BolshevismCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninMarxismMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Socialist Appeal Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. II No. 48 Saturday, November 5, 1938. 375 Five Cents per Copy Faces Crucial Issues Of Democracy In the Unions POUM Leaders Sentenced CONVENTION NEXT 1, 500 Hear Trotsky Speak DECISIVE STEPS Antoinette Konikow Honored by Tribuțes at TWENTY ONE YEARS war lead them to the final triumph. There was only the Social Democ: PROGRESSIVE PAINTERS SPURN BRIBES DISCOVERS Pourth International all become NEW DEMOCRATIC HERO IN BATISTA NMU Seamen Bullied into to Signing Rotten Contract The Communist International, forged in the fires of the Rus. deherente ce in sale de pe acero Vicious Campaign Against Lundeberg and this question in the problem of en with the reactionary forces Internationale, second andere onde Union Spanish Veterans Form New Group eTwenty one years ago this week the Russian workers and provisional committee has peasants seized power from the capitalists and created the first been established by American Workers State in history.
veterans of the Spanish civil an organization to be Workers Everywhere Must Protest Savage To a world weary of slaughter, dark with the hopelessness of known as Veterans of the the war, the Russian revolution came like a dazzling ray of light, Spanish Revolution.
Tenth Anniversary Celebration; Cannon The Prison Terms Meted Out to Spanish Unity and Fight on illuminating a new path to a new future, a future without war, group held a meeting last Revolutionary Militants Points the Road Ahead without hunger, without oppression Wednesday night and will Stalinism on the meet again on n Nov. 16 at the Lenin and Trotsky, who led the Russian Bolsheviks to the Theater Building, 14th Street Five leaders of the Workers Party of Marxist Unification, the Agenda Nearly 1, 500 crowded into the main ball room of the Center first great working class victory in the history of the modern Hotel in New York City last Friday night to celebrate the founding and Avenue (entrance on were sentenced this week to 11 to 15 years Imprisonment 14th St. All qualified veterans at the conclusion of the staged treason trial in Barcelona, By WIDICK world, repeated a thousand times that the workers revolution in of the Fourth International and the coincident tenth anniversary of according to dispatches in the press Russia would and could survive only if the workers of other lands were urged to attend.
Labor Secretary our movement in this country.
Julien Gorkin, Juan Andrade, Jordi Aquer, Pedro Bonet, and PITTSBURGH, Pa. The followed suit, overthrew their own capitalists and laid the basis The new organization will Enrique Gironella were found guilty and sentenced to these prison Leon Trotsky addressed the meeting by electrical transcrip for the reconstruction of world economy on a world scale. Isolated, conduct vigorous anti fascist terms. Jose Escuder and Trebull were acquitted, the report sala convention here will mark an imtion. He reviewed the history of the movement that has come to portant milestone in the history the Soviet State was doomed Activities and will also work in Few or no details of the frame up trial have appeared in the of the American labor movement fruition in the newly founded International and reiterated its his.
the defense of working class local press. Enough has been reported elsewhere, however, to reveal It will be the first time that the toric task, the full material and spiritual liberation of the toilers The workers in Central Europe responded to the stimulus of militants and anti fascists im the complete frame up character of the trial, the complete failure of the Russian revolution, surging forward in a mighty wave that prisoned and persecuted by the and exploited through the socialist revolution.
the prosecution to prove a single one of the charges of relations mass production workers are overwhelmingly represented at a toppled the thrones of the Hohenzollerns and the Habsburgs and Barcelona regime. During the next ten years, he national labor convention. The This monstrous frame up was staged for the purpose of covering Is based primarily on the carried them to the very threshold of workers power.
predicted, the program of the up the impending sell out of the anti Fascist cause, the Impending Industrial workers. The future Munich settlement of the Spanish situation under the benevolent the guide of millions and these revolutionary millions will know racy which sought not the socialist order, but the defense and tutelage of Britain and France, Germany and Italy. The Loyalist course of the industrial workers government, making ready use of the frame up apparatus of the will largely be determined by the how to storm earth and heaven.
policies adopted at this convenTrotsky speech was the climax preservation of capitalism. With their aid, the capitalists counterattacked, drove the workers back, and re established their tottering ceeding with all the necessary vigor against working class militants.
of meeting that dramatically The burning issue of Inbor Workers throughout the world must protest the trial proceedings, unity looma in the forefront of symbolized the struggles, the sacpower.
rifices, the traditions, hopes, and the charges, and the savage sentences!
