BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalLeninLiberalismNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 12, 1938 Election Results Show Need of a Labor Party The Kingmaker Friends PATISTA Statement on Diego Rivera RECOVERY: Industry Re Geared Not Hague has already shown his respect for the SOCIALIST APPEAL courts and the law by revoking a permit for a Reporting For More Duty, Sir!
Vol. II No. 49 Saturday, November 12, 2938 Socialist street meeting where Norman Thomas was scheduled to speak. Hague is a realistic rep Published every week by the resentative of reactionary anti labor interests. He SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS knows that a legal decision is not worth the (Continued from Page 1) the weapons of barbarism, from at 116 University Place. New York, 8547 paper it written on without the power to enclass must hold itself in check, anti unionism as in the West, force it. So long as he retains possession of the must not put forward its own from anti Semitism as in New Subscriptions: 00 per y Suboth Foreign 42. 56 pepe copie Bundents.
year: 00 for six Independent class aims and pro York, from racial chauvinism as police, the city administration, the state courts, gram, in order not to alienate in South Carolina and Georgia. cents per copy. Single and the state government, he is safe. If these the middle classes is once more Reaction, that is to say, must toAll checks and money orders should be made agencies fail, he can always call upon his hired disproven by the facts.
day head toward the ideology and out to the Socialist Appeal.
mobsters to break up meetings and assault The middle classes, seeing the methods of fascism.
Entered a second class matter September workers.
1937, at the post office at New York, New York, working class wandering along These elections are an omen of without a program of its own, vast Impor! for every worker in under the Act of March 3, 1879.
He is the law because he controls the power submitting to the exploded and the United States. The shift to MAX SHACHTMAN of enforcement collapsing demagogy of the New the right which they record is ROOSEVELT Editor The workers of New Jersey and all their Deal, pinning all faith in those the direct consequence of the fallHAROLD ROBERTS GEORGE CLARKE sincere supporters should learn from the conduct who for six years have producedure of labor to organize its own nothing but a continuance of forces. And this shift is even Asociate Editors of their adversary that laws can be enforced and 12, 000, 000 unemployed and plans greater than it seems, for it is STANLEY, Business Manager liberalism within his domain.
rights defended only by those who depend upon. conclusion, and swings to the side of labor to the politics of its own their own strength.
which at any rate speaks in a class enemy.
There is only one power in New Jersey loud and determined voice. How can the workers and their JERSEY CITY, Nov. Hatling allies be drawn into determined capable of enforcing any court decision in favor New Deal Explodes Frank Hague as your leader and my leadof free speech The political prophets of the struggle when they are coralled ér, William Ely, Democratie candidate for Senate, told 3, 000 persons gathered There is only one force that can undermine bourgeois press will interpret the into a vote for Lehman, elgh elections as the sign of a great teenth in the list of America here today that he will not find me and overthrow Hagueism and restore their demsixty families? How can labor shift to the right. In this there wanting when he wants me.
ocratic rights to the people of New Jersey. is at the most half a truth. The take Itself seriously when, in Pennsylvania, it is told to send. think can say. Mr. Ely continued, That is the power inherent in the working full truth is that the masses seek that the people of this state are into office the very men who, last wholelution for Into class, mobilized against the bosses in their own Spring in the primaries, were corheartedly behind the greatest humanitarian which they have been led. The we have had in the White House Franklin party on the political field, organized into their New Deal promised such a solu: and uncompromising enemies of rectly pointed to as the bitter Delano Roosevelt. have pledged myself to Irade unions on the economic field, and equipped tion. But six years have proved support the kind of government we have with such a militant program of action as ihal that its promises are false, that Inbor? How, in Minnesota, can had in the past six years.
labor and its friends be expected poverty, insecurity unemploy. to sweep Benson into office when proposed in The Worker Voice.
