AntifascismBourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyEnglandGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarNazismSocialismStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 19, 1938 Unity, Union Democracy Issues Stir Convention UNION DEMOCRACY STALINIST BUREAUCRATISM for a Carlo Trotsky Defends Asylum In Slashing Reply to Toledano Not a cent for swollen dividends, for battle One Road Towards Progress!
SOCLALIST APPEAL ships and planes!
Vol. II No. 50 Saturday, November 19, 1938 Money for Life!
709 TT Not a cent for death!
Published every week by the AND OPEN THE DOORS TO ALL REFU.
at 116 University Place. New (Continued from page 1)
ora 16:47 the sessions has been to lead the bureaucratic maneuver and forc cheering for the Lewis nachine.
Elections Over.
WPA Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six ing change.
It is quite apparent that Lewis is Labor Unity months perfectly agreeable to their supcents per copy. Single coples cents.
The question of labor unity was port and some of their ideas, but All checks and money orders should be made discussed a half day following he is going to keep organizationout to the Socialist Appeal.
Mr. Dooley once said, The Supreme Court the presentation of a special re al control of the In the follows the election returns.
Entered as second class matter September 1, hands of his machine.
1937, at the post office at New York, New York, port as a reply to the message of If the famous American humorist were alive President Roosevelt urging labor Since very few of the 176 deleunder the Act of March 3, 1879.
today, he would add to his epigram: peace.
gates are rank and Ale workers, MAX SHACHTMAN and relief slashes follow election day.
The convention unanimously the attitude of the membership to Editor Hardly had the votes in the mid term elecadopted the policy outlined by the o. policies is not recely HAROLD ROBERTS GEORGE CLARKE tions been counted than the announcement the committee. It reads, The ing clear expression at the conC. IO Asociate Editors states with Anality that vention, STANLEY, Business Manager comes from Washington that Roosevelt is planthere can be no compromise with The future program of the ning to contract and other relief proits fundamental purpose and aim 10. as outlined by Lewis in his grams.
of organizing workers into power report which was accepted withOpen the Doors!
The two faced hypocrite has already stored rul industrial unions, nor its obli out any discussion by the congation to fully protect the rights vention is merely an extension Sympathy is cheap. Indignation costs nothing. his fine spun phrases about social injustice and interests of all its members of that already being carried out.
Sympathy and indignation alone are of no use and the underprivileged one third of the naand affiliated organizations. The top leaders are desto the Jewish victims of Nazi bestiality.
tion in the White House attic. They will re The accepts the goal of perately trying to reform capitalDozens of politicians, bishops, preachers, edu. main there until the next election. But that time unity in the labor movement and ism. Legislation for a little more cators, and professional humanitarians have been the sufferings of the unemployed will be a matdeclares that any program for the social security, for higher. wages, waxing nothing but sympathetic and indignant ter for cool, cynical calculation.
attainment of auch goal must em for preservation of the Wagner brace as an essential prelude these Act, for a housing program, for in the press and over the radio during the past Who will foot the bill? The millionaires, the fundamental purpose and princi guarantee of civil liberties.
week of horror for the German Jews.
corporations, the financiers they refuse to carples.
These are the immediate de These worthies may mean well. few, like ry it any longer. And they are Roosevelt bosses.
mands of the All of them Committed deserve critical of Al Smith, Herbert Hoover, Alf Landon, Thomas support, Therefore, the poverty made wounds of the unThis is a re statement of the course.
Dewey, and their counterparts in the New Deal employed millions must be salted must be saltprevious position held by the Major Issues Evaded camp, have no objection, at any rate, to getting ed now not with thetoric but with a new elimi. LO. with one important ditGIO.
nation of relief and appropriations.
But the huge problem of unsome easy publicity that makes them look like ference. The goal of unity has employment, which the convenliberals.
Hopkins said that business was improving been accepted as part of the LO. program!
tion recognized in the report, has But the Jews and other victims of the Nazis in and would continue its upward trend and not been discussed nor is it The tremendous applause given likely that any serious discussion Germany need more than oh and ah hence there would be a permanent curtaiment the Roosevelt message worried will develop.
