CapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismURSSWorkers PartyWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 5, 1938 et bien en el sector of the politseile Forgotten Man Will Soon Be Remembered! NMU Seamen Bullied Into Signing Rotten Contract National Socialist Party Near Collapse TWENTY ONE YEARS Recent NEC Meet Reveals SOCIALIST APPEAL oppressed within the totalitarian states. By the Vol. II No. 48 Saturday, November 3, 1938 restrictions and financial requirements it places even on the quota immigrants, the United States Published every week by the APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS limits that small fraction in such a way that the SOCIALIST at 116 University Place, New York, NY.
most persecuted of all the proletarian and lowTelephone: 10. ce: Algonquin 8547 er middle class are virtually excluded. Continued from Page 1) a campaign sheet for the rotten Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for six Pious words do not make anyone a defender voyage or thirty days, which agreement. One of the main an months. Foreign: 50 per year, Bundle order NO ever may be the greater.
guments Was threat to the cents per copy, single copies cents. of democratic rights. one can legitimately MEN Unlicensed personnel may be membership that you don All checks and money orders should be made criticize the dictatorships for their treatment of transferred to another vessel WANTED take the agreement, Lundeberg out to the Socialist Appeal.
the refugees who does not back up his words within the company, provided and the will get your jobs.
Entered as second class matter September 1, the transfer is mutually agreeJoseph Curran and his ad1937, at the post o. ce nt New York, New York, with acts, who does not do all within his own under the Act of March 3, 1879.
visors are mortally afraid of the power to defend the politically oppressed and to able to the employer, the employee, and the union. This newly chartered Seafarers InterMAX SCHACHTMAN offer them haven. Whoever does less becomes in clause shall not be construed national Union which is now Editor reality jointly responsible for the oppression.
to prevent the transfer of unli opening an organizing drive to win conditions for east coast seeFAROLD ROBERTS censed personnel for promotion GEORGE CLARKE The quotas mas be lifted. The restrictions or seniority, seniority to be conAsociate Editors men. Their whole strategy is demust be modified in such a way that all of the strued as continuous service signed to keep east const segmen STANLEY, Busisess Manager persecuted may find refuge within this country.
with the company in a person within the organizational strucThis is the only central aim which Americans particular rating.
ture of the and through it West Coast Comments who want to defend the democratic rights of asy.
to shackle all seamen to the govThe Fear of War lum and refuge can set for themselves. Vague Typical of what union seamen ernment Maritime Commission.
Last Sunday night thousands of radio listeners think of such a clause is a comPlan to Shackle Seamen plans about settlement in Africa or South Amerment from West Coast Firemen Signing of the new agreement were thrown into hysterical panic by a broadcast ica, protests on British policy in Palestine, howdepicting an attack on this country by men from YOUR COUNTRY (Sept. 6, 1938. which deals specifis only part of the plan which is ever legitimate, are here as elsewhere secondary being carried out by Curran cally with it: Co. They hope the agreement Mars, dropping out of the sky in fearsome pro to the main job which is the job at home.
NEEDS YOU. jectiles and spreading death and destruction Not оnlу саn a company will serve to keep a certain num It is time for the trade unions and all of the transfer a crew from one ship ber of jobs for the Enough through gas and other fearsome weapons. It was to another, it can also do this: shipping will be done through the mass organizations of the American workers to If an olling job is open on one based on an old Wells fantasy union hall to encourage seamen press with full force upon the President and of its ships, It can promote a to register there. patrolThere was nothing funny about the mass hys. Congress the demand that the quotas and restricfireman from another of the men will have passes to all ships teria caused by the broadcast, except possibly the tions be removed, and that this country welcome company ships over the heads and any beefs will be settled fact that most people did not hear the beginning within its own borders the oppressed and perse: of the men on the ship.
for the operators with the excuse Then again, men can take of it because they were listening to Charlie Mcthat we can do anything yet cuted of all lands.
vacations and leaves of because if we do the shipowners Carthy. It was in the process of escaping from sence. Remember the old song will revoke our passes and do the dulcet simpering of Nelson Eddy and Doro Oh Chlefle Dear! Oh Chlefie business with Lundeberg and the thy Lamour that the startled listeners ran plump The Socialist Party: Act Dear! swear to you ll give no lip, into a Martian invasion.
