AnarchismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGPUHitlerIV InternationalInvasionLeninMarxMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 19, 1938 APPEAL ARMY Genora and Kermit Johnson, Leading Puppet UAW Board Hits Union Rights, Democracy Auto Workers, Quit Join Site Missouri VIL RUBBER UNIONS APPEAL TO NLRB. And still letters of praise Newsstand Poster Out. come in from all over the The Appeal Poster Shop, ably world about the World Con directed by Comrade has just (Continued from page 1) cal wrecking by the Stalinista. gress Issue. put out an extremely attractive posals for pence and reinstated As everyone who has the faint. The latest one is from a com poster for newsstands. They are the expelled union officers, est experience in this field knows, ade in London, England, who being mailed to all branches By GEORGE CLARKE Democracy In Action WPA workers cannot be organ writes: have just received which are listed as covering Kermit Johnson and Genora Two other major proposals were ized except into one organization. my usual number of Appeals newsstands in our column. There Johnson, nationally prominent adopted, it is reported on good to have the auto unions organize from the Revolutionary Socialist are some still left and they can workers in the Sociaist Party and authority: first, that the previous its WPA workers, the Steel Union League literature secretary. It is be obtained by writing the Apoutstanding militants in the Michpractice of sending Executive Its WPA workers, the Rubber, all the World Congress issue. The peal. The cost only 50 each igan automobile Union, have reBoard minutes to the local unions other unions following suit, Appeal is always interesting, but signed from the and joined be discontinued. You never hear is to bring back the worst dis this issue is the finest ve yet The following is a list of now the ranks of the American Fourth about Hillman or Murray reportages of the old craft seen. It is an historical number subscriptions obtained during the Internationalists in the Socialist ing to the membership what they unionism into the WPA field. In worthy of the widest distribution. week: Workers Party are going to do what is good effect such a policy excludes the Your efforts must be heartily NEW YORK CITY. 16 Their resignation comes AS a enough for Hilman and Murray, building of any organization of congratulated in rising to such Massachusetts protest to the bankrupt policies the board members must reason, the WPA workers.
tremendous effort. am sure Illinois.
of the now culminating in is good enough for us. Secondly, Amounts to Liquidation could seli dozen of them 80 New York State the planned retirement into the four monthly Afty cent assess It is to the honor of the Auto m enclosing cash for same. As Indiana reactionary Old Guard Social ments were levied to replenish Workers Union that it set out and you would say In America, they California Democratic Federation.
the bankrupted auto union treas established functioning WPA or certainly were the goods. Ohio It comes as a climax to a long, ury. After squandering the money ganizations in Cleveland, Detrolt. And coming nearer home, Montana difficult struggle to introduce revin an unprincipled factional fight, and several other centers, uniting a comrade in South Bend, InMichigan olutionary principles into the sothey figured the men in the shops all the WPA workers, while the diana, writes as follows: My Foreign cialist Party and revolutionary ought to foot the was floundering around opinion of the APPEAL! It Colorado methods into its trade union work.
However you look at it, it was with no definite policy or pro sults me swell. have found At every stage, these militants not a very impressing contribu gram of its own.
nothing to rival it. have at were obstructed in their efforts tion for a board meeting in ses. To turn these WPA organiza least one with me at all times.
Total by the opportunist and careerist. 41 sion a full week! Thus the new tions, at this late date, back to The tri weekly anti war issues leaders at the top of the party. Neo Unity leadership that now the regions, means to throw the more than proved which is the The most notable bundle order Significant Act controls a majority of the recon WPA workers back to the tender vanguard party of the work increase of the past few weeks Particularly was this the case stituted National Executive Board mercies of the Stalinists who un ers.
has been that of New York City in Michigan where Walter Reu launched the the fortunately control e The main like which has gone up by 400! Abe ther, Stalinist stooge, led the coming year!
councils and the Auto Councils in about the APPEAL is that it Miller, New York literature diparty by the nose through the Salarles Voted many key cities of the Auto not only tells the workers what rector, now handles and directs mud of Communist Party wreck After these exhaustive delibera union, us in Cleveland, Toledo, is happening, but it tells them the distribution of 1600 Appeals ing maneuvers in the auto union tions, the board adjourned to re Detroit, South Bend, It means what is to be done.
week. And pays for them. while the agents of Norman Above in center is Genora Johnson, enrolling recruits into the famous Women Emergency Brigade.
convene again in Washington, effect giving the Stalinists a free too!