At the close of Mr. Ely address, James ment, the threat of war are just Hamill, City Corporation Council, who prominent in 1988 as in 1982. Benson himself spends his time wis charman of the rally, announced: Duranty Scents the Trail Beginning their disillusionment trying to prove that he is as de The next speaker will be the man who with the New Deni, the masses voted to things as they are as his makes United States Senators and other offiPreparing the ground for Stalin attempt to now demand another and clearer opponent, Stassen?
Answer. They turn to the official The lesson of the elections is pers, big and small the kingmaker our come to an agreement with Hitler, Walter leadership of Ixbor, and that plain and unmistakeable. The day Mayor, Frank Hague. News Item.
Duranty, unofficial mouthpiece for the Kremlin, leadership has no reply: it repeats close in just the same of the New Deal is drawing to a As in This little incident speaks a mouthful about has headed east from Paris and is now engaged the promises of 1932, but those 1929 the Fordist New Era of capthe catchwords of labor leaders, Stalinists and in broadcasting a series of articles to the world promises have already proved italiem departed. But now the liberal capitalist politicians: Roosevelt Against press. From all indications, Duranty is already their hollowness in action.
BAOWDER time is shorter, The division into The Cholce Ahead Reaction. Support New Deal Candidates to De several laps ahead of the Daily Worker, which the re formed armies of Right Consequently, the only choice and Left must now take place.
fend Democracy!
is still dragging behind it a good share of the left is: to seek in the other camp Labor must now cast the New The speech of Hague picked candidate was pre Munich baggage.
a road out of the impasse. But Deal from its shoulders; it must The most illuminating of Duranty articles, return payment to Roosevelt for the administrathe choice is sharper now. It is proceed independently, audacioustion stamp of approval placed upon him by dated from Warsaw, appeared in the Times of not to the easy ways of Coolidge ly, with its own program, its own 203 41 November It must have given Earl Browder First Secretary of War Woodring and Post Esp and Harding that they can return. organization, its own methods; or master Farley. It is the other side of the dirty a sleepless night and a bad case of the jitters.
Reaction must draw now from it must admit defeat in advance.
deal of the New Deal with the Vice Chairman Lo and behold! Wizard Duranty, in the short of the Democratic Party.
space of a month, has discovered keep a tight Let me rule Jersey as please, for the benefit grip, children, and don jump out of your of my machine and Big Business, says the Hudchairs when the gun goes off that Germany, For Plenty But For War In reply to a misunderstanding stances created in the Mexican son County Hitler, and will deliver you the Hitler Germany, of course, has become: the with respect to the resolution section, he should have the right great guardian of peace.
Government money poured into lines of industry. Boiler makers, er, and thereby stimulating the adopted by the Fourth Interna not to belong, provisionally that votes and the candidates in Congress.
the drying channels of industry electrical manufacturing compa consumption goods industries. tional at its founding conference is, until the life of the section has Every worker, every militant anti fascist, who But this is a typical, Trotskyist fascist counter has succeeded in bringing about nies, oil companies, and allied But that was when American in September, 1938, on the situa once more reached a normal stage has been taught to rely on the White House in revolutionary slander! Everybody in the modern a briet upturn in the declining lines, will all receive an invigor capitalism still had room to grow tion in the Mexican section and to the Mexican section, and de the fight against Hagueism, can now see what knows that the ultimate conflict in civilization is But the recovery toward Edison and Standard Oil both an room but has been declining Rivers thereto, the All America tionary political work the score is: which the Roosevelt administra nounced vast expansion programs steadily.
Pacific Bureau of the Fourth In American scale.
between fascism, especially Nazism which is the Roosevelt and bis party back Hague. Roosemost vicious form of fascism, and democracy: tion is heading is not recovery for a few days after the publication What happened in the last few ternational makes the following It is towards this end that the velt is not against this vicious reactionary but peace and plenty but recovery for of the utilities program. The months to bring about this rise statement: and everybody knows that Nazism is the ag.
former announced a new capital out of the recession. whose unbehind him! Hague gang is not against RooseThe decision with regard to decision of the International Convidi but bebind him! Roosevelt is not with the gressor and the war maker, and that the democ It is on this basis that Roose outlay of 75, 000, 000 during the precedented sharpness and depth Comrade Diego Rivera momber ference provided that Comrade racies alone want peace.
velt is coming to satisfactory next two years. Standard Oil ex altenced the most optimistic cap. ship in the Fourth International be under the direct responsibility workers and labors democratic rights in New terms with Big Business pansion will increase its capital italist apologists? Government was in no sense taken as a sacJersey bul against them!
