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Demonstrate Saturday at the German Consulate Agåinst Nazi Terror!
AII War Funds To the Unemployed!
Socialist Appeal Open the Doors To Europe Refugees!
Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. II No. 50 Saturday, November 19, 1938 375 Five Cents per Copy. LET THE REFUGEES INTO Open the Doors To Victims Labor Unity, Union Of Hitler Nazi Terror! Democracy Issues In Jersey Stir CIO Convention SWP Polls 6700 Votes union sey.
constitution The entire world has been shocked to the depths by have their unions take the initiative in organizing a halfOutruns And the outburst of a new campaign of brutal violence day stoppage of work so that they may parade in a huge Comes Close to against the Jews in Germany.
demonstration to the largest halls in the city.
Stalinists The hideous terror of Hitlerism has never struck Let the persecuted, gagged and chained toilers of with such cruel and merciless force.
Germany, the cruelly hounded Jews of Naziland, know Lewis Miners Machine in Full Control; Throughout Germany, bands of Nazi gangsters or that they have not been forgotten or abandoned by the CREWS LEADS Attempts Steamrolling of Bureauganized and commanded by their leaders, have wrecked working class throughout the woțld.
PARTY TICKET and looted stores owned by Jews. Jewish churches cratic Constitution But it is necessary to do more than demonstrate and. synagogues have been burned and destroyed by meet in imposing gatherings.
NEWARK, NJ. In the first the instructed Fascist mobs. The workers of Germany, It is imperative to take action concrete action STALINISTS LEWIS CHEERING SQUAD electoral campaign conducted by who hate and despise Hitlerism with all their strength, immediate action!
the Socialist Workers Party in were unable to come to the aid of the brutalized Jews The Hitlerites are making the Jews a people withBy WIDICK Labor Secretary, New Jersey, the vote for the high because they are themselves still in the straitjacket of the out a country! They are driving them out of Germany.
man on the ticket, 6, 736, Nazi terror.
Poland is hounding and persecuting the Jews, too, and (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
PITTSBURGH, Pa. Nov. 15. The cut and dried character of marked a stirring beginning in the The Brown shirted monsters do not even bother to is also preparing to drive them out of the country.
the first session of the convention was broken on Tuesday election activity of the Fourth InLAZARO CARDENAS conceal their aim: the physical extermination of every No European country agrees to give refuge to the ternational in this country.
Jew in Great Germany.
when the major questions of labor unity and democracy within the hounded and harrassed Jewish people. came before the delegates for consideration, vigorous month campaign, It is therefore up to us to act so that they may at reaching out into all the working PRES. CARDENAS) which means in effect the complete confiscation of all After the Stalinist forces headed by Harry Bridges, West Coast class districts in Essex County, least find a home to live in. director, Mervin Rathborne, of the Communications Union, bringing the workers the revolutheir property and its distribution among the Nazi tionary transitional RAPS ATTACKS ON sadists.
The United States calls itself a democratic country. and Joe Curran, of the National Maritime Union led a fifteen minprogram The President of the United States frequently speaks ute demonstration for John Lewis, they got a taste of the Lewis, through numerous mass meetings The regime of the Ghetto is to be restored in Ger about his respect for democratic liberties and his oppoTROTSKY ASYLUM democracy that kicked them right in the face.
See pages for full page of many by the complete segregation of all Jews into sition to dictatorships. The Congress of the United Shortly after the tune of Lewis analysis of election returns.
marked off slums. With this measure, Hitlerism shows States considers itself the guardian of those democratic LEWIS PLEDGES is our Leader, we shall not be moved, died down, the constituSharply Repudiates again that it means barbarism, the destruction of all civil liberties.
tional committee reported on a and the Workers Voice, loca! organ hitting hard at Toledano Charges ized progress, the return to the shame and depravity of One of the most serious and important democratic WORKERS proposed constitution for the Thomas Kennedy, secreHagueism and the New and old the Middle Ages.
liberties is the right of asylum for all those who are tary treasurer of the miners Deals, was responsible for this Against Exile persecuted, for all refugees from terroristic reaction. TO BOSS WAR acted as spokesman.
great step forward in New Jer.
