CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismIV InternationalLeninLiberalismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers Party

SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 26, 1938 Review of the Mid Term Elections CIO COUNCIL Appeal Army Connceticut ForeignPICKETS FOR SIX PAGE ISSUE THIS WEEK! ing right now! Organize the forces spécial supplement, dealing for your local campaign. List the CORRUPT NEW with the burning problem of the yarious ways and means you inMcLevy Has N, Labor Program But ILLINOIS POLL JOBLESS DOLE refugees from fascism, has been tend to employ to raise your quoadded to this week Appeal. These ta. Select suitable places for addiDEALER BEATEN Workers Vote Slams Old Parties SHOWS NEED FOR Lynn Workers Rapporter nou prothesen e lignement de la comprender and gaudy election posters, the in tionary Republicans. In this way Administration For By HARDE our party. In addition, the New above all, don forget the monthAT MASS. POLLS dustrial workers still turned out the Communist party. Intent on LABOR PARTY (This is the second of two arYork party and is active ly statement of your account with in impressive numbers to pull the redecorating the decayed falseRun Around ly engaged right now in selling the Appeal which is now in your ticles on the recent clection in third lever.
front of the Democratic party, atand distributing 5, 000 copies of the hands! We here in New York are Labor Refuses Curley Connecticut and its meaning to No Labor Program tempts to cover up the mass labor Workers Corralled (Special to Socialist Appeal) page supplement on the streets gearing our staff, our print shop the workers. Further, the bald fact is that parties. At all costs, a scapegoat swing away from both capitalist Backing Despite LYNN, Mase Red tape, delay of New York. All reports indicate and ourselves to the momentous In Voting For and other abuses in the adminis a rousing response to the only task of the semi weekly Appeal.
Never was it so difficult to draw McLevy did everything possible to for labor refusal to play the old Fanfare tration of unemployment compenserious solution offered to the ref Swing into action now, comrades, the arbitrary dividing line beCrooked Gang sation in Massachusetts was ugee problem. This revived New and the twice a weeker will be ap tween the two major parties as in assure his own defeat. He certain two party game must be found. Defeats Me Levy scored last Monday by the North York party is showing the way! pearing before you know it; With the recent Connecticut elections. ly did not make any efforts to By ALBERT GOLDMAN By WILLIAM SHERMAN Shore Industrial Council of the its more frequent appearance, The distinctions between the two gain labor favor. He took the But, for all its face saving de CHICAGO What was obviously when union picket lines LOCAL EDITIONS with its even more popular conBOSTON James Michael Cur tickets bolled down to the debat same do nothing attitude toward vices, the Communist party stands a middle class revolt against the were formed before the State Un OF THE APPEAL: tent and broader appeal, circulaley labor friend a professed able distinctions between the pro labor that tion is bound to go skyrocketing.
As an indication of our growing admirer of Mussolini, with a reverblal peas in a pod. Both parties gone past in the Socialist party, it is. It is a well known fact that New Deal throughout the country employment Compensation offices On to the mass Socialist Appealinfluence and strength we want Donald Carson, president of to list the following special, local the voice of the American workstank to high heaven, went down scandals and misuse of funds at party work in the trade unions, the state organization of LN. hit Illinois as well. The sharp in Lynn and Salem.
to defeat and oblivion in a storm the expense of the people. Both against a party policy for union thumb. It was the Stalinists who wheat created resentment amongst Adams, a delegate, were arrested appeared in recent weeks. These is completely under the Stalinist drop in the price of corn and the Council, and William cditions of our paper that have ing class!
of ballots that swept younghurried over those vulnerable activity and discipline the farmers: the generally bad from the Lynn picket line and editions have been mainly devoted FROM ENGLAND: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Republican slate, headed by points in their campaigns. Both it out on the miserable basis that ment of the Democratic ticket.
Laverett Saltonstall, into office in made the same liberal promises, the labor movement is something Now the clection results have rebusiness conditions for the lower charged with violations of city to placing our revolutionary viewordinances against carrying signs oint before workers during the Massachunetts.
middle class of the cities engen The British Empire may be tottook the same pious oaths, per distinct from the Socialist party, vealed to all who have eyes to see on the sidewalks, distributing clection campaign: tering, but not its revolutionists!
