CapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMussoliniNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismTerrorismUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

NOVEMBER 26, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Anti Semitic Pogroms Are By Product of Capitalism Stem From Same Roots As NEW YORK PARTY THE CASE OF GRYNSZPAN WORKEROM FICKET Lynchings of Negroes Here ON ASYLUM ISSUE An African Homeland For the Jewish Refugees. By ART PREIS lust. For Grynszpan individualistic action pistol shot has torn open the abscess of merely the reflection of the ideas pumped into Fascism. Herschel Grynszpan, homeless 17 year him by these very gentlemen, the very basis of United Front whose system is in the crowning of the indiBy JAMES BURNHAM vidual over the masses.
Demonstrates The wave of shame and horror that has swept the world at the spectacle of the Workers Respond to despair, shot a secretary of the Nazi embassy These scoundrels denounce in the same latest Nazi anti Semitic bestialities gives witness once again to a depth of noble feel Vigorous Drive abominable reprisals against 600. 000 defenseless breath, and to the same degree, both Hitler and Labor Strength individuals, the whole of German Jewry. Thus, Fascism is the crime of an entire ruling class ing that promises well for the future of mankind, whatever the darkness of the present. By Locals the inner poison of Fascism bursts forth to diswhich degrades millions upon millions of Gryn Shouting the slogans Open the But shame and horror are not enough, and reaction is always awake and ready to harness the gust the world.
szpans into servile existence.
Doors to the Refugees! and noblest feelings to its own bitter shafts. We must also understand; and if we do not understand the The campaign of the Socialist WHAT IS GRYNSZPAN FATE!
MUST NOT BE VICTIMIZED Only Working Class Action Can meaning of what is now happening, our very indignation will be turned into a further instrument of Workers Party to aid the vie Today Herschel Grynszpan lies a pathetic and Smash Fascism! over 400 workour own destruction.
tims of Fascist persecution in We must not permit the spokesmen of capibroken figure in a French prison waiting for ers joined in a united front picket Why does this monstrosity in talist democracy to portray the act of a Europe and especially the victims the law to move its course to the guillotine.
line last Saturday morning at the Germany take place? What Grynszpan in the same light as they do the acts Starting as the central figure of a tragedy still German Consulate in New York of the Nazi drive to exterminate makes the rulers of Germany of a Hitler. We dare not permit these gentlemen, in its opening act, Grynszpan has already beCity in protest against the Nazi the Jews is gathering momenscourge an entire people with such come submerged under developing events of whose own hands drip with the blood of millions animal Ike ferocity, hound them pogroms against the Jews.
tum. Meetings and demonstraof exploited workers and colonial slaves, to such tremendous and shocking character as to sanctimoniously offer the body of Grynszpan as The demonstration started at 10 in publio and in private, drive tions, locally and on a city wide divert the world attention from his own fate.
a. when members of the Socialthem from every refuge, seek to tribute to Hitler.
scale, have been held or are But Herschel Grynszpan must not be forgotist Workers Party and of the deprive them not only of every ten. He is both a portent and a lesson. As a Herschel Grynszpan has already paid for his Young People Socialist League portent, he reflects the growing feeling amongst folly a thousand times over with the terrible kpparer comfort and deceney but New Panacea Put Forward by World scheduled for the duration of this (Fourth International) marched campaign. Resolutions and peti the masses that fascism can never be curbed realization of the consequences of his false nto Battery Place, where the and what are responsible? Imperialists Full of Pitfalls Only Solution tions are being circulated. Around by simply bowing to its deadly advance, by method of fighting fascism. Far from aiding his Consulate is located, and flung a Masked Hypocrisy people and weakening Hitlerism, which was his servility and meekness, by reliance on sentiment the main slogan of Open the picket line in front of it. Soon The Roosevelts and Al Smiths Is Open Doors Right Here and indignation alone. Fascism can be destroyed honest desire, his act served as the pretext for Doors to the Refugees! militant they were joined by members of and Hoovers and Dorothy Thomp.
only by the most unyielding and courageous remore bloody repressions. For fascism can be the Socialist Party and of the sons, quick to exploit the popular By JAMES workers of all races and creeds sistance on the part of victims and potential destroyed only by the mass revolutionary action Independent Labor League who response for their own prestige of the workers stamping out the entire system victims.