Why are the Hitlerites increasing their murderous WE THEREFORE DEMAND: Coples Not Available Special to the Socialist Appeal The o. top leadership tried Negro Candidate High MEXICO CITY, Nov. 12. In attacks upon the Jews?
Throw open the doors of the United States to the to get a constitution passed by War Monger Offers verbal reading of it! No coples The high vote of the an interview published exclusive For two reasons: victims of the Hitlerite pogrom regime!
was obtained by Willis Crews, ty in La Prensa this morning, They hope to take the minds of the German workers We urge all workers, and all labor organizaions: Labor Blood to were given to delegates. Finally, veteran Negro Alghter, candidate Lazaro Cardenas, president of for State Assembly. The Stalinist Mexico, administered one of the and peasants off the misery from which they suffer, to Demand that the American government use its emerpressure from the floor succeeded War Makers in postponing discussion until opposing him managed to get a most stinging blows the Stalin make them think that the Jews traditional scapegoats gency powers to open the doors to the horribly persecoples were printed.
slightly higher voto, 7, 409, while ists have yet received in their for reaction are responsible for all their ills. cuted Jews of Germany!
Special to Socialist Appeal Meanwhile, a dangerous clause the Socialist Party which had so series of campaigns against the haughtily refused a united front asylum of Leon Trotsky.
They hope to blackmail the international protest PITTSBURGH, Using the was adopted in the The right of asylum is an old, a traditional, a rebitter resentment of the American that gives Lewis legal weapon ticket carly in the campaign. It is not true. responded movement against Fascism into cowardly silence. spected right in this country.
workers against the Nazi perse for a possible purge of the politishowed that it was heading for President Cardenas in response oblivion fast by polling an avertoquestion concerning recent If they accomplish these dastardly aims, they can Let us join in demanding that this right be extended cution of Jews in Germany as his cal groups within the o. deage of 1, 950 votes for its tieket slanders issued by Stalinist conpoint of departure, John Lewis spite the weak hearted opposition continue without the slightest opposition their rule of now to those who are most urgently in need of it, to whipped up a strong patriotic en of Bridges and the others.
for Assembly trolled unions, that Trotsky is blood and iron.
those for whom it makes the difference between life and thusiasm at the convention The clause reads, to bring In the vote for State Senator, mixing in the polities of our death.
If they acomplish their aims, they will encourage the the Stalinist polled 2, 243 votes; country. This man, since the time for another imperialist war to about the effective organization Workers!
Fascist reaction in every other country of the world to Frank Shapiro of the be came seeking our country as make the world safe for democ of the working men and women racy.
of America, regardless of race, WPA laborer, 1, 672 votes; the an asylum and to whom we advance more boldly, more insolently, more successfully. Solidarity with those who suffer at the hands of No sooner did he conclude his creed, color or nationality, and er, 1, 061 votes.
opened our doors in virtue of a They must not be allowed to succeed!
But it was in the two confirm declaration which he made fascism is one of the best ways of establishing, in this wedge to own then American cap con tunits them for common action gressional Districts where the not to mix in our polities, is hon The workers of the United States must take the country, an unbreakable wall against the advance of against the fascist menace to tual aid and protection.
Stalinists have their chiel orable and knows how to keep initiative in a mighty and effective protest against the American Fascism.
the Western Hemisphere, than Jeopardizes Political Rights strength in the state that the his promises. In Interviews Hitlerite pogroms.
Unite! Join hands!
