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Hail the October Revolution Anniversary at Irving Plaza on Sunday!
AII War Funds To the Unemployed!
Socialist Appeal Open the Doors To Europe Refugees!
Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. II No. 49 Saturday, November 12, 1938 375 Five Cents per Copy BUILD LABOR OWN PARTY!
Let Remember INTL CANDIDATES Out With Batista! Organization of Poll Shows South Is Major The Armistice!
Drift From To Butcher of Workers Pittsburgh Conven New Deal SCORE AT POLLS Roosevelt Bids Welcome CIO Problem war.
Indochinese Authorities Close Trotskyist Journal Secure 7, 000 Votes The patriots are celebrating the twentieth anni.
And Eight Seats versary of Armistice Day this week the signing of the tion Must Launch agreement on November 11, 1918 which brought the in Communes Cuban Dictator, Who Rules by Terror, Drive Labor Party Alone hostilities of the first World War to an end. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Hailed as Democrat by Local The workers, too, have a right to commemorate FLENU, Belgium, Oct. 22 In Can Stem March PITTSBURGH, Pa. Organizing Armistice Day in their own way. So let them the municipal elections held on Stalinist Party the South was one of the biggest of Reaction Oct. 16, the Revolutionary Socialproblems facing the American REMEMBER that 14, 000, 000 workers and peasants Ist Party, Belglan section of the President Roosevelt welcomes to the White House this week labor movement when the were killed or reported missing, and 20, 000, 000 wounded Fourth International, polled near Col. Fulgencio Batista, dictator of Cuba and assassin of hundreds was formed in 1938. It is a major WORKERS MUST ly 7, 000 votes and elected elght problem before the convenand maimed in order to determine whether German and councillors in the heavy Industrial of Cuban working class militants.
Austro Hungarian imperialism or French, British, CzarTAKE OWN PATH districts of Borinage and Thudinie.
Batista is welcomed by Roosevelt as an ally in the Pan American Lion which opens here Monday.
Decentralization of Northern Here in Fienu the party polled ist and American imperialism would dominate the system dominated by Yankee imperialism.
industry into the open shop southan He also comes to this country hailed as a democrat andern states was accelerated as world, and reap profits from the millions of white, electing six councillors. It was major drift, revealed only a man of the people by the Communist Party. campaigns in the major in very incompletely in the specific black, brown and yellow slaves throughout the world the first time in Belgium that a But what kind of welcome does dustries met with success, and shifts in elected candidates, revolutionary party had ever won REMEMBER that in the midst of all the misery and such a majority in any commuBatista descrve from American ta one man rule. The same story wages, hours and working condi proved on Tuesday that the workers?
of persecution and terror could tions were improved for the in New Deal demagogy is losing its devastation inflicted on the masses, the profits of the the Communist Party equal this Record of Terror be compiled for the two years dustrial workers.
capitalist class swelled beyond the highest limits it had achievement.
What kind of welcome would that have since elapsed, The recent rubber workers mass hold, and posed squarely yet attained. At the beginning of the war, in the year Candidates of the Revolutionwe give Hitler, Mussolint, or any How does the terror operate convention took note of this and immediately the road of ary Socialist Party were elected 1914, the investment return of the United States Steel of the other dictators who have in Cuba? Torture, plus murder, grave situation, which made the bold, independent working class at Flenu, Wasmuel, and Gilly.
shot down, tortured, and impris. Is its chief stock in trade. Batista open shop plants in the south the politics as the only alternative Corporation was per cent, whereas towards the end Fought Coalition oned thousands of workers whose has adopted methods made infa Achilles heel of 1o, unions.
to the triumphant advance of reof the war, in the year 1917, the return was 24. per So far, every attempt of the only crime was their desire to mous Nazi Germany and added The party, which entered the cent, amounting to 478, 204, 000 electoral lists for the first time, COL. FULGENCIO BATISTA struggle for their own rights and a few of his own invention. In to unionise in Alabama, action.
their own interests?
