Andrés NinAnti-naziCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsGermanyGuerrillaIV InternationalImperialismInvasionMarxMoscow TrialsNazismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Workers Of The World Unite!
Socialist Appeal For The Fourth International!
Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. II No. 47 Saturday, October 29, 1938 375 Five Cents per Copy VOTE LABOR! BUILDS WAR MACHINE Kuomintang Gives Up 10, 000 Plants Geared For Independent Politics And a Fighting Program To Army, Navy Needs Vital War Positions For THIRTEEN GREEK COMRADES JAILED BY DICTATORSHIP political party a party fighting the parties of the bosses.
TO SPREAD FROM Munich Plan for Spain RESISTS THREAT NAZI SPY TRIAL Barcelona Frame Up Is Smokescreen to OF WAGE SLASH Canton and Hankow Are Surrendered to Invaders; Turn to Guerrilla Warfare Administration Prepares to Put Over Record Must Be Made Working Men and Women of New York: demnation of the shameful deals with Republicans and Democrats Appropriation for Armed Forces in which the has been involved by its leadership.
and Fighting Planes By LO SEN In the present election the Socialist Workers Party calls For workers to be organized to support the candidates of Kuomintang resistance to the Japanese imperialist invasion has upon you to break once and for all with the two boss parties, the Democrats or Republicans is not labor politics, but just a labor Utilizing the aftermath of the war crisis, and thereby giving its all but collapsed.
Democratic as well as Republican.
cloak for boss politics. For a trade union leader or an Munich agreement, the Roosevelt Administration has opened up a own interpretation to the character of the peace achieved by the Canton, cradle of the modern nationalist movement in China, FOR INDEPENDENT LABOR POLITICS member to sun on the Republican or Democratic ticket does not was handed over to a thin column of the invaders without a battle.
make him a labor candidate, but a sell out boss candidate. Do not pro armament propaganda campaign unprecedented in United States American labor is coming of age. You have learned that Hankow, for which scores of thousands of men have been vote for candidates who run on the ticket of capitalist parties.
peace time history. The predictions carried in these columns as to futilely sacrificed, was voluntarily abandoned, to protect foreign you can build a successful trade union by relying on the good Repudiate the shabby deal of the leaders with the Rethe effect of the crisis on the war plans of the government are being lives.
will of the bosses or their agents. It is equally clear that you can publicans!
fulfilled immediately and to the letter. Chiang Kai shek and his staff have fled into the distant interior.
build a successful political party for labor by relying on the good will of boss politicians; that gives you in the end only a new Instead of running independent candidates for state wide First place among the war mongers is, as usual, taken by RooseEnters New Phase The war now enters a new name for a rotten boss party.
offices the leadership of the has endorsed the leading Dem velt himself, backed by daily staternents from the publicity departOn the economic field, labor can fight for its interests ocratic candidates for Governor and Senator. No self respecting, ments of the Secretaries of War and the Navy, and seconded by the phase which depends entirely upeditorial columns of the entire capitalist press.
on the effective mobilization of against the bosses only through its own organizations, the trade Exceeds All But War Record the people in the occupied areas unions. To fight for its interests, to preserve and further the Wagner, the nominees of the party of Tammans med Mayor OFFICERS Roosevelt has announced, in for guerrilla activity which will gains achieved by the trade unions, labor must have its own. this endorsement of two long interviews given a few make it impossible for the Jap.
days apart, that the war plans anese to hold the positions they register your determination to make a clean break with boss ng ARE ACCUSED AS must be completely overhauled have conquered.
In New York, a beginning has been made towards indeand specded up. He makes no This the Kuomintang leaderpendent labor politics with the formation of the American Labor parties and your protest against these deals by writing in the bones about the fact that he will ship, unquestioningly supported Tortures Used to Party which has the backing of the most important trade unions names of our candidates for these offices James Cannon for BOSSES AGENTS propose to the next Congress milby the Communist Party, has Governor, and Ernest McKinney for the regular term Senator, Extract Names in the city and state.
