Andrey VyshinskyAntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxMoscow TrialsMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Moscow, Outlaws de er 10, 000Plants Geared DEFENSE GROUP Sirovy, Friend of Navy Needs Kuomintang Gives Up Vital War Positions To Army, velt POUM Trial Foreshadows Munich Plan for Spain New Expulsion Wave in OCTOBER 29, 1938 SOCIX1191 APPEAL the Czech Communist Party.
How do Stalin Dimitrov expidin this catastrophic turn of affairs?
As at every decisive moment for ORGANIZED FOR Stalin remains mute. As for VICTIM Social Democrats and Union Leaders Join Dimitrovat he was stim alive the ballets of the will as.
in Craven Capitulation to Prosure his silence.
Blackwell ComHitler Regime Gold Finds Farmer Bat the leaders of Stalinism in mittee Is RepEurope and the United States (Continued from page 1)
By KELLER (Continued from page 1)
Armaments For Conquest order to lace the workers into the cannot as casily remain silent.
the real battlefront now becomes resentative Only the naive can have any The regimentation of the in Alaska; and a general exten.
Fascist strait jacket. Having se They cannot stifle the doubts and Not a sion of military and naval centers doubts about the real perspective Czechoslovakian labor movement cured the publie promise of the questions of their followers, Wait from plane, not a gun camo all of China nominally under the Chiang to aid in Canton Japanese flag. The Tokyo freeIn virtually all of the island pos in Roosevelt plans. The United NEW YORK in mod oficinas y the new authoritarian regime Stadin eto Venders to saerifice the ing for an answer from the defense Gen you and mou, left booters dare not yet color their approaching completiones the labor movement on the altar of Kremlin, they are marking time ton nate achieved that position in They hold only the railronics sessions of the United States.
States is absolutely immune to through the iron ring Spy Scare Smoke the possibility of attack from silence that has shrouded the spontaneous attempts of The picture of the new war foreign nations. From a strategic plight of Russell Negrete Black Crech workers to unify their outlaw the Communist Party.
ment. Mr. Michael Gold, oracle of his previous superior, Gen. Chen no means theirs. This has been 1936 by a judicious betrayal of and rivers. The countryside is by Perfidious Betrayal preparations would be in no sense point of view, it simply could not well for months, and to save him forces for resistance against the the Daily Worker, prescribed a complete unless it included notice be done. This means that the from the fate that overtook An. Fascist reorientation have failed. The history of the labor moveChi tang. That he had sold out and remains the basis for the of the shameless spy scare which armaments which Roosevelt is dres Nin who was assassinated The Stalinists and reformist lead ment is illed with betrayals by Munich deal he advised his read to the Japanese, with the proba hope and conviction that Japan, of the British, whatever the sweep of its appar the Administration is whipping building are and can only be in by agents of the a broad ors are determined to drink the bureaucrats who have alienated ers to retire into the idyllic solble connivance up. Here as elsewhere Roosevelt tended for use in external inter defense committee has been or bitter cup to the last drop.
themselves from their own class. itude of the country and to for otherwise the Japanese be little doubt, ent victories, is doomed to ultiinwould ate defeat in its whole China adhimself has taken the lead. His vention in the coming war that sanized to push his case into the The Czech Social Democratic But the exploits of the Czech get.
Department of Justice is hand Roosevelt knows is on the way. open where the aroused indigna Party has officially abandoned Stalinist leaders in the domain of Since Stalin remained stubbornnever have attempted the attack venture.
ling the fantastic trial of the four it does not make any difference tion and public protest of the the second International in order perfidy and treachery certainly y quiet, the rustic Mr. Gold pre with so small a force, vulnerable But that this should be so reto devastating flanking attacks quires a sharp turn from the polsuper awkward Nazi agents how often he or anyone else de American working class will force to win the toleration of Hitler. rank with any that have ever sents us now with a new line currently in session in New York. nies this intention and prattles his release.
The reformist trade union leaders gone before. In 1993 the demo through the mouth of a certain through its 125 mile march inland icies of resistance directed by from the sea.