Sorry! That belongs to another chapter.
and control of the All America Europe. writes Duranty, still thinks in American Industrial machine is year. Other lines will shortly be sion in housing and construction. was no occasion or justification, member.
Faced with this situation, the officers of pre Munich terms and dreams romantic dreams Government money put into work since Rivera devotion and loyalnow being geared for the gigantic following suit.
effort that will be required or it The retreat of the railroads relief and direct relief subsidized ty to the Fourth International Whether Comrade Rivera Joing. Germany is going to correct all this, beLabor Non Partisan League half supported Barwhen the day comes and it is from the wage cut proposal was consumer purchasing power. In and its program have never been the Mexican section, now in the bour, the Republican candidate for Senate, who cause it needs clearance of the post Versailles not far off. for American im obviously conditioned upon a response to these stimull, the ba brought into question. process of reorganiaztion, imrubbish.
is no less reactionary than his Democratic oppo. Post Versailles rubbish. Yes, perialism to assert its world su large scale Government financing sic capital goods industries The decision on the reorganiza mediately or at a later time, has Duranty talking premacy by force of arms.
nent. Despite this prostration of the Icadplan for pulling them out of the stirred sluggishly to life. Now tion of the Mexican section was been left entirely in the hands of Arms and Recovery hole and this, too, is an import with his gigantic program of bil not calculated to eliminate Com Comrade Rivera himself, in ers before the capitalist parties, the workers of By allowing Hungary to recover by the New Jersey have been given the opportunity to ant part of the war program. Lions for war, Roosevelt hopes to rade Rivera from the Mexican agreement with the representative Vienna award such towns and communications Henceforth the administration Wall Street Pleased give it a real jolt that will keep section of the Fourth Internation of the Executive Committee vote a genuine labor ticket by the Socialist as Ruthenia possesses, the Germans have effec.
arms program and economic real, much less to prohibit him the Fourth International assigned covery will march hand in hand.
Worker Party. With the modest means at their Wall Street has naturally react it moving until war comes.
tively neutralized that potentially trouble making Capital expenditure on a large ed with pleasure to this develop could only prove to be of the ship For otherwise the recovery from maintaining such member to work in Mexico. His full memdisposal, the candidates of our party through country. Which is immensely significant because Rather, the suggestion bership in our movement remains, electric ment over the likelihood that the most temporary nature. Realizing made in full agreement with however, fully in effect and unpower plants alone will be de Administration national defense how artificial it has been, capital. Comrade Rivern, was the program published in their paper The it appears to mean that Germany no longer that, inimpaired.
voted almost exclusively to the program may lead to an carly ist economists have already been view of the exceptional circum Nov. 8, 1038.
Worker Voice have given expression to the wishes to make trouble or fish in troubled needs of the war machine.
marked expansion in capital ex debating whether or not it would desire of the enlightened workers in the state waters.
There has already been ample penditures, the Journal of Com last until next spring! The very for militant and independent working class ac Until Munich, the threat of war and war tion on the political arena.
alarm and what has now become the racket of navy air budget for next year It is hoped, will send to the mod fact that it was feared govern PRICES SLASHED!
will be the largest in American fication of other Government pol summer was enough to bring ment spending would end next While the present electoral campaign has stiering up national minorities to seek self detershown that the workers cannot struggle against mination were among Chancellor Hitler major peacetime history. The outlay for eles that have been regarded as fears of a new slump! This in itnaval construction, for increasing decidedly inimical to business, self is a confession of the decline FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Hagueism politically by relying upon either of cards in the international game. But Munich the army to force of 400, 000 This large scale spending for of American capitalism. The fact the capitalist parties, the recent decision of Fed. changed all that and suddenly transformed Ger. men, and for building an alr fleet war can be expected to give an that it will be averted, if at all, 20. 40. and 60 off list price on any book in the store!