By constant alander campaign and Curtain ll shine your brass, and kiss through the pages of the Pilot Nor were those who raced fearfully into the your against the L, which is idenstreets running from what they understood to be If can make another trip! tifled with the discredited Interan actual invasion from the stellar wastes. They little more than a year ago, the National Just read that clause again. national Seamen Union, Executive Committee of the Socialist Party exA man can pile off on a leave strategists hope to make a final were running because they are afraid, horribly pelled the party revolutionary left wing. At of absence, and after the ship and satisfactory agreement with afraid of war, and this fear is always with them.
is back from a round voyage.
Hearing suddenly of a gas attack in Jersey, of that time we predicted not merely that thereafter the Maritime Commission. Relycan pile back on her again.
bombs and fames, and sudden death, it seemed the would beat a hasty and uninterrupted Check all these factors over ing upon elections already held together with actual retreat to the right (a virtually self evident cononly that their fears had been realized. Some en and you can see why there is no NOW ENLIST proof that the is reclusion, since there would no longer be a firm hiring hall clause. It a regular sponsible organization and has emy had suddenly attacked. The result was a left force to pull it in a contrary direction. but company union agreement. no intention of fighting for better panic of fear and horror and hysteria.
Slander Sheet Against Lundeberg conditions Mr. Curran hopes that that the in the act of expulsion was takWhile members of the National Maritime Commission heads may Only a few weeks ago programs of dance ing the first decisive step in the liquidation of the Maritime Union were voting on be wheedled into recognizing the music were being interrupted by flashes from a party itself.
this agreement, the Pilot, official as the organization repreEurope on the brink of war. Only a few weeks Within the Socialist Party there were a certain organ of the union, was used as senting all seamen.
ago the radio had made more real than ever be fore the meaning of marching millions mobilized number of serious militants, honestly and active.
for senseless slaughter, of droning planes, and ly desirous of building a genuinely revolutionary the fear of death from the air. These memories party within this country, who disagreed with were fresh in the minds of the radio listeners last our estimate. For one another reason, they (Continued from Page 1)
elected to remain within the Socialist Party in destruction, the Stalinist clique now prepares the final debacle.
Sunday night. Only the smart aleck with an eye stead of joining with the expelled left wing in Having shattered the hopes of millions of toilers, wrecked the labor for incongruity can find something humorous in the foundation of the Socialist Workers Party.
movement in country after country, facilitated nay, assisted the the reaction that followed.
The panic showed to what extent the minds of The recently concluded meeting of the Socialbuilders of fascist concentration camps, Stalin has exposed the ist Party N. reported on elsewhere in this picture of utter demoraliza in return for a mass expulsion lessness of the leadership Soviet Union to the perilously imminent prospect of armed interpeople have already been prepared for the imtion and catastrophic decline in drive against the Trotskyists. In face of the situation.
minence of war. Behind that hysteria were the issue, enables them and us to draw up a year membership and influence, with Although charges have been pend The self avowed left wing of balance; or, if not a balance of the past, at the plans to enter into negotiations ing against Valenti for over Zam and Co. which after each he fought fascism abroad. By tearing down the keystones in the headlines staring out of every day papers about How does Stalin propose to fight the war? In the same manner future.
very least a budget for threats of war headlines pitched into screams in for fusion with the right wing So year, he has continued his activ convention where it consolidates arcb of Soviet economy! Thus he hopes to appease Hitler and saye The Socialist Party is finished. This can hardly the November elections, was preity with jaunty impunity, order to help rush through gigantic rearmament programs and vast plans for yoking the working any longer be a matter of dispute for either its sented to the members of the Na while it was generally taken for larly striking in its pitiable impo beneath the heel of oncoming reaction or in the sweep of the resur At the Baltimore meeting, er into the morass, was particu his own head. But the days of Stalin are numbered: he must fall masses to the capitalist war machine.
friends or its foes. The problem now, in the tional Executive Committee of the granted that Valenti is a Stalinist, tence, and failure to put forward gent revolutionary masses.
