Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

2 SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 5, 1938 Mass Meeting Hails Founding of Fourth International 1, 500 JAM CENTER Trotsky Reiterates Mission of the Fourth International PARTY HONORS VETERAN APPEAL ARMY HOTEL TO LISTEN TO LEON TROTSKY Antoinette Konikow Views 50 Years of Her Activity march Total upon the This week we want to devote Below is list of branches large part of our column to the which are most delinquent in their all important financial problem. duties toward the Appeal. In a revolutionary party such as heavy responsibility falls upon Following is the text of the electrically tran stone upon another. Only the Fourth Internaours, the existence and steady them. They are actually holding growth of our paper depends di back our paper from the great (Continued from Page 1) seribed speech delivered by Leon Trotsky to tional looks with confidence at the future. It is rectly upon the response of the possibilities that lie before it. We under the single banner of the the mass meeting held in Nea York on Od 28 the world party of Socialist Revolution! There local rank and Ale units. The sur are growing, but we could grow Socialist Workers Party: James to celebrate the founding of the Fourib Internever was a greater task on the earth. Upon est indication of healthy growth much faster! Let these branches Burnham and Ernest McKinevery one of us rests a tremendous historical national and the tenth anniversary of the responsibility.
ney, who with the American and activity as regards the press weigh their responsibilities in Trotskyist movement in this country: lies in the answer to this question: light of the recent proposals that Workers Party joined in the fu THE DEMANDS UPON US Does your branch pay its legitim have been sent around to all sion with the Communist League ate bills or is falling further and branches for increasing the freof America nearly five years ago Dear Comrades and Friends: Our party demands each of us, totally and further into debt? Does your quency of the Appeal!
to create the Workers Party of hope that this time my voice will reach you completely. Let the philistines hunt thelr own branch get out into the streets Los Angeles, California the United States; Ernest and that will be permitted in this way to Individuality in empty space. For a revolutionand sell the Socialist Appeal or San Francisco, California Erber, national chairman of the participate in your double celebration. Both ary to give himself entirely to the party signifies does it accumulate piles of dusty Chicago, Illinois Young People Socialist Lengue events: the tenth anniversary of our American finding himself.
papers in some dim corner of its Louisville, Kentucky (Fourth Internationalists. who organization as well as the foundation congress Yes, our party takes each one of us wholly.
headquarters? If it does the St. Paul, Minnesota two years ago joined our youth of the Fourth International deserve the atten But in return it gives to every one of us the former that is, sells the paper Akron, Ohio movement with other militants of tion of the workers incomparably more than the highest happiness: the consciousness that one then there is absolutely no reason Toledo, Ohio the left wing of the old Socialist war like gestures of the totalitarian chiefs, the participates in the building of a better future, for its not paying up its bills, for Youngstown, Ohio Party and youth organization.
diplomatie intrigues, or the pacifist congresses.
that one carries on his shoulders a particle of the cost of a single copy is far Philadelphia, Penna. YPSL Both events will enter history as important the fate of mankind, and that one life will not less than the selling price, and Party)
Following are the texts of the milestones. No one has now the right to doubt have been lived in vain.
Most branches, we are conresolutions adopted at our mass that.
vinced, are really selling the paper or course, we must acknowledge The fidelity to the cause of the toilers requires meeting last Friday night protestIt is necessary to remark that the birth of and actively pushing from us the highest devotion to our international among that some of the agents from ing anti working class repressions the American group of Bolshevik Leninists, workers. Yet we can hide the the branches listed above are doparty. The party, of course, can also be misin Spain and Greece: thanks to the courageous initiative of Comrades We, 1, 500 workers assembled in taken. By common effort we will correct its fact that far too many of them ing yeoman work. John Murphy Cannon, Shachtman, and Abern, didn stand have fallen far behind in pay of Los Angeles and comrade FerHotel Center, New York, protest mistakes. In its ranks can penetrato unworthy alone. It approximately coincided with the be elements. By common effort we will eliminate ments so far behind that we have gusson of Akron, Ohio are really against the secrecy and censorship ginning of the systematic international work of surrounding the present trial of them, New thousands who will enter its ranks to bring the whole matter into doing splendid work and are a the Left Opposition. It is true that the Left the open, long way toward straightening out tomorrow will probably be deprived necessary the militants of the in Opposition arose in Russia in 1923, but regular The heavy financial burden the mess they were handed. But Barcelona.