After four years of unremitting struggle, of indescribable In the trial of the leaders, the imprisonment and execu. must Answer.
The danger of war, Cuban Dictator Due has now entered the most fruit the questions this convention that hardships imposed by civil war, the Bolsheviks defeated the Whites tion without trial of hundreds of worker militants, the Loyalist the growth of incipient American and the interventionist forces of the foreign imperialists. But then Lash Administration regime is hoping finish off what remains of the Spanish revolu fascism, the need for independent For War Parley ful period of its development un.
tionary movement. That is why we must mobilize the broadest der the unfurled banner of the they stood alone. In this isolation were nourished the germs of the For Pork Barrel in Washington Fourth International.
degeneration that has now so grossly deformed the Workers State possible movement of protest against these frame ups. It is the cause political action, the unemploy.
ment question; these are the maof the working class revolution itself which is at stake!
Regime jor problems demanding solu and had such baleful effects upon the working class movement in Konikow Speech Highlight tion If the workers are to go forBy LOPEZ other countries.
ward The Dally Worker has recently One of the highlights of the From the formest internationalism that characterized the basic plete bankruptcy of the Weinstock NEW YORK, Nov. The comStalinist Issue Decisive reported good news from Cuba evening was the tribute paid to Bolshevik program, the Soviet bureaucracy crystallizing around the regime in District Council of wil the convention con Through the leader of the Cu Cororade Antoinette Konikow of sider its most serious internal ban Communist Party, Blas Roca, Boston, who colebrates the Artieth previously obscure figure of Joseph Stalin turned, first gradually the Printers Union was revealed rebe not the stalinist rule or ta, champlon of the bloody ty. Witness and participant in the weakness: the treacherous influit informed its readers that Batis anniversary of her participation nationalism.
which were exposed in full by. with of Latin. Founding of the Second and Third democracy within the itsele. In the United States and accept Social Democracy and of the Comsian Revolution and armed by Lenin and Trotsky with a powerful conference in the latest tasue of organ Militant Seafarers International It must it the workers are ed the baptism of democratic munist Party in thelt first days Marxist program, was converted into a border patrol of the Soviet the Inter Local Conference of to be free to determine their own faith.
Progressive Painters Clubs.
Precedes Voting; destiny.
Cuba history is rich in dicta. Comrade Konikow was one of the The Communist Party of Germany capitulated without a The Stalinist administration of founders of the Fourth Interna How the convention witors. But whatever their names struggle to Hitler in 1933, surrendering the German workers to the Council suffered a telling blow when the painters voted last week signed an agreement const unions, namely the Sailors flected in the pre convention stood always the same boss: Committee of the Socialist WorkThe National Maritime Union ratified and signed here weat deal with these problems is re and their methods, behind them tonalist movement in this coun try. Tributes from the Natiodal the scourge of Fascism.
overwhelmingly to defeat a 00 with the American Merchant Me Union of the Pacife and the moves of John Lewis and the imperialism. With capital in The Communist Party of Spain, funkey of Anglo French im tax which Weinstock Co. at rine Institute containing essen Marine Firemen Union, had top leadership.
vestment of 1, 500, 000, 000 in Cuba ers Party and from Leon Trotaky perialism, erected the dams of terror to turn back the tides tempted to foist on the member tially the same terms that were warned against many provisions were read.
An imposing facade of strength sugar cane fields, tobacco planta Her vigor and her enthusiasm of the The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia after converting the from the head on crashe prepared membership only six months ago. conditions under which east coast to impress the Ar. of Le and the more than 400 investment per Redrine basenie o compare and comrade general public. Startling figures capita of the island population only not having another 50 years Czech labor movement into an appendage of the vilest nationalism icy of the Communist Party.
put the agreement over this time below the west coast standard.
of membership will be revealed.
sacrificed it without a murmur to General Syrovy and the reaction Would Bribo Progressives by bull doaing campaign in The new agreement provides The for example, will bulwark of the Panama Canal in to whom she addressed no ser ary satellites of Hitler and Goering.