To that same end, the war makers are already minds of the most vigorous of its mem Socialist Party when they gath no decision was adopted on the even the phantom of a program ered for their meeting in Balt: ground that this matter too for resolving the catastrophieste Revolution, that the Soviet masses will tear from Stalin hands the bers, is only how most quickly and mercifully to We fervently hope on this 21st anniversary of the Russian pouncing upon the incident of the broadcast to more, Ma. on Friday, October 14, pave the way for government censorship of radio get the job done with.
according to an accurate and ening out of the unity question. the party in alliance with the precious treasures of 1917 before he turns them over to Hitler and programs.
The meaning of the meeting was authentic report received by the The calamitous organizational right wing.
Socialist Appeal.
internal reaction.
To be sure, the radio broadcasting chains al. communicated politely to the world in the Octostatus of the party was reported Porter Program ready maintain a rigid censorship of their own, ber 29th issue of the Socialist Call: It (the The plans for fusion with the in an atmosphere of dejection, But to rely merely on hope would be to abandon ourselves to The only program was that mysticism and futility. Our duty is clearly set forth. We must renew dictated by the needs and requirements of their has authorized negotiations looking toadvertisers. In this they are no different from the ward peace in Socialist ranks and the reunion of staunch supporter of Roosevelt such as has not been seen at a right hating asociates. The remedy courage and resolution of the Russian workers and peasants by newspapers. None of them, for example, would all Socialists in America. The wheel is comand the New Deal. and committed meeting of the socialist in offered by them is simply the waging an unremitting struggle against our own centers of imperial to a flagrantly social patriotic por many years. Spirits sank to a de liquidation of the party. But al ism that would destroy the Soviet State.
dream of giving time to Consumers Union be pleting its circle. The right wing of the present cause sometimes the information given by that On the 21st anniversary of the Russian Revolution, the Fourth which never differed in political funda war, were adopted but the Com. splashed buckets of uninspiring sented as an alternative, the Internationalists rededicate themselves to the most imperative task of mittee members tacitly agreed black on the party picture.
organization pricks the inflated balloons of ad mentals from the Old Guard, is going back to its took no action on the one prothat the negotiations should be vertising lies.
bed fellows of the Social Democratic Federation.
our times: the defense of the Soviet Union.
kept quiet until after the NovemMembership Sinks ferred by Porter, His point plan And let anybody try to give voice to a revolu The final divorce turns out to have been only a Defend the Soviet Union against Stalin, Hiller and Roosevelt!
ber elections, lest the public posi dues paying membership of had as its first point: unity with tionary program over the air! Browder Co.
Defend the Soviet Union by fighting the imperialist war makers temporary desertion.
tion of the Socialist Party be 2, 700 was reported an all time the patriotio Social Democratic harmed.
The militants still within the Socialist Party low in the history of the party! Federation. His second point was found their way into the big chains only when in our own country. cooperation with the Farmerthey were prepared to warn the masses against Defend the Soviet Union by revolutionary action against must, then, take stock. History, these days, does wing from Wisconsin, who took a stence has the ever had such the LN L, work in the la capitalism!
