AnarchismAndrés NinAntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyJohn DeweyLeninismMoscow TrialsMussoliniNazismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

NOVEMBER 12, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Japanese Clash Due Over Nine Power Treaty Let Remember The Armistice!
BELGIAN FOURTH of the working class, that only the war of the masses DELEGATE SUPPORTS AID TO BLACKWELL de una manera on recentemente en proceso Lovestone Comes Out For Boss Candidates In Poll at Free the Leaders! Tokyo Hopes For Far Fourth International Spanish Trotskyists Eastern Munich Pact INT CANDIDATES VETERANS PICKET Lashes Trial Demand Their But Big Navy Man Roosevelt Prepares SCORE AT POLLS FOR BLACKWELL in Barcelona Trial Be Open Steadily for War as Diplomatic Members of the Veterans of the (Continued from Page 1)
The Fourth International in Spanish Revolution, newly organBARCELONA, Oct. 13. The Conflict Grows Acute ents against supporting the revo(Continued from Page 1)
throwing the full weight of its ined body of returned veterans trial of Munis, Carlini, Rodriguez tionists.
world organization into arousing from the Spanish war front, and the other Bolshevik Leninista Japanese imperialism has de and that the United States would Preserved Peace throw of the war mongers and their social systern, capi.
the widest possible clared diplomatie war on its rivals continue to insist upon its rights The pro government parties against the savage sentences stration in front of the Spanish scheduled for Oct. was post in China, primarily the United in China, meted out to leaders at Consulate in New York City de torneys, to the beginning of waged their campaign on the talism, which breeds war States.
New Phase Opens platform of the preservation of the trial which concluded in Bar manding the immediate release of November. The two attorneys, obThrough the Tokyo press and REMEMBER that the German ruling class decided peace. By and large the electorThis marks the beginning of celone last week.
Russell Blackwell, American antiate fell victim to this duplicity.
new phase in the diplomatic pre But the significant thing is that to sue for peace only after the millions of German tained after much difficulty, were by broad Implications in a speech The trial patently a frame up. Fascist held prisoner by the finally permitted to examine the delivered last week by Premier workers and peasants in soldier uniform resolved to liminaries to the eventual Japa the Liberals and the Catholies engineered by the resulted in Barcelonn, The demonstra briefs.
Konoye, Japan has indicated that nese American clash in the Pacific. were the chief gainers and the in prison terms ranging from 11 tion also called for full democrat it intends to Junk the Nine Power stop murdering their French and English brothers and to 16 years for five of the leaders ic rights for working class mill At the same time comrades of the Julien Gorkin, tants now being hounded by the Fernandez and Sans, accused in Treaty in much the same fashion that its conquest of China has Once more Labor Party has es Japanese imperialism considers Labor Party the principal loser to turn their guns instead upon their Junker officers the same trial, were released. The Germany has succeeded in proceeded far enough to force sumed charge of a bourgeois govand their own ruling class.
Juan Andrade, Jordi Aquer, Ped. Layalist regime.
junking the Treaty of Versailles.
The veterans also wired the liberation of these comrades To Ponet and Enrique Gironella recognition from the other Powernment in order to pull the Below we reprint a statement Spanish Embassy to the same or blows up the frame up sharpening of the Japanese Amers of Japan special (i. e. ex chestnuts out of the fire for the which would be infinitely more horrible and destructive The result has been an acute And as the new world war threatens the new war issued by the International Secre fect and in a further message to against the others still awaiting ican antagonism which is destined clusive) position in the Far East. bourgeoisie! The masses were to flare out into the open in the Central Government in the con tional union would save Belgium It is preparing to set up a puppet duped into believing that the natariat of the Fourth International the State Department demanded trial. According to the indictment than any in history, at the opening of the its intervention on behalf of Fernandez was accused of having near future.
trial in Barcelona. It is more im Blackwell held the alleged victim while What the Pact is quered territory or rather, along from the threatening war.