Among Africans, as all over the world, there is wide spread are rallying in an enthusiastic participated in the united front.
and aims, tell us that this perseNO INDIVIDUAL TERROR!
of capitalism which breeds anti Semitism and Under the watchful eye of fascism.
fa cution is unbelievable and un sympathy for the Jews and detestation of this latest brutality of the and aggressive demand for acspecial detail of police the picket As an object leason, however, this pitiable precedented in history that it is Nazis. Africans, more than most other social groups, can understand tion.
boy demonstrates, as never before in history.
His own words after his arrest attest to this line marched, shouting slogans the work of madmen cut of what it is that the Jews are being subjected to. They are ready to At street meetings and demonrealization, us well as to his just despair of any the falseness and futility of acts of individual and bearing placards. Three thoufrom all connection with the take common action against the imperialists, Fascists and demostrations in every borough of the terror as a means of fighting the oppression of hope from the representatives of democratic sand manifestos setting forth the glories of western civilization. crats who have for generations subjected them to similar persecucity the response of the workers a whole social system. Individual terrorist acts, capitalism. He said, Being a Jew is no crime. party position on aid to the vlestriking at single representatives of an entire hoped President Roosevelt would take pity tims of Fascist terror were distheir words to justify the Impe. tion in their own country. But the land situation in South and East has been unmistakable.
on us refugees am not a dog did not mean tributed by members to class, are a reflection only of weakness, disriallst war that they are prepar Africa makes inevitable a wide spread resentment among Africans in the Bronx, for example, 500 the crowd continually collecting to 600 people gathered last Frito kill lost my head. But Roosevelt did not organization, and lack of understanding of the Ing. they lie. In reality, these at any proposal to send Jews there.
take pity on the refugees. Nor did any other real forces that keep political systems like and continually shooed away by Nazi persecutions are the natural Wherever whites have been able day at Tremont and Prospect Ave.
Fascism in power. Indeed, individual terrorism democratic leaders. So Grynszpan was driven the mounted cops.
and normal harvest of the social to live in large numbers in Jews and stated that an Inde. More than 100 Socialist Appeals only re enforces those ideas which fascism itself to resist by the only means which his limited COUNCIL JOINS system which these pious hypo Africa, there exists an economic, pendent Africa would be glad to were sold. One thousand maniemploys to gain and hold power.
understanding could grasp.
Whoever large group of reporters and crites, the Roosevelts and Smiths political and social situation of welcome Jews who would be able testos were distributed.
thinks that by wiping out certain individuals Above all, we must realize that Hitler actions cameramen from the Metropoliand Hoovers and Thompsons, the most acute tension. The acto contribute materially to the Hundreds of workers on the he can cripple an entire regime thereby lends against the Jews did not arise from Grynszpan tan pross were on hand.
spend their days in defending cepted policy is to take the best technical and educational develweight to the Fascist ideology, the Leader act. Hitler terror campaign was already After the picket line had been It is only a fostering sore, pres Innd for the whites and to segre opment of Africans. But it op East Side responded similarly. principle, which builds up the need for a Dlcplanned. It flowed from his desire to use this ent always and everywhere in gate the Africans in areas too posed this attempt of European marching for some time the In the short period of the camtator campaign as an outlet for the resentment of Progressive Women Council, a capitalism, breaking open as dis small for them. This is one of imperialism once more to solve paign 15, 000 manifestos calling FASCISM IS CAPITALISM the German masses against their terrible living Stalinist Influenced organization, ense and rottenness spread more the means which black labor its difficulties at the expense of upon the workers to act against conditions. Grynszpan revolver shot was showed up with its own placards widely throughout the whole sois assured. Unable to earn a liv the African.
the Nazi pogroms and to demand But fascism is not the product of the Hitlers merely a pretext. Inevitably, even if he had protesting the Nazi pogroms.
cial organism.
ing and money for the GovernJoin Fight for Jews that the American government and Mussolinis. They themselves are rather the never existed, some other pretext would have Capitalist Bred Sensing the stupidity of refusing ment tax in the restricted areas Bureau proposed a united let in the refugees have been dis products of fascism, the off spring of a decaying served.