They need a refuge.
of his program.
the Lewis clique, primarily be The announcement of General They need asylum from the Nazi terror.
His tongue was in his cheek or it should cause they feared a stampede for Motors of its income security To this need there is one answer that can be have been when he made that crack. The sta peace which would mean a trampplan caught the leaders flatmade right now: tistics of his own department show that there ling of the principle of in footed. Although it is imperative OPEN THE DOORS OF THIS COUNTRY dustrial unionism for mass pro that the convention adopt more are still 10 15 million unemployed in the United duction industries.
States despite all the business improvement.
The long discussion on the ing scale of hours and a rising for From this obvious and imperative solution all The figures of the A, of confirm this.
committee report was intended as scale of wages to answer take the well wishers and viewers with alarm steer The same condition prevails today perhaps educational talks to show the company plans of security It is clear.
more acutely. But to Roosevelt and Hopkins it and of rank and improbable that the questions file that the was for peace will receive consideration.
They are ready to bleat with pity. They are not is enough that business is improving (read: but not at the cost of sacrificing ready to give any real help to the suffering. profits and dividends are going up. That is industrial unionism.
On every question facing the Roosevelt has made a gesture too. He has pretext enough to deprive the unemployed of workers today, the conven It was felt that the position to recognizes the problem but called his ambassador back from Berlin for con the thin crust of government charity and cast adopted by the convention would has no anawer except vague gen.
sultation them on the breadlines and into the Hoovergive the a stronger levereralizations about the need for This is just Roosevelt way of getting out from villes. only this time they will be called in negotiating with the of Ladequate legislation, security and under. Gestures are of no use to the German Rooseveltburgs.
There was a general impression other phrases. Civ liberties are Jews.
It is not unnatural, therefore, that the man among delegates that resumption being trampled, the Lewis report of negotiations with the of pointed out. But how the workRoosevelt lead has been followed by John who so callously toys with the misery of the (Special to the Socialist Appeal) did not publish single rectifice. made by an impartial commis was in the offing.
ers can fight for their rights is Lewis and, of course, by the Stalinists. At the jobless should be preparing to grind them into MEXICO CITY, Nov. 12 Vig tion of his speech. We had to slon. In place of this, he has benot shown. How Mayor Frank Pittsburgh convention Lewis asked the govern cannon fodder. Roosevelt meets with the Gen orously defending himself against wait a year and a half for Tolgun to refute them himself. Per Hague and other fascist minded ment to make proper representations to Berlin, eral Staff of the army and projects a plan to the latest Stalinist drive to de edano to find it necessary in a sonally, do not have any obPITTSBURGH, Pa. Nov. 14. leaders can be stopped is not innothing more. shift the emphasis in federal spending. to country of the globe willing to not crack brained and that he cept with gratitude the testimony within ranka is for labor The swing to the right in stroy his sylum in the sole new speech to declare that he is jection to these methods, and ac How the sentiment dieated.
In New York Earl Browder hailed Roosevelt job producing projects under a national de eceive him. Leon Trotsky yester had not made such statements that the only ones able to accuse unity was fllustrated by the re the recent elections worries the gesture as an American deed that will speak fense program.
day toro away the clumsy frame. He is not correct this time me of wishing to provoke a xenception given the Roosevelt mes. CLO. leaders. They know that more eloquently than any words. The Daily The meaning is as clear as a pikestaff: work of a typleat Lombardo Tolelther. The facts and the texts eral strike against the govern cape even the program of mild reform Worker proposal is an embargo on German Thousand of workers will be removed from edano. calumny, oxposing the speak in another manner. The ment of General Cardenas 4c sage urging labor peace.
