent nunced and regulated by the players are to be won, will have to provent this.
start an uncompromising fight.
English monopoly on nitrate.
threat to British Interests. Federal government, which annuagely tortured and then thrown into the miserable dungeon JACK WEBER continues his We repeat: send all payments note is added: Events have That is why England refuses ally appropin. 000 for its supwhere at last, his body broken, he died.
between 30. The threats of many leading lo lectures on world politics with a cals to withdraw from the state and letters DIRECTLY to the In the last letter he managed to get out, he wrote: to allow the growth of industry 000, 000 to confirmed the prediction that discussion on events in Spain.
Ibanez would resort to open party Institution that is sup We know that we are all going to die. But our deaths in Palestine.
body must be discontinued. It is That is why she port, the report states.
Tuesday, Nov. 29th at P.
posed to receive it.
betrayal. Ibanez led the recent The stirs up riots between Arabs and will not be in vain. Our corpses will become banners for the not the job of honest and militant WRIGHT on Marxist Pun Jews. That is why she encourages Guard to break strikes has inNational workers to run away from the Socialist Workers Party proletariat. Sign statements of capitulation in order to get Nazi putsch.
damentals, battle leaving the organization, out of prison? Then what would we do with our dishonored New International This is the man who supports Arab terror against the Jews. creased in recent times, the reTuesday, Nov. 20th at 8:45 the popular front!
which they have helped build, as Socialist Appeal lives? If it is not possible to be free to work for the revolution, JAMES BURNHAM lectures on The Jews in Palestine ilke those port points out.
then it is better to die in a concentration camp.
But the article in the Commu The Sliding Scale of Wages and rificed to the interests of Eng include in Czechoslovakia are being me However, the report does not the undisputed property and playTogether with all the comrades of the Fourth International nist, after indulging in 13 attacks Hours and Worker Control of word of criticism of ground of those whose only real Open 10 to P.
which interests are to turn the workers we salute Nicos Panayiotidis, victim of capitalist oppression, on the horrid Trotskyltes who the Roosevelt regime Production.
further class struggle and a labor soldier of the revolution.
Wednesday, Nov. 30th at P.
The latest proposal of the Brit makes the budget that gives the over to the Roosevelt war machine government, contains a veritable JAMES CASEY speaks on Lash hypocrites is to offer British National Guard its expenses, nor as docile cannon fodder.
37 EAST 14th STREET gem of proof if any is still needor Journalism Guiana and parts of Rhodesia as of the fact that Roosevelt is in The progressive workers and New York City ed of the pro imperialism of the Friday, Dec. 2nd at P.
places of refuge for the Jews. creasing the strength of the Na locals in the Connecticut Stalinists. Contreras writes: Union Stationers and DAVE COWLES on The Capl the British Empire, have these ment program. It fails to counsel the convention, of yielding their Why, of all the vast territories of tional Guard under the arma: must not repeat the mistake of. the people have always Printers to the talist Crisis and the Farmer.
respected and always will reFriday, Dec, 2nd at 8:30 places been singled out? Up till against depending on the federal organization to the union wreck Phone Algonquin 3856 8 spect the provisions of the Ponow these territories have re government in strike strugglesers by default. They must organ Selling to Labor Organizations GEORGE NOVACK speaks on litical Constitution of the State mained undeveloped because they since it is an admitted fact that ize their ranks to fight for a cor at Lowest Prices which guarantee the property The Third American Revolution.
Admission is 25 cents per lec were unprofitable. England hopes an agency of the federal govern rect and militant organizational Our Printing Plant located at of forelgn capital, and, in genture.
to capite le upon the blood and ment, the National Guard, is a program to meet the needs of the 36 West 15th St. 6th Floor.
eral, of all capital.
misery of the Jewish people in strike breaker.
industrial workers On the Road to the DAILY To put it bluntly.
The door to Palestine is opened kneed leadership, or more correct stalinist Pastoogd Scoutnes as the agents in the southern republics. New MARXIST SCHOOL is extremely the FORWARD TWICE WEEK APPEAL