He himself gave the chief state about peace and defense. The Blackwell is the 34 year old have taken a similar decision. cratic government of Prague un chicken and diligent der President Monryk accused to keep a who manages Chiang Kai shek and his fellow British Connivance ment on the spy menace and strategic facts tell the true story. American militant, who went to Jointly with the trade unions of generals. The ex Communist the need of adequate steps to In spite of the warnings from Spain two years ago to help fight the Benes party they have the Stalinist leaders of high eye cocked on the cockeyed The Japanese, as usual, chose Eighth Route Army has been meet it.
the past, the American workers for Socialism and who has twice merged with the company unions treason and espionage in behall world, said this farmer: There their moment to invade South forced to remain bottled up in Through the spy scare Roose are being caught off guard by been arrested by the Secret of the Agrarians, Catholics, and of a hostile state (the were also Czechoslovak leaders China with an eye and ear cocked Shansi. Chiang refused to let it is aiming at a number of the vigor and scale of the Roose Police.
Fascists. The first act of the Gottwald and kopetsky fled to who sold out their own people.
to the European situation. It was take its place on the vital Genibirds at clear that Britain would do noth tral China front. The Communist once: he seeks to justify vélt war campaign, and they are Among the members of the united unions was to endorse Moscow. There they helped to Through the inspiration of his in the eyes of the public the new being hamstrung effective op Committee are Anita Brenner, the computsory labor service or crush all volces of opposition in fluence in South China, econom in all things, to the all mighty Party leaders deferred in this, as appropriations for Army and light has penetrated the chickenpolition to it by the political Ex, Sec y, Olay, American rep: dered by the military aictator the Comintern after the German new political mentor a beam of ing to defend its sphere of indefent, tenaciously maintaining like brain of Mr. Gold. He has ically dominated by Hong Kong, generalissimo.
Navy: he gets ready to smear with charges of treason and Lewises and Greens and Dubin OncalCarlo Tresca, James the theory of social fascism. At discovered: The overthrow of cxcept to make the best possible Dissolved Masses Victimized foreign agent all opponents of skys have imposed upon them. Cannon, John Chamberlain, Jas.
the end of 1985 they returned Hitler is something no reaction arrangement through negotiation.
his war plans; and he lays the If resistance to the war prep. Farrell, Sidney Hook, and government, following the ex Front thesis for their newly dis world capitalism to its already Hong Kong. That is why it is ization broadcast abroad by the At the same time the Prague triumphantly with the People ary wants for it might shake have prolonged the paralysis of spite all the fanfare about mobilThe masses of the people debasis for the enlargement of the arations is to be organized, it is others.
Army and Navy Intelligence now or never. If the forces arotten core. The upper classes not hard to see the fine English Stalinists have been left, the has ordered the dissolution of the Through the Soviet Embassy in never have been patriotic. hand in the Canton deal.
Services into a full fledged coun gainst the war do not get into Twice Arrested ter espionage secret police which action, the American labor move Blackwell, arrested last May Communist Party in Bohemia and Prague they had obtained prom they have always placed class helpless, hapless victims of the would have as its main function ment will awake one morning in was released from a Madrid pris entire press and the cancellation drumming up the vote for Benes, Moravia and the suspension of its ise of immunity in return for interests above the nation.
The Japanese were positively war. That is why the defeats and Conclusion Avoided punctilious in their regard for the losses have been so heavy.
and revolutionary opposition to selt clamped solidly in the iron aboard a British vessel in Valen. Prior to this Gedye, the tered by the bourgeois police, go further because he would have there were correspondingly warm identified with the war in thelr president. ShelHere Mr. Gold stops. He cannot aries and the British authorities against the invaders has not been Hong Kong territoria! bound Because for the masses the war the war.
vise of the war machine. cia harbor on Aug. scheduled to Times correspondent who has they forced the workers to reto recognize the falsity and take him to safety of Marseilles and then home. He was snatched boen so partial to the Stalinists, nounce the class struggle in favor trenchery of the People Front the Japanese forces. What all this peasants, they have remained in in their praise of the conduct of own interests as workers and had by the Secret Police behind the tion of all activity by the Com of Czech imperialism. In order ing masses to the chariot of the taken Canton as a basis for bar vise reported the voluntary cessa of the rotten democratic regime policy, which harnesses the workmeans is that the Japanese have large part passive. Freed of the back of the American Consul into munist Party on the orders of to defend the Soviet Union, upper classes. But the workers of Chiang dictatorship, whose custody he had been res leaders, Gottwald and Kopet they became ardent patriots of land farmers who have been caining with the British in the aroused by the most vigorous leased for repatriation. He has sky. These two versions are not the capitalist republic.
negotiations now in progress. campaign of arming and organbeen held ever since.
duped and betrayed by the Golds at all contradictory. They fully Social Fascism Reincarnate Tasks That Remain ization, their energies directed and Browders, the Stalins and (Continued from page 1)
Eight tendencies in the Ameri complement cach other.
of the Spanish civil war.