Thomas and the prevented which was an important factor on the picket lines, in the strike kitchens and elsewhere in win the beginning of November. hand to wreck these bona fide How To Sell the Appeal: In addition, the new Flint, the militant workers in the auto ning the famous sit down strike in the General Motors plants in FHnt in early 1937. As the decisions of the board are. WPA organizations attached to Everett Washburn, new litera Michigan section of the union from flinging Mr. Reuther under the new ruling, secrets that the labor movement, in favor of ture agent of St. Louis, Mo. starting off with an order of 10 out on his ear.
Following is the text of the statement cannot be disclosed to the local the defunct, Stalinist controlled writes us of his branch plan to per That Genora and Kermit Johnweek. Comrade Taylor of at being left with a party name and no memissued In Flint, Mich. by Genora and Kermit son have left the Socialist Party unions any longer, militants are Workers Alliance. It is very increase its weekly sales quota: Seattle has already increased his Johnson announcing their adherence to the bership Is attempting at this time to effect a old guard Social now forced to scan the columns doubtful whether the WPA workdeal, reconciliation with the ol To accomplish this we have order to 30 per week after only after valiantly attempting to banner of the Fourth International: change its course, is a significant Democratic Federation: not on the basis of a of the daily capitalist press to ers will show much appreciation learn of the plans and decisions for this decision.
decided to concentrate on the few short weeks of effort.
The practical experience we gained in the From San Francisco lit agent, left wing revolutionary program, but on the basis sale of the APPEAL at four proof of the impossibility of revoof the leadership.
of uniting all socialists in the country.
great auto strike made us left wingers in the Score Zero places.
lutionists to live in a party which The Liberal Art Moore, comes a weekly InThe leadership upon thinking Socialist Party. After seeing the party in the Forum All in all, the labors of the crease of expels the left wing and prepares 40 copies, making a toHypocritically they add that this will make which meets every Sunday eveeast, with its preponderance of right wingers, their fight against capitalism more effective. We It over was apparently a bit ap International Executive Board rening: the io. Council which tal of 115 handled each week.
to unite with the decrepit Old we came back to Michigan to build a real left know that a party formed on this basis means prehensive about the effects upon semble the labors of the mounGuard. Their action in joining the meets twice each month the membership of a sudden antain that brought forth a mouse.
Attention: Literature Agents: blazes atralt for all re party with about twenty different programs, wing bloc in the state, with a view to taking nouncement of a new assess As far as presenting even hall the Shop Stewards meeting of about 100 attend this meeting: whose effectiveness as a revolutionary organizeover, together with New York left wingers, the maining left wingers in the party, At the end of this week we are ment. At the second board ses program or solution to the many machinery of the Socialist Party. But not being tion, it it can be called that, can easily be the United Auto Workers mailing out the regular monthly for all who refuse to be subwell enough equipped to provide leadership at divided by twice that number.
alon, then, the assessment seems unpostponable problems which the which about 200 attend, and the financial statements. We urge merged into the debris of the old to have been pigeon holed for the auto workers face, the score of Gas House Workers Union.
the time, we felt the only alternative was to prompt attention Guard and who wish to strike out even more JOINING THE time being. As if to better prove the board is so far zero, prompt remittance of payments on a fresh path of revolutionary support the representative of the left wing who had been sentt As a conclusion to our investigations, we find why the membership should not The Stalinist bureaucratic mao Michigan activity.