Now, according to the paper isThe Communist Parties of France, England and the United Stalinists have approached leaders not accept. The result was a ref coast. However, this is no in. than claimed at the peak of the beginning of this century to main banner she has helped keep alatt sued by the Progressives, the which the men were threatenedne sme prevails on the west though this is higher figure ceased for one minute since the hope that they would carry the for a basic wage scale which is report over 500, 000 members, al the east. Washington has not mons or admonitions but the firm with loss States shouted themselves hoarse for a People Front as a substitute of the Progressives and offered erendum vote in favor of accepcrease over what was being pala LO.
tain an iron hand over the polities to the final victory. When she for the class struggle, and finished by leading the parade of war them jobs in an attempt to buy tance by the suspiciously large here. In payment of overtime, New Unity Bla in the Pearl of the Antilles, mongers and armaments builders.
them off. We ll give you ten majority of 10 to one. The agree the workers actually lose by the The another Ambassador Rules had finished, the crowd spontane The 21st anniversary of the Russian Revolution, which set in weeks at 52. 50 week for nine ment was said to cover 20, 000 agreement. Most significant, how bid for unity with the Af of Le The genuine rullr of the des ously rose in an ovation to a fine motion the greatest revolutionary movement of modern times, the of the organizers to your discrerevolutionary spirit and stal ever, is the fact that the prefer men on less Intransigent terms than tinies of the Cuban Republic rewart militant.
Communist International, accurs at a time when this movement is tlon, the Progressive Painter the Merchant Marine Institute, at antee a closed shop. Following ternational untons like the rubbis task to maintain the polities Curran concluded the deal with ential hiring clause does not guar one year ago. The actions of in sides in the embassy. It le Colorful Meeting teduced to a shambles and what still remains is a miserable carica quotes the Weinstockites as sayture of a revolutionary organization.
Ing. We want to give you the the same time viciously attacking is the hiring clnuse: The members of the Young ber workers, auto workers, etc. stability of the country for the the whole system of militant The Hiring Clause the actions of state counbenefit of monopolistic exploita People Socialist League to whom The 21st anniversary of the Russian Revolution occurs not in post of Assistant Secretary, posts in the Real Estate and Complaint unlonlsm represented among seathe red setting of Central European revolutions and colonial upris. Departments. If you like we The company agrees it it will cils urging unity, will set the tone tion of the Cuban masses by Comrade Konikow particularly for the convention.
Morgan, the inspirer of the Span addressed herself were smartly ings but in the reactionary milieu of the Munich Pact. Fascism might rearrange the Council Wetary of the Sailors Union of the sive all its employment, except Considerable speculation has ish American war which brought represented by a color guard Pacific.
for certain positions (senior marches triumphantly through Europe. The Democrats throw off give you better proportional rep.
electricians, and reefers on arisen here over reports that Cuba under the domination of the which opened the meeting by marching down the alles, red their hypocritical masks. The Daladiers follow the footsteps of will Lewis will resign as chair United States.
Agreement Bans Qulekles liners with over 40, 000 cubic The liberal Roosevelt adminis dags aloft, and singing revoluing to give you a post in the man as a maneuver to win more While heads character feet reefer space. to members support in unity negotiations with tration has been especially activetionary songs. On the platform, For the working class a more difficult struggle against a stronger thing you want (even now elec stumbling block in the way of providing that the prospective Finance Department. Any ized the agreement as another of the union when available, the of in this work. When in 1933, the draped with red flags and great ruling class. And for the Soviet Union growing isolation the tion just ask for it! But stop Lundeberg Seafarers Interna employees are satisfactory to Absence of the International mars rebellion against the bar portraits of Lenin and Trotsky Ladies Garment Workers Union barian dictatorship of President they formed a guard of honor, repacts with France, with Czechoslovakia, with Poland are torn to your agitation and cooperate with tional Union of North America, the Company (our emphasis is expected although its executive Machado and his officers clique placed at Intervals throughout shreds until a new iron ring encircles the Workers State tighter us in putting over an assessment shipping interests here hailed it Ed. This section shall not be board does not meet until Nov. was at its height, the present the evening. They gave a splen.