Curley had the endorsement of formed the same public gyrati another planet entirely, as remote that with organized labor sup dered dissatisfaction in ks hand bills and refusal to move.
Labor Non Partisan League, the (1) Special All. California We print below extracts from a But for the first time the as Mars, which politicians, even of port MeLovy could easily have of that class. The result was a Want No Stalling page issue of the Appeal.
resolution adopted by the English American Federation of Labor, working people of Connecticut a mild socialist stripe, must never won the election!
loss of faith by those two ele Picket banners reading We invade, at risk of life and limb. 2) Special Chicago page is. Revolutionary Socialist League and the blessings of Stalin gift began to see through the game sue of the Appeal.
to Massachusetts, the self styled As the first step in their politieLN. PL realized the situation ments of the population in the Want Our Money Now pointed to and sent to the Appeal: And, Indeed, what more positive (3) Special New Jersey page We, the undersigned mem Intelligent voter guide, Phil al maturation, they turned to attitude toward the unions could very clearly. The Herald, with ability of the Roosevelt New Deal the fact that thousands of Massa chusetts unemployed entitled un issue of the Appeal.
bers of the Lit Com. of the Frankfeld.
McLevy take? It is incredible but considerable political astuteness, to solve their problems and the der the law to unemployment the third party in the field to Also, New Jersey has just pub wish to convey to the Amer.
give vent to their indignation Backed Wrong Horse lean comrades our unreserved true that he offered the workers that the League had, as its chief only place they had to turn was compensation have been denied lished a second page issue, deand poor farmers not one whit purpose, the stemming of the once and scepticism. And they were of stalling voted to the election results and leaders of Labor Non not repelled by the Socialist thanks for the invaluable assismore than did the other parties!
illustrated the Marxian and resorts to innumerable jok analysing the tremendously sucPartisan League woke up the label which that party wore.
mass drift toward McLevy in ortance which we have received maxim that if the middle class ers in the state law.
in the unrestricted supplies of morning after with a bad taste in gaining in his program! Not a dee tande sur ceory for the new sets no decisive leadership from in a statement for the lutionary candidates of the Social newspapers and literature.
the mouth and a pile of unpaid Socialist Label Doesn Scare That is a fact of tremendous sentence about unemployment: Deal. It is not too much to say, in it to. Council issued to the local press, ist Workers Party. The Appeal bills. They had gambled on the We further would like to inThe Republican sweep did not, Carson exposed many important staff offers its heartiest congratu form you of our great appreciawrong horse. They not only sup significance. More sophisticated Not a phrase about social secur view of the results, that the comported a capitalist candidate, but people realize that the Old Guard ity, the debt structures oppressing munist Party, acting through its however, succeed in winning the defects of the administration of lutions to those comrades, espection of the achievement of your movement, in the inestimable grafting faker as well. But Socialist party is socialist in name the farmers, old age pensions, anstooge organization, important content for the United ticularly those sections which are ergetic activities have made these service you have rendered the the law and the law itself, par ially literature agents, whose enand here is what really hurt alone but the average worker, extension of work relief at ade caused the defeat of Molevy and 4th International in producing they had backed a man who was just beginning to stir polítically, avate wastede vederea and the consequent election of Bald. Seetpturen for state Republicans viciously anti Iabor in denying editions possible.
the special Issues of the Socialist Appeal during the recent by his own record.
lieving that the party they were bortation not to let the raiders Aung back in their faces by the of Representatives and apparently and in the financing through a TWICE WEEK APPEAL have gained control of the State system of deferred wage pay. MUST BE PREPARED FOR!
crisis, and the splendid WorldLabor Non Partisan League voting for was a socialist party, ride again, a few generalities incradicable Agures themselves.
about clean government and the Legislature. But their march to ments.
workers Congress Number.
Lessons of Election put on a campaign and succeeded substantial numbers victory was stopped by the powerEvery comrade of our party and Carson statement, which the L; every friend and These comrades, incidently, are in hitching the bulk of organized were nevertheless not afrald to merit system, and a pious phrase inbor to the fortunes of a grafter vote for It. As an index of their abstract terms, about the multi cut elections are full of signif cago.
