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National Plenum Votes To Issue Appeal Twice Weekly Socialist Appeal Launch Campaign For 3, 000 Fund ENOUGH PIOUS TEARS: ADMIT THE REFUGEES!
Empty Talk Fills Air Minn. Labor Demands As Pogrom Goes On Open Door for Refugees Plenary Session of Mine Leader Rides en la mente Adopts Program of Action actly the life that Hister now plans for the German Jews. The Roosevelt Proclaims Hemisphere His Domain Open the Doors To Europe (Resolution of Plenum of the National Committee)
For some time the party has been considering Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International the problem of expanding our press to meet the requirements of intensified political work projected in VOL. II No. 51 Saturday, November 26, 1938 375 Our transitional program. The heavy tasks imposed One Cent per Copy upon us by the general situation necessitate, and the resources of our growing movement make possible, a decisive strengthening of our most important weapon the Socialist Appeal. The time has come for a bold step forward.
Therefore, after due consideration of the matter, and after consultation with the party branches, the Plenum of the National Committee decides: To publish the Socialist Appeal, in its present size, twice a week! To raise a twice a week Appeal fund of 3, 000 to meet the doubled publication costs and provide a reserve fund to guarantee its maintenance during the first months. Proportionate quotas are to be assigned to all party units and the campaign for CIO CONVENTION YPSL Convention 60 days. The first number of the twice weekly Appeal RUBBER STAMPS Opens in Chicago is to appear about February 1st, or sooner if the fund is on hand before that time.
CHICAGO The Tenth NaLEWIS MACHINE tional convention of the Young People Socialist League openMINNEAPOLIS. Progressive labor forces here have given ed here on Thanksgiving Day. Hypocritical Plans For Havens In Remote real impetus to the drive to lower the immigration restrictions to permit asylum to the hounded refugees from Fascism.
bus, freight cars, by the hitchRoughshod To Colonies Offer No Real Possibility This drive was initiated by the Executive Board of the hiking route, from all corners General Drivers Union, Local 544.
Of Relief For Victims Of Hitler of the country gathered to Full Control resolution adopted last week which called upon President hammer out a program of acRoosevelt to back up his expressions of sympathy with real tion based on their own ex There is one, and just one, test of the seriousness of any aid to the refugees and demanded that he open the gates of Party To Be Geared To New Tempo To By WIDICK periences in the trade unions, protest against the monstrous Nazi drive to exterminate the the United States to the oppressed of Europe.
Labor Secretary unemployed organizations and The resolution, which is a model for trade unions throughApply Transitional Program In In the student field. Subsequent German Jews. Special 10 Socialist Appeal)
out the country, reads as follows: Trade Union Activity PITTSBURGH, PA. John Issues will report the proceed That test is this: Is the protest backed solidly and un The working thousands enrolled under the banner of ings and the results.
Lowis took undisputed control equivocally by the demand that the doors of the United States General Drivers Union Local 514 extend their keen sympathy NEW YORK, Nov. 20. The momentous decision to launch over the entire Congress of Indusbe thrown open at once to all of the German Jews?
to the victims of the repulsive and abominable fascist terror In Germany.
a drive to expand the Socialist Appeal into a twice weekly newspaper trial. Organizations (C1. follow UAW AUTONOMY Let us not fool ourselves. Bombastic speeches by the big shots Fascism is the most reactionary form of capitalism. The marked the high point of the second full meeting (Plenum) of the In the first national convention do not prove that they are friends of the persecuted Jews. Quite National Committee of the Socialist Workers Party held here on Aliated to that organization.
senseless cruelty of these outrages demands more than sympaENDANGERED BY the contrary thetic statements. The people of the world must study condiNov. 19 20.
tions in order to root out the causes for such pogroms as are His election as president, and The truth of the matter is that the big shots are trying to Turning its face to the gigantic now being let loose dally in Central Europe. They come only the heavy predominance of his exploit the popular indignation at the persecutions for their own problems created by the developi when the working class of people see their organizations de personal supporters on the newlyDETROIT MOVE reactionary purposes.
stroyed and become enslaved. Such outrages Inflicted upon ing crisis in this country, the tur. TREASON COUNTS constituted executive board of the bulent labor struggles clearly on helpless minorities have never happened where a strong IndeC. esgures Lewis of greater REAL ROOSEVELT PERSECUTES NEGROES pendent labor moevment exists to guard human rights.
the horizon and the impending appersonal power than ever achieved Loses No Time Take Roosevelt. What is his real attitude toward the per Local pledges itself to stand ready to protect the civil pronch of a new war, the Nation. COLLAPSE DURING by a single trade union leader in secution of racial minorities? To get an answer, all you have to rights of minorities here locally.
this country.