education. By common effort we will elevate work on an international scale began with the placed upon us by increased fre more effort is needed! Let bundle We protest against the Spanish their revolutionary level. But we will never forSixth Congress of the Comintern, get that our party is now the greatest lever of quency of publication and in order payments pour in and we Government refusal to grant encreased circulation (anti war is guarantee to hold up our end!
try permits to the French attorWORK BEGAN IN 1928 history, Separated from this lever, everyone of sues, 12 page World Congress isneys Torres and Noguere, chosen us is nothing. With this lever in hand, we are sue) is creating a dangerous situ Following is the list of new subs all.
Without a personal meeting we reached an by the defendants, and its refusal ation. We not making any for this past week. New York to allow representatives of inter agreement with the American ploneers of the WE KNOW NO FEAR special appeals for funds we are City subscription campaign is national labor to attend the trial, Fourth International, before all, on the criticism only asking for payment of legit putting it way out in front week We protest against the false of the program of the Communist International.
We aren a party as other parties. It is not imate debts on bundle orders. after week: charges brought against the deThen, in 1928, began that collective work which in vain that the imperialist reaction persecutes Two thirds of our regular income NEW YORK CITY.
18 fendents patterned upon the Mosafter ten years led to the elaboration of our own us madly, following furiously at our heels. The is based upon bundle order pay Massachusetts cow frameups, program recently adopted by our International assassins at its services are the agents of the ments! We depend on bundle Ohio.
Conference. We have the right to say that the We call upon the Spanish Gov.
Moscow Bonapartistic clique. Our young Interorder payments for our finances! Philadelphia ernment to clear these working work of this decade was not only persistent and national already knows many victims. In the California class leaders of these dishonorable patient, but also honest. The Bolshevik Leninists, Soviet Union they number by thousands. In There is now in the hands of Texas the international pioneers, our comrades across accusations and to restore full Spain by dozens. In other countries by units.
each and every branch literature Florida freedom to them and to all other the world, searched the way of the revolution as With gratitude and love we remember them all agent and executive committee Chicago imprisoned anti fascist militants, genuine Marxists, not in their feelings and in these moments. Their spirits continue to fight statement of just what is owed. Missouri including Munis, Carlini, and Rodwishes, but in the analysis of the objective in our ranks.
We have made absolutely clear Con. ccticut riguez. Their continued persecuof events. Above all were we guided by The hangmen think in their obtuseness and Following is the text of the Russian Revolution shall never be how serious our need is. Therethe preoccupation not to deceive others nor our New Jersey tion and detention serves only to cynicism that it is possible to frighten us. They selves. We searched seriously and honestly. And compromise and weaken the speech delivered by Comrade An. forgotten the tremendous enthu fore, we err! Under blows we become stronger. The struggle against fascism, some important things were found by us. The bestial politics of Stalin are only politics of toinelle Konikow at the Center siasm for Lenin and Trotsky the concrete ancopose the following ten days that shook the world. 1) ALL APPEAL FUNDS TO Bundle order increases have. We ask that events confirmed our analysis as well as our copy of this res Hotel mass meeting last Friday in But again things went wrong.
despair. It is possible to kill individual soldiers THE APPEAL. Whatever is on come from the and foreign olution be sent to the Spanish prognosis. Nobody can deny it. Now It is necesof our army, but not to frighten them. Friends, reply to the tribute paid ber there Socialism in one country became hand now from newspaper sales places this weel: ambassador at Washington and to sary that we remain true to ourselves and to we will repeat again in this day of celebra on the occasion of her fiftieth an the slogan. This meant not only etc. should be remitted to us (1) Leonard of Boston, Mass.