Paul Porter, leader of the right Not in thirty five years of its exrevolution and to drum up trade for Roosevelt not leave time for illusions or for playing leading part in the wholesale exFollette Progressive Party, and around. It is not necessary to debate the merits of Defend the Soviet Union by building the most potent force for war and democracy. pulsions of revolutionary socialists cord. The lowest post war memBut radio censorship does not only mean the past; we must concentrate on the needs of from the party year ago, was bership figure was reached betono stancos in the Dem the liberation of humanity: the fourth International!
negative selection of programs. When this counthe present and the future.
the most outspoken advocate of tween 1921 and 1924, but even then ocratic party. Let us not be hypocritical, although criticisms were levelled sounded too much like taking a immediate fusion with the Oneal it never sank below 5, 000. Only try goes to war, the radio will be converted into. said Porter, pointing out that the most gigantic and effective one way propa.
and nothing will stop it. There wil be no organ: wel moment in healmphaeriene e boasted between 15, 000 and 20. 000 especially in the South, mem debate a motion was made to cene another. Photo Committee there ganda agency ever seen or heard in history. It ization left, and no chance of reconstructing one fact that the itself was in members. Only a few months ago gure them, no action was taken to upon generally agreed that there will be every bit as totalitarian as the radio of Party have been working in alter the party line of trailing should be no withdrawals from the out of the ruins: indeed, there is only the frag. state of despair and despond the party convention was told that side the Illy white, Negro balting behind the Stalinist union wreck Alliance, but at the same time Hitler, Mussolini, or of Stalin. Let there be no ment of an organization today.
ency over the organizational blind there were some 4, 000 members alley into which it had led the left the result of the wreckage labor hating Democratic Party. ing course. Reuther and Fischer that the new progressive movemistake about that!
What are the militants, the revolutionary Socialist Party left behind after the effects were Porter third, fourth and Arth were not even chided for having ment in New York should be supMeanwhile, the scare broadcast will probably workers, who remain, to do? They cannot follow teit of the Hoan Thomas Zam points called for labor unity for aided and abetted the Stalinists ported. Then the whole question the without shameful capitulation. They Mr. Valenti Again be used to tighten the already quite tight governpolicy of mass expulsions. But not unemployed activity and attention during the crisis.
was referred to the inevitable submust decide whether they really mean business It is interesting to note that the full effects, apparently, for to the farm crisis, while his ment supervision over the air waves and move Finally, the timid motion by Mo committee, which by now number prior to the meeting, the party now the membership is below sixth, and very significant point, Dowell that all actions of the so almost as many as the memberthe plans of the war makers one step further. about building an American party of the socialist National Office had received the 3, 000, with the end not yet in called frankly for a change in clalist Auto League be subject to ship of the party.
revolution, or whether they are going to lie down fantastio proposal of the Italian sight.
party policy in regard to our consultation with the National The same action was taken with and quit.
Federation of the Party, domin And when it is remembered international outlook that is, Action Committee, the and regard to the report of Fred HarIf they mean business, they have only one ated by the not unknown Va that not every dues payer in the for dropping all anti war phrase the Labor Secretary of the party wood, who rushed from New course: to join with the revolutionary militants lenti, which asked for the crea is more than a platonic friend ology and adopting the Stalinist (i. e. McDowell. was defeated be York to give an account of the When it is a question of whipping up the war of the Socialist Workers Party in the great comtion of an Italian anti fascist of the party who has not left it pro war policy which Porter has cause Reuther and Fischer de newly formed organization of the spirit, covering his armament program, or fool mon task. They will find the doors of the Social front of a unique kind. The Fed only by virtue of the power of championed without let or hinnounced it as bureaucratic. Tyler unemployed and project workers, is it.
made the audacious proposal that and to ask for a line of polley.
ing the people by putting on a left coloration, ist Workers Party open to every determined autonomous Italian section, af estimate to say that the Thomas The confusion, irresoluteness each should consult with the To still another committee the Franklin Roosevelt has a lot to say about the worker who is resolved to fight for the new the glories of democracy and the hideous crimes of le Federation on the basis of its 500 effective members verit on the two most crucial questions cussion was that Reuther and ferred the proposal by Loe Morparty. They will discoverin. qur ranks rich and the dictatorships.
international1. e. pro war posi able debacle.
full democracy whereby differences of opinion tion, and with the socialist Party of the day the world war crisis Fischer emerged unscathed and gan to resign from the Executive The Call Goes Down and the trade union situation in with free hands to continue their committee of the Alliance in or But when it comes down to bass tacks, to get can be settled in the closest union with discip on the basis of its domestic po On top of that, the official or the United States was positively petty bureaucratic policy of actdor to ting some action, the President democracy al. lined, vigorous action. They will meet no recrimsition!
gan, Socialist Call, which has been tragic.
as short stops for the Stalinists.