See pago five for resolutions After the shadow boxing beIn Seizing Its Local 114 demands of President Roosevelt that he open do is to look at the practice of the Party he leads in its chief adopted by the Plenum of the TRIAL OF the gates of the United States to the oppressed of Europe.
tween Lewis and the Stalinists stronghold, the Southern States.
National Opportunity Committee of the over one clause in the constitution in the South, not 700, 000 but 11, 000, 000 Negroes live exS.
DETROIT, Mich. Continuing Negroes are consigned to squalid Ghettoes, cut off from the cul al Committee lald plans to gear Militants Sentenced week Socialist Appeals the cost vention was smoother than a ses its attempts to build up mathe party to its new tasks, to Only For Part In sion of Stalin central committee chine in the automobile workers tural life of the community, barred from any but the harshest transform it into a combat organmeeting. There simply wasn any union, the International Executive and lowest paying types of employment, and subject to the con ization. At the head of its plans May Days oppoaltion on any quesction of Board announced from Pittsburgh stant threat of lynch terror.
is the twice weekly paper, calcuimportance.
that it had voted to abolish the The real Roosevelt is the Roosevelt who bases his power New Arms Program Designed To Assure lated not only to convey our mesThe leaders of the sen Stallnists Roughly Handled sage to the workers with greater tenced to 15 year terms recently Detroit District Auto Council, on and position on the exploitation, oppression and persecution of The o, constitution doesn the grounds that it was Comfrequency but to influence the lab.
the American Negroes.
Rule Of Imperialism From in Barcelona were found guilty guarantee the right of political al munist dominated.
or movement with a fighting pol only of being opponents of the Aliation for members. However, This latest autocratic act is a And what is the purpose to which Roosevelt is trying to Arctic To Cape Horn jey and constructive revolution bouregois regime and of partici Lewis was able to cut off any dis shameless violation of the union turn the public outcry against the Nazi terror? He himself makes ary program.
constitution, which specifically Watchword Is Forward pating in the May uprising of the cussion on this question.
it plain. He is using it as the excuse for putting across his From every sounding board of the administration, from PresiBarcelona workers, according to Lewis called Harry Bridges and makes it mandatory for all unions The watch word of the Plenum, fresh information arriving only Joe Curran, the big guns of the of any locality to set up district colossal armament plans, for building up the weapons and the dent Roosevelt down to Mayor LaGuardia, through the press, and which will be carried into every now from abroad.
Stalinists to the stage after they councils and provides for their hysterical spirit which will enable him in the not too distant over the radio, the American people are being prepared for the part of the organization from An the slanderous accusations miļdly proteated against the con powers and jurisdictions. future to drive the American masses to slaughter on the battle greatest armament program in history.
coast to coast, was FORWARD that they were traitors, that they stitution provisions.
It is indeed true that the De fields of imperialism.
They are being prepared for the war policies of the Roosevelt With this alm in mind, the Na had connections with the Fascist don like you and your gangtroit District Auto Council is domtional Committee carried through in Spain, Italy, and Germany, fell around here. You can go to hell, Inated by stooges of the Commun CHAMBERLAIN CROCODILE TEARS administration which has now openly proclaimed the entire Western its sessions in a serious, businessthrough completely at the trial as far as m concerned, and if ist Party, and therefore has been How about Chamberlain, and his side kicks Joseph Kennedy, hemisphere as the immediate bailiwick of United States imperialism.
This is now the heart and coro like fashion grappling with the and were abandoned by the prose you want to get licked, start some a worthless body as far as solving Roosevelt Ambassador to the Court of St. James, and Rublee, of Roosevelt policies. Every problems before the party and cution!
thing at this convention. Lewis any of the union problems was elaborating a practical program head of the Committee created by that widely advertised vacuum, move he makes is related to it.
Myths Exploded privately told Bridges and Curran. concerned. But the previous atof action.
the Evian Conference. Continental Defense Whereupon, the Stalinists re tempts of the Martin AdministraThe two principal points on the The judgment against them ex To try to stifle and shunt aside the world protest, they now order of business were the twice. Ploded a thousand Stalinist sian turned to their places and kept as tion to bureaucratically suppress claimed the new slogan of conweekly Appeal and the problem of ders when it characterized them silent as a couple of children just the have proven only a boon put forward a grandiose plan to settle the Jews in British tinental defense. He explained spanked by their father. In order for the Stalinists and have won as sincere anti Fascists.
organizing our party work.