REMEMBER the Armistice, Among those present at the or Munis shot him perative than ever before that The Nine Power pact was con cation and is reportedly planning lutionary Socialist Party to show the conquered lines of communiIt will be the job of the Revo REMEMBER the lies of capitalism which drove we follow the advice of this apganization meeting Inst week of Below are demands made by cluded in Washington in Febru peal and organize international the Veterans of the Spanish revo Munson Carlinies amour Bodies way, 1822. at the same conference of British imperialism in China, that Belgium will not reap peace the masses into the war that led to the Armistice, pressure strong enough to obtain at its head. With this government but war from the rule of its cap REMEMBER the frightful peace which came the release of the framed 29th Division, the 31st Division, death, in an open letter addressed ration for the United States, Britit apparently intends to establish italist regime and that the only the 15th Brigade Staff of the 15th to Gonzalez Pena, Minister of lain, and Japan. The pact repreleaders.
after the Armistice, Division, an aviator from the Air brand new treaty relations which way out is the revolutionary way Statement of REMEMBER that only the independent action bithe newspapers have Corps, ia member of the Garibaldi the Generality of Catalonia. The whereby American and British will wipe out the previous treaties out, the only way to fight im an Brigade, and a representative of letter which exposes the work of imperialism restrained the vora imposed upon China by the perialist war is to fight the war nounced the opening in Barcelona the 35th Division.
Stalinist agents such as Mendez cious appetite of their younger powers granting the latter eco makers, the capitalist class.
of the trial of the acupon the war inongering rulers, can put an end, really and of police pressure which imperialist rival, Japan. It guar. which Japan now expects to pre workers of the Borinage and surnomic and political privileges The day after the election the and once for all, to wars in general.
cused of collusion with fascism forced a confession from Luis anteed the territorial integrity empt for its own exclusive enand of conspiracy against the reZanon, one of the defendants, and administrative sovereignty of rounding districts staged an en In the publican institutions. The Fourth joyment.
great class war between the exploited and International, to which the ends with the following demands China. also guaranteed what is called the Open Door. is not affiliated, has alThis Japan is not going to do brate the Revolutionary Societiest exploiter, the oppressed and the oppressor, there is Demands of Defendants without meeting strenuous oppo Party victories. Wheny Comrade neither armistice nor peace.
This means, in effect, that the ways voiced the most vigorous public trial with the pact was designed to preserve and stration. The British Empire is in purt headquarters he was greetsition from the Roosevelt admin. Walter Dauge emerged from the protest against any repetition of It is only by our victory, only by smashing capitalright of participation especially safeguard American Interests in decline and striving desperately ed by a great crowd and literally the Moscow trials on the soil of for national and international China and to protect them from to save itself. That is why Cham covered with flowers. band of ism and its ugly offspring, war, that the socialist society Republican Spain. It points out that after more than a year of labor organizations; Japanese inronds can be ushered in, and along with it abundance for all 42. That the conclusions of berlain signed the Munich pact local musicians, who had spontaVigorous repudiation of Spanish Japanese Pressure postponements, during which time and why he is trying also to come neously the prosecutor be submitted to men, freedom from all social iniquity, and a true and In the last seven years Japan to some terms with the Japanese. played the Internationale and offered their services, it has been amply proved that charges that Russell Negus as soon as possible as well as has already slashed the provisions But Roosevelt is the spokesman other workers songs which were lasting peace!
only forgeries and provocations rete Blackwell was an American characteristic of the work of spy and counter revolutionist the points of the indictment so we may be able to refute them Yagoda and Yezhov, have been were cabled to Barcelona last membered China, taking over first is systematically preparing to members of the and present all the necessary Manchuria, then North China, and dominate the Pacific and the en Socialist Youth Revolutionary the basis of the lying accusation week by Maximiliano Olay, Amer evidence; in the most recent phase its Wasmuel.
of collusion of the with ican representative of the Spanish tire world. He is not likely to sign brought congratulations and flowfascism, that the Negrin govern anarchist trade union That as a preliminary, imperialist expansionist drive, has Japanese Munich accord. Amer ers in the name of their section.
ment decided to stage a trial federation.