etal Judge Clarke in the famous free speech many from a have not power, which had noth which, it was intimated ins additional spurt to the upswing by spending week, will be eventually increased which began last Spring and plenty but for war, is proof of for peace and Pioneer Publishers, International Publishers, Kerr Co. case of the and the American Civil Lib ing to lose by strife and confusion and much to 10, 000 planes, will be well over Summer 28 result of govern, its utter bankruptcy, of its inabiland general books in our stocks reduced by 20 or more to erties Union has demonstrated that they cannot to gain, to a have power, which needs time and 1, 000, 000, 000 ment pump priming. It is not ity to provide security for the make room for large new stock of remainder items of interest conduct an effective fight against Hagueism by tranquillit digest and develop not merely But this is only a small tracernment spending was the basis difficult to demonstrate that gov masses!
to labor and revolutionary movement. Also for shipment relying upon the capitalist courts.
what has already been swallowed, but the far tion of the actual sums that will Without capital expansion cap arriving from England.
The decision of this liberal judge actu greater possibilities that are ahead.
be applied on the industrial fiela of the turn. It is equally easy to italism cannot survive. Without for direct war purposes. The Asachieved is temporary and de hope to expand. That is the mean.
show that the recovery thus war, American capitalism cannot ally legalized a form of modified censorship aHere are samples of prices selected at random. Look What has happened to Nazism that meant them over.
List Sale gainst free speech in Jersey City!
war. Nazism, need it be mentioned, is not once study based upon the opinion of ceptive, that it cannot arrest the ing of the present Roosevelt proPrice Price First, it did not grani ibe the right to referred to in the dispatch. And it is unkind to business leaders which concluded italism. That is why it is necesuse the streets for meetings, although Hague recall that until a month ago, in the Dimitrov. that the arms budget of 1, 000: sary for the ruling class, repre clous circle there is no rellet from For the workers within this viTROTSKY: History of the Russian Revolution. 98 benchmen freely enjoy that righi.
Litvinov, pre Munich days, the theory of have 200, 000 would actually lead to the sented by the Roosevelt Adminis. Want, trommisery from denen. 89 TROTSKY: The Third International After Lenin 00 50 Second, the decision gives Hagwe censorship. 80 GIDE: Afterthoughts on the and have not Nations was a heresy sufficient on the industrial front during the tration in Washington, to prepare the preservation of the profits 00 STOLBERG: The Story of the 75 to send a Soviet subject to the firing squad?
and control over all planned meetings by suge next 15 months.
gesting that he demand an advance copy of all Then the summary: That and no other is LENIN: New Economic Policy (Vol. IX, Selected Utilities Expansion the world spoils and the world system to which the Roosevelt world regime is exclusively devoted markets.
2, 00. 60 speeches. This enables him to refuse permit can lead only to new crises and the meaning of the Ruthenian settlement. It This will include unbudgeted Order of Upturn LENIN: The Period of War Communism (Vol.
on the ground that the speaker might provoke a declares to those who have ears to hear that Federal loans and private capital to war. There are no other ways VIII) 00 60 Germany henceforth wants peace. And Du ippled to the industrial reorgan: the upturn is the fact that it beers there is the path of struggle LENIN: The Communist International (Vol. XI) 00 60 Finally, the learned jurist left Hague free to ization called for by the Presiran not in the capital goods in against boss pront, against boss WOODWARD: New American History. 00 50 ranty ears, God knows, are long enough.