all, about 400 workers, students, Georgia, etc. has been blocked by The mighty New Deal wave conducted its campaign upon a REMEMBER that the war was fought under the solid, revolutionary, Bolshevik LIMA CONFERENCE Batista belongs to that crew. professors, labor leaders, editors, Velous terror, slugeings and use which in 1936 rolled up for Not even the Communist Party lawyers, and doctors have met of national guardsmen in striker Roosevelt a majority unprece.
slogan of a war to end all wars, and that there has Fourth International. Against it program under the banner of the licking his boots now as a poten. death in the past two years at not been a year since the end of the World War in WILL SEAL LATIN tial People Frontally, can erase the hands of his army and millThe United Mine Workers suc dented in American history rewhich wars, large or small, were not being fought, that the Stalinists, the Catholics, and the record of murder and terror tary police an average of about ceeded in unionizing the major ceded in virtually every key state that is Batista sole claim to 18 month, about five a week, coal mines in Ainbama after a we are today closer to a new and more dreadful world Rexists (Fascists) waged ferocious campaign AMERICAN PACTS campaign of truly heroic proporslander.
power, or his record as the tool about one every two days.
Next week SOCIALIST APwar than at any other time since the Armistice was of Wall Street in keeping the At Flenu the party took five Shocking Tortures tions. Bill Mitch, south PEAL will carry an exhaustivo seats from the Labor Party and signed Cuban masses chained to the Pincus told the story of the ern director, was sent by the analysis of the current elecone from the capitalist parties. Is Seeking to chariot of imperialism. fate of Dr. Octavio Seigle, aminors union in the early tlons. Returns were incomplete REMEMBER that the war was fought under the The Labor Pārty is now in a na Democracy in Cuba on Wednesday morning when Coban nallonett, who was killed days to Alabama and aided by loConsolidate Its organized 30. 000 this issue went to press.
tional union conlition. Its leader slogan of a war for democracy, and that there is less Here are some facts about Baby Batista henchmen and his cal leaders Paul Henri Spaak, is premier. It miners.
democracy, that the masses today enjoy less democratic conducted a particularly vicious Hegemony tista terror in Cuba, reported by body burned to hide from Arthur Pincus, noted writer on world the horrible tortures in Carpetbaggers Communista, to a minority or a bare and uti rights in every capitalist country in the world than they campaign here to break the indid at any other time in the last fifty years fluence of the Revolutionary SoSpokesmen for the Roosevelt Latin American subjecta, in his Alcted upon him. The body of Northern sangsters. Nigger certain majority. In New York cialist Party REMEMBER that the masses were mobilized and Adventurers, boasted Cen sized again that it is the aim of sued by the Workers Defense murdered with Selgle, revealed the invectives hurled at the State, Lehman just squeezed under driven to the charnel house of war with the cry that a porta docente Per Baneretary: Meren and souten tienerkenalt tone deaf only with the period cover sibilities. The angernatio of both untonists for seeking to break the than a million underte Roosevelt ing the first two years of Batis. Continued on Page 3) open shop stranglehold in the 1936 figure. We ll hang the Kaiser to a sour apple tree! The foul beast of Trotskyism! But tinents into a powerful economie, south.
Yet the militancy of the south The outstanding feature of the Kaiser remains free and alive while millions rot in war the workers had other ideas. At political, and military unit in elections was the shift in attitude graves, the Kaiser remains one of the wealthiest men in absolute majority the polls they gave our party an preparation for the coming world ern workers, when given serious direction, beat down these reacof the middle classes, weatherthe world today. His place has been taken not by a Losses The approach of the Pantionary arguments. The IO cocks of the play of social forcos American Conference, scheduled In the elections as a whole the In 1936 the middle class vote gained a foothold in the south.
democracy but by the Fascist regime of Hitler which In 1937, the proposed Roosevelt. On Tuesday the per went more than two thirds for Junker lost at least 71 seats, most to take place at Lima, Peru, on of them to the extreme right. The Dec. has been made the occato John Lewis that a joint Stalinists gained in relation to sion for intensified propaganda (Fourth International Press win the masses over to support drive be conducted in the centage was reversed. Dielliuthe results of 1932 but showed no for Inter continental unity un Service)
of French Imperialism in case of scuth, Excursions by rubber, steel sioned by the fallure of the Now REMEMBER that the masses throughout the world progress from its votes of 1936. der the aegis of the Yankee colwar. The authorities want to ex and other unions individual. Deal to solve the economic and went wild with enthusiasm on receiving the news of the In the working class districts 04BLIN.