to march with the united front capitalist order. It is decaying capitalism that tributed The tragic fate of this boy must serve as a Are these persecutions truly assigned to him, the African must front of working class alate 25, 000 stickers have been pasted picket line already in action this breeds Fascism. unbelievable and unprecego to the settler and seek em tions all over the world to living lesson to the Jewish people. They must group, after considerable hesitadented. Not in the least. All ployment at whatever torms the and bring pressure to bear on the all over the city. 10, 000 copies of The democratic capitalists, and their agents no longer beg for the grace and condescending tion, joined the line. Despite the. who are themselves prepared, when they feel capitalist governments of the this penny issue of the Socialist that is unprecedented is their settler offers. good wishes of the democratic nations, who exhortations of their leader not to Natives Need Land the need to push forward their own particular openness and cold ruthlessness, world for the relief of the perse Appeal are on sale. In the Garhave not and will not willingly lift a finger for brands of Fuehrers in America, Great Britain shout any slogans at all many of This, in Kenya for instance, is and even these are by no means cuted Jews. With such an organi ment Center, in the Bronx, on the their practical aid. They must stiften their the women could not restrict unexampled. From its beginnings the foundation of the conflict bezation the Bureau was ready to Lower East Side workers have and France do not want the true nature of spines! Stop crawling and cringing! Join hands fascism exposed, because in the exposur themselves to such passivity and capitalism has bred on the fan tween blacks and whites. There work and would mobilize African not only listened to our party its with all the oppressed workers and masses of very roots will be traced directly into the soil joined in some of the shouted speakers, but have themselves ning of the most frightful and are less than 20, 000 whites in support for it.
the earth to offer open resistance to fascist terslogans, especially those calling Kenya. They cannot use all the of the capitalist system itself. This is the fundahideous racial and religious ha helped to distribute the manifes.
mental fact which Grynszpan did not underupon Roosevelt to open the doors treds the means whereby capital land they have stolen. But they tos. Attempts of the Stalinists to If Grynszpan dies, it will be only as another stand. That is why he made a futile gesture to the refugees.
disrupt local placard parades and Jam keeps its exploited slaves resist the increasing demand of against one individual instead of fighting politivictim of the yielding to the fascist demands. Through an intermittent rain divided, by which it re doubles over two millions African for street meetings were squelched by The liberals and the democrats plan to offer cally against the system which breeds such the line kept marching, adding indignant workers.
oppression of subject races, and more land.
his life as another appeasal to insatiable fasIndividuals.
provides scapegoats to turn away the cry. We fight Fascism, rain To settle thirty or forty thouThousands of copies of a resocism. But the workers must cry Halt! to this GRYNSZPAN IS VICTIM sand Jews in Kenya will be for or shine! Only after two hours wrath from its own head.
lution (printed elsewhere in this submission to Nazi blackmail. This is the same the almost native African of steady picketing did the line Do we in the United States Issue) for introduction into The real responsibility for Grynszpan act sort of blackmail that Hitler has been using break up in an orderly fashion.
need to be reminded that in this death blow. He will see, he sees unions and mass organizations does not lie with this half crazed immature boy on the Jew of the world! But the more you Every local paper and some of country thirteen million Negroes already, in all who support this, have been distributed. Already himself. In reality, it lies with the democratic yield to a blackmailer, the more he demands!
the evening radio broadcasts recapitalists and their agents, who raise their live in precisely those conditions an enemy to his most funda this resolution, calling for the Workers of all races, religions and colors!
mental need.
ported this protest march.
which Hitler today proposes for opening of the doors has been hands in horror at this hapless victim and are Furthermore, the social and poUnite against the taking of Grynszpan life as the Jews: in Ghettoes, in squalor passed by a number of locals in preparing to offer him as a sop to Nazi blood payment for the Nazi blackmailing threats!
AMERICAN FUND and disease and poverty, deprived litical situation will be aggraNew York City. To the Commuof adequate medical care, shut vated. The European in South or nist Party has been put the ques.