Itary and naval appropriations proved itself incapable of doing the standard bearers of independent labor politics for which that will sail far and a way beIn Hong Kong, Tokyo, and in From Victims Do not vote for parties of capitalism, which is responsible Rank and File Pilot yond anything ever seen except London, rumors and reports mulfor the years of depression and which is preparing still greater our party stands.
tiplied that peace negotiations Thirteen leading members of Makes Sensational during the actual war years of calamities for you! vote for Tammany or the Republican FOR BOLD, FIGHTING LABOR PROGRAM!
1917 and 1918.
are in progress with the British the Revolutionary Socialist or machine is vote for perpetuating the system of degradation, The present leaders of the remain tied to the tails Accusation The War Department has made acting as mediators.
Defeatist Tactics ganization, Greek section of the misery, slums and unemployment. VOTE LABOR!
public its intention to demand an of the boss parties not only through their choice of candidates Fourth International, have been Charges that leading officials upward revision of its authorized Under Kuomintang leadership arrested by police of the Metaxas Vote for the genuine, independent candidates of the and horse trades for posts but also in their election platform and of the National Maritime Union airplane strength to the extent of more than 1, 000, 000 Chinese lives dictatorship, according to press The Socialist Workers Party has no interests separate and program were company agents were made at least another thousand planes.
have been sacrificed. All the prin advices here.
apart from those of the working class. In urging you to support The current platform of the is a muddle of liberal last week in the paper called In noting the published figures cipal cities ailways and waterthe we would fail in our duty to our class if we did not Front page stories in the con Rank and File Pilot dist New Deal planks which can scarcely inspire the workers to close ways of the country have been ated for airplane complements It on the waterfront here.
given up to the invader. The de trolled press of Greece have gleeat the same time raise our voice in warning and in sternest con should be remembered that the (Continued on page 4)
featist tactics of the Chiang KaiOctave Loones, editor of the Army and Navy air forces are fully announced the crushing paper, was formerly editor of the completely separate and that the shek reglme reached their logical blow dealt to the Infernal Trots Rank and File Pilot totals always refer only to firstconclusion at Canton.
There, kyist gang.
through obvious and outright Quarters Ralded faction known as the Maand training ships.
treachery, the most vital remain Headquarters of the organizariners Club.
ing center of Chinese communication were raided, these reports In addition, the War DepartIn this issue Loones said ment plans to increase sharply tions was surrendered without a said, and large quantities of literhas been revived in order to exstruggle.
the enrollment in the regular ature, including copies of the pose the rot and corruption of Army, to speed mechanization in Chiang tactic has been to Proletarlos, and Class Solidar some of the newly elected and all services, and especially to exhurl masses of Ill armed, unsupty. Illegal organs, were seized Conceal Impending Betrayal of trusted official of the National pand purchases of the very latest ported soldiery in the path of the Invaders. The sheer weight and jected to unspeakable tortures in All the prisoners have been sub Rumrich Drops Some Road Bosses Reveal Maritime Union, their relation types of anti aircraft equipment.
Anti Fascist Spain courage of these unsung heroes the dungeons of the Metaxas reCurious Hints on Attempt to Quash Most Deadly Weapon the Mariners club which was orand the magnitude of the opera gime.
the Stand By FELIX MORROW defense counsel, etc. have been Board Inquiry iginally formed to bring organ The Army is also now about to tions themselves have lengthened The list of the arrested was It is no accident that the Span violated at the behest of the the struggle for 15 months. But given as follows: ized Rank and File opposition to abandon the old Springfield rifle, peculiar odor, political ish Department of the By BILL MORGAN the organized Communist activ. standard for the past twenty the treachery and ineptitude of Procedure Kuomintang command, the Pouliopoulos, secretary of rather than physical, emanates finally permitted the opening of WASHINGTON, DC. The Ities in the Union meetings and years, in favor of a newly develthe organization.
refusal to mobilize the masses of We are to be treated simply to railroads are in the national spot in Unton affairs, became through oped rapid fre automatic rifle the people, have finally borne Voursoukis, 35, lawyer.