Heywood Broun, Stalinist News The clause fails to guarantee most encouraging results were books, etc. always he has reobtained the right of a unionist to ferred only to the situation in his Our answer must be not the cowardly silence of Show the Hitlerite assassins and pogromists the real Guild prostdent, introduced spe belong to a political party Polls More Than Stalinist own country, or to themes of beaten dogs, but the thunderous protest of courageous position of American labor by your protest meetings! to support this American posi his own choosing. The absence In the 12th Congressional Dis world polities; he lives retired in and militant fighters for freedom and international Show them that the American working class means ton ter of this vital safeguard was so trict, Irving Rosenberg, er, voluntary seclusion, and all that it seriously when it says that it detests Anti Semitism and that workers give their sweat After correctly polnting out obvious that Curran, Bridges that Mexico let him solidarity! trade unionist, got 2, 020 he asks and Rathborne urged the reconvotes; the Stalinist, 767 votes; the work in peace.
To let the Fascist massacres go unanswered, is only the Anti Semites like the plague!
and blood and lives in war while sideration of this clause priS. er, 460.
Toledano Slanders to prepare for our own defeat and enslavement at the Show the victims of the Fascist terror that you mean the industrialists make profft, vately with the committee.
In the 11th Congressional Dis President Cardenas vigorous hands of Fascist reaction in this country.
it seriously, by stretching out to them the hand of frater a few concessions in the way of deal which would guarantee Lewis pleaded that labor be given Trotsky asylum The Stalinints wanted to make trict, Reuben Plaskett, militant defense of young unemployed leader, polled came as an unexpected counter The first step of solidarity with the German Jews nal solidarity, by demanding of the American govern: rights before it was slaught them the right to exist within the 574 votes to the candidate blast to the latest campaign of and the German workers must be a vast outpouring of ment the free and unrestricied right of asylum for the ered in another world war.
584. This is the district where the Stalinists, launched on the Naturally, they weren the workers from every shop and factory and office into the has been working for 15 twenty first anniversary of the Jewish scapegoats of Fascist barbarism It war comes, Lewis deA Job Through Slaughter concerned about the problem of other political minorities within years win some foothola October Revolution by Lombardo a mighty protest demonstration at which labor will give among the colored workers! And Toledano, Mexico Stalinist um. voice to its resounding indignation.
National Committee of the clared, the United States of the America will need the coopera However, Sidney Hillman, prealwhere the knew enough not so far. To despechom the man The Socialist Workers Party urges the workers, esSOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY, tion of the millions of workers dent of the Amalgamated Clothto run anyone.
in the LO. who are willing to In the vote for Sonator, tional Palace of Fine Arts, Tole pecially of the Needle Trade Unions of New York, to Section of the Fourth International Ing Workers, who was acting as fight anytime to maintain our the where the ran no can dano eloquently echoing chairman, rode rough shod over rights.
their opposition.
didate but gave critical support amalgams and calumnies against We re going to ask that The adoption this clause has to the er, Palanglo, he re Lenin and Trotsky by the Kerenthose who are the beneficiarles created the legal basis for wholeceived 1, 653 votes to the Stalinsky regime that was overthrown ist Norman 1, 860.
of that service and loyalties sale expulsions of any minority RUBENS TRIAL (Continued on page 2)
In spite of the fact that the link Trotsky in exile with the political groups. It is in particular a club that John Lewis has Republicans swept the county most reactionary figures and polhere as they did generally else itics of the country. In the sen Left on the Galley over his Stalinist allies.