Luis Zanon be called upon to occupied the entire coast, all the The Negrin government has ican resistance to Japanese ambiCarlo Tresca, well known antimake new and truthful dec railroads, and principal water tions in Eastern Asia will even Dauge Honored Fascist leader and editor of II agreed to submit to the compro laration, and a guarantee Ways in Central and South China.
tually lead this country into war In brazen editorial featured big nolse this past year about The demonstration, Dauge Martello, seconded Olay cable against any violence against This has mise with fascism (arbitration)
accompanied by with Japan. That is what the said in reply was being held in the November 5th issue of his opposition to the Popular him; systematic pressure against rival Navy is openly preparing simply inder the banner of revWorkers Age, the Lovestone Front and the Democratic Front.
desired by Chamberlain. It has ex with a message of his own declarpelled the courageous Internation ing that Blackwell was being That the Commissioner group has come out into the open As usual with centrists, this oppoal phalanxes who were the first to framed by the Stalinist in General Mendez be summoned ments. What happened in Man for. Meanwhile on the diplomatic olutionary socialism and the broadest proletarian united for support not only of the full sition turns out to be nothing but to court in order that he may stand against Franeo and his Spain.
American Labor Party ticket, but words used as a cover for oppor churin where rival foreigners and economic fronts, the early front AB minions, the first elements of be freely questioned by the de capitalism, faswere gradually forced ont of busi stages of this war are now being Fresh Charges of the Democratic Party guber tunistic actions. Supporting Murcism and whom had been organized by the These messages were sent folfendants; natorial candidates in both Mich phy and Olson is, in fact, the ness altogether has begun to fought or anticipated.
Where We Stand happen in China proper. Through in July, 1936. At the lowing receipt of a letter from The right of a defense for igan and California.
Someone in the crowd proposed Democratic Front pushed to an out this period the United States the foreigners, by a foreign atWith this quarrel among thieves Support of the full ticket extreme that it seldom reached very time when this compromiso Secretary Inigo of the in procession to the grave of of democracies is making ready Barcelona giving, information of torney who must be given a in New York means voting for even in the nations of its original has made the diplomatic record the American workers have noth: Comrade Dauge father, with 11 series of sharp diplomatic ing in common. Remember that whose knee Dauge had first Mend, ns well as for several dozat Lehman, Poletti, Wagner and application.
to deliver workers Spain to rene fresh charges against Blackwell passport so he can enter Spain protests. The most recent was a Roosevelt and Imperialism learned of the workers struggle Belly Scraping Opportunism tion and dictatorship, the govern Blackwell, an American mill and then be guaranteed the note delivered in Tokyo on Oct, are not one whit interested in for emancipation. Lines spontane Republican candidates placed on sition on Murphy and Olson is on other lesser Democratic and Nevertheless, the Lovestone poment is staging a trial based on tant, was released by Spanish au right to free examination.
thorities last summer but was published on Oct. 29 detailing liberating China from the impe: ously formed and wended their the ALP. slate through the not just an editorial accident. It patent forgeries against a Social Japanese inroads on American rialist yoke. The conflict toward way through the commune, creet shameful deals of the of follows logically from the Amor, 1st workers party.
kidnapped on Aug. by No serious guarantees have agents from the boat upon which Thurston, to the effect that Min business privileges and sharply which this country is heading in ed enthusiastically by workers ev sirin demanding adjustments. This note the Pacitle will be fought to esbeen granted the defendants, only he had been placed by the Amerister of State of the Spanish Re erywhere. Hundreds joined the ican approach line formulated by Tokyo has taken its own good tablish American control over daily slanders in preprration for lean vice consul for repatrintion publican Government, Alvarez del This sell out of the interests of Herberg for the recent Conven time in answering. Meanwhile it markets which will guarantee present from neighboring towns, class polities, hypocritically justi tion. Here, as everywhere, Lovemarch. Large delegations were genuinely independent working tion of the Lovestone organizathe trial, Only International work via France. He has been held in Vayo, and Minister of Justice.
ing class protest has forced the communicado ever since. Gonzalez Pena, had stated to him siders the privilegon of other ists, not freedom to the Chinese Bouveric. Quargenon, Wasmuel vote will help to strength roost for his clique by adaptink Secretary Inigo wrote that the they favored Blackwell release date the government has dented Military Investigation Service but that egal difficulties were and that it expects to substitute Powers in China quite obsolete masses.
foreign defense attorneys and an now charged: en and build the party for the himself to the current whims of still to be overcome.