Now they have proved that for Dimitrovs, must follow these halfThe fall of Canton and Hankow gainst the impositions of the h8of the M, Nin was in From the first the Socialist Ap can labor movement are repre The situation is clear as a bell. them, as for all genuine patriots, confessions to their logical con fare along clearly defined fronts. the native exploiter, the workers means the end of positional warted foreign invader and against carcerated in one of the notori peal, and before that our former sented on the Committee: The So The Prague government is eager it is the fatherland, right or clusion.
private organ, Labor Action in California, cialist Workers Party, Social to adapt itself to its Fascist wrong regardless of its political As long as the upper classes Kweichow, Szechwan, and in the tide, can alone make the vast In the western provinces, Hunan, and peasants can alone turn the prisons of the u. and raised the cry of warning against Democratic Federation, Indepen. neighbor. At the same time it is regime To avoid hampering the have the wealth of the nation, northwest in Shensi, regional Valleys of China too hot for the taken out and executed by a this impending betrayal by the dent Labor League, Il Martello compelled anything Czech capitalists and to save they will also have the upper Chinese control will continue. But invaders to hold. murder squad. The Stalinists great democracies.
Group. Challenge, Proletarian which would disrupt internal their own skins, they are volun hand in the affairs of the state. It still have the effrontery to repeat The interested reader will find Group, Workers peace and provide a pretext for tarily cooperating with Gen. Stwas they who decided until yesthat he made his escape to fa the relevant material, docu League and Tematy for Revolu military intervention by Gerrovy, the democrat of yesterday terday, as they decide today, the scist territory.
mented, in my Revolution and tionary Workers Party. The per many, Poland, and Hungary. It and the fascist of today, in bring policies of Czechoslovakia. The similar Stalinist report Counter Revolution in Spain. manent American representative therefore utilizes the aid of the ing about the dissolution of the governments of about Rovira means that that which was completed in October, of the has joined the com Stæsinist and reformist bureau labor movement. Indeed, if social Britain, France and the u. Stalinist Youth Ranks gallant figure is dead at the 1937. Furthermore, our movement, mittee and pledged the support cracies, which are trembling for fascism has ever really existed, equally serve the interests of hands of assassins. man of both here and abroad, time and of his organization in Spain. their lives and their positions, in it is incarnate in the teaders of their respective upper classes. In their frantic attempt to line the Bronx, two of the most active little theoretical equipment, a again put the question to the The interests of these upper up the membership of the Young members were expelled for resupporter of the right wing in the Stalinists, why they were silent classes we agree readily with Communist League behind the fusing to swallow the reactionparty, he was, nevertheless, a on the preparations for the beMr. Gold have nothing in com. Roosevelt New Deal war machine, ary People Pront and Demos fine example of a proletarian trayal, why they did not even mon with the interests of the the leadership of the is cratic Front policies of the fighter. In the successful struggle comment the plain intimations real nation, e. with the exploit meeting strong resistance from Harold Burt and Wolt, the to wipe out the fascist potsch in appearing during the last two ed masses. Their wars and their growing sections of the rank and expelled members, stated: Catalonia, he was in the fore years in the capitalist press. Continued from page 1) transition to such an anti alien, defendant who has turned state the needs of mankind but by of mass discontent with the so that the present opportunist pollpeace are determined not by file. In the last few months signis We tried to convince ourselves front and rose to be military The Stalinists were silent, decommander of an army division liberately silent. They were silent type withheld open support. Inafter leading troops because they were perfectly well deed, a New York Grand anti radical drive as featured the evidence after pleading guilty. their own profits.
last war.
cial patriotic line of collective cles of the were mere temadmitted, under cross examinaThe Real Conflict security have been seen. From porary maneuvers, designed to in the victorious assaults which prepared to permit the suffocadisted two Stalinists, Messrs. That is why, on the eve of this tion, that he established contacts Sharfin and Garber, connection trial, the President announced with the German espionage serv The maintenance and broad New York to California, and bluft the bourgeoisie, and that wrested Monte Aragon and tion of the anti fascist cause in Estrecho Quinto from the fa Spain, if in return there would rewith the Robinson Rubens pass that the country is full of spies, a ice solely in order to trap German ening of democratic rights of the points north and south, militants after a while the Party would scists. Seized by the in main some hope of securing for port fraud.
statement which has been called agents and thus win forgiveness workers and farmers and their or long standing in the are turn left. But we are now com.