our program. It is not easy to do so. The tasks the press.
tion. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO FRIGHTEN immediately. Henceforth, rigid is now taking 120 coples per week Resolution on Greece are tremendous, the enemies innumerable. We US.
niversary in the revolutionary socialism in no other country, but no socialism in any country, observance of the rule that AP. an increase of 80 from a few We, 1, 500 workers assembled at have the right to spend our time and our attenmovement: Ten years were necessary for the Kremlin began to rock another cradle PEAL funds must promptly be weeks ago.
tion on the jubilee celebration only insofar as Hotel Center, New York, having clique in order to strangle the Bolshevik party The comrades have received me and today the baby is ten years sent to the proper destination (2) Howard Mangum of Portfrom the lessons of the past we can prepare heard an account of the barbarous with warmth and friendship. It old. Who can deny that it is a and to transform the first Workers State into a and should never, under any land is starting off with and ourselves for the future.
treatment inflicted gives me tremendous happiness. sturdy, strong young fellow? The circumstances, be used for any sinister caricature. Ten years were necessary for promises to give a good account Fourth Internationalists Poulithe Third International in order to stamp into The kind words written by Com Socialist Workers Party is the OUR HISTORIC TASK thing else.
of the new branch in the field of opoulos, Voursoukis, Catherin More rade Trotsky on his picture pre only bright ray that today penethe mire their own program and to transform (2) Immediate consideration literature phy, and other labor prisoners of Dear friends, we are not a party as other themselves into a stinking cadaver. Ten years!
sented to me remind me of the of a special affair to help the (3) From Palestine leading the Greek government, protest. parties. Our ambition is not only to have more Only ten years! Permit me to finish with a pregreatest honor the honor that trates the horror of present day APPEAL, the full proceeds of cities (Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and gainst these horrible crimes, members, more papers, more money in the diction: During the next ten years the program was given to comrades in Russia, saw the beginning of the Sec which should go to liquidating Haifa) we get various orders to We call upon the Greek gov treasury, more deputies. All that is necessary, of the Fourth International will become the the Order of Lenin pinned upon ond International and its fall. old debts. We request branch ex taling 16 copies per week. About ernment to cease these offensive but only as a means. Our aim is the mateguide of millions and these revolutionary millions their breasts. feel as if Consaw the beginning of the Third ecutive committees to give this 75 copies go cach week to various practices and to accord these and rial and spiritual liberation of the toilers and will know how to storm earth and heaven.
rade Trotsky has pinned the International and its fall. Now to prompt action.
sections of Palestine.
all political prisoners immediate exploited through the socialist revolution. NoOrder of Trotsky on my breast:gether we launch the Fourth Inrelease.
body will prepare it and nobody will guide it but LONG LIVE THE SOCIALIST WORKERS Not that am a hero worshipper ternational which will accomplish SOCIALIST APPEAL and NEW INTERNATIONAL We ask that a copy of this ourselves. The old Internationals the Second PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES. for have helped to pull down the tasks betrayed by the Second resolution be sent to the American the Third, that of Amsterdam, we will add to LONG LIVE THE FOURTH INTERNAtoo many heroes from their ped. and the Third, Can be obtained at the following Newsstands Fund for Political Prisoners and them also the London Bureau are rotten TIONAL!
estals. But in the last ten years MAGIC WORD NEW YORK CITY Refugees for transmission to the through and through. TROTSKY. of darkness of despair, the words We live now in the atmosphere QUAKERTOWN, Penna.
MANHATTAN: Fourteenth St.
Greek Ambassador at Washing The great events which rush upon mankind Coyoacan, DF of Leon Trotsky have been like of impending war. My war mem at University Place, At Front West Broad Sta.
will not leave of these outlived organizations one October 18, 1938.
a bell for a ship in distress, lead ories remind me of many en Broadway, at Fourth Ave. ing it to safe harbor.
counters. was sent on tour by W: at Fourth Ave. at JOINED IN 1888 Andelman s, Tremont St. opp.