construed to prevent or postthan the cordon sanitaire forged by Lloyd George and Clemenceau. Be good boys, and become a as a step toward peace and 10 to consider the question. Its Under Secretary of State, Sumner did demonstration of vigor and pone re employment of emafter the last war. Then the young Soviet Republic was isolated The answer of the Progressivestration clauses insisted upon by presence here would have a tre Welles, forced upon Cube a new discipline that made the meeting ployees who may be absent on but only in terms of imperialist politics. for the fervent partisan to this approach was a general the shipowners prohibit so called account of illness, accidents, mendous influence for labor unity. President de Cespedes. military the most colorful our party Has ship of millions of workers throughout the world was solidly horse laugh all around. Nobody quickles.
revolt, led by the then Sergeant ever held.
vacations or leaves of absence.
Bureaucratie Preparations Batista, swept into power the lb. The other speakers of the evebehind it.
was fooled by this sudden atti On the west coast so called The intent of this clause is that The convention is being pre eral government of Grau San Marning represented in their own The isolation of the Soviet Union from the world proletariat dude of brotherly love and con qulckie strikes, or job action, vacations or leaves of absence pared in the usual John Lewis tin against the desires of Sumner Persons the history of the movethe strongest shall be granted in writing when fashion. Its bureaucratic struc Welles. This was the first and ment. James Cannon, national coincides tragically with the internal degradation of the conquests sideration for the tank and nie. are considered weapon marine workers have leaving the vessel and shall not ture will be similar of the Russian Revolution. Soviets, trade unions, factory commit The statement of the Progres against the bose.
to that of last government of Cuba which secretary of the Socialist Workexceed a period of one round the of Li convention. The tried to ease the untold massere Party, Max Shachtman, edit.
tees, all the organs of workers democracy are wiped out a distant (Continued on Page 8) Before the contract was (Continued on Page Continued on page 3) misery and to avert the threator of the New International and memory only for the few of the remaining veterans of the revolution enios revolution by social re the Socialist Appeal, and Martin forms.
Abern, business manager of the who by some miracle escaped the purge. Act, literature, science Washington Intervenes New International, were the three gasp in a totalitarian strait jacket.
But Grau had reckoned without original pioneers who were the And while the disruption of economy by Stalin wreckers Roosevelt and Welles. Washing frat to be expelled from the Comcontinues unrestrained, the condition of the Soviet masses is daily ton refused recognition to bis munist Party they ad helped aggravated. Long queues wait once again before the food and The Socialist Workers Party Touch no other levers in any FOR CONGRESS: Belsky.
government, enforcing an eco found because they raised the Nassau Suffolk Queens: Pier Bronx: 21. Eli Krleger: 22. Abra nomic boycott Against it. Welles banner of the Aght against its de commodity stores. Rich farmers and bureaucrats steal a large por urges all voters to write in the of the top rows but turn to Row names of James Cannon for for the American Labor Party repoint Twitchell.
ham Tuvita: 28. Carl Parsons and his successor Jefferson Cal generation under Stalin. In their tion of the wealth produced by the nation workers. But the end overnor, and McKinney, and pull down the levers over the Brooklyn: Bernard Kleban; Richmond Rockland: 24. Delfery, both emissaries of the Good addresses they reviewed the is not yet.
for Senator, full term, at the polls names listed below. Ignore all Joseph Dermody; Bernard Res. more Brickman.
Neighbor Roosevelt had won Bat struggles of the past decade and Having driven the Workers Fatherland to the precipice of next Tuesday.
others. If you pull a lever down wick.
FOR THE ASSEMBLY: ista to set the machinery of the outlined the path to the future. Continued on Page 4)
On the rest of the ticket we by mistake you can uft it up Brooklyn Queens: Spencer Manhattan: Giuseppe Vallcen army against the Grau governurge support only of those candi again without invalidating the Binyon.
t; Salvatore Bonanno; Jo ment.