CALLS FOR AID out from all the cultural institu East Africa, surrounded by tion, What will you do for the tions of the dominant race, pro blacks, can maintain his position refugees now. Why does not only by a regime approximating Petition lists calling upon Convented from exercising political to Fascism.
the Kremlin open the doors?
rights, barred from all dignified gress of the United States to Racism in Africa Among the youth of the city. Open All Doors to the Refugees or lucrative employment? Does By MIKE GOLD in clubs, in the high schools and an Englishman need to be reThere is no form of racial disare to be circulated on a national in the colleges the campaign is. it isn always easy be practiced by the scale according to an announceminded how Chamberlain today crimination being pushed by the Young Peo.
honest. The worst moment in Palestine pits Arab and Jew Nazis against the Jews, that is ment of the American Fund For The quick change artists of ple Socialist League. Already America is the richest country e not practiced by the Europeans comes when you find people Political Prisoners and Refugees, savagely against each other for JAMES thousands of signatures have been capitalist democracy have slipped on earth. Over half its popula whom you trusted as comrades 100 Fifth Avenue, New York City.
the safety of British imperialist in Kenya against the Africans.
secured to the petition to Roose.
and fellow workers selling out This campaign, already begun in rule or how he gweats the natives Any Jew who attempted to be In the recent Munich crisis the velt. The City College unit the Palmer Red Raid days follow land no further back than 1860.
to the enemy. Sometimes it is in the gold mines of South have in a manner different from Bureau stood in united front the American Student or on another fancy dress. Back in tion trace their ancestry in this Union, the National Campaign CommitAfrica? Does a Frenchman have forth with be deported from the the ordinary English settler would with the Revolutionary Socialist which is controlled by the Coming the last war to make the These refugees and immediate out of confusion or fear. Often tee For the Right of Asylum of to be told what happens in the country. The economie relation League (the British section of the munist Party, has joined in the world safe for millionaires, im descendants of refugees of but it is done merely because the above named organization, Sudan or in Indo Chinn?
migration of harassed refugees a few years ago in all decency deserter is tired of being broke.
ship between European and Afri: Fourth International. the MA call to let down the bars.
Get at Roots!
The Socialist Workers Party enAs the campaign of the Social from war torn Europe was sharp cannot deny to the oppressed vicAlways there is an elaborate can makes this social system in tant Labor League, the Indepenthusiastically endorses this camThe blood of the German Jews, evitable, and European imperialdent Labour Party, etc. for the ist Workers Party reaches its mechanism of self defensely, curtailed. Then, the cry was dripping from the hands of Goeb ism will not tolerate any individ war. The millions of Africans every one that the only way to paign and call on all workers to revolutionary struggle against peak it will try to Impress upon Undesirables! Criminal elements!
tims of fascism the right of asynew philosophy. or a new give it their support, not only by bels and Goering and their gangs ual departures from it.
lum which they so eagerly sought cynicism.
signing the petition themselves of mad ned sadists, drips also will rally to this policy only on give real aid The transference of Jews from the basis of their struggle against to abolish all numerical quotas as rent of immigrants into the the refugees America for Americans! The tor for themselves. But it is very painful to wit but by circulating them in their from the white hands of Cham Germany to Africa means the exCrocodile Tears ness and a bit demoralizing. unions and other organizations, berlain and Roosevelt and from tension of the Palestine polley to world imperialism for national in well as all financial, racial and so necessary for capitalist expan As for the unemployed, who have seen at first hand some Only reinforcing, through such the whole international associa Africa, the strengthening of Eur dependence.
political restrictions. The success sion, wou practically stopped for have had to fight for every relief scores of cases and have bemeans among others, an irresistion of cut throats and murderers ropean imperialism in Africa, Support of the imperialist pol of the campaign depends upon the come accustomed to it as a hutible mass pressure upon Conwho sustain in life system with the additional crime that the icy of sending Jews to Africa push of the working class and the purely reactionary reasons. But, crumb from the groaning banquet man phenomenon. What say gress, can the immigration rewhose price for humanity is now emigrant Jews will be forced to would create a gule between the minorities already in this country. not today!
tables of the American Industrial is that it doesn pay. The man strictions which amount to vir measured only in a daily and occupy the position in Africa in potentially powerful African revoToday, you see, these same re ists and bankers, they must recthinks he has sold out only his tual exclusion of all refugees be continuous increase of torment regard to the Africans that the tionary socialism. It would assist lutionary movement and revolu democrats in Czechoslovakia actionaries oppose the admission ognize that the crocodile tears out the best part of himself, and brothers. But he has really sold removed, and this country, the and death.