New York, three alleged German the Munich conference. The Bar a Spanish imitation of the fa light again. Once again the own. the trickery of Jerry King and the product of ten years Intenit 18 their bi bitter fruit. Worse betrayals Vrehopoulis, 36 spies are being tried for selling celona trial is Stalin way of mous Moscow trials. The juridical ers and operators are in Wash the influence of a detective agen sive research which, claimed, is the most deadly weapare yet to come. Krokos, teacher, who ex military secrets to Germany. The overdreht scomplicityemtae procedures that laid down by ington seeking a handout to recy, the tool of shipowners. caped from an Aeroan is papers carry columns of news on new drive that is now to be made a special law precisely for these vive an industry which has be Glves Names and Dates on of its kind in the world, makCanton Sell out At Canton the Japanese landed land prison camp a year the story, and here and there by the Powers to smash the re trials, establishing Tribunal come a racket Yn the hands of The Rank and File Pilot. ing each soldier, in the words of sentence ago.
reflects something maining anti Fascist forces in for Espionage and High Treason. speculators. force of about 50. 000 men on stockholders and charging prominent officials in one report, a one man machine Glanakos, teacher significant. But the story cannot Spain. That is why these seven mennwhile, the democratic Peo financial wizards.
Oct. 11. Ten days later they the with being labor sples gun nest.
marched Into Canton without a Nakos, lawyer be understood without knowing leaders have been lying in jail ples Tribunals established in the After years of milking the pub. and agents of the shipowners, ap. The Navy has allotted orders battle. Much had been written Catherin Morphy. 36, well its background and connections. without trial for 16 months!
revolutionary days of July, 1938 lic treasury by way of special peared during the week following which fill nearly to capacity all When a year ago the Robinson of the trial itself, one can al have been wiped out.
grants and subsidies (a kind of a joint membership of the union available space in both governabout Kwangtung 1, 000, 000 solknown probbaconist Alginitis, diers. It had even been widely were arrested by ready be sure that only the most up side down home relief) from where charges of spy activities ment owned and private shiptheir employers in Mos widespread protest from Rovira Fate Revealed the Pantajis, 20, shoemaker claimed that hundreds of thouevery administration since the were preferred against Ray Car yards. The schedule for compleA. Kastoras, 21, painter cow, we forecast an attempt to world labor movement can presands of peasants had been From the Stalinist press, we year 1900, the Association of lucci by Joseph Curran, front tion of vessels already begun is armed to repel the invader. But The last two named were rehabilitate discredited Moscow vent a mechanical verdict of learn that the indictment named American Railroads now propo and national president of the or being speeded up two and three times, and arrangements are beall this the event proved false charged with distributing revolu justice by new frame up trial guilty. The press dispatches men. nine defendants, and that two of ses to solve its problems, and the ganization.
Loones makes sweeping accusa ing made for the vast extension So far has the disintegration un tionary literature to soldiers.
der the Kuomintang proceeded These comrades heing tor said Moscow was even trying to neys; all previous promises by vira, are missing: We had al. per cent pay cut for all employ. tions in his story. Giving names, of new shipyard facilities.
that in Kwangtung, traditionally tured by police who are seeking naturalize its frame up system government officials of prior no ready known what fate befen een places of meetings and references Fact Finding to telephone conversations, he Survey For Day the most radical and militant sec to wrest the names of their fel here, as it already had in Spain. tice of the opening of trial so that Nin, the outstanding leader of the The powerful Railroad Brother tells how self styled rank and Alle Simultaneously, an important tion of the country, the invaders low workers from them. Every We charged that the state de observers from other countries as even the New conceivable method of barbarous had their easiest time.
representing York Timer was constrained to hoods, representing 18 rallway members of the union received phase of the Industrial Mobiliza(Continued on page Continued on page 2)
partment was suppressing Infor working class parties and defense report, shortly after the outlawry workers unions, has answered money from the shipowners and tion Plan comes into the open.
mation which would confirm organizations, promises of outside (Continued on page Corttinued on page Continued on page 2)
Representatives of the War Dethis, preferring to hold club partment have just reported that they have completed a survey of over the Russian Embassy, rather than to speak out and help ten thousand factories in the liberate American workers from country, with the aim of working their last Illusions as to the true out the skeleton organization of character of the Stalin burenuA About 40 per cent.