SAIGON, French Indo China, periment with the possibility of ly could not cope successfully with social crisis, finding no clear pow these results clearly showed the Armistice and the promises of the war lords of the growing disquiet and mistrust of Assistant Secretary of State Sept. 30. By a special decree da conducting a campaign, alded by United front of the bosses and the litical lead from the labor moveSumner Welles, maker and break. ted Aug. 30, the French author the Stalinists and the bourgeois politicians.
ment, and seduced by the bolder belligerent countries that they would henceforward live and more aggressive platform of the national union policy purer of Innumerable Latin Ameri ities at Hanol, in Tonkin, sup parties, which will rally the An. Major Drive Not Attempted Annamite sued by the and the Stal can governments, declared in a pressed the paper namite workers to the imperialist But a well planned, carefully open reaction, the middle classes in peace. Today every country Germany as well as inists.
special radio broadcast on Sun Nghe Mol, organ of the Fourth banner.
outlined campaign was never seriswung heavily into the RepubllFrance; England as well as Italy; the United States as In many places, especially at Internationalists.
can column.
To be sure, the revolutionists ously attempted. Today, Gadgen, well as Japan is engaged in a frenzied armaments race Pironchamps, in Thudinie, the For American Domination This measure. reflecting the will take full advantage of this Ala. home of Goodyear Tiro Workers and Middle Class the like of which the world has never before seenP. conducted As a nation we will assure our complete suppression of freedom on their part. La Lutte, central Rubber Co. a large steel plant, a The proletarian vote hamgainst us on the grounds that selves that we are in a position to of the press in Annam and Ton organ of the Fourth internation large textile plant, still symbolizes strung and straight jacketed by REMEMBER the abominable lies which the rulers they promised peace and tran defend ourselves from all aggreskin, reveals the real significance alists, published in French at Sai the open shop city, where a union its official leadership, forbidden to strike out on its own, remained of every land told their people for the purpose of drug olution: The joined forces arise, and to be prepared to join chin China, smallest of the Indo shortly in Annamite. Its purpose where unionist are hounded as in decisive majority within the ging their minds with the poison of chauvinism and nationalism. The same lies, the same poison, are being Catholte elements. It was an the New World in preserving the red libero por cente Branding Dort will be released to test that the In Nazi Germany. Memphis. Tenn. Democratic ticket, but, ll the res Western hemisphere sale from French and Annamite languages. them into a new slaughter on be centers are mainly unorganized. Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and disseminated at this very moment by the same rulers, the Catholic schools drummed it any threat of attack.
This decree is obviously an ex half of the French masters and to The south must be organized. New York prove, did so passively, who pursue the same aim preparing docile cannon into the heads of the children to This was a diplomatic way of periment designed to facilitate conduct the broadest campaign It is one of the most exploited without enthusiasm, and without fodder for a new imperialist wargo home and persuade their par saying once more that Washing the efforts of the petty bourgeois for real democratic rights won by sections of the country. This is the ability any longer to attract (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3) constitutionalists and Stalinists to the open struggle of the workers. Continued on Page 2)
to itself the other sections of the REMEMBER that the peace which was estabpopulation.
The key role of the shift in the lished at Versailles after the Armistice was a monstrous middle class allegiance was indilie a brazen attempt to reduce the peoples of the cated in a dozen ways through defeated nations to the positions of slaves. It was this out the course of the campaign.
On the one hand was witnessed peace that contributed so mightily to the rise and the flourishing of middle class triumph of Hitlerism in Germany and AustriaBy JOHN ADAMSON the lost the momentum of panaceas for the solution of the EDITOR NOTE economic crisis: above all, the Its splendid offensive. The faith REMEMBER also that even from the standpoint of The star of the shone brightest in the days following the of the workers was shaken in the The recent meeting between Homer Martin, President, various pension plans which bethe war patriots, the millions did die in vain, for the great General Motors strike. As never before, the workers were organization they had believed incame issues especially in New United Automobile Workers of America, and Harry Bennet, defeated powers of yesterday once more threaten the aroused out of their lethargy and imbued with new daring and vincible. Fear for their jobs, the Personnel Manager of the Ford Motor Co. has given rise to a England and the West, espoused in many cases by the eager Repreferential imperialist position of the victorious confidence. In those days, anybody with a batch of application handful of rumors concerning an impending change of policy on publicans.