Guiana and in the British mandated colony of Tanganyika, and FIGHTS STRIKERS that this meant that the land, Discussion on Semi Weekly To be sure this does not miti that no one else get any ideas of them renewed support from the they ask private individuals to contribute at least 100, 000, 000 naval, and air forces of the The Plenum had before it a gate for a single moment the vic trying to discuss the constitution membership.
General Motors Attacks to this purpose.
United States would be brought census of opinion of the party Lousness of the sentences handed seriously. Lewis took the floor beWhile the Executive Board is The proposed territories, so generously suggested, are com Concentration Camp up to the level needed for action branches in the form of replies down by the Loyalist regime on fore the committee on this subject so unceremoniously abolishing au pletely wild and undeveloped, without even means of commuto a questionaire sent out by the these working class militants. But made its report. This is a simple and democratto councils, bureaucratically supnational office on the twice week which form To Be Created for to Cape Horn.
it does expose completely the lles nication and transportation. The same day and it was of the ic constitution, he explained to pressing the rights of the mem.
The maximum estimate of the number of Jews that could ly Appeal. The report of comrade Stalinist campaign against the the doubters. It isn going to be bership and ignoring the wishes Undesirables no accident Roosevelt engaged be settled in Guiana over a period of many years is twenty to in a bit of convenient indignation Cannon revealed that the over, and against the Bolshe amended. You are going to vote of the locals, General Motors is whelming majority of the party vik Leninist militants in Spain.
on the committee recommenda beginning to crack down on the thirty thousand, about the same or a few more in Tanganyika.
The regime of the concentration against the anti Semitic pogroms branches were enthusiastically in The case against the Bolshevik tions. Lewis gently explained. local unions, fring shop stewards, The Chamberlain Kennedy proposal thus comes down to camp has been introduced into in Germany. Roosevelt may be credited with feeling somewhat favor of the two a week paper.
In lengthy discussion which Leninist comrades, Muniz, Rodri Everybody got the hint. Outside of trying to speed up the lines. Ap mild discussion on per capita parently the only answer the Exthis: no solution at all for the mass of the Jews, but a scheme Begun now only for undesir sorry for the Jews. But he does guez, and others, is still pending ensued, the relative merits of the but the release of one of them, tax, the constitution was adopted ecutive Board for the highly profitable exploitation of British colonies to the give to these able forelgners. which includes not intend to do anything serious twice weekly paper as against in upon whom the whole false case without a murmur.
provocations is a further attempt benefit of British finance capital.
the thousands of foreign workers about their plight. What he is creasing the present weekly to Weapon Against Autonomy to emasculate the union strength. VILE OFFERINGS OF STALINISM in France already hounded by the interested in is the utilization of eight pages was soberly debated against them rests, showed that the Barcelona government has no Under the provisions the con Above all they want to show the People Front regime and the the legitimate indignation of the with practically every member of more evidence against them than stitution, the executive board can ruthless, union hating automobile The most shameful role of all is that played by the Stalin present Daladier government the American masses over the Nazi the committee participating. The it did against effective war lead investigate any international or manufacturers that the union is ists. The Soviet Union, product of the workers revolution, which concentration camp will soon face terror to create erguments weighed strongly for era local affiliate and make a report now respectable, that it no longer should be the home of all the persecuted and oppressed, has all the workers if they do not psychology. Roosevelt is attackthe twice weekly. It was felt that Charges Collapse quickly crush the totalitarian ing Hitler not because Hitler 18 to the convention, anytime it possesses the fighting qualities it the striking power of the party been transformed into so iron bound a prison by Stalin that the threat.
It Fascist beast but because Gerand its organizational effectiveThe indictment on which Julian thinks an international union is aid a year ago The militants of the auto union, regime cannot even make the pretense of offering asylum within These camps were set up under man imperialism represents the ness would be tremendously en Gorkin, Juan Andrade, the mur not carrying out policies.
the same decrees issued ten days the vast and under populated Soviet territories to the German most aggressive threat to AmeriThus two legal weapons have who have sacrificed their very dered Andres Nin, and others, hanced by two Appeals each week.
Jews. Instead, Stalin trade treaty with Germany continues ago by the Daladler government can hegemony in Latin American The Plenum decided 1 for the were brought to trial included been given Lewis for a possible lives to build up an organization putting a formal end to the 40markets.
twice weekly.
charges of connections with the purge of political minorities. The in their industry have other ideas merrily in operation, and not a single demonstration of protest hour week and attempting to Trade Pacts Fascists, of desertion from the first is the lack of a guarantee on on the subject, however. They are Re shapes Party Work against the persecutions by the Russian workers is permitted by Last week the Roosevelt admeet political affiliation rights, the sec responding to the manufacturers et France permanent economfront, and esplonage on behalf of the In line with the decision on the Italy and Germany. One by one ond is this clause which allows offensive in an entirely different le crisis by fresh attacks on the ministration signed trade pacts with Great Britain and Canada.
paper, the Plenum yent to work (Continued on page 5)
manner. Continued on page 6)
But in this country, the agent of Stalin and the living standard of the French workers.