We have no interest in fighting Fornu, Eugies, and Frameries.
for the Nine Power pact a new our bosses fight against Japan.
independent labor commission ac Agent 29 Later grand meeting was future, pales into insignificance, the trade union bureaucracy. It cess to the trial.
Mrs. Blackwell urged the State bloc uniting China, Japan, and that Blackwell was Trotsky Department to take more drastic Manchukuo, with the benevolent The workers and peasants in held, presided over by Comrade however, beside the policy advo is for Murphy and Olson. By actChina, and in Japan, will take Flandrolt. Comrade Dauge ananin. The Barcelona trial can have cated for Michigan and Califor ing as radical office boy, and desecretary action for her husband release participation of Germany and care of Japanese imperialism, livering the good word to the no other meaning than that of lyzed the results of the poll, lowe know how to take care of our cally and on a national scale. He that he was the author of vari and stated that she feared delay Italy.
Support Imperialist Party political revenge. But the slandersous books of Trotskyite tenden might be fatal in view of the as advanced workers, Lovestone In reply Secretary of State own class of war makers, our own pointed out that the small sue of In neither of these states is gures he can win tolerance for and the wretched provocations cy. Cordell Hull issued a statement bosses who can offer us war as cesses we had won had been sethere even the semblance of an his followers and perhaps pick the Stalinist ngents there will be that he was sent to Spain to to Berneri and Mark Rein, and to the press on Nov. asserting their only way out of the crisis cured in the face of a formidable existing Labor Party. Murphy up a post or two as he did for exposed through action of the in promote the counter revolution in the disappearance of Erwin Wolf that as far as this country is that condemns millions to starve. coalition which used political slander as its chief weapon.
the Democratic Party, the party experiences in the Andres Nin, one of the leaders of authorities, to whose espionage od out that it del Vayo and Pena the Far East remains unchanged try. Flenu, he said, will be a of Hague and Cotton Ed Smith By his present action, Loveand Nash and Kelly, the reigning stone places himself squarely a the At the same time, service he belonged ns Number 23. favored her husband release it beacon for all the communes.
The secretary said the can only mean that the Comparty of American imperialism. mong the enemies of the movelegal action based on various for: sought authoritative word munist Party and the are by more than one speaker. Du We shall do everything to regeples has also been Instituted that these charges were false in ring the first eight months of this alize our program. He told and of no other party. Voting for ment for a genuine and indeblocking it and trying to frame against the Spanish Bolshevik year alone the total trade of this them the Revolutionary SocialMurphy and Olson is voting for pendent party of the workers, and Leninist group (Munis, Carlini, its efforts in Blackwell behalf.
order that it could continue with him.
that party, for Hugueism, for aligns himself with those whose country with Latin America to ist Party would lead the fight Telegram to Hull Rodriguez and others. Roosevelt armament program whole aim is to prevent that talled more than 650, 000, 000. In for the do hour week, two week Olay Cable and his approaching war.
1937 Latin America purchased paid vacations, reduction of the movement Just As Yezhov 1s collapsing Simultaneously with Mrs.
aching healthy Olay cabled at once in return: Blackwell visit to the State Deunder the weight of the internal Blackwell not a spy, well known partment, Cordell Hull received a from the United States more than age for pension eligibility, etc. Lovestone has been making fruition.
reaction he has unleashed, so the it purchased from Great Britain, He said that workers would be trial must mark a de integrity, letter with information John Dewey. John Dos Passos in revolutionary circles, person of telegram from Norman Thomas, Germany, Italy, and Japan com able to depend upon Fourth cisive halt to gangsterism in the (Continued from Page 1) bined. The United States share Internationalist representatives follows. Trescn cable was: labor movement. The sentiment Blackwell not counter. revolu James Oneal, Carlo Tresca, Lewis the entire hemisphere and is ma cont as compared to 14. for Ger the reformists and Stalinists Anita Brenner, Max Eastman, ton considers itself the capital of of the total trade was 34. per not to betray their interests as ranged on the side of the Bar. Stalinists.