Commork for the Negro Tabor And so on to the end.
Ways seems to develop a bad case of palsy. ination; no disputes over what has gone by; and Characteristic of the state of missing issue after Issue recently, No Proposals on War Collapse in Unemployed Work What the meeting did after that The demagogic hypocrisy with which Roose they will see that in our party personal capacities the today is the fact is in such a desperate financial In face of the keen urgency of Just as feeble and ineffectual was of no importance either to velt is exploiting the refugee issue hits close to and talents are given the fullest opportunities for that a number of members plight as a reflection of the con the crisis, no proposals or motions was the stand taken by the com itself, to the party or to the workwere in favor of this phenomenal plete disintegration of the party, were made on the danger. mittee in regard to the crisis in ing class in general.
a new low in his political scale. To date his score responsible functioning.
proposal. However, no action was that a motion was made to con Felix spoke vaguely about the the unemployed movement, for it The scintillating leadership of is 1000 per cent in fine phrases, and just exactly This is the choice before the militants within taken essentially on the ground vert it into a fortnightly, that is, Czech situation and the need of took no stand at all. In the dis the is merely waiting for zero in deeds.
the Socialist Party. It is time to come to a conthat the question was linked and to appear once every two weeks a firm stand on war, with percussion, it was disconsolately the crushing blow which it ex subordinated to the bronder quer instead of as in the past once ev. haps some revision of our present knowledged that the Stalinists had pects at the coming elections By its quota system the United States shuts its clusion.
tion of fusion between the asery week. If this motion was not position revision not stated. destroyed the work of the in Thomas by the way admitted that whole and the Federation. adopted, it was in all likelihood but the whole matter was wearily the Workers Alliance though no entry into the ALP. in New Come to the that at this meeting, the politicians have had a hard yard a sub committee. Similar the cowardly and lickspittle atti is completely out of the pic In passing. it is worth noting due to the fact that the bankrupt referred to the traditional grave balance sheet was drawn up York would have meant that the took up for the first time the enough time getting their week action was taken on the questudies of the party leadership to: ture in order to announce the question of the expulsion of Valenti. The latter was the gentle weeks.
which must now walt for solution ance, David Lasser, when he was inclusive and revolutionary So man who has not only worked The trouble with the Social until the party specialist Clar party member and flouted the clalist Party, a liquidation which cheek by jowl with the Stalinists ist Party, according to the ence Senior reports.
in the Italian fleld, but who ac summary made by mem On the labor front, the decline unemployed in the interests of the mantle of unity with the in Swing Band Competitions. Entertainment IRVING PLAZA (15th St. and Irving Pl. quired dubious fame a year ago inber Hamilton, is that it no of the influence was record his friends of the Communist corrigible reformista and war Prizes for Best Costumes SATURDAY, NOVEMBER P. the exposure made by the Social longer has confidence in itself patriots of the Social Democratic ed all along the line. The most Party.
Ist Appeal of the fact that he had or its leadership. It has no heated discussion occurred over The motion of Sam Baron that Federation, and which will surely With Max Shachtman as Master of Ceremonies Subscription: 50c; without costume 65c discussed with trade union bu morale.
the scandalous conduct of Roy the socialists withdraw immedi uncover in full the depths of Tickets may be obtained at reaucrats of the New York needle This annihilating but none the Reuther and Ben Fischer, head ately from the bureaucratically bankruptcy to which its present Auspices: SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY Labor Book Store trades the financing of the less accurate confession was only of the in Michigan, in the corrupted Alliance and launch leadership has brought the Socialto the tune of thousands of dollars emphasized by the complete belp Auto Workers Union crisis, but new organization, was defeated. It ist Party.
Let the Refugees In!
affairs Harvest Masquerade