Toledano, as cording to Mr. Toledano are the crude lles upon which this Stal refutations of demonstration that fol legislation which they want The rolls and made jobless because even the goods. What good will that do the victims of the inlst lackey hased himself. Com. we see, are distinguished by the crack brained. add only that lowed the reading of the Roose stands little chance of passing Nazi terror?
most ambitious rearmament program cannot rade Trotsky statement is as same exactitude as his affirma the other accusations launched velt message was the first real under the present relationship of No, none of this frothing at the mouth will provide work for all.
follows: tions. But minus times minus against me have the same value evidence of enthusiasm at the forces. However, they are afraid Leon Trotsky convention.
to take steps which would arouse help the Jews one single bit.
Thousands of workers will be performing In his speech at the Palace of equals plus.
Mr. Toledano does not want an Coyoacan, John Lewis immediately ap the militancy of the workers ant There is only one real answer: OPEN THE skilled and unskilled labor at handouts Fine Arts on Nov. Toledano investigation of his accusations November 10, 1938 pointed a special committee to through class action force ConDOORS!
not at union standards. Like the labor camps of declared. Something that draft a reply to President Roose gress to give concessions to the have never affirmed, because To this some workers may reply: But how Hitler Germany velt. It was headed by Phillip labor movement.
am not crack brained, is to say Murray, vice president of the about our unemployed? How can we provide for Millions of workers will be engaged in build that Trotsky had proposed a genC. Honeymoon Days Over the German Jews when we haven got enough ing death dealing equipment for an army and eral strike during the petroleum Among delegates there was cannot answer. The honeymoon It is this dilemma which they jobs to go around for ourselves?
navy of imperialist conquest, while the poor conflict. It is to be premore talk about pence with the sumed that the report of the days of the e are over. BitThis is a legitimate question. But it can be of than any other sub. ter opposition to evety move of continue to inhabit disease infested fire trap speech in Popular has been answered for the Jews whom we shelter in the slums and their children die from malnutrition.
ject. It was generally believed the is admitted by all. The edited by the orator himself with (Continued from page 1)
same way that it can and must be answered for That is the long and short of Roosevelt new the necessary care. Lombarcians, answered the emergency that one of the main purposes of Lewis report said it (the opposiall the unemployed.
dish for the unemployed. His program of war do Toledano is editor of El Ponical heights in the Stalinist call of his brother Stalinists, and this convention was to put on tion) WAS not understandable.
ularEd. Note. It is not pospress, reflecting their fear over entered the convention hall OL, and the public. show of strength to the of This is so only because he reThere are 12, 000, 000 jobless in this country. is a program of poverty. And his program of fuses to recognize the existence If we took in every Jew in Germany that would sible to desire anything more the rapidly spreading insurgent poverty is a program of war.
categorical than the refutation movement in the Teachers Un take the floor. He could not make Industrial Workers Convention of the class struggle. He fails to add 500, 000. The program we propose will give The elections are over. The cards are on the cited above: because am not tatorship, movement which and boos. large banner pinned somewhat unusual gathering. Its declining capitalism, the bosses The convention is a understand that in period of a working livelihood to all of them together. table. Roosevelt has played his and now it is crack brained. on the wall of the convention place in labor history as the first relentlessly fight against every they fear with only too good rea Let the workers demand an immediate applica the turn of the workers.
we shall try to check what My To Toledano says tion of a gigantic public works program of slum son might spread into other hall by Stalinists reading, The trump card of the working class is in its unions where they now enjoy Aght Trotskyim Je to work for mainly the industrial workers is and seek to destroy the union clearance, housing roads, waterworks, and other united organized strength and in its program. 1937. El Universal, first secury and the resolutions commit hundred delegates wanted to disment is obvious. Lewis stated it In the newspapers of May 31, monopoly over the union treas unity, was torn down. The eight assured. Its record of achieve movement.
public services!
And this card must be played before it is too tion, page 8, Excelsior first sec cuss union business, not the posuccinctly when he declared in have a great experience behind Fortunately, American workers tee.
Open the closed factories and operate them late.
tion, page 4, El Nacional, first Union Revolt litical needs of Joseph Stalin.
his 66 page report, What the them in the organizing drives under Workers Control!