On the other hand, the cam powers the twenty years that have elapsed have only blanks in his coat pocket and a lead pencil could organize workers. which therers keep their sleves the part of union hater Henry Ford towards organized labor. To date there has been no definite and authentic information one paign in several bitterly fought brought the imperialist rivalries and conflicts to the They streamed into the unions by the thousands, displaying a passion them. The CLO began its slow States saw the entry of tendencies long pent up to destroy the tyranny of the open shop.
retreat before the employers of way or another.
point at which they stood on the eve of the last World fensive and has been retreating WarIt seemed, at that time, as if far more reactionary than any Irrespective of these rumors, it is obvious that a drive to which have heretofore played nothing could stop the swift ad. the determined masters of Little ever since.
organize Ford is one of the major tasks before the and part in Amberican politics, which vance of the and that it Steel. But the thought they NEW UPSWING: NEW TASKS the Just as the top agreement between John Lewis and REMEMBER that the infamous Versailles Treaty in their own way were equally was only a matter of time, until did not need any plans or prepaMyron Taylor did not automatically organize the workers of designed for the attraction of signed after the Armistice which brought neither peace that organization would com rations. Roosevelt was their ace The Committee for Industrial Steel, so no written compact between Ford and Martin will or middle class support. In the Fir nor democracy was supported by the Social Democratic pletely dominate the labor move in the hole who would win the Organization was first established ganize the 150, 000 workers in the Ford plant.
West there were the anti union parties and their International, the Second Internament of America. Those were the steel strike for them in a pinch. for the avowed purpose of orbills placed on the ballot. In days when the members of the Vhen. Tom Girdler and his min xanizing the workers of the hith In the adjoining columns, John Adamson, a prominent auto tional, which supported the capitalist class in its war up state New York the main burmoribund of Executive ions declared war on the union, erto unorganized mass production unionist, describes the history of past attempts to unionize Ford den of the campaign against Lehand which took upon itself the responsibility for the Council were waiting hourly for The leadership became bewildered Industries. The economic crists, and suggests a plan for the execution of a new drive in the imman was carried by anti Semitism.
indefensible crime of the spurious peace and all its mediate future.
them out of the position of lead. The incompetent and pusillanim defensive, is now beginning to In every village, town, and ham.
et, huge posters called on the consequences ership they had maintained for a ous leadership of Phil Murray left lift and will continue to lift, but REMEMBER that the Russian masses brought the movement.
decade over the American labor the steel workers defenseless be tressed as it is by the new arm the the stern necessity of ton of the 150, 000 automobile no one had the slightest doubt All of recent events dictate to and significance is the organiza citizens to Vote American, and fore the cruel blows of the vigilament program of the Roosevelt returning to its great unfinished workers employed at the Ford about the meaning of the slogan.
war to an end, at least for themselves, a year before the DEFEAT IN LITTLE STEEL ante gangs and the National ministration. The shops are be work. temporarily halted by the Motor Co.
Guard. The unions in the plants of ginning to call back their work loss of the steel strike and the del Ford remains the only manuAmerican Popular Frontiam imperialists signed their Armistice, and that they did it The election thus serves as Then came the disastrous strike Little Steel were, for the time crs and the latter are again to pression of the fall of 1937 of ation of a union among his work judgment on the American, New in the only effective way, by the revolutionary overin Little Steel. No proper prep being, wiped out.
gaining their old confidence and organizing the remaining army ofers.
arations were made nor system with its prestige heavily shat ability to realst the offensive of America unorganized workers. with no committees and has The argument that the working who recognizes and deals Deal form of Popular Frontism. Continued on Page 3)
atlo plans devised how to fight tered by the Ignominious defeat, the employers.
Looming in greatest Importance (Continued on Page Continued op Page 4)
look like churches regime of the pre war Hohenzollerns day npatig!
Organize the Ford Motor Co.