The branch plans to advertise due, there is still a party in America today, the This leadership, in conjunction with some of allow themselves to be assessed jority of the National Executive the Appeal and other literature Send all contributions to: To Those Still In Socialist Workers Party, based on real revoluby the Socialist union leaders in Detroit, began to these irresponsible spend Board has launched its adminis at these meetings by having com SOCIALIST APPEAL The statement of Genora and tionary principles, and which has lately, with set policy which we felt many times not to be thrifts, they then voted to pay tration by taking away from the rades wear posters put out by 116 University Place, Kermit Johnson, printed hereother revolutionary movements in the rest of back salary to the five officers Auto Workers Union its paper, our Appeal Poster Shop.
New York, with, is especially directed to the in keeping with revolutionary socialist principles the world, inaugurated the 4th International but rather a policy seemingly formed to promote who were suspended last June, its bona fide WPA organizations, automobile workers still in the the careers of some of the Socialist leaders in Although at present the 4th International probamounting 1, 200 each, total and some of its most important Socialist Party, to the rank and ably is not as large and far reaching as the two expense of 6, 000!
Real militancy and display of the labor movement which can only be termed democratie rights file P, members in the West Paper Abolished determination to defend the inan opportunistic policy in the language of any Side Briggs, Dodge and Hudson In the October issue of the its future possibilities on the basis of the prorevolutionary party.
The board then proceeded, it is Socialist Appeal we stated: Leave terests of the workers must take locals of the They have grant that it gives the working class makes As a result we felt it our duty to investigate reported, to abolish Its weekly it to the Executive Board to work the form of concreto preparations had a common experience with its rapidity of growth and its accomplishments the past and present policy of the Socialist publication, the United Auto out a realistic program of action to meet the company offensive.
the comrades Johnson in strugunlimited Such action alone will convince Party. Its numerous shortcomings on the naWorker and voted the CIO and to carry this program into gling for For these reasons we are leaving the Socialist the an cut policy in the tional scene, and its entire lack of an internaNews its new office (Continued from page 1)
organ. One effect! No! The International waverers that the union union against Walter Reuther, Party and joining the Socialist Workers Party tional program, on any revolutionary basis whatBen Fisher and Co. It is now to build the vanguard of the coming revolution could write a page full of critt Executive Board composed of the end of last May, the company means business this time.
ever, led us to ask ourselves the question, For cism of the United Auto Work Smash Election Alibi!
Stalinists and reactionary bureau has done nothing but stall the unhampered by reformist maneuvers, petty inobvious that from the situation in what reason does the Socialist Party exist?
union representatives in negotiaer, about its timidity, its lack of crats has shown that it is The election defeat of Sawyer triguers, opportunists and careerists.
the and from the condition of the nationally that DEALING WITH OLD GUARD This is the job facing any man or woman punch, its lack of program, its worthless in important matters of tions for a signed contract. More or governor of Ohio by the Rethese efforts have run headlong As almost any party member knows, the who sincerely calls himself a real revolutionist; into a brick wall. Intelligent revSecond International, Insofar as its furtherance of so many of the rotten, inde saved, the rank and file member that it intends to institute a wage utilized successfully by the offifor in the crisis, which must inevitably follow fensible policies of the famous ship olutionists will draw the necesof the cause of the International working class the locals must gave it. cut and return to the hour day cal leadership and their commueconomic conditions under the declining caplMartin administration. Still, rela. Expect No Miracles when the time is ripe.
talist system, only the genuine vanguard will nist Party stooges to argue that sary conclusions conclusions is concerned, has long since been completely tively speaking. It was quite a The recent Washington sessions Union Unprepared destroyed, and its pretence of promoting the which we are convinced can be lead the working class to the victorious conthe union must now refrain from progressive paper, as union papers further substantiate the truthfulworkers revolution is as false and degenerate as Meanwhile, the union has done taking concrete no different than those drawn by summation of the revolution.
preparatory that of the Stalinist bureaucracy the voice of go. It bears the honor of havingness of this statement. The rank little or nothing in the way of steps. This can mean only reAfter seven years membership in the Socialist Kermit and Genora Johnson.
the Third International today.