For revolutionists, the Connecti ful Democratic machine of Cht per to workers in other states, said in national in America will be more week in London alone.
whose sun had already set.
part: ties, and as a portent of their mate solution, the cooperative cance as indices of current trends Majority Whittled Down than happy to learn about the deand as guides for future action. Scott Lucas, running for Sena tude of personal grievances aris The job of setting the multi cision of the National Committee sub week for the Appeal! new, number of progressive unions readiness to turn leftwards, that commonwealth. This past week was a record including the Food Workers in fact is of tremendous Import.
Unsavory Record Connecticut, long a focal center of to issue our paper semi weekly.
hidebound Yankee conservatism, tor on the Democratic ticket, losting out of the interpretation and Lynn, repudiated the endorseall time high was reached in new More than a few workers in this The revolutionary nature of this ment of Curley and caned for In state meant more, a great deal gram there stood Mclevy quite to independent political currents, 100, 000 votes outside of Chicago employmento compensation de soud is recognized by all.
And as against his hollow pro has given birth almost overnight to his Republican opponent by administration of the present unstep on the road to a daily Appeal and rene val subs received: NEW YORK CITY. 23 more, in their protest votes concrete record: touching solic however uncertain and fumbling, but obtained a plurality of more tion must not be Curley Campaign St. Paul.
than a mere censure of the two tude about lowering taxes, an ad Next week and in future weeks The ma over larger basicbranches agents among the class. The than 200, 000 in Ohto.
ed of boasting that while his one and ineptness and failure to be a none too savory attitude toceive detailed instructions from Minneapolis time buddy, Graves, was in jell, compliant to political pressure wards a strike of municipal work growing numbers of workers are the Democrats obtained in Cookcial security legislation Aid to Strikers he was out running for governor. when ensconced in office. They ere only Inst year. In McLevy two party capitalist system and to about 40 percent of that figure.
Pennsylvania the National Office and from the The anti labor sections must be Appeal management on how to New York State he wandelendish, Attacks on the were voting against ten years oot own Bridgeport you will find the roping toward Independent polite if the Republicans didn win. denial of benefits to strikers, who 1y. Branches will be assigned quo eliminated, notably the present prepare for the coming semi week Washington, facial appearance of his opponent almost continuous depression. vertest beginnings of wewe sical action. That is the whole neither did the New Dealers. In must be allowed full compensa Kansas.
tas in the campaign to raise the Chicago tricks that went down well in the ment, against low wages, long ways, a stretch of park or land meaning of McLevy vote.
Indiana era of prohibition and prosperity. hours, the control of their desti scaped terrain here and there revolutionists support such a actionari Politics a most u bol heve especially in the lower brackets will be advised on how to handle At one meeting, reported in nies and precarious existences by and little else! His Social Demo development, it is not because Mc Democratic candidates would have and benefit periods must be ex the problem of additional distribu Total small town paper, Curley prom the industrial overlords of in them.
ised to plant 2, 000, 000 trees, a necticut.
European reformism, during the fundamental way better than thellcans. The successful candidate creasing the contributions of But it is never too early to There was one bundle order inthe twenties, must surely have prom old capitalist candidates, with any for the Senate, Scott Les employers. No further taxes from think about this problem. We urge crease recorded this weck when vaudeville troupe performed, and Voted Against Old Parties a Lovestonite, Sam Sandburg, appealed for votes for Curley, Casey They were voting against the ed more in their harmless grad in a decaying capitalism. On the them. The Republican newspapers fact their contributions should be committees to start the ball roll increased his to 40 per week.
and Kelly on their records. Such two parties whose economic and walism, and still remained as contrary, it is becausc labor attribute his victory to the fact entirely eliminated.
social scheme of things is begin was the campaign!
ning to lose its glamor and even staunch and respectable demo breaking away from the capitalist that, while a member of the Delay in payment of unemploy. SOCIALIST APPEAL and NEW INTERNATIONAL The Communist Party, the Soits credibility as a rational syscrats as ever he was.
partles is thoroughly progressive, House of Representatives, hement compensation benefits must a necessary preliminary to further voted against Roosevelt Supreme be liminated. The excuse that cialist Party, and the Socialist Can be obtained at the Following Newsstands tem capable of providing some Had he put forward bolder education, the first step in a leftLabor Party had candidatcu. The NEW YORK CITY Cor. 11th and Market Sts. social and economic program, had ward development. For that res Horner Courtney faction of the such delay is necessary to check Socialist Workers Party. nomin minimum of security to the labMANHATTAN: Fourteenth St. 40th St. Girard Ave.