The of and must be roused section, page 6, La Prensa.
In typical fashion, Tole An Expensive Campaign Cut down the hours of the employed workers of in fifty four years of and sit down strike wave that page 6) in the report of Toloddano, Laborde, and their cohorts into action In the very heart of the Stal existence couldn accomplish, build the It is very proband make work for all!
ano speech at a meeting held have labelled this movement inist dominated unions of Mexico the did in three years.
Millions of workers must demonstrate against May 30, 1937, in the Theater Trotskylte.
attempting to link the belonging to Toledance able that the workers in That way we will take care of ourselves and of the Roosevelt deal of poverty and war.
There can hardly be any doubt action will work out more proall the victims of oppression everywhere whom For the turning over of war funds to the un. are not going to follow those who aries of the country, including volt, almost wholly subterranean that Industrial unionism has been cressive polloles to meet the we invite to our shores.
employed and not to the murder gang of the label themselves of the extreme sexual perverts discovered and until the recent explosion of pro established permanently in the state problems of today than Who will pay for it?
General Staff of the army!
with the tinconvention In fact that this conThe rich will pay for it. Tax all the upper in For the expansion not contraction of real We are not going to follow Trot general strike in the Republie particular amalgam, and ending to an ominous deeline for the CCI. claims of 000. 000 meraberention shows little if any signs with their come brackets. Divert all war funds to public customary slogan: Stalinists. That is the rent reasonare perhaps a bit high, but it is projects by appropriations of billions works.
sky who represents the counter Trotsky is mixing in Mexican for the fantastic fear and hys very significant to hear of the of the hide bound conservatism of dollars to wipe out the slumns and build derevolution. The general strike is politics; throw him out. teria displayed by them in this new wave of union spirit grow which marked the of conMoney for food, homes, and work!
cent homes for working men to live in!
against the government.
Actually the movement began latest campaign of calumny and Ing among mass production vention, is the hope of the Amer Cracked Brains spontaneously among the rank siander against the exiled loader workers who have recently been can labor movement. New ideas, rehired.
In these four newspapers we and file of the Teachers Union in of the October Revolution Undoubtedly, dues col flexible tacties, and response to According lections encounter the same phrase. It is protest against a heavy monthly unimpeachable are very low in the social conditions will be manifest clear that the text has a char assessment levied against them sources of information, this cam but the ideas for which it quicker in the then in acter if not official, at least not by the Stalinist bureaucracy and paign has been the most expen stands in the minds of the in the of less than authoritative. Neither deductible according to Mexican sive so far waged by the dustrial workers are as firmly Skate Around Politics the discourse as a whole nor the law from their already pitiful in Mexico. In order to whip up entrenched as ever.
phrase which interests us have paychecks.
The noticeable lack of politThe movement any semblance of popular re Minery Machine Dominant ical talk at this convention is Jamed the distin Lloyd George and Duff Cooper, Europe must be taken in col ever been disavowed by Mr. Tolgained such momentum that at sponse to their speakers, articles, This convention is being run another illustration of the senquished British author, whose have been urging that stern laboration with Great Britain.
the Arst session of the union con and slogans, the Stalinist are strictly as a John Lewis, sitivity of the to social vention new book, The Black Jacobins measures be taken against Ger Labor Party Alds Chamberlain In the same newspaper 18 yesterday. committees compelled to spend greater and miners union bureaucracy affair. changes. Before the convention sent by the Stalinists from other greater sums of money because Every important committee has began, Lewis announced the need will be published in this country The Labor Party and trade printed my declaration of June unions to block this week, has arrived in the union leadership swung com 26, 1937, in which said: Mr. opposition were booed off the bust of the workers. The policy ion official. Murray, Hillman and Party in view of the election de rank and Alle of the growing apathy and dia as its key Agures, a miners un for reforming the Democratic United States for a coast to pletely behind Chamberlain du Toledano in a series of public Hoor mid demands to proceed to of rule or ruin is beginning to Lewis are the trimvirate who are feats. He criticized fake llberals coast lecture tour. His Arst lecring the war crisis and showed declarations attributes to me ture will be in New York City on the order of business. Lombardo bear Its fruit. President Carde determining the destintes of the and Now Dealers. He even menits ever readiness to collaborate various acts of intervention in November 30th at Irving Plaza, and do the same devil work the internal life of Mexico (par much connection with the Teach height of the stalinist howling Toledano, who does not have as nas well timed rebuke at the at this convention.