Kermit Johnson was the leader Party, striving for the true path to socialism. fought the pro war, collective se and file cannot afford to wait and solidifying its strength among treat in the face of difficulties. hand Through our investigation of the facts of the successful Chevrolet strike an investigation of the facts has shown us that curity policy of the Stalinists and hope for miracles. It is up to the workers and preparing for On the contrary, the labor moveduring the famous Flint sit downs We saw that the Socialist Party must inevitably the Socialist Party has not, and can not provide of championing the Ludlow rer. them to take the initiative now showdown with the bosses. As a ment can advance only by showerendum on war early in 1937; he was formerly move to the right, and not to the left, as we and and weld all militants into a new result, the company union has ing a bolder resolution.
the leadership necessary. And we ask all other other left wing comrades had for some time been to Precisely because of this the progressive group, work out a apparently been able to scratch Likewise, in answering the chairman of Local 156 (Flint) of Stalinists vowed to abolish it. sound and realistic program how together sufficient hoping and pressing for. Later developments in the In the recent guber signatures ing boss propaganda of Dies As we have.
the National Executive Committee of the Social Now the auto membership will to launch a new drive to organize from red apple workers, who committee natorial elections in Michigan he Take no one word, but find out for yourself; witnesses who will ran for Lleutenant Governor on ist Party showed our predictions, based on facts, and after this has been done we feel that our receive all of its union informa the 150, 000 unorganized Ford think the union is on the run, to testify this week in Washington, tion from the CIO News, the workers, how to organize the un enable it to take this new move labor will most effectively make the ticket. He was also to be true. The Socialist Party with an ever decision will be your decision.
journalistic product of the fusion organized competitive parts plants challenging wilting membership Ita top leadership jittéry GENORA and KERMIT JOHNSON.
the member of the State Executive headway by proclaiming its de of the Stalinist and the Lewis and standardize wages and work rights, Committed and the National Latermination to enter upon Jews, all creeds, any school of Hillman Murray bureaucracies. ing conditions in the parts indus Goodyear anti labor record is course of militant action.
bor Committee of the NEW INT HAS WPA Set up Revised thought that maintains respect try, and how to combat the gen notoriously the most vielous and to a great extent the result of Organized Emergency Brigade for our institutions. That is, Finally, it is reported, the board eral offensive of the auto om brutal of all the rubber compa Goodyear local coming elecGenora Johnson was the organLIVELY FEATURES for all believers in capitalism.
decided to revise the existing ployers against the union and its nies. Every thinking worker has tions will mean progress or deizer of the Woman Emergency Lewis is against democracy WPA set up. The WPA workers, membership no reason to believe that the cline for the union in the next Brigade in Flint, which was a Headed by LD. Trotsky within the IO. No radical wil henceforth will be attached to Let the progressives espouse a company attitude will change in year. All weak kneed leaders who potent factor in mobilizing the comprehensive review, on The women and in winning the fa World Situation After Munich (Continued from page 1)
be protected by the if he their respective regional organiza: real program of this character the future, in spite of pleas to have brought the union to its has it his way. Only believers in tions, rather than have a national and they will arouse the enthusi the attempt to bring re present position, and all the can mous sit down in 1937. Prior to and the Coming War, the Decem glve proper treatment to our WPA Auxiliary connected with usm of the membership who will spectable publle opinion of aidates of the reactionary Comher recent illness she took a ber number of the New Interna selves, he added, making a bld from him!
capitalism can expect support the International Union. This de rally to their support and who business men onto the side of the munist Party which has been prominent part in the national tional will be represented by an for his place in a Roosevelt The United States may some cision amounts in its practical will back up their fight to put unlon, etc.
leaders, supporting these will work of the Ladies Auxlliary of unusual variety of excellent artwar cabinet.