Hotel Bradford)
the German language federation Fourth Ave. a and 2) at National Committee Greets In 1888, fifty years ago, joined of the to speak in German Third Ave. at Third Ave.
the Social Democratic Party of at anti war meetings. That was no opp. Jefferson Theatre at Konikow On 50th Anniversary Russia, Life was as dark and Fellx s, Massachusetts Ave. at easy task at the height of the Second Ave. at Sixth Ave.
Harvard Square Rand Book Store, E. 15th Dear Comrade Konikow: hopeless as it may seem to many war frenzy. Many times comrades St; 12th St. and University Pla LYNN, Mass.
The National Committee of the Socialist Workers Party extoday. was delighted to hear the would approach me, pale and Candy Store, 75 Greenwich 54 Central Sq. Rm. 12 Sam Corner, Olympia Square tends to you, dear comrade, its heartiest congratulations and Following are excerpts from cides everything. And here to congress of the Second Interna on another subject. They pointed Forty second st. at Fifth Ave. ROXBURY, MASS.
the speech delivered by James night, on our tenth anniversary. warmest greetings on the occasion of your fiftieth anniversary of tional: Only the working class to German detectives and the w: at Sixth Ave. at Sixth Friendly Variety, Warren st. Grove Hal. Cannon, national secretary of the credit, with a world organization with some modest successes to our revolutionary activity.
will lead the Russian revolution! sheriff sitting in the crowd. Orten Ave. at Seventh Ave. Your fiftieth anniversary of service coincides with the formal But the working class of Russia felt like weakening but there opposite Sterns; 103 44th St. INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana Socialist Workers Party at the carrying us forward like a great Lyric News Shop foundation of the resurgent revolutionary movement of the world was spiritually even further away was one magic word that gave me Essex and Delancy StsBook Center Hotel mass meeting last wind in the sails of a ship, we from us than the workers of the strength to do my duty. tell it store at Grand and Attorney Sta: 115 N, Illinois Street under the banner of the Fourth International. The coincidence of Friday: MINNEAPOLIS repeat: the program decides ev. these two occasions contains a deep symbol. Your presence in our United States today. If anyone had you comrades it neay again Candy Store, 9th St. and Labor Book Store, 919 Marquette We are not the evangelists of a erything!
ranks, with fifty years of uninterrupted service on your shoulders told us at that time that 15 years help you. The magle word was Second Ave: Blederman Book Shinder s, Sixth Hennepin; later a strike of one and a half Liebknecht.
new revelation (Cannon then reviewed the genStore, 12th St, and The movement Kroman s, Fourth Nicollet.
million workers would almost dana visible testimony to the continuity of our historic movement, its Before conclude, let me say a Wigerson, 145th St. and of resurgent Bolshevism in Amer eral world situation as it existed ST. LOUIS MO.
ice which we have created and in 1928 when our movement beFoster Book Company firm roots in the experiences and traditions of the past, and its overthrow Czarism, and that 15 few words to the youth. No serolas Ave; 110th St. and Columbus years after that the Russian sol mons or admonitions for you do Ave 410 Washington Blvd.
whose anniversary we celebrate gan, the bright facade of ascendunshakeable conviction of the future victory dier would turn his gun not only not need them! am prout of st: Jerome Ave. and 167th St.
BRONX: Jerome Ave. 170th tonight is already teri years old. ant capitalism, the seeming triCLAYTON MO.