of au honest workers will be tionary, not upy, but framed by Corey Suzanne La Pollette Gerry king its war plans accordingly. many, 126 for Great Britain, had repeatedly done.
celona defendants who are guilty To this it may be added that Allard, Roy Burt and others Only recently Admiral William percent for Japan, and perHo concluded by reaffirming the party struggle for revolu(Continued from Page 1) imprisoned by Batista in his murclalist faith in the heart of the secretary, never even met Trotonly of having kept alive the so. Blackwell was never Trotsky danger to Blackwell life from bluntly said that the South Amer The United States in 1987 was tionary socialism and calling men had been ripped out by derous drive against the Cuban Catalan proletariat.
upon the workers to join the pineers, the bones of their skulis trade union movement. These Secretariat of the Fourth sky, and is the author of no the State Department to take rement in the plans of the Ameri tomer, taking 31 percent of the party forces. The meeting end had been crushed by the pressure Pincus sald, were only a fraction International.
newed and emphatie action to ob can navy. It is not a question of aggregate of the 20 ed with the singing of the In of a twisted wire, their arms had of hundreds that could be named.
trade ternationale.
been broken at the elbows and Batista attack on the unlons ANNOUNCEMENTS Barcelonu informed the State De The Veterans of the Spanish question of maintaining the un with Latin America has been intheir legs at the ankles.
after the 1935 general strike was partment in the early stages of Revolution, an organization of disputed hegemony of American creasing faster since 1932 than This week Col. Fulgencio Bat the case that the chief of the men who fought in the Loyalist capitalism on both continents. Fifty Spanish born Cubans described in the following paisCLUB IN YORKVILLE willwith any other section of the Ista, blood stained dictator of Cuing to rent its headquarters secret police there had described trenches, sont a similar telegram.
world. Latin America now abba, is being Unions Smashed welcomed at the were seized en masse in the meet sage: Foreign Trade Convention to other organizations for Binckwell to him is a dangerous The Blackwell Defense Commitsorbs no less than 20 percent of White House as a stalwart ally in Cooped up in the Castillo del ing hall of the Socialist Circle Batista murder gangs physicrevolutionary.
days a week. Seating capacity, tee which consists of men and woThis too. was the principal this country total exports. Add the ranks of Intercontinental Principe for more than a month ally destroyed All union headStalinist Slanders 75. Please write to men who are active in almost theme of the annual convention to this long term United States democracies. Getulio Vargas, quarters, all workers centers on Yorkville Club, care of SoThe Stalinist press charged him every tendency of the labor move of the National Foreign Trade investments in the Latin Ameri Boss of Brazil, is another of the they were made to sleep on a the heels of the 1985 general challst Appeal.
for Convention held in New York can republics totalling more than staunch good neighbors. Var concrete floor without bedding or recent trial of the lend with being a Fascist spy. In the ment is mobilizing support to City last week, The German, Jap 4, 000, 000, 000, or more than 37 gas representative at Lima, the cover and were not permitted to strike. Files and correspondence Blackwell defense among labor ATTENTION READERS OF ers he, together with James Max organizations and unions. At pres. anese, and Italian threats to percent of this country total of New York Times informed us late communicate with the Spanish water heaped in the streets and ton, John McNair, and Fenner ent it is appealing for funds American trade supremacy in more than 11, 000, 000, 000 in for Sunday, will actually insist there consul. Prison officials amused Wallis leveled, and typewriters and THE SOCIALIST APPEAL Brockway, leaders of the Pritish which should be sent to the Com. Latin America almost entirely eign investment, and one gets that continental unity only themselves by making them run mimeograph machines crumpled Independent Labor Party, was nemittee at Room 1609, 100 Fifth dominated the deliberations of some idea of the enormous ma survive under democratic prin around and around a narrow You only have two weeks cused of being an agent of the Avenue, New York City.
the hard headed business men terial stake that lies behind the ciples! But Vargas himself rules room, shouting Vive Mussoliniby axes. Following Hitler and kert in which to greet the Nazi Gestapo and the OVRA concerned with expanding their thin fiction of the good neighbortive government that did exist in and Vive Hitler until they would Mussolini example, decree. ws of declared all union funds to be Mussolini secret service.
trade and increasing their profits. policy.