NEW YORK The Soodallat Right to Overthrow Leaders where, the vote of the ate a member belonging to the But Action, Organiindicates the willingness of the introduced a petition askWorkers Party and the Young be Red Sunday, with the entire Moscow Links Local One new reason why we second dangerous provision zation Can Stop workers to listen to and supporting the government to expel People Socialist League swung party and youth organizations Spy Trial to which has not yet been considneed a larger or more fremobilized to continue these acan independent fighting program. Trotsky from Mexico, and began ered, gives the newly formed Wage Cut into action this week in a cam tivities, quent Appeal was brought Couple and an independent, aggressive circulating it for signatures.
home to us when we saw all LO. executive board the right palga centered around the de The campaign reached hysterworkers party. This is the first to intervene anytime in any inBy FERGUSON Petition Campaign the material which had to be (Continued on page 4)
mand for opening the doors of step!
ternational union affiliated to the Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Rubens, Through the week there will be held over to next week, Some AKRON, Nov. 14. Goodyear this country to the victims of sticker campaign and canvass prisoners in a prison in of the stories are: when in the judgment of local of the United Rubber Work Nazl bestiality in Germany. ing with petitions calling upon Moscow for 11 months, were sudBen Stolberg Story of the the board such intervention is reviewed by Max On Saturday. Nov. 19, at 10 the Roosevelt administration to denly brought back into the news ers of America today demanded Shachtman, Not even the bureaucratic confrom the LR. B, that it con there will be a united front let down the bars.
last week in circumstances which stitution of the A, of has sider at once charges placed demonstration before the German The present drift to reaction Members and sympathizers of in France, as told by our Paris such dictatorial clause which gainst the company months ago Consulate. The Socialist Workers the party have already begun in strongly suggested the imminwipes out autonomy of the Inter for discrimination, financing Party and the Socialisttroducing into their unions and linked to the recent Nazl apy Correspondent, Terence Phelnational unions. It would give the an. top leaders the right to Bans Auto Workers Paper, Slams Big Tax Shopa para chicone. and is ther. com toly Barte and the Independent Law other masa organizations the fol trial in New York City.
lowing The Massachusetts Elections enter into every situation like the union come as response to by William Sherman The Red Star, organ of the on Members, Hands Slush Fund to Street Meetings Scheduled In view of they did in the auto controversy!
unparalleled Moscow Defense Commissariat, the Aling of a petition by the Sidelights on the ConThe entire constitution as preOfficers, Hits Auxiliary The same day between noon persecutions now raging in Eu: suddenly came out with an artAkron Goodyear Employees. As and P. the and rope and especially the Nazi icle renewing the charge that the An appraisal of the Illinois sented by the committee is sociation, company stooge outit, Elections by Albert Goldman.
machine would absolutely control By JOHN ADAMSON From the beginning of October that the NLR. hold a new elec SL will hold street meetings drive to exterminate the Jews, we Rubens (Mrs. Rubens is an throughout the city. The main the call upon the Presl tion to determine whether the American) were spies and link Article on WPA and union DETROIT. The International the board members seem to have should still represent alogene will be Open the Doorsdent and Congress of the Uniteding them indirectly to the spy struggles in California, on the entire from top to botto the Refugees! Home for states to restore the right of trial in New York.
Executive Board of the United been constantly commuting beGeneral Motor new spreadtom. It remains to be seen if this Automobile Workers of America, tween Detroit and Washington, the workers as sole collective the Homeless! and Restore the asylum and to permit the entry New Trial?
the misery plan, on the turbuprovision can be defeated. The meeting in Washington, DC, holding sessions dny on end. It bargaining agent.
Right of Asylum!
Lewis forces control the huge of the persecuted and oppressed These things do not occur in lent situation in Chile. And At P. there will be pla into this country by the immedimoved to Pittsburgh this week to will be recalled that the October Since the compromise settlemany other interesting featmajority of votes. The hope of the continue its sessions and to at session adopted the pro ment of the Goodyear strike at! card parade down Second Ave ate lifting of all restrictions and the Soviet press by accident. The ures.
progressives lles in exposing this tend the convention (Continued on page Continued on Page 2) nue in Zower Manhattan quota Imitations (Continued on Page Continued on Page 1)
of to RUBBER UNIONS Anti Nazi Demonstration GPU BREWS NEW no Balaberite mesempleo APPEAL TO NLRB To Take Place Saturday necessary!
Puppet UAW Board Hits Union Rights, Democracy vention