In your endurance and tenacity you personify the unconquer against Czarism but against the you. went to tell you that envy Copp. Loew Theatre. Sorkin, But at the outset of our struggle umph of Fordism over Marxism, The Book Nook, 2A Meramac able spirit of our great movement. This grand celebration meeting said nothing the defeats of the working class ten yours ago, we Russian bourgeoisie, we would not you, your youth and vigor. weuld 206th St. and Bainbridge Ave YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio new. We anchored our struggle, in China, in the British general is honored by your presence on the platform and joins with one Nick s, Wick St, and Commerce by its theory, its program, its strike, the decadence in the narlaughed. But it happened and it work with you for your task in St. and Prospect Ave; Allerton voice in saluting you, the veteran of the old movements of the revolutionary proletariat and the valiant pioneer of the new movewill happen again. Only this time the coming years will be the most Ave. Station Freeman Ave. and methods, and its traditions, in the row circles that constituted the SAN FRANCISCO ment that rises on their foundations.
it will not take 30 years.
great world emancipation struggle radical movement.
important in human history. You Southern AT MANY CRADLESIDES 174th St MacDonald Bookstore, 65 6th St.
have great monsters to fight, Fas Boston Davlatge Rd, Fillmore Bookstore of the proletariat set on foot by (Our task, he continued, was to National Committee, Socialist Workers Party, have had to sponsor so many cism, Stalinism. It was easier to 3897 Sedgwick Ave.
Ave. East Moshuta Subway Sta. Sutter Fillmore Sts.
the Russian revolution of 1917. So bang on, to tell the truth, to rely JAMES CANNON, National Secretary new organizations that have work under the Russian Czar than LOS ANGELES It is only in a formal sense that on the inexorable development of often jokingly told my comrades under Stalin, easier under the 4th Sts. Tompkins a BROOKLYN: Havemeyer and we celebrate our tenth annivers social forces to confirm our views. ism. It has already passed its a worthy section of the Fourth that feel like a mother always German Kaiser than under Hitler. Aves. Strauss st. near Pitkin 233 Broadway, Room 312 1541 Echo Park Ave.
In the decade that has passed this zenith, its day of glory, and sinks International. That is, a party rocking a new cradle and that is Smith News, 5th Main Sta.
AN UNSOILED BANNER Ave. Sutter Ave. near Van Sin Modern Book Shop, 509 5th St.
We have a full right also to say course was more than justifled. ever deeper into decline and decay with a scientific program, an hon all wrong for me, for am known that we are celebrating our 21st Capitalist economy was shattered from which there is no way out est party that tells the truth to as an advocate of birth control. than we had, more knowledge, the But you have better weapons deren Ave.
Shoe Shine Shop, 2807 Brooklyn LONG ISLAND: 23rd St. 45th Candy Store, 2231 Brooklyn Ave.
Ave. Crescent St. and Bridge Candy Store, 2141 Brooklyn Ave.
directly to Nov. 1, 1917. Many of which continue, with incidental are dedicated to the task of or ers party, and at the same time Russian Social Democracy and out leadership of the greatest living Plaza 27th St. and Bridge PlaSAN DIEGO, Call.
us adhered then to the banner of Auctuations. The seeming dorganizing this American revolu a disciplined party, a party united of it came a great giant, the Rus genius of the revolution, Leon esa Universal News Co. 242 way Bolshevism, the banner of strugwith revolutionary workers in all sian Bolshevik Party. After being Trotsky ROCHESTER, Sweet Shop, 2526 Brooklyn Ave.
gle and victory. The program in movement gave way to profound The founding of the Fourth In lands in one army for one idea, expelled in the United States from We place in your hands a ban.
AKRON, Ohio 433 Clinton St.
corporated in the Russian revolu political crises Germany ternational raises our national one program, one goal. That goal the Socialist Labor Party. soon ner unsoited. Many times it was France, and Spain, News Exchange, 51 Main St.
257 Clinton St.
tion was our program 21 years the struggle to higher ground, gives is nothing less than the workers began to rock the cradle of the dragged into the mud. We lifted Cor. Cumberland Clinton Sts.
Cigar Store, next cor. Bartges ago. It was our program ten years United States took the form of us greater strength and wider conquest of the world. All the Debs party, later the Socialist it up and lovingly cleansed it to Cor. East Ave. Chestnut St. Main St ago when we began the new the greatest labor union revival in vision. It is the symbol of the material conditions are already Party. It seemed to contain a give it to you. Under the red cor. Main Clinton Sts.