up on an applicant eligibility is oring people.
ated no candidates, but used the 8th St. Arch St.
campaign to put forward our pro The Herald survey of public gressively in his own city, thus everywhere encourage movements respectable Big Business. Court unjustified. Botter a few should Be University Place, at. Penna.
not entitled than that large num. Pourth Ave. and at Esson. se Newsstand gram and sell our literature. In opinion indicated that sentiment demarcating himself a little more in the direction of support of inney, the present states Attorney receive benefits to which they are Broadway. at Fourth Ave.
beyond a shadow of a doubt. The sharply from the capitalist par dependent candidates, must agi of Cook Country, delights in raid. bers with valid claims should suf. Third Ave, at Third Ave.
this we were fairly successful.
Front West Broad Sts.
sentiment was not organized, not ties, McLevy would have run up a tate within ranks of the ing all labor unions not controlled for and starve through weeks and W: opp. Jefferson Theatre; at BOSTON, MASS.
The Communist Party put on very vocal, not well formulated considerably higher vote. He unions and for such inde by men who do his bidding, Andelman s, Tremont St. opp.
Hotel Bradford)
a big campaign. Their largest ral nor thought out to its logical con would, indeed, in all probability. pendent action, must constantly Supported by Underworld claims are being probed, as is the Rand Book Store, E. 15th CAMBRIDGE, MASS.
ly in Boston Arena brought out clusions. But that it existed is be have been elected. And yet, de facilitatc every groping move St. 12th St. and University Pl.
more than 10, 000 persons. And yond doubt. No other reading of spite his empty program and do away from the traditional capitalLucas was also supported by the case today.
Felix s, Massachusetts Ave. at Candy Store, 75 Greenwich Harvard Square yet they polled only 961 votes in the election returns makes any nothing past, he received the im ist parties.
notorious Kelly. Nash machine, Ave.
LYNN, Mass.
Boston. Their campaign was sim sense.
pressive vote he did! That is the le would have been far more closely willed with the underworld ANNOUNCEMENTS SW at sixth Ave. ut Sixth Forty at Fifth Ave. 54 Central Sq. Rm. 12 ilar to Browder in the 1936 presSam Corner, Olympia Square charge And it must be borne in mind marvel.
idential elections. Defeat SaltonAve. nt Seventh Ave. The Communist Party, stunned progressive for the Connecticut murdered striking steel workers GALA CELEBRATION! Foundthat this sentiment succeeded in ROXBURY, MASS.
stall Elect Real Liberals.
for exercising their right to pickmanifesting itself against all odds. at first by the election returns, at LN. to advance its own candiing of the 4th International and 23rd St. 4th Ave.
opposite Sterns; 103 44th St. Friendly Variety, Warren St. Grove Hall)
However, they did appeal to Every conceivable effort was last recovered enough presence of dates. Falling that, critical sup et. These two factions, though showing of the historic film Essex and Delancy Sts; Book INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana some people to vote for their can made by the capitalist parties, mind to issue a face saving state port of McLevy would have been fighting like cats and dogs in the TSAR TO LENIN December store at Grand and Attorney Sts: Lyric News Shop didates. Wrote Phil Frankfeld in and their representatives within ment. The results, say the seers of the next best step. But, despite de primaries, for the right to control 10, 1938, P. promptly at Candy Store, 9th St, and 115 N, Illinois Street Albion Hall, 141 Albion St. be Second Ave: Biederman Book MINNEAPOLIS tween 16th 17th St. nr. Valen Store, 12th St. and Second Ave: Labor Book Store, 919 Marquette a 16 page pamphlet: There are popular dissatisfaction into the should weigh heavily on the con Stalinist and trade union bureau ing the people, found no difficulty many intelligent voters who can traditional two party channels.
cia. 35c by ticket, 50c at door. Olas Ave: 110th St. and Columbus science of Mayor McLevy. By cracles, Connecticut labor was in getting together during the not stomach the Republican par The of and outdid running his Socialist ticket, it sufficiently propelled by basic ecoShinder s, Sixth Hennepin; election.