All such methods have been have to be swept aside in favor day face a great external crisis consequences to fallberate, typ this program across in the union.
the auto union.
icles. It was tragle to hear the ap when the bloodthirsty German used time and time again in re of those with known records of The Socialist Appeal and the The Editorial Notes, a regular plause of the delegates to that sovernment, following upon its Socialists, Lovestonites, and cent months, to no avall. What consistent militancy if the union Socialist Workers Party extends a feature, will be devoted in good war mongering speech. It was invasion of Czechoslovakia, inothers.
the situation demands most obis to climb back to its old poslfull and hearty welcome to Genora part to an analysis of the elec horrible watch the Stalinist cites other attacks on the demoo.
viously is that the union itself and Kermit Johnson into the tion results throughout the coun glow in pride over the adop racles.
The figures that the re take decisive, well planned Action and influence.
cent Nazi spy trial will have TION in preparing the Gooyear ranks of the party and bids all try. sidelight on the Lovestone tion of their pro war line. Possibly we ll have to meet other militants to follow position in the elections will also Democracy is in peril, Lewis the German dictator as he excaused the American public to workers for the struggle that 128 ASK FOR THE APPEAL their example.
be included.
said. And in the United States we tends his power to the Western (Continued from page 1)
have forgotten the shelved in shead. The time for words and dictments of Arthur Sharfin and alle has long since disappeared.
Oskar Fischer, leading Ger want to preserve democracy. He Hemisphere, Lewis declared in appearance of this article may Ossip Garber, proved Stalinists, AT YOUR NEWSSTAND man revilutionist, presents an blasted at Hitler for destroying another Oraon Welles phantasy portend a new attempt to stage who helped Rubens get his phony THE TRUTH AT LAST!
analysis of the German Social the German labor movement but to frighten the workers. Who is a trial involving Amerlenn anti American passport.
Democratic movement.
didn make one word of criti going to protect the institutions Stalinists. The attempt was made Excellent The Criterion (London. Congratulations!
Secretary of War Woodring, speaking in Akron Nov. in Karl Kautsky life and role cism of Mayor Frank Hague, or of this country? Lewis asked. nearly a year ago but was aban. WEBER TO LECTURE ON John Dos Passos. Very good Edmund Wilson.
doned when the Socialist Appeal are subject to a detailed inspec. other fascist minded American Labor. Pretty good Gertrude Stein behalf of labor gupported Dow Insincere Malcolm tion in Max Shachtman article politicians because he didn John Lewis has openly an and other newspapers in this MOSCOW FOREIGN POLICY Cowley. Trotskyite imposters. Jerome in the Harter, candidate for Congress Albert Goldman writes on the want to expose the fraud of denounced his intention to assist country published information Daily Worker and member of House Military Affairs Committee, dropped in recruiting labor, into another linking the Rubens to the Stalin Will Stalin Seek An Alliance politics of Martov, the Menshev. mocracy in this country.
ist leader and opponent of LonProtection for Capitalism New Deal demagogy for moworld slaughter. Perhaps the ist party in this country by a with Hitler? will be the sub The stands for protecIn line in the latter life time. rank and he will have a dozen threads. The American Ject of a lecture by Jack Weber, ment to reveal how class contion of all AmericansGentiles, different answer.
sclous the bourgeoisie really This article is especially timely angle was left abruptly unfin expert on foreign affairs, at the ished in the trial of Bukharin Marxist School, 116 University In the Fall Number, now on sale: is! Said Woodring.
war monger shevist ideology in some Ameriand others earlier this year. Franklin Roosevelt has Place, C, on Monday, Nov. Ignazio Silone: The School for Dictators the toughest job any man ever can circles, based on Martov This is made the more plaus 21, at 8:45 The lecture is Edmund Wilson: The Myth of the Marxist Dialectic brochure, The State and the Sohad in his efforts to keep the ible by the fact that the diplo part of a series of six which The sandlots on New York ness to all.
clalist Revolution, which Gold lower East Side have been re And it all for the benefit of matic requirements of the Krem offers a Marxist interpretation of confidence of the great bulk of With a reply, The Devil Theory of the Dialectic.
man reviews.
the people in the profit syssounding all week long. Jim Far the American Fund for Political lin now center almost exclusively current events in the world polit by William Phillips tem. He is the strongest proDwight MacDonald resumes rell, captain and stellar pitcher Prisoners and Refugees! around the necessity for arriving, ical arena. Admission is twenty Andre Breton and Diego Rivera: Towards a New Revotection for that way of life his column, They, the People. for the Studs Lonigan has Here the line up for the big it possible, at some kind of an five cents for the lecture or one understanding with American im dollar for the whole course.
lutionary Art Karl Marx Model Inquiry been putting his toys through game. Who you betting on?
that we have.