This too forms an integral part to re shape the party organization Fire Shop Steward the Communist Party, calls for a breaking of diplomatic relations to enable it to apply the revoluof the government war plans.
On Nov. 17th, a shop steward Strikes Begin between the Government and Germany, an official Governtionary program of transitional Intrinsically the Canadian pact was fired out of the Fleetwood Sporadic strikes of protest took was more important, covering mental boycott, and, as Marcantonio explained Monday night at demands. In order to gear the orplant on the fake excuse of inplace last week but in each case larger trade, and also serving to ganization to its new tasks, the subordination. About four hundred the Madison Square Garden meeting, for the logical sequel to Daladler Mobile Guards and po knit that British dominion more Plenum decided to place the party men, Fleetwood workers, unani these war lice carried out the orders of the closely in the economic sphere to on a campaign footing. Over specmously voted to back up their Every one of these demands can serve only the interests of erstwhile hero of the People American imperialism. For Angloifled periods of time, the entire steward and instructed the local imperialism, and can only injure and worsen the condition of the Front and forced evacuation of American relations on the broader membership will be engaged in (Special to Socialist Appeal) great counter demonstration. De union officers to immediately call the factories occupied by German Jews.
sphere of world politics, relating promoting some special action workers.
planned by the Political CommitBRUSSELS Comrade Philibert grelle demanded and got police special meeting for a strike to Europe and the Far East both, protection. But the workers had vote. The management replied the FACE THE ISSUE HERE!
That the regime of the concen the pact also contains profound tee. All party work, all agitation. Bouillon, member of the Socialist their way and Degrelle and his next day by locking out the work(Continued on page 6)
all activity in the branches, in Revolutionary Party (Fourth In man Friday gat it in the neck implications whose real extent ers of the Fleetwood division of We have got to face the issue. If we are not merely in will be determined and revealed mass organizations will be foternational) of Jemappes was The ation before the court, General Motors, dulging our emotions, if we mean business when we say that it is by future events.
cussed on these campaigns, cited to appear before the Cor which was regarded among the Membership Meet That Sunday evening a confer our duty to aid the German Jews in their terrible crisis, we have The continuing conflict beThe campaigns will revolve rectional Court at Monson Nox workers of Walsmuel as something ence was called of all representa got to raise throughout the country and carry through the one On Plenum Report tween United States and Japanese demand that can really help them and help them now, when membership meeting of all imperialism moved into a new al demands and intense efforts leader of the Belgian Fricist Rex Bouillon with wilfully striking from Detroit, Flint, Pontiac, Lanthey need help: the demand that they be permitted to enter this New York members will be made to popularize this ists, and Degrelle lieutenant, blows and inflicting injury upon sing and several other cities, Aland sharper stage with the exwill be held Saturday, Nov. 26, change of diplomatic notes comprogram in the press, through Vandoorne, when the latter tried Leon Degrelle drid Valentin Van most unanimously they declared country. We cannot carry out our duty by passing it off on to p. at Irving Plaza Hall, pleted last week by Japan reply leaflets and in internal education to hold a meeting at Wasmuel on doorne, from which the latter was that the time had come to assert the shoulders of someone else, of some other country or of Irving Place and 15th St.
to the note of Oct. Japan al meetings and bulletins. June 26 last.
incapacitated for work. their union rights; declared that imperialism.
James Cannon will report in thinly veiled language anTo carry through this plan, the That day Degrelle and the Two other comrades of the they were ready to back up the We must compel the President and Congress to lift the on the Plenum of the National nounced that the Nine Power Plenum gave the Political Com Rexists tried to organize a mass Emile Barbieux and Alfred Fleetwood division, Local 15, and quotas and abolish all financial restrictions and all red tape.
Committee and on the twice Treaty of 1922 governing the bal mittee power to raise a special meeting in the workers strong Petiau were also indicted for re called upon the International to weekly Socialist Appeal. Ad ance of power in Asle was virtuThis demand can be won if a great popular movement for futid to increase its staff of full hold of Wasmuel and the Socialist sisting police officers at the same support their program.
mission by red card only.
ally dond. This leaves wide open (Continued on page 5) Revolutionary Party organized a demonstration. Continued on page Continued on page Continued on Page 4)
DALADIER LASHES the Belgian Militant Tried For: Slugging Fascist Chieftain