Tenth National Convention of Brazil. This does not disqualify drop from exhaustion. Seed Mass state property.
to If all the charges against him James Carson, vice president of the Young Peoples Socialist This is the record of the demothe American and Foreign Power him, however, as a supporter the more stubborn were are combined, said Mrs. Edna Convention Rally Defending Democracy. Lague, which is being held in of the Rooseveltian united front kiss pictures of Mussolint until crat Batista, the man of the Co. declared that our country Blackwell, his wife, he is every they fell bleeding.
Roosevelt and his underlings in the Americas!
Chicago during the Thanksgiv.
people Batista! This is the honand our commerce with the echoed by speakers at the for No, it is not for democracy or Workers Shot Down body spy except the ored guest Ing weekend. Send in your today at Roosevelt This shows clearly who is making The Tenth National Con. southern republics is confronted eign trade convention, have good neighborliness that United greetings NOW. 1, 88, or These were only a few. Batista White House. This is the new with a new set of condition the charges.
viewed urmy has shot down hundreds of with alarm what one states imperialism is marsha of Daily it for the Convention Provention will open in Chicago granit Book to the National Washington Delegation which call for energy and re speaker called the spread of its power in the Western hemi sugar plantation workers for the Worker!
on Wednesday evening, Nov.
On November the Blackwell sourcefulness if we are to main poisonous anti democratic cloc sphere. The dollars still decide. At crime of trying to organize. Cas.
Convention Arrangements We say: Out with Batista! Our Defense Committee sent Liston 23 at the Hotel Majestic, 29 tain our position of leadership in trines throughout South America Lima the representatives of the tor oil, imported by the boatload.
Committee, 160 Wells St.
solidarity is with the Cuban workRoom 308, Chicago, Ill. Ensure Oak and Edna Blackwell to Quincy, with a monster inter American affairs. Richard by radio broadcasts emanating Roosevelt government will seek was used by army and police on ing masses whom he rutes by yourself of a copy of our at the State Department in an effort Patterson, assistant secretary from Germany and Italy. They to create a solid bloc in this hem thousands of tortured militants. nalted terror, by the gun, the mass meeting on What Next trictive Program Book and en to find out the exact charges American Youth?
of Commerce, said: We are en conveniently forget that Ameri isphere under American domina There were at that time more knife, the whip. Let workers who róli yourself amongst the supagainst Blackwell and what the tering a period of intensive com can imperialism has made and tion not only to safeguard and ex than 4, 000 political prisoners in stin have illusions about RooseSpeakers James Cannon, porters of the revolutionary Department is doing to obtain his petition for the Latin American un made in a most undemocratie tend trade and investments, but Batista foul dungeons. The ma velt, Erlend of the working class Martin Abern, Nathan Gould, release and repatriation. They markets.
youth movement in Amerlen manner, scores of South Ameri to strengthen the foundations for jority of these were trade union realize that Wall Street dollars learned that a cable had been re Hal Draper, Ernest Erber.
Interests Involved National Convention can governments, the majority of the world empire which American in Latin America are Roosevelt ceived on Nov. from the Charge Arrangements Committee Chairman Irving Bern.
The extent and importance of which are today dictatorships in capitalism expects eventually Pincus listed the names of 35 main concern, not the interests of Affaires at Barcelona, Walter these interests was emphasized one form or another.
trade union leaders murdered and the workers there. or at home, LIMA CONFERENCE WILL SEAL LATIN AMERICAN PACTS Roosevelt Bids Welcome To Butcher of Workers booke American Vice Consul in republies. u.