Into Conditions of the Working their paces and doing no mean Marxist Maulers perialism. Stalin way of going Munich and the Intellectuals and other editorial comClass, never before published in job of it, either! When my boys George Novack. Capt. pitcher about that first would be to atments this country, will be of unusual get out on that dance floor, says Max Shachtman Right field tempt to link all anti Staiinist Just Published The Publication of Franz Kafka: An Elderly Bachelor interest to all interested in the Jim Studs Farrell, we re gonna James Burnham. 2nd base elements in this country to the FASCISM AND history of Marxism. This docu make those Marxist Maulers look George Clarke. 3rd base German Nazi espionage system.
And Work, by Robert Fitzgerald, William Troy. Louise BIG BUSINESS The Black Jacobins ment of Marx will be published like a bunch of second rate bush. Widick. Center field Rubens Prepared Bogan, Lewis Corey. Lionel Trilling, Dwight MacBy Daniel Guerin in the Archives Section.
leaguers from the sticks. And 18 Lyman Paine. Left fleld For something along these By JAMES donald, Mary McCarthy, and others.
has been postponed until De Footnote for Historians, nu my screwball smoking hot these Frank Lovell. Catcher lines, it appeared fairly certain, cember 15th. Several hundred (Author of WORLD REVOmerous book reviews and other days! can just see those Marx Stanley. 1st base the Rubens were being prepared, LUTION: 1917 1936 One Year of Partisan Review Costs Only 25. dollars are still required to subject matter will complete the ists fanning the air! Wasserman. Shortstop and they are now apparently cover the cost of publication. December number, rounding out The day of the big game is Felix Morrow (mascot) ready to play their assigned Toussaint Louverture and the Everyone interested in assur one year of the revived New In drawing near. Don forget: it Studs Lonigan roles. That will be the meaning ing the publication of this imPartisan Review San Domingo Revolution ternational. To make certain next Wednesday. Thanksgiving James Farrell. Capt. pitcher of a new trial if it comes off this Box 30, Station K, New York, NY.
portant book without further that all interested will obtain the eve at the Hotel Center, 108 West Max Eastman. Center flela time. Rubens, who by every evid The story of the only successdelay is urged to send a con December issue, it is suggested 43rd Street, New York City. Sidney Hook. Shortstopence appeared to have been a ful slave revolt in history Enclosed find 25. Please send me one year (four tribution for this purpose to that advance orders be placed by Frida Rivera, wife of artist James Rorty. Catcher Agent, will in all prob 75 quarterly issues) of PARTISAN Review. Single copy, 404. Ploneer Publishers Individuals and agents. The sub Diego Rivera, will be on hand to Dwight MacDonald 2nd base ability be made the center of (Canada: 35; other foreign countries, 50. 100 Fifth Ave. New York City scription rate is 00 per year; throw out the first ball. The con Arthur Pincus.
1st bage some concocted tale of Japaneseat the Advance Orders stm accepted single copy, 20 cents. Address: test will be umpired by the vet David Glusker. Right held Nazl espionage in this country Name at 30. Price on Publication THE NEW INTERNATIONAL, eran Carlo Tresca, whose ex Eliot Cohen. 3rd band involving not only American LABOR BOOK SHOP 00 116 University Place, Address.
tended lack of acquaintance with John McDonald. Loft flela Trotskyists but all sorts of anti 28 East 12th St.
New York, the rules ensures scrupulous faire Al Margolles (mascot) Stalinist anarchists, liberals, Left LEWIS PLEDGES WORKERS GPU BREWS NEW RUBENS TRIAL PARTISAN REVIEW ALL SET FOR THE BALL GAME!