July, 1987 we know his terrible the Soviet Union a military a chance to conduct an investica the box at the Nazi spy trial. All American army.
The Attorney had a to the attention of every juror in for having deserted from the final liberation will be possible being bureaucratically expelled. pletely certain that the Commu.
liance with France and England. tion and trial which would have this is clementary: the only through the consistent unIn New York City the number nist Party has sunk so deeply in.
Some Curious Facts derstanding of the irreconcilable of expulsions is largest. In the to the mire of reformism, that it The section of the indictment Stalin Role More than that, Stalin directly exposed some of the reactionary World Telegram, for example He was arrested last year to the conflict between their interests past few weeks the president of can never again return to the cates a typical Stalinist amalgam. collaborated in the plans for this anti labor frame up machinations characterized the present trin as midst of the ho e hullabaloo about the and those of the upper classes the Fort Washington Branch, Ed. path of Marx and Lenin.
That which the did betrayal.
The non intervention of the He chose to ignore a demonstration.
Robinson Rubens case, while pos that is, the capitalist regimes of ward Jaffe, and the Educational the chance, and pigeonholed the Fresh Start Director, Herbert Garfinkel, have It is not surprising that the ing as an American Under Secre all countries.
alas, only in words while in the apparatus, and the agreement for case. In the Nazi case, he prosecutor should have chosen tary of State in a clumsy effort been expelled for Trotskyism. The People Front in Spain, main they attached themselves to withdrawal by both sides of It is possible only through when asked for a statement on France, and elsewhere, have the People Front, as in the en foreign volunteers were the ordered an elaborate and costly a military spy case against the to get blank passports for use in purging the body of the work their expulsions, Jaffe and Gar brought to the workers defeat aftry of Nin in the Catalonian coali necessary pre conditions for the investigation, and brought the Nazi government, rather than a Russia. He did not come to trial ing class of the Stalinist poison ankel had the following to say: ter defeat. The only movement persons indicted after Sharfin labor spy case against the until he had spent some time in that has penetrated it.
Lion cabinet of September 24, coming betrayal what is to come This servant of military pola Governor Island dungeon.
Refused to Be Patriots which offers the workers a pro1986 criticism of the government is that an armistice will be im and Garber to trial.
What does this trial show? icy has nothing in principle He has admitted that he consults and the People Front, criticism posed on the pretext that it is Although we were both mem gram of revolutionary struggle against anti labor and anti daily, during the trial, with theer as not having his heart in the bets of the League for two years, against Imperialist war and tasWhat Trial Reveals of the Soviet Union polley, is required in order to carry out linked to the utterly false as the withdrawals of volunteers un Nazis seek to conduct military esIt shows, of course, that the radical espionage and frame ups. prosecutor. He has never been defense dropped the subject.
and held responsible positions, it cism is the Fourth International sertion that collabo der the direction of the non in An Important Aspect tried as a deserter. On the stand pionage. But it does not show It is interesting that Mr. Matt. didn take us very long to see world party of the proletarsan There is one aspect of the trial he characterized his brother as rated with Hitler and Mussolini. tervention committee. To all this that such espionage is clever, se which is becoming increasingly a little roughneck and a typica Hows. in his opening address to where Browder and Company revolution. We have no regrets at The main reason why the trial, Stalin agreed, as he was ready rious or successtul. The plans of prominent. As Herbert Solow little Nazi. He has used such himself from the line of defense League membership.
were leading the Party and our expulsion from the In the Young People Socialist is launched at this moment, is to agree to any infamy in return the spy. Rumrich, have been pointed out in an article in the colorful phrases as patriotism is of the two other defense lawyers, to muddy the waters of under for a military alliance with Englabeled by every reporter New Leader last week, the pres an abstract conception and such both of whom are rumored to complete bankruptcy of the ComTresh air of revolutionary social We became convinced of the League we are able to breathe the standing of the process which led land. At the time, in our pub ludicrous, fantastic, incredent trial has uncovered no ef words as ideology.
munist Party and Young Com 1m.
to the four power move against lished material on Spain, we polnible, etc. etc.
have official German backing, fective Nazi espionage against antifascist Spain.