Tickets can be secured at Mac Ave.
Kroman s, Fourth Nicollet.
410 Washington Blvd.
ty and refuse to vote for James themselves in their efforts to bol seems, he has accomplished noth: nomic and social stimull to take There isn a single New Dealer Donalds Bookshop or at 342 BRONX: Jerome Ave. 170th ST. LOUIS MO.
ing less than the defeat of real a great step forward. That is the in the whole Democratic crowd of Valencia, Rm. 11. SAN FRAN St: Jerome Ave. and 167th 6t.
Foster Book Company dependent voters to vote Com alty to the New Deal. Despite an progressives and supporters of tremendously encouraging sign of Chicago but for the sake of a vicCISCO opp. Loew Theatre. Sorkin, CLAYTON MO.
their efforts, despite their sound Preaident Roosevelt, while con the times contained in the state tory a most cynical partnership UNEMPLOYED AND RELIEF 206th St. And Bainbridge Ave: Frankfeld on Curley Jerome and Burnside Aves: 160th The Book Nook, 21A Meramac YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio of Curley, who supported the trucks and impasaloned orators tributing to the election of reac elections spectable Horner faction, the unWorkers League victory. get to st. and Prospect Ave; Allerton Nick s, Wick St and Commerce Teacher Oath BIII, opposed the derworld of the Kelly Nash group gether affair, Saturday, Dec. Ave, Station Freeman Ave, and Child Labor Amendment BIN, at p. 146 37 South St. Jamai Boston Rd. Kingsbridge Rd.
Southern Boulevard: 174th St.
SAN FRANCISCO and the Roosevelt New Dealers.
MacDonald Bookstore, 65 6th St.
praised Mussolini repeatedly and One can judge the liberalism of CR, Dancing. Beer. Fungave the Fascist salute in public, Fillmore Bookstore Food. Admission 25 cents.
Ave. East Moahula Subway Sta. 3897 Sedgwick Ave.
the Kelly Nash group by the fact Sutter Fillmore Sts.
who called for the use of forceful that the reactionary Chicago Trib, the Democratic party. To them 1th Sts. Tompkins and Myrtle BROOKLYN: Havemeyer and Golden Gate News Agency, 21 4th St.
measures to curb radicals, and une, after the election, contained the Democrats represented the Aves. Strauss st. near Pitkin whose honesty in oflice is on a Fitzgeralds News Agency, par with that of Tammany Hall 57 3rd St.
LOS ANGELES. The workers this menace to the most element cast for it showed the great senan editorial expressing gratifica New Deal, and between the New Ave. Sutter Ave, near Van Sintion over the victory of that group Deal and the reactionary Repub deren Ave Sportland Smoke Shop, in or Bill Thompson in Chi of California gave smashing re ary democratic rights of the timent that exists for some such on the local scene.
cago, Phil Frankreld said: 3399 Mission St.
measure. This was reflected in licans they chose the former. The LONG ISLAND: 23rd St. 45th ply at the polls last week to the working man.
Store 20, 3057 16th St.
Ave. Crescent St. and Bridge presence of a real Labor party Plaza Crescent St. and Bridge Ex Governor Curley is by no attempt of the bosses to foist on The workers will derive at one of Olsen first statements Mason Grocery, Mason promising some kind of old age Backs Unholy Front with a program meeting the needs Plaza 27th St. And Bridge PiaPacific Sta.
means a paragon of political vir the state one of the most vicious least one benefit from the elec security. But we may be sure this The workers undoubtedly supof the workers would have made a za Ferry Building, tue or steadfast representative of tion results. Olsen is committed will be the old Now Deal run ported the Democrats. In the first tremendous difference in Illinois Stand at Key System entrance ROCHESTER, progressive principles and ideals anti labor statutes ever drafted.
433 Clinton St.
Kobliks Stationery. and then went on to speak of While the powerful employers to pardon Tom Mooney and at around. Security lies not with place they were told to do so by and elsewhere. Not that victory Olsen and the New Deal but 257 Clinton St.
1004 Fillmore Curley excellent labor record. staged one of the most extensive. nounced after the election that through the workers own strus largely under the influence of the there would have been a far dir.
Labor Non Partisan League would have been assured but Room 2, 542 Valencia St.