OAKLAND, California Cor. Main Bouth Ave.
7th and Washington is our program now. But neither and the world was faced again It is the invincible banner of res. History has put Socialism on the Rusian revolution proved that sky, you will conquer.
NEWARK, 12th, bet. way Mariston with the menace of war. The de olutionary workers in every coun order of the day and the workers there was a weak spot in its were the Bolsheviks the inventors Andrew Williams And when that great moment Reitman s, cor. Broad William feats and treachery of Stalinism try of the world.
of new panaceas. They were the exposed it all over the world as Broadway, near 19th revolution is the means to realize spine.
Littman s, veritable continuators of Marx the worst betrayer of the revolu you to join us in building a party the herald and the organizer of cradle, the cradle of the young you at that glorious time, and We aim to build and we invite it. The Fourth International is then helped to rock another think of us, who will not be with arrives, pause for a moment and cor. Hawthorne Ave. Reeves PL ANNOUNCEMENTS and Engels.
PATERSON, tion. After paying tribute to mar in the Urited States which will be this liberating revolution. Gunbello Stationery Store JAMES vigorous Communist Party. The say: Comrades, sleep in peace. Max Just as Lenin and Trotsky had tyrs of our struggle all over the 317 Straight St.
to cleanse the banner of Marxism world, the speaker continued. Shachtman, Max Eastman, Sidglory of those days of the great The work has been done.
from the blood and Alth of soney Hook, James Burnham, Nodelman Newsstand, cial Democratic treachery in the FACE THE FUTURE Chicago Attention!
Church St. bet. Chapel Center George Novack, and others play Baseball at the Gala Event of World War, so we, ten years ago Our tenth anniversary is a mile.
CHICAGO recognized that Stulin and his stone in our work. It is a festive MAX SCHACHTMAN 10th ANNIVERSARY BANQUET the Fall, Baseball Game and 160 Wells, Rm. 308 lique were nothing more than Ballon occasion for us. We take pride in Cor: 57th Blackstone Thanksgiving Eve. betrayers and we tore the banner our achievements but we do not will speak on: Saturday, November 12th at 7:00 Cor. 12th Kedzie Wednesday, November 28, 1938, at Hotel Center, 108 West 43rd of Bolshevism from their hands. News, 37 Monroe rest there. All work of the Al Venetian Hall, Labor Lyceum Ten Years of the Left Opposition the Ceshinsky Street, Refreshments. The speaker then reviewed the past is only a proparation for the 21st Anniversary of the Russian Revolution Kedzie Ogden Avenues)
ALLENTOWNhop PA early, small beginnings of the op future. This celebration of ten Swing Band. Tickets now on Speakers: Zettlemeyer, 637 Hamilton St.
position movement within the years of struggle is also a mobilsale, 75. American Fund for Also, the New York Speech of LEON TROTSKY Will be Otto Yost, 383 Hamilton St.
Communist Party, and conti ization for the new and immeasLYDIA BEIDEL, Master of Ceremonies Political Prisoners and Refu, PHILADELPHIA Presented by Electrical Transcription!
nued. urably greater struggle in the ARNE SWABECK. ALBERT GOLDMAN. ALBERT GATES geos. 100 Fifth Avenue. Tel AL1806 North Franklin St. THE PROGRAM DECIDES gonquin 8659 years ahead Cor. 13th and Market Sts.
Elaborate Program Delicious Supper We began with the unshakable We do not believe in the permCor. 11th and Market Sts. Join with Max Shachtmapy Naster Admission: 65c conviction that the program de anence of. United States capital 40th St. Girard Ave. Ceremonies, November 19. CLA 8th St. Arch St.
Auditorium, 15th St. Vaio 390, Cannon Reviews the Past And Points to the Future tha in FARRELL PHILADELPHIA MASS MEETING Friday, November 11. P.