ted out the future consequences In the City College Branch of Under cross examination he has where his heart is, remains to munist League when, at the start Indeed, one may suy that if the American military establish called himself a patriot and Like newborn innocents, the of this betrayal, and now, unbe of the Lenin Memorial Meeting the from which not a few Stalinists report the four power fortunately, our predictions are congress were its attitude ment, but it has contained several American counter spy after er. Matthews himself has de in Madison Square Garden, the members have been expelled in plan as if it were veritable coming true.
thunderbolt never suspected be Only fore. See, for example, the front Stalinist hirelings in Spain were ducted by the defendants now in the Soviet Union. This was further that he is a German Sandge. Rubens case. His denial came in Lenin to do that. At its conclu his complete disgust with the a few days ago the concerning the espionage con Nazi espionage directed against rect examination by Mr. Dunigarsees any connection between the way. We refused to rise and sine denfeld announced his resignation this week. Lindenfeld expressed spy. In an present case and the Robinson it. We had too much respect for court, including the one who emphasized by Moscow reac swer to a question by page story in the Daily Workerstill dispatching to the Stalinist turned State evidence, it would tions to the trial.
of October 8: press everywhere cable dis he has answered that it he had response to an objection raised by sion we raised our clenched fists counter revolutionary policies of be justified in refusing to appro London, Oct. Democ patches bathed in faith in the priate a penny for counter es reported the trial being followed rlous military secrets, unlike such tion Matthews put to the conden The New York Times of Oct. 22 ever gotten his hands on any so the prosecution against a ques and shouted Red Front. sud. Stalinism. After the murders of the Old racy hangman, Chamber murmur was heard all great democracies. If the lain, hopes to drag world democracies answer this which sets a record for bungling Because it is held to prove. photo album, he would never whether he had been reading the members shouted Throw out tain that Stalin was headed to this pionage against an organization with great interest in Moscow, Junk which he found in his fessed spy. He asked Rumrich around us, and several Party Bolsheviks in Moscow, was der Spanish Republic to the gallows after Czechoslova fident that it can prove to the ernment is Inboring to get jury let Union and other countries mans.
plea (for arms. Spain feels con and incompetence. But the gov. that Germany has sown the Sov: have turned it over to the Ger stories about the expose of the those dirty Trotskyites. We wards one thing the complete kin, it was learned here to. world, etc. etc. thus wrote the and public to take the case se with spies. Soviet commentators Robinson Rubens passport fraud thought we had come to a meet destruction of all the conquests day.
Daily Worker Barcelona cor riously, and it has the aid of the link derman espionage with Who Is Rumrich?
ring carly this year at the time ing to honor Lenin, but we soon of the October Revolution, he diabolical scheme to respondent (Daily Worker, Sep. Hearst and other militaristic Trotskyists. The dispatch added confessing? What is his confes passport coup.
said. was certain, now more Who is Rumrich? Why is he Rumrich attempted his farcial learned different.
blockade the Spanish Repubthan ever, that the biggest obtember 27, 1938. Joined lic and foist a four power Pravda Admission that significance is seen in the stacle towards the defense of the Creating Spy Scare fact that the New York trial is like a bombshell at Tuesday slon worth He Read the Papers Jaffe and Garfinkel said that Soviet Union is the defunct comdictatorship upon the Span If anyone might still believe, The prosecution objected to the they were happy to join the ish people has been devised in spite of the obvious evidence to create a general spy scare, not the trial of an alleged Trotskylst prosecutor of German spies and was immaterial unless Matthews afiliated to the Fourth Internaclean well of the working class.
The government main aim is occurring simultaneously with session, Mr. Matthews, war time question on the grounds that it Young People Socialist League intern, which, in its process of putrefaction, is poisoning the by Chamberlain pro Nazi henchmen, it was learned propagation of faith in the world budget a relatively small item being agents of German Italian sel for the here today.
democracies was not conscious which it could wheedle from Fascists. Pravda says: Both tri ser, asked Rumrich: Erich Gla son case is related to the present youth organization in the country linism and join the only force. This plan already gulle but honest obtuseness, the Congress on general principles, als illustrate the work and meth. Did you ever in political dis makes no such connection, but tions of the Communist and able of mobilizing the workers in case. Matthews declared that he which inherited the best tradiwhich has the real program capunder discussion in Rome note what Pravda, Stalin per but to inflate general military ods of Fascist intelligence serv. cussion defend the Communist that he thought the question jus Young Communist Internationals defense of the Soviet Union, the provides for token with sonal organ, has to say on Octo propaganda and create a bellicoseices and their foul Trotskyist position drawal of 10, 000 Italian in ber 11 tified on other grounds. The judge the struggle for the world pro Fourth International.
fantrymen from Spain.