Other Speeches dates running on the American vote.
Manhattan Richmond: 11. John seph Burke; Arthur Hart. After Grau resignation the Maurice Spector, former memPouliopoulos Escapes From Labor Party ticket without run ley: 10. Bella Dodd: 12. Loute puppet presidenta Mendieta, Gober of the Executive Committee On the Constitutional Amend Manhattan: 13. Eugene Con Tomka; 15. Clifford McAvoy: 23. mez, Laredo, etc. obtained im of the Communist International, Hands of Metaxas Police capitalist parties. This is the con ments. we urge voting as follows: nelly: 15. Daniel McDonough: Samuel Hendel.
mediate recognition by Wasbing now co editor of the New Inter crete expression it is possible to Amendments 1, 2, 3, 5, Vote NO. 17. George Backer; 18. Martin Bronx: Richard Browne; ton, while Batista, inspired by national, described the meaning of give in this election to a program Amendments 4, 6, 8, Vote YES. Kyne; 19. Joseph Schlossberg. Abraham Rubenstein: Morris the example of Mussolini and Hit intornationalism, the root and Word reached here last week comrades, of independent political action by Manhattan Bronx: 22. Thomas Fuchs; Meyer Levenstein; ler, allenced the Cuban masses and stem of our movement, the es that Pouliopoulos, secretary of Last week we reported in these labor.
The list of candidates to be Leary.
Nathaniel Minkoff: John Don their leaders with emergency sence of Ita program.
the Greek Fourth International columns on the plight of 3, 000 HOW TO VOTE voted for on the American Labor Bronx: 23. Isidor Nagler. nell; Gerald Muccigrosso; Inws, tortures, castor oil, shootings George Clarke, associato editor lats, has escaped from prison. working class prisoners in con In the voting booth above the Party slate is as follows: Bronx Westchester: 24. Bartho George Steinhardt.
and imprisonment.
of the Socialist Appeal and one of Pouliopoulos was arrested along centration camps located on is top row of levers you will see a State Offices: Controller, Lang lomew Murphy.
Brooklyn: William Kenney: All the efforts of Batista to the first to foln the Left Oppoalwith 12 other leading comrades of lands in the Aegean Sea. Through series of slides which lift up dia don Post; Attorney General, Jo FOR STATE BENATE Anthony Callace; 15. George Rog gain mass support beyond his tion in this country, paid tribute the Greek organization by police an error in transcribing the trans gonally slightly to the right. Lift seph Leary.
Queens: wmam Power; era; 17. Theophilus Alcantara; 19. military following failed. Having to the martyrs who have already of the Metaxas dictatorship. The lation, we said that among them up the slide over the designation Brons: Municipal Court Justice, Philip Brown; George Ritkin; Peter Bonnano.
crushed the powerful general given their lives under our ban Metaxas police announced a re were at least ten of our com for Governor and print in clearly Matthew Levy. Louis Sadoff; 10. Louis Lam Queens: 1: William Grogan; strike in 1935, he outlawed all the ner for the cause of the workers ward of 25, 000 drachmas for the rades. The actual number is near with pencil the name of James Kings: County Judge, Louis bert: 11. Irving Velson. Leroy Maclean; Michael Ar trade unions and created atate revolution.
recapture of the courageous work ly 100.
Cannon. Over the designation for Waldman 12. Joseph zara; William Cowell, Jr. unlons in fascist style. But the Others who spoke represented ing class militant.
An addition to the list of thone Senator, full term. Line Queens: District Attorney, Leary: 13. Allen Taub; 16. John Allen Taft; John Perry. workers were nevertheless able to the currents that merged with the There were no additional details arrested was Nikainas, a pull down the slide and write in Frederick Ritter. Sullivan; 17. Harold Baer: 18. Richmond: Ola Hudson; gain some freedom avon in the Left Opposition and are now tuned of the fate of the other arrested marble cutter, MoKinney.
Register: Matthew Napear. Victor Getner; 20. Joseph Joseph English. Continued on Png. Continued on Page 2)