Cor. Cumberland Clinton Sts.
and The Socialist Party had a place best financed, Ray Smoke Shop, 1303 Sutter aggressive he would hold hearings to permit Stalinists. Not that the League ferent spirit arising from an inde Cor. East Ave. Chestnut St.
LOS ANGELES on the ballot and 679 citizens of campaigns in the history of Cr. opponents of the pardon to shoe sle. cor. Main Clinton Sts. Active carried on an extensive campaign: pendent struggle for Independent cause why the pardon should not Boston, out of force of habit, ifornia on behalf of the notorious be issued. Cor. Main South Ave.
233 Broadway, Room 812 it hasn enough belief in its own candidates on a militant program.
NEWARK, 1541 Echo Park Ave.
voted for what may be the last Proposition No. 1, the anti pickThe Socialist Workers Party program to do that. Whatever the The so called Labor party in Ilgubernatorial candidate of the ating measure, Inbor united its Reitman s, cor.
Broad William Smith News, Sth Main Sts.
Release the Others Modern Book Shop. 509 6th St.
Socialist Party in Massachusetts forces and succeeded in winning We ve had more than enough election edition of the Socialist along the unholy combination of than the local leaders of the decor. Hawthorne Ave. Reeves Pl. Shoe Shine Shop, 2807 Brooklys a victory by 1, 359, 963 to 982, 908.
hearings on Mooney but the long Appeal, distributing and selling Horner, Kelly and the New Deal crepit Socialist party, supported Candy Store, 2231 Brooklyn Ave.
PATERSON, by a number of local trade unions. Guabello Stationery Store Candy Store, 2141 Brooklyn Ave.
NOTICE Larger Vote Than Olsen uphill struggle that has been close to 10, 000 copies, arousing the was done waged for the country most fa: sition No. 1, the anti labor measThe party was unable to get on 317 Straight St.
However, the was some the ballot because the Democratic Universal News Co. 242 way SAN DIEGO, Calli.
The vote cast against the anti mous class war prisoner may ure, and giving critical support what impartial. The astute leader politicians feared the possibility NEW HAVEN, Conn.
Sweet Shop, 2526 Brooklyn Ave.
Because of the Thanks labor statute was larger than the now be drawing to a successful to the Old Age Pension measure ship of that party looked very of losing some votes to it. At that. Church St. bet. Chapel Center Nodelman Newsstand, AKRON, Ohio vote cast for Culbert Olsen, the conclusion.
News Cigare change, 51 Main St.
candidate The paper was received with carefully and found good men and without any campaign, some CHICAGO giving Day holiday, the victorious democrat next cor. Bartges But now we ll have to forge great interest and contributed to and true in the ranks of the Rethousands of workers must have 160 Wells, Rm. 308 Main St.
for governor, who polled 1, 353, 124 written in the name of the Labor Cor. 57th Blackstone Socialist Appeal OAKLAND, California ahead with drive to secure free the successful drive against the publican party and since the will to his Republican opponent dom for all the other class war effort to destroy organized labor is really serious about the Demo party candidate for Senator. The Cor. 12th Kedzie 7th and Washington 1, 138, 650.
prisoners in California, including in the state.
cratic front it acted logically and Socialist Workers party supportP. News, 37 Monroe 12th, bet. way Washington reach Subscribers Unfortunately labor Ceshinsky Bookshop and endorsed the good Republicans.
failed to Billings, Ramsey, King, Connor, ed the write in for the Labor par Market do as well in Oregon where a and others.
ALLENTOWN, PA It must be admitted that even ty candidate. The Chicago Zettlemeyer, 637 Hamilton St.
similar proposal was voted Into The 30 a week pension plan newsstands one day late.
Read without the urgings of Labor also issued a special page elec Otto Yost, 383 Hamilton St.
Socialist Appeal Club, law. There labor will have to was defeated by a decisive vote Socialist Appeal Non Partisan League and the tion edition of the Socialist Ap PHILADELPHIA mobiliza all its forces to fight but the vote of nearly 1, 000, 000 3513 Woodward Ave. Room the workers would beve voted for peal.
1806 North Franklin St. Cor. 18th and Market Sts.
California Labor Movement Smashes Anti Labor Measures Andrew Williamar 19th