tioned the possibility of a labor where he will spenk on the Twithat it did in 1914. So tense is the ticularly, for example, a call for ers Union as Wm. Green of the gives a good indication as to how light of the British Empire.
situation in Britain that they do. a general strike. In such of has with the musi that fruit will taste.
Because of the firm control of party development.
this powerful machine over the His speech was an admission In an interview with the sonot even pretend to be anti war statements there is not one word convention, it is somewhat listof the brankruptcy of the present cialist the Munich Pact James sald Appear on the effects of or anti imperialist, but months of truth.
less. Its opening session was pre policy of Labor Non Partisan ago signified their approval to Yet after this, Mr. Toledano that the fear of sided over by Pat Fagan, miners League of supporting capitalist war domLAST WEEK the rearmament program. This inates everything in England.
YOUTH TAKES FLING union official. He praised John party candidates. His mention of betrayal by the labor leadership ruptcy of the policy as revealed The English people have reThis is the last week in Lewis. Then Lewis spoke on labor party politics was a conhas been reinforced by the Stal at Munich has thrown the Stalat the ceived a great shock. The idea of which to greet the Tenth Na democracy and made his cession to a growing sentiment Chamberlain going to see Hitler inlsts who were among the loud inists into serious confusion, and tional Convention of the est shouters for war during the for the moment they are waiting pledge to support American imREBEL SWING for an independent working class so often has brought home to Young Peoples Socialist perialism during war in return party, crisis. Stalinist delegation was on Moscow.
them that Great Britain is no Again, however, the leadLeague, which is being held in admitted to 10 Downing Street, American workers who wish to Sat. Nite. Nov. 19 for a few concessions ers the longer the dominant power it has Chicago during the Thanks showing that the government is hear a first hand report of the For two hours in the afternoon ocratie machine. Yet they know been in past years. On the other Young Circle League Audit.
giving weekend. Send in your quite willing to use them. situation in England are urged session. Walter Smethurst, an the futility of playing ball with hand the great masses of people The anti war sentiments of to attend the meetings which are greetings NOW 9, or 22 East 15th Street other miners official, and execu the feel that there is nothing to be 10 for the Convention Prothe politically minded workers being arranged for Toby Woods and Orchestra gram Book to the National tive assistant to Lewis, rond the they bourgeois politicians. And gained from war.
want too much discus have been canalized into anti James throughout the country.
lengthy report of the chair sion of the question at this con The British ruling class, conC. JAMES Convention Arrangements fascist feeling by the Stalinists New Yorkers will have the MAX SHACHTMAN, of man to the convention. The day vention. That is why no political tinued James Committee, 160 Wells St. it itself spilt many at once. By this they do as a means of supporting the first opportunity to hear him Proceeds to YPSL Nal. Conv.
ended with the hearing of the figures have been invited to atRoom 908, Chicago, IL.
as to exactly how the polit not mean war, but would like to rearmament program and ultim on November 30th at Irving Roosevelt message.
tend. That is why the Lewis reical crisis should be dealt with frighten Hitler to the point that ately pushing the workers into National Convention Plaza. Note the date and be Admission 394 Stalinists Cheering Squad port says nothing about labor in Some, Arrangements Committee.
like Winston Churchill, whatever steps he takes in an imperialist war, but the bank sure to be present.
The role of the Stalinists at politics.
Cardenas Raps Attacks On Trotsky Asylum to James, Noted Negro Militant, To Speak on Decline of British Empire