The old British plan of an Public mind facilitating an easy agents. Yes, did, answered Rumrich. allowed the question and Rum ctarian revolution. We have Then Franco prompted by armistice between both sides in Facies, had to pretend naive sur The Daily Worker features an Did you do that in a discus rich replied that he had been saved our revolutionary honor Appeal to YCLers the four powers would show Spain has been taken out of the prise at the British plan; while article retailing Moscows. com:sion with a Mr. Bauer reading the papers at the time but and integrity by joining the ranks Wxpulsions have also taken his peaceful intention by archives. Under pretext of or Pravda. writing for the bureau Yes, was the reply DA LINKS SPY TRIALS WITH went ahead with his scheme any of the Fourth International. place in the Hunts Point and proposing a truce to the ganizing an armistice, it is in crats in the and com BARCELONA CASE. There is Did you have any discussions way. Matthews asked him if he In the Ben Leider Branch, in Milt Young Branches in the Spanish Government.
tended smuggle in recognition pletely contemptuous of the Ruswith any other people? then thought that was a good Bronx, as well numerous other This proposal for betrayal, of Franco as a full fledged bellig sian masses, cynically referred says Stalin New York rag, an With some.
time to try a passport fraud and confessed spy, who is also branches in the city. former in the British Tory view, crent power, to legalize the exis to the previous knowledge which organic connection. Who were they?
Rumrich answered simply that he. a confessed counter spy, and member of the New York State would give the four power tence of Franco puppet govern the Russian bureaucracy and the Enter the d rather not give their tried it.
who has reluctantly confessed Committee of the L, Dave line up of Germany. Britain ment. Daily Worker, Octo Comintern apparatus had been in It begins to appear as though names, Rumrich answered. To summarize that he has on occasion ar Davidson, has been expelled for and France an opportunity ber 12. possession of all along concerning certain aspects of this trial were In the midst of this colloquy, This trial has been staged by gued polities privately from Trotskyism.
to mediate and arrange a Between October 7, when it the Anglo French Italo German rigged in advance to serve this the prosecution objected to the prosecutor who chose it as Communist viewpoint, and The Young People Socials settlement.
was learned here today what the plan.
very end. This trial, contributing line of Mr. Matthews questioning. opposed to the Robinson who looks no more like a Na League. Fourth Internationalista)
Fresh Revelations British plan was, and October 11, This knowledge. criminally con little indeed to a knowledge of but the judge declared that it was Rubens case.
zi spy than Vishinsky, Kres. appeals to all Lers who be.
The Stalinists pretend to be the plan has become the old cealed while the workers of the real Nazi cspionage, is being permissible. Rumrich himself This trial has revealed much tinsky, Bukharin, Romm or lieve in the teachings of Marx wide eyed innocents, just dis British plan which has now been world were taught by Stalin to staged for the benefit of militarist turned to the judge and said that more realistie anti Stalin es. any of the other actors in and Lenin: Break with the cor.
covering this monstrous business taken out of the archives. The put the fate of Spain and the propaganda.
the same he did not think it was proper of plonage work by Nazis than Moscow treason trials. rupt machine of Stalinism. Be. it was learned here today. explanation for this contradiction fate of the world working class in time it begins to look as if the Mr. Matthews to ask him about It has unti American esplo Stalin himself links this trial ware of the Browders and Greens Far from being a new plan, how is that the Stalinist press in the the hands of the great democ had somehow succeeded political discussions, the nage work by Nazis.
the frame up trial in Bar who want to drag you into an ever, this has been the scheme western world, aware of the dif racies, Stalin now seeks to ob in hitching its caboose to the judge instructed him to answer, This trial is halled with glee celona and his own demon other war for democracy. Join systematically propagated by the ficulties of covering up the line seure, to muddy over, by organiz Attorney train.
which he did after some hesita by Stalin press in Russia strations in Moscow. the revolutionary movement, un great democracies, England and of putting the fate of Spain into ing at this time the trial of the The possibility of such a com tion, Mr. Matthews, who has been and here.
One may safely say that a der the red banner of the Fourth France, since the very beginning the hands of the great democ workers in Barcelona. bination is real. Rumrich, the characterized by the Daily Work Involved in this trial is a sensation is in store, International GPU Odors Spread fromSpyTrial thr Sheets.