Capitalism in Decline their coordination for war pur Four German refugees, whose names cannot be revealed, are cracy. We charged the Conversation on the Problems and BBut this is monstrous. You poses. With great satisfaction, in imminent danger from the Gestapo in the Sudetenland. I personally have no illu they comment that they met with with operating an undercover Program of the American For two months the American Fund for Political Prisoners have obtained the sliding scale of sions on this score. Many in our a spirit of 100 per cent cooperaring in this country devoted to working hours with the mainteLabor Movement and Refugees has been making arrangements to rescue these antinidst understand that American tion from the owners of the fac spying not on the military nance of former rates; but this capitalism has entered into an tories.
fascist militants, three men and one woman, who had been under establishment, but on the labor the surveillance of the Gestapo for their work in the anti Nazi means only that the entire burden era of decline.
movement, to construct frameups (Fourth International Press Release)
of unemployment is placed on In order to groove these face movements in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia.
and for other anti labor political September 29, 1988. But this means that tomor tories into integration with the the workers themselves. By letWorking under the most difficult conditions at home and ends.
The undersigned was present at a conversation between one of ting each worker sacrifice three cent of their former wages, day munitions, with an initial allotrow your workers will get 30 per war machine, sample orders for then in emigration, these anti fascists have carried on heroic Less work under the most difficult and dangerous conditions. But just ca states arrested several persons the European leaders of the Fourth International and a well known for his one is earnings you are after tomorrow 25 per cent, and ment of 10, 000, 000. are being 125before they were able to get out, the Nazis marched into the Su as detenland. The Czech government, under Nazi influence, clamped power Bo moral as to deny it The conyersation lasted several hours and dealt with the economic necessity of spending their means provement is possible, even inevi enable the factories to install down its dictatorship, and began sending all refugees who fled sell the list of spies, and we sata situation of the United States, the approaching war, the task of the There is some truth in this to declirie, degradition, and is for the high speed manufacture for the unemployed.
table; but the genstalline points equipment and train personnel the Nazi terror.
at the time that undoubtedly 0, and so on. wish to report here that part of the conversation But what can we do?
The American Fund has been presented with an unusual opNazis were conducting military ery. Marx and Engels foretold of special war implements, and portunity of contacting these people again and extricating them espionage here and elsewhere. Not some truth, but the that already in the Coromunist incidentally net the owners some which might be of general interest.
from the clutches of the Gestapo.
Stalinlsts Indicted For more convenient exposition shall designate the organizer whole truth! American capitalism Manifesto. What is the program rosy profits in the meanwhile.
Every day makes it increasingly difficult to reach them and Disclosure concerning the of the trade union as A, the representative of the Fourth Inter Is sick from a chronic and Incur then of your trade union and of The new plans call also for imsave their lives. Any delay sentences these people to death. Robinson Rubens case had two national as ablo dlocase. Can you console the as a whole?
mediate expansion of the already The American Fund is making this special emergency appeal your workers with the hope that The policy of our union ist Unfortunately, you do not gigantic fortifications and air and for aid. 500 is needed within the next week. Show this appeal to forced to shelve its new frame directed toward avoiding com one while maintaining former the present crisis is of a tranat. American workers. They are not lands and at the Panama Canal; know the psychology of the naval bases on the Hawaiian Tsyour fellow trade unionists and your friends.
up trial, and the governB. And what portion of the tory character, that a new epoch used to thinking about the future. heavy fortification of the Seward IT IS QUESTION OF YOUR MONEY OR THEIR LIVES!
ment, observing that the project plete unemployment.
Send all funds to the American Fund for Political Prisoners was of the usual sloppy u. achieved the dividing of work former wages do your workers of prosperity will open up in the They are interested in one ques. Islands and other strategic points and Refugees, 100 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Continued on page 8) among members of the trade un Iget now?
near future. Continued on page Continued on page 3)
Rubens pair Life or Death Appeal. Trade Unions and the Social Crisis We have rates, Trotsky Will Speak by electrical transcription to our GRAND CELEBRATION MASS MEETING, heralding the foundation of the Fourth International and the Tenth Anniversary of our struggle for a revolutionary workers party in this country. Hear JAMES CANNON, MAX SHACHTMAN, JAMES BURNHAM, ANTOINETTE KONIKOW, and others, at the Center Hotel, 108 West 43rd Street, New York City, Friday, October 28, 1938, at P.