Nazis occupy in regard to the richest in the world, become Hitler launches his thugs Jews in Germany. That is how the British and French imperial are today campaigning against of persecuted refugees from Fasnow shed in their interests are for a mess of pottage. And there again a haven for the oppressed against the Jews because, in his the ordinary African will see it ists who, by sending Jews to Afri. the Jews.
cim for progressive and hu a hypocritical display. They will always comes a bitter and lone and persecuted workers of the desperation, he has no other re He could not help seeing it others can colonies, would be able to On the contrary, mass agitamanitarian reasons. few hunnot permit their persecuted ly night when he wakes up and world, course. Perhaps the expropria wise.
use that, if need be, as an argu tion of the workers against the realizes it. That was the story All contributions to cover the tion will patch up the cracks in of Judas. He too earned some politically minded ment for defending these colonies capitalist governments for the dred thousand more people added brothers and fellow workers of The more cost of this specifle campaign, as his shattering economy. Even Africans have reacted already. against German aggression. right of asylum to the persecuted to the 130, 000, 000 million already other lands to be hounded to their easy money but came to a more, he must try to whip the The International African Service Assuredly, the Jews everywhere Jews could help to draw into the here might interfere with the death because America ruling bad end. It is the universal lar work of the Fund, should be German masses into insane and story.
Bureau, a London organization, must struggle, but they must be struggle against capitalism mil. right of America unemployed to class might use the refugee probsent in to the Fund at the adfutile frenzy against the Jews 10 issued a statement lem as an excluse for chiseling No, think it is better to be dress given above. In the months that they will forget their own the deliber: pawns by British or French im this agitation by the workers and Majority in Refugees! on the meager rations of the unations of the Evian Conference in loyal and truthful. In the last of its existence hundreds of dolchains and their own hunger.
perialism in the bloody and cyn oppressed colonials on a national America unemployed millions, employed. The fight for asylum its organ International African analysis, a man has to live with lars have been sent abroad to aid And on the other aide of the Opinion. The Bureau attacked Ical game of imperialist rivalries, and international scale the greater who for nine years have experi for the refugees is part of the himsell, and even a gangster the most persecuted people of medal the Roosevelts and Hoo Nazism for its persecution of the Already Ere Nouvelle, the paper the safeguard of the minority enced the tender concern of night for better conditions for the like Dutch Schultz raved on his Europe, militant fighters who vers seek to turn the popular of Daladier, the French Premier of the Jews. The basis of the ap American capitalism for their unemployed, part of the world deathbed, in the agony of a bad have been carrying on an open fury against the persecutions of a defense of the most mighty. who was until yesterday support proach to the Jewish question, welfare, will be forgiven if they wide fight of the working class to conscience. And even if there is and unrelenting struggle against from its only genuine and effec and sinister of all the sectors of ed by the whole Popular Front of here, as always, is the revolution show a less than reasonable wrest from a brutal and profit no bad conscience, such people Fascism from years past right tive outlet in a drive against capitalism American Imperialism France proposed the restriction ary struggle against capitalism, gratitude for this sudden touch mad capitalism, both fascist and are always caught up with in up to the present and have capitalism itself, the source of the and its schemes for world wide of the Jews in the government or in other words, the road of the ing concern and label it for what democratic, the right to work time by society. From the earned thereby the hostility of persecutions, to their own ends conquest.
service of France. Yesterday Fourth International it is: WPA Chicken balogney! and the right to live.
Daily Worker, Nov. 22.
every government in Europe.
all Bosses Exploit Jobless IOUGHT TO KNOW.
Needs to Bar Nazi Victims MARK OFF THIS DATE AS MUST!
The Story that was NOT in the Headlines!
HEAR THE EXCITING LECTURE BY JAMES World Famous Journalist and Labor Leader; author of World Revolution, History of Negro Revolt, The Black Jacobins.
IRVING PLAZA. Irving Place and 15th St.
on The real reason why Chamberlain capitulated to Hitler at Munich.
Twilight of the British Empire Admission 25 Auspices: Local 4th Int Now on a speaking tour in this country, James will speak for the FIRST time in New York City.