coerce private ball owners and prevent them of Browder, Hathadent power plans and by the dustries but in the consumption rule, the overthrow of the pront Let us hope that the 75 MORTON: People History of England. 00 army survey recently made of goods industries. Building con system as a whole and the reor. 50. 98 from renting rooms to any of bis enemies. way, Foster and Ford and Amter, are equally SERGE: Russia. Twenty Years After 10, 000 plants. In many of the lat struction began to rise out of the ganization of economy on a This decision, hailed as a victory by the 75 sensitive. If not, if they persist in keeping their ter government funds will be depths of the first quarter of 1938 planned basis geared not to death SILVER: The Russian Workers Own Story. 00 C:LO. leaders, the liberals, and Stalinists, was STONE: Sailor on Horseback (Biography of noses down in all that post Versailles rubbish made available for plant transformations for wartime needs.
as early as March. Consumption and destruction but to the needs of London. 00 40 in reality a partial victory for Hague. But Hague of the Seventh Congress, they may, alas, soon The first and most grandiose textiles as the main sustaining the whole world.
goods Industries generally, with and the security of the masses of CELINE: Death on the Installment Plan. 75 25 is not content with such partial triumphs. This find themselves on the skids where even now plan under this heading the force, began to climb out of the despot will not permit even this concession to Dimitrov and Litvinov are so rapidly sliding.
expansion of electric power fa doldrums in April: rising from Add cents per volume for postage to any point in cilities. Following publication od their low point of that month by NOTICE the report of Roosevelt National 20 in Many branch secretaries and Labor Book Shop Defense Power Committee, it was curves were rising, capital goods October. While these literature agents have gotten announced last week that the first industries were still declining, hitinto the habit of mixing up lot 28 EAST 12th STREET stages of the new plan would be ting their low in June when the ters, money orders, funds and carried out at once. The objective index of capital goods output was other materials which they New York, CELEBRATE Is the construction of plants cap. 34. (1926 100. In send to the National Office In able of generating 1, 000, 000 addi general rise in production, stimmonth a New York City.
The directors of the various MENTS MADE OUT AND ADtional kilowatts in 15 strategie ulated by the upward swing in the 21st Anniversary of the ten days that shook the world with the MEMBERSHIP DRESSED TO THE ONE IT war material centers.
party institutions make the ur IS INTENDED FOR. The MEETING only organization that remains true to the October Revolution This plan, according to the take place. Steel led the consumption lines, began to gent request that this practice other method leads to InterminJournal of Commerce, will in steel Ingot production rising 26 terial destined for one partieucease Immediately. Any ma able delay, confusion and added general membership meetvolve the expenditure of about points between June and Septem lar institution of the Party (for bookkeeping. It is extremely ing of the Socialist Workers 500, 000, 000 in the next two years. ber. Automobiles lagged, but fin.
annoying. Only an additional Party of New York will be Jesse Jones, chairman of the example, the NEW INTERNApostage stamp is required to held Saturday, Nov. 12, 8:30 ally joined the parade in August construction Finance Corpora and are now Dooming.
TIONAL or the SOCIALIST SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13. at P. at Irving Plaza Hall, 15th prevent this.
tion, announced on Nov. that APPEAL or the National or St. and Irving Place. The meethe was prepared to Issue loans Artificial Stimulation We repeat: send all payments fice) should be addressed DIing is called for a discussion of Irving Plaza, Irving Place and 15th Street immediately for half that amount This order of recovery is exand letters DIRECTLY to the RECTLY to that institution. In the Jewish question, the rise party Institution that is sup to get the program started.
tremely illuminating. Previously addition, DO NOT send in one of anti semitism and the probthe enpital goods industries had money order or check which is posed to recelve It.
lem of organizing a struggle Admission 156 Auspices: LOCAL 4th International)
Other Lines Affected always led the way up from de to be divided up among the Socialist Workers Party Against it. All party members This program of course will clines, increasing their output various party units. PLEASE New International are urged to attend.
immediately affect other major first, stimulating purchasing pow. SEND SEPARATE PAYSocialist Appeal It is on this basis that the expenditure by 195. 000. 000 this spending stimulated the expan tion against him, for which there Pacific Bureau of which he is a 49 riot.
MASS MEETING NOVEMBER 13 Speakers: Max Shachtman. Maurice Spector